Mr. Trump’s executive order would seek to get around an existing 1997 consent decree, known as the Flores settlement, that prohibits the federal government from keeping children in immigration detention — even if they are with their parents — for more than 20 days....People (e.g., Chuck Schumer*) have been saying Trump has the power to solve the problem with an executive order, so if Trump attempts to do that, and he gets challenged, that will support his earlier position that he needs legislation and put more pressure on Congress to give him that legislation and undermine the argument that Trump has the power. He'll be better off politically.
The order would keep families together, though it is unclear how Mr. Trump intends to claim the legal authority to violate what have been legal constraints on the proper treatment of children in government custody, which prevented former President Barack Obama from detaining families together during a similar flood of illegal immigration two years ago.
And the president could quickly find himself the subject of another legal challenge to his executive authority, much the way he attacked Mr. Obama for abusing the power of his office with an immigration executive order in 2014.
But the Trump haters will regroup and hit him with new arguments. For example, right here in the NYT article:
While Mr. Trump’s actions appear to stop short of calls for an end to the “zero tolerance” policy, it would be a remarkable retreat for a president who has steadfastly refused to apologize in almost any other context. And it would be a testament to the political power of the images of the immigrant children to move public opinion.It's "a remarkable retreat" for Trump. Also, images of children are powerful, so whatever their new situation is, it will be sub-optimal, and there will be new images reframing the story of the plight of the children.
Sen. Schumer on family separation policy:
— NBC News (@NBCNews) June 20, 2018
"With the simple flick of the pen, a simple flick of the pen the president can end this policy. If the president wants to borrow my pen, he can have it. But he can do it quickly and easily if he wants to, it's on his back."
२९८ टिप्पण्या:
«सर्वात जुने ‹थोडे जुने 298 पैकी 201 – 298If you want a civil discussion, that's not the way to go about it
There’s no fool like a Trump Cultist.
Lets see... 375 new judges @ say, 1.5 Million per as lifetime liability, add that to welfare, medicaid, dental, education costs, (english as second language class, spanish speaking teachers) and increases in jails and prisons, spanish speaking cops and judges Lets not forget the environmental impact. Certainly they'll recycle, use water wisely and not add to traffic congestion or stress the power grids. Interest due on financing all the above. Net negative proposition. We need degreed professionals in most disciplines moved to the front of the immigration line. NOT the world's poor.
There's a semi colon. On face value that implies a compound sentence or two linked thoughts.
Yup, Inga's got her sources - now. What a tool.
Balfegor @ 5:29
Trump cultists doesn't really fit me. I'm more Trump agnostic. I can take or leave him. I'd rather many other choices, but I'm not going to pretend his flaws are worse than they are.
Let’s reflect for a moment on the astounding political incompetence of this debacle. Two weeks ago, two-thirds of American voters supported Trump’s position on illegal immigration; now, perhaps one-third do. Democrats are energized and unified; Republicans are despondent and divided. And don’t blame Democrats and the media: as Donald Rumsfeld said, you don’t go to war with the enemy you wish you had.
Earnest Prole said...
Let’s reflect for a moment on the astounding political incompetence of this debacle.
Reflect or marvel?
America deserves MORE buwayas, got too many Ingas as it is.
“And don’t blame Democrats and the media: as Donald Rumsfeld said, you don’t go to war with the enemy you wish you had.”
They have no idea his energized and unified Democrats are. This debacle only reminded every Democrat and independent that November is coming and what we’re voting against.
Two weeks ago, two-thirds of American voters supported Trump’s position on illegal immigration; now, perhaps one-third do.
When did you do your polling ?
I doubt this costs Trump anything but Congress should get something like the Cruz bill up and see if the Democrats filibuster.
The EO is proactive on the legal question:
"The Attorney General shall promptly file a request with the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California to modify the Settlement Agreement in Flores v. Sessions, CV 85-4544 (“Flores settlement”), in a manner that would permit the Secretary, under present resource constraints, to detain alien families together throughout the pendency of criminal proceedings for improper entry or any removal or other immigration proceedings."
Shhhhh, Michael K....
We've laid it all out for them, but they don't yet have talking points to understand what's happened.
I love the part in all these episodes when the anti-Trumpers come in high-fiving each other, spiking the football, going on about blue waves and impeachment.
They cite imaginary polls to show how the voters have all turned into open borders proponents who at any moment might march around waving Mexican flags, and how white people are all but dead anyway.
It's truly my favorite part of these little dustups.
So go on people. Please, don't disappoint.
That's silly. We've been told for days that there's no legal reason for the separation. Why ever would they need to d8 that given what had been endlessly repeated?
We'll see what happens. It might be another Bre'r Rabbit move - or not.
United Airlines and American Airlines refuse to reunite unaccompanied minors with their parents. Victims of Pro-Choice.
All Trump's EO did was tell Sessions to go ask the judge to grant relief. Whatever relief they get, they'll use. And when that's done, they'll say their hands are tied and it's up to Congress and the courts to fix it.
Trump can say he did all he was allowed to do under the law.
And he's only the President, not some kind of Authoritarian Dictator. (rimshot)
Inga said...
“And don’t blame Democrats and the media: as Donald Rumsfeld said, you don’t go to war with the enemy you wish you had.”
They have no idea his energized and unified Democrats are. This debacle only reminded every Democrat and independent that November is coming and what we’re voting against.
Democrats are energized to keep our borders open.
Democrats are energized to repeal the second amendment.
Democrats are energized for war in Korea.
Democrats are energized to impeach the president for a non-crime.
They will get awesome turnout.
In their little blue enclaves they will get 90% of the vote.
But Trump supporters are watching you people go fucking crazy and call us all sorts of names. They are watching your disgusting hypocrisy.
We will get great turnout too.
Democrats might get as many illegal voters to buff up their numbers in California. But they are going to get absolutely slaughtered everywhere else.
Until these children get reunited with their families, the public pressure won’t let up. This will take months, even into November.
Kevin said...
We've laid it all out for them, but they don't yet have talking points to understand what's happened.
Ah, its the old nine-dimensional chess argument.
Inga said...
Until these children get reunited with their families, the public pressure won’t let up. This will take months, even into November.
Meanwhile Inga supports ripping ICE agents hearts out and Barron Trump being locked in a cage with pedophiles.
Sorry, but I'm reminded of this
Trump tells America he is fixing the problems Obama, Schumer, and Bush created.
Inga and ARM again look like the cynical shitheads they are as they don't give two shits about these kids just like they haven't cared since 1997.
Until these children get reunited with their families, the public pressure won’t let up. This will take months, even into November.
Won't let up on who?
Trump can't reunite them until the judge allows it. And even then, the non-criminal children can't be held indefinitely, so a judge is going to tell Trump how long they can stay together. Trump has asked for more judges, which will take years to get and only after Congress appropriates the money.
Which means legislation, which means Schumer and Pelosi getting involved. Which they don't want to do because they don't want this fixed.
All the while Trump just does what the courts and his resources allow. He's the LEAST culpable person going forward because through is EO he's asked for maximum relief and maximum resources.
There is nothing else Trump can do.
“We don’t want judges; we want security on the border. We don’t want people coming in. We want them to come in through a legal process like everybody else that’s waiting to come into our country.”
God damned right!
We are -- much too slowly -- discovering that the worst images presented with a perfectly straight face as depicting the current state of the situation on the border are actually pictures from when Obama was president. I look at Peter Fonda threatening Donald Trump's son, I look at what happened to the Secretary of Homeland Security, I look at the brain-dead Chuckie Schumer, and I am so far past enraged that the feeble minded among us commentators -- ARM, Inga, Ritmo, Freder, roesch, cannot begin to grasp it.
Trump tells America he is fixing the problems Obama, Schumer, and Bush created.
And he's going to keep repeating it, and keep saying that unlike them he's actually doing everything he can to fix it.
What was it that Inga said? Oh right, even into November....
Trump orders families to remain intact.
Democrats immediately plan to sue.
Of course.
But that is because they are cynical shitheads.
"There is nothing else Trump can do."
-- There is one thing, which is what the Democrats in Congress *actually* want. End border enforcement and reinstate catch-and-release. The left would rather we not enforce our laws than make tough decisions, even if it means some kids get smuggled into the country by sex traffickers.
I guess "end zero tolerance" is more accurate than "border enforcement."
“...and I am so far past enraged that the feeble minded among us commentators -- ARM, Inga, Ritmo, Freder, roesch, cannot begin to grasp it.”
Oh yeah Big Mike? My rage is much BIGGER than your rage!!!11!1!
There is one thing, which is what the Democrats in Congress *actually* want. End border enforcement and reinstate catch-and-release.
Let Schumer and Pelosi go on TV and make that argument.
Even EP knows 2/3 of Americans want the border closed. The average person hears that we catch them, let them go, and they don't show up to be deported, and says "Duh!"
It's a political loser, which is why they tried the back-door kid thing.
Well what's math got to do with it:
Is there a reason we can't catch-and-release, give them the summons, and then release them... on the opposite side of the border?
There's logistical problems there, but would that catch-and-release meet with Senate Democrats' approval? I'm not even sure I like it (it sounds petty and mean-spirited), but, I'm trying to find out exactly where the common ground is.
Matt, there is no common ground.
Matt, there is no common ground.
Jon is absolutely correct. The Left has TDS which is a form of Oppositional Defiance Disorder. And there is no known treatment.
Getting ahead of themselves
And the Cult of Trump has thouroughly taken control of the frontal lobes of people who used to be reasonable run of the mill Trumpists.
So sad, no cure.
Commenters - MSM and hereon - have a tendency to take every move as a discrete event, while Trump may just be making a move to cause the Democrats (and Rinos) to make a countermove that may have a weakness he can then exploit.
Blogger Inga said...”Until these children get reunited with their families, the public pressure won’t let up. This will take months, even into November.”
As intended.
Bet you don’t feel even a smidgen of guilt, either.
mockturtle said...
The Left has TDS which is a form of Oppositional Defiance Disorder.
Stephen Miller and Trump screw up so badly that a good fraction of Republicans walk away from them and suddenly it's the Dems fault? This is not reasonable. The Dems took advantage of that screw-up, just as the Red team would have if the roles had been reversed but nothing more. No one made Trump and Miller do this in the first place. Dumb, bad politics.
"They have no idea his energized and unified Democrats are. This debacle only reminded every Democrat and independent that November is coming and what we’re voting against."
This is the second time today that Igna admits these children are merely political pawns. Carry on!
"Stephen Miller and Trump screw up so badly that a good fraction of Republicans walk away from them and suddenly it's the Dems fault?"
Got a link for that assertion, sport?
The common ground is the Left colluding with foreign agents to disenfranchise Americans, depress wages through liberal spending and labor arbitrage, and a persistent veil of privacy to hide the victims of female chauvinism and Planned Parenthood.
I like the idea of Trump linking NAFTA renegotiation to Mexico reducing "freedom of movement" across the border.
Sen. Schumer on family separation policy
The tell-tale hearts beat ever louder.
Unless Mexico is a first-world, safe nation, then there cannot be free trade, let alone equitable trade with them. They need to address immigration reform at their borders, before parents and predators that identify as "parents" can exploit children to violate American civil rights and commit rape... rape-rape, or worse, elective (i.e. premeditated) abortion (i.e. Planned Parenthood).
re: Mexico aid and abet
Is the NYT the house organ of the Mexican billionaire and special interests?
Are the Democrats colluding with the Mexican government to redistribute responsibility?
Is this a progression inspired by the female chauvinists' selective-child that denies life deemed unworthy and diversity doctrine that denies (e.g. racism) individual dignity? Another social justice adventure a la Obama's refugee crises and trail of tears and Pro-Choice Cult?
Whistleblowers and first person accounts of these child separations will be coming out everyday for weeks and weeks to come. We’ll be hearing the phrase “Family Reunification” every single day for months and there will be many many people who will be outraged if they don’t happen in a timely manner. Trump created this debacle, no one will forget it.
This whole episode should make the following clear to the dumbest Dumbo:
1) The Democrats will do ANYTHING to hurt Trump
2) The Democrats want open borders and refuse to enforce the Immigration laws.
3) Its impossible to negotiate with the Democrats. To them its "rule or ruin".
4) To the Democrats *anything* that hurts Trump is OK. Nothing is off-limits. They have no filter or boundaries.
5) The Democrats don't care about the Country. To them patriotism is a dirty word.
The debacle will be the first murder or rape one of these shit hole monkeys commit. I give it a week. The difference unlike the Bush pussies the Trump administration will publicize these attacks. The first child turned over to MS13 or sex traffickers will be all over the news.
The embargo on the news of the crimes committed by the imported criminal class is over.
It will take about a week.
"...and stop whining like the little effeminate plump pussy your avatar appears to be."
Does your glass house make your ass look fat?
Still have not heard Inga or ARM or Roachy or any of the libtards denounce Peter Fonda.
So we can assume that the policy of the Democrats and the progressives is to kidnap and rape children.
That was always the policy of the Podesta brothers and their ilk but it has spread to the entire Liberal universe.
rcocean said...
1) The Democrats will do ANYTHING to hurt Trump
What did the Democrats DO? They, like everyone else, just stood and watched as Trump and Miller self-destructed. Trump/Miller changed the rules without concerning themselves about the moral and political aspects of their behavior. No one thinks they should just get a free pass to do whatever they want.
I denounce Peter Fonda!!!1111!!!!
Now let’s hear you Trump Cultists denounce Langford Peel.
Blogger langford peel said...
Why are we worrying about these baby shit hole monkeys. Send them all back the next day. No asylum. End that right now. End of problem. Send them back home. Don't teach them how to wash themselves or how to brush their teeth and use a toilet. Send them back.
The new Italian government has the right solution. The Good Times are over for you.
6/18/18, 12:11 PM
Blogger landlord peel said...
I think it is important to make distinctions.
So I would only use the term "Baby shit hole monkeys" to refer to Haitian illegal immigrants. Or maybe Somali's.
I seem to think that most of the refuse we are talking about here are Hispanic so a better term would be beaner babies.
I want to refine my terms.
But thanks for your input.
6/19/18, 1:35 PM
I almost missed this. It bears repeating.
Blogger Matthew Sablan said...
The context is that more judges isn't a permanent fix to the problem. He wants actual legislation instead of can kicking. Pretending to try and teach people things only works if you aren't cosmically wrong.
6/20/18, 6:26 PM
Blogger Matthew Sablan said...
The worst part is that people have explained the context of that quote Inga. But instead of listening, you're just repeating it ad nauseam as if no one has ever explained it before. It really is just thread clutter at this point.
6/20/18, 6:28 PM
Blogger Inga said...
Matthew, you want me to make excuses for Trump, that’s not my purpose. As for “teaching”, just do the damn reading for yourself and stop whining like the little effeminate plump pussy your avatar appears to be.
6/20/18, 6:30 PM
Blogger Inga said...
Matthew, you want me to make excuses for Trump, that’s not my purpose. As for “teaching”, just do the damn reading for yourself and stop whining like the little effeminate plump pussy your avatar appears to be.
6/20/18, 6:30 PM
Indeed. I agree with myself. And I’ll repeat if I have to.
Of course you do....
As Titus would say...natch!
They thought they had intercepted a pass and were running free towards the end zone when QB Trump slipped in behind them and knocked the ball loose. Now it's First Down Trump and they are greatly upset and reduced to babbling incoherently and attacking langford peel, which is like punching the water cooler.
Don't break a finger, girls.
Not fab.
Finally Inga.
You quote me like I said something wrong.
I don't advocate aborting or killing these poor souls the way you would. I just want to stay in their own shit hole countries and not risk the lives of their children or turn them over to sex traffickers like the Podesta brothers.
I don't advocate that these poor beaner babies be raped when that is what your policy will lead too as it had until they put a stop to criminals using children as a free pass to enter our country illegally.
Lets keep them safe. In their own shit hole habitat. Don't risk their lives sending them to coyotes or drug gangs.
Why do you hate them Inga? Are you upset that they weren't aborted?
It’s interesting that Drago has made himself scarce the last few days.
Inga denounced Peter Fonda! Now do it again, like you mean it, creature.
“Inga denounced Peter Fonda! Now do it again, like you mean it, creature.”
Only if you denounce Langford Peel beast.
Another news story that was buried was that a CIA member of the Deep State Joshua Adam Schulte had millions of images of child porn on his computer.
He also had direct links to an actor from Glee who was involved in child porn and committed suicide.
This is part of the ongoing arrest of pedophiles and sex traffickers that the Justice Department has been making in the last two weeks.
There are also reports that some illegal immigrant children are directly linked to these photos and that they are the cause of several unexplained suicides in the past few weeks.
It is not beyond the realm of possibility that the current spate of self righteous publicity is an attempt by politicians and news media personal to inoculate themselves from suspicion much as they did in reaction to the #Metoo hysteria about sexual harassment.
It is all very suspicious how this "crises" blew up all of a sudden.
Did Langford threaten you or your children? If not, then no.
It's the lowest of the low to go after a young child. I guess you don't get that.
I remember how Matt Laurer and Charlie Rose were reporting about sexual harassment before they were revealed to be part of the problem.
Has anyone looked at any of these politicians and their abuse and exploitation of illegal immigrant labor?
Of course not.
I would never threaten imaginary children.
What would be the point?
She would just make up new ones.
I would like to take a look at the computers of people like Ben Sasse, Rachael Maddow and Anderson Cooper.
Just have a feeling.
“Did Langford threaten you or your children? If not, then no.”
Ah, so there is nothing to denounce Langford Peel for? You OK with him calling those children separated from their parents “monkeys” along with the other things Peel said about them ? That helps explain how you became a Trump Cultist.
Trump folded after nobody bit on his bluff. No wall for you!
Tomorrow would be a good day to pardon Michael Flynn.
My respect for Balfegor, first of all, and all the other serious people here is sincere.
But this was not a sincere issue. Ten days ago the big crisis was Stormy Daniels, and then we moved on to the cruelty of separating of children from parents who had recited their scripted lines (and, yes, I believe that some have valid cases, but giving all of them the benefit of the doubt was getting to be a bit much.) Now Trump seems to have punctured that emotional hot-air balloon.
(It might interest Americans to know that we have a critical nationwide shortage of foster parents to take care of the children of our citizen criminals, wastrels and addicts. But there's no political advantage in that, so tough luck for those lost kids.)
We have to wait till tomorrow to learn what next outrage is being cued up.
Hint: No one is required to fall for predictable booby traps. Rat experiments have taught us that rodents are able to learn this lesson. Trump antagonists, not so much.
Here's a test:
"stop whining like the little effeminate plump pussy your avatar appears to be."
That comment was inappropriate. Arguments are won by making logical points, not ad hominem attacks. Do you want to be taken seriously or not?
“That comment was inappropriate.”
Yes, it was rude and inappropriate. I’ve had much worse said to me here. Where were you then? I’ll be waiting for you to come and scold those who need scolding.
Thanks in advance.
Yes, it was rude and inappropriate. I’ve had much worse said to me here.
And you've written comments that were much worse. You enjoy it down in the mud? No, let me get rid of the question mark and make it a declarative sentence. You enjoy it, as though it's your natural home.
"I’ve had much worse said to me here."
Not from Matt.
Like I said the other day, Korematsu is still the law. Trump could just go all out FDR and reopen Manzanar and house the illegals indefinitely with their kids pending an asylum hearing. Mr. Sulu ought to be fine with that since with this proposal the families stay intact and unlike Japanese Americans, they aren't losing citizenship rights.
“Not from Matt.”
Matthew can be insulting in a very subtle way. In this instance he just got on my last nerve. I recognize an insult and I may choose not to ignore it occasionally. I try not to respond to Matthew at all, many times because I really don’t like being rude to him, but there are times it’s going to happen if he keeps pushing.
“And you've written comments that were much worse. You enjoy it down in the mud? No, let me get rid of the question mark and make it a declarative sentence. You enjoy it, as though it's your natural home.”
So have you. Creature.
It seems that some of you think I should behave in a civil manner while you don’t.
Well you know what is a great saying? Civility bullshit.
The left offers no real alternative to Trump. “Not Trump” is not an option this time around. The Dems need to stop running losers is the harsh truth. The solution is obvious.
Comment by Inga blocked.
6/20/18, 10:30 PM
Comment by Inga blocked.
6/20/18, 10:33 PM
Comment by Inga blocked. [unhush][show comment]
6/20/18, 10:36 PM
Triple Crown.
Inga: "Well you know what is a great saying? Civility bullshit"
The spirit of James Hodgkinson lives on....
It will be less than a week.
Democrats will pretend immigration is not an issue.
Trump is outing them for the cynical pieces of shit they are.
Open borders polls around 20% support.
This is the last hurrah of the globalists. The traitors and cucks are retiring out of the Republican Party en masse.
No more Flakes and Ryans to betray republican voters.
This is their last shot at amnesty and they know it.
Boy, the fool is on a roll with stupid comments.
Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
I am surprised that Chuck has not made more of this:
Trump falsely claimed for days that he couldn’t end family separations
6/20/18, 5:18 PM
Notice how leftists here never attack Chuck, nor he them, but they support each other like two old ladies crossing Eighth Avenue together on the way to knitting class, hoping to make it before the light changes.
Inga- you cannot respond to Matthew because he makes solid arguments.
You find them insulting because the truth hurts.
Civility bullshit. You want to insult me sweetie, I insult back. - Inga
Good grief. The ego on you.
Do you ever step back and listen to just how arrogant you are?
You're not impressing anybody with your tough gal bullshit. Smart people see it as flaming insecurity.
from the people who brought you white house down,
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