Slight nudge to foment discussion: It depends on what the meaning of "cash" is.
I give you the first paragraph of the Wikipedia entry "Cash" (as it looks right now):
In economics, cash is money in the physical form of currency, such as banknotes and coins. In bookkeeping and finance, cash is current assets comprising currency or currency equivalents that can be accessed immediately or near-immediately (as in the case of money market accounts).
१८३ टिप्पण्या:
And this is one reason Trump's team didn't fight the release of the tapes. They were going to get obtained one way or the other. Might as well get it over with.
Is there any aspect of the Stormy Daniels "scandal" that is potentially a crime other than Michael Cohen taping Trump without his knowledge?
Lanny Clinton-Davis is Michael Cohen’s lawyer???
Sleaze balls gotta sleaze, I guess.
If paying off a blackmailing mistress is a campaign expenditure, what is say getting Beyonce to do a concert or paying a guy to put together a dossier? One set of rules folks.
Rathole or rabbit hole?
My wife commented this morning that it's very unlikely that anyone in Lufkin, Texas or Youngstown, Ohio gives a rat's ass about Trump and his dalliances. She also mentioned that Trump, for the most part, had good taste in women.
Cohen was talking about "financing" which I would take to mean borrowing the money. Getting a third party like a bank involved.
In this context I would understand "cash" to mean a check or electronic transfer for the money.
Which was never paid.
And which, if it had been paid would not be a crime.
John Henry
"Rathole or rabbit hole?"
Or shithole.
Trump marries nice women. But anyone cheating on their wife for Stormy Daniels isn't exactly great at picking them.
Sure, why not?
Was the mistress doing the blackmail? I thought that AMI/National enquirer had already bought the story from her.
What trump and Cohen were doing was buying the story from Ami.
I would not think "blackmail" is the right word here.
John Henry
If the Access Hollywood tape did not bring Trump down, nothing else will. All this kind of stuff does is cause the Country Club GOPe'rs to change their Depends.
Wait a minute, what about the Russians?
Cohen was talking about "financing" which I would take to mean borrowing the money. Getting a third party like a bank involved.
I think its more about the specifics and the logistics of the payment. (A gym bag full of money vs. say an ACH or writing a check)?
Even if he does say 'cash', isn't Trump inquiring about the logistics? The lawyers then immediately dismiss the idea.
I always thought super villains to be more circumspect. Like, "it would be a shame if Ms Whoever had an unfortunate and unplanned accident." Rarely do they go full "won't someone rid me of this turbulent stripper?"
Trump is losing his edge.
Trump sounds like he was confused and unprepared for the conversation.
I mentally inserted a silent "WTF?" at the front of his lines.
"WTF? We'll have to pay for it?"
"wtf? pay with cash?"
Wait. CNN admits the audio is muddled. Why is this a story?
I suppose it isn't germane to inquire as to why CNN has a copy of this- something that should be secure in the hands of the government agency that acquired it. The fact yet another government organization is abusing its power to release information in an attempt to smear a political opponent will probably be lost here, too. Certainly the fact a government organization has a political opponent has been lost.
As with the Putin press conference, I'm having trouble figuring out what exactly I'm supposed to be outraged about.
The emphasis seems to be on him saying "pay with cash" but he seems to have responding somewhat incoherently to a topic that Cohen raised.
Cash for cache.
I once bought a new vehicle, passed on the "financing" and paid "cash" in the form of a personal check.
But they only need to fool some of the people some of the time, and some people are going to imagine duffel bags full of actual treasury bank notes. The picture of gangsters and drug dealers is already being painted into the picture by leftists.
I assume this sort of leaking is why Trump didn't fight to keep his privilege. More people should check their attorney client privilege at the point of the government's spear is the lesson I'm taking away from this.
You can buy whole news companies for $1 these days (and you're overpaying at that), what do their employees know about money? Would you trust a CNN employee on investment decisions? Would you like to know who they use as an economic adviser and his track record?
Sure, CNN will breathlessly discuss a subject they don't understand.
I repeat once again: what's the point of being rich and famous if you can't sleep with playmates, hookers and strippers?
I'm certain they're still trying to track down that Obama/Khalidi tape.
It's a story because the Clinton News Network is the Clinton News Network.
"I repeat once again: what's the point of being rich and famous if you can't sleep with playmates, hookers and strippers?"
-- Fast cars are the other half of the equation.
In the words of Tommy Lee Jones famous moment in his chasing down of the fugitive in the tunnel: "I DON"T CARE." He wasn't forceful enough in that scene for my taste with regard to all of this.
This Stormy stuff is nothing. All it does is provide content for CNN.
CNN digs to the bottom with innuendo
"What is this about? This is about honesty versus false disparagement of Michael Cohen. Why is Giuliani out falsely disparaging Michael Cohen -- because they fear him," Davis said on "Cuomo Prime Time."
"What do they fear, Chris? Why am I representing him? They fear that he has the truth about Donald Trump. He will someday speak the truth about Donald Trump. The truth is that when Donald Trump said 'cash,' which Rudy Giuliani knows that only drug dealers and mobsters talk about cash, it was, you heard Michael Cohen ... say what? 'No, no, no, no.'"
Russian collusion is falling apart so now it's off to find the meaning of "cash".
The leftwing media are wedging the wedge between Trump and Cohen. Will it pay dividends?
"Cash" = mobsters!
"Rudy Giuliani knows that only drug dealers and mobsters talk about cash."
This is CNN
I tip with cash often. Who knew Olive Garden sold drugs or were mobsters?
Wait. Is that racist? It feels racist.
btw- what does raping Cohen and removing attorney client privilege have to do with the Russian story?
Matthew - we're all mobsters and Russian spies. Deplorable.
Also. The soda machine? Part of the mob. Who knew?
The truth is that when Donald Trump said 'cash,' which Rudy Giuliani knows that only drug dealers and mobsters talk about cash, it was, you heard Michael Cohen ... say what? 'No, no, no, no.'"
Now I'm confused as to what CNN wants me to conclude from this Pig Pen dirt cloud they're stoking. So far I have 1) Trump said something about cash or not cash. 2) Cohen said no no no no. 3) HA!
Sigh... CNN moves from silly to absurd in their hatred of Trump.
It worries me a little that although this revelation is basically nothing, there might be more to come. Cohen made it clear a few days ago that he and his family were worth more than his relationship to Trump. He is not a fool, I don't think, so I am wondering what else he has that might drip into the pot.
So we're supposed to hear cash as opposed to financing and imagine briefcases full of bills?
"Our angle is: assume they're morons."
No thanks.
You used to get a discount for cash.
Is that why AMI paid her $150k but Trump only $130k?
I know of a political gangster who used cash....$1.8 Billion in cash to be precise
It had to be loaded onto pallets...
And was shipped directly to terrorists.
Some people called that politician "magnificent".
Johnny Cash was not available for comment.
He cheats on his sub-contractors, he cheats on his wives, he cheats most of us with his tax cuts, so what bring me a coke,
A double entry accounting comparison:
Debit: Bimbo Story Rights
Credit: Cash
Debit: Bimbo Story Rights
Credit: Bimbos Payable
Rand Paul is Right: Ex-CIA Head John Brennan Should Lose His Security Clearance and Here’s Why
Its rather early in the morning for r/v to be making a fool of him/her/xis-self, isnt it?
On the other hand, the early-bird lunatic lefty gets the LLR Chuck award worm.
And precisely when did the tax cut "crumbs" become significant enough to worry about?
Chuck, you better get with your lefty commenter pals STAT! They are not making your job as Lefty Narrative Advancer Smear Merchant any easier!
Only the left see tax cuts as "cheating"
Tax rape/money waste/bureaucratic administrative state is the leftwing sweet spot.
Speaking of erupted bimbos, whatever happened to Betsey Wright?
This is lannys other client,amp.html
7/25/18, 8:01 AM
Blogger roesch/voltaire said...
He cheats on his sub-contractors, he cheats on his wives, he cheats most of us with his tax cuts,
He even cheats when he gives us money! Bastard!
The leaking of the tape bothers me, plus the fact it was even recorded. Not to mention the entire lawyer client privilege.
Cnn is sure they got Trump this time!
Trump supporters - It’s Trump being Trump, what’s new?
And this will probably just generate more sympathy for Trump and show the corruption of the Mueller investigation.
For business purposes "cash" means money in the bank.
Rumor has it that Trump's team released this wire tap, ( Oops, I meant to say telephone call with his client that a lawyer recorded) to get CNN to reach psychotic break.
That Cohen recorded Trump and next Mueller broke in and found it has zero chance of being real. So the next shoe to drop is proof that this is one of the wire taps Brennan had the CIA place on Trump's phones at Obama's orders.
My guess is that Trump doesn't mind it when superficial media noise is focused on stories like this. It gives him and his administration room to maneuver underneath the radar, and get things done that matter.
In one of his tweets this morning Trump refers to reporters also being taped. I wonder what that means? It could be fun.
I wouldn't put it past Trump and Cohen to be playing kabuki theater, and manipulating the media cycle.
Leftwing media use words and phrases like:
"continued fallout"
then they say
"Republic pounce"
That's the leftwing media template
Too bad they didn't talk about "paying in bit coins". The young folks would have thought that was cool.
Rusty said: For business purposes "cash" means money in the bank.
To Democrats, "cash" means currency loaded on pallets and delivered to Iran.
Michael Cohen heard the burst of Lanny’s Thompson gun and bought it.
Reading 1: "We'll have to pay. Pay with cash."
Reading 2: "We'll have to pay? Pay with cash?"
Completely different. Which was it?
> The leaking of the tape bothers me, plus the fact it was even recorded. Not to mention the entire lawyer client privilege.
It has a certain fascination, like an accident on the freeway, but when I look deep into my heart, I find that I don't care. Sometime during the last several decades I have become nuanced.
My first thought was that if it was Daniels who wanted cash, then Trump might have been surprised because he probably gets more requests for "favors". A job, or even just access to people who can be useful to you, seems to have more potential value than straight cash.
The leaking of the tape bothers me, plus the fact it was even recorded. Not to mention the entire lawyer client privilege.
Both the person who leaked the tape and the person who recorded are probably the same. Cohen.
Cohen is ready to throw Trump under the bus to save his own skin. Cohen is crooked to the core. We might finally find out how beholden to the Russians Trump really is. He has most likely been borrowing from, and laundering money, for Russian kleptocrats (indistinguishable from Russian mafia) for at least the last twenty years.
It really doesn't matter if the pee tape exists or not.
Field Marshall Freder: "He has most likely been borrowing from, and laundering money, for Russian kleptocrats (indistinguishable from Russian mafia) for at least the last twenty years."
>>He has most likely been borrowing from, and laundering money, for Russian kleptocrats (indistinguishable from Russian mafia) for at least the last twenty years.
"What does the author want to be true?"
Andrew: "My guess is that Trump doesn't mind it when superficial media noise is focused on stories like this. It gives him and his administration room to maneuver underneath the radar, and get things done
that matter."
Stray voltage.
What trump and Cohen were doing was buying the story from Ami.
I would not think "blackmail" is the right word here.
No, it is more properly an illegal campaign expenditure. The kind that you were all indignant about when John Edwards got caught.
Look Freder, if you are going to gin up some laughable lunacy, go big!
Trump is an illicit arms dealer with a history of dabbling with drug cartels, white slavery and toppling 3rd world governments for blood diamond profits. He has financed the develooment of bio weapons which he tests on beautiful and innocent little white rabbits and it is rumored that no less than 7 (!) Bond Villains have been modeled on him!
Plus, he uses bad language.
Field Marshall Freder: "No, it is more properly an illegal campaign expenditure."
Why are we worried about petty ante campaign contibutions when you've already got Trump on Money Laundering?!
Why is it so funny? Eric Trump claimed that the Trump Organization borrowed a lot of money from Russia. There is ample evidence that many condos in Trump properties have been bought at higher than market rates by untraceable LLCs.
How on earth did Trump finance his ventures after his bankruptcies in the early 90's? No legitimate bank would be stupid enough to lend to him
The kind that you were all indignant about when John Edwards got caught.
Actually I was indignant about the MSM completely missing the story. Edwards wasn't even working too hard to hide the affair,they checked into the same hotel more than once. The NY Times scooped by the Enquirer, LOL. While Edwards wife was dying of cancer. And he played the poor loyal husband with a dying wife.
Improper campaign contribution? That angle never occurred to me.
Its amazing that Trump has been laundering money for the Russian mob and literally years of complete electronic surveillence of all Trump and Trump associate communications have been tapped and intercepted yet......nothing...
Trump is some kind of stable genius I tellya!
Trump is getting more done before breakfast than everyone else does all year.
Interesting that discussions about Trump’s peccadillos are more interesting to the mediaswine at CNN and the TDS crowd than the eradication of attorney-client privilege and the lack of integrity of Mueller and his button men turned leakers.
This is the world of the DNC and the MSM, folks. Blather is everything. Substance is nothing.
Why are we worried about petty ante campaign contibutions when you've already got Trump on Money Laundering?!
I don't understand the logic of "Well, if he committed minor crimes, he can't possibly be involved in more serious offenses".
Blogger Freder Frederson said...
We might finally find out how beholden to the Russians Trump really is.
Freder, have you been in contact with the federal authorities to clue them into your astonishing insight and revelations?
Its a darn shame the entire obama federal govt which was weaponized to find and plant incriminating "evidence" on Trump have somehow failed.
On their behalf I apologize to you and beg your forgiveness for their incompetence.
the lack of integrity of Mueller and his button men turned leakers.
There is no evidence that Mueller has leaked anything (in fact the exact opposite is true). The investigation into Cohen isn't even being handled by Mueller's time (it is in the U.S. Attorney SDNY).
And I get laughed out for making reasonable inferences.
freder: “How on earth did Trump finance his ventures after his bankruptcies in the early 90's? No legitimate bank would be stupid enough to lend to him.”
Sage observations from a guru on international financing.
Sage observations from a guru on international financing.
Snarky comments do not constitute a reasonable answer to the question.
hombre: "Interesting that discussions about Trump’s peccadillos are more interesting to the mediaswine at CNN and the TDS crowd than the eradication of attorney-client privilege and the lack of integrity of Mueller and his button men
turned leakers."
The US lefties have long dreamed of establishing their own East German-like Stasi and they had it....until that terrible Trump came along....
And they want it back....bad...
Freder, have you been in contact with the federal authorities to clue them into your astonishing insight and revelations?
Its a darn shame the entire obama federal govt which was weaponized to find and plant incriminating "evidence" on Trump have somehow failed.
Apparently you have numerous contacts with federal authorities.
Oddly, today I read this morning a passage that used purchase as an example of the dynamic nature of the dharma:
Although each moment includes all other moments, we are going to narrow our focus to what is important at that moment.... [W]hat is foremost at the moment of buying something is how to pay for it. But just because we have made a choice, it does not negate all the other possibilities that are arising simultaneously.... Making a purchase is dynamic yet simple. It is one instance. It resonates, it moves, and it is even an enactment of suchness, perhaps expressed or not, but always abiding.
"He has most likely been borrowing from, and laundering money, for Russian kleptocrats (indistinguishable from Russian mafia) for at least the last twenty years."
Oh yeah, Freder. This is America, where we sic the intelligence agencies of the Federal governmant on our political opponents because of things they "most likely" did .
Field Marshall Freder: "nd I get laughed out for making reasonable inferences."
You are not making any inferences. You are asserting crimes flat out.
As all goid voice-actuated lefty and LLR automatons do.
Freder: "Apparently you have numerous contacts with federal authorities."
I am making drawing reasonable inferences, which was the Freder Standard up to 5 minutes ago...
For added clarity, a demonstration of cash/cash money.
Freder Wrote:How on earth did Trump finance his ventures after his bankruptcies in the early 90's? No legitimate bank would be stupid enough to lend to him.
Quite a few of the various products/locations with the Trump name on them are licensing deals.
They've just alienated the 13 million Dave Ramsey fans by saying only mobsters use cash....
>No legitimate bank would be stupid enough to lend to him.
What about a True Scotsman?
But a new analysis of all Fortune 500 companies found only 4.3 percent of workers will receive a one-time bonus or wage increase tied to the business tax cuts, while businesses received nine times more in cuts than what they passed on to their workers, according to Americans for Tax Fairness, a political advocacy group devoted to tax reform. The analysis also found that companies spent 37 times as much on stock buybacks than they did on bonuses and increased wages for workers.
Need your own thread?
And let's have US Attorney raid Obama's lawyer, so we can draw some reasonable inferences about him, too.
Since that's how the game is played now...
In the past I have read about other men cheating on their wives. This is the first time I've ever heard about a lawyer- client consultation being used against the client and the lawyer secretly taping his client. Trump's sins are banal, but Cohen and the prosecutor are breaking fresh new ground in the annals of betrayal.......On the plus side, this MacDougall woman is really cute and far more attractive than Stormy Daniels. I wouldn't cheat on my supermodel wife for Stormy Daniels but MacDougall is worth the effort. In any event, Trump's statement about how easy it is to get laid when you're a celebrity is belied by the facts of his life. Who among us needs legal representation, cut outs, and hush money in order to cheat on his wife?
Cash is anything that provides immediate good funds to the seller - currency, a check, an ACH or wire transfer, etc. If there's any question of the check not clearing, the seller will require a certified or bank check. Once again with CNN, there is no "there" there.
It's true that Edwards was prosecuted on campaign finance charges related to his mistress, but the whole thing was a political debacle and the charges were eventually dropped.
It would appear that paying off an ex-mistress (which Trump didn't even do, apparently) doesn't count as a campaign expenditure.
Roesch/Voltaire has given none of his tax cut windfall to me.
Get it? That means that he is cheating me worse than American companies are screwing their workers.
Only in Lefty bizarro-land does a corporation cheat when it pays its employees smaller bonuses than it could have.
> Americans for Tax Fairness
Sounds like one of those lefty organizations ... checks ... yep. The language has been so degraded by left wing propaganda that words like "Fairness" and "Americans for whatever" are instantly recognizable as meaning the opposite.
TAX hikes only pay for more government waste. We don't get anything worthwhile, we get a corrupt VA hospital money pit and more broken promises.
"Cash is king"
" he cheats most of us with his tax cuts"
R/V is channeling his inner Elizabeth Warren. Tax cuts are bad. Raising taxes is good.
Keep repeating it. If stupid people keep hearing it they might start to believe.
Meanwhile, others are starting to appreciate Trump despite the nonstop MSM/DNC onslaught.
Dickin'Bimbos@Home said...
"Cash is king"
Trump's got those voters in the bag now for 2020!
Freder Frederson, who was just a few years ago blaming "banksters" for the collapsing housing market, now tells us that banks would only make prudent loans to creditworthy entities, of which Donald Trump is not one.
Pick a side.
"The kind that you were all indignant about when John Edwards got caught."
-- The kind that Edwards was found not guilty of because it wasn't a crime?
If you believe the tax cuts are fair and work for all equally that you have swallowed the trickle down effect, and any money I made from the new tax law has been eaten up by the increase in taxes on my property and inflation so no wind fall for you Lewis.
Today I use the term "cash" when shopping/negotiating for big ticket items, cars, furniture, appliances. A ask for the cash price. INAL, but from a testimony point of view, the term has to mean what the speaker says it means. I have heard interviews about this tape and the content goes on speaking of setting up a corporation and leaving a paper trail, this in no way leads to the conclusion, a brief case of $100 bills being delivered.
In the end, a business that pays a liability to go away is common and happens thousands of times a day. I my younger days, I wanted to go to the mat, in fighting a liability insurance claim. I had evidence and science on my side. Both parties agreed to the facts, but the insurance co. said no, they were cutting a check.(or did he say he was going to cash out the claim?)
The left is now close to catatonic, huddled in the corner, mumbling to themselves.
The analysis also found that companies spent 37 times as much on stock buybacks than they did on bonuses and increased wages for workers.
I recognize that is difficult for the uninitiated to understand the value of share buybacks to workers but its obvious to those of us on the front lines. Companies that purchase their own shares are saying they can't find a better place to invest capital for growth than in their current line- out of great ideas, in a way. There also exist businesses with great ideas but not enough funds to fully implement those great ideas. Share buybacks in the first company are an essential source of funds for the second- and the fast growth and jobs they create.
Boy, Trump sure knows how to pick them.
If Trump has a weakness, its he loves to surround himself with people who have no loyalty to him, but are good at their jobs.
Its pragmatic, but very dangerous. Nixon did the same thing.
r/v: "...any money I made from the new tax law..."
What sort of ass backward nonsense is this? The money was yours regardless of the tax rate. The government did not take as much. That is not made money.
Legitimately, that comment was embarrassing for you. That you don't know it's embarrassing is another problem.
Please remember to breathe.
BTW, does anyone know what crime Cohen is being charged with?
"any money I made from the new tax law has been eaten up by the increase in taxes on my property and inflation so no wind fall for you Lewis."
-- Take it up with the people who raised your taxes, not the people who lowered them.
"BTW, does anyone know what crime Cohen is being charged with?"
-- The legal theory that if someone spends money, it might be a campaign contribution. Unless they pay people to do oppo research by hiring foreign spies or get cut rates on performances from Beyonce and other stars. Then that's not a campaign contribution. But when you don't even give the person money, that is.
You know. The crime that is found using "mallum trumpea," which is different from crimes determined via mallum prohibitum or mallum in se.
Trickle down effect is not an economic theory, it's a pejorative used to describe anything related to economics the user doesn't like.
"Trickle down effect is not an economic theory, it's a pejorative used to describe anything related to economics the user doesn't like."
-- Mocking "trickle down" and "rising tide" is an over simplification of the economic theory most conservatives adhere to, in part because most people don't understand economics and many Republicans over simplify the effects their policies will have as well.
I'm astonished that people are still seriously pushing the narrative that Trump is a Russian stooge. If the same guy who blew up 200+ Russian soldiers in Syria, gave $200 million in aid to the Ukraine, increased our military spending while shaming our NATO allies to increase their own, made considerable efforts to increase domestic oil production (thus hurting Russia's economy since it's so dependent on oil), and enacted all sorts of harsh sanctions... if that guy is also a stooge for Russia, he's gotta be the worst stooge ever. I mean, what the hell?
"What sort of ass backward nonsense is this? The money was yours regardless of the tax rate. The government did not take as much. That is not made money."
-- Oddly enough, that logical error completely went over my head because I'm just so used to people talking about taxes like that.
"if that guy is also a stooge for Russia, he's gotta be the worst stooge ever. I mean, what the hell?"
-- He'll have more flexibility after the next election.
Blogger roesch/voltaire said...
If you believe the tax cuts are fair and work for all equally that you have swallowed the trickle down effect, and any money I made from the new tax law has been eaten up by the increase in taxes on my property and inflation so no wind fall for you Lewis.
I said nothing about any "fairness", and anyone who uses the term "trickle down effect" is not seriously discussing economics. The term was coined by Will Rogers, perhaps one of the first comedian-entertainers to be raised to the rank of political scientist by Democrats. But not the last.
Nonapod said...
I'm astonished that people are still seriously pushing the narrative that Trump is a Russian stooge. If the same guy who blew up 200+ Russian soldiers in Syria, gave $200 million in aid to the Ukraine, increased our military spending while shaming our NATO allies to increase their own, made considerable efforts to increase domestic oil production (thus hurting Russia's economy since it's so dependent on oil), and enacted all sorts of harsh sanctions... if that guy is also a stooge for Russia, he's gotta be the worst stooge ever. I mean, what the hell?
Why is it so hard to believe that Trump has gotten massive private funding from Russian banks that are themselves controlled by Russian oligarchs with close ties to Putin?
We haven't seen the Trump financials that would disprove such a theory.
Eric Trump once blurted out to writer James Dodson that "We have all the funding we need out of Russia." Which Eric later denied. As incredibly as a pile of other Trump family denials. Oh, like the denial that Trump was ever involved sexually with Karen McDougal.
Donald Trump has a long history of tumultuous relations with banks, and has burned a lot of bridges with a lot of American banks.
I regard the story of Trump having gotten massive funding out of Russia as unproven, but also as once that is a kind of "staring us in the face" obviousness. I'd like to think that whether Trump likes it or not, the Special Counsel investigation will lay bare any/all of Trump's financial ties to Russia.
For a bunch of reasons, starting with the one wherein Trump absolutely denied any personal business involvement with Russia.
One thing I've spotted: liberals like Freder are currently pretending that a "campaign expenditure" which is actually taken from bank accounts filled by campaign contributions is the same as a "campaign expenditure" where the person used his own money but the Left insists that it has to be declared as a campaign expenditure because it was somehow tangentially related to the campaign.
The first one, where you actually spend money on yourself that was given to you for the e express purpose of campaigning... that's why "campaign expenditure" laws were created in the first place. The second kind, the kind they're trying to nail Trump with now, the kind where they're now demanding an accounting and reporting of the candidates own money, is an utterly absurd bullshit standard they'd never apply to themselves in a million years. Then again, there are no standards they apply to themselves other than "did you lie about a Republican today"?
"Why is it so hard to believe that Trump has gotten massive private funding from Russian banks that are themselves controlled by Russian oligarchs with close ties to Putin?"
Because there is no evidence that this is true?
Chuck, the reason it's not just hard but ridiculous to believe is due to the various reasons listed by Nonapod in his post that you quoted but then utterly failed to address on the substance
Damn you Lewis Wetzel and your logic.
That's crazy talk in Lefty land.
" The second kind, the kind they're trying to nail Trump with now, the kind where they're now demanding an accounting and reporting of the candidates own money, is an utterly absurd bullshit standard they'd never apply to themselves in a million years. "
-- People tried to nail Edwards in recent memory. And failed.
Freder Frederson said...
No, it is more properly an illegal campaign expenditure.
This happened 12 years before his Presidential run. Trump was not a politician then.
Even with the possibility that cash and check are equivalent, and with the likelihood that the payment was never made (even Cohen seems to have admitted this), I hear "don't pay case, che.." when I put on the headphones and turn up the volume to the max.
As for where CNN got it, I didn't listen to the rest of Cuomo's spiel on this, but I have to assume this came from Cohen and Davis, and if I am right, you can be pretty sure this is the most damaging tape Cohen has on Trump.
Matthew Sabian: It was my understanding that Edwards was actually using campaign funds for his mistress, not his own money. If I'm wrong about that, apologies. But if I'm right, that makes it a quite different thing than what they're trying to accuse Trump of.
One reason it is so hard to believe that Trump is a Russian pawn is that those who quote what Eric Trump supposedly said about that can't be bothered to provide a damned link so we can judge for ourselves.
Another is that they can't seem to figure out that Trump may in fact be telling the truth in denying that he "was ever involved sexually with Karen McDougal". The fact that he was willing to pay something like an hour's income to make her go away does not prove anything.
Example: At least one policeman in Richmond, VA likes to write fake tickets for Virginians who live 100+ miles away. I got one a couple of years ago for blocking an intersection that doesn't exist at a time I have never driven in Richmond (0:40 AM) in a car that hadn't been within 75 miles of Richmond in years (it doesn't run very well, so I only use it as a backup). I'm pretty sure at least 99% of the people who get these fake tickets just pay the $50, even though they know the tickets are utterly fraudulent, because it takes at least $100 in gas and parking fees, plus hours of time, to fight it. (You have to drive to Richmond twice, once to set up the court date, once for the actual appearance.) It takes a self-righteous asshole like me to spend $100+ + hours of time to fight a $50 ticket, and I could only do that because I'm a teacher and it was summer, so I didn't have to miss any work. If it had happened any other season, I would have had to pay.
To return to my main point, the fact that someone pays such a ticket does not in any way imply that he actually committed the crime, and the fact that a rich and very busy man like Trump, who can spare $130,000 more easily than I can spare $50 or $100, is willing to pay a woman to go away does not prove that he slept with her. Maybe he did, maybe he didn't. Please stop treating it as a fact.
Field Marshall Freder is on the case.
We might finally find out how beholden to the Russians Trump really is
We might find out about those kiddie porno photos on your computer. About as likely.
Why has the left gone so crazy ? One reason might be that America's factory town are now solid GOP .
After the 1992 election, 15 of the 20 most manufacturing-intensive Congressional districts in America were represented by Democrats. Today, all 20 are held by Republicans.
The shift of manufacturing from a Democratic stronghold to a Republican one is a major force remaking the two parties. It helps explain Donald Trump’s political success, the rise of Republican protectionism and the nation’s polarized politics. It will help shape this year’s midterm elections.
South Carolina’s Third Congressional district, on the edge of the Blue Ridge Mountains, epitomizes the swing from blue to red.
Democrats are now 100% in bed with the dream merchants, Hollywood, Silicone Valley that creates Snapchat and Facebook, and 28 year old bartenders who have goofy economic ideas.
I believe Edwards was using a wealthy female supporter's money and not his own. And even that wasn't illegal.
I keep adding that e to silicon.
I walked past the TV this morning when somebody was talking about a statement from Trump that the Cohen tape was edited because it ended abruptly.
who are the leftists bank-rolling Cohen?
"I regard the story of Trump having gotten massive funding out of Russia as unproven, but also as once that is a kind of "staring us in the face" obviousness."
If it passes the Chuck test, it must be worth spending a significant portion of FBI and DOJ resources on the investigation, and adding a great deal to the damage being done to the nation's psyche. 'Cuz it's "staring us in the face"!
Birkel, if the woman who funded Edwards' mistress knew what the money was being used for, then ok, I dont see that as violating the spirit of the law, though I can see why it sure looks like it might have. But if that's true, which Dems would presumably agree on when it comes to Edwards, how the hell is Trump guilty of anything for using his own money? And 12 years ago, before ever running for office, FFS. And never ACTUALLY paying it!!
"We haven't seen the Trump financials that would disprove such a theory.:
Chuck (the pretend ex-lawyer and LLR) has a new legal theory: "Guilty until proven innocent."
I can only tell you the facts as I know them. I will be no better than you at imagining what the ever-loving hell the Democrats plan for this is.
First, no voter cares that Trump screwed a Playboy model that was not already anti-Trump. Not a one. Second, the idea that anything yet described constitutes a crime is silly. Third, everybody knows beyond doubt that Trump has been under investigation by the world's best-financed intelligence agencies for 28 months and this, THIS!!!, is the best they have?
Every unfounded allegation reveals the various and sundry accusers to be unserious.
Hey..being beholden to Russia explains the clearly patsy policies he's applying to them while "destroying" NATO by suggesting less dependence on Russian oil.
Wait..but.. Oh shit, there's:
Here’s how the Russian revelation with the Charlotte twist made its way into national and international headlines last week:
Dodson was recounting his golfing experience with the Trumps at the end of an interview on the National Public Radio show “Only a Game,” produced by Boston NPR station WBUR. Dodson was on the show, which aired May 6, to promote his latest book, “The Range Bucket List: The Golf Adventure of a Lifetime.”
The book includes a lighthearted chapter about Dodson meeting Donald Trump and playing with his son at Trump National Golf Club Charlotte in 2013. But who financed the Trumps’ courses wasn’t news at the time, Dodson told the Observer, so he didn’t include that angle in the chapter.
He only mentioned what Eric Trump told him about Russian financing when the “Only a Game” interviewer asked him if he had any last thing to share.
The revelation spread quickly, along with Eric Trump’s denial. Trump told the New York Post that the report was “categorically untrue” and “complete garbage.” “We have zero ties to Russian investors,” he added.
On “Meet the Press” on Sunday, moderator Chuck Todd said “reports” were saying Russians financed Trump’s “Charlotte” golf course. Neither Todd nor his panel elaborated further on the question Todd raised.
Todd appeared to be referring to reports on Fox News and various British and U.S. newspapers that quoted the 2013 conversation between Eric Trump and Dodson.
Dodson told the Observer on Sunday that in 2013 he’d declined invitations from a public relations firm to play at Trump National Golf Club Charlotte. The course is on Brawley School Road in Mooresville on the lake. He said the only thing he knew about Donald Trump at the time was that he had a TV show.
He said he finally drove from his then-home in Southern Pines after prodding from longtime friend Tom Stewart, which Stewart confirmed to the Observer on Sunday.
Stewart, a lifetime member of the Professional Golf Association, said Dodson called him on his drive back from Mooresville to tell him Eric Trump had said the Trumps relied on Russian financiers. He said Dodson did so only because he knew Stewart’s wife was Russian and that Stewart built Moscow’s first golf course in the 1980s. Stewart gave a golf lesson to then-Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev, Stewart said.
David Woronoff, publisher of The Pilot newspaper in Southern Pines, told the Observer on Sunday that Dodson told him the day after the golf outing what Eric Trump had said about Russians financing Trump golf courses. Dodson, who now lives in Greensboro, has written golf columns for the paper.
“There’s not a doubt in my mind that Eric Trump said that to Jim,” Woronoff told the Observer. “Is Eric Trump the first guy to tell a lie on a golf course? Probably not. But I’m quite confident Jim is accurate. He’s bummed that no one is talking about his book.”
Read more here:
I am trying for one second to think of CNN ever playing a tape like this of Obama, even if it were handed to them.
When there was even a whiff of an affair in the 2008 primaries, that woman disappeared and so did the story.
Without access to Chuck's internet history, we don't know that Chuck really doesn't masturbate to Hillary Porn.
R/V just because you are a Communist doesn't mean the rest of us ascribe to your position that our personal money is The People's Money. Now stop being a hypocrite and contribute more to your local People's collective.
Freder you do realize that by changing Trump for Obama/Clinton you have described the criminality to a T.
Chuck, seriously? Getting loans for real estate development from (assuming its even true) by a then private citizen is far worse than a sitting cabinet officer of the US getting millions in donations for their personal family foundation from those very same Russians? And that of a sitting president allowing those donations to the the very same officer who with his permission willfully violated national security laws and record keeping laws?
"When there was even a whiff of an affair in the 2008 primaries, that woman disappeared and so did the story."
-- In Obama's defense here, that wasn't an "affair" the way we think of them like with Trump or Clinton. Obama was dating two women at once, and once he committed to a serious relationship with one, he broke it off with the other.
Mattering on your personal views and definitions of dating, that's anywhere from "perfectly fine if everyone involved was on the same page" to "a little scummy, but no harm no foul," unless there's a different affair rumor I don't remember.
Everyone knew Trump payed her off, no one cares.
I love love love how LLR Chucks mask has not only slipped, but completely fallen off.
Not that we didnt already know (his hilarious and reflexive defense of Garrison Keillor's #MeToo aggressions proved that out).
What you see with our LLR's and the rest of the left is a simple continuation if the Lefts decades long campaign to criminalize perfectly legal and normal republican/conservative actions and thoughts.
You mean the Khalidi tape?
The "Tape" is about a Client and Attorney having a discussion on payment form of cash or check? Unless there is more tape information, this is meaningless. What I don't understand is why did Mueller and his henchmen believe this to relate to "Russian Collusion"and give Cohen, I'm supposing, immunity? If you hear or see this information and still believe this is not a political hatchet job aimed at Trump there is no hope for you and your tribe.
Rusty said...
For business purposes "cash" means money in the bank.
No. No it doesn't.
- A Businessman
Reminds me, what ever happened to the Obama's Khalidi Tape?
Amazing how if it's a GOP person, it leaks.
Democratic person - never.
Blogger Howard said...
Everyone knew Trump payed her off, no one cares.
Probably but you are right. No one cares. Betsy Wright took care of "Bimbo Eruptions" for Willie Jeff but probably not with cash.
I think having state police threaten the girls was enough.
LLR Chuck is in full blown lefty smear merchant mode now.
Its hilarious.
"I love love love how LLR Chucks mask has not only slipped, but completely fallen off."
I used to give him the benefit of doubt, but you are right about the mask.
It has become pretty obvious that trolls are attracted to this site. By that I mean Chuck, Ritmo and Inga. The usual lefty kibitzers (e.g., R/V, Cookie, Freder) seem a lot more honest about their true colors. I appreciate that.
In related Obamagate / Russian Hoax news.
OPSEC, a nonpartisan organization representing retired special forces and intelligence community officials in a letter to then SOS Kerry requested that Hillary Clinton and her staff's security clearances be cancelled due to her using private server for government communications and being hacked by foreign governments. This happened in Aug 2016.
OPSEC still supports ending Hillary and her staff's clearances, as long as President Trump is cleaning house.
So the story is....
American Media purchased"the rights to a story" and found the story wasn't worth much.
They then offered to sell it to Trump through his lawyer.
CNN introduces it as "payment to Karen, the former playmate" through a 3rd party. But that's only true if American Media (AMI) owed her the proceeds. I'm pretty sure what CNN is SAYING is different than what they are reporting.
Further, in a private conversation Trump is shocked his lawyer is saying that they are paying for this. Why isn't that news? Step further, it's being reported that it's a shell company being setup - but the phone call makes it clear WHY they were setting up a LEGAL ENTITY to purchase "rights to a story" and maintain full legal protections.
CNN has a really low bar for reporting. But this is an embarrassment of epic proportion.
Also, why is the fact that the lawyer/spokesman quoted in the article "served as special counsel to the President from 1996 to 1998, during which time he also was the spokesman for Clinton in issues regarding campaign finance investigations and other legal issues, including President Clinton's impeachment trial"
This is literally the personal counsel and spokesman of a former president of the opposing party who is giving CNN soundbites that are anti-trump...
No disclosure of that.
"I used to give him the benefit of doubt, but you are right about the mask. "
When he first showed up here he claimed to be a republican concerned that maybe we do need "reasonable" gun laws. he might have also claimed to be a gun owner as well. But he couldn't answer any questions posed about the laws that already existed.
I never took him seriously about anything coming from his pie hole after that. Just another progressive shithead that thinks he's smarter than everyone else.
Ray - sometimes Democrat stuff leaks. Like the memos about how Miguel Estrada's judicial nomination had to be opposed "because... he is Latino". Of course, the rare times that happens, the only concern the media has is how outrageous it is that information was leaked, with no concern at all about the content.
The tape wasn't "leaked", it was openly given to CNN by Cohen's lawyer.
The tape wasn’ leaked. Trump waived privilege and authorized the tape’s release.
Snark, be right by accident at least one time.
I'm astonished that people are still seriously pushing the narrative that Trump is a Russian stooge. If the same guy who blew up 200+ Russian soldiers in Syria, gave $200 million in aid to the Ukraine, increased our military spending while shaming our NATO allies to increase their own, made considerable efforts to increase domestic oil production (thus hurting Russia's economy since it's so dependent on oil), and enacted all sorts of harsh sanctions... if that guy is also a stooge for Russia, he's gotta be the worst stooge ever. I mean, what the hell?
(Emphasis added.) I can answer that for one intelligent but rabidly anti-Trump liberal whom I (occasionally) read on Facebook: science fiction author David Brin. (Note that I disagree with Brin about Trump being a “Russian stooge” — though mentioning that produces a lot of invective — but he's convinced he is.)
According to Brin, what conclusively proves (yet again) that Trump is a Russian stooge — with regard to the particular incident in Syria where dozens of Russian mercenaries got killed many different ways whilst attacking American allies — is because the U.S. military in that strike employed some of its most advanced, newest weaponry, thereby giving Russian intelligence a premature look at it.
QED! Obvious Russian stooge! According to Brin.
Did the people jumping up and down on the bed in the Lincoln Bedroom pay cash?
By what means did the Clintons receive their payoffs ? Cash, check, or money order ?
A manila envelope slipped under the door ? An attache case full of cash left in a bus-station locker ? A brown paper bag in a hollow of an old oak tree ?
We might finally find out how beholden to the Russians Trump really is. - Freder
Keep choking that chicken, boy.
MM: Brin is a moron lefty too? Sigh. Another one to scratch off the list.
AllenS said...
Freder Frederson said...
"No, it is more properly an illegal campaign expenditure."
This happened 12 years before his Presidential run. Trump was not a politician then.
This is just plainly incorrect. Nobody cares about Trump having sex. Or his short fingers.
The fact is that the payments occurred during the campaign. It's the money, not the sex. Follow the money.
As with Bill Clinton; it wasn't about the sex. It was about the lying, the perjury, the abuse of office (literally and figuratively) and at some level it was about his abuse of position (literally and figuratively) with a White House intern.
But I don't want to be too clever by half here. At some Trumpian-communication level, it is about the sex and the fact that Trump is apparently a serial adulterer, and a rather shameless and reckless one, and yet also one who will go to great lengths (just figuratively) to conceal his activities. At a Trumpian level of communication, it is the tabloid news that matters. Who is "dirty"? How are they "dirty"? Like muckraking the Obama birth certificate. Or a photo of Ted Cruz's father. (Or alleged Ted Cruz affairs.) Or This is the sort of filthy stuff in which Donald Trump and his friend David Pecker regularly traffic.
Rusty said...
"I used to give him the benefit of doubt, but you are right about the mask. "
When he first showed up here he claimed to be a republican concerned that maybe we do need "reasonable" gun laws. he might have also claimed to be a gun owner as well. But he couldn't answer any questions posed about the laws that already existed.
I never took him seriously about anything coming from his pie hole after that. Just another progressive shithead that thinks he's smarter than everyone else.
When I "first showed up" in Althouse comments, I was interested in her observations about the protests in Madison following the election of Scott Walker. Walker, whom I have always and unfailingly supported.
I am a Republican, and I don't have any idea who the fuck you might be, to claim otherwise.
I am also a gun owner. Ditto.
And as for gun rights, I think that Heller and McDonald are good decisions. And I have said so on this blog's comments pages. I don't honestly recall any other gun rights discussions here. If I found some reason to disagree with you, I might not be surprised. You might think, wrongly, that I am in your view "just another progressive shithead." I'm not; and while you can write that on the internet, you would not say that to my face.
"Chuck said...
You might think, wrongly, that I am in your view "just another progressive shithead." I'm not; and while you can write that on the internet, you would not say that to my face."
Careful Rusty. You don't want to get your titty twisted.
:...only drug dealers and mobsters talk about cash". When Obama gave all that cash to Iran.... C'mon Lanny, out with it!
>>But I don't want to be too clever by half here.
Not something you should be worried about, Chuckles.
LLR Chuck: "And as for gun rights, I think that Heller and McDonald are good decisions."
(Wink wink)...
LLR Chuck is simply beside himself today.
He knows, deep down, this latest ploy by his dem/lefty allies is going to fail (it looked so promising just 48 hours ago!!!) and that typical failure reflex anger mode of his is beginning to kick in...bigly.
On top of all that the economic numbers that Chucks lefty heroes told him would tank arent!!
Its not easy being a "Brian Stelter republican" like LLR Chuck.
Not easy at all.
LLR Chuck: "I'm not; and while you can write that on the internet, you would not say that to my face."
When not busy acting as Maddows and Dick Durbins cuckholster, LLR Chuck likes to spend time strongly defending dems and threatening conservative posters and TV commenters with physical harm...when he also isnt busy spreading rumors about children or posting racist thoughts.
Tsk tsk
I dont blame LLR Chuck for going full smear mode today. After all it has now been shown conclusively that LLR Chucks fantasy girl Rachel Maddow simply and blatantly lied about the Putin question/response in Helsinki.
Smear Merchant pals like Maddow and LLR Chuck need to stick together!
Chuck, fopdoodle extraordinaire, is all piss and vinegar today. And a manlier online man we shall never see again. Still, none of us need worry unless we were a late-middle-aged TV personality or a tween boy.
On the internet, nobody can hear you scream.
And lets not send LLR Chuck completely around the bend over the Europeans caving (properly) on the tariffs/Trade issues.
What a terrible horrible no goid very bad day to be LLR Chuck.
But then, what day isnt that?
"And a manlier online man we shall never see again. "
Did you know that LLR Chuck once courageously and heroically, though very very briefly, thought about joining the US military but in the end did not because "no draft".
It is this courage that enabled Chuck to piggy back onto the lie-filled democrat attacks on decorated Navy Admiral Ronnie Jackson.
Huh, piggy backing onto lie-filled democrat attacks on honorable service members.
Yep, thats our Chuck alright.
Blogger Chuck said...
...I don't want to be too clever
We've all picked up on that, Chuck
As with Bill Clinton; it wasn't about the sex. It was about the lying, the perjury, the abuse of office (literally and figuratively) and at some level it was about his abuse of position (literally and figuratively) with a White House intern.
none of which applies in this case.
Chuck @ 2:37
You're a poor liar.
You can call yourself anything you like.
Michael McNeil,
Sounds like a suitable explanation for a science fiction writer.
The best thing Trump has done is pull the mask off of the cuck wing of the Democrat Party.
As a Democrat I say, huh?
@Achilles said...
The best thing Trump has done is pull the mask off of the cuck wing of the Democrat Party.
So Trump bribes his whores to get even with Democrats?
@readering said...
As a Democrat I say, huh?
Yeah, since "cuck" is meant to insult "establishment" Republican politicians.
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