That's the top-rated comment at "I tried one of Chick-fil-A’s new meal kits, and I have good news and bad news" (Washington Post).
The food was deemed "delicious" and "surprisingly good." The only "bad news" in the article had to do with the amount of sodium and fat, as recorded on the label and as detected by the author's body, which felt "puffy" and required "chugging water" all afternoon. Nothing in the article itself about Chick-fil-A's gay problem.
But the comments... they go on and on: "We don't serve our kids hate chicken." "This is where my subscription dollars are going? To support a horribly anti-gay company for the sake of a review of a meal kit? I'm appalled." "Doesn't sound like a value meal at that price. And if you have to chug a liter of water afterwards just to get the salt flushed out of your system, not very smart eating. And then there's the phony Jesus thing. These people's religion is mostly from the belly button on down."
By the way — I looked it up — drinking a lot of water doesn't work to "flush out" the excess salt you may have eaten.
१७५ टिप्पण्या:
"Nothing in the article itself about Chick-fil-A's gay problem."
Chick-Fil-A is not the one with the "gay problem" here.
I invite the commenters to the article to point to one instance of anti-gay behavior.
Leftists do love to hate.
I remember when both Obama and Clinton believed that marriage was between a man and a woman. I bet they still do.
My only regret is that today is Sunday. It seems I always read about SJW's butthurt over Chick-fil-A on Sunday, and thus I can't run out and get me some sweet sweet hate chicken right this instant.
Every day and in so many ways, the Left displays its pure insanity.
After Trump wins 40 states in 2020, what will they do then?
I normally go to them after reading shit like this. But they are closed on Sundays to honor the Sabbath and to allow their employees to go to church. Shove that up your ass preeners.
But the comments... they go on and on: "We don't serve our kids hate chicken."
Lol. In my family we've been jokingly calling Chick-fil-A "hate chicken" ever since the cadres decided they had to have a go at them.
"This is where my subscription dollars are going? To support a horribly anti-gay company for the sake of a review of a meal kit? I'm appalled."
As a rule we never eat fast food, unless we're on the road and there's nothing else available. But smug idiocy like this pushed us into occasionally patronizing our local hate chicken franchise. Just because.
Holy crap, Trump's gonna win 40 states, isn't he?
I've only tried CFA once and that's because they haven't opened one in Hershey.
These same commenters probably defend Islamists tossing gays off buildings. Taste their hate!
Thanks for the reminder to visit my local Chick-fil-A. There is one about a mile from our new home in McKinney, TX. I don't generally go to fast food places but I make an exception when I am reminded about the idiotic attacks on Chick-fil-A.
Nothing in the article itself about Chick-fil-A's gay problem.
Chick-fil-A doesn't have a gay problem. Some butthurt totalitarians, gay or otherwise, have a Chick-fil-A problem.
By the way — I looked it up — drinking a lot of water doesn't work to "flush out" the excess salt you may have eaten.
It does dilute the sodium level in your blood.
Yes, the readers of the WAPO, where 'Democracy Dies in Darkness'. but never from too much salt.
The popularity of Chick-fil-A is probably due as much to the political attacks than to their food which is quite good but not really great. I go out of my way to visit a Chick-fil-A just because.
The Chik-Fil-A franchise on Chicago Avenue on the North Side has great food, great service, and is clean as a whistle. They always have lots of customers. Eat more chicken.
LOL, I posted this last remark before reading Angle-Dyne. I"m not plagiarizing.
Damn. Lines are going to be long at CFA Monday.
Look, we're never going to have Tolerance and Diversity if we put up with people acting differently from us.
I like their salads and fries.
"And then there's the phony Jesus thing. These people's religion is mostly from the belly button on down."
Yeah, phonies one and all - just look at the time when they opened their doors, even on a Sunday, to feed everybody during the [insert disaster here]. Nothing at all like my favorite progressive-themed company that did [insert nothing here].
I had CFA's Spicy Chicken Sandwich just this past week. Tasted pretty good to me. I didn't taste any hate, but then there weren't any flaming SJW's there to spoil the experience.
Blogger Pete said...
I invite the commenters to the article to point to one instance of anti-gay behavior.
Uh, HELLO, Petey, did you somehow miss the reference to "hate chicken"?!
BTW I'm always reminded of the sweet young lady at the CFA drive through window as she is being abused and insulted by the SJW at the drive through window a few years ago. I understand she got a college scholarship out of it.
Dear Mr. or Ms. CFA CEO,
Please send a CFA to southwestern Wisconsin! We too wish to taste the hate!
Oh yeah, I remember Chik-fil-A expressing their horrible gay hate after the Pulse massacre. (But I didn't remember the MSM trying to frame the donations and volunteerism as an effort by Chik-fil-A to "re-craft its image" in obeisance to brownshirt pissy-fitters. Yeah, right, that's why they did it.)
Order the spicy chicken meal with a substitute salad. Throw away the bun and put chicken on salad. Yum. Best to get take out for the gay pride parade and enjoy on the curb watching the flits, floats.
Food is political.
It is a core piece of underlying cultural conflict, pre-politics.
It really is, and its not at all new.
Spain lives on pork, and loves ham (go there, you will see what I mean) directly as a consequence of war and enmity vs peoples who eschew pork.
I wonder what the mental calculus is for a vegan jackass who wants to comment on that article. On the one hand, you'd want to enjoy the opportunity to say, "It's all hate chicken, you savages, the birds get beheaded", so you could make the meat-eaters feel bad about themselves. But does berating carnivores risk looking like you're effectively siding with the bad Christians? It's a real pickle (which is my least favorite thing about Chik-fil-A).
The servers at Chik-fil-A are really great kids, mostly black where I go. Super polite.
These comments show that the left is never satisfied. They will fight until they destroy every single g**d** thing they hate, and they hate a lot.
Been that way since 1789.
mock: LOL, I posted this last remark before reading Angle-Dyne. I"m not plagiarizing.
Great minds, etc. Can't be helped.
Only comments more uniform than on WaPo article are the ones here. Boring!
Good to know about sodium and water.
In other words, its not the food or the vendor they hate, it is all just a way of displaying hatred for the people they hate. That is ordinary human tribalism. The only news, very old news in this case, is that you aren't in their tribe.
"I love the taste of hate chicken in the morning. You know, one time we had a Chik-Fil-A open, for 12 hours. When it was all over, I walked up. We didn’t find one of ’em, not one stinkin’ gay customer. The smell, you know that hate chicken smell, the whole restaurant. Smelled like… victory. Someday this culture war's gonna end..."
Hating Chik-fil-A for being run by good people serving good food is the stupidest thing that I have ever heard of. If one wants to eat food from unclean and anti Christian weirdos, then you can get That anywhere else but Chik-fil-A these days.
It just amazes me these people can’t see their own intolerance.
hey bgates, , how have you been, certainly chick a fil, is not of the body, peace be with landru.
"Hate chicken" ???
TheReportOfTheWeek - Chick-fil-A® Chicken Sandwich..
Some political comments. Not many.
"Good to know about sodium and water."
I'd expand on it, but that whole fructose thing left me plumb tuckered out. And nobody wants to hear more from me about anything, really.
I’ve never been to a Chick-fil-A but, at the risk of disappointing readering, I’m going to try one out. There’s one over on Gammon Rd, I see.
"The popularity of Chick-fil-A is probably due as much to the political attacks than to their food which is quite good but not really great. I go out of my way to visit a Chick-fil-A just because."
I have eaten at Chick-fil-A twice. Once in Iowa and once here in Arizona. Both times were off hours (2:30 pm or so ) because we were busy and forgot about lunch.
The food is much better than most fast food chains. However, the reason I rarely eat there is because I am too impatient to wait in long lines. The drive through windows are also crazy busy.
Those damn deplorables!
bgates, you can ask for no pickle, they should have them ready.
I'm bummed they dropped the lemon pie.
One of ours has a double drive-thru, and at lunch they send out an employee or two to take orders early so the cars aren't backed onto the street. There's a new Zaxby's (another chicken place from Georgia) across the road that's nearly empty when I drive by.
Eat Mor Hate Beef....
Chick-fil-A must be destroyed for having the exact same position on gay marriage that Obama and Clinton had in 2008. I suppose could argue that Obama and Clinton really believed in gay marriage but were just pandering to the deplorables. But is that actually better than having real principles and convictions?
These are the same scolds who went after Jack Dorsey, the Twitter CEO, when he tweeted that he just ate some good food at Chik-Fil-A. Of course, that pussy caved in to the Twitter scolds
Meanwhile, adherents to the religion of peace are going to continue to shoot people in nightclubs, chop off their heads, and run them down on the sidewalks like dogs.
The scolds are silent about that. They are pussies.
People who support gay rights don’t make excuses for muslims nor demand more of them be let into the US.
No one from Chik Fil A killed 49 gay people in a night club.
H8Rs gonna hate, every chance they get. How do we know this article/review wasn't intended to grab the H8R eyeballs and catalyze the h8? On a Sunday, no less.
Paco Wové said... My only regret is that today is Sunday.
My very first experience with ChicFilA was outside Nashville on the way to North Carolina with my then Girlfriend. I mentioned that we should get something to eat, and she agreed, saying:
We could go to ChicFilA, if it wasn't GODDAMNED SUNDAY!!!
I asked (ignorantly) what difference that made, and she said:
Because they're always GODDAMNED Closed on GODDAMNED SUNDAY!!!
I asked (ignorantly) why? and she said: TO MAKE ME WANT THEIR GODDAMNED SANDWICHES!!!
I now think that it's The Best Marketing Ploy, EVER.
Nothing in the world makes you crave a fried chicken sandwich (with pickles), like knowing that it is GODDAMNED SUNDAY; and Nothing short of a natural disaster would let you have one.
Plus, it has the extra advantage of getting atheists worked up about Sundays
AND it means that their workers can tie one on Saturday night, and sleep in
>>Look, we're never going to have Tolerance and Diversity if we put up with people acting differently from us.
Diversity = no other opinions allowed
Inclusion = removal from society
Tolerance = see 'Diversity'
The food is good but the best thing about CFL is that it drives the Libtards Bat Fuck crazy.
And now I have to leave home a little earlier to get by the CFA before work. Not really on the way but worth it.
Extra pickles for me!!
readering is worried that there are no Chick fil A haters here.
What a shame.
Chick-Fil-A is not the one with the "gay problem" here.
Boy is that true !
I stopped at a Chick fil A a few weeks ago for a chicken salad sandwich only to discover they don't have it anymore (or here in Tucson)
Homophobes !
Chik-Fil-A was an interesting case study: the product became the favorite "regular guy" fast food among snobby youth, and so stores were placed in snobbier neighborhoods and college campuses. When attitudes about orientation turned into religion, those stores became prominent targets for virtue signallers. Most of what the crazy left is doing is leveraging its concentration in urban areas.
After Trump wins 40 states in 2020, what will they do then?
Hopefully finally make good on those threats to move to Canada? Or better yet, the Socialist Workers paradises of Venezuela or Cuba.
“Only comments more uniform than on WaPo article are the ones here. Boring!”
Yes and now that so many fewer liberals are commenting it’s even more uniform and predictable. Yawn.
Eat mor hate chikin.
“Hate chicken” is just such a wonderful concept.
I remember a conversation with two colleagues. One is a staunch left-liberal, good natured and not obsessed with current events. The other had had dealings with Truitt Cathy, on behalf of a university.
“Oh, yeah,” said our leftish friend. “I remember when they were big in the news. What was it, did they refuse to serve gays?”
“No....” said my libertarian-leaning colleague.
“Oh, right - they wouldn’t hire gays,” he said confidently.
“Not that either.”
Puzzled: “What were we so mad about then?”
Atlanta airport has a store inside the terminal. In the morning there's always a large line. In the morning. I usually spot a small group in modest celebration having scored some hate chicken. Makes me think lefties aren't really hurting them all that much.
Maybe Inga can bring the liberal perspective and detail some anti-gay Chick-fil-A behavior that we boring conservatives in our cocoon don’t know about.
My last school sold biscuits on Friday mornings as a fundraiser. One of our liberal teachers wrote a screed on Fb about how much it bothered him to see teachers walking down the hall with those “bags of breakfast biscuit bigotry.”
My favorite alliteration ever. God I love bigotry biscuits for breakfast.
As an aside, I was wondering what homophobia tasted like.
I can't figure out who to ask. ???
Come on Inga. We need you.
CFA will come and go but the Bride and Bible will last forever. Sorry for you angry seculars but keep flaying away anyhow. In fact maybe some enterprising gay will start a gay oriented food franchise with only gay chicken products, only gay personnel and open only on Sundays. Instead of bucolic photos Ann can give us some spiritual photos of Sunday at Madison's "Gay Chicken Coop".
Forgive me Lord.
How many realize that restaurants delay bringing food to the table just so you know they're not "fast food"
Raise your hand anyone worked in kitchen.
...Chick-fil-A's gay problem.
They don't define it as a problem...
Blogger Original Mike said...
Maybe Inga can bring the liberal perspective and detail some anti-gay Chick-fil-A behavior that we boring conservatives in our cocoon don’t know about.
Yeah, that'd be fun.
Maybe readering can pitch for the fancy damning.
“Only comments more uniform than on WaPo article are the ones here. Boring!”
Yes and now that so many fewer liberals are commenting it’s even more uniform and predictable. Yawn.
Yeah, I think they are getting a little discouraged. Except you, of course, Inga.
Hate is your middle name.
"Could you taste the homophobia in every bite?"
It tastes like chicken.
Still waiting for that list of CFA anti-gay behavior ...
bigotry - intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself.
Let the beta males boycott CFA.
When you come home you can eat, pork and beans
I eats mo' chicken, any man seen
“Yeah, I think they are getting a little discouraged. Except you, of course, Inga.
Hate is your middle name.”
Is it even possible for Michael K to be any more wrong? Liberals are not commenting here as much because there is a major revulsion factor, the Trump sycophancy, the Cultish behavior, the politics of spite, etc. etc.
Senile asshole is your middle name.
Inga - Please give us some examples of CFA behavior to backup the claims of homophobia. Seriously, I don’t follow this and if there are any I want to know.
Vote Trump!
One of my Facebook friends who posts way, way too much political shit posted this one the other day:
Chik-Fil-A: We're now CLEANER and more DRUG-FREE than ever before, thanks to the recent liberal boycott! You can dine here safely knowing that the liberals are eating someplace else!
The liberal bigots bitterly cling and avoid the implications of the political congruence ("=") they advocated and defend. #HateLovesAbortion
Since 2003, WinShape has donated over $5 million to allegedly anti-gay groups,[11] including Eagle Forum, Focus on the Family, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Family Research Council, Exodus International, and the Marriage & Family Legacy Fund, groups which seek to provide, among other works, an anti-gay interpretation of biblical teachings about marriage and sexuality.
-- Wikipedia
Chik-Fil-A's food is always tasty and the drive-through always moves fast. Their employees are always unfailingly polite. If that's not your thing, feel free to go elsewhere.
“Inga - Please give us some examples of CFA behavior to backup the claims of homophobia. Seriously, I don’t follow this and if there are any I want to know.”
I didn’t opine on Chik Fil A because I don’t give a shit about them. Who the frack cares?
Now Clyde, that is funny.
“Who the frack cares?”
Liberals, apparently. I’m just trying to assess the basis for the comments in WaPo.
Otto suggests: In fact maybe some enterprising gay will start a gay oriented food franchise with only gay chicken products
The challenge will be to identify a sufficient number of gay chickens.
Libertarians had it right. Conservatives had it right. Nevertheless, the left resisted, persisted, and insisted on dragging the bloody body, a victim of domestic violence, through the street, and calls for equal treatment and separation of Church (Pro-Choice) and State were shouted down. #NoJudgment, indeed.
Thanks Henry, for the info. Now we see The Crime: Not giving money to explicitly pro Gay groups.
We all know that if you aren't actively supporting gay groups all the time, then you are just like Hitler.
You wouldn't buy a chicken sandwich from Hitler, would you???
>>The challenge will be to identify a sufficient number of gay chickens.
You will also have to exclude chickens with White (feather) privilege.
But you do raise an interesting philosophical question: Which came first, the gay chicken or the absence of eggs?
It's very convenient that The Usual Suspects have given us such a simple, cheap, and easy way to say "Fuck You" to them almost every day.
Tomorrow morning, about 8:00am:
PACO unwraps his Chick-fil-A® Chicken Biscuit, takes a bite.
"Mmmm. That's for you, New Yorker."
Savors bite, takes another.
"And that's for you, New York Times."
We already have transgender chicken products: unviable eggs, good for a McMuffin, an omelette, produced through separation of rooster and hen. A Chick-fil-A less the chicken. Perhaps the innovation will be the name, a semantic play on dodo: Planned Chicken. Good for the liberal-minded. Good for social progress.
"Fuck You"
Or: go Plan yourself. They'll understand and appreciate the wicked humor.
More for me, there is always a traffic jam around Chick-Fil-A every day anyways.
file under people are stupid. Leftists are extra stupid.
I have a new rapid hard boiled egg cooker, and hard boiled egg peeler, which reduces an egg each for man and dog to less than a minute of actual labor.
There's an hour delay though because I let it cool to room temperature, the point of optimal taste and texture.
It keeps my coat glossy.
Look, if you really want to experience CFA, order a Frosted drink. They only list lemonade on the menu, and orange in the morning, but trust me, you can order a Frosted Dr. Pepper. Anything is good. Really.
Then, order a Double Double-down to go with it. You won't need fries, trust me. The sandwich is four chicken sandwich patties, with bacon and cheese inside the top and bottom pairs. No bun of course, because this is a healthy low-carb meal! No, it's not on the menu, but everyone knows about it and the order taker will not blink. It costs about $10.50.
Oh yeah...I don't know if this is true everywhere. But at the Twin Cities CFAs, if you show up Tuesday morning, there's a FREE chicken biscuit sandwich waiting for you.
The best thing about Chik-fil-A? Well, other than the good food?
I know I'm not going to be stuck next to a bunch of shithead leftists when I'm eating there.
Yes and now that so many fewer liberals are commenting it’s even more uniform and predictable. Yawn.
Well, maybe you can spice things up by finding a way to blame Trump for the mass shooting in Jacksonville. Go.
It is the liberal's perception of the non-existent homophobia that makes every bite of a Chick-Fil-A sandwich taste that much better.
That, and their fresh lemonade.
They say turkeys are bi-sexual.
Maybe they can add turkey to the menu.
It is possible for someone to have objections to the progressive LGBTQ agenda and not be considered a homophobe?
I don't have any fear, hatred or dislike of homosexuals. I have been around homosexuals my entire life. Some were and are close friends and relatives. We have relationships based in mutual respect and fondness.
However, if I disagree with any political agenda that relates to being gay, I am a homophobe? Give me a break.
The Left is unable to argue their points of view, so they name call.
>>Well, maybe you can spice things up by finding a way to blame Trump for the mass shooting in Jacksonville. Go
Maybe he ate too much "hate chicken"?
Thank you, Henry, for the link. Donating money to pro family groups is not hate.
LOL! I can't stay out of our Chik-fil-A. Oddly, half the young male staff appear to be classicly 'flaming' - if my gay-dar is to be believed.
And why should ONE person's words be the 'be all end all' of a company's character? I never understood that stance. If the Managing Partner of my law firm says something dumbass, why do I get painted with the same brush if I don't agree?
"I didn’t opine on Chik Fil A because I don’t give a shit about them. Who the frack cares?"
Why quite a load of your fellow travelers. Brouse the comments in the article to be enlightened about who the frack cares and how very much like you they sound
I hate all the haters, everyone of them.
But, Dear Friends in these days of modern times, when you can’t tell the AC’s from the DC’s, well aren’t we all yearning for someone who can turn on a little stopping power? Dear Friends, I mean a smokey glass. Don’t you think I mean a lightning rod with which to chase these spooks away? Don’t you know I mean our own Pastor Rod Flash! He’s been up for a week, but he’s coming down!
I’m not talking about Hate. No, I’m talking about Ate. Dinner at Eight: Let’s eat!
More sugar!
Henry citing Wikipedia:
Since 2003, WinShape has donated over $5 million to allegedly anti-gay groups,[11] including Eagle Forum, Focus on the Family, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Family Research Council, Exodus International, and the Marriage & Family Legacy Fund, groups which seek to provide, among other works, an anti-gay interpretation of biblical teachings about marriage and sexuality.
Yeah, we know. Anti- any policy promoted by gay activists is "anti-gay".
One way logic, though.
Why just yesterday a sponsorship was withdrawn from a man because his father said something wrong. Thirty years ago. You are a lap behind in the woke category so be sure your managing partner does not exhibit wrongthink. Because if he does it is definitely your fault.
"It's good to eat a friend, my friend."
"Don’t you know I mean our own Pastor Rod Flash! He’s been up for a week, but he’s coming down!
That reminds me. I wonder what George E. Tirebiter thinks about this issue.
I didn’t opine on Chik Fil A because I don’t give a shit about them. Who the frack cares?
Shorter Inga: I didn't get any talking points on this today.
"By the way — I looked it up — drinking a lot of water doesn't work to "flush out" the excess salt you may have eaten."
Sigh. And on a related note, "Man taking alternative health supplements diagnosed with cyanide poisoning"
See, I'm not trying to stop people from being idiots, but I am for making it less likely that's something the rest of us will also have to deal with. We can't do shit about the water lady, but the guy with the supplement obsession? Him we can help. By fixing DSHEA.
That's all I'm sayin'.
Chick-fil-A Comedy:
Jerrod Carmichael sympathizes with those oppressed in the Chick-fil-A war.
Tim Hawkins has a Chick-fil-A song.
The left is batshit crazy.
As usual, the hate is all on one side.
Evidently the WaPo is a hate site. Who knew?
Yes and now that so many fewer liberals are commenting it’s even more uniform and predictable.
Oh, there are posters here who are entirely predictable. That’s for sure. They get their “thinking” from places like “The Talking Points Memo” or the New York Times, or the DailyKos, and breathlessly post them here. Utterly unable to defend them by answering questions. If you question a conservative here, he or she will never shut up defending his or her position, but the liberals can’t believe that anybody had the temerity to actually question them.
an anti-gay interpretation of biblical teachings about marriage and sexuality.
Great grumbling toads! There is only one conceivable interpretation of the Bible's view on homosexual behavior. Likewise adultery and bestiality.
I never pick up food there because the line is always all the way around the building. Doesn't look like they're hurting for business.
Senile asshole is your middle name.
Thanks for the proof, Inga.
For everyone worried about lines and wait times, two words: mobile app. Order on the way, park in a designated spot, and the food will be brought to you in a couple minutes. It is the only way to order as both locations in my neighborhood have cars circled around the building pretty much from morning to night.
Evidently the WaPo is a hate site. Who knew?
@chuck*, only the people who used to subscribe to the.
* Note lower case ‘C’
The Bible has some fluid views on incest however......Every article I've read about Chic Fil A points out that the food tastes good. You never read such observations in articles about McDonalds, Burger King and the other fast food giants. Maybe Chic comes out ahead in this boycott. They certainly have a leg up in brand awareness. I think good food trumps gay support when it comes to choosing restaurants.
How much water must one chug to correct the results of swallowing a mouthful of jizz?
Or does one spit? Asking for a friend.
How much water must one chug to correct the results of swallowing a mouthful of jizz?
My husband, the biochemist, insisted it is 'rich in fructose'. ;-)
Those Dems... They can find HATE floating in the air, buried in the ground, below the bottom of the ocean, because there is NO speck that they cannot see. Well, except for theirs.
Q: Why did the hate chicken cross the road?
Answer left as an exercise for the reader.
'My husband, the biochemist, insisted it is 'rich in fructose'. ;-)'
IOW, don't swallow that shit, it's killing us all!
IOW, don't swallow that shit, it's killing us all!
Too late! ;-D
"How much water must one chug to correct the results of swallowing a mouthful of jizz?"
Stormy Daniels has the answer but will only share it with the grand jury.
At least Trump had the decency to screw a paid performer rather than a childish intern ... and he didn't cum in the Oval Office sink.
If she does not swallow, you should not follow
Good man, Mr. mockturtle.
Good man, Mr. mockturtle.
Actually all true retards who’s comments you post should try the meal. The saline flush suggested for later might also flush some of their moron-sity
"By the way — I looked it up — drinking a lot of water doesn't work to "flush out" the excess salt you may have eaten. "
You looked it up. Where?
I could get excited, but all I see when I see a CFA is a line of cars around the building.
I don't know why everyone makes such a big deal over what was a fabulously successful publicity stunt on the part of CFA. They planted the homphobia meme and fanned the flames.
Massive publicity resulted in them moving from 3rd or 4th fried chicken chain to #1. Thy passed KFC even though CFA has only about half as many stores and is not even open on Sunday (though they do open on the Sabbath)
And people think they are being punished by the SJWs. Every time business flags, they bring out something like this and Cha-Ching!!! Money!
Thanks, WaPo commenters: CFA stockholder's salute you.
John Henry
I think the secret ingredient that makes CFA food taste so great is the fascist tears drizzled over every bite.
John Henry
Blogger HT said...
"By the way — I looked it up — drinking a lot of water doesn't work to "flush out" the excess salt you may have eaten. "
You looked it up. Where?
I missed where this nonsense started.
When you drink a lot of water, you pee a lot more. Your kidney balances your sodium and potassium blood concentration.
Sodium goes out in the urine unless you have abnormal resorption, such as heart failure.
Chick-Fil-A remains one of the most profitable franchises out there (if not the most profitable) despite the left's attempted boycott.
Perhaps, and this is pure conjecture, perhaps the number of outrageously outraged lefties has been exaggerated far beyond reality. Maybe most people don't give two shits about what the various Tumblerina's think and corporations would be better served ignoring all of those screaming sjws.
Blogger The Crack Emcee said...
Sigh. And on a related note, "Man taking alternative health supplements diagnosed with cyanide poisoning"
Sigh. Do you even read your links, Crack?
The man, who was in remission from prostate cancer, explained that he had been taking two teaspoons of homemade apricot kernel extract every day for the past five years, as well as three tablets of Novodalin, a herbal fruit kernel supplement.
"Homemade", as in not made by a company regulated by the FDA.
John Henry
I'm picturing the Madtown lefties gettin' their hate chicken on while wearing disguises.
Blogger Francisco D said...
At least Trump had the decency to screw a paid performer
Do we actually know that Trump screwed Stormy Daniels? Yes, he paid for an NDA but what he paid was chump change. And if the story is true, Cohen paid it probably thinking he had screwed her. Trump reimbursed him probably because it was easier to let it ride at that point than to try to unravel it or get the money back.
And speaking of Cohen, he has said he intervened on behalf of "a candidate" but to the best of my knowledge Cohen has never said which candidate. The assumption is trump but assuming can make asses out of people.
And while everyone is all spun up over this bullshit, by 2020, at the current rate, fully half of all federal judges will have been appointed by President Trump. And nobody is even paying attention.
John Henry
to the best of my knowledge Cohen has never said which candidate. The assumption is trump but assuming can make asses out of people
Wouldn't it be funny if Trump and Cohen are colluding to expose the anti-Trumpers? Furthermore, they are colluding with Mueller to expose the domestic and foreign interests who are colluding to influence our elections and social order.
The servers at Chik-fil-A are really great kids, mostly black where I go. Super polite.
I think Chick-Fil-A matches their salaries with university scholarships. So a lot of high class kids work there.
Wish they were a public company. I go to the mall, it's insane how big the crowds are for Chick-Fil-A. All the restaurants around it have 2-6 people in them. Chick-Fil-A has like a Disney line of people waiting to get food.
It also becomes a traffic problem in their stand alone franchises. Cars backed up all the way out into the street.
The only evil thing about Chick-Fil-A is the damn pickles. Repeat after me: No Pickles.
Yeah, the whole gay marriage homophobia thing.... out here in whaco California, gay marriage was voted down. Slaughtered, actually. Took a gay judge to ignore the will of the people and overturn it.
BTW, LA times published names of people who donated in favor of traditional marriage and most big websites linked to it. Gave the lefties a target list of old ladies and religious people.
Left hatred and violence nothing new.
Chick Fil A is the bomb in every possible way. The food. The service. The respect and courtesy to the customer. Nobody in that industry is even close.
There isn't evidence of miss Daniels doing the deed otherwise it would have surfaced by now, but her attempt was very strategic.
Took a gay judge to ignore the will of the people and overturn it.
He then married his gay lover. No conflict there. Nosirreee.
"Do we actually know that Trump screwed Stormy Daniels?"
Zero evidence but Inga doesn't need it.
The Billy Bush tape was a big nothing.
Chick-fi-le is pretty good for what it is. Fried chicken between a bun.
Its better than KFC.
Buy CFA and eat it at Starbucks without ordering anything there. I've done it.
We always joke about getting 'hate chicken and bigot fries' when we make a chick-fil-a run.
It appears the landings shooter had an affiliation one dare not mention.
NYT's commenters are mostly locals, I suspect. I suspect, too, that they BELIEVE what they read in the NYT. Naturally, then, they'd believe CFA is a TOOL of THE RIGHT and must be SHUNNED by all proper-thinking people. It's a delusion, but it's THEIR delusion.
I had never heard of Chik-fil-A until Leftists told me I shouldn't like it. Naturally I had to give it a try, and now a week does not go by without a visit. On behalf of my entire family, thank you Leftists!
Another example of food flavored with fascist tears is Memories Pizza in Indiana. Remember, they were the ones shunned because they would not cater a gay wedding? Monster demos and lots of terrible publicity and so on.
Sadly, 2-3 years later they shut down.
After collecting $846,162.00 in donations. That's probably 5-6 years normal revenue and they didn't even have to make any pizza.
Seems like every time the fascists go after a business, the business does a lot better than it did before.
Folks, I think you are doing these protest wrong. But that's OK, keep on doing what you're doing.
John Henry
The SJWs are still upset they brought the full might of a social media campaign against a business and it just shrugged them off? There's a lesson here - never apologize to people who are operating in bad faith. They'll just take it as a sign of weakness.
Here's the roadmap:
SSM proponents made CFA hurt for opposing them. That's in the past. CFA has dismantled their traditional marriage advocacy organization. Clearly SSM proponents won that battle but are not satisfied.
From Henry's link, I see CFA is being pushed to break association with groups like Fellowship of Christian Athletes, who teach the Biblical view of marriage. I don't think Dan Cathy will budge on this. It's too much like disavowing Christianity. But maybe when Cathy retires, the next CEO will.
At that point, the next step is pushing CFA to become a quasi-ally. They could do so by sponsoring moderately pro-LGBT groups which focus more on issues like bullying. For example, Athlete Ally exists to provide a "safe space" for homosexuals in sports.
The end game is the CFA logo at pride parade.
Now there's an interesting perspective! lulz.
"These people's religion is mostly from the belly button on down."
a) Now if this isn't a case of pure projection then I don't know what is
b) and in conjunction with the recent rehash of the CC abuse scandals extra-ordinary ironic since it is acting as if morality and actions 'from the belly button down' isn't that important is what fueled the abuse
As usual, the hate is all on one side.
But in Trumpian fashion, Madam Althouse will say 'both sides' have a problem.
Though how eating a chicken sandwich is a problem on my side is...odd.
A liter of water is 4 cups. You're expected to drink about 2 liters a day. Was this an additional liter on top of that or was the author just always dehydrated and the salt made them notice it more?
"And speaking of Cohen, he has said he intervened on behalf of "a candidate" but to the best of my knowledge Cohen has never said which candidate"
-- There's no rational reason to believe he doesn't mean Trump. Davis and Mueller wouldn't cut him slack or work with him to nail Hillary.
Banning “hate” speech is only the beginning.
“Assault” rifles.
“Homophobic” chicken.
“Deplorable” voters.
“White” people.
It’s all about tagging things for removal from society.
Two things I am happy about today
Hillary is not President
Chic-Fil-A is open.
Salt isn’t as bad as people think it is.
All the other leftist hatred is just par for the course. They are just nasty people.
Bob Loblaw wisely suggests: There's a lesson here - never apologize to people who are operating in bad faith. They'll just take it as a sign of weakness.
Trump knew this and it is the key to his political success.
Mission accomplished: one Chicken Biscuit obtained on the way to work. I arrived at work at the same time as my boss.
We were both carrying little tell-tale white and red bags.
"I've been stopping there a lot lately", he said.
Meh. As a virtue signal, Chik Fil A is fine.
As food...I'm not fond of chicken breast or fried sandwiches. But the pickles make it edible and I like their fries and lemonade.
They make good iced tea too.
So I don't make it a destination just because I meet a gay asshole.
But here is the funny thing. Gays and lesbians I know...they are generally pleasant people.
LGBTQ -whatever are worthless and unpleasant to a thing.
I remember back in the 1980s all the Christian Moral Majority types were seeing sex and Satan in every song and TV show. They were the crazy ones.
Now. . . . . .
Not a real big fan of Chik-Fil-A. The wife and kids love love love it though. I do like their "hate shake" aka their peach shake.
Their cow advertising signs are very clever, too.
And of course there is the "stick a fork in a leftist's eye by ordering from Chik Fil A" extra satisfaction that you get. And of course the occasional story about how the local Chik Fil A franchise feeds the entire interstate while stuck in traffic story is great too.
I'm apparently doing something wrong when I go to this restaurant chain, because not once, not in any location, has my sexuality been an issue. usually, I order, pay, and receive some yummy fast food. And I've even been there for the breakfast biscuits, so I've given them every opportunity to apply their rather standard religious beliefs in my direction.
The only, only, only time I even think about CFA and religion is when I want a chicken sammich on a Sunday afternoon and they are closed. Ah, well, their religion has indeed snuck up and hit me a few good ones, I guess, in denying me their juicy meat morsels and waffle fries just to insure the work force has time for their families.
Odd that I also read all the time how horrible Hooters is for their heteronormative one-gender-based business model. Seems you can't please anyone, either by treating everyone the same as a business, or by specializing in one niche of the population.
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