Said Glenn Greenwald, talking to Tucker Carlson last night.
"Journalists rightly demand transparency from powerful institutions, that’s our job... But how can CNN have any credibility to do that when you call them and ask them what happened here, as I did, and everyone else did, and they say, ‘Talk to our PR spokesperson,’ who then refuses to answer any questions. They have zero credibility if they don’t provide transparency themselves."
१८८ टिप्पण्या:
CNN is a joke. The only reason why they are even relevant at all, is because we are forced to watch them in places like airports....otherwise they would have NO ratings.
Carl Bernstein joins Dan Rather in the Journalists Hall of Shame.
They have zero credibility if they don’t provide transparency themselves.
Just go with they have zero credibility and leave it at that.
Today's Althouse theme is every day's MSM theme...
The MSM has gone totally nuts and has completely discredited itself. There is a story at the Daily Caller that Hillary's emails were hacked by the Chicoms in real time. Why isn't that the top story everywhere?
What drives me crazy is that Sessions hasn't indicted Comey, McCabe, Strozk, Brennan, Power, Rice et al.
When Trump gets a real AG in there and wins 40 states, CNN will have to cover the real news. The cops were crooked and are going to jail.
Saying what I've been saying for years... It's OK to lie when you're on the left, lying on behalf of the left - because great good.
At this point, what difference does it make? Their reputation has been in the shitter for some time now. It's like hearing that the town sot was arrested for public drunkenness. Or that the Minnesota Twins are not going to the World Series. "And your point is...?"
Do you have to ride a bike to be a spokesperson?
I don't know if this is CNN's "most humiliating moment" or not. That would imply that they are capable of humility. But in the war against Trump, it's certainly a setback.
It's interesting that a character like Glenn friggin Greenwald is pointing this out though.
CNN's core audience *wants* CNN to lie and to con as many people as possible. For CNN to admit the truth would be seen as a betrayal by that audience. They don't want or care for CNN to report the news in good faith. And there's really no coming back from that.
More click bait for trumpists while POTUS has meltdown on twitter.
Is Cohen currently in jail? Why can’t CNN, that colossus of journalism, just ask Cohen? Would this “fact”, that Trump knew of the meeting, be a state secret for some reason?
With some recent sad deaths, Glenn Greenwald is one of the few remaining voices on the left who I still respect. Which makes the sock-puppet incident so perplexing. Fortunately it was a long time ago.
CNN tried to spin the New Mexico child abuse into "oh the poor [Islamic] guys really wanted to go off the grid, and they were struggling"
Has Greenwald ever apologized for sock puppeting?
Dan Rather set the standard: “fake but accurate.” Except his story was not accurate, and neither is this one.
Maybe Shakespeare was wrong. Maybe the place to start is to kill all the J-School professors.
"This is a road apple."
Nonapod said... It's interesting that a character like Glenn friggin Greenwald is pointing this out though.
Greenwald wants too to be credible >>> credibility is selfish virtue = honesty + truth
CNN Weaves Sob Story for Child-Abusing Muslim Radicals in New Mexico
Because "news" must be pounded into narrative.
A local news guy on 9 news - he has a new segment called "why they hate us". He showcases instances and examples where the media act like hacks. He's not on the right, either.
CNN's stance reminds me of the woman who insisted she was still a virgin. When they keep insisting that you know they ain't.
resdering is correct: It is indeed "click bait for trumpists" in that leftists are no longer concerned with anyone on their own side being caught lying, and won't even bother to click such stories.
Actually... I said "no longer" concerned, didn't I? I really can't pin down the last time I think they genuinely cared about truth at all if it stood in their way to power. The 40's, probably. If then.
You can refuse to consider the possibility of media bias, but once you've seen it, it's hard to unsee.
“It's interesting that a character like Glenn friggin Greenwald is pointing this out though.”
No fear, he’s on the demonization list. Imagine an ideology where being just relatively sane makes you a target and an outcast. I’m curious as hell as to what the Left’s collapse will look like. We’re still at chipping-at-the-wall-for-hunks-of-souvenir-concrete stage. The shooting-the-Ceausescu’s-out-back stage is yet to come. I’m guessing a Black awakening will be a big part of it.
It’s heartwarming to see the media icons that brought down Nixon being humiliated. Well, at least one of them. Woodward has been much more circumspect concerning Trump. A week or two before the election on Chris Wallace, he even allowed Trump might win due to the silent Trump voters. The rest of the panel didn’t dare laugh at the peerless Woodward (as Maher’s audience did when Ann Coulter called Trump the favorite), but they expressed shock.
But Bernstein is a hack and always has been. So I’m enjoying this. And I’ll bet Dick Nixon from his heavenly perch is too.
CNN is more than happy to place more nails in their coffin. To share their happiness, they're now passing out hammers.
CNN sexually identifies as a credible news organization.
If a woman says she's a virgin, a gentleman takes her word for it. Not sure the purpose of badgering her would be.
CNN is a whole different thing. Baghdad Bob is a better analogy.
Greenwald has lost the understanding there are higher priorities than truth when a racist criminal Occupies the White House.
At least the NYT was nice enough to state as such when crossing over the line.
My bigger question is, why did Lanny Davis 1) lie, then 2) confess. I’m thinking it was a clever ruse to get his client a good plea deal. Seems to me Mueller got overmatched (indirectly) again.
CNN is a joke. They are the Clinton News Network. "News" is no longer honest.
They should rename to CBN
Clinton Butthurt Network
My browser at work defaults to as its home page.
Every day, every single article is 100% anti Trump. Every. Single. One. Since his election. I don't recall a single exception.
It’s not the crime, it’s the coverup.
AT&T has never been a company you could trust.
From telephone monopoly days where they raked America over the coals for a simple utility, to their asset buying shopping spree with all the loot.
They were so slow in adopting technology, that even today massive warehouses with telephone switching relays are sitting idle, because there is no cheap way to liquidate them.
CNN today, is like telephone switching in the 60's, with their being owned by asset trackers.
Another question I have is how can smart people like Mueller, Comey, Brennan, Dan Rather, etc. act in such a stupid way? There’s only one answer that works: bias. Remember Andrew Sullivan’s war on Sarah Palin’s grandson?
Bias drops your IQ 10 - 50 points depending on the intensity of the bias.
CNN is getting spiteful over any criticism of their bias. They declare everyone else liars and huff and puff about their being totally honest. And Trump laughs.
Over the past couple of years I've actually seen people in airports laughing at CNN on the ubiquitous CNN monitor. Or shaking their heads. Or commenting among themselves. These are not positive comments. This is CNN. This is the brand they've built and the worst thing is that they don't realize they are mocked daily and considered fools by a huge swatch of the American public.
This was going on before Trump. It's worse now, but then- they're worse now. And its not fixable. This is CNN.
I've actually seen people in airports laughing at CNN
I've mentioned here before they took CNN off in most locations in SAV airport- CNN's home state no less...
@rehajm: "just go with they have zero credibility and leave it at that."
True, but they don't give a damn about credibility. Media are a prog tool.
Of course, they could consider making their propaganda more subtle, but the MSM think bludgeoning will suffice.
They may be right, since it serves several purposes at once: it degrades the public sphere, it makes all "news" part of politics, it scares any dissenters with fear of being bludgeoned, and it helps the transvaluation of values, making "credibility" a fusty old notion.
That CNN interview with John Sununu was a doozy. Their arrogance was on full display.
Poor Lanny Davis! I used to like the guy - sure he was a Liberal Clinton butt-boy, but I jeez I thought at least he was honest.
He's playing the game! Behind the scenes, he's probably knee deep in hookers and gin.
The game:
1. Lawyer seeks out CNN to give lie that benefits the Left or hurts Trump, under the cloak of anonymous source
2. CNN eagerly publishes story
3. CNN's tv talking heads eagerly chat up story
4. CNN interviews lawyer about the story who soberly pushes the narrative, not revealing that he was original source.
Wash, rinse, repeat;
Loved the Sununu interview. It pretty well encapsulated the entire attitude and approach of the CNN team. At this point they all have this GIANT chip on their shoulders. Very defensive, yet always on the offense, which feeds into their defensive position- if that makes sense. Attack, attack, attack. Then when they don't get the answer they expect- Defend, defend, defend. Its the flailing news network. FNN.
Sununu killed her with his calm demeanor and occasional chuckle at her flailing. Classic.
...who then refuses to answer any questions. They have zero credibility...
They sound like the Pope.
CNN's motto is--Truth is like a mushroom-- Keep it in the dark and feed it manure.
If you think LLR Chuck is going to allow you to demean his beloved lefty-lunacy-filled CNN without a fight you are about to learn a lesson in "TruCon" Triggering.
Stand by...
The corporate-controlled media is designed to make lots of money - not to seek the real story, i.e., the truth. The news is non-controversial pablum for the most part. Schlump's obscene corporate tax cut generated a "huuuge" windfall for corporations. CEOs were cutting themselves checks Left and Right. The two parties and corporate America see eye to eye on the destruction of the middle class, and it's dumbing down. Good Morning America is, in truth, the sun setting on America, and her values. Schlump is a rump, and a clump of bull crap, but he's also a bogeyman, which is good for corporate profits. Fake controversies and fake news are real, and the tools of the trade of both the media and the politicians while the country goes down the drain.
"Are you going to believe me or what you see with your own eyes?"
Who said it: CNN or Groucho Marx?
Greenwald is up to his eyebrows in Russian collusion. Are we supposed to believe that the Russians did not get Snowden to provide them with ALL the documents he stole. Russia secret police I'm sure have the resources to get a Snowden to sing. Remember that Snowden was kept at the Moscow airport for 40 day. I bet there are rooms in the airport specifically designed for the implementation of various persuasion techniques.
Cooper's interview set a better standard, but I agree we should expect more from our news sources including Fox which almost on a daily bases has spews propaganda with ethical lapses. It seems to play a tape of what Trump said word for word as did NBC is now according to Trump fake news. Yes we have new low standards.
I don't think Davis "lied" and then confessed. I think Cohen lied to Davis, Davis repeated it, then found out Cohen lied to him.
I say this not because I don't think Davis is a liar. I'm surprised he's not just running with the lie anyway. It must have occurred to him that he was claiming to have proof of crimes by the POTUS without actually having proof, and that that might be a bit too much for him to get away with personally.
CNN, on the other hand, has no fear because the individual "journalists" perpetuating the lies all think they are individually immune from consequences. I hope they're very wrong.
I don't know what has happened to CNN. I don't know if they think they have to cover America this way because Trump is so awful, or if they know they are creating something so they can get good ratings. Whatever it is, it isn't good news any more. It is a rehash of the Trump controversy of the day. All day, every day. I feel sorry for anyone who thought they were going there to *add* something to this world.
Greenwald is up to his eyebrows in Russian collusion. Are we supposed to believe that the Russians did not get Snowden to provide them with ALL the documents he stole.
Is that something we care about any more? Chelsea Manning was pardoned by Obama and is now a media darling. Nobody cares about Hillary Clinton's server being hacked. IRS computer hacked. Government computers hacked and citizens' information taken. Documents being stolen. Ho-hum.
Qwinn- that could be, but CNN has a problem in that the story they reported said Davis declined to comment. When he was actually an anonymous source.
Maybee -- I don't care about who is or who is not a celebrity or who was pardoned. I do care when our nation's top top secrets are disclosed to an adversary. You should too.
in fairness to CNN, they DO have MULTIPLE (anonymous) SOURCES for this story
they have
Lanny (who recanted)
some guy who says he heard about it (from lanny)
some other guy who says he was TOLD about it (from the guy that heard about it (from lanny))
AND some other guy that heard two guys talking about it!!!!
M Jordan asked the question that should be asked, and one I asked over at Powerline a few days ago- why did Davis do this? There are two possibilities:
(1) It was a Hail Mary by both Davis and Cohen to get Cohen a no-jail-time deal. It is worth noting that it appears that Cohen had entered into plea agreements months ago, and that they were only unsealed last week (and, interestingly, unsealed at the exact moment it most appeared the Mueller jury might hang on all the charges). If Cohen had entered pleas in April and May, then by late July it might have appeared to Davis and Cohen realized that Mueller didn't believe Cohen had anything- the case was still in the hands of the NY office all along. When Mueller still didn't bite after the late July stories, Davis was forced to retract because the story does open Cohen up to perjury charges coming from another direction.
(2) Of course, it is possible that Davis really never was Cohen's lawyer, but still works for the Clintons, and as such was quite willing to lie to the press without Cohen's knowledge. It is possible that someone, somewhere in the press realized they were being played and decided to burn Davis once and for all time.
I tend to lean towards explanation #1. The reason is that I don't think Cohen was ever in the position to know much about the Trump Campaign and the Trump Presidency. Trump appears to have used Cohen for very specific legal tasks, and I seriously doubt that Cohen had the kinds of access that he has claimed to have, and this is why Mueller turned the case over in the Spring- he realized that Cohen was full of shit and using him as a witness was pointless.
Roesh - more fake news. Unless you have some specific lie you are pointing out from Fox, you're part of the problem.
If you can't believe Bob Woodward, who can you believe.
Here he is denying, with all the force and sincerity he can muster, that the media is fake news.
John Henry
Why should they retract the story? It was a story for the same reason it is now, to make Trump look bad. There is a remedy to media publishing knowingly false news to hurt a person's reputation, but there is only one way for that person to enact that remedy. I think CNN would be ecstatic for an attempt to be made, because discovery!
All they get for retracting the story is credibility form people already inclined not to trust them. Their viewership is so low, retracting this one story won't fix the problem.
Let's be honest here, if enough people actually cared about things like rule of law and the security of our nation above all politics and above their team "winning", Hillary Clinton would be in jail along with a lot of people at the FBI and CIA and possibly even the Justice Department and a fair number of the last administrations key figures.
But not enough people place those things above their political team. So we have Trump, a deeply flawed non-politician who paradoxically tells the truth with lies and exaggerations.
Check this site to get read about recent Statements made on Fox"
One of the problems for CNN is that the July 27th story claimed Lanny Davis had no comment. That has to be an outright fabrication, or CNN didn't know that Davis was the anonymous source. Which story do you believe? I do have a theory here, too: Davis planted the story with the sources CNN thinks they have. In other words, CNN hasn't retracted yet because they still don't know exactly how it was Davis played them. From Davis' point of view, though- he has to retract because Cohen is guilty of perjury otherwise, and Davis also can't sell out the people who he planted the story with, which would surely be his own aides.
When so many stories these days are seemingly based solely on anon sources, it's dangerous to admit they're wrong. It would cause uncomfortable questions regarding other stories which also can't be independently verified. Its like those social science experiments that can't be replicated- you're basically being told something that could be true
Still wondering if Lanny can be disbarred for feeding false information to the media.
Blogger Big Mike said...
Dan Rather set the standard: “fake but accurate.” Except his story was not accurate, and neither is this one.
I was happy to see Dan Rather fall and he fell because of his own hubris.
In the doco "Get me Roger Stone" on Netflix Stone claims, sort of, that he was responsible for preparing the fake documents for the explicit purpose of bringing Rather down.
So the info may or may not have been accurate but Rather was set up here by one of the emminent Repo dirty tricksters.
Stone was Manafort's partner for a number of years in Manafort, Stone & Black.
Stone cooperated fully in the doco, letting the team follow him around, knowing full well that it would be something of a hit job. Even joking about it in the doco. Fascinating to watch whatever you think of Roger Stone. (I vote for 5 star sleazy)
In the video, he discusses in depth his efforts going back to the 80s to get Donald Trump to run for Prez. GHW Bush, in his recent bio, claims that Trump was on the VP short list in 1988. Stone probably had something to do with that.
John Henry
"Has Greenwald ever apologized for sock puppeting?"
He never admitted to doing it. He admitted that the IP address was his. I've always thought it was his boyfriend, (now husband).
I can tolerate CNN for a few more minutes than MSNC. They've got this Baghdad Bob vibe that's kind of interesting to watch. Their ratings are way down and of those people still watching a good proportion are hate watching. I don't think that makes for massive ratings, but some people will tune in........The Sununu interview was fun. The interviewer really looked malicious and angry, and Sununu deftly turned her charges with a flick of the cape. There's an audience for people who want to see CNN personnel make fools of themselves.. ........Bernstein has been played in the movies by Dustin Hoffmann and Jack Nicholson. I don't see much of a resemblance, but that's why they call it acting. Bernstein, I mean.
Glen is by far the most effective “conspiracy theorists” left because he has the inside information on the very real CIA conspiracies. The question is when will he be forever banned by the self appointed Censors of silicone valley?
The funny thing is when Greenwald was burning operatives and programs he was fine with all the broadsheets, he still hates Israel and noe the saudis,
Roesch LOL - Fox Rated Mostly false by a leftwing bogus "fact check" web-site run by lefties.
The chart is not connected to any actual statements. LOL.
@john henry,
"If you can't believe Bob Woodward, who can you believe."
Off-topic, but that sneaky SOB Woodward had several anonymous sources too, but that isn't sexy and doesn't sell books. So, he conjured up "Deep Throat" as a literary device to reflect these weasels to create some controversy and mystery, and sexiness, which, of course, enabled him to sell more books.
That's how we got DEEP THROAT.
And, 40 years later, Woody dragged out old, Alzheimer's man, Mark Felt - to claim, "I am Spartacus!", er, I am DEEPTHROAT!
One slick operator that Woodward.
Maybe, if all this Russian collusion BS starts to get boring, we can get a new really famous anonymous source in the proud legacy of DEEPTHROAT, such as "DEEPDICK" or 'DICKHEAD" or something like that.
And yet CNN is on in every airport. Why?
(I'd vote for a local weather channel myself)
When so many stories these days are seemingly based solely on anon sources, it's dangerous to admit they're wrong.
There should be no 'anonymous sources'. If information can't be 'owned' and verified then it's useless--and quite probably false--information.
Ministry of Propaganda, thats most of the MSM.
Centrally managed and coordinated.
The messaging control and coordination are in full view, easily and often demonstrated. The conclusion is inductive, but based on massive evidence.
That explains everything.
People keep overthinking this, assuming there are independent opinions or judgments.
There aren't, not at the levels we see. Why the reluctance to accept the obvious?
You can with some reason call Fox a counter-ministry in this propaganda war, but Fox alone is a tiny counterweight to the enormous system of the rest of the US MSM. The preponderance of reach and resources of the whole vs Fox is enormous.
These are facts that seem impossible to drive into some heads. Stalins ice-axe may be required.
This Is CNN
Of course felt cannot account for all the instances, Dt serves as a source for Woodward, the max Holland book is very instructive in describing how the narrative was made.
Similarly with Friedman, his big scoop was the sharia massacre who he attributed to two Lebanese militia, one erroneously
He never admitted to doing it. He admitted that the IP address was his. I've always thought it was his boyfriend, (now husband).
Ah, the Bryan Colangelo story.
@John Henry, old as I am, Dan Rather is even older. He has no excuse for not knowing what a document typed in the early 1970s on a manual (or at best an IBM Selectric) looks like when compared to the output of a WYSIWYG word processing package. It’s not as though 60 Minutes never set anyone up.
Any article or story in NYT, WaPOst, CNN, ABC, CBS or NBC based on ANONYMOUS SOURCES should be viewed with great skepticism. In fact, there should be a presumption that the ANONYMOUS SOURCE is a deep state weasel, with an axe to grind.
mockturtle: While I agree in principle (no anonymous sources), I don't know how to reconcile that with the Left's intimidation tactics. Any right wing whistleblower gets their life completely destroyed, and sometimes even their families, and the Left gets away with it. Do you have an answer?
Buwaya, Disney's pending purchase of FOX will complete the machine and, probably gradually, their narrative will change accordingly. And we used to poke fun at Tass.
Why do I know it was erroneous, because he left that part of the story, in from Beirut to jerusalem. He still accused geagea of expanding the civil war by attacking the choir in 1984, this coincidentally was the same thing that made the us a conflicted party.
're Woodward the initial speculation was hair was a source at some point, so I'll go with that.
AT&T and Comcast stock basically tanked in July. They are bad capitalists.
Qwinn asks: mockturtle: While I agree in principle (no anonymous sources), I don't know how to reconcile that with the Left's intimidation tactics. Any right wing whistleblower gets their life completely destroyed, and sometimes even their families, and the Left gets away with it. Do you have an answer?
Trump isn't intimidated by the Left and we shouldn't be, either. The more who speak out boldly with their own byline, the safer we all will be.
Disney is going to rename Fox to Weinstein Brothers.
Narciso [he of cryptic posts] reports: re Woodward the initial speculation was hair was a source at some point, so I'll go with that.
Hair? Please explain.
Trump has resources to defend himself, if only the ability to be heard. I'd feel better about what you suggest if we had a DOJ that protected right wing whistleblowers. We don't. Sessions can't be bothered.
It's one thing to suggest that right wing whistleblowers be brave and weather what attacks may come. It's another to expect them to put their families at risk, and threatening/attacking families has long been a popular tactic on the Left. It's how Castro survived 10 Presidents.
Alexander haig, colodny and hou gan were big promoters of this theory.
The chouf being the ancestral home of the druze, interestingly Friedman left out the name Eli hobeika who is widely credited with being the architect and ultimately defected to the Syrians, why would he do that?
@Narciso & Mock,
Yeah, Haig was definitely the primary source for Woody. Before he miraculously joined the WAPost, Woody was a naval officer, who briefed Haig on all sorts of classified NSA matters.
Haig was a Nixon enemy -- but from the Right. Haig and his cohorts thought that Nixon/Kissinger were selling us out in Vietnam and China.
Polifact is even more biased than Snopes. Here's another one, the Affordable Care Act raises most people's premiums and AntiFa is objectively fascist in their tactics.
Oh, Haig! That makes more sense.
Which he was right about, Negroponte was very vocal about that and Kissinger exiled him to quayaquil the most insignificant post he could think of.
I think those Murdoch boys are more behind the standardization can they fit in better with European mini trur.
It is a delusion to take the media system as it was described long ago, in conventional terms, as a multitude of voices in a "free enterprise" of viewpoint contention and commercial competition.
It is difficult to change such a world view, especially among older people. Its an old, old habit. But change happens. Its not that world anymore, not that it ever was quite that free a system. This is a new world entirely unlike the old one.
It seems the same only in outward appearance, you change the channel and get different logos and different talking heads. But these things and these people are simply a series of skins on a single entity, and the people in it are professionals given quite detailed instructions. As far as free will goes, in their professional capacity they may as well be robots.
I like to think of the system as a battalion of mercenary Hessians, each an individual with his own face, in camp no doubt an individual with his own tastes and quirks and opinions, but when mustered for service and in public view, well drilled and under orders. The whole array of individuals all marches and turns as if one creature, deploys and faces as instructed, and fires it volleys as directed, with great precision.
This battalion has its sergeants and officers and drummers to signal, and above them its field officers and above them a staff, and above that a commander.
Is it a banana?
"It’s not as though 60 Minutes never set anyone up."
Actually, the opposite, of course. Their game plan seemed to have been one setup a week, with the other segments being fluff. This was so well known that when they came to interview/investigate Coors in, I believe, the 1970s, maybe early 1980s, the Coors management had a big debate on how to handle them. Given their known biases back then, the natural response would have been to tell 60 Minutes to pound stand, and expect to be arrested if they showed up (Coors is still the biggest taxpayer and employer in the city of Golden, so the police would have obliged). The problem, their sin, of course, was that they were nonunion and had made the ceramic inserts that kept our aviators alive in Vietnam. But they decided on complete openness and cooperation, and the segment turned out, surprising, almost neutral.
I can't wait to see what "magic" LLR Chuck weaves as he maneuvers to protect his beloved CNN!
Worse for him, its such an obvious and unnecessary lie that it reinforces every single complaint about the left wing media that LLR Chuck has labored so intensively to minimize.
The media lies, but there is no greater glory than lying for the largest corruption scheme in America. The Clinton Crime Family.
That's why the Russians stole the election by hacking American minds and we have the never ending Mueller. The Clintons. The power structure was knocked off, and CNN is pissed.
I think that the absurdity here is that the whole Trump Tower meeting was a Dem/Clinton/FBI setup from the get go. Someday we will find out how the Russian attorney got into this country for the meeting, since it required high level, probably White House, strings be pulled. And then she met right before and right after with Glenn Simpson of Fusion GPS, which was, at the time, taking money from Crooked Hillary, the DNC, probably the FBI, a controversial Russian billionaire with close ties to Putin, and who knows who else. The FBI clearly knew about the meeting in advance (and probably knew what happened there within hours, if not sooner), yet never bothered to inform the Trump campaign of the shady people involved. Which is to say that Trump could say that he knew about the meeting in advance, approved, and all that would prove is that he was maybe gullible. All he has to do is keep pointing out that it was a setup by his enemies, and, if anything, it would help him. The only thing even close to criminal that happened that day was the setup.
narciso is better than QAnon.
We have finally arrived at the point where there's no longer any daylight between CNN and Alex Jones.
Agree with Bruce Hayden - if there was anything wrong with the Trump Tower meeting (a 20 minute nothingburger) the funding and use of the Steele Dossier (based on Russian sources) was at least 100 times worse. I cannot imaging the dissonance that one must have to believe the Trump Tower meeting was wrong/illegal and a big deal but the sourcing, funding, use and misuse of the Steele Dossier is not a jaw-dropping scandal of a magnitude worse than Watergate.
Is it possible that Lanny when he told that to CNN did not know that Cohen had already testified to having no knowledge of Trump's prior knowledge. That seems reckless and clear malpractice if true. But I think that is CNN"s assumption - that Cohen lied to Congress, told the truth to Lanny, Lanny told the truth to CNN, but then Lanny had to backtrack because he was setting his client up for another perjury/lying to Congress indictment (which would make Cohen a witness ever harder for anyone to rely on). CNN thinks Trump did have prior knowledge and that the only people who could actually know the truth are all lying about it.
I think CNN is saying that they're not saying what they reported was true, but they are saying that Michael Cohen said that.
Which his lawyer, Lanny Davis, indeed did.
There probably were other sources who lied. (it could be that Lanny Davis told CNN whom he had spoken tom so that CNN could ask them, and that way Carl Bernstein would have his required two sources.)
President Trump persists in claiming, or maybe even believing, that CNN made up its sources when it was probably really the victim of the Clinton spin machine. Maybe somebody's spinning Donald Trump too, about this. Spinning him about who invented the lies. The Clintons have all bases covered. That's how they have lasted so long.
Trump did this also with the Steele dossier, which I think had genuine Russian sources who lied after getting instructions from Vladimir Putin.
Instead, Trump seems to think Steele, or Fusion GPS made it up. Rush Limbaugh has voiced the opinion that Nellie Ohr wrote much of it.
No sammy most likely Baumgartner and ohr wrote it, where is the proof otherwise, at least in the 60s there were sources like color sin and nosenko willing to go on the record.
CNN lying is not new. Here is a comment from an Althouse post regarding McCain?Palin from 2008. ...
Ken said...
The story is from CNN, so the odds of it being pure fiction, made up by a bored reporter is about 50%. Add another 40% chance that it distorts the unnamed advisor's words and the 9% chance that the reporter didn't understand what the aid was saying and you get a 1% chance that there's any story there to begin with. Then if that 1% chance is in effect you have to estimate that there is a 90% chance the unnamed aide is lying or distorting the actual facts. In other words, there is one chance in a 1000 that this meaningless story is true and about 1 in a million that it has any meaning whatsoever.
The lapdog media is so deeply invested in Obama that they will do anything to drag him into the White House. If he wins, and is the disaster he promises to be, nothing will save the old media. They have squandered the trust of anyone who is paying attention. And it's not the bias. Blog readers understand and accept bias. It's part of a point of view. It's the lies, especially the lies about the bias.
I want a partisan media. I just want them to admit it so I can judge their stories fairly.
10/26/08, 7:40 AM
M Jordan said...8/30/18, 9:02 AM
My bigger question is, why did Lanny Davis 1) lie, then 2) confess. I’m thinking it was a clever ruse to get his client a good plea deal. Seems to me Mueller got overmatched (indirectly) again.
He lied for political purposes, to get people to think that everything they heard about Donald Trump is true, or possibly (or additionally) to interest the special prosecutor, whom he's not dealing with - this case is being handled by the southernb Diistrict of New York - in granting Michael Cohen immunity.
In exchange for nothing.
He confessed to protect the other people who ciurculated that lie.
He took it all on himself, and so prevented the revealtion that certain other people were Clinton tools. (although it could have been as simple as telling CNN whom else, in the government maybe, or maybe not, he had told the same story and letting those people be the confirming sources. But still he's got to protect somebody other people he is working with, since if he is not working with them, they ordinarily would not have talked about this to CNN.)
Back in the nineties I flew up to Kodiak. While I was there, an Alaska airlines flight went down off of Ventura, incidentally the same flight number I had been on two days before. For the next couple of days this was the only topic of discussion on news networks. On the return flight I had a layover in Seattle, with the inevitable CNN on every tube. There was zero mention of the plane crash. Apparently it was verboten in the airport. OK, not terribly germane, but I've always thought it was funny.
Another question: Who is paying Lanny Davis?
Michael Cohen had other lawyers, but they stopped representing him because he could not, or did not want to, keep paying them what they charged. Those were the lawyers who tried to protect his files and had every one of them reviewed for attorney client privilege (which applied to very little of it.)
Lanny Davis has now started a Go Fund Me page and has received, I read, at least one $50,000 contribution and one $10,000 contribution.
And that might be only by people too embarassed or afraid to have a closer connection to him that might one day become known.
narciso said...8/30/18, 12:23 PM
No sammy most likely Baumgartner and ohr wrote it, where is the proof otherwise, at least in the 60s there were sources like color sin and nosenko willing to go on the record.
There's a lot of indications that Christopher Steele seemed to believe it, which couldn't be if he, or worse, somebody above him, made it all up.
While it makes perfect sense that Vladimir Putin would invent it, because the Russians did not know he was working for the Democrats!
The Democrats had commissioned Steele to find out what wa sthe real reason Putin was supporting Trump. Now naturally they would not let the Russians guess whio his client was. So they thought he was probably still working for MI6, or possibly British conservatives. Therefore he did not think that any of thsi derogatory iformation woudl affect the election.
Putin's reasons for his minions co-operating woth Steele were probably:
1) So he would have confidence in his old sources and his old informants and information from years back.
2) To create distrust between the U.K. government and a possible future Trump Administration.
3) To get Steele off the trail so he would ot suspect the truth.
He was told two types of liess to why he wanted Trump to become presdident.
A) He had compromat on trump
B) Trump had been working for years and years with teh Russians, the Russian government had bailed him out,
While the truth was
C) The Russians hoped to penetrate the U.S. government. They pined their hopes on Mike Flynn and Paul Manafort. More likely startng with them. They hoped to get a real spy in there.
"because the Russians did not know he was working for the Democrats! "
This is very difficult to believe.
Steele was an old operator and well known to everyone, most certainly the Russians.
It is also an extremely good bet that Steele's contacts like the Ohr's were also well known to the Russians, having dealt with them for a very long time. Bruce Ohr's wife Nellie was also an area specialist and had extensive contacts in Russia and Ukraine. And she worked for Fusion GPS.
And Fusion GPS was well known to the Russians, having participated in at least one case in defense of a Putin-aligned oligarch. And Fusion GPS has a history of Democrat-supporting opposition research. Everyone has files, and can check. No doubt far better than we can.
Also, listen to narciso.
Drago said...
I can't wait to see what "magic" LLR Chuck weaves as he maneuvers to protect his beloved CNN!
Worse for him, its such an obvious and unnecessary lie that it reinforces every single complaint about the left wing media that LLR Chuck has labored so intensively to minimize.
I don't give a damn about CNN. Why would you think I cared one bit about CNN? When have I ever written any sort of defense or apologia for CNN?
You asshole.
News organizations have traditionally issued corrections; political organizations traditionally have not. CNN now views itself as the Democratic Party's Kitchen Cabinet.
Remember, kids: there is no truth but socialist truth.
Chuck asks: I don't give a damn about CNN. Why would you think I cared one bit about CNN? When have I ever written any sort of defense or apologia for CNN?
gilbar said...
Chuck asks: I don't give a damn about CNN. Why would you think I cared one bit about CNN? When have I ever written any sort of defense or apologia for CNN?
Okay; how about yesterday? Or the day before? Link?
LLR and #StrongCNNDefender Chuck: "I don't give a damn about CNN. Why would you think I cared one bit about CNN?"
You should probably stop digging that hole deeper Stelter-Boy.
So far so good. LLR Chuck has refrained from offering up one of his usual McCain-like total suck up defenses of his beloved lefty MSM.
Lets see how long he can hold out.
Remember, Chuckie is the one who tried to sneak in that pathetic and hilariously false claim that the lefty hack fake journalist John Harwood was "professional".
That one was truly epic.
Chuck still literally cries about some random person who created a video of Trump body slamming a CNN sign!
That one was my favorite!
LLR Chuck was screaming like a stuck-pig that the guy who made that funny little thing should be outed and attacked.
Hell hath no scorn like that of LLR Chuck when CNN is criticized.
Its really rather touching how protective of the lefty media types Chuck happens to be.
Sometimes it seems almost....erotic.
CNN gotta CNN.
Chuck actually fell for mcguinness's 'banana in the tail pipe' which is more of a msnbc rhing.
We trust Michael Cohen and Lanny Davis more than Carl Bernstein?
You toss out all of these allegations about things I wrote, Drago, and you can't link to any of them. You can't put anything into any sensible context.
Chuck, fopdoodle extraordinaire, demands context for his racism and his constant defense of Leftist Collectivist positions.
Also, Chuck believes Trump - unique amongst Republicans - put himself in a position to be called racist. That stands against a 40 year history of every Republican since Reagan first ran who was accused of racism and being Literally Hitler.
What a sophist.
Birkel said...
Chuck, fopdoodle extraordinaire, demands context for his racism and his constant defense of Leftist Collectivist positions.
Also, Chuck believes Trump - unique amongst Republicans - put himself in a position to be called racist. That stands against a 40 year history of every Republican since Reagan first ran who was accused of racism and being Literally Hitler.
What a sophist.
Trump, alone among Republicans of whom I am aware, said that he didn't want black people counting his money; he wanted little guys wearing yarmulkes to be counting his money.
And alone among Republican presidential candidates, Trump was sued privately by the U.S. government for racial discrimination in housing.
Trump, however never said anything like this--
Chuck said...
She was always a good, solid, credible nominee.
Completely unlike many other Trump nominations. Like Trump's nomination of Dr. Ricky Bobby for the Veteran's Administration. Or Ben Carson for Department of Black People. Or Scaramucci for anything.
I think that there is general relief that Trump didn't nominate Agent Maxwell Smart for head of the CIA.
5/9/18, 4:29 PM
Bay Area Guy said...4. CNN interviews lawyer about the story who soberly pushes the narrative, not revealing that he was original source.
Wash, rinse, repeat;
-- is a form of laundering.
Anyone who has owned high-end rental property in NYC has been sued privately by the U.S. government for racial discrimination in housing.
And of course, Darrell, what I wrote about seeing Dr. Ben Carson for the very first time when I was a young lawyer in a Wayne County Circuit Courtroom, observing a superstar surgeon from Johns Hopkins named Ben Carson testify in a medical malpractice case, was that Carson was "brilliant." He testified for the defense and his side won.
I've had nothing but good things to write about Carson. My comment phrasing of "the Department of Black People was sarcasm aimed at Trump, in keeping with the rest of that comment. Not racism aimed at Carson.
And of course what I NEVER said about Dr. Carson was what Trump said about Carson: "He was a doctor, perhaps an OK doctor, by the way. You should check that out too. We're not talking about a great [doctor]. He was an OK doctor..."
Darrell said...
Anyone who has owned high-end rental property in NYC has been sued privately by the U.S. government for racial discrimination in housing.
The Trumps weren't sued as a nuisance matter in connection with "high-end" rental properties. They were sued for racial discrimination over apartments in Brooklyn. And they agreed to a federal court decree commanding them to stop discriminating. The Trumps also countersued, for $100m. And got nothing.
Janet Reno, when she wasn't burning down compounds in Texas or extracting Cuban children from homes at gunpoint, was fining Bill Gates a million dollars a day for including Internet Explorer with Windows 3.1 .
She could have called it racial discrimination, if she put her mind to it.
The Daniel Lamp Co. in Skokie, IL was sued for racial discrimination in hiring in the 1990s when the only two non-Black or non-Hispanic employees in the whole company were the current owner and his father, the former owner--who worker part-time.
By Cohen and Davis saying they had something on Trump, they got a lot of money.
By Stormy Daniels saying she had something on Trump, she got a lot money.
By Omarosa saying she had something on Trump, she got a lot of money.
By CNN saying the above individuals and others had something on Trump, CNN got ratings which translates into ad money.
By Mueller saying he had something on Trump, he and seventeen lawyers got a lot of money.
You think I have something on Trump therefore I am collecting the dollars.
Say "something on Trump" and you get dollars in the pocket. I think that's the only sure thing. I would not plunge into who said what when and his lawyer and his files and his phone calls and who, what, when and to Wapo and retracted after and testified before and lawyer client privilege and anonymous and access and who what when.
Sununu was so good I watched the interview twice. He calmly exposed CNN for the propagandists they are . The best (understatement) was when he used the word unpleasant.
"They pined their hopes on Mike Flynn and Paul Manafort. "
You forgot John Podesta, who somehow ended up with 75k shares of a company set up by Putin cronies.
Worth millions, BTW, until the value collapsed a couple days after Hillary lost.
And alone among Republican presidential candidates, Trump was sued privately by the U.S. government for racial discrimination in housing.
How many others built housing?
Chuck, fopdoodle sophist extraordinaire, demands his racism be forgiven because context.
And demands Trump never have the benefit of context, because reasons.
You demeaned yourself with the original comment and you further demean yourself with every excuse you offer, Chuck, you racist.
"Trump didn't nominate Agent Maxwell Smart for head of the CIA."
He should have. Couldn't be worse than most of those they have had.
You should absolutely distrust the competence of these people. The mass of security violations they have permitted is disconcerting to say the least, which they should have picked up through their own foreign intelligence efforts. The conflicting foreign operations vis those run by the military or other security agencies, etc.
My name for a lot of useless security systems - the "Cone of Silence" from "Get Smart".
We need to abolish the CIA and the FBI and replace them with totally new people.
The CIA has been wrong about everything since World War 2.
It is time to end the Deep State and its invisible hand on the tiller of the Ship of State.
They are not just incompetent...they are for the most part traitors.
We have a DVD set of "Get Smart" as it happens, and are watching it of an evening.
Its very clever, and very cynical.
Watch it as an adult, it leaves a considerably different impression.
The episode last night was about a "Chaos" plot that turned out to consist entirely of infiltrators from competing security/intelligence agencies - FBI, CIA, etc.
Nothing illustrates this better than the whole dossier fiasco. Orchestrated by the Deep State and facilitated by that other traitor John McCain.
I think I have something on Trump. How do I cash in?
"Democracy Dies in Darkness".
I find the WAPO motto so mystifying considering the tack the have taken.
I think I have something on Trump. How do I cash in?
Go directly to the DNC. Do not pass London. Do no collect in Kiev.
Note: A Chinese portfolio of expendable humans and degradable environment will get you past the bouncer.
Give me a break: How Can You Trust the Media When They Trust Mediums?
a "Chaos" plot that turned out to consist entirely of infiltrators from competing security/intelligence agencies
That happened on an episode of Night Court, where the FBI confronted and were confronted by the NYPD. They laughed, but did not shake hands, and, if I recall, went out for a cup of coffee and probably a doughnut.
Wasn't Chuck heading up a GoFundMe to buy Michelle Fields a prosthetic arm after Corey Lewandowski ripped it off? Pictures would be nice.
Further to narciso:
No sammy most likely Baumgartner and ohr wrote it, where is the proof otherwise, at least in the 60s there were sources like color sin and nosenko willing to go on the record.
Baumgartner is described here (I think) as something of a Putin pawn.
New York Post January 18, 2018 | 7:09pm
"Simpson told the Senate that Baumgartner helped Steele, who was banned from entering Russia, figure out which hotels Trump stayed in while in Russia and if anyone ever offered him anything while there."
"When put under oath, Simpson can’t guarantee that a Russian government disinformation campaign — which is precisely what Moscow’s attempt to reverse the Magnitsky Act sanctions was — didn’t make it into the anti-Trump dossier."
By Ohr do you mean Nellie?
But this does not sound like anything any American would write. Some of these things could sound plausible only to someone far away from American life and politics.
Like the idea that Donald Trump so hated Barack Obama - now in fact he did not hate Barack Obama - that he paid two Russian prostitutes to urinate on a hotel bed Obama had slept on. That is not invented in America but genuine Russian disinformation.
With Clinton Funding Steele, due to her E-Mail Server that was hacked, plus the DNC files, I am sure the Russians knew exactly what Steele was up to.
"because the Russians did not know he was working for the Democrats! "
Blogger buwaya said at 8/30/18, 1:02 PM
This is very difficult to believe.
Steele was an old operator and well known to everyone, most certainly the Russians.
Yes, but what they didn't know was that he was working for the Democrats!
The Hillary Clinton campaign and the DNC would have taken great pains to try to prevent the Russians from realizing that the inquiries were coming from the Democrats. Because Putin seemed to be supporting Trump and the whole purpose of the inquiry was to find out why he was so supportive of Trump.
He was an old operator, yes. For British intelligence - MI6. Then went into business for himself (the Russians would not have been so sure about that last fact!)
There was another thing I think the Democrats promised Steele.
When and if the information came out it would not be tied to somebody British.
It is also an extremely good bet that Steele's contacts like the Ohr's were also well known to the Russians, having dealt with them for a very long time.
Just why?? Why would the Russians think he was asking about the connections between Trump and Russia on behalf of any Americans?
And Fusion GPS was well known to the Russians, having participated in at least one case in defense of a Putin-aligned oligarch.
So how much less would they suspect them of working for anti-Putin (because anti-Trump) people?
And Fusion GPS has a history of Democrat-supporting opposition research. Everyone has files, and can check.
Yes, but the Russians didn't know that Christopher Steele had been hired by Fusion GPS!
Their [Fusion GPS's] spying would have no chance if they did.
Ray said...8/30/18, 5:41 PM
With Clinton Funding Steele, due to her E-Mail Server that was hacked, plus the DNC files, I am sure the Russians knew exactly what Steele was up to.
1) Her server wasn't hacked (but I think Clinton's protectors want people to believe that it was so that if any email turns up they can say it was hackers and not that she deliberately sent secret information to someone outside the USA)
2) by the time Fusion GPS was hired she wasn't using that server any more - this was after the email scandal broke
3) there was nothing in the DNC files released by Wikileaks about Fusion GPS being hired still less about hiring Steele.
The whole point of hiring somebody British was that the Russians shouldn't know who was after this information.
What do you call people who purposely lie and deceive the people while openly holding them in contempt and doing what they can to overturn the people's choice in leadership?
You forgot John Podesta, who somehow ended up with 75k shares of a company set up by Putin cronies.
John Podesta was earlier.
Putin thought Hillary Clinton was adamantly against him.
Since Feb 2014, not 2011 like Hillary claims.
Because Victoria Nuland had been instrumental in the Maiden Revolution in Ukraine and Putin thought Victoria Nuland was one of Hillary's women.
8/30/18, 4:14 PM
in other news:
this whole rigamarole reminds of that series, alias, with Jennifer garner, Michael vartan and Bradley cooper, who was the break out star, garner played the daughter of a spy, who joins what she thinks was the cia, through a corporate front, but's its international criminal front called sd 6, which has Chinese Russian and other elements, she later discovers her mother was a Russian sleeper agent, who is very much alive, and there is more than one mole in the intelligence services, who in turn have divided alliances,
"Yes, but what they didn't know was that he was working for the Democrats! "
But Fusion GPS did plenty of work for Democrats, and in fact for the Putins own Russians (Prevezon/Katsyv affair, if not others).
Fusion GPS hired Steele on a contract funded by Perkins Coie, extremely well known as a Democrat/Clinton firm.
These are the Russians. Do you think they didn't know who Steele was working for?
"The whole point of hiring somebody British was that the Russians shouldn't know who was after this information."
The partial point of hiring someone British was to keep him from being investigated by Americans. And as a conduit to MI6 in order to use their assets to create pretexts to spy on Americans. And as a foreign intelligence source to add depth and credibility, i.e., to be able to pretend that this was not all ginned up in-house by the Democrats and the FBI/CIA.
The Russians of course knew everything about this game. The US Government and US intelligence agencies seem to be an open book. If you have been paying attention, there are "Russian oligarchs" all over these affairs. They and their money are ubiquitous.
"pacwest said...
I think I have something on Trump. How do I cash in?"
It's like what Buckley said about how to be a yachtsman. "First, have a wealthy grandparent." Start by not living in flyover. Next, work for a Clinton or Trump. But in your case I'd suggest: send me $1000 as a good faith indication and I will put you in touch with my East Coast contacts. I know a reporter at ABC news.
If you could send me your bank account number I will make a direct deposit.
I suspect you are working for Mueller and want a paper trail. If you are sincere, get the cash in $20's and go the the corner of Capital and Oakland. Wear a MAGA hat. Await further directions.
Langford peel asserts: We need to abolish the CIA and the FBI and replace them with totally new people.
The CIA has been wrong about everything since World War 2.
It is time to end the Deep State and its invisible hand on the tiller of the Ship of State.
They are not just incompetent...they are for the most part traitors.
Yes, yes and yes. I think it was in the 1970's when we learned that former--and current--CIA personnel were enriching themselves selling US military equipment in South America. It has even been rumored that Stephen Paddock, the LV shooter, was a former CIA agent and arms dealer. The FBI has disgraced itself repeatedly. Both need to go. Perhaps a single agency with all new staff would suffice.
Wildswan, I am beginning to think that your offer is just a ruse to separate me from my money. Just like that Nigerian guy I sent $10K to last month. I haven't heard a word back from him. I think I need to be a little more suspicious of offers over the internet. I would like to report however that I am making $10,000 per month using a little known trick.
I wonder how many Nigerians are using Patreon.
LLR and Noted Racist Commenter and Liar Chuck: "My comment phrasing of "the Department of Black People was sarcasm aimed at Trump, in keeping with the rest of that comment. Not racism aimed at Carson."
Chuck, on his very own volition, offered up his indefensible "Department of Black People" comment specifically directed at Ben Carson. Specifically...aimed at Ben Carson.
There is literally no defense for such a racist comment and then LLR Chuck's moronic and highly amusing attempt to frame Trump for the comment that LLR Chuck generated all on his own was just icing on the cake for what a despicable human being LLR Chuck must be.
Meanwhile, back in the real world, Trump has been honored by Jesse Jackson himself for his work in promoting african-americans in his businesses.
LLR Chuck? Never promoted african-american in the business world and insulted an african-american Neuro-Surgeon who helped saved the lives of children.
LLR Chuck should be so ashamed of himself that he never shows his dem-loving face around here.....but he will.
Because that's what LLR Chuck does. And it's precisely what the leftists do.
You'll never get an interview on CNN with that attitude. You want to be on national news as a source for a big story, you can't have that negative attitude. But, OK, whatever you want. Only see, so far I've spent over $500 setting things up with my Contacts at Major News channels. "Somebody has something on Trump", I said and like ... Wow. It was going straight to Mueller. And now, nothing. So I think you owe me. At least, reimburse me my expenses plus mental humiliation in front of my contacts. $5000. Plus whatever you have on Trump. My friend - and he is not a prince, if you know what I mean - will be talking to you. Shortly.
LLR Chuck thinks he can run away from his never ending passionate defense of the far left/dems at every turn and his attacks against any and all conservatives that dare to fight back against the dems and his non-stop support for every single dem/lefty meme that comes down the pike.
But he can't.
Can he?
Damn that CNN their giving Wall to Wall coverage of another Trump rally will they stop it with that fake news?
Fusion GPS hired Steele on a contract funded by Perkins Coie, extremely well known as a Democrat/Clinton firm.
I think ta law firm was behind much of the lawfare against Sarah Palin in 2009-2010
Yes it was Michael k, being the largest firm connected to Alaska it provides players on both sides, it's also partner of the gitmo detainee bar
The company made certain mistakes from the outset, they had some easy victories in France and italy's elections, had some success in furthering the alliance of the bazaaris and the mullahs, and in expelling arbenz, now perhaps embracing gehlens quarrelsome crew wasn't the smartest lot.
Eastern Europe was a harder nut to crack, Albania was a disaster, Hungary was a tragedy
Trump just finished.
And America sleeps great again.
So Glenn Greenwald knows everything about American politics, um,make that South American politics since he exists like a hermit in Rio de Janeiro with socialist city councilman, David Miranda.
His claim to fame involves publishing the writings and stolen documents for NSA traitor Edward Snowden, many years ago. By my way of thinking, Greenwald is also a traitor being featured on Fox News. Somehow that makes Greenwald and Fox as the nasties.
As for Lanny Davis and his "lies," The Clinton lawyer doesn't know everything about Cohen and Trump - but I would speculate that Cohen has something to show that will prove that the president knew about the Trump Tower meeting well before it happened. Why do I say that? Simple. If Cohen lies, he will become a lifer.
So CNN's story is a "he said but the media reported" controversy not yet resolved.
"His claim to fame involves publishing the writings and stolen documents for NSA traitor Edward Snowden, many years ago. By my way of thinking, Greenwald is also a traitor being featured on Fox News. Somehow that makes Greenwald and Fox as the nasties."
No. Greenwald was quite prominent before he helped the heroic Edward Snowden reveal to us that our government was spying on all of us, all the time. That's why Snowden sought Greenwald out to help him make the government's (still ongoing) crimes against us public.
gadfly in at the end to try to muddy the waters.
Maybe Lanny Davis is a robot who spouts Leftist talking points that will move the narrative.
How about that answer?
But maybe not robot; maybe Clinton lawyer.
And for the Pakistani junta that is the tail that wags Khan tail, that was in the 90s, but he was making excuses for the is i in 2011, 're mumbai
Gadfly was fine when Greenwald was slandering Israel and defending gitmo detainees now you go after one hack den politician, that's too far.
Cook 3, Gadfly 0
Why do we even have to pretend CNN is in the news business? Its been evident for some time they have just become advocates for whatever democrat talking point that arises. I wouldn't expect the DNC to retract any of their hyperbolic off gassing either. It simply doesn't happen.
The problem for Cohen and Lanny Davis is that Cohen testified – under oath – that he was not aware of Trump having any advance knowledge of the Trump Tower meeting. If he changes his testimony he’s guilty of perjury.
Is anyone on the fence about CNN?
One possible explanation: Testosterone May Make Men More Honest
The other: IT'S A CULT!
M Jordan at 8/30/18, 9:06 AM
I agree that bias certainly impairs rational thought. But in this case, it's the hatred that makes them stupid. The hatred here is so insane, so over the top, it has rendered them brain dead.
Their panties got twisted way too tight -- and with their heads up their asses this means no oxygen to the brain.
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