This is so on the money it hurts.#woke#microaggression
— Tim Johns (@timoncheese) June 22, 2018
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
This is so on the money it hurts.#woke#microaggression
— Tim Johns (@timoncheese) June 22, 2018
६० टिप्पण्या:
Haha, yeah I saw it this morning on twitter, how refreshing.
if #TheGoldenAge were upon us, would we know it? This bit points to it being very close. Who knew Tracy Ullman would be cheerleading the way?
far out.
Yes- if it's the Rio Grande.
Viva La Raza!
I strongly recommend no lefties or LLR's view this skit as they will become terribly triggered.
Whitewater is certainly racist.
Very funny, well done. Humorless leftists may try to ban it, though.
Bay Area Guy: "Very funny, well done. Humorless leftists may try to ban it, though"
This skit is literally white supremacy.
I'm glad there was sub-titles.
Tracey is still hot.
Can't find it on youtube..I want to share it on facebook.
Tracey has always been funny.
There is black water, and brown water, and yellow water, and clear water. There is also white water. So, no, water is not diversitist.
Happy to report that I am not woke because this made me laugh so hard...
So woke, they are sleepy. Classic.
Hob Nob very phalo-centric... Fuck off Jamie
That will cost her an associate's fee.
This skit is literally white supremacy.
Correction: white female supremacy, a particular, peculiar sect of feminism. It was unmistakable. Did you notice how she controlled the conversation with the intent to force conformance... I mean assimilation?
White female supremacy is inclusive. It regards lower castes of white females and black males with equal contempt. And the white guy, a raving loon, soon to be a dodo... deemed unworthy.
That's not funny
Is water racist? I had my suspicions.
Fuck off, Jamie is on the back of my raincoat.
A proposal for an observable, reproducible metric to assess the diversity of water.
What is the distribution of colorful clumps of cells that are abor... asphyxiated by water?
Math is now racist. It reinforces a neutral, ethics-free mindset in the face of social injustice and inequality.
Good Lord! There's episodes of this show on YouTube. She's spoofing Theresa May, Angela Merkel, Jeremy Corbyn and there's a recurring skit about a group of Scots that are trying to get Trump out of Scottish golf, but their schemes keep backfiring! It's hilarious! This show is everything SNL is not!
Combinations are diversitist. They specifically and with forethought maintain numeric quotas where order does not matter.
It's not Monty Python but it's a start.
How about Holy Water?
I was a little kid during the '60's and so my recollection might be wrong, but in reading about the era and watching old footage of hippie gatherings, I detect a joy that is missing from today's young leftists. The 60's hippies were blissfully tearing down the old order and thought they could create the world anew. They didn't foresee AIDs or the consequences of the breakdown of the family. All they knew was "Yay! I'm naked, high on LSD and dancing in a field with flowers in my hair! I'm free!"
Today's sour little SJWs don't have that joy - just anger and Mrs. Grundy censoriousness. Dancing naked in a field won't cut it - they have to declare themselves male but only on alternate Thursdays. And if they read the old Robert Crumb cartoons the hippies used to delight in, they'd faint.
Water is transparent. Blacks are Invisible Men. Therefore, water is racist.
"Today's sour little SJWs don't have that joy."
Sorry, but they do. As long as they get to satisfy their lust for power and their sheer blood lust, they are happy.
For a very mundane example, see the DOJ woman enjoying having hounded Secretary Nielsen out of a restaurant.
They like nothing more than to be part of the braying mob and to stick it to the deplorables good and hard.
"Today's sour little SJWs don't have that joy - just anger and Mrs. Grundy censoriousness." Very much so, who is having fun today? Antifa crushing faces with bicycle chains? People chasing others out of restaurants?
"reading about the era and watching old footage of hippie gatherings, I detect a joy that is missing from today's young leftists."
That joy is also missing from a lot of old hippies because they burned out on drugs and rote Marxism.
Some of us saw the (non-psychedelic) light in time. Some didn't. The latter raised their kids (I suspect) to be joyless Marxists.
We don't even have a Communist government yet, and already they have shrouded the nation in dismal grey.
Great, timely, hilarious skit.
But proof humans are no different from barnyard chickens, clucking away at each over next to nothing.
The 60's hippies were blissfully tearing down the old order and thought they could create the world anew.
There was in the air at the time, both on the Right & the Left, a foundational anarchy at work:
Goldwater Republican: Ain't no government gonna tell me I gotta live next to some n****r!
Lefty Hippy: Ain't no government gonna tell me what I can or can't smoke/inject/drop & who I can fuck!
That sort of gleeful anarchy is dead. Now, we're left with Lefty Calvinists, except without a gracious God.
"We don't even have a Communist government yet, and already they have shrouded the nation in dismal grey.
IBM did that decades ago with the PC (more dismal beige than grey but same idea).
Funny how "PC" works as a double entendre here.
In the 80s/90s, I used to sometimes watch a self-admitted hard lefty British comic called Alexei Sayle. He was, even then, riffing off of, when he played lefty assemblies of some sort, how uptight & humorless they were.
@Young Hegelian - if you were older Hegelian or better informed, you would know that the hard core of racism in the mid-1960s was not Goldwater Republicans, but George Wallace Democrats. The voting by party on the major civil rights acts of the mid-1960s is instructive
I remember when it was conservatives who were supposed to hate seeing anyone have fun.
I remember when it was conservatives who were supposed to hate
That's an ugly denotation, that assumed a progressive connotation.
That said, principles matter.
I was a little kid during the '60's and so my recollection might be wrong, but in reading about the era and watching old footage of hippie gatherings, I detect a joy that is missing from today's young leftists.
It was a joyful experience for the most part. We got stoned a lot. There was a lot of anger directed at the government regarding the Vietnam War but not toward people who supported it. I developed into an activist later on. Those of us with kids drug them around to marches and demonstrations but things never got ugly. People were awfully tolerant of us and we in turn were tolerant of them. We did guerilla theater and wore Nixon masks, that sort of thing. I'm ashamed to admit we called LEOs pigs. :-( We were young and young people often think and do really stupid things. Most of us grow up. Eventually. Note: My husband at the time, who was black, was apolitical, though I tried to interest him in civil rights issues. He put up with my activities. [He was a better man than I was, Gunga Din! ]
It has turned into a form of neo-puritanism for some.
Blogger exiledonmainstreet said...
I was a little kid during the '60's and so my recollection might be wrong, but in reading about the era and watching old footage of hippie gatherings, I detect a joy that is missing from today's young leftists.
I think there may be a misconception about hippies. I was one in 66-67 until I joined the Navy to dodge the draft. (I thank God for that every day. I'd be long dead or in jail if that has not happened.)
I spent January 67 in SF in Haight-Ashbury (1048 Fell St, IIRC. Right across from the panhandle.
There were two types of people that were commonly thought of as hippies. One was the real hippies. Mostly in SF and very much apolitical. All we wanted to do was get high and fuck. Preferably both.
There was another type, mostly from across the bay but who would come in and try to recruit us. They were political as hell. A bunch of bothersome assholes, mainly. They were the ones who first told me about "political correctness" It was not politically correct to talk about the atrocities of the VC and NV. They agreed that they were factually correct but it was not "politically" correct to talk about them because that hurt the cause. Much later I learned that Lenin had originated the term.
The only political involvement of most hippies was going to peace rallies and helping all the college girls who thought fucking long hairs was a way to bring peace.
I didn't really think so but you never know. I've always been willing to help a sister in need. Or heat.
John Henry
@Oso Negro,
Sorry, guy. I was a child in Alabama then & I remember. There were no shortage of racists who went for Goldwater. From the Wikipedia article: "Goldwater carried six states: Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, South Carolina and his home state of Arizona."
I don't think Goldwater personally was racist at all. But, in 1964, quite a few of his supporters were.
I used to have a collected works of Robert Crumb. About 3-4" thick. That guy was hilarious. I wish I still had it but in a fit of paranoia I threw it away years ago.
Some of the comics were, possibly, child porn.
Still funny as Hell.
I always loved Mr Natural's reply to being asked if sex is the answer.
John Henry
Goldwater, like Wallace, believed in states' rights and hated communism. He was no racist. He won in the south because LBJ pissed them off.
The puritans wanted to strip away all the awful old accretions of demon inspired customs in Christianity as practised then and find the right way to practice religion and then build a political system within which they could live out this truth. And this is in many ways is the exact same thing the American Millennials and whatnot are trying to do - throw out all the old isms and live the right way. But when the first group of puritans in England threw out the customs and laws which they thought were not the true way to live that only led another puritan group to form and throw out more customs which the first group had kept and so the second group condemned the first group as harshly as the first puritans condemned regular church goers; and then groups began to spray out condemning all others and all that went before. Then civil war, regicide, seizure of property, endless taxes, tyranny, foreign war. It seems it's a pattern and part of that pattern is as American as apple pie since the Pilgrims and then the founders of Boston, Connecticut and Rhode Island were all puritans fighting with each other. Their children couldn't see the society that was founded as pure and perfect - that's what burned out the fever - though they were still religious. Perhaps realizing that Hillary Clinton was supposed to lead the way to right living will in the end burn out this current fever. In other words be honest, look in the mirror and you'll feel less free to condemn others, even Trump supporters. Maybe Roseanne would be good enough for her own show even if it's inclusive, if mistakes were allowed. And if mistakes were allowed then millennials could have some fun also without worrying about career ruin following a mistake - which is what they are worrying about now.
At what point... does a cruelly neutral observer... while a riot is being incited... finally weigh in? Is it getting crueler to be neutral? Whole lotta hate out there, and it sure seems to feel entitled and unchallenged.
It is the lack of joy and humor and gratefulness that has destroyed the left.
And if mistakes were allowed then millennials could have some fun also without worrying about career ruin following a mistake - which is what they are worrying about now.
6/23/18, 10:34 PM
Yep. One ill-advised tweet can sink you.
Thinking about what some of the ex-hippies have said in this thread: a big difference, I guess, is that the hippies thought they expanding their lives. They saw their parents lives as narrow and cramped. Again, I think many of the social changes the '60's wrought were disastrous in the long run, but if I had been old enough to head out to SF in '67, I surely would have been tempted to do so.
Today's young SJWs, in contrast, are intent on making their lives and the lives of the rest of us ever more constricted. What is permissible to say, hear, think and do is narrowing all the time and, unlike the 60's hippies, these youthful Mrs. Grundys are backed by corporations and the media. (Yeah, many in the media admired the hippies but I also remember hippies being mocked on sitcoms and by comedians, in a way that the SJWs seldom are, which is what makes this skit noteworthy.)
And that's why I find them both scary and sad. They're dedicated to restricting and limiting what they can think and how they can live, ready to turn on heretics for a single slip. This is what comes of trying to reintroduce morality without reference to Christianity. I'm very glad I'm not young today.
44 Comments and what do you notice about them. This skit was clearly unfunny to certain people.
Yancey Ward said...
44 Comments and what do you notice about them. This skit was clearly unfunny to certain people.
6/24/18, 12:02 AM
The "woke" regulars who would not be amused by the skit have not commented on this thread. Some things cut a bit too close to the bone.
I see the right-wingers have to go to uptight, boring, class-based, Britain for their comedic and cultural stylings these days.
Makes sense. Tories. Monarchists. Conservatives.
Tracey Ullman is funny, though. Her show is where The Simpsons got their start.
Did Wallace run in '64? He splintered the Democrat vote, but that's because Johnson had passed the CRA in his '64 - '68 term and his party got the backlash for it. Goldwater opposed CRA but on the same silly theoretical loopy libertarian grounds that still wouldn't have kept the highways desegregated. It's idealistic to oppose the CRA on the grounds that people should be free to discriminate in their businesses pending a market correction of their bad behavior, but not practical. And it doesn't stop actual racists from using libertarians for their own purposes.
So YH is right.
Why do Republicans like Osso Negro find history so hard to understand? It's not like this stuff isn't known. Jesus.
"Makes sense. Tories. Monarchists. Conservatives."
Right, the conservative BBC.
Another brainfart from an ignoramus.
And more proof that leftists have no sense of humor, especially about themselves.
How many feminists does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
One to screw in the bulb and one to give me a blow job.
Hey sexiled. No one forced you to go on the Revolutionary American path. You're free to go back to dreary, class-based Britain any day. Along with its conservative class-based culture - that I'm sure you're quite taken with.
American conservatives. Anglophiles. Monarchists. All of a piece.
You've never been there, have you?
I bet you've been out of the states twice at most.
Madison, WI! LOL. I'm sure you know much about the world from your little perch surrounding the isthmus.
Hahaha! Liking a British skit makes you anti-American revolution. That's stupid, even for you. Ah hell, you're home on Saturday night and apparently out to pick a fight. You'll have to find someone else as I am not about to squabble over a damn skit.
I plead guilty to liking Monty Python too.
Oh and I liked the British Invasion bands too. For shame!
President Pee-Pee Tape said...
Hey sexiled. No one forced you to go on the Revolutionary American path. You're free to go back to dreary, class-based Britain any day. Along with its conservative class-based culture - that I'm sure you're quite taken with.
Better than what your friends did with Rotherham.
Tracey shreds it. She's a treasure.
. You're free to go back to dreary, class-based Britain any day. Along with its conservative class-based culture - that I’m sure you're quite taken with.
What the Democrats seem to be seeking is worse even than “class based,” its caste based, with the useless eater Deplorables led by the Useless Tweeter taking the “untouchables” spot.
Aother NFL moment? Say he tweets and they disappear. Grounds for? Worse than MeToo death. Could happen without help. Whites only here.
Best, most triggering line:
"And just remember, it doesn't really matter anyway, because by the time your 30s you're going to be massively right wing anyway. Have any of you started to think that maybe poor people don't deserve benefits?
...Well watch for that one because that's how it starts."
"Have any of you started to think that maybe poor people don't deserve benefits?"
You mean, benefits paid by the State with taxpayer's money? The ol' robbing Peter to subsidize Paul racket? I started to think that was wrong when I read Bastiat's THE LAW decades ago, and I think that now.
"Benefits" (usually called "charity" or--formerly--"alms" paid by people voluntarily donating their own money? Sure, why not? Anything that's peaceful (i.e., anything that does not depend upon coercion), as the late great Leonard Read often wrote. I could use a few thousand myself, if anyone wants to donate.
"American conservatives. Anglophiles. Monarchists. All of a piece."
Writes this blog's King of the Neo-Tories* and leading Democide denier.
*Whackadoodle Division.
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