“I’m going to say one thing, F— Trump,” De Niro said while pumping his fists in the air. “It’s no longer down with Trump. It’s f— Trump.”
११ जून, २०१८
"Robert De Niro Says ‘F— Trump’ at Tony Awards, Gets Standing Ovation."
Variety reports.
१३४ टिप्पण्या:
He makes a compelling argument, but I'm just not there yet.
What is his spirit animal?
honestly, Who the HELL Cares about the half of America that supports Trump? F--- Them!
The boss of Twitter, has come out against Chik-FilA, because LGBTYNQV activists Told him to.
Honestly, Who the HELL Cares about the most of America that supports Chik-FilA? F--- Them!
(i DO wish i'd learn to proof read pre posting
Not what a young Don Corelone would say. More votes just added in WI, MN, MI, PA and NC.
I’m calling my shot: Trump wins 40 states.
Thanks Bobby!
He is an Abramovic spirit cooking discipleand friend of Harvey Weinstein. So naturally he is mad at Trump for crushing the Pedophlia Ring called Hollywood.
Things aren't really looking up for that point of view.
They hate our President Trump because he is so vulgar and inarticulate.
People say fuck all the time.
So George Soros admitting that he was living in a bubble and that's why he couldn't see everything going wrong didn't give DeNiro one moment of pause did it. Not particularly introspective is he
All I hear is the crowd. Couldn't Variety get the unshredded tape, untouched by POTUS?
I’m calling my shot: Trump wins 40 states.
My liberal friends seem resigned to the fact that he will get reelected, that is unless, how did one guy put it, "overwhelming evidence is presented." They take it for granted that Trump must be guilty of something. He simply has to be. Trump's ascendance to the presidency is an offense against their worldview. Its rather amusing because Trump isn't really all that conservative. Hell, Bernie Sanders campaigned on controlling illegal immigration and reworking trade agreements in order to improve job prospects for Americans. I don't bring that up with my liberal friends though. I just ignore their comments about Trump and change the subject. They probably think I can't refute them, but I just don't want to piss them off.
It would be so sad if these award shows lit up like a CA freeway brush fire.
1- Has Deniro ever acted in a live play? He strikes me as too dumb to remember his lines.
2- He is so unhappy and miserable. Can't imagine how much fun it must be to be around him.
Poor Hillarywoodland. They miss the slick one. Why can't we install the slick one as our forever presnit? Think of all the Benghazi, private servers, pallets of cash, mind-crime against non progs.
So dissent is patriotic again?
It won’t be the next time a Dem is in office.
It will be racist, sexist, and homophobic.
That guy that gat a standing ovation at the Tony Awards does a great Deniro impression.
...and that free accessible government run health care. Universal!
When scripts are written for Devito & DeNiro, e.g., Goodfellas, Casino, it's not unusual to see that the keyboard's "f" key being replaced repeatedly. If said enough you really do become infantile.
In 1936, the New Yorker ran a cartoon about some old rich white people. We know they're elites because there is a butler hovering in the background.
The caption: "Come along. We're going to the Trans-Lux to hiss Roosevelt."
Our betters didn't use the f-word so often in those days.
The intersectionality of virtue signalling and pompous assholitry.
If I were a movie producer, I'd be doing what McDonalds is doing—Automate the process. The film industry will relieve itself of human actors. Production costs will plummet. Instead pay animators or the estates of deceased stars who can't go off the reservation. Next up? The music industry. Computers will write the music, though for a while humans will still continue to perform it.
That's what Stormy said.
She's an actor too.
....and we care what DeNiro thinks? Still trying to find out who Kanye West is. And after I find out, I won't really care what HE thinks, either.
A subtle way of admitting that there will be no take down? The worst part is a moderated less hateful anti trump message may have worked where BAMN #Resist failed.
Fuck De Niro.
Niro De Fuck
Every Republican POTUS gets treated like crap by the liberal elites. Trump does one thing that is different: He fights back.
His annoying personality brings out the worst in his opponents. They do not even try to act reasonable and civil.
You go into Hollywood and the artistic spark is gone and has been gone for 25 years - it's all remakes of movies originally made in an era Hollywood says it hates or else pallid copies of Weinstein brutalisme. And a lot of big name actors are getting older and looking as if their younger selves had been arrested after a night of drinking and this is the police photo. But it's not a police photo, it's them, right now. So they get bitter and cling to liberal causes and antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-Trump sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations. And they say, fuck, a lot because when they were younger that was just so expressive. Now it's just so tired. DeNiro might as well have said, "Goodness Gracious Me", it's so dated. Someday they'll make movies of this time and probably all the movies will have a scene where some aging bitter former star or top liberal rages in a drunken, druggie infantile way at the passing of the fuck generation. And then attacks a young actress but can't get it up.
You know two New York guys from different sides of the tracks. Both actors. Both monied assholes (more or less). Good dynamics between the two. The Trump presidency is the most fun presidency ever.
Then his eyebrow falls off.
On my way down to NYC today with my wife. I thought we might try to see a play if I can get some cheap tickets.
Last night she was watching the Tonys in our hotel room. I was reading about the history of disease but could not avoid seeing/hearing some of it. I was reminded why THEATRE!!! has no interest at all for me. What a bunch of pretentious dreck.
I've always liked Robert DeNiro as an actor. But FUCK HIM!!! as a person.
John Henry
I doubt that Oscar Wilde would have been impressed with this fine example of Hollywood wit. But these folks are so very clever in their own eyes.
Imagine such a thing being said about Obama while he was President. One can only imagine because it just wouldn't have happened.
The standing o suggests that Bobby knows how to work a crowd.
Was that a comment to all the ladies in the house? Trump is still getting his biggest haters to say the most awesome stuff about him, and many of them haven't figured it out. Like when CNN panel spent an hour playing the Giuliani clip talking about beautiful and classy Trump's wives were, and how Trump doesn't need to spend time with women who take their clothes off for a living. Then the panel spent the rest of the time saying Trump is always spending time around beautiful women who take their clothes off. He owns Miss America! He's dated tons of models! We know what kind of guy he is!
I've seen a few of the haters wake up from their nightmare right in front of me. It's amazing how quickly the human brain can recover from a massive dose of cognitive dissonance.
Just saw Al's comment and had been wondering the same thing. DeNiro is not known as a stage actor, what is he doing at the Tonys?
Why don't they get one of their celebrities to be up on stage for the national audience.
Oops, sorry, I forgot.
They don't have any that are known outside a very small circle.
Can someone explain why the Tonys are even on TV?
John Henry
DeNiro has been one of my favorite actors for 45 years or so. So many outstanding roles in so many movies.
Alas, in the non-make believe world, i.e., the real world, he sounds pretty stupid.
They better put DiNero on suicide watch.
I like how Althouse looks at the literal meaning of the words people use. De Niro said "F-Trump. It's no longer down with Trump, F-Trump".
De Niro is not just opposed to Trump, but if you take his words literally, he is calling for the rape of the President.
And the audience, who are out in front of the #MeToo movement, stood and cheered a call for rape.
A DeNiro movie used to mean that it was probably a great movie. Now it means a B or C level script that isn't much good to watch even on BlueRay.
Hahhaha! Trump is such a fascist, you can say that and get a standing ovation. Obama was such a loving leader, if you said that you would have been hounded out of the business.
I try to see everyone as an individual, not as part of a group. DeNiro seems pretty stupid.
Hey, Bobby ? Bafangool !
...and the first scene of the Trump re-election campaign ads is complete.....
I've been around people in the arts, including actors, most of my life, and there are two things I've found that are true about them: (1) except for their craft and whatever arts they're involved in, they tend to be fairly uneducated, and woefully ignorant about history and economics; and (2), although they see themselves as free spirits and rebels, they're usually brainwashed tools of the "liberal" Hive, and fall in lockstep like so many Eloi when the Hive calls.
The whole evening, from what I saw, was one big anti-Trump rally. Strangest to me were the Gays who were reacting as if Trump were loading them onto box cars and shipping them off to death camps. And yet as members of the Hive, almost certainly falling into line with the Hive's goal of a bigger and more powerful State. Bad news, artistes: if you think you can have full freedom of expression where the State is omnipotent, think again. Maybe actually open a history book every once in a while.
Just keep buying those movie/theater tickets and renting those movies. You're signaling your approval of De Niro and his standing O crowd loud and clear.
: Is that Sicilian dialect? Proper Italian is “va fa un culo”
Well, no more Robert DeNiro movies or shows for us then. The magic of the screen, the verisimilitude, is shattered.
You can no longer look at the actor playing a character and forget that he HATES you in real life. He has no longer any status as Actor since he decided to play on the Political Stage.
Why can't they just STFU?
Are you an entertainer [actor/singer] or are you a Politician? Pick one. Choose wisely.
Brilliant! He sounds as sophisticated and deep as PeePee and other commenters here. If only Althouse was full of trained seals like The Tonys and Colbert have! But it ain't. We're not. Thank God.
Is that Sicilian dialect? Proper Italian is “va fa un culo”
Bafangool is the Street Italian pronunciation. But 'Va fa' un' culo' is hardly proper.
He's getting on in years. The internal censors no longer work. The elder Bush pinches fannies, and DeNiro screams "Fuck Trump" at random moments. I'm all for treating such cases with dignity and respect, but I don't think his caregivers should let him appear in public without close supervision. Also, it was wrong for the crowd to give him a standing ovation. All those bright lights, crowds, and applause will only add to his confusion and hasten his mental decline.
Trump is used to dealing with the Mob. He’ll deal with wannabe moobsters like DeNiro in good time. Right now I’d like to point out that tcrosse had the right response given DeNiro’s proclivity for young boys.
DBQ--actors are our moral guides with their superior insight into the human condition, honed by pretending to be somebody else speaking words written by somebody else in front of crowds of people who may have trouble recognizing what they are seeing and differentiating it from reality. So they think it is a good idea to lecture us all based on their superior moral sense.
I don't care if they do or don't STFU--I wasn't watching.
Over the years I haven't had any trouble boycotting Jane Fonda, but DeNiro occasionally makes movies I want to see.
Since "when they go low we go high" didn't work, I imagine that Hollywood and the media elite are falling back on good old foul-mouthed declamation.
William said...”Over the years I haven't had any trouble boycotting Jane Fonda, but DeNiro occasionally makes movies I want to see.”
I feel the same way about Bruce Springsteen’s music (Springsteen was the whole reason that DeNiro was at the Tonys). His early music was so very good and inspiring but his overt meddling in politics (die hard Hillary supporter when he should have been for Bernie) just makes me disrespect him as a person.
DeNiro was great in Mean Streets. That Johnnie Boy guy was him! He is exactly like Johnny Boy!
I modeled my life on Johnny Boy! It's nice to see DeNiro up and around after he got shot at the end of Mean Streets. I had trouble with him in The Godfather, though. How did he become Marlon Brando? And what happened to him after became Brando? And why does he look like DeNiro after he became Brando? He must be really smart.
OK, so he wants to f** Trump.
But why?
We've got low unemployment, high growth, and lower taxes.
We've got a GOP prez who is considering pot legalization and a bunch of pardons.
He is standing up for fair trade, an old Dem talking point.
He is sitting down with adversaries, like progs always tell us we should.
What's not to like?
Sebastian said...”OK, so he wants to f** Trump.
But why?”
My guess is that DeNiro bet big on Hillary with a nice fat donation. He hoped it would get him some access. He lost big, like a chump. Now he wants to get even. Remember, DeNiro is not an intellectually complex man.
DeNiro is just one more high school dropout actor.
Pretty good actor but that's it.
Why is anyone interested in what actors say about politics ?
“Why is anyone interested in what actors say about politics ?”
Because guys like Harvey Weinstein and the women who blow guys like him wind up cutting big checks for politicians, that’s why.
I think the Democrats have just found their 2020 Presidential Candidate...and his campaign slogan. Speaking as a Republican* I am quaking in my boots.
*Admittedly, not a lifelong Republican
To paraphrase the great Dolly Parton, shut up and act.
Honestly, though, going in front of an overwhelmingly defeated Democratic crowd and saying "Fuck Trump" is just pandering for applause. A brave and talented performer would go in front of the same crowd, and somehow (cough) garner applause and adulation by praising Trump.
I mean, how do you think Henry Waxman’s nostrils got so big?
He reminds me of Grandpa on the Simpsons. Shaking his fists at the clouds.
Speaking power to truth.
You can no longer look at the actor playing a character and forget that he HATES you in real life. He has no longer any status as Actor since he decided to play on the Political Stage.
Why can't they just STFU?
Wish they would, DBQ! Not only actors but athletes. It's hard for me to root for someone who publicly expresses hate for my President and hates my guts for voting for him.
These people are entertainers. Without an audience, they are nothing.
Life imitates "A Fish Called Wanda":
Archie: You are a vulgarian, aren't you?
Otto: You're the vulgarian, you fuck!
"The Trump presidency is the most fun presidency ever."
Agree. I didn't vote for him but I would now. He pisses off all the right people. Trump understand his America, much as Ronald Reagan did. But when faced with twit criticism, Reagan would respond with a lighthearted quip, or not at all. Trump responds with a rhetorical hammer. The twits already think of him and his supporters as Deplorables, so why not?
Homophobic Hollywood is hating on Trump, probably because he has demonstrated so much support for gay rights.
Why is Hollywood so opposed to gays and their supporters?
Yeah, he been saying that every chance he gets. Here is another typical speech at a High school award ceremony:
“So what about the truth? What does the truth even mean today? I mean, if you’re Donald Trump it doesn’t mean anything,” he added to large applause and cheers. “If you’re cowardly Republican enablers in Congress you don’t let the truth stand in the way of pathetically clinging to power.”
“Our country is led by a president who believes he can make up his own truth,” he continued. “And we have a word for that — bullshit.”
The “Casino” star then praised the young writers for having a more “articulate” vocabulary before going off again on Trump.
“For example, you might say, as have many professionals, that Trump manifests a serious mental illness that renders him psychologically incapable of discharging duties of the President of the United States,” De Niro said. “That he’s afflicted with a narcissistic personality disorder.”
“That he’s a congenital liar. A mean-spirited, soulless, a moral, abusive con-artist son of a bitch,” he added. “Fuck Donald Trump. And I say this, cause I am not political, but I am now. You guys are the future.”
The Secret Service should keep an eye on De Niro should he think of role playing John Wilkes Booth.
"Well, no more Robert DeNiro movies or shows for us then. The magic of the screen, the verisimilitude, is shattered."
Agree with DBQ there. Acting requires the spectators to suspend disbelief. That is now quite hard with DeNiro. He is probably going to bring down any film he acts in, in the future, and probably damage the residual stream for those he has made in the past.
DeNiro thinks he's Sinatra.
But he's not.
Sinatra actually took risks, created organizations (hello "Chairman of the Board"), and struggled against the odds on many occasions and won.
DeNiro's biggest struggle is sometimes they don't bring the daiquiri's on time.
Good story, Etienne
Mine is this.
As a high school senior I applied to Harvard. I did well in my first interview, and was given an appointment to a second. I decided to drive my '59 Ford to the interview, 50 miles away. About halfway there, my clutch started slipping so badly I didn't think I could make it, so I turned around and limped home. I was notified later that I was the first alternate from my county. If anyone dropped out, I'd be admitted to Harvard. No one dropped out.
I ended up hitching to Alaska and had a real life. Many is the time I thank God and that shitty '59 Ford for keeping me out of the east coast congoscenti.
According to the news, CBS claims that De Niro’s expletive was unscripted and unanticipated. In other words, CBS is both a liar and stupid.
It’s a good thing it was the Tony Awards. Had it been the Oscars, Hollywood’s softcore porn queens would have thought they were getting marching orders.
And I say "sod off swampy" to Robert DeNiro. His brain cells seem to have died.
That Union then requires them to tow the line
With actors it's more like TOE the line. Oh so I hear.
DeNiro's best roles were playing obnoxious assholes. He can subsume this moment into his persona.......I wonder at what calibration, the moment becomes too much. Jane Fonda definitely went too far. Some of the others also went too far, but you let the moment pass. Harrison Ford hand carried Roman.Polanski's Oscar to Paris. Meryl Streep gave him a standing ovation. I do not think it's fair on my part, but I'm more annoyed by Streep's actions than by Ford's. I suppose this is because Ford and his movies created mor good will than Streep, but go figure......In any event, these show biz people look like jerks, and they should back off.
"DeNiro has been one of my favorite actors for 45 years or so. So many outstanding roles in so many movies."
Name one from THIS century.
There's a recent article I'm trying to find, which states that the Tony Awards are a farrago concocted by the Schubert, Jujamcyn, and Nederlander cartel for its PR value, and the whole thing is scripted. It's easy to imagine the instructions going out, "When DiNiro says 'Fuck Trump', get off your ass and give him a standing ovation, or you'll never work in this town again".
I sure do envy liberals for their eloquence and sophistication.
Remember - according to our hostess - we're limiting our pleasures if we boycott assholes like DeNiro.
Blogger chickelit said...
I mean, how do you think Henry Waxman’s nostrils got so big?
I think it was in his previous life as a mole.
Trump’s gift, particularly to Christians, is that his presence draws out and exposes heretofore nearly latent evil in our country’s secular progressive “world.”
The cowardice of mainline Republicans.
The seditiousness of Democrats.
The corruption of federal law enforcement and intelligence gathering services.
The deep seated malevolence and dishonesty of the MSM.
The lunacy and/or stupidity of the entertainment industry (including pro sports).
The lawlessness of the federal judiciary.
That his many flaws are outweighed by this gift is not appreciated by the abnormals.
The cowardice of mainline Republicans.
The seditiousness of Democrats.
The corruption of federal law enforcement and intelligence gathering services.
The deep seated malevolence and dishonesty of the MSM.
The lunacy and/or stupidity of the entertainment industry (including pro sports).
The lawlessness of the federal judiciary.
Excellent, hombre! Trump has ripped the curtain from the stage between acts and shown the players in their underwear. They are frantically scrambling to compose themselves but it's too late.
He may actually want to? - this could be a wooing cast as an aspersion.
I hear he is gay/bisexual! - Domination/submission fetish
DeNiro's rant (below) is a classic example of projection. His description of Trump and the Republicans is actually a perfect description of the hate-filled Democrats and NeverTrumpers he loves:
“So what about the truth? What does the truth even mean today? I mean, if you’re Donald Trump it doesn’t mean anything,” he added to large applause and cheers. “If you’re cowardly Republican enablers in Congress you don’t let the truth stand in the way of pathetically clinging to power.”
“Our country is led by a president who believes he can make up his own truth,” he continued. “And we have a word for that — bullshit.”
The “Casino” star then praised the young writers for having a more “articulate” vocabulary before going off again on Trump.
“For example, you might say, as have many professionals, that Trump manifests a serious mental illness that renders him psychologically incapable of discharging duties of the President of the United States,” De Niro said. “That he’s afflicted with a narcissistic personality disorder.”
“That he’s a congenital liar. A mean-spirited, soulless, a moral, abusive con-artist son of a bitch,” he added. “Fuck Donald Trump. And I say this, cause I am not political, but I am now. You guys are the future.”
It's a Manhattan thing. The Times, The NYer, the entertainment folks - they can't believe this loudmouth jerk real-estate dude, whom they've disliked for decades, is now their President. He could save a Puerto Rican child from an oncoming bus and they'd say he's a child molester.
mockturtle: “... in their underwear.”
I’m grateful for the acknowledgement, but saddened that I didn’t think of that line. 😀
An entire auditorium of elite stage actors and actresses (although I've been told to call them all actors now so the actresses will get the same pay as the actors, and less/fewer rapey casting calls). A world class film actor. An opportunity to make news.
What they come up with is a vulgar expression of their powerlessness.
And what do they call themselves? THE ARISTOCRATS!
DeNiro's career has been one downhill slide since he began making those crappy Fokker movies with Ben Stiller. I saw the first one - they tried to tell a bunch of jokes revolving around the family name of Fokker. That was so creative it could have been written by a 13 year old kid.
And I say this, cause I am not political, but I am now.
DeNiro has always been a leftist. And he's never made it a secret. Go back and look at the Bush years.
But, yeah. Because of Trump.
"rhhardin said...
"People say fuck all the time."
I don't. My family doesn't. The people I work with don't. My friends don't. (Okay, I don't have a lot of friends.)
I'm guessing Trump shtupped DiNiro's wife.
God, but these actors are a brilliant lot. Deep thinkers. Articulate. Wish we could hear more of their thinking on current politics. Philosophy even.
Teller said...
It's a Manhattan thing. The Times, The NYer, the entertainment folks - they can't believe this loudmouth jerk real-estate dude, whom they've disliked for decades, is now their President. He could save a Puerto Rican child from an oncoming bus and they'd say he's a child molester.
That sounds like great entertainment drama. So don't they write it up and play it? Why do they have to do this in real life?
I think DeNiro's outburst was childish and stupid. As was the sanctimonious and self-congratulatory cheering from the audience.
"rhhardin said...
"'People say fuck all the time.'
And Openidname replied: "I don't. My family doesn't. The people I work with don't. My friends don't. (Okay, I don't have a lot of friends.)"
Me neither (most of the time), although a lot of my friends do. For me it's not a question of morality (it would be difficult to logically prove one group of four letters is inherently moral or immoral), but esthetics and snobbery. I don't see why educated people need to sound like housing-project trash. I watch comedians do stand-up on YouTube and I'm always dismayed by otherwise intelligent-seeming men and women needing to rely on f-bombs. It makes them sound more lower-class than they probably are.
When Martin Scorsese had a script that called for a madcap psychopath as the central character. De Nero's was the first card in the Rolodex for a very obvious reason. The poor geezer is re-living Travis Bickle and Jake LaMotta. That's what happens when dotage becomes dementia.
(Reposted with typo corrected. Again! Last night was a long one.)
Tyrone Slothrop said...
I ended up hitching to Alaska and had a real life. Many is the time I thank God and that shitty '59 Ford for keeping me out of the east coast congoscenti.
6/11/18, 10:48 AM
RACIST! I mean, great malapropism. It is a jungle out there.
"DeNiro has been one of my favorite actors for 45 years or so. So many outstanding roles in so many movies."
Name one from THIS century.
Meet the Parents (2000)
The Good Shepherd (2006)
Grudge Match (2013) - silly movie about aged boxers, Stallone and DeNiro, but actually kinda sweet.
What do I win?
I just looked at a list of his movies. The only one I've seen is "Deer Hunter." No wonder I kept thinking of Robert Duvall movies.
Name one from THIS century.
Meet the Parents (2000)
The Good Shepherd (2006)
Grudge Match (2013) - silly movie about aged boxers, Stallone and DeNiro, but actually kinda sweet.
What do I win?
Well since the criteria is outstanding roles.... you win nothing.
As noted above the Parents? Middle school humor, a one dimensional character hammed up by De Niro.
Didn't see the Good Shepard.
Grudge Match? Puleeeze.... You nailed it with "silly". Doesn't seem to fit the "outstanding role" criteria.
William Chadwick said, "I'm always dismayed by otherwise intelligent-seeming men and women needing to rely on f-bombs. It makes them sound more lower-class than they probably are." It also makes them sound stupid -- I can't say "stupidier than they are" because in some cases that would be metaphysicaally impossible. Sure, if you're Lenny Bruce showing the folly of censorship, using "forbidden" words can be both effective and funny, but does anyone above moron-level think saying "fuck" is an effective way to "resist" Trump?
Oh my. I completely forgot about De Niro in "Dirty Grandpa". He's still at his peak. Many apologies.
Didn't see the Good Shepard.
This was actually a very good, semi-fact, semi-fictional depiction of the early years of the CIA, focusing on a James Angleton character (played by Matt Damon), while DeNiro played a Wild Bill Donovan character, and William Hurt as the Allen Dulles character.
Not stupendous, but merely good-- based on very low Hollywood standards.
The most stupendous movie about the CIA, was a mini-series called "The Company" . I have no idea how this mini-series got made, it was factual, intelligent and (mostly) historically accurate. Alas, it did not have DeNiro, so I still lose.
That is disgusting behavior. Takes all the enjoyment out of Robert DeNiro movies.
"They better put DiNero on suicide watch."
And maybe pay-per-view. I'd watch that.
I enjoy DeNiro's work more often than not. I don't understand why he would behave that way as a presenter at a televised award show. He has plenty of media outlets -- dozens, if not hundreds -- through which he can relay that message, and do so in better context.
The only one I've seen is "Deer Hunter." No wonder I kept thinking of Robert Duvall movies.
"Casino" is good. It had Joe Pesci and Sharon Stone. Both very good.
DeNiro's performance in Raging Bull was nothing short of brilliant. Along with F. Murray Abraham's Salieri in Amadeus it is my favorite performance. But he is an asshole.
William Chadwick laments: I don't see why educated people need to sound like housing-project trash.
Wow, is that how housing project 'trash' talks? How much time have you spent in housing projects, anyway? Perhaps you could be like 'enry 'iggins and do a study on the various housing project dialects. And write a play about it!
"Didn't see the Good Shepard.
This was actually a very good, semi-fact, semi-fictional depiction of the early years of the CIA, focusing on a James Angleton character (played by Matt Damon), while DeNiro played a Wild Bill Donovan character, and William Hurt as the Allen Dulles character.
Not stupendous, but merely good-- based on very low Hollywood standards."
Seems well short of the mark as originally laid out. But I agree, a movie worth watching at all today is "good" by Hollywood standards. Doubt I'll give this one a look based on a luke-warm complement and De Niro's ass-hattery.
But I'll look for that mini-series. Thanks.
Along with F. Murray Abraham's Salieri in Amadeus it is my favorite performance.
He was excellent in "An Innocent Man" which is not well known but is one of my favorites.
yes the company. based on a hefty tome by a former long term newsweek fireign correspondent is a very good retail.
the good shepherd is just terrible retelling of the material.
too much mirroring of the meme of wasp godfather tale. edwin wilson is a terrible
composite of the narrative about angletin. michael keaton by contrast really captures
angletons mien. but not his william hickey like visage.
"Fabi said...
"I don't understand why he would behave that way as a presenter at a televised award show."
Because it's what his audience wants. By which I mean his live audience, the one full of his buddies, feeding him laughter and applause. He couldn't give a rat's patoot about the deplorables in the viewing audience.
littell tries not to take sides re the great mole wars of rhe 60s. he ultimately credits angleton with being right. although in a backhanded way.
abraham has sometimes chosen poorly like tony montanas boss in scarface. and we'll skip star trek insurrection.
the mole wars are significant because it illiustrated perspective between nosenkos view that suggested cooperation was possible and golitsyns more confrontational analysis.
Mockturtle: it is not like I have lived a sheltered life, especially since moving to Atlanta, a city that's basically a ghetto surrounded by a suburb. If "housing-project trash" offends you, could you suggest something less offensive?
Trump's a bully and a draft dodging coward. The people who support him are cut from the same cloth. Why can't De Niro or anyone else respond to this habitual liar of a president the same way Bone Spurs speaks to everyone else?
I say the Dem's put DiNutzo at the top of their 2020 ticket and let him debate our President. What a fiasco that would be. The little idiot having to come up with his own thoughts and ideas without writers, directors, etc. He'd be toast in five minutes.
Just bitter over his own extraordinarily ugly family in contrast to Trump family's fashion model good looks.
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