July 1, 2018

At the Self-Portrait Café...

P1180023 (1)

... take a look at yourself.


mockturtle said...

Two really exciting matches in the World Cup this morning. Very happy for Russia who beat Spain in the third biggest upset in World Cup history! :-) Both matches went all the way to penalty.

rhhardin said...

The weather report says the 95 degrees feels like 102. On the contrary, 102 is more pleasant. The humid 95 feels like a humid 95.

Josephbleau said...

It would take a grant fed study to determine the question: how does a single elastic membrane permit extrusion within its bounds.

n said...

Eric Clapton : Before you accuse me, Take a Look at Yourself.

Sebastian said...

"take a look at yourself"

I'd love to. It's all the pictures of other people that are distracting.

Though there is one painter who looked at himself in a way that changed the way I look at myself.

Drago said...

Does Russia beating Spain in the World Cup constitute an impeachable offense for Trump?

HT said...

There was no tension in that match. One just knew Russia would win. And they did. Little somethin somethin for the hosts as usual.

walter said...

Via Insta-wife/PJ media, SFW aericle about Bourdain/#metoo intersect:
HOT LINES_Can We Talk About Toxic Feminity

David Begley said...

Post at Power Line cites Althouse’s distaste of the use of children in politics.

rhhardin said...

Is Althouse weepy for children or resisting being played, women being suckers for children. Stop playing us instead of who cares.

gilbar said...

tesla made their goal of 5,000 cars per week...
Except, they changed it to 5,000 cars IN A week
Then, changed it to 5,000 cars in ABOUT a week
They (apparently) made the 5,000th car at 4am Sunday (which was half a shift into the next week).

The Tesla (paid for) fans are going crazy!
The movie fans are saying Gung Ho with Micheal Keaton
I'm saying ENRON

gilbar said...

rharding said: The weather report says the 95 degrees feels like 102. On the contrary, 102 is more pleasant. The humid 95 feels like a humid 95.

So True! Iowa State Climatologist Elwynn Taylor used to say that on the radio (back when it used to get that hot in iowa). Apparently, RELATIVE Humidity drops significantly around 102; so that above that temp it's pretty impossible to be super humid. 92 degrees and 92% humidity is about the worst IMHO. If you hang clothes out to dry; THEY DON'T DRY!!!

Ann Althouse said...

It's one thing to be politically active about issues that have to do with children, and nothing is more important that what we do with children. My problem isn't with politics relating to children. It's about bringing real children out to speak and to carry signs and so forth. The children are being used to speak for adults (even if the topic is children). The children either don't know and understand what they are being coerced or coaxed to say or they are expressing immature ideas that adults have decided are useful. I don't think childhood should be appropriated like that.

Ann Althouse said...

There is a second thing that's a problem: Manipulating adults and creating low-quality impulses in adults by talking about children and showing the problems of children. I presume most people care about what happens to children, but the intensity of caring doesn't get you to the answers about how to deal with these problems, and voting for politicians based on their seeming to care about children because you care about children doesn't make any sense at all. Even if you're right about who cares the most, it's not an accurate way to pick the policy that is most beneficial to children (or best serves the overall social interests that make us want to preserve and nurture the next generations).

Ann Althouse said...

Myself, I have not watched any TV news coverage showing the suffering of children at the border. I read the news stories and I understand the problem, but I don't submit to the propagandizing use of images and audio.

Ann Althouse said...

As for the Power Line blog post, it just uses my name to begin: "Wisconsin law professor emerita and blogger Ann Althouse is a severe critic of anyone who uses children for political advantage."

That's a very strong statement! The use of "severe" and the absolute "anyone" and the broad category "political advantage" makes it something I do not agree with.

gilbar said...

how about: Althouse frowns at people that use children?

Robert Cook said...

Since no one else has mentioned it, I will: I love all the self-portraits by Ivan Albright on the wall!

rhhardin said...

nothing is more important that what we do with children.

That's women's view and that's why kids are used in politics. Women vote.

Historically children were a matter of much larger indifference. Even in the 40s and 50s we were outside playing perhaps miles from home. I don't recall children in political ads then.

rhhardin said...

Think of children as little adults who were made small to limit the damage they could do until they learned something.

stevew said...

Children used in politics: this has been a problem most of my life. They are used by all political persuasions. This is why "It's for the children" is used to criticize and mock. Putting your kids out with signs at a political rally should result in your prosecution, for endangerment or neglect. For full ironic effect we could name this type of enforcement after a child.


stevew said...

Slightly OT: do you need permission to post the photos that include live humans?


mockturtle said...

Since no one else has mentioned it, I will: I love all the self-portraits by Ivan Albright on the wall!

Kinda like looking in the mirror, eh, Cookie?

mockturtle said...

There was no tension in that match. One just knew Russia would win. And they did. Little somethin somethin for the hosts as usual.

Did you actually watch the match, HT?

HT said...

Yes. When you know who is going to win from the outset, there is no tension.

mockturtle said...

HT, do you really believe Spain was bought off?