"... and kept sending me unsolicited nudes all these years up until 2 weeks before the attorneys letter... it wasn't raped (sic) but I was frozen. He was on top of me. After, he told me I had been his sexual fantasy since was 12."
From "ASIA ARGENTO/IN BED WITH 17-YEAR-OLD BOY... In Sexual Encounter" — published in TMZ (with images of the letter and texts) after Argento made the statement "I have never had any sexual relationship with Bennett."
AND: Also in the texts: "The horny kid jumped me."
६४ टिप्पण्या:
So now she claims she was the victim. That should get her off the hook with the #metoo brigade.
From what I read she claims he forced himself on her in the first encounter. Have you ever seen the way anacondas have sex?......I suppose there's a moral high ground here somewhere. It was a good thing for Stalin to defeat Hitler. I guess she's more at fault, but this is a genuine cluster fuck.
What he wrote doesn't exonerate her. It sounds typical of someone who has been/is being emotionally abused and manipulated.
But did she tell him that her pussy was a holy sacrament?
Every time a horny kid jumps me I settle for $350K too.
She paid to vacuum up the evidence, but somehow it is published by TMZ??
I think she should get her money back!!
Who cares?? If it weren't for Bourdain, nobody would know who this chick is.
Bourdain actually paid the money? What a fucking idiot. No wonder he hated Trump. Trump paid $136,000. Bourdain paid $380,000 on behalf of someone else. No wonder he killed himself.
Bourdain could see this coming. I'm glad now he killed himself. He did the right thing.
If it was consensual - who cares?
I the age of sex sex sex and teh gay sex sex sex - and hush money.
btw folks -the hush money isn't working.
My view: They're all low life. Weinstein rapes Argento and she leverages that for money and at the appropriate time becomes a heroine for "standing up" to HW when the tide was turning against him.
At a minimum, she displays poor judgement in sleeping with a 17-year old boy that she was a maternal figure to. The kid continues sleeping with her until she becomes vulnerable to bad publicity and he then leverages a nice settlement out her.
No one is admirable in this trio.
Her texts with her friend from last week end up in the news a free days later. Perfect. These people are all lowlifes.
She said the lad shook her down years later. But she saved a hand written note of love from him all these years. Bullshit.
So, celebrities pay off even initiators of sex to the tune of $400,000 to buy their silence? Good to know.
I intend to believe both of them. It's not easy, but I'm going to try.
But this raises a legal question. If someone under the age of consent rapes someone over the age of consent, are they both guilty?
Junk feminism.
Stop allowing people to use the legal system to inflict sexual revenge.
"Heat of the Moment"
by Asia
I never meant to be so bad to you
One thing I said that I would never do
A look from you and I would fall from grace
And that would wipe this smile right from my face
Do you remember when we used to dance?
And incident arose from circumstance
One thing lead to another, we were young
And we would scream together songs unsung
It was the heat of the moment
Telling me what your heart meant
The heat of the moment shone in your eyes
"Hold Your Head Up"
by Argent..o?
And if it's bad
Don't let it get you down, you can take it
And if it hurts
Don't let them see you cry, you can make it
Hold your head up, oh
Hold your head up, oh
Hold your head up, oh
Hold your head high
Hold your head up, oh
Hold your head up, oh
Hold your head up, oh
Hold your head high
And if they stare
Just let them burn their eyes on you moving
And if they shout
Don't let it change a thing that you're doing
Love is a many splendored thing.
My door knob keeps on turnin', it must be spooks around my bed
My door knob keeps on turnin', must be spooks around my bed
I have a warm, old feelin', and the hair risin' on my head.
So.,.we dont need to believe accusers now?
I'm not glad Anthony Bourdain killed himself.
I'm so glad she went to the police immediately about being raped by this minor. Oh wait...
I'm so glad she didn't give into the blackmail of this rapist minor. Oh wait...
I'm so glad she is an impeccable witness to women being abused by men. Yeah, that might work.
The Daily Mail had current photos of him. Pink dyed hair. I didn't look at the article, but I'll bet he has a few dozen tattoos. I could just be old and prejudiced, but that spells warped in some way to me. Whether it's her or his parents or lack thereof, who can say?
I don't believe either of them at this point. Unless this kid is homosexual, there is no way he was raped by this woman when he was 17, and I don't think there is a heterosexual man alive who would believe that story in this regard.
As to why she would pay the money (or Bourdain)- it was still statutory rape by the law, so she paid it to be rid of the possibility of being prosecuted.
Also, I don't believe her story that he forced himself onto her the first time- that is her retaliation for him breaking the confidentiality agreement.
18 should not be the age of consent. Aretha had 2 kids at that age.
"Who cares?? If it weren't for Bourdain, nobody would know who this chick is."
I knew of Ms. Argento from B. Monkey, a crime drama (movie) from 1998. Anthony Bourdain only became famous with his Kitchen Confidential: Adventures in the Culinary Underbelly, which came out in 2000.
She was famous before he was, though he ultimately became much more famous.
In my opinion, her version of the events makes a lot more sense than his.
At 17, the opportunity to sleep with an older woman, while illegal for her, would've been irresistable to me.
Is the female in question large and ornate?
Male pipefish who get pregnant reduce investment in their offspring if they see a sexy female
"Since sexual selection is reversed in these species, you find reverse ornamentation as well: it is the females who are ornate compared to the drabber males. And males in tests prefer both larger and more ornate females above smaller or less showy females."
Yancy shows his complete ignorance of the law by saying:
there is no way he was raped by this woman when he was 17
Are you SERIOUSLY saying that you DON'T think they had sex? California age of consent=18
Oh, I see; you mean there was no way it was Rapey Rape
If a tattooed and drug addicted 37 year old school teacher (that was a complete slut, and had a history of making R-rated sex films) had sex with one of here students, you've be TOTALLY FINE with that too?
18 should not be the age of consent. Aretha had 2 kids at that age.
Didn't she have her first at 12?
If given the choice of sleeping with the following woman:
1. Stormy Daniels
2. Omarosa
3. Asia Argento
on purely physical attributes, any sane male would pick Asia Argento.
Problem: She is a crazy leftist. Not excusing what Harvey Weinstein may not have done to her. But she's still a crazy leftist. And, possibly, a quasi-child rapist of 17-year old Jimmy,
One of my pithy maxims of life is not to sleep with leftist women, even the good-looking ones. So Asia is out. Omarosa is not hideously unattractive, but she's cray-cray too. So, she's out too.
So, by process of elimination, that leaves Stormy Daniels.
It is a sad universe, when the whore is the sanest most viable sleeping partner of the lot.
There's a big difference between the "The horny kid jumped me" and "The horny kid humped me." Sex film at six.
Joan Rivers used to complain that she had to call AAA to get jumped. Asia solved that.
Thus exposing the risk of a socially liberal environment to retard children's development.
“The horny kid jumped me.” Trying out her first counter-story, written after the NY TImes article had already come out, and somewhat at odds with the text messages from the time shared in the article. The new counter-story, as shared on Twitter, is that it never happened. She’s trying to escape a criminal prosecution, or barring that any culpability in plying a kid with alcohol and seducing him.
Note that she never responded to the NY Times over the 4 days they tried to get her response.
"The horny kid jumped me."
If no one's said "The bitch set me up" before now, I'm going to be greatly disappointed in y'all.
Isn't it odd that California, the land of hippies, Hollywood, and free love, is an outlier in having 18 as the age of consent rather that the norm of 16?
One important thing in Asia's texts is her statement that she thought he was 18. That is a defense against statutory rape in California law if the juvenile gives the perp good reason to believe that he/she is of age.
She's going to Donald Trump her way out of this.
"Who cares?? If it weren't for Bourdain, nobody would know who this chick is."
Some would. I did. She's the daughter of a prominent Italian film director, Dario Argento,who's most well-known film in America is probably SUSPIRIA, a 1970s horror film. Also, she has been an actress herself for many years, (though not a Hollywood star and not in movies the average American would have seen, except, perhaps, for xXx a 2002 action movie starring Vin Diesel).
He had just turned 17.
The bed pic of both of them does NOT look like a woman who was just sexually assaulted
Why lie to the public about not having sex and text during the same period that you did?
I believe him, not her.
My verdict is that the "casting couch" works for both sexes and she's no better than Weinstein.
Feminists should cross the street and turn away on this one...
I find it hard to believe she didn't know his age when she had directed him in a film. Easier to believe she didn't know the age of consent in California 18. I think it's 14 in her home, Italy.
A six figure payout, and he sure as hell ain't leading man material.
Edge of Seventeen
He was no more than a baby then
Well he seemed broken hearted
Something within him
But the moment that I first laid
Eyes on him all alone
On the edge of seventeen
Just like the white winged dove
Sings a song
Sounds like she's singing
Oh baby oh said oh
Just like the white winged dove
Sings a song
Sounds like she's singing
Oh baby oh said oh
"...'your' in my life..."
Like so many confused young men in so many odd pseudo-maternal acting foxholes before him, Jimmy discovered in himself a mentally confused drive not to leave New York without a jumping in god knows what direction at the Ritz Carleton.
When I was 17 in high school, I had sex with another 17-year old girl in high school.
It was cool, man. But she was no Asia Argento.
Nice gal, though. Became a psychologist, ended up marrying a cop, and has nice kids.
So, there's that.
I tried that defense (“The horny 17yo jumped me!”) and got accused of VICTIM BLAMING!
Surely it’ll be the same for her...
(I know it’s a boring comment but there’s literally nothing else to say that hasn’t been said a million times).
So is “The horny kid jumped me,” just another take on “If you drag a hundred-dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you’ll find...”?
Mama told me not to come.
Yes, that is exactly my position- prosecuting this would a crime itself. Would you be gung-ho to prosecute if Argento were 18 and the boy 17? If not, then it doesn't matter how old Argento is.
Sounds like her world is a rape-or-be-raped world.
when 'your' a star, they let you do it... then you say they did it to you first
Nice gal, though. Became a psychologist, ended up marrying a cop, and has nice kids.
I once looked up a former conquest. Never again. Forty years hence, and I managed to ruin that night.
Nature or grooming?
Yancy, i don't know California; but in iowa there is a sliding scale, where it is statutory rape if you are a lot older that the kid, and not if you're close ( i think 13+4)
And the age of consent is 16. HOWEVER, they can (and Will) charge you with contributing to delinquency if you're old and he/she is 16-17
Also, I'm taking it you don't have minor children
It's better to look up the ones you knew but didn't make it with. Then, in my experience, you get to breathe a sigh of relief.
Also, there's more of them, so more material to work with.
I bet Stormy Daniels voted for Trump. She ain't that bright.
The next generation is going to be the one that figures out sex--what it's all about, what the rules for it ought to be. The last few grand philosophies of sex haven't worked out at all (and the ones before those were simple barbarism). People got hurt, bitter. But the next version: that's where it's at. Just you watch. They're not going to have these problems.
@Yancey and Gilbar. California has Romeo and Juliet exceptions too. The statutory laws are designed to prevent sexual exploitation of youths by adults. And enforcement of even the misdemeanor charge is discretionary and is often used as a plea down from an act involving force, coercion, running a train or other vile behavior. You can't know what a conviction means unless you can access the plea deal.
ANyway, thhis actress now blames Western Civilization for being outraged that she slept with a minor she also called her son. The photos of her with him when he was seven and playing her son are grotesque. Winona Rider, whose parents put her into a pervy sex lifestyle with child abuser Timothy Leary, is the other woman in the film. There are graphic scenes of the child being sexually brutalized.
But apparently it's out fault. In addition to blaming "privileged westerners" for persecuting her, she said she will have to go live somewhere like Africa where they're cool with such things . . . as child rape. I'm sure the "Africans" will be glad to hear that. Classy dame all around.
I Love Rock and Roll
I saw him dancing there by the record machine
I knew he must have been about seventeen
The beat was going strong
Playing my favorite song
And I could tell it wouldn't be long till he was with me, yeah me
And I could tell it wouldn't be long till he was with me, yeah me
Asia Argento 'sent unwanted topless video to recovering sex addict she knew had a girlfriend' and then 'freaked out' when he got upset, saying she did this 'with all her friends'
She doesn't have any friends.
Asia Argento 'sent unwanted topless video to recovering sex addict she knew had a girlfriend' and then 'freaked out' when he got upset, saying she did this 'with all her friends'
She doesn't have any friends.
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