I'm pretty happy with "getting what we deserve" in President Trump.
. Full employment economy . Record low black unemployment . DOW approaching record high . Pulling out of shitty foreign entanglements , Dumping & renegotiating shitty trade agreements . Return of GI remains from N. Korea . Ridicule of PC & lampooning of its practitiioners . Taking on the Democratic Party propaganda press . Limiting illegal immigration thru the threat of deportation
Achilles said... So it looks like the Enquirer editor Pecker is the August 28th surprise to keep Mueller's humiliation in court out of the news.
Interesting. Aug. 28th is same day that Bruce Ohr testifies. What a Co-ing-ka-dink.
If I am reading Twitter feed correctly, the Cohen plea deal was signed in APRIL of this year - and held off to coincide with the Manafort verdict. Another Co-ing-ka-dink, I guess.
Unless the lucky fascist nerd gives up complete control over the company it will follow his fascist impulses and only be followed in countries like China.
Forget about analyzing Chuck and Althouse's politics substantively.
Which way will they turn, if they turn out, in November and 2020?
Althouse no longer needs to vote Dem to get SSM, though she may feel she needs to prevent an anti-Roe vote. But she has no sympathy for phony constitutional crisis mongering, or socialist prattle, or anti-Trump hysteria. She dislikes the emotional politics of the left, but also doesn't think mere murder justifies "demagoguery" on the right. So, which way will she turn? To the "best person"?
Chuck claims to be an LLR and I believe him. He also claims to be pissed off, and again I believe him. So, will his sense of moral superiority over Trump and the Trumpists make him an NFD, New-Fangled Democrat?
Watch these weather vanes to see which way the winds blow.
Trump’s comments on South Africa are wrong. As a Trump supporter currently here for a few months, this is disappointing.
1) There are no widespread killings of farmers. In fact killings are at a 19 year low, 2) There are no land seizures. There are two test cases being negotiated. 3) The constitution has not been amended. Ramaphosa is studying it now, and with an election coming up next year he’s under pressure, but nothing has been changed so far.
@Meade: The news about flooding in Madison and the Yahara River prompted me to pull out my trusty dead tree edition of Lawrence Martin's "The Physical Geography Of Wisconsin." As you may know, I grew up in Middleton. I am somewhat familiar with the terrain and drainage. Why all that flooding around the Beltline and west of old downtown? That land is drained by what becomes Pheasant Branch Creek which flows into Mendota. Has that somehow been compromised? Or is it just saturated? Anyway, the book has a passage which you may find of interest. It's unrelated to the flooding. I quote at length:
Lake Wingra near Madison has been filled until it is nearing extinction, being now less than 14 feet deep. It occupies less than half the area of its former basin. This body of water was known to the Indians as Wingra, which is translated Dead Lake. Vegetation is contributing to the filling of the lake, but the chief cause for its extinction is the accumulation of marl, made up partly of the shells of small animals. This deposit is 26 to 30 feet thick in places.
The accumulation of marl, or bog limestone, in many lakes and swamps of eastern Wisconsin constitutes a valuable resource, not yet utilized. This was well appreciated by Lapham, who wrote in 1851: 'These beds constitute a great bank, not likely to be broken or to suspend payment, from which to draw future supplies of the food of plants, whenever, our present soils shall exhibit signs of exhaustion.'
Oleg Deripaska was blocked from testifying to congress. Now, it was obviously not from the HPSCI (Nunes Committee), but rather by the Senate Intel Committee, via Vice-Chair Senator Mark Warner. Oh yes, THAT Senator Mark Warner again.
Now, think about this…. Yes, with Oleg Deripaska in the picture there was indeed Russian meddling in the 2016 election; only, it wasn’t the type of meddling currently being sold. The FBI/DOJ were using Russian Deripaska to frame their Russian conspiracy narrative. It is almost a certainty that Deripaska was one of Chris Steele’s sources for the dossier.
Oleg's lawyer was invited to testify before Grassley (who has taken over for useless Burr) and the lawyer's lawyer reported he was out of the country. Then an instagram showed up of him having dinner in New York when he was supposedly out of the country.
Sounds like a contempt case. The plot thickens as the smoke clears.
Sessions had no option but to recuse himself. It wasn't up to his discretion. The regs are not ambiguous. He worked on the campaign and hence could not be involved in investigations of the campaign. Common sense.
How could trump not know this when he appointed Sessions?
Sessions had no option but to recuse himself. It wasn't up to his discretion. The regs are not ambiguous. He worked on the campaign and hence could not be involved in investigations of the campaign. Common sense.
How could trump not know this when he appointed Sessions?
On republicans have to recuse themselves.
Whatever. We know that if you didn't have double standards you would have none at all..
Sessions will be out after November.
Rudy is lining himself up to be the next AG and it sounds like he is ready to clean house.
Whoever Trump puts in their is going to cleanse that infection.
You people keep pushing and refuse to accept the results of the election.
You have made it you or us. You refuse to transfer power peacefully.
Oh goody! Only 47 people killed in the last 12 months! Plus, SA voted to change their constitution to allow the taking of land from whites. Talk about a slippery slope! So...IOW it's just a matter of time before lands are taken by force and more are killed.
Because none are needed to seize property without compensation when it is "in the national interest". But two large properties are being stolen from whites who don't want to sell them, with minimal compensation. And the white farmers know what's coming. They are putting their farms up for sale at any price they can get, and leaving the shithole. If Zimbabwe had a son, it would look like South Africa.
Sessions, in a rare rebuttal to Trump, issued a statement defending the integrity of his department.
"I took control of the Department of Justice the day I was sworn in," he said. "While I am attorney general, the actions of the Department of Justice will not be improperly influenced by political considerations."
This is who Trump hired. Trump doesn't think he's doing a good job? That's on Trump. The buck stops here, after all. It's amazing how many of the people Trump thought fit to hire Trump also thinks does a terrible job.
sodal ye, just because you are in Africa clearly doesn't mean you can't access the internet. Take your dick out of that Bantu long enough to Google white farmers killed South Africa. You can find photos of many of the people you say aren't being killed. They are.
It is certainly true that the blacks in SA kill each other at a very healthy clip. But they still find time to kill whites, too. And the government encourages them to do so.
So when they started confiscating land in Zimbabwe next door, what were the casualties then, ramaphosa isn't in charge malema is the crocodile, we know Thatcher looked the other way with the massacres in the matabele in the mid 80s,
White genocide is taking place in South Africa. Obama, and most of his party, fully support it. South Africa, like Venezuela, will soon turn from a rich, successful nation, into a literal shithole. That is the future the Democrats want for us all.
That would be a bad sign, you saw what the Congo deteriorated into after Mugabe was deposed, malema is speaking of right wing Jewish snipers his own brand of kulaks.
Watched Mark Steyn tonight make the point that the very fact that there is a reportable category called “farm killings” belies the claim that they don’t exist.
Interesting thing about semaphore he,stepped down as chairman as mtm the tele communications giant that has ties to Iran, that paid former Obama campaign manager david plouffe a hefty retainer in 2012. More recently it was the middle man with zte to sell ericson cellphones in africa.
Ramaphosa he was Also on the board of another major conglomerate, that had a serious labor management issue in 2012, it was called the marikana massacre.
It was interesting that Lanny Davis publicly stated that the Michael Cohen in Prague story was totally false, and that Cohen had no knowledge about the President knowing about the Trump Tower meeting in advance. Funny how CNN never bothered to mention that in any stories today.
As long as Ramaphosa can keep a lid on it and keep them to single digits or thereabouts, SA will fumble through. But first he needs a clean 5 year slate, hence his current rhetoric. He needs a little luck with the economy which has stalled out.
If he’s re-elected, it might be a good time to go long SA. Western Cape is one of the really beautiful places on earth, btw. A nice apartment in V&A Cape Town still costs a million, a nice home in Camps Bay a few miles south, 5 million and up. Ferrari sales at the impressive dealership are good, and the young rich blacks cruise around in white Mercs by the hundred or thousand.
Lots of construction.
I think the chances of it blowing up are less than 30%. Buy the dip.
narciso said... This slimmer al Sharpton in a red beret is concerning, ramaphosa's appeasing him is not good for anyone.
Agreed again. But Ramaphosa is in the enviable position of being hugely popular. Malema isn’t even close. No matter your political stripe, black or white, he largely has a lock on it, for the time being.
FIDO said... Let the South Afrikaners come here and find new homes.
Many white South Africans are too poor to move. I hear this frequently. They’d have to go somewhere, somehow, as refugees. It’d certainly be interesting to see who would take them and who wouldn’t.
Google an image of Bo Kaap. Gorgeous. It’s largely Muslim. Every morning that area of Cape Town, including the CBT, is woken by call to prayer. What about them, and the many Indians, and the coloured?
Just watched a French film of a few years back. Rom com. Swedish office worker has crush on his French boss. Gets inspired to act by watching snippet of an Obama campaign speech in N Carolina on his TV. Just a minor plot point.
Expect to watch a French horror film in a few years with Trump clip playing on the TV.
readering:"Just watched a French film of a few years back. Rom com. Swedish office worker has crush on his French boss. Gets inspired to act by watching snippet of an Obama campaign speech in N Carolina on his TV. Just a minor plot point."
The secular canonization of obama by the left continues to this day and, as with every culture that worships a "Dear Leader", the citizenry is put under constant rhetorical and marketing assault by showing the Dear Leader as key motivator/mover for all things. All the way to US sports networks showcasing obama constantly interacting with athletes, filming hour long "specials" where obambi fills out his basketball tourney brackets, etc.
Pretty typical behavior for leftists across any nation/culture/time period.
First question: If it was a UFO - and the U stands for "unidentified" - how does she know she's "been in touch with the aliens" and she's not just crazy?
Next question: Has she seen psychiatrists?
Another question: Since no one in history has proven telepathic powers, what's wrong with the Miami Herald?
Bernie Headley has not seen his daughter Stephanie in 5,214 days. Katrina Reyes has not seen her mother Yelena in 1,817 days Brian Sheen has not seen his grandson Leo in 360 days. Geoff Levin has not seen his son Collin and daughter Savannah in 248 days. Clarissa Adams has not seen her parents Walter and Irmin Huber in 1,423 days. Carol Nyburg has not seen her daughter Nancy in 2,197 days. Jamie Sorrentini Lugli has not seen her father Irving in 2,971 days. Quailynn McDaniel has not seen her brother Sean in 2,317 days. Dylan Gill has not seen his father Russell in 10,883 days. Mirriam Francis has not seen her brother Ben in 2,551 days. Claudio and Renata Lugli have not seen their son Flavio in 2,811 days. Sara Goldberg has not seen her daughter Ashley in 1,851 days. Lori Hodgson has not seen her son Jeremy and daughter Jessica in 1,563 days. Marie Bilheimer has not seen her mother June in 1,089 days. Joe Reaiche has not seen his daughter Alanna Masterson in 5,178 days Derek Bloch has not seen his father Darren in 2,318 days. Cindy Plahuta has not seen her daughter Kara in 2,638 days. Roger Weller has not seen his daughter Alyssa in 7,494 days. Claire Headley has not seen her mother Gen in 2,613 days. Ramana Dienes-Browning has not seen her mother Jancis in 969 days. Mike Rinder has not seen his son Benjamin and daughter Taryn in 5,271 days. Brian Sheen has not seen his daughter Spring in 1,377 days. Skip Young has not seen his daughters Megan and Alexis in 1,780 days. Mary Kahn has not seen her son Sammy in 1,651 days. Lois Reisdorf has not seen her son Craig in 1,234 days. Phil and Willie Jones have not seen their son Mike and daughter Emily in 1,739 days. Mary Jane Sterne has not seen her daughter Samantha in 1,983 days. Kate Bornstein has not seen her daughter Jessica in 13,092 days.
But y'all go on talking about whatever YOU think is "important" because it's obviously HUGE.
And, today, everyone pretends those freaks and their children went on to become normal, instead of spreading their malignant nonsense all over the place, and causing untold damage and death, from the neglect society gave to the phenomena of white's cultism - leaving the fallout for uneducated blacks to handle - alone.
L. Rod Hubbard: "The term disconnection is defined as a self-determined decision made by an individual that he is not going to be connected to another. It is a severing of a communication line."
I have not heard from son Steve for 7305 days - his choice not mine.
My best friend has been "disconnected" from his three daughters for the past ten years due to his ex-spouse being awarded primary custody (ie not sole custody). The ex-wife was able to manipulate the situation to her benefit. Filled the daughters with hate and as a result, they refused to visit. I watched sadly as my friend held out hope he would see his daughters. Cards and birthday gifts were not acknowledged. He gave up.
One daughter finally visited my (semi-conscious) friend this past Wednesday. He died this morning at 2:43 AM from Glioblastoma. He was 51 years old.
Blogger rehajm said... WSJ: ....after his former lawyer implicated him in illegal hush money payments...
...yet they weren’t illegal? Cohen pled guilty to crimes and non crimes but onward with repeating the lie cuz we’ll need it later.
Trump says he made payment multiple payments from funds other than campaign funds so the payments were not illegal which amounts to self incrimination since a tape exists showing the payment was made to bribe two women in order to keep the information from the voting public. Payments made to Cohen were treated as legal fees which amounts to a reduction of $280K in corporate tax liability, a felony. Tick-tock!
The president’s lawyer, Michael Cohen, has just pleaded guilty to violating federal tax, banking, and campaign finance laws. If the Cohen investigation unearthed evidence implicating the President in the crimes of conviction — whether through statements by Cohen or through documents seized from him — that is very good news for Mueller and very bad news for Trump.
As the WSJ said, it was a way for Mueller to put this out there without the messiness of actual, you know, fighting it out in court and putting it before a judge, since the legal theory is extremely tenuous. How conveeenient! Without the other tax problems Cohen had, and the BS bank fraud charge, there is no way that Mueller could have gotten a conviction on the campaign thing.
If the Cohen investigation unearthed evidence implicating the President in the crimes of conviction — whether through statements by Cohen or through documents seized from him — that is very good news for Mueller and very bad news for Trump.
Just watched a French film of a few years back. Rom com. Swedish office worker has crush on his French boss. Gets inspired to act by watching snippet of an Obama campaign speech
I was at an airbnb in Paris that had about 150 channels on the TV and I was flipping through them and there were two different Jerry Lewis movies on, so go figure.
But yeah, the left worships their leaders and projects that worship onto us, assuming we feel the same way about Trump. Trump is the man in the arena doing the job that needs doing. He is not some god come down an escalator from Olympus, nor is he a monster from the deep, like in some Godzilla flick.
Was it a moral victory for the Washington Generals? Is that it? I have never seen a clearer example of motivated thinking than you Democrats about Trump. All of it based on the most tenuous shit, cooked up by Crooked Hillary and her band of merry fixers in the FBI.
The press calls the game for the Democrats like homers and you eat it up.
The Washington Post this morning is demagoguing the sad murder of a black woman in Oakland CA by a white man as a new explosion of racial tension. It reads as a cynical attempt to distract the public from the Tibbetts killing.
Precisely how does Bill Clinton’s main legal fixer turn up as Michael Cohen’s attorney in a plea bargain with a special prosecutor?
If you put that kind of plot line in a political thriller, the public would laugh you off the newsstand book racks. . - Spengler
You know Spengler, I have been asking myself the same question, but I have been repeatedly assured that the Clintons are gone to retirement, completely gone from the scene.
"The only valid answer"? That reminds me of a friend who kept screaming "It's not debatable!" in the middle of our debate...) I can always tell who the nut jobs are by how quickly they want to blame Trump, for everything, when he just became president 2 years ago and, historically speaking, has only a glancing interest in NewAge. They forget the GOP embraced Mitt Romney and the Mormons - who have a much more bizarrely NewAge belief system than almost any other cult in America - long before Trump was a gleam in anyone's political eye.
I'm sorry, but you don't know what a "valid answer" truly is.
"L. Rod Hubbard: "The term disconnection is defined as a self-determined decision made by an individual that he is not going to be connected to another. It is a severing of a communication line."
I have not heard from son Steve for 7305 days - his choice not mine.
That's terrible - and, if it's any consolation, it's not his decision - he's in a cult. That's *mental* slavery. In America.
"My best friend has been "disconnected" from his three daughters for the past ten years due to his ex-spouse being awarded primary custody (ie not sole custody). The ex-wife was able to manipulate the situation to her benefit. Filled the daughters with hate and as a result, they refused to visit. I watched sadly as my friend held out hope he would see his daughters. Cards and birthday gifts were not acknowledged. He gave up.
One daughter finally visited my (semi-conscious) friend this past Wednesday. He died this morning at 2:43 AM from Glioblastoma. He was 51 years old."
THAT'S what I'm talking about. My condolences. I hope we wake up to this tragedy soon.
"The Washington Post this morning is demagoguing the sad murder of a black woman in Oakland CA by a white man as a new explosion of racial tension. It reads as a cynical attempt to distract the public from the Tibbetts killing."
Or your brain is set in such a way that the killing of a black woman HAS to be reported as a response to your concerns, huh? I knew about this woman right after it happened - why not you? Because whites barely care what happens in black communities - example: I went for my entire elementary and Jr High school years, dodging bullets, without a single newspaper reporter being seen for YEARS.
Y'all need to stop tripping on your concerns and see if there ain't more valid ones out there - because there most certainly are.
Crack, the fact that the Post is only publicizing her murder now is precisely my point. The media is exploiting a black woman's murder only as a distraction from a white woman's killing. She's only interesting to the media to the extent that her killing can serve the political purpose of stoking racial anger. Don't just fall into line and buy into the cheap outrage; consider instead how you're being used.
”1) There are no widespread killings of farmers. In fact killings are at a 19 year low,”
The killings, which are not happening, are at a 19 year low.
President Trumps genius is his use of hyperbole, to force, FORCE, a debate. Millions more people are now aware of what is happening in South Africa, and a lot more people are now know about the Zimbabwe/Mugabe cluster fuck. No press release by Harvard educated career communication geek would have fluttered the needle on what Mendella has wrought on South Africa. The second benefit, is President Trump has force the left to defend those that have a stated goal of using government power to steal private property, to advance social justice group think (see Valenzuela)
Think of all the things the left has been forced to defend, Like MS 13, and illegal aliens, or the desperate attempt to claim women that knowingly put their children at risk by treking thousands of miles across land controlled by drug cartels and knowingly risk having the govt separate them from the children at the end, is worse than having your child murdered by a person that should never have been on the road that night, in the first place. Only this President can get the left to willing admitt they hate the United States
1. Trump says or tweets something provocative. 2. I think, "C'mon, Trump, that crosses the line." Or, "That's just not wise." 3. Democrats and journalists react by going insane. 4. I think, "Atta boy, Trump. Kick them harder next time!"
This has happened so many times that I now skip from step 1 to step 4 by default.
Similarly: 1. Democrats and journalists do a full court press on some issue, putting Trump on the defensive. 2. I think, "How is Trump going to survive this one?" 3. Trump emerges unscathed, or even triumphant, while his critics look like idiots. And Trump's poll numbers go up. 4. I think, "The SOB did it again!"
Personally, I believe Trump and Sessions are on very good terms, and all of their public arguments are kabuki theater to distract from the sting operation going on behind the scenes.
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७८ टिप्पण्या:
So it looks like the Enquirer editor Pecker is the August 28th surprise to keep Mueller's humiliation in court out of the news.
The 2nd special counsel is going to have fun rescinding all of these ridiculous grants of immunity Mueller is handing out like candy.
Trump is teeing up 2019 as the year he cleans out the DOJ starting with the ever disappointing Jeff Sessions.
I'm pretty happy with "getting what we deserve" in President Trump.
. Full employment economy
. Record low black unemployment
. DOW approaching record high
. Pulling out of shitty foreign entanglements
, Dumping & renegotiating shitty trade agreements
. Return of GI remains from N. Korea
. Ridicule of PC & lampooning of its practitiioners
. Taking on the Democratic Party propaganda press
. Limiting illegal immigration thru the threat of deportation
Give me more of what I deserve.
Trump has stopped more sex crimes than any man in history.
He is just getting started.
All y'alls panic is just well-founded but much, much moreso indeed nothing short of a knell of a very specific, unique sort.
Achilles said...
So it looks like the Enquirer editor Pecker is the August 28th surprise to keep Mueller's humiliation in court out of the news.
Interesting. Aug. 28th is same day that Bruce Ohr testifies. What a Co-ing-ka-dink.
If I am reading Twitter feed correctly, the Cohen plea deal was signed in APRIL of this year - and held off to coincide with the Manafort verdict. Another Co-ing-ka-dink, I guess.
Facebook will be worth 0 in 5 years
Unless the lucky fascist nerd gives up complete control over the company it will follow his fascist impulses and only be followed in countries like China.
Amazing. He's surely got some long game planned, because otherwise this is just comic grist.
Forget about analyzing Chuck and Althouse's politics substantively.
Which way will they turn, if they turn out, in November and 2020?
Althouse no longer needs to vote Dem to get SSM, though she may feel she needs to prevent an anti-Roe vote. But she has no sympathy for phony constitutional crisis mongering, or socialist prattle, or anti-Trump hysteria. She dislikes the emotional politics of the left, but also doesn't think mere murder justifies "demagoguery" on the right. So, which way will she turn? To the "best person"?
Chuck claims to be an LLR and I believe him. He also claims to be pissed off, and again I believe him. So, will his sense of moral superiority over Trump and the Trumpists make him an NFD, New-Fangled Democrat?
Watch these weather vanes to see which way the winds blow.
How about if we talk until Saturday?
Trump’s comments on South Africa are wrong. As a Trump supporter currently here for a few months, this is disappointing.
1) There are no widespread killings of farmers. In fact killings are at a 19 year low,
2) There are no land seizures. There are two test cases being negotiated.
3) The constitution has not been amended. Ramaphosa is studying it now, and with an election coming up next year he’s under pressure, but nothing has been changed so far.
Trump was hit pretty good his week. Time for hm to hit back times 100. Take cover.
@Meade: The news about flooding in Madison and the Yahara River prompted me to pull out my trusty dead tree edition of Lawrence Martin's "The Physical Geography Of Wisconsin." As you may know, I grew up in Middleton. I am somewhat familiar with the terrain and drainage. Why all that flooding around the Beltline and west of old downtown? That land is drained by what becomes Pheasant Branch Creek which flows into Mendota. Has that somehow been compromised? Or is it just saturated? Anyway, the book has a passage which you may find of interest. It's unrelated to the flooding. I quote at length:
Lake Wingra near Madison has been filled until it is nearing extinction, being now less than 14 feet deep. It occupies less than half the area of its former basin. This body of water was known to the Indians as Wingra, which is translated Dead Lake. Vegetation is contributing to the filling of the lake, but the chief cause for its extinction is the accumulation of marl, made up partly of the shells of small animals. This deposit is 26 to 30 feet thick in places.
The accumulation of marl, or bog limestone, in many lakes and swamps of eastern Wisconsin constitutes a valuable resource, not yet utilized. This was well appreciated by Lapham, who wrote in 1851:
'These beds constitute a great bank, not likely to be broken or to suspend payment, from which to draw future supplies of the food of plants, whenever, our present soils shall exhibit signs of exhaustion.'
Don't know how any White can stir it up.
Dat Marley bro.
Fuckin' Bob.
You don't appropriate you disgrace.
Lil' darling.
”1) There are no widespread killings of farmers. In fact killings are at a 19 year low,”
The killings, which are not happening, are at a 19 year low.
”Lawrence Martin's "The Physical Geography Of Wisconsin."”
Was reading from it just today. I’m currently studying the Cambrian and Ordovician strata of SW WI.
Inga thinks the chickens are coming home to roost.
One chicken will be forced to roost involuntarily.
Oleg Deripaska was blocked from testifying to congress. Now, it was obviously not from the HPSCI (Nunes Committee), but rather by the Senate Intel Committee, via Vice-Chair Senator Mark Warner. Oh yes, THAT Senator Mark Warner again.
Now, think about this…. Yes, with Oleg Deripaska in the picture there was indeed Russian meddling in the 2016 election; only, it wasn’t the type of meddling currently being sold. The FBI/DOJ were using Russian Deripaska to frame their Russian conspiracy narrative. It is almost a certainty that Deripaska was one of Chris Steele’s sources for the dossier.
Oleg's lawyer was invited to testify before Grassley (who has taken over for useless Burr) and the lawyer's lawyer reported he was out of the country. Then an instagram showed up of him having dinner in New York when he was supposedly out of the country.
Sounds like a contempt case. The plot thickens as the smoke clears.
Sebastian wrote: Watch these weather vanes to see which way the winds blow.
Where is MadisonMan when you need him?
Sessions had no option but to recuse himself. It wasn't up to his discretion. The regs are not ambiguous. He worked on the campaign and hence could not be involved in investigations of the campaign. Common sense.
How could trump not know this when he appointed Sessions?
Original Mike said... The killings, which are not happening, are at a 19 year low.
The recent peak was in 1998 when 153 were killed. It’s been drifting down, with about 47 killed in the last 12 months.
Have been reading Rachel Fulton Brown's Mary and the Art of Prayer: The Hours of the Virgin... and cannot recommend it highly enough.
steve uhr said...
Sessions had no option but to recuse himself. It wasn't up to his discretion. The regs are not ambiguous. He worked on the campaign and hence could not be involved in investigations of the campaign. Common sense.
How could trump not know this when he appointed Sessions?
On republicans have to recuse themselves.
Whatever. We know that if you didn't have double standards you would have none at all..
Sessions will be out after November.
Rudy is lining himself up to be the next AG and it sounds like he is ready to clean house.
Whoever Trump puts in their is going to cleanse that infection.
You people keep pushing and refuse to accept the results of the election.
You have made it you or us. You refuse to transfer power peacefully.
We will make sure it is you.
Oh goody! Only 47 people killed in the last 12 months! Plus, SA voted to change their constitution to allow the taking of land from whites. Talk about a slippery slope! So...IOW it's just a matter of time before lands are taken by force and more are killed.
To put the 47 number in perspective, Cape Town, for example, has a current murder rate of about 60 per 100,000.
Fairly enough the question mightent be arisen:Why/how just getting started now, after the months and whatnot.
Because every pedo he gaols incurs 50 more to be.
Fucking Democrats.
That's how.
Blogger paminwi said.... SA voted to change their constitution to allow the taking of land from whites.
No changes have been made to the constitution.
sodal ye said...
"No changes have been made to the constitution."
Because none are needed to seize property without compensation when it is "in the national interest". But two large properties are being stolen from whites who don't want to sell them, with minimal compensation. And the white farmers know what's coming. They are putting their farms up for sale at any price they can get, and leaving the shithole. If Zimbabwe had a son, it would look like South Africa.
Sessions, in a rare rebuttal to Trump, issued a statement defending the integrity of his department.
"I took control of the Department of Justice the day I was sworn in," he said. "While I am attorney general, the actions of the Department of Justice will not be improperly influenced by political considerations."
This is who Trump hired. Trump doesn't think he's doing a good job? That's on Trump. The buck stops here, after all. It's amazing how many of the people Trump thought fit to hire Trump also thinks does a terrible job.
sodal ye, just because you are in Africa clearly doesn't mean you can't access the internet. Take your dick out of that Bantu long enough to Google white farmers killed South Africa. You can find photos of many of the people you say aren't being killed. They are.
It is certainly true that the blacks in SA kill each other at a very healthy clip. But they still find time to kill whites, too. And the government encourages them to do so.
There are no widespread killings of farmers. In fact killings are at a 19 year low,
According to government statistics. [snort]
LOL.....those guys wouldn't be cooking the books, now would they?
Please read any Deon Meyer mystery. (Books about a Cape Town police detective.) He'll set you straight.
(Great books, BTW)
So when they started confiscating land in Zimbabwe next door, what were the casualties then, ramaphosa isn't in charge malema is the crocodile, we know Thatcher looked the other way with the massacres in the matabele in the mid 80s,
I want Mark Steyn holding press conferences as Trump's big official spokesman.
Everything must cbange. How is our why.
There would be a soliiquouy of their idiocy shown to be as such. They parrot we command not mock.
We shall never mock, nor fear, the once mighty Progs no more.
Trump Tough as Kid Rock conveyed.
South Africa is going to starve. I hope Trump refuses to send them relief supplies, since the did it to themselves.
White genocide is taking place in South Africa. Obama, and most of his party, fully support it. South Africa, like Venezuela, will soon turn from a rich, successful nation, into a literal shithole. That is the future the Democrats want for us all.
Barney turned 10.
Dean Barnett was a great man I attempted but failed to emulate.
His interview with A. Sullivan on Who Whoit's show was magic.
That would be a bad sign, you saw what the Congo deteriorated into after Mugabe was deposed, malema is speaking of right wing Jewish snipers his own brand of kulaks.
Watched Mark Steyn tonight make the point that the very fact that there is a reportable category called “farm killings” belies the claim that they don’t exist.
Malema says he doesn’t support killing whites for the moment, but who knows what the future will bring.
sodal ye:
Did you grow up in the Chicago area? If you did ... we may know each other.
Interesting thing about semaphore he,stepped down as chairman as mtm the tele
communications giant that has ties to Iran, that paid former Obama campaign manager david plouffe a hefty retainer in 2012. More recently it was the middle man with zte to sell ericson cellphones in africa.
Ramaphosa he was Also on the board of another major conglomerate, that had a serious labor management issue in 2012, it was called the marikana massacre.
Re South Africa: I believe another Mfecane is coming. Another Crushing.
Mid 1820s to mid 1830s. As many as 2 million killed, maybe more, quite possibly many more.
A largely unknown genocide, self-inflicted.
Read about it in Micheners the covenant.
A hypothetical in two parts- answer the first part before moving to part 2.
Part 1: Would it be a campaign contribution if Michael Cohen had purchased Stormy Daniels' story with an NDA and never published it?
Part 2: Would it be a campaign contribution if Michael Cohen had purchased Stormy Daniels' story with an NDA and published it?
It was interesting that Lanny Davis publicly stated that the Michael Cohen in Prague story was totally false, and that Cohen had no knowledge about the President knowing about the Trump Tower meeting in advance. Funny how CNN never bothered to mention that in any stories today.
narciso, yup, it’s all about Malema and the EFF.
As long as Ramaphosa can keep a lid on it and keep them to single digits or thereabouts, SA will fumble through. But first he needs a clean 5 year slate, hence his current rhetoric. He needs a little luck with the economy which has stalled out.
If he’s re-elected, it might be a good time to go long SA. Western Cape is one of the really beautiful places on earth, btw. A nice apartment in V&A Cape Town still costs a million, a nice home in Camps Bay a few miles south, 5 million and up. Ferrari sales at the impressive dealership are good, and the young rich blacks cruise around in white Mercs by the hundred or thousand.
Lots of construction.
I think the chances of it blowing up are less than 30%. Buy the dip.
This slimmer al Sharpton in a red beret is concerning, ramaphosa's appeasing him is not good for anyone.
narciso said... This slimmer al Sharpton in a red beret is concerning, ramaphosa's appeasing him is not good for anyone.
Agreed again. But Ramaphosa is in the enviable position of being hugely popular. Malema isn’t even close. No matter your political stripe, black or white, he largely has a lock on it, for the time being.
It is like the whole racial issue in America: there is no 'win' for white people to get involved because the other side argues in bad faith.
So let South Africa become another failed state. Racism and Marxism and 'confiscations' have impoverished many nations.
Let the South Afrikaners come here and find new homes. The Blacks in South Africa clearly don't want them there.
But I am guessing that Democrats, who in all other instances are pro immigration, would balk at this.
Which brings us back to arguing in bad faith
FIDO said... Let the South Afrikaners come here and find new homes.
Many white South Africans are too poor to move. I hear this frequently. They’d have to go somewhere, somehow, as refugees. It’d certainly be interesting to see who would take them and who wouldn’t.
Google an image of Bo Kaap. Gorgeous. It’s largely Muslim. Every morning that area of Cape Town, including the CBT, is woken by call to prayer. What about them, and the many Indians, and the coloured?
Just watched a French film of a few years back. Rom com. Swedish office worker has crush on his French boss. Gets inspired to act by watching snippet of an Obama campaign speech in N Carolina on his TV. Just a minor plot point.
Expect to watch a French horror film in a few years with Trump clip playing on the TV.
readering:"Just watched a French film of a few years back. Rom com. Swedish office worker has crush on his French boss. Gets inspired to act by watching snippet of an Obama campaign speech in N Carolina on his TV. Just a minor plot point."
The secular canonization of obama by the left continues to this day and, as with every culture that worships a "Dear Leader", the citizenry is put under constant rhetorical and marketing assault by showing the Dear Leader as key motivator/mover for all things. All the way to US sports networks showcasing obama constantly interacting with athletes, filming hour long "specials" where obambi fills out his basketball tourney brackets, etc.
Pretty typical behavior for leftists across any nation/culture/time period.
The Miami Herald has endorsed a GOP candidate who claims she witnesses paranormal activity and saw a UFO at age 17. She also said she has been in touch with the aliens telepathically long after the abduction.
First question: If it was a UFO - and the U stands for "unidentified" - how does she know she's "been in touch with the aliens" and she's not just crazy?
Next question: Has she seen psychiatrists?
Another question: Since no one in history has proven telepathic powers, what's wrong with the Miami Herald?
Yet another question: What's wrong with the GOP?
Scientology disconnection, a reminder:
Bernie Headley has not seen his daughter Stephanie in 5,214 days.
Katrina Reyes has not seen her mother Yelena in 1,817 days
Brian Sheen has not seen his grandson Leo in 360 days.
Geoff Levin has not seen his son Collin and daughter Savannah in 248 days.
Clarissa Adams has not seen her parents Walter and Irmin Huber in 1,423 days.
Carol Nyburg has not seen her daughter Nancy in 2,197 days.
Jamie Sorrentini Lugli has not seen her father Irving in 2,971 days.
Quailynn McDaniel has not seen her brother Sean in 2,317 days.
Dylan Gill has not seen his father Russell in 10,883 days.
Mirriam Francis has not seen her brother Ben in 2,551 days.
Claudio and Renata Lugli have not seen their son Flavio in 2,811 days.
Sara Goldberg has not seen her daughter Ashley in 1,851 days.
Lori Hodgson has not seen her son Jeremy and daughter Jessica in 1,563 days.
Marie Bilheimer has not seen her mother June in 1,089 days.
Joe Reaiche has not seen his daughter Alanna Masterson in 5,178 days
Derek Bloch has not seen his father Darren in 2,318 days.
Cindy Plahuta has not seen her daughter Kara in 2,638 days.
Roger Weller has not seen his daughter Alyssa in 7,494 days.
Claire Headley has not seen her mother Gen in 2,613 days.
Ramana Dienes-Browning has not seen her mother Jancis in 969 days.
Mike Rinder has not seen his son Benjamin and daughter Taryn in 5,271 days.
Brian Sheen has not seen his daughter Spring in 1,377 days.
Skip Young has not seen his daughters Megan and Alexis in 1,780 days.
Mary Kahn has not seen her son Sammy in 1,651 days.
Lois Reisdorf has not seen her son Craig in 1,234 days.
Phil and Willie Jones have not seen their son Mike and daughter Emily in 1,739 days.
Mary Jane Sterne has not seen her daughter Samantha in 1,983 days.
Kate Bornstein has not seen her daughter Jessica in 13,092 days.
But y'all go on talking about whatever YOU think is "important" because it's obviously HUGE.
narciso said...
"This slimmer al Sharpton in a red beret is concerning, ramaphosa's appeasing him is not good for anyone."
Al Sharpton should be charged rent for how much space he occupies in the minds of white racists.
”The ’70s were a ripe time in California for new belief systems. Contemporary to Burton, elsewhere in the Golden State, the charismatic leaders Charles Manson, Jim Jones, Franklin Jones and Sun Myung Moon were finding their own fervent followings.”
And, today, everyone pretends those freaks and their children went on to become normal, instead of spreading their malignant nonsense all over the place, and causing untold damage and death, from the neglect society gave to the phenomena of white's cultism - leaving the fallout for uneducated blacks to handle - alone.
WSJ: ....after his former lawyer implicated him in illegal hush money payments...
...yet they weren’t illegal? Cohen pled guilty to crimes and non crimes but onward with repeating the lie cuz we’ll need it later.
@The Crack Emcee said...
Yet another question: What's wrong with the GOP?
The only valid answer is T R U M P
@The Crack Emcee said...
Scientology disconnection, a reminder:
L. Rod Hubbard: "The term disconnection is defined as a self-determined decision made by an individual that he is not going to be connected to another. It is a severing of a communication line."
I have not heard from son Steve for 7305 days - his choice not mine.
While John McCain’s twitter acct is still active the last crabby tweet was at the end of July. All those since look canned...
My best friend has been "disconnected" from his three daughters for the past ten years due to his ex-spouse being awarded primary custody (ie not sole custody). The ex-wife was able to manipulate the situation to her benefit. Filled the daughters with hate and as a result, they refused to visit. I watched sadly as my friend held out hope he would see his daughters. Cards and birthday gifts were not acknowledged. He gave up.
One daughter finally visited my (semi-conscious) friend this past Wednesday. He died this morning at 2:43 AM from Glioblastoma. He was 51 years old.
Blogger rehajm said...
WSJ: ....after his former lawyer implicated him in illegal hush money payments...
...yet they weren’t illegal? Cohen pled guilty to crimes and non crimes but onward with repeating the lie cuz we’ll need it later.
Trump says he made payment multiple payments from funds other than campaign funds so the payments were not illegal which amounts to self incrimination since a tape exists showing the payment was made to bribe two women in order to keep the information from the voting public. Payments made to Cohen were treated as legal fees which amounts to a reduction of $280K in corporate tax liability, a felony. Tick-tock!
The president’s lawyer, Michael Cohen, has just pleaded guilty to violating federal tax, banking, and campaign finance laws. If the Cohen investigation unearthed evidence implicating the President in the crimes of conviction — whether through statements by Cohen or through documents seized from him — that is very good news for Mueller and very bad news for Trump.
and campaign finance laws.
As the WSJ said, it was a way for Mueller to put this out there without the messiness of actual, you know, fighting it out in court and putting it before a judge, since the legal theory is extremely tenuous. How conveeenient! Without the other tax problems Cohen had, and the BS bank fraud charge, there is no way that Mueller could have gotten a conviction on the campaign thing.
If the Cohen investigation unearthed evidence implicating the President in the crimes of conviction — whether through statements by Cohen or through documents seized from him — that is very good news for Mueller and very bad news for Trump.
And IF wishes were horses, beggars would ride.
Gad proves the point - ifs and buts and kindas stitched into a nice big puffy word cloud.
Just watched a French film of a few years back. Rom com. Swedish office worker has crush on his French boss. Gets inspired to act by watching snippet of an Obama campaign speech
I was at an airbnb in Paris that had about 150 channels on the TV and I was flipping through them and there were two different Jerry Lewis movies on, so go figure.
But yeah, the left worships their leaders and projects that worship onto us, assuming we feel the same way about Trump. Trump is the man in the arena doing the job that needs doing. He is not some god come down an escalator from Olympus, nor is he a monster from the deep, like in some Godzilla flick.
Trump was hit pretty good his week.
Was it a moral victory for the Washington Generals? Is that it? I have never seen a clearer example of motivated thinking than you Democrats about Trump. All of it based on the most tenuous shit, cooked up by Crooked Hillary and her band of merry fixers in the FBI.
The press calls the game for the Democrats like homers and you eat it up.
The Washington Post this morning is demagoguing the sad murder of a black woman in Oakland CA by a white man as a new explosion of racial tension. It reads as a cynical attempt to distract the public from the Tibbetts killing.
Precisely how does Bill Clinton’s main legal fixer turn up as Michael Cohen’s attorney in a plea bargain with a special prosecutor?
If you put that kind of plot line in a political thriller, the public would laugh you off the newsstand book racks. . - Spengler
You know Spengler, I have been asking myself the same question, but I have been repeatedly assured that the Clintons are gone to retirement, completely gone from the scene.
gadfly said...@The Crack Emcee said...
Yet another question: What's wrong with the GOP?
"The only valid answer is T R U M P"
"The only valid answer"? That reminds me of a friend who kept screaming "It's not debatable!" in the middle of our debate...) I can always tell who the nut jobs are by how quickly they want to blame Trump, for everything, when he just became president 2 years ago and, historically speaking, has only a glancing interest in NewAge. They forget the GOP embraced Mitt Romney and the Mormons - who have a much more bizarrely NewAge belief system than almost any other cult in America - long before Trump was a gleam in anyone's political eye.
I'm sorry, but you don't know what a "valid answer" truly is.
"L. Rod Hubbard: "The term disconnection is defined as a self-determined decision made by an individual that he is not going to be connected to another. It is a severing of a communication line."
I have not heard from son Steve for 7305 days - his choice not mine.
That's terrible - and, if it's any consolation, it's not his decision - he's in a cult. That's *mental* slavery. In America.
Humperdink said...
"My best friend has been "disconnected" from his three daughters for the past ten years due to his ex-spouse being awarded primary custody (ie not sole custody). The ex-wife was able to manipulate the situation to her benefit. Filled the daughters with hate and as a result, they refused to visit. I watched sadly as my friend held out hope he would see his daughters. Cards and birthday gifts were not acknowledged. He gave up.
One daughter finally visited my (semi-conscious) friend this past Wednesday. He died this morning at 2:43 AM from Glioblastoma. He was 51 years old."
THAT'S what I'm talking about. My condolences. I hope we wake up to this tragedy soon.
Tom T. said...
"The Washington Post this morning is demagoguing the sad murder of a black woman in Oakland CA by a white man as a new explosion of racial tension. It reads as a cynical attempt to distract the public from the Tibbetts killing."
Or your brain is set in such a way that the killing of a black woman HAS to be reported as a response to your concerns, huh? I knew about this woman right after it happened - why not you? Because whites barely care what happens in black communities - example: I went for my entire elementary and Jr High school years, dodging bullets, without a single newspaper reporter being seen for YEARS.
Y'all need to stop tripping on your concerns and see if there ain't more valid ones out there - because there most certainly are.
Crack, the fact that the Post is only publicizing her murder now is precisely my point. The media is exploiting a black woman's murder only as a distraction from a white woman's killing. She's only interesting to the media to the extent that her killing can serve the political purpose of stoking racial anger. Don't just fall into line and buy into the cheap outrage; consider instead how you're being used.
”1) There are no widespread killings of farmers. In fact killings are at a 19 year low,”
The killings, which are not happening, are at a 19 year low.
President Trumps genius is his use of hyperbole, to force, FORCE, a debate. Millions more people are now aware of what is happening in South Africa, and a lot more people are now know about the Zimbabwe/Mugabe cluster fuck. No press release by Harvard educated career communication geek would have fluttered the needle on what Mendella has wrought on South Africa.
The second benefit, is President Trump has force the left to defend those that have a stated goal of using government power to steal private property, to advance social justice group think (see Valenzuela)
Think of all the things the left has been forced to defend, Like MS 13, and illegal aliens, or the desperate attempt to claim women that knowingly put their children at risk by treking thousands of miles across land controlled by drug cartels and knowingly risk having the govt separate them from the children at the end, is worse than having your child murdered by a person that should never have been on the road that night, in the first place. Only this President can get the left to willing admitt they hate the United States
1. Trump says or tweets something provocative.
2. I think, "C'mon, Trump, that crosses the line." Or, "That's just not wise."
3. Democrats and journalists react by going insane.
4. I think, "Atta boy, Trump. Kick them harder next time!"
This has happened so many times that I now skip from step 1 to step 4 by default.
1. Democrats and journalists do a full court press on some issue, putting Trump on the defensive.
2. I think, "How is Trump going to survive this one?"
3. Trump emerges unscathed, or even triumphant, while his critics look like idiots. And Trump's poll numbers go up.
4. I think, "The SOB did it again!"
Now I just assume point 3 will always be true.
Personally, I believe Trump and Sessions are on very good terms, and all of their public arguments are kabuki theater to distract from the sting operation going on behind the scenes.
that is very good news for Mueller and very bad news for Trump.
Gaddie is jerking off to the news.
You know what ?
The Democrats are NOT going to win the House. Then what ?
They are going to indict their way to a majority:
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