June 29, 2018

Trump predicts his new Supreme Court Justice will serve for 40 (or 45) years.

Let's look at his list of potential nominees, find the youngest, and calculate how old they'd be after 40 years. USA Today put it in graphic form:

So Trump has it easily within his power to make his prediction dream come true. Wyrick could even go 50 years! How strange to think that we could know today who should be making who knows what decisions half a century from now!

Did that graphic help you contemplate the issue of a President's taking extreme advantage the concept of lifetime terms for Supreme Court Justices? Do you remember when USA Today was new, and its use of graphics was key to its branding?
The design was unique in its incorporation of colorized graphics and photographs...  The paper's overall content style and elevated use of graphics – the result of the concept developed by Neuharth, in contribution with staff graphics designers George Rorick, Sam Ward, Suzy Parker, John Sherlock and Web Bryant – was derided by critics, who referred to it as "McPaper" or "television you can wrap fish in," because it opted to incorporate more concise, shorter-form nuggets of information akin to the style of television news rather than in-depth stories in many of its sections like traditional newspapers, which many in the newspaper industry considered to be a dumbing down of the news.
Gary Trudeau's 1988 book "We're Eating More Beets" was part of the derision:


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MaxedOutMama said...

Maybe Trump is trying to get us to think about this and seriously consider term limits, or a retirement age for SC justices.

It's bad for the country to have people on the court for that long. Just bad.

Ken B said...

Amul Thapar. Dare the dems to vote him down.

Achilles said...

Howard said...

The other "guys" are deranged animals.

This is the kind of cowardly cuck talk from a Hitlerist wannabe. The first step is to dehumanize your political opponents before implimenting genocide.

Give us all one significant difference between Antifa and the German Brown Shirts or Chinese Red Guards.

We all know who is actually pushing for violence, revolution, and genocide. Only one side wants to burn the bill of rights.

You people watched Obama separate families for 8 years. Thousands of kids were orphaned during his administration.

You are acting like animals.

Achilles said...

MaxedOutMama said...

Maybe Trump is trying to get us to think about this and seriously consider term limits, or a retirement age for SC justices.

It's bad for the country to have people on the court for that long. Just bad.

In an ideal situation sure.

But our situation is not ideal.

We have a solid chunk of the population that wants to impose socialism and mass murder that always follows socialism.

Michael K said...

Reality is nowhere to be found and further aging will not help his condition.

Yes, you have trouble with reality. Shall we look at Supreme Court terms ?

Hugo Black, ex KKK 34 years.

William O Douglas 36 years.

Brennan 33 years.

White 31 years.

Stevens 34 years,

Try to do better next time.

walter said...

gadfly said... we get an adolescent imaginary dream nowhere near the septuagenarian maturity we should expect. Reality is nowhere to be found
Says "Hands clean!" boy who hid under a blankie from the political reality before him.

Drago said...

"The Poor Man's LLR Chuck" gadfly: "Trump predicts his new Supreme Court justice will serve for 40 (or 45) years. So he is moving from despot to God in the blink of an eye. If we take the time to assess this no-so-brilliant flash of the Trump mind, we get an adolescent imaginary dream nowhere near the septuagenarian maturity we should expect. Reality is nowhere to be found and further aging will not help his condition."

Shorter gadfly: Actuarial tables frighten and confuse me!!!

Achilles said...

I would actually point out that someone who is 40 now has a damn good chance of never dying of natural causes.

Just saying.

FIDO said...

Here is a loony idea: Ol' Giddy isn't lasting 7 more years, though I wouldn't put it past the Left to hide her death ala Shih Huang Ti and his minister Li Si to try to stretch things out.

So Trump gets her seat too.

Then, in his 7th year, Thomas, Alito and (Please God) Roberts all retire and Trump appoints a bunch of 40-50 year old Justices. We'll call it avoiding the Ginsberg Gamble.

I mean, Thomas must be tired of the vitriol. If Trump can get those pictures of Roberts and those teen hookers, he's a lock. Alito probably doesn't want to go, and it is hard to ask him.

But he is 68. One can at least ask.

If that happens, there will be ENORMOUS pressure on Breyer, Kagan and Sotomayor to 'retire' during the next Democrat presidency...and the wise Latina, the simp, and the jerk aren't going to do it.

clint said...

Is it worth pointing out that President Trump didn't actually make a prediction about how long the next justice would serve?

He was talking about the attributes he's looking for in a nominee, and saying it needs to be someone relatively young so they can have a long term. That's different from asserting that whoever he picks *will* have a really long term.

@Bay Area Guy said...
"Why the worry?

The only avenue to screw things up is if McCain, Murkowsky and Collins unite with the Dems.

Hmmm. On second thought. There is cause for worry."

That's the briar patch.

If President Trump nominates someone that Republican voters see as well qualified, and all 49 Democratic senators vote against, that will be a major help to Republican challengers in half a dozen or more senate races.

And even if McCain, Murkowsky, Collins, Flake, Corker, and two more surprise senators all vote against the nominee... Trump's first choice will still be confirmed in January or February.

What makes this so horrible for senate Democrats is that if they *don't* try to throw us into that briar patch, they risk their base staying home in November in protest.

Smile. Don't worry. Be happy.

Gahrie said...

I would actually point out that someone who is 40 now has a damn good chance of never dying of natural causes.

40? How about 53?

Seriously there are amazing things going on in medicine right now. Extended high quality lifespans are definitely on the horizon. The key is going to be access. If the process is affordable and universally available...things are fine. If the process is expensive and restricted to the wealthy, we have problems.

clint said...


Like every medical advance ever, when it first comes it will be expensive and restricted to the wealthy. And then, barring government intervention, it will quickly become much cheaper and more widely available.

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