"Just in case anyone in the media missed the importance of it all, longtime Trump critics were even willing to write reporters' stories for them. Tweeted NeverTrump writer David Frum, 'Your lede: President Trump today confessed that his son, son-in-law, and campaign chair met in June 2016 with Russian agents in hope of obtaining Russian intelligence to sway the 2016 election.' The only problem with the news was that it was not news. The president had said precisely the same thing a year earlier. Trump had long ago, and in no uncertain terms, acknowledged that the proposed purpose of the meeting was for the Russians and Russian-Americans to offer dirt on Clinton...."
"Byron York: On a quiet Sunday, Trump Tower mania strikes" (in The Washington Examiner).
९७ टिप्पण्या:
So Hillary pays the Russian through Steele and her various cut-outs to create files--containing mostly lies-- on Trump--and that is cool.
Trump has a person come to him, a person given a special Visa by Obama himself, saying she has dirt on Hillary--which she doesn't--and he says "Great, what have you got?"--and that is the crime of the Century.
The upshot: Trump opponents are nuts and don't know sh*t. Sigh.
The Fake News Media proves once again that they are a gaggle of low grade paid propagandists.
They are stupid.
Whooosh! There goes Donny, Trumps wonderful son, under the bus, by his own dad!
It's Illegal for Citizens to Unite and make a movie critical of Hillary Clinton. That, too.
Trump has always admitted that he was perfectly willing to accept Truthful "opposition research" from anyone to help defeat Hillary.
That's what campaigns do.
Trump Junior already stated he was intrigued by the Russians statement they had some "Dirt" on Hillary - but they didn't have any. It was just a ruse to talk about adoptions.
When is Mueller going to close up shop? This crap has been going on for over a year!
Only leftwingers are allowed to get dirt on you.
My recollection is that when this whole thing broke about a year ago, the story was that Don Jr. took a call from some Eurasion singer whom he knew, telling him a Russian lawyer wanted to meet with him and might have some good oppo stuff on Clinton. Turned out she(the lawyer) just wanted to talk about the Magnitsky Act, but it was clear at that point that Don Jr. and anyone else in the Trump camp (Bannon, Kushner?) thought they might be getting something to use in the campaign.
So, what changed? And how is this worse than hiring Christopher Steele to plumb his unverified Russian contacts, which actually did produce oppo material and a FISA warrant, to boot?
Isn't it ironic that Hillary lost anyway, without the dirt?
Its getting to the point where if Trump fires Mueller, no one will care. Except the usual Never trumper crowd.
Everyone is BORED with this crap.
I look forward to the last 2 years of Trump's first term. He will be more successful with people who rose to the top in the first years of his term than he was with people who had risen to the top in the Obama years,
Historical parallel: In the first two years of his only full important term (1940-1944), Roosevelt was saddled with a Keystone Kops variety of subordinates, Only after two years or so did the people who did not do well under the previous administration (Eisenhower, for example) rise close enough to the top to be useful.
And yes, I realize that the Keystone Kops of 1940 had risen, for the last 8 years, to their places of prominence under a Roosevelt administration, just as the Keystone Kops of 2016 had risen to their places of prominence under an Obama administration. My point was not dependent on there being a change in administration, my point was, when an executive faces challenges that are new, it sometimes takes a year or two before new talent shows up, because the talent that was available on day one, by definition, had prospered under the previous regime.
No matter how much you like Obama, you have to admit that his flunkies were, at heart, almost the Platonic ideal of flunkies, and that is not a good thing. Even guys like Mattis and Petraeus and Flynn were Obama era guys.
Only leftists are allowed to gather "opposition research".
I kind of want Don Jr. to be thrown under a bus. A microbus, driven by Rosanna Arquette. His head will get bumped and he will lose his memory and he and Rosanna Arquette will drive off to a different adventure.
It's illegal for Hillary Clinton to lose an election.
It's ungratifying if Bill loses his erection.
Or look at what poor Bergoglio is faced with. Everybody who works for him and is now prominent is the sort of person who does well in a Bergoglio type atmosphere. That is not a good thing, because poor Bergoglio is not a profoundly kind Pope, even if you agree with his liberal world-view, and the only good Popes are the ones who are full of intense charity and kindness. Meanwhile, the best hope for the American church is that every single bishop who was appointed by Pope Francis while that poor man was advised on American appointment issues by the evil-doer McCarrick offers his resignation from his position as bishop, to be replaced by someone who had not been supported or recommended by the evil-doer McCarrick.
All churches, except the best (The Church at Phillipi, for example, or the people of Beulah land, back in the day when God and the Israelites were like best friends) face similar problems sometimes. God loves us all, but God does not like it when we had the chance to be intensely full of charity and kindness and we decided that it was more fun to argue about politics and our pet causes.
Frum has been hypnotized by Kristol and Will and Max Boot - the last #NeverTrumper holdouts.
It’s a small and pathetic lot.
I feel I, like Trump, should admit something. But what?
I just translated the first thousand lines of Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations into 40wpm morse code, to listen to on bicycle commutes instead of the ARRL's 40wpm code practice files, which I've pretty much memorized now.
The mp3 file is 4 hours, which should be enough. It has a lot of Latin in the beginning to make it more interesting. Ant there's always the next thousand lines.
So there's that.
There's the opposite, abmit.
I thought Democrats liked foreigners to come to America and contribute to society.
Yep Darrell, you nailed it in the first comment. They claimed this was the smoking gun over a year ago, and it still can't pass the giggle test. There's nothing illegal about it, and if it is, it's nothing compared to what Hillary did.
I could say that there's no evidence Trump Jr. took the information from the Russian. But it seems all parties have noted the meeting ended early with nothing of value exchanged. It's like whomever thinks it a crime to just want to obtain opposition research. But let's say it was illegal to even want such information from a foreign government, would that be called "collusion"? Doesn't collusion suggest cooperation occurred?
If this is the best anybody has; the Mueller Investigation needed to end a year ago.
The last remnant of Inga's sex life.
They've run out of story ideas, so they're doing bad remakes now. Just like Hollywood.
rhhardin - you seem like a kindred soul.
I plan to read, over the next couple of months, about 50 times or so, the first 800 words or so of Spinoza's Ethics, in the original Latin (which actually begins as a Metaphysics). And then to consider whether I have learned something or whether Spinoza, for all his flashiness, was just another guy who likes to talk, but who, in the poverty of his soul and in the pride of his day to day heart, had never imagined that one day he might see the face of God plain, or at least the face of God as reflected by a kind and gentle soul .....
Off topic, but my recommendation to those who want to understand a Slavic language is to read over, again and again (with accentuation marks in order to make sure the pronunciation is generally correct) the Christmas Eve liturgy, in combination with whatever other efforts they make to understand whichever Slavic language they are most interested in learning.
I presume they were expecting to get concrete proof that Hillary accepted Russian bribes laundered through the Clinton Foundation, not merely on the Uranium One deal, but on othersas well. They didn’t. Nevertheless, like the “X Files,” the truth is out there and someday it will come out. Scratch a Democrat, find scum so filthy no self-respecting pond would allow it to float on its surface.
“The last remnant of Inga's sex life.
What is the last remnant of my love life? Donny Trump?? Ohhhhh hahahahahaha! Trump, how could you throw Donny under the bus?! There goes my love life!!
Oh sorry “sex life”, even more tawdry, hahahahaha!
Did Hillary deny funding the Steele Dossier? Was she ever asked if she did?
The gym had Wolf Blitzer on the TV. He was bloviating about some US code section that says a foreigner can't contribute to a campaign "anything of value."
He kept saying "this is straight from the US code!"
If that meeting was unlawful then Hillary is really in trouble.
By the way, when is the Democratic law firm (Perkins Coe?) Going to be raided for campaign finance fraud. Oh right. . .
Inga, what was your favorite day in high school?
Was it that day when some guy you liked asked you to the dance, was it the big school musical production, was it the last day of senior year?
Come on, Inga, I like you, and want to know what your life has been like.
I don't give a f*** about Obama, on the one hand, or Giuliani, on the other. They are not our friends!
What was your happiest day back then when you were young?
Collusion is not illegal but what was promised in return maybe-- when will that shoe drop?
Did Hillary deny funding the Steele Dossier? Was she ever asked if she did?
I don't think she's ever even had to come up with a lie about it.
It's an extrordinary thing, but who is going to ask her? The only ones that would, would never be granted an interview.
“Collusion is not illegal but what was promised in return maybe-- when will that shoe drop?”
Conspiracy is. I’d say some shoes will be dropping soon.
"Well see if your father can't pay the rent go ask Mickey Mantle and see what he tells you"
Inga, if you are a performance artist, God bless, if you think that the pro-abortion Hillary, or her sad little brother Barack, cares about people like me and you, watch that clip from the Bronx Tale,
Look I know Trump is not going to help you or me pay our rent but at least he is not laughing at us.
Anyway, thanks for your energy, first off, Inga is a beautiful name, second, it takes a lot of energy to do what you do.
Inga, no shoes are going to drop, you know that. You are not working for Hillary, you are a human being, and your fate in life is just as important as anyone else's.
My favorite memory from high school is that day I flirted with the English teacher who nobody had ever flirted with before, except for the sad old janitor with bad hygiene and the lazy misanthropic selfish look on his face, I still remember her laughter and her smile, and her gratitude.
That is my favorite high school memory from the 1970s. What is yours?
The problem is this pope, doesn't seem acquainted with scripture in the least, so his remarks on say the death penalty are all about feelings. Given the opportunity to expand on the word of god, he finds something else to do.
Ah yes like wild e coyote supergenius, these pundits will find themselves over a cliff, hanging on to a question. Asking what went wrong.
but what was promised in return
Fucking nothing. The meeting ended abruptly when the Russian lawyer started talking about adoption law. Nothing was exchanged.
So fake news can be fake news because it's 1. fake, or 2. not news. Or is inclusive.
Anyway, I guess progs want us to think talking to Russians offering dirt is wrong but paying a Brit to get dirt from Russians is right. One is collusion, the other -- well, what is the category progs propose for the Hill foreign oppo research operation?
"Well see if your father can't pay the rent go ask Mickey Mantle and see what he tells you"
History is long, and the trivial fact that Hillary Clinton was too lazy and selfish to win an election she should have won if she were not lazy and selfish (and boring, to tell the truth) is a minor detail, Inga, and will eventually only be of interests to historians. So, old Hillary is not ever going to be grateful to you for your thousands and thousands of comments against the other guy. Or vice versa, if vice versa were our world ....
What matters, Inga, is being a real person, with a positive outlook on life,
So what was your favorite memory from your 20s, if you don't want to talk about high school days? I am not that old and I have seen tens of thousands of moments where people were happy. Just tell us about one that you have seen, forget about Hillary and Trump, my dear girl, THEY do NOT care about you (or me). Wake up! Hillary was the abortion candidate, and you are a human being who is above that, I hope!
"given the opportunity to expand on the word of God, he finds something else to do"
Inga said she’d had it with this blog, she was leaving, depriving the unwashed of her wisdom; when was that? A week ago? Poor girl just can’t stay away.
Tomorrow's headline: "Dewey beats Truman!"
Isn't it, that is the purpose of being the vicar of Christ, I think John Paul the 2nd even Benedict carried off that job more effectively.
“Inga said she’d had it with this blog, she was leaving, depriving the unwashed of her wisdom; when was that? A week ago? Poor girl just can’t stay away.”
Inga decided she had more to say, much, much more, despite the general toxicity of the comments sections. Besides there will most likely be big things happening sooner rather than than later and I wouldn’t miss a chance to tell you folks “I told you so”
Inga: "Besides there will most likely be big things happening sooner rather than than later and I wouldn’t miss a chance to tell you folks “I told you so”"
The hoax golden dossier Parrot reposts the same post she has been posting for 2 years.
I can't wait for the dems to attempt their first prosecution of ICE agents, while continuing their praise of the divinity of MS13 members.
I predict when the shit hits the fan Drago will dissapear, never to be heard from again. Spreading propaganda and being a Trump fan boy won’t be nearly as much fun then.
Inga: "I predict when the shit hits the fan Drago will dissapear, never to be heard from again. Spreading propaganda and being a Trump fan boy won’t be nearly as much fun then."
Inga continues posting all the posts she has been posting for 2 years.
One can assume with the very same "success".
Last Thursday, Jeff Carlson on his The Markets Work website published an article titled Revisiting the Page FISA Applications and James Wolfe Indictment.
The article argues that The New York Times and perhaps other publications possess the unredacted FISA warrant issued against Carter Page.
The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) received the FISA warrant on March 17, 2017. On that same day, the SSCI security official James Wolfe sent 82 text messages to his lover, NYT journalist Ali Watkins.
Since on that date the warrant was 83 pages long (one page was the signatory page), Carlson figures that Wolfe photographed and then texted each page's image to Watkins.
Because many of the pages now are redacted completely, Carlson figures further that the warrant still had not been redacted when Wolfe photographed and sent the pages to Watkins. It would not make sense for Wolfe to photograph and send any page that was redacted completely.
Therefore, Watkins (i.e. the NYT) received from Wolfe the entire, unredacted warrant.
Because the NYT has the entire warrant and never has leaked from it any information beyond that Carter Page was the subject, we all can presume that none of the now-redacted passages contain any information that supports the FBI's RussiaGate hoax.
Genius level.
Inga said...
Known Unknown, I may have zero proof that collusion happened, but you also have zero proof that it didn't happen. As I said it's classified info and we are not privy to it. Be patient. Not every thing gets leaked.
5/12/17, 3:29 PM
narciso - I liked John Paul although I could tell (even before I was old) that pride and stubbornness were his stumbling blocks - which is why (although I believe he is a saint in heaven) we call him John Paul the Great, which is not the name he wanted, he wanted to be John Paul the Good, but pride and stubbornness in one's heart often keep us from being what we - even the best of us - want to be. And we only have one life on this earth ....
Benedict was very well educated, and a prayerful and mostly kind man, but just a little too distant from suffering. Too long of a life as an academic, I think, full of the excitement that academics feel, and too distanced from the real life losers like me are stuck with (and happy to be stuck with, but that is another issue....).
That being said, lots of Catholic bishops and priests and lay people have been, even in these last few decades, "good" and have made God fantastically happy by accepting the "suffering" that more famous Catholics rejected, because they cared more than the famous Catholics cared. (Not me, but at least I care about the difference ...)
I would ask any non-Christian to please do not judge us Christians by our celebrities. I do not respect Billy Graham much, because he was a multi-millionaire, which is no something any real Christian wants to be, and poor Bergoglio is obviously not a kind-hearted person with a passionate desire to care about the least of us (do some research if you don't believe me).
Go find some humble Christian who nobody ever praises but who prays every day and cares about other people, without the pride and stubbornness of poor Pope John Paul the Great and without the intellectual standoffishness of Benedict at his worst (although he was usually better than that). There are lots of them.
What I love most about this blog is the continuous promises of telling Trump voters "I told you so" from the lefties and the LLR's and the clear pain they are experiencing after the failure of each and every one of their "best laid" (lol) plans.
We also have zero proof that Robert Mueller has not actually consumed another human being.
At all.
Someone should ask Pelosi if Trump is also a child of God deserving of dignity. I know what Maxine Waters would say, and I bet the question would get less than 50% from Dems in general.
bagoh20: "Someone should ask Pelosi if Trump is also a child of God deserving of dignity"
The dems have already made it clear that the answer is no.
Just as Trump voters are "irredeemable" "deplorables".
Only murderous gang members who literally slice up children with machetes get respect and admiration and love from the dems.
Yes we are all sinners, there is no not one which is spotless, I was approaching the point that of the head of the church does not suggest that you seek the kingdom what hope has the rest if the church.
Anyway, thanks for your energy, first off, Inga is a beautiful name, second, it takes a lot of energy to do what you do.
8/6/18, 10:17 PM
It takes energy to post stupidity?
Martin said...
My recollection is that when this whole thing broke about a year ago,"
Shhhhh, don't tell Mrs. Magoo. She's having a happy moment.
"I may have zero proof that collusion happened, but you also have zero proof that it didn't happen."
How much you want to bet that exact argument was used numerous times in 17th century Salem, Massachusetts? Which is why we call this a "witch hunt", and why it will be remembered with equal embarrassment and wonder at how people could have done such a thing. We have not made much progress.
bagoh20: "How much you want to bet that exact argument was used numerous times in 17th century Salem, Massachusetts?"
17th century Inga: What floats beside wood? Bread! Gravy! Very small rocks! Churches! Lead!
Beginning in mid-2015 (fifteen), the Democratic National Committee was receiving information from private contractors whom the FBI allowed to search the NSA database for information about Republican politicians.
This flow of information from the FBI contractors to the DNC must have grown vastly after Donald Trump announced his candidacy, because Trump had vastly more foreign interactions than any other Republican politicians.
I think that this NSA information on the DNC was discovered by free-lance hackers, such as "Guccifer", a Romanian, who then informed Russian Intelligence, for a price.
That is why Russian Intelligence began to hack into the DNC computers. Russian Intelligence was not interested in the DNC's office politics. Rather, Russian Intelligence was interested in the DNC's files and discussions about the FBI contractors' searches of the NSA database.
Russian Intelligence has limited resources. Russia has to deal with terrorists and with neighboring countries that are quite hostile to Russia.
Russian Intelligence does not have such ample resources that it can spend manpower, money and effort to study the DNC's office politics. However, Russian Intelligence will expend resources to study ways to access the NSA's databases.
The DNC and the FBI both knew that the DNC computers contained much information about the FBI contractors' searches of the NSA databases.
That is why the FBI never took possession of the DNC computers -- and even allowed the DNC to destroy the computers.
"Whooosh! There goes Donny, Trumps wonderful son, under the bus, by his own dad!"
Inga, You fucking idiot ...
... Forget it. It's not worth the effort.
Process as punishment..at least until the midterms.
And similar to the view that the Constitution is a living, malleable document..so likely will go existing terms like "conspiracy" and the substitution with terms like "intent".
Ham sandwiches galore.
I wouldn’t miss a chance to tell you folks “I told you so”"
I'm sure it coming in 24 business hours.
bagoh20 at 11:04 PM
How much you want to bet that exact argument was used numerous times in 17th century Salem, Massachusetts?
Last weekend I finished reading a history book about the Salem witch-hunt.
A major factor in Salem witch-hunt was that a significant portion of the population believed that witches existed. Those people were therefore inclined to believe the girls who claimed to see witches that were perceived only by those girls.
A major factor in the RussiaGate witch-hunt is that a significant portion of the population believes Russia is master-minding a vast conspiracy to ruin American's faith in Democracy. Those gullible people are therefore inclined to believe that Christopher Steele uniquely receives top-secret information about this conspiracy from Russian Intelligence insiders.
Another major factor in the Salem witch-hunt was the accused people bore the burden of proof. Rather than the girls having to prove their accusations, the accused people had to prove their innocence.
Of course, the situation is similar in the RussiaGate witch-hunt. The accusers do not have to prove that Trump and his associates were colluding with Russia. Rather, Trump and his associates have to prove that they wee not colluding with Russia.
The population of Salem tolerated the witch-hunt, despite all its nonsense, for a long time.
Likewise the population of the USA will tolerate the RussiaGate witch-hunt, despite all its nonsense, for a long time.
The Salem witch-hunt was supported most effectively by the local intellectuals -- the pastors, theologians and magistrates.
The RussiaGate witch-hunt is being supported most effectively the USA's intellectuals in academia, in the mass media and in the Democrat Party.
"I'm sure it coming in 24 business hours"
Also, past performance is completely predictive of future results...
And similar to the view that the Constitution is a living, malleable document
I think anyone who professes idea that should be forced to sign living, breathing mortgages.
"A major factor in the RussiaGate witch-hunt is that a significant portion of the population believes Russia is master-minding a vast conspiracy to ruin American's faith in Democracy. "
But polls (yes, I know), that Russia is way down on the list of Americans' concerns. Oh, the media and sheep like Inga are obsessed with it. But most people don't give a rat's ass.
A majority of voters believe the Russia investigations are damaging to the country and are eager to see Congress shift its focus to healthcare, terrorism, national security, the economy and jobs.
Sixty-four percent of voters said the investigations into President Trump and Russia are hurting the country. Fifty-six percent of voters said it’s time for Congress and the media to move on to other issues, compared to 44 percent who said the focus should stay on Russia.
62 percent of voters say there is currently no hard evidence to support the collusion claims.
Sixty-two percent said they expect that the investigations will not end in impeachment."
Sorry to rain on Mrs. Magoo's happy moment.
When will Trump just drop the big one and declassify this stuff? Nunes is practically jumping up and down for this. I just don't buy Grandma Sessions is working on anything of note with that Huber guy in Utah. I have a sense both dems and republicans are hoping for the democrats to take the house and put an end to any investigation of the FBI or Obama era officials. I wish I was wrong but there is no excuse to not declassify as the FBI continually proves its not working in good faith to produce documents in a timely fashion. Fuck these guys.
Keep in mind the DoJ and the FBI could issue a report telling and explaining their actions in the RussiaGate matter.
The DoJ and FBI could do so on their own initiative.
Instead, though, the DoJ and FBI are resisting every step of the way, to the bitter end.
The only hope that the DoJ and FBI have to cover up their misdeeds is that the Democrats might win a majority of the House of Representatives in the 2018 election.
The DoJ and FBI feel compelled to keep covering up their misdeeds and feel compelled to hope for a Democrat majority in the House.
In the past, the DoJ and FBI could count on the political support of the USA's conservatives -- in particular of the USA's Republicans. The DoJ and FBI are pissing all that political support away -- for many decades into the future.
This is all so familiar like the IRS scandal with Lois Lerner trying to crush conservative groups and the republicans like McCain working with them. This is bipartisan foot dragging, hence my frustration with Trump. I don't see any value waiting until November and we know damn well Mueller will still be operating by then. Fuck this noise. Just do it already!
roesch/voltaire said...
Collusion is not illegal but what was promised in return maybe-- when will that shoe drop?
What was promised in return for the $500,000 that candidate Hillary Clinton's husband got from the Russians for making a single speech? Or all of the uranium that the Russians were allowed to buy under a deal participated in by Hillary Clinton?
1 Judge not, that ye be not judged.
2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.
3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?
4 Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?
5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.
— Matthew 7:1-5 KJV
Ted Kennedy was colluding with the USSR to beat Reagan. Does anyone seriously think Democrats give a crap about this?
"Collusion is not illegal but what was promised in return maybe"
Flexibility after the election?
On the day Rick Gates admits in court to breaking the law with Manafort, you ignore it in favor of this.
"Trump Junior already stated he was intrigued by the Russians statement they had some "Dirt" on Hillary - but they didn't have any. It was just a ruse to talk about adoptions."
-- It wasn't a ruse to talk about adoptions. The adoption talk was the ruse; the ruse was to create a contact with the Trump campaign that Clinton's campaign could then feed to the FBI to make it look like Trump had "illegally colluded" with foreign powers.
Much like how the NRA-Russian spy had close contacts with the Obama government, so too did this Russian lawyer. Makes you wonder how else the Obama government was compromised by Russian spies. Except, I guess they're not Russian spies when they were contacting Obama-era government officials, only when they contacted conservatives, Republicans or wherever on the continuum you put Trump.
"Its getting to the point where if Trump fires Mueller, no one will care. Except the usual Never trumper crowd."
-- If we hadn't set the precedent under Obama that the president CAN fire inspectors that are looking into campaign misbehavior, I'd care a lot more. I'd rather Trump not fire Mueller, and instead, Mueller close up his investigation with a final report.
But, I don't know if anyone will trust that report if it doesn't say what they want it to say.
"If that meeting was unlawful then Hillary is really in trouble."
-- Forget Hillary! What's the statute of limitations on that, because I'm pretty sure a photo op in front of Brandenburg gate and the security costs associated with that are probably "something of value."
Just waiting for them to break the news that Lincoln has been shot.
What's the holdup? President Lincoln should be back from the theater by now. - Veep
"Collusion is not illegal but what was promised in return maybe-- when will that shoe drop?"
Ooh! I bet it comes out that Trump promised to say disgustingly nice things about Putin in public. And, worse, to disobey his betters when they urged him to say critical things.
He also promised lethal aid to Ukraine, increased development of our fossil fuel reserves to compete with Russian natural gas, arm-twisting of our NATO allies to step up their defense spending and to buy natural gas from us instead of the Russians, and a straight-up slaughter of Russian mercenaries in the hundreds as soon as Vlad disavowed them.
Seems like a good deal for Vlad.
"That's exactly why we're going to look for that key. No one's going to kid me into assuming it doesn't exist."
- Captain Queeg
Has any other campaign ever used a foreign entity for advice, consulting etc? I find it hard to believe this is the first instance of foreign contact with a political campaign- excluding Hillary's of course because she can do no wrong and apparently has some kind of super-duper impenetrable immunity blanket that covers her and all her corrupt staff.
I suspect there is a secret tape of the meeting that will never be played. We know the lawyer met with Fusion GPS before and after the meeting. I suspect the plan was to get the Trump team to solicit information, even offer money for it. They didn't and when everyone tired of hearing about the Maginsky Act, the meeting broke up.
"What was your happiest day back then when you were young?"
Inga's happiest day when she was young was when Germany annexed the Sudetenland.
“Collusion is not illegal but what was promised in return maybe-- when will that shoe drop?”
"Conspiracy is. I’d say some shoes will be dropping soon."
Not exactly. Rather conspiracy can be, if proven. But in this case, there would probably be significant problems with a conspiracy conviction. First, you have to have an underlying offense. I hear muttering about accepting something of value from a foreigner, or some such. Some sort of campaign finance violation, most likely, and something that is rarely prosecuted, except by Mueller and his team of Dem operatives/prosecutors. And that is going to be a problem, since intent is key to a conspiracy charge. Moreover, there has to be a meeting of the minds. There wasn't. We are essentially talking about the equivalent of prosecuting someone for conspiring to rob a bank before a bank had been selected, and maybe even when liquor stores were still under consideration instead.
But the big reason that I don't see an indictment, except for maybe as an October surprise this year (that likely would backfire badly) is that such a suit would open the FBI and the rest of the govt up for DISCOVERY. How did this woman, who didn't, apparently, have a valid visa at the time, get in and out of the country that week? Which very much looks like this was a multiple agency setup run from the Obama White House. A setup aimed at discrediting the opposition party's Presidential candidate using government resources. Then, there were the meetings right before and after the Trump Tower meetingk between this Russian attorney and Fusion GPS, which had taken significant monies from the DNC and Crooked Hillary campaign to attack the Trump campaign. Maybe more importantly here though, they were also an FBI contractor, and continued to work with the DoJ through ADAG Bruce Ohr even after they were fired by the FBI. As a DoJ/FBI contractor, and thus their agent, meeting with the Russian attorney, right before and after meeting with Trump and Kushner, it would be hard to deny them the ability to depose Fusion and its owner, Glen Simpson. Of course, Fusion did exactly what the left is trying to claim that Trump and Kushner did, which was to accept Russian help. And British help (Christopher Steele). Except that Fusion actually apparently got something of value (the Steele Dossier), and the Trump team did not. Except that maybe they didn't, but rather obtained the information in their Dossier through illegal FISA 702,database searches. And, yes, much of this is precisely the information that the career bureaucrats at the DoJ, State Dept, etc, are trying so hard to prevent Congress and the American people from seeing. As Trump, Jr and Kushner should be saying right now: "bring it on".
"Which very much looks like this was a multiple agency setup run from the Obama White House. A setup aimed at discrediting the opposition party's Presidential candidate using government resources."
Which, BTW, would be Hatch Act violations. Federal felonies. Every single federal employee involved, even maybe up into the White House, would likely have committed a federal felony in order to pull this off. Federal felonies far easier to prosecute than this weak conspiracy charge.
Inga’s happiest day when she was young was when Germany annexed the Sudetenland.
I would have thought it would have been the day the Berlin Wall went up, to keep the misguided from fleeing socialism, red in tooth and claw.
Our media isn't this stupid, right? Right?
Boy the nevertrumpers are really auditining for new jobs in the democrat propaganda industry. Brooks, Rubin have secured their spot. Kristol is auditioning for CNN.
Hopefully they can will get the Williamson treatment. I now they’ve burned their bridges with this republican.
Ahhh, the October Surprise™.
I suspect there'll be more than one October Surprise™ dropped this year. And the surprise is going to land hard on Democrats.
MSM news is all about investigations into Trump. And we get lots of tidbits about everything Mueller investigates from the absolutely leak free Mueller team. has to be leak free, I've read it a thousand times. Meanwhile, Huber is hard at work- and no one has a clue what he's doing. Lots and lots of speculation, but nothing has actually leaked.
Meanwhile, there are demands that Trump declassify FISA applications. Which he absolutely can do. And Democrats, who oppose government secrecy as evil, are all atwitter that he might actually do so! OMG, National Security will be damaged if he does so! As if that's an issue they've ever cared about in my short 63 year lifespan. Funny how with all the anti-Trump leaks coming out or D.C. there have been no leaks of redacted portions.
Yep, October this year is likely to be interesting. And the lead up to it is getting hotter and hotter. Seeing who actually gets burned will be great entertainment for one side. And lead to great wailing and gnashing of teeth for the other.
I did see a half-page story on this this morning in the local paper about mid-way through the 8-page first section. I guess they have to fill it with something to assuage the hysterical left in Madison -- otherwise they'll just read the echo chamber-y cap Times.
Veselnitskaya was surely sent to the meeting by Clinton-linked operatives- there are just too many coincidences for this not to be the case:
(1) Veselnitskaya needed direct high level approval from the Obama DoJ to even get into the US;
(2) Veselnitskaya met with Glenn Simpson both before and after the meeting in Trump Tower- literally the day before and the day after;
(3) the translator used by Veselnitskaya is connected to the Obama State Department in several different ways (I think he is the one person in the meeting who surely knew the true purpose of the meeting and likely recorded it).
I think it quite likely Veselnitskaya had no clue why Trump Jr. agreed to meet with her and her companion. So, the question is, if this was a honey pot set up, why would Simpson and his compatriots use her for this? The reason is quite simple if you think it through- the meeting doesn't serve your pro-Clinton/anti-Trump political interests if Veselnitskaya doesn't have authentic Russian government dirt on Clinton to offer. You either have to send in someone with fake dirt, or you send in someone who doesn't know what the meeting was about in the first place.
I think the plan Simpson and his compatriots had was pretty fucking obvious- tell Trump Jr. through Goldstone that the meeting is to offer official Russian government dirt on Clinton, send in Veselnitskaya who knows nothing about this but is a passionate antagonist to the Magnitsky Act, and send someone with her who knows what is going on that will appear innocuous but can report back on the details of the meeting truthfully to Simpson. The goal was get Trump Jr. (and Kushner and Manafort) to expect one thing, and get the other instead- the hoped for result was that the Trump Campaign people would then broach the topic of the Clinton oppo research themselves, and on a recording doing so with a promise to help with getting rid of the Magnitsky sanctions.
For whatever reason- probably they were a bit smarter than expected- the Trump people went into the meeting with the clear plan to let the Russians do all of the talking. It is likely that the Trump people also recorded the meeting.
America is bored by this subject. Get back to me when everything is declassified or Mueller issues his weak sauce report. Whichever comes first.
Besides there will most likely be big things happening sooner rather than than later and I wouldn’t miss a chance to tell you folks “I told you so”
You've been running your mouth for more than a year saying the same, stupid thing.
Smart people would've shut the fuck up a long time ago.
narciso - thanks for your comment at 11:02 PM.
but .... there are many people who are not sinners. among the Downs syndrome kids, most of whom are subject to fits of anger, there are a few who do not submit to that temptation.
lots of ugly people, after 50 or 60 years of being ugly and unloved, have learned the lesson Adam and Eve did not learn: God loves us all.
Even some people who are not ugly, but who have suffered, tens of thousands of hours of suffering, are, even before they grow old and pass away, wonderful people. Even if they look handsome or pretty and therefore not likely to be compassionate for ugly people (like me?) (????)
My best guess, narciso, is that in any given first world country with a population of a hundred million or more, there are, right now, about 50 thousand people who can look you in the eye and say "God loves you" and who know what they are talking about.
everyone else is stuck with saying "well I have my story too". Yes I understand the power of the line of thought, everybody has their story ..... well if your story does not involve speaking heart to heart to someone who needs your prayers, well then your story is, for the moment, boring. Look I know everyone has "their own story"! but you need to care about other people .... !
but feel free (I am not talking to you, now, Narciso, but to the average internet reader who "is not foolish enough to believe in God" .... feel free to ignore what I say about people -
I want to talk about people who want to reflect the love of God, to pass it on. maybe I am not that good of a prose writer, maybe you should ignore me, and start to read the footnotes in your beloved David Foster Wallace bookshop or try and become the most cited "commenter" on some site where the "rap lyrics" of some rich kid are analyzed, again and again and again ..... or just pick up and read the Bible, start anywhere and keep reading .... or talk to someone who has seen, as I have seen, how easy it is to speak healing words if you have truly accepted Jesus in your heart (and no, Billy Graham did not do that, as far as I can tell, poor Bergoglio did not do that either. They are not or were not happy people. Sad!
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