Mr. Trump’s executive order would seek to get around an existing 1997 consent decree, known as the Flores settlement, that prohibits the federal government from keeping children in immigration detention — even if they are with their parents — for more than 20 days....People (e.g., Chuck Schumer*) have been saying Trump has the power to solve the problem with an executive order, so if Trump attempts to do that, and he gets challenged, that will support his earlier position that he needs legislation and put more pressure on Congress to give him that legislation and undermine the argument that Trump has the power. He'll be better off politically.
The order would keep families together, though it is unclear how Mr. Trump intends to claim the legal authority to violate what have been legal constraints on the proper treatment of children in government custody, which prevented former President Barack Obama from detaining families together during a similar flood of illegal immigration two years ago.
And the president could quickly find himself the subject of another legal challenge to his executive authority, much the way he attacked Mr. Obama for abusing the power of his office with an immigration executive order in 2014.
But the Trump haters will regroup and hit him with new arguments. For example, right here in the NYT article:
While Mr. Trump’s actions appear to stop short of calls for an end to the “zero tolerance” policy, it would be a remarkable retreat for a president who has steadfastly refused to apologize in almost any other context. And it would be a testament to the political power of the images of the immigrant children to move public opinion.It's "a remarkable retreat" for Trump. Also, images of children are powerful, so whatever their new situation is, it will be sub-optimal, and there will be new images reframing the story of the plight of the children.
Sen. Schumer on family separation policy:
— NBC News (@NBCNews) June 20, 2018
"With the simple flick of the pen, a simple flick of the pen the president can end this policy. If the president wants to borrow my pen, he can have it. But he can do it quickly and easily if he wants to, it's on his back."
२९८ टिप्पण्या:
298 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»Trump will still be attacked with images and stories of children in cages.
Dumb question:
Why can't Trump order the military to give all these kids a ride home?
Well yeah. The Trump haters will still hate him. Take it from me.
But I favored this as a discrete legal and policy issue!
The real question, Althouse, is not what the haters will say. The real question is what do the Trump supporters say about it?
There are the Laura Ingrahams and the Hannity's; fully co-opted as media messengers for the Administration.
But what about Bannon? What about Ann Coulter? What about Rush?
And now... What about the Trump-loving Althouse commentariat?
And Chuck Schumer endorses the rule of men, not of the law.
He is begging Trump to act autocratically.
Hey, there are a couple of billion kids worse off than the ones who make it here illegally. Why discriminate against them?
Anyway, weakness just invites more trouble.
Next crises ...the old enfeebled grandparents show up at the border and complain
they can't be reunited with their grandchildren. Watch grandma piteously cry
out to heaven; grandpa weeps into the hands enclosing his face.
Trump is Hitler.
Build that wall or these types of farces will play out forever.
> It's "a remarkable retreat" for Trump.
How so? Sounds more like a maneuver to me.
This will take away another argument of the Dems. Unfortunately, that does need to be taken into consideration with the mid-terms coming up. This may still turn into a win overall for Trump. Congress will hopefully pass something that more permanently addresses and clarifies the process, and the Dems apparent opposition to that(if it continues) will boomerang on them.
I have to admit, I was mostly unmoved by crying children. I mean, what the fuck, do any of these people who are screaming bloody murder actually have kids? They cry all the time! I wonder what these folks would do if really horrible things were happening. They'd probably kill themselves. Such pusillanimous cowards.
I'm disappointed that Trump appears to be caving. That will only smell of weakness and invite more.
Let's see what Trump actually does.
"The face of a child can say it all, especially the mouth part of the face."
Women are crazy.
I don't like this business of circumventing laws with executive orders. It seems unconstitutional to me, but I'm not a lawyer.
Trump will use this Executive Order as evidence of the need to build the wall and double down on border security. They can't be separated if they don't get in.
The "flick of the pen" that Schumer is talking about, if he was actually thinking, was an end to the zero-tolerance policy. The status quo solution has always been for this administration, like the last, to discretionarily not prosecute.
It will be interesting to see what the Trump administration comes up with. If they decide to detain families together outside of the criminal justice system they will soon be exposed (as they already have) for not having enough clean, safe, staffed, and provisioned detention centers.
This is the exact gauntlet run by the Obama administration that led to them eventually doing nothing.
Blogger exhelodrvr1 said...
This will take away another argument of the Dems. Unfortunately, that does need to be taken into consideration with the mid-terms coming up.
Bad move. This argument drew a sharp distinction between the left and right.
It could have been used to underline the fact that the Dems are for unrestricted immigration
to replace the less pliable current population. It is also useful is forwarding the argument
for a wall. Big wall = no kiddy crises.
Lost opportunity
"That will only smell of weakness and invite more. "
Yes it will. The next manufactured cry-fest is on the way.
So what now? Imprison the kids with their law-breaking moms? Declare the Southern border of the US has been de facto abolished? Mreanwhile "liberals" are laughing up their sleeves: "Did he really think we were actually concerned about those kids?"
I remember when hunger was the cause du jour for the "liberal" Hive (any excuse to plunder the taxpayer). Joseph Sobran (who coined the term "Hive" to refer to the aggregate forces of statist collectivism) proposed that instead of looting Peter to subsidize hungry Paul, the government issue scrip to hungrey people reading, "Good for one meal, payable by any liberal." The federales could issue scrip to illegal alien moms and their kids reading, "Good for free lodging at the home of any liberal." Open your door to your fellow man, Inga!
Well, on the upside, we now have one valuable data point with which to address the long-standing question of whether or not lesbian tears work as well as hetero women's tears.
This morning NPR was saying that, and I quote (ok, paraphrase slightly), "Democrats are going to ride this issue through November. They see it as an issue that can rally their base, improve turnout, and hurt Trump with suburban voters significantly."
I think Trump looked at it and said, fuck it, it's a legislative branch issue and they aren't going to fix it. I have to take this off the table because it has little to do with actually fixing immigration and everything to do with powerful optics.
I love it.
The media and Dems get all twitterpated about the chillins being separated from their criminal parents. Separated for the chillins own good, I might add, while the criminal adults are being processed and trying to figure out just who in the Hell these people are .
Are they really parents?? Or are they MS 13 gangbangers?? Or are they child sex traffickers?? How many times have they been deported already??. Do they have other criminal histories in the US?.
So....Trump goes... M'kay. We will keep the children and criminal adults together. SO they all get lumped in together in the incarceration/holding areas.
Waaaaah say the Dems. You are keeping the children with their parents.
Trump..."What? Did you think that we were going to put them all up in 5 star hotels?"
Bwaaahahahahah :-D
Re: Chuck:
The real question, Althouse, is not what the haters will say. The real question is what do the Trump supporters say about it?
First, as long as he's still enforcing the border, and not releasing illegal immigrants into the US to disappear, people should be fine with this. It's better than separating families, assuming he can get around that court order (he probably can't). It's certainly a deterrent to say that your children are going to be separated from you if you try to evade immigration & customs, but we probably don't need that specific deterrent: just catching violators and kicking them out expeditiously ought to suffice.
Second, some subset of these children are going to be at risk because those aren't their real parents. If we're at 191 fake families so far out of ~2,000 families apprehended attempting to cross illegally, that's slightly less than 10%. Not a majority (and depending on the level of evidence required, it might understate the true rate of fraud), but high enough to be concerning. Some level of verification of familial relationship is going to have to take place before children can be detained together with their family.
Third, this is going to have no effect whatsoever on the overwhelming majority of the children who are being housed separately from their parents in these facilities, because they entered as unaccompanied minors, i.e. they're orphans or their parents chose to abandon them. The figures I've read are something like 10,000 out of the 12,000 children were unaccompanied minors. So there's still going to be plenty of children for people to make a fuss about.
exhelodrvr1 said...
This will take away another argument of the Dems. Unfortunately, that does need to be taken into consideration with the mid-terms coming up. This may still turn into a win overall for Trump. Congress will hopefully pass something that more permanently addresses and clarifies the process, and the Dems apparent opposition to that(if it continues) will boomerang on them.
I'd bet that whatever EO gets issued; it will have an expiration date and Trump will make it clear that it is to 'give Congress time to come up with a legislative solution', which will force the ball back into the Democrat's court. Hopefully the expiration date will be about 30 days prior to mid-terms.
Why can't Trump order the military to give all these kids a ride home?
Because of the crazy-quilt of laws and legal consent decrees previously agreed to. These are self-inflicted disabilities going back decades.
I do wonder if he could declare an emergency situation to exist and impose martial law for some specific zone along the border, which would allow him to direct all Government agencies including the military to intercept all illegal aliens they can find and just turn them around and march them back into Mexico without any court hearings or other civil rights proceedings.
The Left careens from one hysteria to another.
In the Spring, it was Stormy Daniels on every single cable news show.
Last week, the IG Report proved that some high-ranking bad apples in the FBI planned to "stop" Trump from becoming president.
So, now, the Hyperventilating Left shits the conversation to separating totally irresponsible parents from their kids, when illegally trying to enter this country, and getting caught.
We are not at war with Mexico. It has 127 Million people. Mexico City has 9 Million, about the size of NYC. There is no refugee crisis. There are no valid political asylum claims. Most Mexican citizens stay, live and work in Mexico.
But there are coyotes, human traffickers, drug runners, and low-skilled, cheap labor, who wanna make a few shekels in the USA, and send most of it back to their families in Mexico.
Don't believe the hype!
As a lukewarm Trump supporter who generally disagrees with Trump on immigration, especially on the Wall ... this whole brouhaha has actually made me more receptive to the idea of the Wall. The immigration system is broken and an embarrassment. Our uncontrolled border is a humanitarian crisis, and has been for many years.
Migrants crossing the border illegally have as their first encounter with the United States breaking our laws. It's literally the first thing they do. Because of catch & release, migrants reasonably concluded that bringing their children with them will mean softer treatment by U.S. authorities. So they subject their children to a dangerous journey across cartel-land and unforgiving deserts. How many women are raped along the way? How many migrants die from exposure or dehydration? How many coyotes scam migrants and force them into slave labor to pay off their debts?
Democrats only see new voters and a juicy opportunity to call Trump a racist who hates children. They have no solutions except an open border, which I can't imagine sits well with their union supporters. Republicans should press ahead with real immigration reform. I still don't want the Wall, but something needs to be done.
- Better enforcement against employers, e.g. e-verify
- More immigration judges to quickly process removals and asylum claims
- An update Bracero program to meet the economic need
- Get Mexico to do more to stop Central American migrants
- Etc.
Hopefully when automation hits the agricultural industry, and it will, migrants will stop coming and many of those who are here just for the economic opportunity will go home. I really hope we don't start importing welfare cases who are only interested in an easy, comfortable life with or without a job.
A smart tactical move. This was a no win situation and now it has been defused. Someone is going to have to agree to come up with the money to meet whatever standards they think are appropriate. Someone is also going to have to change the current law on detention , because the simple answer to avoiding this situation is to send everyone back from the border immediately. There are legal ways to seek asylum. The Dems are going to have to participate or look like the hypocrites that they are.
You might be a rock 'n' roll addict prancing on the stage
You might have drugs at your command, women in a cage
You may be a business man or some high-degree thief
They may call you doctor or they may call you chief
You may be a state trooper, you might be a young Turk
You may be the head of some big TV network
You may be rich or poor, you may be blind or lame
You may be living in another country under another name
But you're gonna have to serve somebody, yes you are
You're gonna have to serve somebody
Well, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord
But you're gonna have to serve somebody
Ah. I get it now. The "policy" they want ended with the flick of the pen isn't the detainment of children, it is Zero Tolerance.
Another big win for Trump. He can fix this problem, very publicly. And no one is going to challenge this in court, not anyone with any sense. He makes a big stand against illegal immigration while keeping families together.
Now can we get back to the FBI? And Korea?
Trump got that off the front page quickly enough. Next manufactured lefty outrage in 3, 2, 1
Blogger Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
Well, on the upside, we now have one valuable data point with which to address the long-standing question of whether or not lesbian tears work as well as hetero women's tears.
Yes, that and the childless weeping harder than those with children.
Re: Matthew Sablan:
Ah. I get it now. The "policy" they want ended with the flick of the pen isn't the detainment of children, it is Zero Tolerance.
It's the existence of any border controls at all. If you confronted the judge who ordered the government to stop detaining children together with their parents, I bet that's what she (?) would say too -- that it's not her fault her order has created such human misery. After all, the government can just choose not to enforce the law.
incentive to bring more kids in illegally just went up.
Here's a question. Could Trump use eminent domain and house these illegal immigrant families in non-governmental facilities? Say for example, the dorms of Harvard, or University of Missouri, or John Legend's house?
"With the simple flick of the pen, a simple flick of the pen the president can end this policy. If the president wants to borrow my pen, he can have it. But he can do it quickly and easily if he wants to, it's on his back."
-- At this point, why do we even HAVE a Legislature if this is their attitude toward doing things that might be hard?
If you've been watching "The Fourth Estate", the documentary about the NYT, you can see how the bias is encoded in the reporting of Haberman, exemplified by the linked article.
By Maggie Haberman and Michael D. Shear
The Page and Strzok of the NYT?
Hagar said: "I do wonder if he could declare an emergency situation to exist and impose martial law for some specific zone along the border, which would allow him to direct all Government agencies including the military to intercept all illegal aliens they can find and just turn them around and march them back into Mexico without any court hearings or other civil rights proceedings."
Reading about this all morning and thinking about what could really be done this was my preferred solution as well. And not just because of the illegal aliens crossing the border but the drug trafficking as well. The drug cartels now control our border with Mexico, not us, and certainly not Mexico. The situation is way beyond what the Border Patrol can handle. The National Guard is tasked with defending the continental US. They should be deployed to do exactly that. We are being invaded.
The EO is a good tactical decision. Based on some of my research this morning, if the EO is what is expected, it will be in violation of current law and will likely be declared illegal. This will put the burden squarely back on Congress.
Even if the EO is allowed to stand, its effect on the current situation will be minimal as most of the children are not with adults who are their parents, thus no family to reunite. I understand that 10,000 of the children currently detained had were not brought by parents and have no family to take them. A Border Patrol agent I read about this morning said many of the adults are just abandoning the children when the Patrol attempts to apprehend them.
Mike said...
Another big win for Trump. He can fix this problem, very publicly.
The problem is unfixable.
" I still don't want the Wall.."
Eh, why not?
TreeJoe said...
This morning NPR was saying that, and I quote (ok, paraphrase slightly), "Democrats are going to ride this issue through November. They see it as an issue that can rally their base, improve turnout, and hurt Trump with suburban voters significantly."
I think Trump looked at it and said, fuck it, it's a legislative branch issue and they aren't going to fix it. I have to take this off the table because it has little to do with actually fixing immigration and everything to do with powerful optics.
My own feeling was that the references to "Trump's Katrina" were beginning to stick.
It resonated with me, not because the media complaints about the Trump policy were fair or were valuable. Rather, it was because I thought that the media complaints versus President Bush 43 were intensely unfair. Yet they stuck.
Trump got or is going to get something in return. He always does.
Matthew Sablan: "Ah. I get it now. The "policy" they want ended with the flick of the pen isn't the detainment of children, it is Zero Tolerance"
Can you imagine how angry "lifelong Steve Schmidt republican" Chuck is going to be when he realizes that Trump has defeated his beloved dems and MSM heroes once again?
If I were Melania, I would proactively alert the Secret Service as to LLR Chuck's whereabouts because, if it could save just one child from being abused or one woman from being attacked, it would be worth it.
RE: My name goes here:
Here's a question. Could Trump use eminent domain and house these illegal immigrant families in non-governmental facilities? Say for example, the dorms of Harvard, or University of Missouri, or John Legend's house?
How about Puerto Rico? It could be our Nauru and Papua New Guinea. Create jobs in a poor colony too. It's useless as a coaling station nowadays, and the pharmaceutical industry there is only viable because of massive tax breaks and other incentives, so we might as well get some use out of it.
Is it really "using children in politics," when the debate is literally about what our government is doing with / to children?
If the answer is yes--and in a pejorative sense--as Althouse seems to be suggesting with her tag? Then, my goodness, how convenient for the government! The very act of challenging their policy treatment of children earns critics a "bad form" tag.
If you were to waterboard a few notable Democrat politicians, and ask them what they honestly believe about immigration they would say something like this:
1. We really don't care about the US Border.
2. As long as immigrants are potential Dem voters, either legally or illegally, we welcome them to our country and don't want to deport them.
3. And, Yes, we do believe we should spend more government money to feed, clothe, and teach them.
4. Diversity!
Re: MountainMan:
Even if the EO is allowed to stand, its effect on the current situation will be minimal as most of the children are not with adults who are their parents, thus no family to reunite. I understand that 10,000 of the children currently detained had were not brought by parents and have no family to take them. A Border Patrol agent I read about this morning said many of the adults are just abandoning the children when the Patrol attempts to apprehend them.
Mmm. I sympathise with the children who are separated from their parents, but parents who decide to involve children in their criminal activities are not behaving like good parents, however much they may love their children.
Bay Area Guy, re "as long as immigrants are potential Dem voters, either legally or illegally, we welcome them to our country and don't want to deport them," Instapundit has a joke today: "If illegal aliens voted Republican, liberals would be planting claymore mines along the border."
As Sam Levenson used to say between chortles, "It's funny because it's true!"
@Bay Area Guy
5. They have to live next to the deplorables, not with us. Out of sight, out of mind.
BDNYC said:
Hopefully when automation hits the agricultural industry, and it will, migrants will stop coming and many of those who are here just for the economic opportunity will go home. I really hope we don't start importing welfare cases who are only interested in an easy, comfortable life with or without a job.
You are way behind the times, buddy. The economic opportunities is why they are coming. For relatively unsophisticated people, it is clear that, regardless of what the US Gov't says officially, the American people must want them to come since by State and local authorities they are being enticed by offers welfare benefits - in California even Medicare - in-state tuition charges, etc., and so on.
And this is not new; it has been going on for decades.
A wall would help guide asylum seekers.
A sustainable solution is emigration reform. Until that happens, emigres' nations could provide birth certificates and criminal records to separate parents from predators identifying as "parents". This would reduce the administrative burden and keep actual families together.
Also, Mexico could confront immigration reform at its borders. It is a first-word, safe-harbor nation, right?
Social justice adventures, abortion fields, CAIR, trail of tears, labor arbitrage (i.e. implicit tariffs), shared responsibility, Planned Parenthood and related human dysfunction... baby steps.
In the immortal words of the poet Corey Lewandowski, "Womp, womp".
waterboard a few notable Democrat politicians
They could be Planned (i.e. selective-politician). A fate conceived and birthed in poetic justice.
Dems now have less incentive to work on an immigration deal.
-- At this point, why do we even HAVE a Legislature if this is their attitude toward doing things that might be hard?
Our legislative branch understands a basic concept: Criticizing and blaming people who actually do things is not only easier, but it's often very politically advantageous. After all, when you actually do something things might not turn out the way you hope. Especially when you're dealing with a complex problem like our current immigration "crisis". No matter what you do, you're most likely going to fail in some way. You'll either be inhumane and heartless, or conversely you're only encouraging more and more illegals.
Congress is fully willing to abdecate power if it means passing the buck and avoiding that blame. It's much easier to just promise stuff but never deliver and blame the opposition. In fact, the mainstream media and social media encourageous this. Nobody wants to be the villian, except maybe Trump.
What do the leftists want to happen? What is their solution? They have none. I have not heard any of the wailing masses offer a single idea on how to deal with this phenomenon.
Of course, I do know what their "answer" is. Release every single illegal immigrant. Open the borders. I know it, and they know it, but it just happens to be such a terrible idea that they will not openly express it.
Given your statements, really begs the question.
Why are you against a/the wall?
Mexico views this as a "freedom of movement" issue while protesting any wall.
IOW, they are not going to step up.
I really think Republicans should constantly message the context of folks all around the world without the benefit of contiguous geography who go about this legally.
"Appropriate" the left's harping on things needing to be "fair".
Actually, not Puerto Rico proper, we should set up facilities for processing asylum applicants and illegal immigrants on Vieques. Most if it is federal land already, right? We used to use it as a naval testing facility.
So what is the bitching going to be about next?
The children ARE with their "parents". The family that gets incarcerated together stays together :-) Problem solved. Right?
What? That isn't what you really wanted?. Moving the goal posts again are we?
I'm finding this all highly amusing.
A smart lawyer would sue on behalf of every, American citizen currently in jail who's currently separated from his or her children.
If it's good enough for non-citizens, it should be good enough for the rest.
EsoxLucius said...
In the immortal words of the poet Corey Lewandowski, "Womp, womp".
Well, after all, he IS a professional, in the ways of communications, public relations, strategic consulting and crisis management. And since the guy seems to bounce from one public relations crisis to another, maybe he's got some experience.
A wall would stop people from endangering their children, and keep them on the other side of the border. Tax remittance payments, they are Mexico's #2 source of income.
Schumer then on illegal immigration. What a fuckwad.
Tyrone: "Of course, I do know what their "answer" is. Release every single illegal immigrant. Open the borders. I know it, and they know it, but it just happens to be such a terrible idea that they will not openly express it."
How dare you call out LLR Chuck's beloved dems for the hacks they are!
Everytime Tyrone posts something, Steve Schmidt, Jennifer Rubin, Brian Stelter, LLR Chuck and Nicole Wallace cry.....
Same with voting. The Gov't says we can't vote if we are not citizens, but they only ask if we would like to register to vote; never if we are citizens and entitled to vote (wink, wink).
Of course, Trump's EO will challenged.
And of course, the Dems will find one Left-wing extremist DC judge who will find it "unconstitutional".
One Fed DC judge did that with the Travel ban, when he had ZERO right to.
The so called "Flores Decree" is just something the 9th Circuit Created out of thin air.
Looks like the Democrat-media's maximum pressure propaganda campaign worked. Too bad they can't use that awesome power for good.
For the second time this year, Schumer makes Trump his punk-ass bitch.
It's not going to work. People will feed pictures of children in suboptimal pictures to the press. I don't think "separation" is the actual thing people hated. It was kids in the conditions they were in. Trump's EO will be brought to the courts, and the complaints will continue.
BDNYC: Hopefully when automation hits the agricultural industry, and it will, migrants will stop coming and many of those who are here just for the economic opportunity will go home.
1) Access to lots of cheap labor is what retards the mechanization of agriculture. Less access to cheap labor, more mechanization.
2) Only a minority of illegals work in agriculture. If they started out as ag workers, they don't stay long, and move on to other industries. Why do you think that ag employers are always wailing about needing MOAR MOAR MOAR immigration?
Blogger Chest Rockwell said...
" I still don't want the Wall.."
Eh, why not?
Deport some one now, they just give you the finger and come back at night.
Steinle's murderer was deported 7 times. What's to prevent recrossing the ankle-deep Rio Grande
at the illegal aliens convenience?
All of this is just lather, rinse, repeat.
Schumer is such a snake in the grass.
My name goes here. said...
Here's a question. Could Trump use eminent domain and house these illegal immigrant families in non-governmental facilities? Say for example, the dorms of Harvard, or University of Missouri, or John Legend's house?
I think Trump should announce a sponsor program where every democrat who claimed they were upset by families being separated would have a number of illegal families housed with them. Nancy Pelosi could certainly take 5-10 families as she has a large estate. Host families would be responsible for feeding, clothing, education, medical care, transportation and legal bills for illegals. If any illegal disappeared, broke a law or failed to appear for a court date the sponsor would be liable for $100,000 bond.
I'm getting more and more worried about this country.
The Establishment, the Left and MSM are getting crazier and more lawless.
Peter Fonda is demanding Trump's 12-y/o son get locked in a cage with pedophiles. A Congressial aide yelled "Fuck Trump" when he visited the capital. Communists screamed at the DHS Secretary when she was eating dinner. A Jewish radical tried to release the names and home addresses of every ICE agent, for "possible retaliation". And "the Berkeley Five" were found not guilty of attacking Trump supporters - even though they caught on tape.
Meanwhile, we have 1 of our 2 political parties deciding the immigration laws shouldn't be enforced.
How long before some Left-wing radical - the grandson of immigrants - kills an ICE agent in the name of his Ellis Island Grandmother, or relatives lost in the holocaust (See Michael Cohen)?
Gretchen said...A wall would stop people from endangering their children, and keep them on the other side of the border. Tax remittance payments, they are Mexico's #2 source of income.
That fact ought to give us leverage.
Asked if that meant Democrats would not support a bill backed by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) to keep immigrant families together while seeking asylum on the U.S. border, Schumer said they want to keep the focus on Trump.
Here's the rest of Schumer's quote.
Mexicans have a saying--Paco desea un taco.
And for those who are stupid, I'm not saying Michael Cohen is a Left-wing radical. This chimp-out about "kids on the border" by the Left and the Cheap labor lobby is thuggish and immoral. Its intended to be a big "Fuck You" to average Americans.
Here's another question. Could Trump keep the Flores decision in place with his new EO by doing the following.
1. Detain illegal immigrant family.
2. Process all of them, together, even the children.
3. House them in the facilities.
4. At 20 days release the minors back to their home countries.
5. Invite the parents to go with them?
Funny how countries like Israel who build actual border fences - and enforce their immigration laws - don't have this problem.
Could Trump move all assylum ajudication to American embassies in foreign nations and after the Flores 20 day family detention send the entire family back to their home country with a date for their ajudication at the American embassy?
"My name goes Here"
Are you stupid? This EO is going to be found invalid by DC Judge. The Left will find a DC judge to overturn it.
Do you want to bet money on it?
Blogger rcocean said...
Peter Fonda is demanding Trump's 12-y/o son get locked in a cage with pedophiles.
I know he's suffering from Grand Mal TDS, but it's housing the kids with their so-called family that could be putting kids in with pedos.
I don't care if they keep them together. Have the asylum judges to families first. If other asylum seekers just hang around, too bad for them. Immediately start DNA testing. When they don't match, prosecute the fake family for child trafficking and kidnapping and immediately have a doctor check to see if the child has been raped. Child rapist won't last long in confinement. Start advertising in Mexico and Central America to reach out to mothers whose children have been kidnapped or just ran away. Get DNA to see if they can match some of the kids and send them home when they do.
I wonder if we have a plan to reclaim the guns Obama ran to entrap Americans and abort Mexicans. They're still in the wild separating and aborting children.
Do we have a plan, not Plan, to reunite the children with parents from Obama's social justice adventures in Libya, Syria, Ukraine, etc.?
Is it possible to reclaim the guns that Obama ran from Libya to ISIS?
Social progress-style assault scalpels?
The Dems don't care about the children. They care about catch and release. They want those families in the country so the kids are eligible DREAMers and the parents can become citizens through chain migration.
Trump is skirting the law to keep zero tolerance going. The Dems are fashioning their lawsuits as we type.
It won't be long before they'll be suing to enforce the 20-day limit and forcing Trump to choose between zero tolerance or new pictures of crying kids.
It will take months, Congress won't have done anything, and the people will know Trump has done everything possible to keep families together while enforcing the law.
The Dems think this is very smart. The American people want the border closed, however, and they will see it's the Dems who are forcing kids to be separated this time, just like when Schumer shut down the government for the Dreamers.
All is proceeding according to plan...
Trump and Sessions know the lawsuits are coming. They probably have a side bet about how long it will take.
Instead of a wall let's line the border up with school buses. Turn the buses around and drop the border jumpers off in the desert somewhere miles away on the Mexican side. The kids remain united with their parents. Just some old, refurbished buses and some part-time school bus drivers needed. Not much expense. Or even let Mexico come and get the buses themselves. Deduct the cost of the buses from the remittance payments they get. They can sell the buses back to us.
Because of the upcoming election and also to distract from all of Trump's recent accomplishments. The Republicans are up against the Dems and the even more crooked liberal media, plus, the Republicans can't even count on Fox news, lots of liberals at Fox including most if not all the young producers. Conservatives don't go into journalism to change the world but liberals do.
OMG! The MSM and the Dems totally rolled Trump! It's all over! The brigade of wailing catladies is too strong, we can't fight them!
Jesus, you people. He's "preparing to issue an executive order as soon as Wednesday that ends the separation of families at the border by indefinitely detaining parents and children together...".
Could you at least wait a day (or a few hours) to see what the next moves are before wetting your pants and declaring all is lost?
Someone told him his policy wasn't sitting well in Norway.
Now that this crisis of outrage is over, we can get back to -- Russians? Stormy Daniels?
IMO, Trump's executive order will be overturned in two weeks max.
How long did it take a Judge to overturn the Travel Ban in January 2017?
If the Republicans lose control of congress than Trump will be impeached. If only the Dems would fight for good instead of evil.
"Could you at least wait a day (or a few hours) to see what the next moves are before wetting your pants and declaring all is lost?"
It pays to anticipate the Dems for they're always up to no good. It's a good thing we have Trump.
Its NOT all lost.
But this is brutal power struggle between the Establishment and Trump.
The liberal judges are on their side. That wouldn't be that important if Conservatives would STOP worshiping Judges (oh, "Muh Constitution") and imagining they're going to respect the law or the REAL constitution. Good grief, find Abortion or Gay marriage in the Constitution!
As usual, you have the Left wanting to win at any cost, and the Conservatives talking about "muh principles" and "Reaching across the aisle"
AD-AB: "Could you at least wait a day (or a few hours) to see what the next moves are before wetting your pants and declaring all is lost?"
Asking LLR Chuck to wait before pouncing on every single lefty talking point and meme and political lie would be like asking a baby not to suckle at his/her mothers teets.
Trump knows the courts will stop his order.
The order is merely a device to throw it back to Congress. Who will do nothing.
I'm eating a big ice cream cone right now. The Hondurans can pound sand.
Blogger Dust Bunny Queen said...
So what is the bitching going to be about next?
The children ARE with their "parents". The family that gets incarcerated together stays together :-) Problem solved. Right?
What? That isn't what you really wanted?. Moving the goal posts again are we?
I'm finding this all highly amusing.
I'm with you. Brilliant stroke by Trump.
Next: Judiciary will bloke. Trump will repeat no tolerance policy stands. Balls in your court, legislature.
Rubio's jumping up and down telling everyone he's filed his legislation and Congress needs to act.
Schumer and Pelosi aren't going to act. They're going to let the DC judge strike down Trump's EO to try to force him back into releasing families or separating kids.
They think they can win either way, but the American people were told this was about kids. It's going to be very plain it was never about the kids.
This won't end well for them.
“Someone told him his policy wasn't sitting well in Norway.”
LOL, so right.
“A member of the Norwegian Nobel Committee is condemning President Trump for the "zero tolerance" immigration policy that has resulted in separated families, saying that the president is "no longer the moral leader of his country or the world."
"What is happening at the border where he is separating children from their parents is a sign that he is no longer the moral leader of his country or the world," Thorbjorn Jagland, who is also the secretary general of a human rights watchdog, Council of Europe, said, according to Agence France-Press.
"He cannot speak on behalf of the so-called free world," he added.”
The interesting thing to me is the trend of the commenters here. 10 years ago, some of the regulars are what I call moderate, mostly center to center-left but mostly convinced our government is a good, honest government. Today I think many of them have hardened their stance and regard the government as mostly incompetent with a strong dollop of malevolence. The worst thing that can happen to a government is to lose the respect of its citizens. The Ruling Class gets an A+ in that effort.
Turns Out the Child with Downs Syndrome was Rescued from Criminal Traffickers
Womp Womp
Maybe you lefty snarkfucks could show us what Norway's immigration policy is.
"He cannot speak on behalf of the so-called free world," he added.”
Someone is incapable of reading what's on Trump's hat.
"They think they can win either way, but the American people were told this was about kids. It's going to be very plain it was never about the kids."
They *can* win either way.
If public pressure is overwhelmingly against separation of kids and parents, but it's illegal to house parents and kids together, what's the solution?
Personally, I think the American public is just too soft and stupid to solve this in a reasonable fashion. There will have to be maximum pain applied before it becomes apparent that something drastic will have to happen to change the illegal immigration situation.
Ask the governments of the EU.
Let's let Trump worry about US trade policy, taxes, regulation, North Korea, Iran, and the border.
Let Justin Trudeau speak for the free world. He can wear a funny costume and lecture everyone about plastic straws.
If public pressure is overwhelmingly against separation of kids and parents, but it's illegal to house parents and kids together, what's the solution?
Schumer and Pelosi passing legislation to fix the problem.
Trump's going to get in about 100 Tweets about how important it is, which CNN and MSNBC will have to cover, before it becomes apparent S&P have no interest in fixing anything.
At that point, Trump's hands are tied and the separation mechanism is already in place.
Inga and LLR Chuck will not rest until child trafficking is made safe again for the cartels.
smucky schumer says: " with a stroke of a pen" trump could end this.
It's true! with a stroke of a pen trump could order the government to stop enforcing laws.
With a stroke of a pen, trump could Start a Nuclear War. Remember the olden days (2 months ago?) When the Big Concern was that: Trump was a out of control maniac, that would do Terrible Things... With a stroke of a pen???
In the Immortal words of S.E. Hinton That Was Then, This Is Now
Angle-Dyne, Angelic Buzzard said...
Could you at least wait a day (or a few hours) to see what the next moves are before wetting your pants and declaring all is lost?
@Jack Wayne: Good observation. I think you are correct. I have been reading this blog since 2004 and I would fall into the category of one whose attitude has hardened against the Federal government. I have a lot of respect for my local city government, and also for my state government, but for the Federal government - nope. The less the Federal government affects my life, the better. And there are a lot of people in DC I would like to see in orange jumpsuits and handcuffs.
"Its NOT all lost.
But this is brutal power struggle between the Establishment and Trump."
Ya think?
Is this anything we didn't know yesterday? Or a year ago? 2 years ago?
P.S. I think Trump is somewhat aware of this, too, and didn't "cave" with no idea of what the Dems would pull next, and how to respond.
Let the Dems bounce of the walls in their rubber room. No need for the rest of us to join them.
schumer says: " with a stroke of a pen" trump could end this.
gateway drug for authoritarianism - Dems hope to get Trump hooked on it.
I have a question for our leftist celebrity moral beacons. Where would you prefer children to be:
At home in their own country.
Living here on the government dole.
Wandering the desert trying to enter here illegally.
In the hands of coyotes and MS-13
Safe in detention facilities here
It seems that Democrats are OK with anything except the first and last.
Go fuck yourself, Darrell. It wasn't my story to begin with. My point was that Lewandowski is a 5'6" douchebag. He's a douchebag for saying, "Womp womp." Instead of something about the mother not being part of any ICE zero-tolerance and instead being held as a material witness in a human smuggling case. Which I presume Lewandowski didn't even know at that time.
Lewandowski is an assshole no matter what the story was.
Got to love how Schumer wants no responsibility. He wants Trump to act like a dictator, so he can complain. I cannot imagine this will play well with all but the hard left.
Drago: Asking LLR Chuck to wait before pouncing on every single lefty talking point and meme and political lie would be like asking a baby not to suckle at his/her mothers teets.
Why would you think that was addressed to Chuck?
The over and under for a Hawaii judge to overturn this executive order is indeed two weeks.
Then the President has a simple solution. Stop all asylum applications that are not made in a US Embassy. Zero tolerance. Deport immediately without a hearing.
There is precedent. On April 4, 1961 Attorney General Robert Kennedy deported reputed mobster Carlos Marcello directly to the jungles of the shit hole country Guatemala without a hearing. They simply arrested him and took him to the jungle and dropped him off. Let's just do the same thing.
Here in CA the state that houses 25% of foreign-nationals illegally present in America, decades of illegal immigration and resulting children born to those here illegally, actual Americans have experienced a radical degradation of the value of their vote.
This is not democracy, this is bureaucratic soft-coup by the Left and globalist RINOs. If/whne the Left next takes control of Congress and/or Executive, they along with their pet RINOs will enact their own Final Solution to America by enacting mass amnesty in the form of a "Comprehensive Immigration Reform" bill as they tried in 2013-2014.
The CBO analysis of that bill said it's "reunification" clauses would bring an additional 3.2 foreign nationals here for every 1 amnestied alien unlawfully present in American.
That would create 35M to 55M new citizens/votes or more over less than 10 years. Over 90% would vote Democrat. Coincidence or fundamental transformation into an elected tyranny?
Lewandowski is an assshole no matter what the story was.
Band of Brothers you are, then. . .
Chuck are you going to denounce Peter Fonda in the same way you demand the God Emperor denounce everything any Republican says that you don't agree with. Or do you agree with the idea that the children of the President should be kidnapped and raped? That the Secretary of Homeland Security should be kidnapped and whipped in the public square. That the children of Sarah Sanders should be taken away from her.
How about it Chuck?
Are you going to denounce a charter member of your team?
I bet Chuck doesn't have a problem with what Peter Fonda said.
I know feckless cunt Inga doesn't care. Or ARM. Or Pee Pee Guy. Not one of them cares a whit about it.
Because they agree with it.
Their concern for the "childrens" is all just bullshit.
Michael Cohen said ...
"As the son of a Polish holocaust survivor, the images and sounds of this family separation policy is heart wrenching"
"Why can't Trump order the military to give all these kids a ride home?"
Because claims for asylum are taken seriously.
Hey ARM how do you feel about your co-conspirator Peter Fonda?
Or your fellow ANTIFA thugs who hounded the Secretary at dinner?
Enquireing minds want to know.
Claims for asylum should be taken literally not seriously.
If they do not follow the literal letter of the law and apply at a US Embassy than they should be denied. Period. No if ands or buts.
By the way Althouse. Will you denounce Peter Fonda? Should Peter Fonda's movie be removed from theaters the way Roseanne's TV show was from the ABC line-up?
Enquireing minds want to know.
Drago said...
Inga and LLR Chuck will not rest until child trafficking is made safe again for the cartels.
A half-dozen times I have repeated this; I FAVORED the zero-tolerance policy. I thought that the whole matter was legally and technically defensible. By a competent advocate, that is. Which rules out Trump.
So now, Trump has backed down. Loser; he is doing what the media made him do. Some kinda negotiator.
Currently highlighted on Drudge:
Russian trolls are exploiting family-separation stories 'to sow discord among Americans'
Fortunately, it will have no material effect.
langford peel said...
I bet Chuck doesn't have a problem with what Peter Fonda said.
I thought that what Peter Fonda put out on Twitter was stupid and monstrous and indefensible.
I hate most things about Twitter. But that kind of celebrity toxicity may be the worst.
with a simple flick of the pen, trump could end the zero tolerance policy on assassinating democrat senators. I'm not saying the optics would be good; i'm just saying that there's a LOT of things trump could do, with a simple flick of the pen.
" I thought that the whole matter was legally and technically defensible."
This is irrelevant. Its not a legal or technical matter, it is a propaganda war.
What matters most is the size of the war-machine.
Thank you Chuck.
I have misjudged you. I thought you would be in favor of kidnapping the President's son.
Thanks for clearing that up.
Still no word from Inga, Pee Pee or ARM. Or Althouse for that matter.
It is important to get people on the record.
Langford peel said...
Enquireing minds want to know.
Honestly, I am kind of hurt. I vouched for your non-mobyness just the other day. I felt my careful textual analysis of your posts was definitive when the mob was starting to turn against you.
I'm sure the fool, ARM and even chuck, will not be interested in this explanation of what is going on.
This is not exactly a new or profound insight and lots of examples come easily to mind (like Eddie Adams’s famous photograph of the Viet Cong guerrilla being shot in the head on the Saigon street during Tet in 1968), but Boorstin combined it with a remarkably prescient anticipation of today’s 24/7 cable TV news cycle:
Then came round-the-clock media. The news gap soon became so narrow that in order to have additional “news” for each new edition or each new broadcast it was necessary to plan in advance the stages by which any available news would be unveiled. . . As the costs of printing and then of broadcasting increased, it became financially necessary to keep the presses always at work and the TV screen always busy. Pressures toward the making of pseudo-events became even stronger. News gathering turned into news making.
The “interview” was a novel way of making news which had come in with the Graphic Revolution.
I'm for closing the border totally and sending all illegals home as participants in a scheme to subvert the US Constitution.
ARM it is a simple question. I don't care about the mob. It is only the usual suspects.
They are all in favor of what Peter Fonda had to say. What DeNiro and Kathy Griffin had to say.
If you believe in what someone has to say you should stand behind them.
For example I totally endorse what Corey had to say.
If we have to stop making fun of retards then comedy is dead.
After all we just want to make fun of them. You want to abort them.
Still do you denounce Peter Fonda?
It will go on your permanent record.
@Balfegor Vieques "Naval testing facility is a euphemism for bombing range. I spent a couple of pleasant weeks in Vieques firing live artillery. We could let the kids go out and pick up the unexploded ordnance. Imagine the howls!
There has to be a place with a usable military reservation. How about Mare Island or the Presidio? Oh, hell they're closed. Well there's always Camp Pendleton or better yet the Pickel Meadows cold weather training center. On the East coast we could use the US Coast Guard Station on Staten Island or the Gabreski ANG base on Long Island, NY. Of course as someone mentioned the other day the Manzanar interment center is still available or maybe Tule Lake could be spun up in a hurry.
Remember that rule that if the facts are on your side , you argue facts, but if not, then you argue the law has its corollary which is that when neither are on your side, you use the Court system's procedural delays.
Trump just used the Court's procedural delays. All he has to do is blunt the Fake News Armageddon until November. He is already slow walking the SOBs.
Blogger BDNYC said...”I still don't want the Wall, but something needs to be done.
- Better enforcement against employers, e.g. e-verify
- More immigration judges to quickly process removals and asylum claims
- An update Bracero program to meet the economic need
- Get Mexico to do more to stop Central American migrants
- Etc.”
Why do you want to hang a millstone around the neck of all those other policies by not reducing the number of people they have to deal with?
Sincere question. Why do you oppose a wall?
"i'm just saying that there's a LOT of things trump could do, with a simple flick of the pen."
Trump is a dangerous proto-dictator, and we demand that he disregard the law and rule by executive order, but only in ways we favor.
We are large, we contain multitudes.
Stubbornly the left refuses to denounce Peter Fonda.
They are very consistent.
So I guess we can all agree that they are not mobys. Right ARM?
It's a ridiculous controversy, but the optics are bad. Trump is a good enough politician to skip it, which is wise.
Could Trump use eminent domain and house these illegal immigrant families in non-governmental facilities?
There's a passel of gubmint land doin' nuthin up in Alaska.
I'll bet there's an unused SAC base somewhere north of To Hell and Gone that could be turned into a processing center for these pests.
Thirty miles off the southern coast of Cuba lies La Isla de la Juventud, the “Isle of Youth.” It is covered in lush vegetation and pine forests, and about half of the island falls under a “special municipality” designation, which prevents access except for those who have the proper permit from the Cuban government. The island is also home to the great ruin of an unusual and historic prison--the Panopticon.
How many asylum claims before the UN sends peacekeepers?
"So now, Trump has backed down. Loser; he is doing what the media made him do. Some kinda negotiator."
"Because claims for asylum are taken seriously."
That makes sense to a point, but at what level of fraudulent claims does that change. I read it was currently running at 80% fraud (unserious). How about 90%? 99%? I would suggest that taking all claims seriously is not serious.
The rumor is that Jeffrey Epstein has voluntered his private island provded he picks the prisoners.
Please note that Peter Fonda's latest movie that is being released tomorrow is being distributed by SONY.
If you wanted to boycott them unless they dropped this movie in the same way Disney dropped Roseanne's show.
Take them all literally. If they do not conform exactly to the law then deny them without a hearing. Deport them without a hearing. Keep the families together. In their own shit hole countries.
Irony here. Roseanne was most popular show on TV. Boundaries, rated R probably unknown to most until this controversy. Imagine boycott effort will be a net wash. (Never planning to see it myself.)
You have to admit that Trump is faced with a constantly rolling barrage of bunkum and foofarah (is that a word?) Let's call it what it is--a rolling barrage of BS from the MSM and the Never Trumpers. The pussy hats didn't work; the Stormy Daniels story ran its course; the cut and thrust over the Rocket Man summit didn't work; and today it's separation of the kiddies at the border.
This barrage will lift--and then a fresh meme will come up, and the barrage will come again. The only way to stop this nonsense is to win the 2018 midterms and reelect the Trumpster in 2020.
This just tells me that the democrat media party is more than happy to break the law if it is in their political interest. Screw the law you might say.
It is not irony readering. It is the illustration of how far the left will go to destroy the other side. They will destroy the most popular show on TV over one word in a tweet. Zero tolerance. They will support any perversion of word and deed that is part of the liberal mindset.
If the right does not make them live up to their rules then they have lost.
Dick Durbin is not happy: "His new Executive Order criminalizes asylum-seekers and seeks to indefinitely detain their children. Locking up whole families is no solution at all."
Asks Rs to "call for an end to this monstrous Trump Administration policy."
See, yesterday it was about separating families. Now it's about locking up families. There will be no legislative deal, because the only acceptable solution to the Dems is catch and release.
Stay tuned: Inga should be back soon with new talking points about how "despicable" we all are for wanting to lock up families.
Because it's not about kids or families. It's about getting Trump to drop zero tolerance and open up the border again.
It is important that we force people to be on the record. Not to gloss over things.
Think of it as the "broken windows" method.
If you let little crimes go then big ones never get stopped.
Peter Fonda committed a thought crime based on the rules the left taught us. He needs to be banned from Twitter. All of his movies have to be removed from any streaming service or TV. Exactly what happened to Roseanne. Period.
Hold them to the rules they have created.
Come on! No one other than me finds it hilarious how Trump has punked the media and the Democrats.
They said....Don't split up the families. They got their wish. The families will stay together until their cases are decided as to whether they are legit asylum seekers or not. Mostly not is my educated guess. gave us what we demanded, but but but but.......
So. They got what they wanted....LOL. Be careful of what you ask for as you might just get it.
Tell Sony you will boycott all their products unless they superimpose a human ass atop Fonda's body in his new movie. With today's technology, you could do it in a few days. This is a fair compromise. Bill Fonda for the changes and Sony doesn't have to recast and reshoot.
"What is happening at the border where he is separating children from their parents is a sign that he is no longer the moral leader of his country or the world,"
News flash: Trump Not Pope!
It was never about these poor shit hole monkeys. They are just there to be exploited. By their uncaring negligent parents. By the coyotes and the sex traffickers. By the Democrats.
Save them by sending them home.
For the childrens.
Do you have a Sarah McLachlan record we can play? We can film all the little shit hole monkeys in cages showing their sad eyes?
Sally Struthers can narrate it.
It will be a smash hit.
The only way to stop this nonsense is to win the 2018 midterms and reelect the Trumpster in 2020.
A good spanking in the midterms might restore sanity.
Ignorance amelioration tool:
Immigration Court Backlog Tool -
Pending Cases and Length of Wait by Nationality, State, Court, and Hearing Location
I am surprised that Chuck has not made more of this:
Trump falsely claimed for days that he couldn’t end family separations
Re: Inga:
"What is happening at the border where he is separating children from their parents is a sign that he is no longer the moral leader of his country or the world," Thorbjorn Jagland, who is also the secretary general of a human rights watchdog, Council of Europe, said, according to Agence France-Press.
"He cannot speak on behalf of the so-called free world," he added.”
Did . . . did any of these people ever accept that Trump was the "moral leader" of the world? Or had standing to speak on behalf of the, ah, "so-called" free world? This seems pretty dog-bites-man here.
That said, since 2016, Norway appears to have tightened up its asylum policies significantly. They had a drop of 95% in 2016:
But Norway’s right-wing coalition government has been bullish about its new policies, delaying family reunification for three years and requiring refugees financially support family members in measures that caused the UN refugee agency to voice “deep concern”.
Erna Solberg, the Prime Minister, hailed the policies a success last month.
“We now have a significantly lower influx of refugees,” she said.
“Some of it is due to putting behind us a long stretch with border controls that allowed many to previously seek asylum. Some of it is due to many now perceiving Norway as a stricter country and thus fewer people seek to come here.”
The UDI also offers up to 20,000 krone to asylum seekers who voluntarily return to their home countries.
That all sounds like stuff Trump would like. They were considering proposals that would deny applications automatically if the applicant had passed through a safe country before arriving at the Norwegian border, although it's not clear to me whether that piece of the package passed. Some of the provisions did pass, though:
Temporary asylum was increasingly granted to minors in Norway last year, due in part to an October 2016 law change that enabled asylum applications to be rejected if individuals could be returned to safe parts of their home countries, as reported by newspaper VG in December 2016.
Afghan nationals were the group primarily affected by the measure.
Minors not fulfilling requirements for asylum due to safety concerns in their home countries can be given temporary residency - usually in asylum centres - if "strong humanitarian considerations" deem this necessary, according to the VG report.
That all seems sensible. Last year, the minister in charge of immigration explained:
“If you are an economic migrant, you are declined in Norway,” she says. “We send people back to Afghanistan if they are not in need of protection; we send them back to Somalia if they are not in need of protection.” Isn’t this a rather expensive process? “Yes, but it’s well worth it.” Police are also sent out to areas where illegal immigrants are suspected of living and working. “If we find them, we send them out. That has also decreased crime in Norway, that’s very good.”
That's more or less what Trump wants for the US.
“Stay tuned: Inga should be back soon with new talking points about how "despicable" we all are for wanting to lock up families.”
“I’m saying hold the families together in something similar to what the Cuban balseros were held in before they were given asylum. In the case of Central American asylum seekers or even illegal border crossers, house them in a more humanitarian fashion. If they aren’t found to be eligible for asylum, send them back to their home countries, families intact.”
6/18/18, 1:20 PM
I said this day before yesterday. Yesterday I said the same thing. Today I said the same thing. So don’t hold your breath.
Huh. Inga has not butted in her usual 25% of any comment thread related to President Trump so far.
Could it be her favorite cut n paste source hasn't posted yet?
ARM lies again. The 9th circuit stopped the holding of children with alleged parents at 20 days.
Trump had nothing to do with it.
His EO will be immediately appealed.
Re: AReasonableMan:
Trump falsely claimed for days that he couldn’t end family separations
You think a judge isn't going to try and block him? There's a lot of district courts in the US. Any one of them can order an injunction.
“Did . . . did any of these people ever accept that Trump was the "moral leader" of the world? Or had standing to speak on behalf of the, ah, "so-called" free world? This seems pretty dog-bites-man here.”
Hell no, not me. But I still think it’s humerous in light of readering’s comment.
“Someone told him his policy wasn't sitting well in Norway.”
Balfegor said...
You think a judge isn't going to try and block him? There's a lot of district courts in the US. Any one of them can order an injunction.
This is a very narrow reading of Trump's contribution to this situation. Despite his denials clearly Trump could change the situation, which is not exactly surprising, since he created it. And yes, I know the legal constraints are complex.
Last week: “We can’t do it through an executive order.”
Today: He signs EO doing what he said he couldn’t do last week.
Relative of yours kraus
”Last week: “We can’t do it through an executive order.”
Today: He signs EO doing what he said he couldn’t do last week.”
Next Week: The courts tell him he can’t do it through an executive order.
Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
I am surprised that Chuck has not made more of this:
Trump falsely claimed for days that he couldn’t end family separations
It's rather complicated, isn't it? I have a general sympathy with that article; indeed every time Trump speaks about this, he says more wrong stuff, and gets more and more people angry.
But in that article, I think that the author, as well as every person he quoted, with the possible exception of Kirstjen Nielsen, got something technically wrong.
I must say, as a devout Trump-hater; the mainstream media in this whole saga have been truly awful. Every bit as unhinged, as Trump has been reckless with his own immigration statements in the past.
Sean Davis on
"Within the last two days, the anti-Trump Resistance has endorsed the brutal murder of ICE agents, the stalking of their children, the public mobbing of a DHS official, and the doxxing of White House officials. And also they're very worried about civility and norms you guys."
Nice job, Anti-Trump a-holes.
The leftist trolls are hysterical on this fake issue.
People, real people, are going to find out the truth and the ploy will fail.
Mexico is largely at fault in this and should be punished severely.
So this EO fixes the problem. Sort of. I expect someone claiming guardianship but unable to prove it to attempt the first crack at it.
@ARM How about being a little more specific about how Trump could change the situation without resorting to open borders.
You da man you can deal with the complexities. Give it a go!
Seeing as antifa who assaulted people got let off, what reason is there for antifa to dial back threats and violence?
Ya hafta give Putin credit.Claim is he wanted to create turmoil in America.
Mission accomplished!
Every bit as unhinged, as Trump has been reckless with his own immigration statements in the past.
chuck, why not volunteer to be one of those 100 immigration ALJs that should be appointed? Clear up that backlog.
80% of asylum applications are denied as fraudulent.
The next step should be DNA tests before families are reunited to be sure they are really families.
I know people who have been offered children for sale in Mexico.
"Within the last two days, the anti-Trump Resistance has endorsed the brutal murder of ICE agents, the stalking of their children, the public mobbing of a DHS official, and the doxxing of White House officials. And also they're very worried about civility and norms you guys."
Putins puppets, and they don't even realize it.
I think a very brave journalist should write a story about kids being smuggled by sex traffickers that were caught by zero tolerance. Call them something cute like The Liberated Dreamers.
Here you go chuck.
But I wonder, could Ted Cruz’s “emergency legislation,” introduced today, have a chance to succeed? Here are the key provisions:
Double the number of federal immigration judges, from roughly 375 to 750.
Authorize new temporary shelters, with accommodations to keep families together.
Mandate that illegal immigrant families must be kept together, absent aggravated criminal conduct or threat of harm to the children.
Provide for expedited processing and review of asylum cases, so that—within 14 days—those who meet the legal standards will be granted asylum, and those who do not will be immediately returned to their home countries.
Cruz’s bill enjoys the considerable virtue of focus. By banning family separation, it deals with the immediate crisis. By increasing the number of judges, authorizing new shelters, and providing for expedited processing, it can increase comfort for families, reduce the length of their detention, and ease the backlog. There’s a modest fiscal cost, of course, but it’s a price worth paying to end a broken policy.
I would add DNA testing before reunification.
Here's my issue with the reporting. Trump's policy isn't separation. That's decades of laws. His policy is zero tolerance. To attack that policy, media and senate Dems deliberately conflate the two.
“Double the number of federal immigration judges, from roughly 375 to 750.”
“We don’t want judges; we want security on the border. We don’t want people coming in. We want them to come in through a legal process like everybody else that’s waiting to come into our country.”
Donald Trump
The mobys have it easy - just be an asswipe.
How hard is it to read a quote in context?
“How hard is it to read a quote in context?”
How hard is it to go to the link I provided and read it for yourself? I’m not here to make things easy for you.
I’m not about to copy and paste anything for your ease. I used to do that, no more.
”We want them to come in through a legal process like everybody else that’s waiting to come into our country.”
And you oppose that.
The context is that more judges isn't a permanent fix to the problem. He wants actual legislation instead of can kicking. Pretending to try and teach people things only works if you aren't cosmically wrong.
The worst part is that people have explained the context of that quote Inga. But instead of listening, you're just repeating it ad nauseam as if no one has ever explained it before. It really is just thread clutter at this point.
Matthew, you want me to make excuses for Trump, that’s not my purpose. As for “teaching”, just do the damn reading for yourself and stop whining like the little effeminate plump pussy your avatar appears to be.
The fool thinks that printing stuff on a blog solves problems.
There are serious people trying to fix this.
Step one is to stop the separation.
Step two is to fix the backlog, probably by adding judges.
Step three is to build the wall.
Fools know nothing about real problems, except possibly full bedpans.
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