१९ जून, २०१८

"Trump defiant as crisis grows over family separation at the border."

That's the headline at The Washington Post, with this video of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen vigorously defending Trump's policy:

From the article:
The president on Monday voiced defiance and continued to falsely blame congressional Democrats for what he decried as a “horrible and tough” situation. But Trump is empowered to immediately order border agents to stop separating families as a result of his “zero tolerance” enforcement policy.
The insertion of the word "falsely" is such a distracting signal that WaPo doesn't want to be looked upon as neutrally professional journalism. If what Trump is saying is wrong for some reason, that should be brought out, with factual statements, somewhere else in the story. I also don't like "voiced defiant" (or, from the headline, "Trump defiant"). For one thing, it purports to know his state of mind. For another, it refers to something that he's defying before setting up what that is. We're dropped into the middle of things, and Trump is all emotional and spouting lies. I feel like I'm reading a pulp fiction novel.
The president asserted that the parents illegally crossing the U.S.-Mexico border with their children “could be murderers and thieves and so much else,” echoing his incendiary remarks about immigrants at his campaign launch in 2015. And in a series of dark tweets, he warned that undocumented immigrants could increase gang crime and usher in cultural changes.

“The United States will not be a migrant camp, and it will not be a refugee holding facility,” Trump said in a midday speech. “You look at what’s happening in Europe, you look at what’s happening in other places. We can’t allow that to happen to the United States. Not on my watch.”
So he's doing more of the kind of talk that won him the election in 2016. What makes Democrats in politics and the media believe it will work out differently this time? Big bets are being made on which high-emotion scenario will capture the hearts of voting Americans. I wish this were not forefronted as the issue for 2018. Whatever happened to the IG's report or North Korea or — for that matter — Russia collusion and impeachment?
The crisis garnered round-the-clock television news coverage, with journalists reporting about their first glimpses of the ­concrete-floor and metal-cage conditions inside the detention centers.
So no human beings were making the decision to devote round-the-clock coverage of this issue. The "crisis" did the acting. The abstraction — there's that bullshit wordgarnered the coverage.
Nielsen acknowledged that she was not keeping pace with coverage of the crisis, including audio of wailing children published a few hours earlier by ProPublica....
As if her job is to monitor the media, and how to enforce the law should be determined by what video has been chosen to run on television. Nielsen should have her own accurate sources and should work on performing her duties, not spend her time consuming journalism/propaganda and continually modify what she is doing in response to the imagined mood of the country. The test will come when the elections arrive, more than 4 months from now. Will crying, "caged" children fill our TV screens that long?
Trump has been closely monitoring the coverage...
Yeah, Trump, who we've been told spends too much time watching television.
... but has been suspicious of it...
LOL. That's what he does.  Watches TV suspiciously. If you're going to watch the news on TV — a horrible practice (I can't stand it) — that's what you should do, watch suspiciously.
... telling associates he believes that the media cherry-picks the most dramatic images and stories to portray his administration in a negative light, according to one senior administration official.
Well, of course. What competent watcher of television would not conclude that the images are cherry-picked for drama? As for negativity to the Trump administration, can you be a competent TV watcher and believe the concern here really is purely for the welfare of children?
Meanwhile, Trump and his advisers were unable to stanch the wellspring of public opposition. 
I'm skeptical of the phrase "wellspring of public opposition." There are surveys — the article refers to a CNN poll and a Quinnipiac poll showing 67/68% of Americans disapprove of separating children from parents — but I suspect that millions of Americans want what they voted for in 2016, which is strong immigration enforcement, and these people may not want to talk about the innocents who get hurt along the way and they may embrace the idea (that Nielsen stated clearly) that the children are being hurt by the adults who are taking them on a dangerous, criminal journey or suspect that many of these children are not so young and are already involved in gang violence and will bring more of that violence into the United States. What about that wellspring of public sentiment?

By the way, "stanch the wellspring" is a mixed metaphor. "To stanch" is to stop the flow of blood or other fluid from a wound in a living body. A "wellspring" is the source of a river emerging from the ground. These are emotive, colorful words, but they have concrete meaning and they're being used in a way that makes no sense.*
Some Republican elected officials joined Democrats in expressing moral outrage and calling for an immediate end to the administration’s family separation policy.
Are these people saying that what they want is that the adults who arrive with children and make a claim for asylum should — as before — gain free access to the United States? Or do they just express their "moral outrage" and leave it there?

* And — one more time — I've got to remind you of what George Orwell said about dying metaphors:
Dying metaphors. A newly invented metaphor assists thought by evoking a visual image, while on the other hand a metaphor which is technically "dead" (e.g. iron resolution) has in effect reverted to being an ordinary word and can generally be used without loss of vividness. But in between these two classes there is a huge dump of worn-out metaphors which have lost all evocative power and are merely used because they save people the trouble of inventing phrases for themselves. Examples are: Ring the changes on, take up the cudgel for, toe the line, ride roughshod over, stand shoulder to shoulder with, play into the hands of, no axe to grind, grist to the mill, fishing in troubled waters, on the order of the day, Achilles' heel, swan song, hotbed. Many of these are used without knowledge of their meaning (what is a "rift," for instance?), and incompatible metaphors are frequently mixed, a sure sign that the writer is not interested in what he is saying.

३८२ टिप्पण्या:

«सर्वात जुने   ‹थोडे जुने   382 पैकी 201 – 382
mccullough म्हणाले...

Place these kids at the Bush ranch, their house in Highland Park, and the compound in Kennebunkoort. House them in Chappaqua. Put them in the Obama five houses. Put them on Martha’s Vineyard, the Hamptons and Vail. Place them on Ivy Keague campuses and send them to Sidwell. Buy up the two blocks around Pekosi’s places and put them in those houses.

Place them next door to the douches who owns the Times.

This problem will be solved in 5 minutes then. The twitter humanitarians don’t wantbthese kids in their schools, their summer retreats, and their neighborhoods. They must be made to live directly with the consequences of their stupid policies.

Roy Lofquist म्हणाले...

"Ann Althouse said...
The whole challenge of life is for you men to figure out how to interact with women."

Biker John was a preacher man. He rode his Harley up and down the coast from San Diego to Vancouver spreading The Word. One day as he took his lunch in a redwood grove an angel appeared to him.

"John", said the angel, "Our Father has noticed your work and would like to do something to show his appreciation".

John said "I've always wanted to preach in Hawaii but I'm scared of flying and I get terrible seasick. Maybe He could build a bridge".

The angel replied "Uh, John, that's a little bit beyond what The Big Guy had in mind. Is there anything else He could do for you?".

"OK, maybe He could explain women to me".

Angel: "About that bridge - two lanes or four?".

buwaya म्हणाले...

Judges open the possibility of novel, politically motivated rulings.
That would likely turn this thing into a true disaster.
Imagine a broad ruling making it impossible to hold a minor who illegally crosses a border, and moreover anyone accompanying the minor, claiming to be a parent.

In the time it takes to change that decision you could easily get a Euro-2015 wave of millions of people coming over not just from Central America but Mexico.

Darrell म्हणाले...

Everyone reunited in Mexico. Next year in Mexico. This year in Mexico.
Problem solved.

rhhardin म्हणाले...

h's only failing re social issues is that he hasn't figured out that "assume you have a can opener" is a punch line, not a premise.

Old New Yorker cartoon, wife to businessman, "Now, don't try to reason with me."

rhhardin म्हणाले...

They're giving out free beer in Mexico. Try shouting that at the border.

Darrell म्हणाले...

Kate Steinle was separated from her parents.
By a illegal who had been caught and deported multiple times. . With a gun. Who was then acquitted by a SF jury.
She's love to be put up at an active military base like they have been doing the past several years.

What's Ted Cruz going to do for her?

chuck म्हणाले...

> Judges open the possibility of novel, politically motivated rulings.

Given the number of farcical, political rulings in the past 18 months, I don't trust the judiciary. It's a shame in a nation bound together by common law that it has come to that, but there you are.

Achilles म्हणाले...

Inga said...

I said this yesterday, except I said use old military bases to house the families together. If they aren’t eligible for asylum send them back to their home countries, families intact.

Don't worry. Trump will solve another problem created by BushObama.

You people will be looking stupid.


Night Owl म्हणाले...

The migratory invasion in Europe gained momentum after that  photo of the drowned immigrant child. The left must be hoping to have the same effect on this continent using those Obama era photos of kids in cages.

The problem for the left, as Althouse mentioned, is that Trump was elected in large  part to put a stop to illegal immigration. So I don't see how this issue is a winning strategy for dems in the fall elections. They shut down the government over the DACA "kids"; how'd that work out for them?

I guess it's obvious that I don't believe the left really give a damn about these kids. They were all for Obama policies that encouraged parents to send their unaccompanied children to suffer on their way to the American Border. Did they care about how many of those unaccompanied minors ended up in the sex trade or dead in the desert during the eight years Obama handled our immigration policies? The caged kids might have been the lucky ones for all they know... or care.

n.n म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
Achilles म्हणाले...

Inga said...

“Hyperbole and knee-jerk outrage have gone beyond their normal bounds. Buwaya is most likely correct that this is all part of a carefully orchestrated plan to undermine our country.”

We saw 8 solid years of this under Obama.

This is the boiled down essence of amorality.

This person literally ignored this very problem she is waving around like a bloody shirt now for 8 years during the Obama administration.

I properly used the word literally.

She did not give two shits about these kids during the entire Obama administration.

And now she cares.

And has the ability to type the words "We saw 8 solid years of this under Obama."

Disgusting people.

Don't worry Trump will fix the problem your globalist masters created.

n.n म्हणाले...

Unlike the hard problem of reconciling the lives of mother and baby during pregnancy, an adult and child are separable, and there is still a societal priority to safeguard the life of the latter.

That said, there is a real risk of leaving young persons with mature predators, who may or may not be authentic parents. The nations from where they emigrated could aid in resolving this conundrum with information about lineage and standing, including: birth certificates, criminal records.

Neither the feminists' wicked solution nor Obama's trail of tears are tolerable. There needs to be emigration reform to address causes at the source and mitigate obfuscation at their destination.

Achilles म्हणाले...

Inga said...
Trump is standing up there at this very moment saying “we don’t want judges.” He doesn’t want more judges to speed up the time these people have to be held? What? So he’s going to take away the children to keep the asylum seekers and illegal border crossers from coming. What he’s saying at this very moment rocking his shoulders back and forth like Il Duce is going to be written up in history books one day, it won’t look good for him. He’s a disgrace.

Please keep telling everyone how much more important illegal immigrants are than American citizens.

Voters will let you know who the disgrace is in November.

JaimeRoberto म्हणाले...

Fine, build facilities that can detain the families intact until they are deported, but be sure to deport them.

Unknown म्हणाले...

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan

My strong beliefs based on some familiarity:

-Not Beloved, except perhaps by Kos Kids.
-Mostly unreasonable.
-Not a man.

My opinion is that it is Amanda Marcotte.

n.n म्हणाले...

build facilities that can detain the families intact

It's not that simple. Those adults who identify as "parents" may actually be predators. Unless the emigres' nations provide birth certificates and criminal records, there isn't an easy way to discern parent and handler, between guardian and rapist. The greater risk is leaving the latter in close proximity to children, where exploitation and abuse of their victims and leverage will progress.

n.n म्हणाले...

The only viable, sustainable solution is emigration reform, where people in proximity (e.g. community) will have greater awareness of the situation, and therefore better able to address the causes that drive mass emigration. We need to setup a summit with these second and third-world nations, and openly discuss the causes on the ground that are driving mass emigration that is imperiling men, women, children, and babies, too. We need to address the demand at the destinations, including compensating for female chauvinist dysfunction, labor arbitrage, press propaganda, and political gerrymandering.

Inga...Allie Oop म्हणाले...

Where is the “Using children as a bargaining chip” tag?

langford peel म्हणाले...

Inga said...
Where is the “Using children as a bargaining chip” tag?

It is in the title of your talking points from the Democratic National Committee.

Dust Bunny Queen म्हणाले...

Achilles said: If you type or read the word crisis enough it starts to look weird.

This is called Semantic Satiation

" Semantic satiation is a psychological phenomenon in which repetition causes a word or phrase to temporarily lose meaning for the listener, who then perceives the speech as repeated meaningless sounds.

Like saying the word khaki or crisis over and over until the words are only sounds and mean nothing....

This is what the left/democrats are doing now. CRISIS CRISIS CRISIS CRISIS. Until the rest of us just tune the meaningless sounds out. They can never understand just exactly why we tune them out, but basically this is it. Overload. Switch off.

n.n म्हणाले...

The global (i.e. Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe) adventures that forced catastrophic anthropogenic immigration reform (e.g. trail of tears, separation of parents and children), have known, avoidable causes: social justice, abortion fields, elective regime changes, political gerrymandering, etc. CAIR in Central and South America also has known causes that should not be progressed through emotional obfuscation for political leverage and welfare (e.g. redistributive change) profits.

That said, leaving children with adults that may or may not be predators would be unconscionable. The emigres' nations could help resolve this situation through provision of birth certificates and criminal records.

Inga...Allie Oop म्हणाले...

What’s in your talking points from the America Freedom Party, Peel? I can only guess, maybe you’ll call these kids “monkeys” again today.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil म्हणाले...

Josh Jordan
‏Verified account @NumbersMuncher

"Gallup: Donald Trump's weekly job approval jumps to match the highest level of his presidency at 45-50 (was 42-54 last week).

The only time his approval has been this high on Gallup was the first week of his presidency, when it was 45-47."

Michael Ahrens @michael_ahrens

GALLUP: Satisfaction With U.S. Direction Reaches 12-Year High 📈 https://news.gallup.com/poll/235739/satisfaction-direction-reaches-year-high.aspx …
8:57 AM - Jun 18, 2018

Lefties, your little ploys and temper tantrums do not appear to be working. People see though you.

But by all means, double down and get even more hysterical.

Rusty म्हणाले...

"She did not give two shits about these kids during the entire Obama administration.

And now she cares. "

Because she's been told to care. You don't think she thought of this on her own , do you?
It's the crisis of the day. Tomorrow she'll be told something else to be outraged over.
"For The Children!" Yes indeed. Which is why I want to keep these people out.

Curious George म्हणाले...

Our resident dullard #IngaKnew all about the abuses during the Obama reign, and like Bill Clinton and other abusers sex, not a fucking peep.

She doesn't care about these kids now, or all the kids that were turned over to sex slave traders under Obama. They're just eggs in her lefty omellete.

Google any lefty politician, Obama, Clinton, Schumer, Pelosi, and hear what they were saying a few years ago.

Alex म्हणाले...

Americans are so stupid. They want something to be done about illegal immigration but then complain about the policies. You can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs people! Also I loved the smirk on Jeff Sessions face as he quoted the Bible and how Trump used the word 'infest'. Great stuff to appeal to the MAGA crowd. He knows the read meat we love to hear!

langford peel म्हणाले...

No Inga they are not black as a rule so it would be unfair to call them monkeys.

I prefer to call them beaner babies.

Get you ethnic slurs straight.

There are incels here keeping score.

Inga...Allie Oop म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
Kevin म्हणाले...

So the number of people crossing the border illegally with children has suddenly tripled? What are the odds?

Who's giving them advice that if you claim asylum at a port of entry you'll be put in the queue and likely denied, but if you cross illegally WITH A CHILD and then claim, you'll be let go inside America until your trial?

And if you don't show up, they won't go looking for you unless you commit another crime?

And your kid can claim DREAMER status?

And then can get you citizenship via chain migration, which the Dems have no intention of ending?

Who is causing this situation?

The Dude: "It's like what Lenin said... you look for the person who will benefit, and, uh, uh..."

Curious George म्हणाले...

"Inga said...
Trump is standing up there at this very moment saying “we don’t want judges.” He doesn’t want more judges to speed up the time these people have to be held? What? So he’s going to take away the children to keep the asylum seekers and illegal border crossers from coming. What he’s saying at this very moment rocking his shoulders back and forth like Il Duce is going to be written up in history books one day, it won’t look good for him. He’s a disgrace."

Our dullard doesn't understand that Trump will be the reason those books remain in English.

Inga...Allie Oop म्हणाले...

“No Inga they are not black as a rule so it would be unfair to call them monkeys.

I prefer to call them beaner babies.

Get you ethnic slurs straight.

There are incels here keeping score.”

Blogger langford peel said...
Why are we worrying about these baby shit hole monkeys. Send them all back the next day. No asylum. End that right now. End of problem. Send them back home. Don't teach them how to wash themselves or how to brush their teeth and use a toilet. Send them back.

The new Italian government has the right solution. The Good Times are over for you.

6/18/18, 12:11 PM

Kevin म्हणाले...

She doesn't care about these kids now, or all the kids that were turned over to sex slave traders under Obama. They're just eggs in her lefty omellete.

Remember how outraged she was about Stormy Daniels? And now it's like it never happened.

People pissed about Benghazi are still pissed about Benghazi. It comes up in threads all the time.

Stormy Daniels? It's all Sturm und Drang then POOF! Nothing. Never mentioned again because the value of the outrage has been fully consumed.

langford peel म्हणाले...

The pedophilia sex trade is very important to the top echelons of the Democratic Party. The Podesta brothers in particular who are linked to the disappearance of Madeleine McCann.

So it is no surprise that they want these undocumented and defenseless children to be released into the hands of sex traffickers who would pretend to be their parents. Rather than to determine who they are and to send them home. Instead they want them to disappear into the sex trade.

It is quite humorous to hear abortion fanatics like that feckless cunt from New York squawk about protecting "children." To watch the baby killers of Planned Parenthood to pretend they care about "children." You are not fooling anyone baby killers. Why don't you back to cutting up babies to sell for spare parts and leave this alone. You have no standing.

What a bunch of bullshit.

अनामित म्हणाले...

@ Buwaya Your comments make sense. I accept that "desperate" people will take desperate measure and that a lot of this is organic like a revolution. As you also point out, though, we are still probably talking millions of dollars that to someone like Soros (not an accusation) would be chicken feed.

Kevin म्हणाले...

Trump is standing up there at this very moment saying “we don’t want judges.” He doesn’t want more judges to speed up the time these people have to be held?

He doesn't want judges who will only serve to keep the border open and the people arriving to be judged.

When there is a hole in the boat, you fix the hole. You don't get everyone bailing water and continue on your way.

Henry म्हणाले...

Trump is standing up there at this very moment saying “we don’t want judges.” He doesn’t want more judges to speed up the time these people have to be held?

Link? That's a very opaque quote.

अनामित म्हणाले...

Nothing, they’re still there. No one has forgotten about them, or shouldn’t.

Kudos to you, personally, if you haven't, because that is almost certainly the reason for this latest, ultra-fulsome manufactured hysteria.

HipsterVacuum म्हणाले...

At least resident pea-brain Inga decided to go with a Mussolini reference instead of going all-in with a Hitler. She must've found that name during a furious Googling to find someone's thoughts to copy and paste.

langford peel म्हणाले...

Thanks for reminding me Inga. I forgot about that throwaway line.

I think it is important to make distinctions.

So I would only use the term "Baby shit hole monkeys" to refer to Haitian illegal immigrants. Or maybe Somali's.

I seem to think that most of the refuse we are talking about here are Hispanic so a better term would be beaner babies.

I want to refine my terms.

But thanks for your input.

अनामित म्हणाले...

rh to me: "rh's only failing re social issues is that he hasn't figured out that "assume you have a can opener" is a punch line, not a premise."

Old New Yorker cartoon, wife to businessman, "Now, don't try to reason with me."

It's OK if you still don't get the joke.

अनामित म्हणाले...

I must have missed some comments by Inga because the last one I read she reasonably agreed that we should house families in old military bases and return those not given asylum to their home countries families intact. I think, too, that is the to -be -wished for solution as many others here seem to as well.

Jon Ericson म्हणाले...

Comment by Alex blocked.
6/19/18, 1:20 PM

Comment by langford peel blocked. [unhush]​[show comment]
6/19/18, 1:22 PM

Comment by Inga blocked.
6/19/18, 1:22 PM

Another trifecta!

rhhardin म्हणाले...

It's OK if you still don't get the joke.

I took it as it's impractical to reason with women.

The specific problem here being inability to see long term vs short term. Women reason like children. There is only short term.

Henry म्हणाले...

As you also point out, though, we are still probably talking millions of dollars...

tens of thousands of people paying hundreds of dollars will give you millions.

Inga...Allie Oop म्हणाले...

“Trump is standing up there at this very moment saying “we don’t want judges.” He doesn’t want more judges to speed up the time these people have to be held?”

“Link? That's a very opaque quote.”

It is a direct quote. He was speaking this AM at the NFIB. I watched it live.


langford peel म्हणाले...

Still and all this is the flotsam and jetsam abandoned by their parents to the Coyotes and the sex trafficking rings to be found in Democratic controlled cities. If they truly cared about their children they wouldn't have exposed them to the danger inherent in flouting US law to illegally sneak into our country. They would have immigrated legally. But it is too much to expect that they would obey the US law. They are after all inherently criminals and future Democrats. Redundant terminology I know but there you have it.

I know the news media and the libtards are fine with that. Their goal is to legalize that deviancy as they have so successful with in normalizing and promoting homosexuality and transgenderism. Sex with children is the next "liberation" theology that they will be working on so these poor victims would be gist for the mill.

Maybe they can reboot some TV show where Will and Grace can adopt an illegal immigrant baby that Jack can molest and turn into a homosexual.

I bet they would much rather have that as their flagship show instead of "Roseanne" treating Trump voters as citizens. Get Disney on the Phone.

langford peel म्हणाले...

Jon Ericson is a moby.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil म्हणाले...

People pissed about Benghazi are still pissed about Benghazi. It comes up in threads all the time.

Stormy Daniels? It's all Sturm und Drang then POOF! Nothing. Never mentioned again because the value of the outrage has been fully consumed.

6/19/18, 1:28 PM

Very true. And when conservatives bring up Benghazi or any other Clinton/Obama scandal, the leftists sneer "old news." You're still concerned about that stuff? Well, yes, because some of us care about what is actually right and wrong. Democrats don't give two shits about right and wrong - only about political expediency.

अनामित म्हणाले...

rh: "It's OK if you still don't get the joke."

I took it as it's impractical to reason with women.

My joke, not yours. Women usually don't have any trouble getting jokes about female irrationality. (Even if their response is "That's not funny!" Though most of us get that joke, too.)

Jokes about spergosity, on the other hand, are usually opaque to spergs.

langford peel म्हणाले...

From Inga's link:

"Seriously, what country does this? They said ‘sir, we’d like to hire 5,000 or 6,000 more judges,” Trump continued. “Now can you imagine the graft that must take place?

Now that is right on the nose. When we see how the FBI has been compromised by accepting gifts and we know the record the corrupt big city machines can you imagine how much they would steal? How much money corrupt Democratic "Judges" would extort to let illegals stay so they could vote Democratic? I bet Soros would pay $1000 a voter.

We have the laws on the books. We just need to enforce them. Period.

Kevin म्हणाले...

I must have missed some comments by Inga because the last one I read she reasonably agreed that we should house families in old military bases and return those not given asylum to their home countries families intact.

Children cannot be held for more than 20 days by law, no matter how nice their accommodations.

Matt Sablan म्हणाले...

"And when conservatives bring up Benghazi or any other Clinton/Obama scandal, the leftists sneer "old news." You're still concerned about that stuff? Well, yes, because some of us care about what is actually right and wrong."

-- That's not the only reason. The right rarely, if ever, gets what feels like closure. Like, this IG report on Clinton's emails? That's the closest we'll get. "Yeah, the FBI got bribed, was told not to follow leads, went easy on Clinton out of fear she'd be the next president, and the entire staff of the investigation was With Her, but... no bias."

When the closest thing to closure you get is McCabe doesn't get his retirement, but then you look at the Valerie Plame thing and the left gets a scalp even when the actual leaker was known months before the investigation was closed up -- who, by the way, suffered no consequences what-so-ever -- you might start thinking a Deep State actually does exist.

Kevin म्हणाले...

The Democrat solution to any problem generally involves ignoring a law they find inconvenient.

Matt Sablan म्हणाले...

"I must have missed some comments by Inga because the last one I read she reasonably agreed that we should house families in old military bases and return those not given asylum to their home countries families intact."

-- What do you do when the kids have been held the maximum allowed, but you can't get an asylum hearing for the person who may or may not be their parent?

That's why Inga's solution doesn't work, as our law is currently written. We could re-write it, and Cruz, as far as I know, is the only one actually suggesting a solution.

The surest way to fix a bad rule is to enforce it. Vigorously.

rhhardin म्हणाले...

Assume a can opener is a math joke about impracticality.

The only impracticality I see around is impossibility to reason with women. What other parallel am I missing?

The practical thing I proposed was self-awareness on the part of women that men don't agree with them for specific sorts of things, like long term problems, and that's a warning that they're not applying their favorite mode of thinking to an appropriate thing. Rather than insisting on their solution.

Women can run small systems because short term thinking works. They can change to a different thing when something else goes wrong, short-terming all the way.

With big systems you can't do that. Instead abstract from details and get to the principles and work from that. Long term. Guys like to do that, women don't.

Matt Sablan म्हणाले...

Again: If we didn't have sanctuary cities and knew that a high percentage of people released into care or custody of others would actually show up for their asylum hearings, we wouldn't be in this mess. But, we can't trust people to do that, leaving us with even more unappealing options.

And again: Only Ted Cruz -- not exactly Mr. Congeniality or Mr. Compromise -- is stepping up to find a solution.

Kevin म्हणाले...

See, I bring up Benghazi and already a couple of commenters have expressed their rage.

Stormy Daniels? Nothing.

Don't worry. In a week there will be some accusation that Don Jr is profiting off Chinese trade sanctions or something and Inga will be up in arms about the "gutting" of our democracy.

And when I ask about the kids at the border, she'll just continue linking to the talking points about Don Jr.

Because these kids don't matter either.

langford peel म्हणाले...

They don't matter to their parents so why should they matter to us?

Matt Sablan म्हणाले...

"Because these kids don't matter either."

-- There are a few people who cared when Obama was president about this problem; I'll take them seriously. I may not agree with them; I'll still take them seriously. The vast amount of people who just now learned about this and can't accept when they call it a human rights violation or crimes against humanity, that since Trump is the one *trying to get the law changed and fix it* and *Obama is the one that did it*, that he's the one that should get marched to the Hague, or whatever the new phrase is, I can't take them seriously.

Curious George म्हणाले...

"Inga said...
“Trump is standing up there at this very moment saying “we don’t want judges.” He doesn’t want more judges to speed up the time these people have to be held?”

“Link? That's a very opaque quote.”

It is a direct quote. He was speaking this AM at the NFIB. I watched it live."

Our resident dullard #IngaKnew #IngaDoesntCareAboutObamaCages thinks thousands of judges could be created in a short period of time.

langford peel म्हणाले...

If the kids mattered to their parents they would not have put them in danger by exposing them to Coyotes and Sex Traffickers.

Next thing you know they are going to pretend they care about the young black people who are murdering each other in wholesale lots in Chicago and Baltimore.

You can only stretch our credulity so far guys.

Nonapod म्हणाले...

If it wasn't for hyperbole the mainstream media would have no 'bole at all.

Matt Sablan म्हणाले...

Here's The Hill on Trump's "no judges" statement. The last paragraph actually stresses my point about the best way to change a bad rule: "He said Tuesday that Congress must pass immigration reform to address the separation issue."

He's right. What's the point of more judges who *already ruled this is a legal thing to do?*

Henry म्हणाले...

Thanks for the link Matthew. Context is important.

Trump is complaining about magical alternatives, not efficacy.

Inga...Allie Oop म्हणाले...

“Here's The Hill on Trump's "no judges" statement. The last paragraph actually stresses my point about the best way to change a bad rule: "He said Tuesday that Congress must pass immigration reform to address the separation issue."

He's right. What's the point of more judges who *already ruled this is a legal thing to do?*”
“Trump's comments seem to contradict his stated desire to speed up deportations and address the waves of people crossing into the U.S. via the southern border.”

From the Hill article link.

Inga...Allie Oop म्हणाले...

“Thanks for the link Matthew. Context is important.

Trump is complaining about magical alternatives, not efficacy.”
Henry, I gave you the link you asked for at 1:43 PM.

You’re welcome.

Matt Sablan म्हणाले...

How would having more judges speed them up?

Are you going to also hire an equivalent staff? Build extra facilities? Get people to show up to court?

The judges are not the only thing getting in the way.

Matt Sablan म्हणाले...

Also: There are many ways to address the problem or speed things out *without more judges.* It only seems to contradict if you have no imagination or presuppose a solution.

अनामित म्हणाले...

rh: Assume a can opener is a math joke about impracticality.

No, it's not about "impracticality". It's about the obliviousness of the proposer to reality.

Henry म्हणाले...

@Inga -- Too many messages.

From the article:

“Trump's comments seem to contradict his stated desire to speed up deportations and address the waves of people crossing into the U.S. via the southern border.”

Well there's a lot seeming with Trump, but when Trump says “Thousands and thousands of judges they want to hire. Who are these people? When we vet a single federal judge it goes through a big process” he seems to be saying "When we vet a single federal judge it goes through a big process”

Meanwhile the same article tells us that Sessions dispatched 35 attorneys and 18 immigration judges to the southern border. This means that somewhere else in the country, other persons with immigration issues have just had their judgements delayed. Because the government doesn't have some kind of practice squad of judges just waiting for their chance to play in the big leagues.

I hope the additional judges speed up the processing of these cases, but Trump is right about the inadequacy of the response. What Sessions is doing is a stopgap, not a solution.

Henry म्हणाले...

We know from past administrations that the only short-term answer to catch and release.

There are not enough judges to judge the cases rapidly enough.

There is not enough infrastructure to house illegal immigrants awaiting judgement in detention centers that meet humane standards.

There are legal requirements that preclude the draconian deportation response favored in this commentariat.

sdharms म्हणाले...

What is it now. I lost track at Stormy Daniels.

chickelit म्हणाले...

Daniels’ lawyer has joined the open borders fray, offering to represent any parent separated from their child.

Who the hell is funding this creep? Why is no one interested.

chickelit म्हणाले...

It seems to me that the rate of migrations are accelerating again after slowing. Is this because of encouragement within the countries of origin or because the expectation that the borders will open wider?

Night Owl म्हणाले...

If these "families" were truly asylum-seekers they would have sought asylum in the first country they set foot on, like Mexico. Instead they were caravaned across central america to the US border, and have been encouraged to use children as a free ticket into the US.

Sensible immigration policies should not encourage the exploitation of children. A policy that says if you have a child you will be above the law is a policy that encourages the abuse of children.

American parents can have their children removed by child protective services for the flimsiest reasons, like letting their kids walk to the park alone. Why would any person who believes in the importance of enforcing child safety laws release a child to an adult if they can't know for certain that thw adult is acting in the best interest of the child?

Maybe the detained children should be fostered out until we can determine who the parents are, and then they can be reunited and all sent back to their country of origin. And if we can't determine who the parents are then put the kids up for adoption in the US and/or their origin country, and send the adults back minus the kids. This type of policy would quickly discourage the exploitation of children as a free ticket into the US.

chickelit म्हणाले...

The latest anti-Trump mindset: Let’s enable so much pressure on the borders from outside that something terrible finally happens to catalyze Trump’s downfall. Those people deserve a generation of political isolation.

mockturtle म्हणाले...

"Ann Althouse said...
The whole challenge of life is for you men to figure out how to interact with women."

It's not up to men to figure out how to interact with women. It's up to women to help men to make the world a better place. Men and women are different, have different roles and those, with very few exceptions, should be observed. The fact that we have lost track of this basic truth explains much of what is dysfunctional today. But it's just as unproductive for men to make fun of women because they are different from men as it is for women to whine about their lack of empowerment. We would do better to honor each other.

Night Owl म्हणाले...

The caravanning of immigrants looks like a leftist cloward-piven type tactic to overload the system and break it. I bet if we followed the money to see who was funding the caravan we wouldn't be surprised.

SeanF म्हणाले...

Kevin: Children cannot be held for more than 20 days by law, no matter how nice their accommodations.

I believe children cannot be held for more than 20 days in the same facilities as unrelated adults. The whole reason they are being separated from their (alleged) parents is that, by having separate facilities for adults and children, they can be held pretty much indefinitely.

Humperdink म्हणाले...

@mockturtle. Right on the button.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan म्हणाले...

Angle-Dyne, Angelic Buzzard said...
rh: Assume a can opener is a math joke about impracticality.

No, it's not about "impracticality". It's about the obliviousness of the proposer to reality.

Killing me softly with his song.

hstad म्हणाले...

AA: "The whole challenge of life is for you men to figure out how to interact with women."

Well that sure sounds like AA is sorting facts and observations in a way that confirms what she already believes.

FullMoon म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
John Pickering म्हणाले...

Poor nonplussed Ann can't figure out the coverage of President Trump:

I feel like I'm reading a pulp fiction novel.

This is the second time in as many days that Ann feels the need to modify "novel" with "fiction" or "fictional"; it's perhaps a consequence of lounging in the warm milk-bath of love for her president that leads to such confusion. Ann is baffled that the WaPo refers to the president's claims as false, because Ann loves her President and believes him to be a decent and above all honest man. Ann, who regularly frustrates her readers by linking to WaPo stories that are behind a paywall, has evidently skipped the regular feature that paper has been running that concludes that the sitting U.S. President tells several lies a day. Ann seems to have missed that long-running item.
On the other hand, Ann and her readers stand tall to defend the civil rights of American patriots such as Carter Page, Michael Flynn and Paul Manafort, as well as to endorse the hilarious policy of taking the little brown babies away from their criminal mothers. Hahaha! Ann sees the president as a gifted comedian, a genuinely funny man, and this is surely one of the funniest things he's done yet! Isn't it just delightful to see those pictures of the crying toddlers. Ann says, they got what they deserve. Those kids -- they're killers.
Ann and her tribe -- terrified of the little brown babies. But Ann generally: more confused than ever.

FullMoon म्हणाले...

(Probably Trumpit, the dirty SOB !)
Top Liberal Group Calls For Stabbing ICE Agents and Ripping Out their Hearts

Photo Here

Joe म्हणाले...

There is another solution; change the law and deport all illegal immigrants immediately, as a family if that's how they entered.

Browndog म्हणाले...

There is another solution; change the law and deport all illegal immigrants immediately, as a family if that's how they entered.

That's exactly what is going to happen. Trump is just waiting for Congress to set the table, thinking they'll be sticking it to Trump. Then, he turns the tables.

hstad म्हणाले...

I love all of this Propaganda 24/7 pushed by the Losers in the MSM. Ron Perlman's twitter comment says it all! Leftists and Democrats love commenting about anything which emotes feelings and forgets about facts. Mr. Perlman, when your hatred (via your latest Twitter feed) makes you do things like calling wounded U.S. vets Nazis, maybe it's time to take a break.

n.n म्हणाले...

So, how many Americans will give up their civil rights in order to progress the cover-up of collateral damage from social justice adventures (e.g. elective regime changes, refugee crises, trail of tears), female chauvinist ambitions (e.g. sexism, selective-child), minority "leader" dreams (i.e. feudalism), Democratic judicial license (e.g. political congruence ("=") or selective exclusion), Jew (White, Asian) privilege, and liberal spending sprees including redistributive change (not limited to decadal misalignments in America), etc.

n.n म्हणाले...

As for immigration reform (e.g. CAIR or refugee crises), the integration of children and adults who identify as "parents" and who may actually be predators exploiting emotional appeals (and young boys and girls) is unconscionable, and can only be addressed through the emigres' nations providing birth certificates (certificates of live birth are necessary but insufficient) and criminal records. There is also the issue, as in the global social justice adventures, of the women, men, girls, boys, and babies left behind. And, of course, political gerrymandering (e.g. foreign collusion), labor arbitrage, foreign sovereign exports, and population replacement demanded by the Pro-Choice cult (including and especially abortionists and corporate interests like Planned Parenthood) and female chauvinists.

rhhardin म्हणाले...

No, it's not about "impracticality". It's about the obliviousness of the proposer to reality.

It's not obliviousness. He's solving a math problem.

Sebastian म्हणाले...

"The whole challenge of life is for you men to figure out how to interact with women."

We are happy to have women think that. Since most of us figure it out early on, that leaves the rest of life to think about more interesting things. Which, having figured out how-to, is not to disparage in any way the pleasure of actually interacting with women.

अनामित म्हणाले...

@Henry No catch and release is not the only answer. Turn them away at the Mexican side of the border is the answer. Then no problems with duration of detention.

Matthew asks the great question: what happens to the "children' when the 20 days is up? Ship ' em back?

Lydia म्हणाले...

And again: Only Ted Cruz -- not exactly Mr. Congeniality or Mr. Compromise -- is stepping up to find a solution.

That's because he's got Beto O'Rourke snapping at his heels in the Texas Senate race. But good for him, in any case.

sakredkow म्हणाले...

Leftists and Democrats love commenting about anything which emotes feelings and forgets about facts.

That train left a loooong time ago. Most righties haven't been rational for a very long time.

Inga...Allie Oop म्हणाले...

I wonder if the conservative women here remember when rhhardin said there were no such women as conservative women, he said they were only pretenders, actresses, lol. He claimed a woman could never be a conservative.

walter म्हणाले...

Matthew Sablan said...How would having more judges speed them up?
Are you going to also hire an equivalent staff? Build extra facilities? Get people to show up to court?
Is there an available accurate % of those who show, those who seek asylum fraudulently?

MountainMan म्हणाले...

Night Owl said: "The caravanning of immigrants looks like a leftist cloward-piven type tactic to overload the system and break it. I bet if we followed the money to see who was funding the caravan we wouldn't be surprised."

It's the drug cartels. Face the Nation discussed this issue over the weekend but it has been mostly ignored. Article here in "The Federalist":


Overloading the system is exactly what they are doing. These detentions are up over 300% since last year and up dramatically this year just since February. And while we are wringing our hands and worrying about the "inhumanity" of very logically separating children from incarcerated adults - many of whom are not their parents - they are moving more drugs across the border while our agents are distracted and overwhelmed. Now we have governors pulling Guard troops from the border when we really need more Guard troops to take on the cartels. And the Democrats and GOPe seem to be just fine with that.

We have completely lost control of our border. The cartels must be laughing their asses off. They can do what they want. Meanwhile we are playing political games. We need to build the wall and build in quickly and put an end to this mess. In the meantime the Guard should go after the cartels on the border.

chickelit म्हणाले...

“ And the Democrats and GOPe seem to be just fine with that.”

Are the Dems and GOPe getting money from the cartels? How can their constituents be just fine with that?

chickelit म्हणाले...

Shorter John Pickering at 3:51 PM:

“I, John Pickering, do solemnly swear that Ann Althouse and many of her readers are racists who object to illegal immigration not based on laws and customs but rather because the accused are brown skinned.”

Birkel म्हणाले...

RE: Cruz suggesting a possible policy because Beto O'Rourke is nipping at his heels
Cruz shows +9 in the RCP average and is running at 50%. Not great as an incumbent but solidly on the Cruz side of things.

RE: drug cartels
One of the reasons I support decriminalizing drugs and opening the manufacturer, distribution and sale of drugs to American farmers and pharmaceutical makers is to reduce the profitability of illegal drug cartels. That is the overwhelming source of their income. And with that income comes human tragedy on a scale most Americans cannot fathom. Tobacco farmers could be growing pot in their fields next year and produce more than the ROW in a single season. The same is true with poppy. Etc.

But the taxes on the drugs cannot be so high as to allow the cartels to remain profitable.

Note, please, that I'm not making the libertarian perspective, per se, but rather I am arguing from a utilitarian perspective that the cost of prohibition far outstrips any alleged benefits.

Achilles म्हणाले...

Inga said...
Where is the “Using children as a bargaining chip” tag?

Right under "Amoral leftists waving bloody shirts"

Achilles म्हणाले...

I just heard the news of the "spontaneous" protests popping up.

Like magic.

The globalist left is so obvious and transparent.

Please make support of illegal immigration the primary focus of your campaign. Or repealing the second amendment. Or war in Korea. Or repealing the first amendment. Or raising taxes.

The best would be impeaching Trump for a non crime or something 10 years ago.

It would be even better if you all got enough GOPers to team up with you and pull off your little coup.

Browndog म्हणाले...

NY Governor announces lawsuit to stop family separation on the border.

Meaning, a judge has agreed to issue a stay, and once again, Donald Trump as President is unconstitutional.

I give it until Friday.

Inga...Allie Oop म्हणाले...

“Right under "Amoral leftists waving bloody shirts"

Right under “Trump Cultism”.

Drago म्हणाले...

John Pickering, leftist, determines that now would be a good time to offer up a brand spanking new and blistering hot take on republicans: they are racists!!


Not a moment too soon I'd say....

Inga...Allie Oop म्हणाले...

Or “Trump Cultism and how I embraced It”.

Inga...Allie Oop म्हणाले...

Yes a cut and paste... bite me.

The Trump Cult

“Awash in declarations that anything unfavorable is “fake news,” as if such a mantra could nullify all that his supporters don’t like, pining with eschatological yearning for the moment when America will be made “great again,” and policing the contours of national “purity,” Trumpism is far from a benign cult, but rather the most dangerous and destabilizing movement in the world today. For the most extreme of his partisans, “American greatness” is a millennial moment, with some factions of the far-right referring to their messianic president as the “Emperor God.” By all appearances, as we approach the mid-point of Trump’s second year in office, that is what Trumpism has become – a millenarian personality cult which invests its leader with an arbitrary, relativistic authority where he can define “truth” as being whatever he says it is, which psychologically justifies all manner of transparently corrupt and malignant policies embraced by his adherents.

Such a diagnosis was made by Greg Grandin in The Nation last January, who upon analyzing Trump supporters’ unwillingness to ever condemn any aspect of the administration, or to explain away the myriad inconsistencies in thought and behavior exhibited by the president, as being hallmarks of extremist religion. Grandin explains that “Trumpism is a death cult.” Don’t take this as the assessment of another liberal with so-called “Trump Derangement Syndrome.” None other than Republican Senator Bob Corker of Tennessee, who was an early supporter of Trump, argues much the same thing, as reported by Jordan Carney in The Hill on Wednesday that “We are in a strange place. I mean, it’s almost, it’s becoming a cultish thing, isn’t it? And it’s not a good place for any party to end up with a cult-like situation.” If that doesn’t strike you, then consider the president’s own son, Donald Trump Jr., who in response to Senator Corker’s accusation bragged to the hosts of Fox and Friends that if their movement is a “cult it’s because they like what my father is doing.””

Jon Ericson म्हणाले...

Pickering is just a Chuck sockpuppet for when he wants to be naughtier than his usual progressive self.

Milwaukie Guy म्हणाले...

I've always wondered about the meme "doing jobs Americans won't do."

The mass migration of relatively unskilled peasants and "refugees" from domestic violence from either husbands or male "youths," has broadly lowered the market rate of that unskilled labor. This hurts our native-born unskilled labor sector, particularly concentrated in the black and Hispanic urban neighborhoods where the youths are poorly educated by the Democratic Party teacher unions and political machines.

It also increases competition for the kinds of jobs teenagers can do, making it harder for them to learn the ways of the world. Of course, most teenagers don't want to work but their dads, when kids have them, want them to get an effin' job, because it's good for them.

Anyway, there are a lot of Americans that can do the jobs illegal do. From drywall, roofing and landscaping to the hospitality industry, there are tons of jobs that Americans do now. And, with "full employment," wages go up making those jobs even more attractive, in a market-based way and not the leftist "Fight for 15" way.

So what are those jobs Americans won't do?

I think Americans don't want to be servants to the rich. They don't want to be maids, full-time gardeners or drivers, live-in nannies, etc. [Except the cute Euro-nannies. That's a different story, if you know what I mean.]

When the rich globalist elite push the meme about how the U.S. needs open borders, it's mostly about their personal staff.

chickelit म्हणाले...

“The Obama Cult and how I embraced it (literally, with my vagina)”

By former NYT Editor Jill Abramson (who still carries a small Obama doll/dildo around in her purse).

Hard for a man to do that.

Inga...Allie Oop म्हणाले...

link to excerpt @7:10

chickelit म्हणाले...

@Milwaukie Guy: The Dick Gephardt wing of the DNC used to think like Trump does about immigration. It’s a pity they threw them out because they’ll never get those voters back.

Birkel म्हणाले...

I am still waiting on the first person on the left to offer a solution that isn't "Open the borders so Leftist Collectivists can import a new electorate because this electorate isn't acting as their betters command them to act."

My policy preferences:
1) Close the border,
2) Enforce E-Verify and fine or jail employers until enforcement within the country is taken seriously,
3) Deport anybody who has stolen an identity, applied for public assistance unlawfully, or been convicted of a significant crime (which might include pleaded misdemeanors that were initially charged as felonies),
4) Reduces federal money for any "sanctuary city",
5) A single prior deportation means no lawful future entry,
6) Modify (or eliminate) Motor Voter and require proof of citizenship to participate in our representative democracy.

FullMoon म्हणाले...

For Inga, Chuck< ARM ETC. Redditor hacked NYT
Your welcome !


Milwaukie Guy म्हणाले...

The other thing is the homeless problem out here on the Left Coast. Although, compared to everyone in the world that could do better by getting into America, it's less than 50,000 urban campers. We have neither the ideas nor the money to fix our homeless problem, Seattle south to L.A., even though we are governed by Progressives. Go figure.

Now, any random Central American can drop in to the U.S. and get wonderful facilities? Why are we privileging the foreign homeless above our poor American brothers and sisters? That's just wrong.

Milwaukie Guy म्हणाले...

I like the Birkel 6-point program.

Joanne Jacobs म्हणाले...

Trump would be wise to quadruple the number of immigration judges to cut wait times. Since few of these migrants are claiming political or religious persecution, most will be deported quickly. He also could give charitable groups and individuals the chance to sponsor a migrant family, paying for their housing, food, medical care, etc. -- plus a deposit to be forfeited if they skip before the immigration hearing. I think there would be quite a few willing to do this.

I'd like to see a public debate on open borders. Should the U.S. grant asylum only to victims of persecution or to all people fleeing violence and poverty in their home countries? There are lots of such people.

Browndog म्हणाले...

I like the Birkel 6-point program.


I don't.

It could be a 47 pt. plan.

Nothing works, everything is meaningless, unless you accomplish No.1.

Once you accomplish No. 1, most things take care of themselves. The border has never been "open".

Birkel म्हणाले...

Joanne Jacobs,

Sessions has already changed the DOJ stance about what domestic violence. It no longer qualifies for asylum.

The Obama Administration created perverse incentives (Where is my shocked face?) to have a husband bruise his wife for photographs so that she might gain access to the U.S. after which the family could be reunited.

But keep in mind, the only thing about which Leftist Collectivists care is power and its exercise over other people. Everything else is 'narrative' or 'optics' in pursuit of power.

Birkel म्हणाले...


It's #1 for a reason.
My plan involves an order of implementation.

#1 stops the influx.
The rest help motivate people to leave because they have not been invited according to the laws of this country.
I do not like the idea of America rounding up even those who don't belong, en masse, because I don't think the political will exists to accomplish that strategy. So after the border closes there must be an effort to reduce the incentives of people to illegally stay in the country.

FullMoon म्हणाले...

Joanne Jacobs said...

Trump would be wise to quadruple the number of immigration judges to cut wait times. Since few of these migrants are claiming political or religious persecution, most will be deported quickly. He also could give charitable groups and individuals the chance to sponsor a migrant family, paying for their housing, food, medical care, etc. -- plus a deposit to be forfeited if they skip before the immigration hearing. I think there would be quite a few willing to do this.

At 4000 dollars per month, would only cost 8 million for the 2 thousand so called families. A drop in the bucket for local Bay Area billionaires, any other billionaires. Suppose that would encourage or discourage illegals?
Of course, were it that simple, could take a lot of homeless off the street.

Browndog म्हणाले...

Doesn't it all boil down to Mexico sending their poor to the U.S.?

Why is Mexico still a shithole country?

Kevin म्हणाले...

"Schumer’s opposition to a legislative fix means there likely won’t be a quick end to the emotional images of immigrant children being separated from their families unless Trump backs down and reverses his “zero tolerance” policy.

Democrats want to keep the pressure on Trump instead of having Congress assume responsibility for the growing crisis."

That gunshot you heard? That was the sound of the Democrats shooting themselves in the foot.

Remember when Schumer thought he had a winning hand and shut down the government over the Dreamers?

Welcome to Phase II.

Browndog म्हणाले...

The DHS Secretary was just driven out of a D.C. restaurant by protesters.

FullMoon म्हणाले...

Sessions floating idea of using DNA to verify familial relationship.

Kevin म्हणाले...

"Attorney General Jeff Sessions is exploring the possibility of using DNA tests to verify the parentage of illegal alien adults who attempt to cross the southern border with children, Family Research Council President Tony Perkins said in a statement Tuesday after interviewing Sessions on his radio show Washington Watch."

That would certainly cut down on child trafficking, and is a lot more innovative than ignoring the law like Schumer wants Trump to do.

Browndog म्हणाले...

DNA testing? at the border?

Standard bureaucratic thinking-

chickelit म्हणाले...

“Remember when Schumer thought he had a winning hand and shut down the government over the Dreamers?”

Schumer’s hands are tied. His party staked their whole future on hispandering and there’s no turning back. Not without a fight.

chickelit म्हणाले...

“The DHS Secretary was just driven out of a D.C. restaurant by protesters.”

This will only mint new Trum0 supporters.

Kevin म्हणाले...

DNA testing? at the border?

They can just move Maury Povich's show to the border.

Imagine you brought your entire family from Central America only to find out you're not the father to half your kids.

Kevin म्हणाले...

“The DHS Secretary was just driven out of a D.C. restaurant by protesters.”

I'm sure the White House Chef can whip something up for her.

Inga...Allie Oop म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
Inga...Allie Oop म्हणाले...

“Tender Age” facilities for hundreds babies taken away from their parents at the border have been uncovered. The despicability factor has just escalated. You Trump Cultists won’t care, of course

Kevin म्हणाले...

I'm sure there are highly-paid consultants in a room right now outlining how DNA testing people who enter the country illegally is racist and exactly like Nazi Germany.

Birkel म्हणाले...

How do all the people at the border prove they are parents?
Kidnapping is a profitable industry in some parts of the world.

Kevin म्हणाले...

You Trump Cultists won’t care, of course

How many American babies were separated from their American mothers by the Justice System today?

And why aren't you asking?

Kevin म्हणाले...

It's good to know Democrats believe kids should go to prison when their parents commit a crime.

Or is it that they believe if you have kids you can't go to jail?

Kevin म्हणाले...

Actual title of Maury episode they could just reuse at the border: I'm Back For My Third DNA Test.. Is This My Baby?

Birkel म्हणाले...

I have seen the number at 20,000 per year sent to foster homes after their parent(s) are jailed. That would be 55 today, on average.

Inga...Allie Oop म्हणाले...

People are being deported without their children, wwww said this was happening several days ago. You Trump Cultists didn't believe her.

This is the brave new Trump World.

Inga...Allie Oop म्हणाले...

What have these asylum seekers done to deserve being treated like criminals? It’s happening to asylum seekers, not just illegal border crossers. Where is your humanity?


FullMoon म्हणाले...

Inga said...

People are being deported without their children, wwww said this was happening several days ago. You Trump Cultists didn't believe her.

This is the brave new Trump World.

Subtlety is key....

Kevin म्हणाले...

You Trump Cultists didn't believe her.

Yes it is happening. We don't hand the kids back until after we've verified who their parents are. Right now it takes time to get the paperwork from Central American countries.

Would you rather we give the kids back to the sex traffickers?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves म्हणाले...

No inga- you're disgusting. You never cared until it became the issue du jour on the left.

Kevin म्हणाले...

What have these asylum seekers done to deserve being treated like criminals?

If you come to the port of entry and claim asylum this is not happening to you.

If you enter illegally and then claim asylum, you have committed the crime of (drum roll) illegally entering the country.

Seriously, how many people have spelled this out for you already?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves म्हणाले...

Democrats’ Border Separation Bill Would Let Nearly All Parents Who Commit Federal Crimes Get Off Scot-Free


Birkel म्हणाले...

What have these criminal aliens done to be treated like criminals, amirite?

Inga...Allie Oop म्हणाले...

The parent should NEVER BE SEPERATED from the child. Do the DNA test. Keep them together until the test is completed. How difficult is this? You Trump Cultists will make any excuse for this Zero Tolerance policy which could be rescinded tonight.

It will haunt the Republican Party for years to come.

Inga...Allie Oop म्हणाले...

“If you come to the port of entry and claim asylum this is not happening to you.”

It IS happening to those coming to a Port of Entry too. Don’t you know this?

Shameful ignorance.

Kevin म्हणाले...

The parent should NEVER BE SEPERATED from the child.

So we need to start putting American kids in prison with their parents?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves म्हणाले...

HOSTAGE TAKER! Chuck Schumer just EXPOSED the Dems’ whole border crisis charade


Inga...Allie Oop म्हणाले...

“So we need to start putting American kids in prison with their parents?”

What a stupid comment. I’m pretty sure you know better, but can’t admit to the terrible injustice being done to innocent people. Doesn’t speak well for you and your fellow Cultists, but I’ve learned not to expect more from trump Cultists anymore.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves म्हणाले...

Inga learned how to care about the children today. Hive minders gonna hive mind

The Obama cages the media won't show you.

Kevin म्हणाले...

It IS happening to those coming to a Port of Entry too. Don’t you know this?

"And finally, DHS is not separating families legitimately seeking asylum at ports of entry. If an adult enters at a port of entry and claims asylum, they will not face prosecution for illegal entry. They have not committed a crime by coming to the port of entry."


chickelit म्हणाले...

What a stupid comment. I’m pretty sure you know better, but can’t admit to the terrible injustice being done to innocent people.

Well, there we have it. Inga doesn't believe illegal immigration is a crime. They are innocent until proven guilty, but if they are guilty, they need to be detained and deported.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves म्हणाले...

It's OK when the corruptocrats do it.

Birkel म्हणाले...

I cannot stand with the Leftist Collectivists and force children to go into prison with their criminal parents. Further, I cannot stand with Leftist Collectivists who incent foreigners to steal children for a dangerous and illegal trip across the border. Finally, I cannot stand with Leftist Collectivists who want to return children to adults who might not be their parents.

Criminal behavior at the border or otherwise must be stopped by punishing the criminals.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves म्हणाले...

Flashback: Both Hillary And Obama Advocated Separating Migrant Families, Strict Border Control

chickelit म्हणाले...

The message that Inga is telegraphing to the third world is "If you come, be sure to bring a kid."

Inga, how many migrants can you fit at your lakeside property? Maybe some can live on your houseboat. Asking for a friend.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves म्हणाले...

"Bring a kid, even if it's someone you abducted. " Hillary insists.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil म्हणाले...

"They are innocent until proven guilty, but if they are guilty, they need to be detained and deported."

Unless it's Trump we are talking about. Inga firmly believes he's guilty of everything.

Birkel म्हणाले...


If I steal a single kid, do I get to use chain migration to bring nearly all my village with me? Because I'm guessing this will be a profitable strategy, I am thinking of setting up a kidnapping ring that reuses the same stolen kid multiple times.

I will make my profits on volume.

--a criminal with big ideas

n.n म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
n.n म्हणाले...

Any incongruities arising from CAIR (Catastrophic Anthropogenic Immigration Reform), trail of tears, mass emigration, separation of American illegal actors and children, gerrrymandered districts, civil and and human rights violations, and generally placing American citizens second, can be reconciled, or rather ignored, at the twilight fringe with a Pro-Choice quasi-religious/moral/legal selective, opportunistic, and politically congruent framework.

n.n म्हणाले...

he's guilty of everything

Ah, the warlock hunts of #MeToo, the bullhorns of the press lynching politically unfavorable men and women, the civil rights violations of Antifa, the human rights violations of Planned Parenthood (presumed guilt and sentenced to immediate abortion without a voice, a hope, or possibility of appeal). They do witch hunts, too, but that is less politically congruent, and therefore less frequent, now, anyway.

Inga...Allie Oop म्हणाले...

“The backstory: Her remarks came in response to a letter Republican Senators Susan Collins and Jeff Flake sent to Kirstjen Nielsen and HHS Secretary Alex Azar this weekend to clarify whether families are separated when they seek asylum and how often such practice occurs

"Secretary Nielsen recently appeared before the U.S. Senate and testified that immigrant parents and children who present themselves at U.S. ports of entry to request asylum will not be separated. Despite Secretary Nielsen’s testimony, a number of media outlets have reported instances where parents and children seeking asylum at a port of entry have been separated,"the letter reads.


Birkel म्हणाले...

I liked Politico back before they changed their name.

Birkel म्हणाले...

Same stupid Leftist stories but at least with Politico I was getting the straight Democrat talking points. This Axios brand is trying to sell me on New & Improved Democrat talking points. If they're new, Axios, they cannot also be improved.

Choose one.

Achilles म्हणाले...

Inga said...
“So we need to start putting American kids in prison with their parents?”

What a stupid comment. I’m pretty sure you know better, but can’t admit to the terrible injustice being done to innocent people. Doesn’t speak well for you and your fellow Cultists, but I’ve learned not to expect more from trump Cultists anymore.

This has been happening for years.

Bush signed the law.

The courts interpreted the laws.

The pictures you disgusting shitheads are passing around were taken during the Obama administration.

You never cared until you could use these kids as a political weapon.

Like a good little tool you wave that bloody shirt.

Trump is going to fix the problem you people created.

We actually care about the kids and families and we will treat them humanely by sending them back as a family. We wont deliver them into the hands of sex traffickers like Obama did.

Compared to spying on political opponents using kids as political weapons is not that big of a deal.

You have proven you are a disgusting piece of shit many times over.

You might as well own it.

chickelit म्हणाले...

Maddow cried on election night too. I like it when things make Maddow cry.

Achilles म्हणाले...

2014 Obama detention facilities.

Of course this was before these kids were useful to democrats as political weapons.

It is going to be awesome watching Schumer filibuster the Cruz bill.

Achilles म्हणाले...

Mainstream Democrat thought

"What to do if you meet an ICE Agent"

Yes they literally advocate ripping the agents heart out and displaying it to the other ICE Agents.

These are awful people.

Clyde म्हणाले...

@ FullMoon at 6/19/18, 7:19 PM


FIDO म्हणाले...

If Juan takes little Juanita across the desert and she is bitten by a rattlesnake and dies, the press would have you believe that the responsibility is Trump's for not offering them an 8 lane highway to just come into the nation.

Alas, if Juanita is taken away from Papa, it is HIS fault, not Trump's. They knew the risks when they came here.

Kevin म्हणाले...

“a number of media outlets have reported instances where parents and children seeking asylum at a port of entry have been separated,”

So a letter from a Senator saying there are scattered reports of something, please make sure it’s not true, is now provided as proof it’s happening? Please. The media misreports things every day.

If it were truly happening it would be all the networks could talk about.

Inga, read carefully: “You have no chance of being detained for crossing the border illegally if you don’t cross the border illegally. You also have no chance of being separated from your children for breaking immigration laws if you don’t break immigration laws. Facts are hard.”

I would also add: and if you bring someone elese’s child with you, you won’t be getting them back.

Kevin म्हणाले...

Can we just say that once again on this blog the score is:

Logic 1
Shame 0

Kevin म्हणाले...

We should also point out Inga once again submits an article which refutes her argument.

The title of the article was: DHS denies separating families seeking asylum.

Birkel म्हणाले...

The denial is proof in Lefty Land.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves म्हणाले...

Birkel - even better if you give generously to the Clinton Foundation.

Bilwick म्हणाले...

Kevin, we should also point out that once again Inga is parroting the Party Line.

Shocker, right?

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