"... have electricity when they're in the Spirit Realm?" is presented as related to "Does it count as rape if you have sex with your spouse while they're asleep?"
(Click to enlarge.)
ADDED: What's genuinely eerie is that I'm in the middle reading a novel — by a Japanese writer — where there's a very important theme of whether it is a sort of rape to have sex with a person inside of your dream (≈ in the spirit world). The book is "Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage" by Haruki Murakami (and the next paragraph contains a major spoiler):
As he listened to the rain drum against the window, with these thoughts swirling around in his head, his room began to feel like an alien space. As if the room itself had developed its own will. Just being in there steadily drained away any ability to distinguish the real from the unreal. On one plane of reality, he’d never even touched Shiro’s hand. Yet on another, he’d brutally raped her. Which reality had he stepped into now? The more he thought about it, the less certain he became.AND: When the Murakami book came out, in 2014, it was reviewed in the NYT by Patti Smith:
This is a book for both the new and experienced reader. It has a strange casualness, as if it unfolded as Murakami wrote it; at times, it seems like a prequel to a whole other narrative. The feel is uneven, the dialogue somewhat stilted, either by design or flawed in translation. Yet there are moments of epiphany gracefully expressed, especially in regard to how people affect one another. “One heart is not connected to another through harmony alone,” Tsukuru comes to understand. “They are, instead, linked deeply through their wounds. Pain linked to pain, fragility to fragility. There is no silence without a cry of grief, no forgiveness without bloodshed, no acceptance without a passage through acute loss.” The book reveals another side of Murakami, one not so easy to pin down. Incurably restive, ambiguous and valiantly struggling toward a new level of maturation. A shedding of Murakami skin. It is not “Blonde on Blonde,” it is “Blood on the Tracks.”
५४ टिप्पण्या:
Does it count as rape if you have sex with your spouse while they're asleep?
I don't know whether it could be considered rape, but I am sure it would be considered bigamy.
...have electricity when they're in the Spirit Realm?" is presented as related to "Does it count as rape if you have sex with your spouse while they're asleep?"
Does this have something to do with the operability of a CPAP machine?
Oh, good, I can finally get the answer to another related question - "What if you wake up to realise you're in the Pokemon World?"
It's like the internet is reading my mind.
If starting sex with your spouse while they are asleep is “rape”, then we are all, men and women, liable to be indicted.
What a stupid world this is turning into.
But go see “Spirited Away”, if you haven’t yet. And all of Miyazaki.
I had never noticed the electricity. The bathhouse is presented as a very traditional place and we're originally shown that Chihiro works in the boiler room. The light is very yellow, suggesting candles or lanterns. Most of the lights at eye level look like Chinese lanterns (which are electrical nowadays).
But if you look at the trailer
you'll see that the owner has a green shaded desk lamp. A couple of pan-ups show that the room lighting is provided by chandeliers or hanging lamp fixtures.
I still think we're supposed to "read" the bathhouse as being an essentially pre-industrial place. But it looks like some of their set design was modeled on rooms with modern light sources.
have sex with a person inside of your dream ... Haruki Murakami
He had that same idea, and wherein both people have the same "dream", in "Wind-Up Bird", which I got bored with about 62% through. 'Twas a silly book except for the WWII stories.
People should not ask questions about complicated subjects like rape until they have mastered comparatively simple subjects like pronouns.
Matthew 5:28 says "yes."
And of course, when Chihiro goes to visit Zuniba, she rides a train, complete with tickets and conductor. It used to go both ways, but now it only goes one.
I guess the spirit world is not meant to be the antithesis of the modern world, but rather the spirits' take on the modern world. And the bathhouse is a traditional place even within the spirit world, where the spirits go to cleanse and purify themselves.
It's a surprisingly interesting question of textual interpretation. The movie is so well done that I think we can infer that what is on the screen is what they intended to put on the screen, but I admit I was surprised to realise that the bathhouse has electrical lighting.
Reminds me of the expression, "That guy could screw up a wet dream."
@ Phil 3:14
Your link isn't working.
You can't get the right answer unless you get the question whether it's possible to rape your wife right.
The answer is no. You can assault her, but not rape her.
Rape is specifically a crime against feminine modesty. The courts got that wrong in the late 70s and there's been no clear thinking on the matter from that point on.
Did someone leave the door of the insane asylum open or something?
Spirited Away is one of my favorite movies. I've been mad at Netflix forever because they've never had it available when I've looked.
Define "asleep". ( Yeah, I know punctuation goes inside, but kindle auto corrects to outside and will not allow me to delete. Go figure.) I figure it's a continuum from dead drunk to being able to carry on a short conversation. At what point does one loss one's will?
If your wife sleeps through sexual intercourse it speaks ill of your skill.
If anyone is interested, the clip I was trying to link to:
There is a series of Japanese young adult novels translated into English as The Hero of the Unlimited Bath. The hero has been dropped in a world resembling medieval Japan and his superpower is the ability to open a magic door into a modern bathroom with hot and cold running water. No small thing, that.
Rousseau in Confessions (I think) wondered about why it was more pleasurable to ravage a woman in your mind than in the real world.
Part of the sex is overrated discovery.
I put it down to the extra arm problem. You don't think of it ahead of time.
If your wife sleeps through sexual intercourse it speaks ill of your skill.
The wife was given what participants described variously as a muscle relaxant or anti-anxiety medication. Finally, the wife was swaddled in a flexible plastic stretcher — akin to a tortilla wrap — to confine her limbs.
The original plan had called for two muff-divers, but instead the first muff-diver kept the swaddled wife in a body-to-body clinch for as much of the rape as possible, handing the wife over to a fresh muff-diver after his designated stretch.
All told, it was a grueling two-hour trek through muck-filled passages.
“He had that same idea, and wherein both people have the same "dream", in "Wind-Up Bird", ”
That was the novel I read right before “Colorless.” It’s much longer, more elaborate and full of weird mysteries, plus a lot of sitting in the bottom of wells.
[Wind up Bird]'s much longer, more elaborate and full of weird mysteries, plus a lot of sitting in the bottom of wells.
When Creta "Dream Sex" Kano showed up naked in Mr. Wind Up Bird's bed saying that she didn't know how she got there or what happened to her clothes but that that wasn't so unusual, what was unusual was the fact that this time she'd also lost her shoes, I thought "O... K... Time to finish 'The Martian'." Though I'm tempted to check it out again to see if there were any more WWII stories I'd missed.
1Q84 had a similar feel to it but without the silliness.
Eeriness abounds. I woke up this morning trying to remember the name of a book that someone mentioned recently on a podcast (Rich Lowry?). The book somehow involved communication with non-material intelligent beings—spirit beings, if you will. If I am remembering it correctly it was more science fictiony than religiony (not that there's anything wrong with that). I can't remember the title. And I haven't been able to find it after some searching around.
So then I read this blog post about the Spirit Realm . . .
Jimmy Carter says "You betcha!".
It is a mistake to believe that there is a clear line that can divide the spirit world and the real world, the world of fact and the world of fiction. Science tells us that the diamonds we find in the earth are found in formations called kimberlite pipes. These kimberlite pipes originate in the mantle. Carbon material is ejected from the upper mantle, a hundred kilomters or so below the earth's surface. If the pipe reaches the surface of the earth, the material is ejected at supersonic speeds. It is like a shotgun blast from below, it doesn't leave much of a crater.
Diamonds are real, kimberlite pipes are real, but no one has ever seen one form. No one has ever drilled as deep as the mantle (the conditions that form diamonds are found at least 100 kilometers under the earth's surface). No one has ever seen a diamond in the mantle, or being transported to where they are found near or on the earth's surface. So while diamonds are real, the process that creates diamonds and makes them available to us is a work of the imagination.
Spirit = religious = moral
Sex = misogyny = rape (rape-rape?)
Close association.
My wife and I really disliked 'Spirited Away'.
I remember this friend who was extremely upset to wake up in the middle of the night to find that his wife had initiated sex without his consent, and he. . .
OK, I made that up. There are probably some guys out there like that, but I do not personally know any guy that I can imagine would have that reaction.
Blogger Lewis Wetzel said...diamonds we find in the earth are found in formations called kimberlite pipes.... kimberlite pipes are real, but no one has ever seen one form.... the process that creates diamonds and makes them available to us is a work of the imagination.
No one wants to be around a kimberlite swarm as it is hypothesized they can cause mass extinctions, sending billions of creatures into the spirit realm.
I have an audiobook of that. I still haven't gotten round to it. I've literally have 50 books that i've purchased and not listened to.
Haruki Murakami - supposedly the knock on him in Japan is he writes for foreigners.
Don't know if that's true - but I've never read him.
Do we have to get consent to think about someone when we masturbate? Because, if so, Ray Ramano is gonna to call his office.
Man sitting on subway, briefcase over his lap, to women standing by the door, hanging on to the strap. “Excuse me miss, but I need to ask you something. It has to. do with your terrific ass.”
Oh, BTW, if your wife doesn’t want to have sex with you three times in a row, and she ain’t ill or incapacitated in some way, maybe she doesn’t want to be your wife anymore, just a financial dependent. But I see that letting her know that you consider sexual relations to be part of the deal in marriage, and if she ain’t interested any longer, you intend to leave is considered “sexual coercion” by the CDC, so your fucked either way, well fucked and unfucked.
Spirited Away is available on Netflix DVDs. Online Netflix has such a poor selection of movies. Way too many TV shows and they don't even have the Man in High Castle.
Amazon has more movies, but you have to be willing to pay an additional fee sometimes, which is fine with me.
Miyazaki has made several very very good movies. They are watchable by kids and adults.
I need to go dig those out so the kids can watch something better than "Shimmer and Shine" or "The little mermaid" or the other mindless twaddle I see.
Life is made by encoded instructions carried by a blood circulation and an electro-chemical communications network. And that comes with a soul at no extra cost. Then spirit to spirit messages add everything else we need to enjoy it.
The Japs are weird.
Christy said... " Define 'asleep'. "
Very good point. A person can talk in his sleep and walk in his sleep. During either he can or at least may interact with his spouse, responding to questions or directions. Sometimes the response doesn't makes sense.
Sleepy wakes up his wife yelling: "Where is my pipe wrench?"
Spouse says: "Are you dreaming?"
Sleepy says: "But I've never even been to Chicago."
Spouse says: "Yeah, I think so. Maybe a nightmare."
Sleepy gets up and walks into the closet, saying: "Don't worry, it's not loaded."
Spouse says: "Let me turn on a light."
Sleepy closes the closet door: "There isn't enough ice for all of us."
Now, my three part question is, if the spouse and sleep-active person have sex
1) Is it "sleep-f**king?
2) Is it rape?
3) Why was the Quora forum assumption always that the male partner was attempting to initiate sex with a sleeping, female, partner? Sexist, much?
"Does it count as rape if you have sex with your spouse while they're asleep?"
I would say yes, unless prior permission had been granted.
"You can't get the right answer unless you get the question whether it's possible to rape your wife right.
"The answer is no. You can assault her, but not rape her."
Ridiculous. And wrong.
How does the bathhouse have electricity?
Uh, coal?
Do people seriously not know that you generate electricity by burning stuff?
The furnace room is definitely on call for hot water, but steam-powered turbines are a logical inference.
I vote that reality is the one where you eventually have to go to the bathroom.
I recall many conversations like this with stoned people my freshman year in 1971.
Even Japanese vegetables are wierd
... where there's a very important theme of whether it is a sort of rape to have sex with a person inside of your dream
Sex inside of a dream happens to young men all the time. It’s called a wet dream. Is it not true that you had sons, Althouse?
Robert Cook wrote:
Blogger Robert Cook said...
"Does it count as rape if you have sex with your spouse while they're asleep?"
I would say yes, unless prior permission had been granted."
But what if she wants to revoke that permission? And she can't, because your dick is in her mouth?
You are a ridiculous person, Robert Cook. Is it true that you are in your seventies? If so, how did you become so old without becoming wise?
I didn't realize that Patti Smith had gone so mainstream and establishment as to write a book review in the NYT.
There is this odd obsession Mistress Althouse has with the idea of spousal rape. A useful lash to use on the hubby, I suppose.
She will even dive into what must be to her ridiculous Anime to make the tenuous connection.
Rape vs rape-rape:
'Why did you decide not to be a strong man? How did you get into this racket?' Kerim forked up a strip of fish and tore at it with his teeth. He drank down half a tumbler of raki. He lit a cigarette and sat back in his chair. 'Well,' he said with a sour grin, 'we might as well talk about me as about anything else. And you must be wondering ''How did this big crazy man get into the Service?'' I will tell you, but briefly, because it is a long story. You will stop me if you get bored. All right?' 'Fine.' Bond lit a Diplomate. He leant forward on his elbows. 'I come from Trebizond.' Kerim watched his cigarette smoke curl upwards. 'We were a huge family with many mothers. My father was the sort of man women can't resist. All women want to be swept off their feet. In their dreams they long to be slung over a man's shoulder and taken into a cave and raped. That was his way with them. My father was a great fisherman and his fame was spread all over the Black Sea. He went after the sword-fish. They are difficult to catch and hard to fight and he would always outdo all others after these fish. Women like their men to be heroes. He was a kind of hero in a corner of Turkey where it is a tradition for the men to be tough. He was a big, romantic sort of fellow. So he could have any woman he wanted. He wanted them all and sometimes killed other men to get them. Naturally he had many children. We all lived on top of each other in a great rambling old ruin of a house that our ''aunts'' made habitable. The aunts really amounted to a harem. One of them was an English governess from Istanbul my father had seen watching a circus. He took a fancy to her and she to him and that evening he put her on board his fishing boat and sailed up the Bosphorus and back to Trebizond. I don't think she ever regretted it. I think she forgot all the world except him. She died just after the war. She was sixty. The child before me had been by an Italian girl and the girl had called him Bianco. He was fair. I was dark. I got to be called Darko. There were fifteen of us children and we had a wonderful childhood. Our aunts fought often and so did we. It was like a gipsy encampment. It was held together by my father who thrashed us, women or children, when we were a nuisance. But he was good to us when we were peaceful and obedient. You cannot understand such a family?' 'The way you describe it I can.'
'Anyway so it was. I grew up to be nearly as big a man as my father, but better educated. My mother saw to that. My father only taught us to be clean and to go to the lavatory once a day and never to feel shame about anything in the world. My mother also taught me a regard for England, but that is by the way. By the time I was twenty, I had a boat of my own and I was making money. But I was wild. I left the big house and went to live in two small rooms on the waterfront. I wanted to have my women where my mother would not know. There was a stroke of bad luck. I had a little Bessarabian hell-cat. I had won her in a fight with some gipsies, here in the hills behind Istanbul. They came after me, but I got her on board the boat. I had to knock her unconscious first. She was still trying to kill me when we got back to Trebizond, so I got her to my place and took away all her clothes and kept her chained nak*d under the table. When I ate, I used to throw scraps to her under the table, like a dog. She had to learn who was master. Before that could happen, my mother did an unheard of thing. She visited my place without warning. She came to tell me that my father wanted to see me immediately. She found the girl. My mother was really angry with me for the first time in my life. Angry? She was beside herself. I was a cruel ne'er-do-well and she was ashamed to call me son. The girl must immediately be taken back to her people. My mother brought her some of her own clothes from the house. The girl put them on, but when the time came, she refused to leave me.' Darko Kerim laughed hugely. 'An interesting lesson in female psychology my dear friend. However, the problem of the girl is another story. While my mother was fussing over her and getting nothing but gipsy curses for her pains, I was having an interview with my father, who had heard nothing of all this and who never did hear. My mother was like that. There was another man with my father, a tall, quiet Englishman with a black patch over one eye. They were talking about the Russians. The Englishman wanted to know what they were doing along their frontier, about what was going on at Batoum, their big oil and naval base only fifty miles away from Trebizond. He would pay good money for information. I knew English and I knew Russian. I had good eyes and ears. I had a boat. My father had decided that I would work for the Englishman. And that Englishman, my dear friend, was Major Dansey, my predecessor as Head of this Station. And the rest,' Kerim made a wide gesture with his cigarette holder, 'you can imagine.'
Shut up bitch, you know you love it.
PS: Don't try this at home.
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