June 2, 2018

"In a podcast interview posted last spring, Nicole Jorgenson, a singer and former schoolteacher in North Dakota, explains to her host that she has never been happier since marrying and having children."

"And yet between cute pastoral anecdotes of growing her own vegetables and making banana bread, it soon becomes clear that Ms. Jorgenson is advocating something sinister — not just a return to agrarian motherhood."

The first paragraph of "The Housewives of White Supremacy" (NYT).


RMc said...

"Ms. Kelly is a Ph.D. student researching the impact of digital cultures on anti-feminism and the far right."


Gahrie said...

Why is White nationalism or group identity a problem when it is OK for everyone else?

Fernandinande said...

Psst! White people are bad. Pass it on.

I read, well, skimmed, that hateful racist article after seeing it on iSteve; did the authorette ever explain what sinister something Ms. Jorgenson is clearly advocating?

Eleanor said...

Women who stay in the home and care for their families generate no taxable income for the government. We can't have that, can we?

campy said...

Why is White nationalism or group identity a problem when it is OK for everyone else?

Because shut up, h8r.

RMc said...

did the authorette ever explain what sinister something Ms. Jorgenson is clearly advocating?

She's white, married and has kids. Strike three!

Oso Negro said...

NEWS ALERT! White people can live rich, complete lives without people of color. This fact does not make anyone a racist. NEWS UPDATE! People of color can live rich, complete lives without white people. This fact does not make anyone a racist.

I'm Full of Soup said...

NYT writers are mostly far left libruls. Far left libruls are mentally ill.

Temujin said...

So much red meat here: doctoral student, at East Anglia, no less (home of exposed climate change emails), the horror of mothers and dads who actually want kids that (gasp) look like them, everything right of Pol Pot is 'Far Right', or 'Alt-Right'. Women who enjoy being mothers at home are actually just submitting to living under men.

I feel like I'm being trolled. By everyone. Even my dog.

Ryan said...

What are we supposed to do about all the NYT article links? I don't want to pay them a dime and the number of free articles is too low. But the writing is usually good and I want to cringe at the content.

mockturtle said...

Another NYT absurdity. Enough, already!

mockturtle said...

Remember the anti-cop meme about "Driving While Black"? Well, how about "Living While White"? And, OMG! The audacity to procreate, assuring racism well into the next century!

AZ Bob said...

What are we supposed to do about all the NYT article links? I don't want to pay them a dime and the number of free articles is too low. But the writing is usually good and I want to cringe at the content.

I appreciate that Althouse reads the NY Times because I don't.

Crimso said...

"NEWS ALERT! White people can live rich, complete lives without people of color. This fact does not make anyone a racist. NEWS UPDATE! People of color can live rich, complete lives without white people. This fact does not make anyone a racist."

Unfortunately, the powers that be would love nothing more than to turn everyone (and I mean everyone) into McPeople. Dump us all into blenders, homogenize us, pour us into life-sized human-shaped sausage casings, and send us out into the brave new world. We will all dress alike, act alike, and (most importantly) think alike. Much easier to control McPeople than it is people.

hombre said...

The author, “Annie Kelly is a Ph.D. student at the University of East Anglia researching the impact of digital cultures on anti-feminism and the far-right.”

It boggles the mind, doesn’t it, that The lately great NYT publishes this unimportant drivel, that a research university actually gives credit to a ridiculous research topic like hers and that you can Google “University of East Anglia and receive several pages of results with no mention of “Climategate” or the monumental coverup that followed.

Such is the state of the NYT, Google and Rotherham’s England. (Rotherham. Now there is a study topic.)

Otto said...

Annie Kelly- She is currently working on the Guardian's new focus on modern-day slavery and human trafficking.

Narayanan said...

What about Annie Kelly's white privilege?

Paco Wové said...

"We will all dress alike, act alike, and (most importantly) think alike"

Not to mention "consume alike". Remember, citizen, your duty to crap cash in predictable ways and lubricate The Economy.

Paco Wové said...

Nothing seems to excite the purveyors of elite opinion more than the prospect of inciting racial strife.

chuck said...

Duh duh. Duh duh. It is night, the great white wife is hungry and on the hunt ...

Earnest Prole said...

"The biggest tradwife accounts usually surge to about 10,000 YouTube subscribers in just a year of posting"

Cue Dr Evil laughter: "Ten thousand subscribers."

Didn't you used to have an "I'm skeptical" tag?

chuck said...
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Jersey Fled said...

Does the NYT have comments turned on for this one? They usually turn them off on articles they think might provoke responses from people who actually think about what they are reading.

mockturtle said...

They usually turn them off on articles they think might provoke responses from people who actually think about what they are reading.

Jersey, people who actually think about what they are reading don't read the NYT.

Matt said...

This sounds like one of those articles that you know what it says before reading it.

The lib media is a broken record.

Article about Trump = here's today's reason Trump is the worst person to have ever walked Gaia's green earth

Article about illegal immigrants = undocumented humans are the most wonderful people on the planet and guarantee economic prosperity and proponents of border security are MAGA-hat wearing, knuckle-dragging, mouth-breathing racists.

Gay wedding cakes = Christians who won't bake gay wedding cakes are the worst, most homophobic, most intolerant members of society and are on the wrong side of history in oppressing the tolerant, loving and innocent homosexuals.

Muslim terrorist attack = suspect screamed Allahu Ackbar before blowing themselves up but Islam is a religion of peace and authorities are baffled why they would have done this.

Swastika painted on door at university = college is awash in systemic racism and and all the white students are neo-nazis. Little coverage when investigation determines it was the POC living in the room that painted the door.

Article about traditional white family = the rise of the next Hitler is upon us.

Article about antifa = peaceful counter demonetrators (disregard the bottles of piss and shit, the bike locks, bricks, etc).

Etc, etc, etc

Its all so tiresome.

rhhardin said...

I assume these Nazis left for the low crime rate.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

What are we supposed to do about all the NYT article links? >

I know! After a few free articles, I can no longer look at the referenced material. I'm not about to buy a subscription to the NYTimes. Ever. Unless there is some other place to view the material, it makes it rather difficult to be able to chime in on a topic that might have been interesting.

Ditto for the Washington Post.

Ah well.

Sam L. said...

Have I mentioned I trust nothing the NYT wants to tell me? I believe I have.

hawkeyedjb said...

If only Ms. Kelly had some grooming and rape gangs to go study. There are none in England, so she looked all over North Dakota - couldn't find any. She tackled the next available target. Happy white women with children rank pretty high on the awfulness scale; poor Kelly probly had to spend a week in decontam after North Dakota.

n.n said...

Sex differences. Rabid diversity politics.

A light color skin, and couple's division of labor is not sinister.

Female chauvinism is sinister.

[color] diversity is divergent.

Politically congruent is monotonic.

Selective-child is wicked.

Oh, reduced racism, sexism, and taxable income... reduced political leverage... now, that is sinister.

Anonymous said...

I'm so old I remember when "white supremacist" meant, you know, Nazis and KKK types. People who believed that Europeans (by more or less restricted definitions) were a "master race", whose duty it was to subjugate the lesser breeds (or, if necessary, genocide the peskier or more uppity lessers who didn't know their place).

Interesting how the term has evolved, and now means a white person going about his daily business doing, thinking, and feeling ordinary human things, and not believing that he has an obligation to drown his children in buckets and then kill himself.

It'd be interesting to see an ngram for the frequency of the phrase "white supremacist" in media over the last couple of decades. (A quick look at google books ngram shows a steep increase after 1990, but that's just for books and only goes to 2008.)

It's pure duckspeak, and the duck is getting crazier by the day.

Dave Begley said...

Where does the NYT find these people?

Anonymous said...

Re not being able to follow links: try using the "private window" setting on your browser. And sometimes you have to turn off adblock.

John Borell said...

Pro Tip:

Read the New York Times in Google Chrome in an incognito window. That clears out your cookies when you close the browser window so you never run out of free articles.

Mark Nielsen said...

Ryan and DBQ: you can open the NYT and WaPost links in an incognito window (or whatever the equivalent might be in your browser). If you really want to read the stuff, that is.

Dad29 said...

white, married and has kids. Strike three!

No need for a "Christian" identification! Away with her!! Crucify! Crucify!!

traditionalguy said...
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Freeman Hunt said...

Writer doesn't like housewives, so writer finds some racist weirdo housewives and writes about them, focusing equally on their being racists and their being housewives.

traditionalguy said...

Ah.ha. Norwegians acting normal. Tradwives are nearly everywhere. As Vikings we just need training in social intelligence. That's why stalk the beautiful women.

Practice Tip: Scottish are mostly Norwegian Vikings. The Isle of Lewis, probably 100% Norwegian. And the Norwegians were trapped behind glaciers the longest, until a few who escaped went wild intermarrying with other tribes from Russia, to France, to Sicily, to East Anglia, to western Pennsylvania.

Michael K said...

Muslim terrorist attack = suspect screamed Allahu Ackbar before blowing themselves up but Islam is a religion of peace and authorities are baffled why they would have done this.

NO, I'm sorry. Those attacks are the ones where the motive is never discovered in spite of intense investigation. It's just a mystery,.

Freeman Hunt said...

Writer also sprinkles in boneheaded things like this: "we know that a rapist is no less likely to hurt a woman simply because he’s married to her." Pretty sure these racist housewives aren't advocating marriage to rapists.

Ambrose said...

I think even NYT know when they are publishing a clunker - they don't open it up for comments.

mockturtle said...

It'd be interesting to see an ngram for the frequency of the phrase "white supremacist" in media over the last couple of decades. (A quick look at google books ngram shows a steep increase after 1990, but that's just for books and only goes to 2008.)

Yes, Angle-Dyne, and the term 'White Nationalist', which used to mean someone believing in an all-white nation, just as Malcom X was a 'Black Nationalist' wanting a black nation. Now the media casts that aspersion on anyone who happens to be white who is also a nationalist.

Caveat: They aren't doing this out of any concern for racial justice. They are doing it to divide the races by fostering hate and mistrust between them. It would be nice if people of all colors weren't so gullible as to fall for their schemes.

Anonymous said...

mockturtle: Another NYT absurdity. Enough, already!

But these aren't just absurd articles written by absurd people. These absurd people are being hired and paid to write demented propaganda for the powerful, influential people who control the most influential media organs.

Since the content of this propaganda is more or less overtly "hatewhiteyhatewhiteyhatewhitey die whitey die", and me and mine are white or half-white, I think it's a good idea to keep track of where this stuff is going.

Interestingly, the people putting out "FOAD, whitey" content with increasing frequency are the same people passionately insisting that the mildest dumb racist joke directed at non-whites is a thing so dangerous and destructive to the well-being of the non-white group in question, that our society needs to suppress it with extreme prejudice. That they're at the same time unblushingly pumping out stuff much worse re whites than the stuff they're so hysterically condemning...well, I think it suggests that we at least ought to keep an eye on 'em.

damikesc said...

NYT: Pro-SOME choices.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

mockturtle: ....and the term 'White Nationalist', which used to mean someone believing in an all-white nation, just as Malcom X was a 'Black Nationalist' wanting a black nation. Now the media casts that aspersion on anyone who happens to be white who is also a nationalist.

Yes, lol. We put our flag out on Memorial Day. I'm pretty sure that outs us as "white nationalists" these days. Be alert, citizen! Trust no one! Just because your neighbor isn't white doesn't mean he can't be a white nationalist!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Alt right racist housewives..... Everywhere. Spread the fear and loathing.

n.n said...

What is the alt-ernative to libertarian?

Paco Wové said...

"the people putting out "FOAD, whitey" content... are the same people passionately insisting that the mildest dumb racist joke ... is a thing so dangerous and destructive ... that our society needs to suppress it with extreme prejudice"

E.g., the execrable Dana Milbank in the WaPo:

"Trump cunningly exploited and stoked racial grievance with his subtle and overt nods to white nationalism. He is now leading the backlash to the Obama years and is seeking to extend white dominion* as long as possible...

It won’t work for long, but it might work for now. These are the death throes of white hegemony. And they are ugly... [insert obligatory Roseanne sputtering here]

The outcome of the struggle — fading white hegemony — is inevitable. What wasn’t inevitable is the Trump-led ugliness"

How dare you not die quietly, white man! The idea that Trump is a symptom of the reaction against the overreach of the liberal establishment – not the cause – doesn't seem to be a possibility in Milbank's mind.

*What does "white dominion" mean? Is there "white dominion" in Canada? Spain? France? Germany? If not, what the term mean? If so, why is it ok for them but not the U.S.?

YoungHegelian said...

@Paco Wove,

These are the death throes of white hegemony.

Isn't it fascinating that someone like Milbank thinks he's not part of a white, racist hegemony? I mean, he's white & a senior reporter at an overwhelmingly white staffed newspaper owned by the richest white man in the world.

So, wadja do, Dana? Go down to the Full-Tilt Gospel AME Church in SE DC & have the congregation lay hands on you & pray to absolve you of your honkeyness? Or, much more likely, is his absolution self-delivered?

Francisco D said...

It's sad to see the depths to which activists sink to reinvigorate the White Guilt credit card. IMO, it's been maxed out for most of my lifetime.

The emotional manipulation doesn't benefit anyone, except the lefty attention whores who want something for nothing. Wouldn't it be interesting to see the tax returns for Jesse Jackson (e.g., blackmailing Budweiser into giving his son a distributorship) and Al Sharpton?

chuck said...

> But these aren't just absurd articles written by absurd people.

There are a lot of folks who live in that world, it is completely real to them. That is what scares me.

Unknown said...

We can feel the change is upon us, where everyone changes their mind at the same time. And all the "right" thinkers are terrified. I’m pleased that this person has found happiness, may us all. And may none try to deny others their happiness. No matter how wrong we think they are. Times they are a changing. The next generation has no time for this foolishness and doesn't give a F. if anything when they are not crying they are laughing. A Greek tragedy. The things we do to ourselves knowing the result. Sleeping with your mother? This will not end well.

Bay Area Guy said...

Perhaps the dumbest article published by the NYT this year.

Fernandinande said...

Words have consequences - University of East Anglia: Woman's body found in lake

Inga...Allie Oop said...
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Inga...Allie Oop said...

Althouse, don’t you know that it irks your readers when you constantly link to the NYT? Sheesh.

“People who actually think about what they are reading don't read the NYT”, don’t you know this Althouse?
“Yes, lol. We put our flag out on Memorial Day. I'm pretty sure that outs us as "white nationalists" these days. Be alert, citizen! Trust no one! Just because your neighbor isn't white doesn't mean he can't be a white nationalist!”

What a dumb comment coming from someone who sees herself as highly intelligent. People who are opposed to white nationalism are patriotic, flying the flag doesn’t mark one as a white nationalist. Maybe you put up your Confederate battle flag along with the Stars and Stripes? People who are opposed to white nationalism serve in the military, people who are opposed to white nationalism are members of many different ethnicities and colors, many are white. I see people on these threads who post the most blatantly racist comments trying the hardest to whitewash white nationalism. Trying to rebrand what Nationalism is and turn it into some innocuous thing so Americans accept it and normalize it is happening right under your noses. Some gullible people here fall prey to the slick selling of nationalism, even people who are not at all racist.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“The next generation has no time for this foolishness and doesn't give a F. if anything when they are not crying they are laughing.”

And they are very liberal and won’t put up with racism and bigotry and soon will be voting in large numbers as they replace us baby boomers.

Paco Wové said...

Inga wrote:

"white nationalism ... white nationalist. ... white nationalism ... white nationalism ... white nationalism. Trying to rebrand what Nationalism is and turn it into some innocuous thing so Americans accept it and normalize it is happening right under your noses. ... nationalism...."

Inga, when you use that phrase (of which you seem quite fond), what do you mean by it?

mockturtle said...

Inga seems to be equating nationalism with racism or at least implying that nationalism is inherently bad. Or worse, that nationalism is an ideology devised by a bunch of Republicans in the last few years. Nationalism is a patriotic love of one's own country. Ideally, everyone in the world should be a nationalist.

Kevin said...

So the NYT looked at it's upcoming edition of anti-Trump rhetoric and this was the best they could do?

Noting about how the economy has tanked, a trade war has broken out, we're on the brink of nuclear war, black people are being enslaved, Trump is obstructing justice, Trump has broken yet another law for which impeachment is the only solution, or anything else of interest?

Just another generic white people are bad piece?

Kevin said...

When I was growing up, the only time people talked about one party being racist was in the last three months of an election cycle.

Now it's an everyday occurrence for the NYT.

You know what that's called?


Larry J said...

Blogger AJ Lynch said...
NYT writers are mostly far left libruls. Far left libruls are mentally ill.

They're accelerating so far to the left that the light from the center is red shifted. That's why anything that isn't batshit crazy left is described as "alt-right" and "white supremist".

YoungHegelian said...


I see people on these threads who post the most blatantly racist comments trying the hardest to whitewash white nationalism.

White nationalism is a completely separate concept from racism. The Jim Crow South was racist, but it certainly wanted to keep its peasant-class blacks around to do the hard physical labor. I guess that white nationalists are always in some sense racist, but it is a form of racism they share with black nationalists, i.e. they feel that mono-racial states are more cohesive than racial/ethnically mixed states.

There are precious few "white nationalists" of any stripe active in the US. It is a term, like "Christian Dominionist", that the Left sees everywhere, but in reality, one can forage for years in right wing America, and see almost nothing of it.

There are many more actual Maoists, thanks to our universities, in public life than white nationalists.

Robert Cook said...

"Remember the anti-cop meme about 'Driving While Black'"?

Sure. It's still current and relevant. The anti-cop meme is generated by cops' own behavior.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

we know that a rapist is no less likely to hurt a woman simply because he’s married to her

We do? Who is 'we?' What does this even mean? Someone help me.

Kevin said...

And they are very liberal and won’t put up with racism and bigotry and soon will be voting in large numbers as they replace us baby boomers.

You really don't get it. The Democrats have gerrymandered themselves and their progeny into fewer and bluer states. You can get every one of those sign-holding, protest-chanting kids to the polls and you'll still get the same number of electoral votes.

How many Senate seats are flipping red to blue this year?

This will all come into focus for you when the 2018 blue wave can't push a rubber duck across a bathtub.

Darrell said...

And they are very liberal and won’t put up with racism and bigotry

Except that which they dish up. . .

mockturtle said...

Sure. It's still current and relevant. The anti-cop meme is generated by cops' own behavior.

I didn't say it wasn't relevant. But guess what: More whites are beaten or shot by police than blacks. And more blacks shoot other blacks than white police shoot blacks. By far. Two people I knew where shot to death, both black and both shot by other blacks who were not cops.

Darrell said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
mockturtle said...

Were, not where.

Kevin said...

but it is a form of racism they share with black nationalists

Not exactly. Black nationalists aren't considered racists. They're creating non-white spaces on college campuses and events where white people aren't allowed even today.

Jim at said...

And they are very liberal and won’t put up with racism and bigotry and soon will be voting in large numbers as they replace us baby boomers.

Yep. And they'll be voting in the same, geographical areas as the leftist Boomers they're replacing.

Take a look at the county-by-county map of the 2016 election. Good luck with your revolution.

YoungHegelian said...

And they are very liberal and won’t put up with racism and bigotry

Yeah, white millennials probably won't. Especially when they find out the racism & bigotry of their supposed minority political allies is directed at them & their children.

Left-wing minority activists believe that tolerance & understanding is a one way street. They're always the recipients & they don't owe it to anyone else.

Peter said...

And they are very liberal and won’t put up with racism and bigotry and soon will be voting in large numbers as they replace us baby boomers

Oh sure. Don't you remember how we boomers thought we would rid the world of bigotry, sexual hangups, capitalism, etc. as soon as the old geezers ahead of us died off? Our mistake was not realizing that angry old white guys are a renewable resource.

Francisco D said...

Inga said ... "What a dumb comment coming from someone who sees herself as highly intelligent."

Another example of a complete lack of self-awareness.

You can't make this up folks.

Troll school must be made up of special education classes for low IQ students. That explains a lot.

Anonymous said...

Inga comment @1:12:

Is English your first language?

I ask because if it is, you appear to have alarming cognitive difficulties processing the meaning of any English text with a complexity level higher than the most literal "see Jane run" statements. (In this instance, responding as if I'd made a claim that "putting out the flag is a white nationalist thing". Wut? It's not as if I were expressing what I *did* say in sooper-dooper subtle ironical mode.)

I'm not razzing you here, Inga. There's something seriously "off" about your responses to people (not just me), and it's worrying. Maybe you're just extremely literal-minded. (Some otherwise normal people just are, and not just people on the autism spectrum.) Maybe it's just a matter of your needing to take the recent advice of another poster, to make an effort to talk less and listen more. A lifetime of fatuous babbling takes a toll. I hope that's all it is.

Paco Wové said...

"White supremacy|ist", "white dominion", "white nationalism|ist" – the use of these terms seems to have exploded in the past 5 to 10 years, corresponding closely with backlash against the Establishment's hard left turn since the start of the new century. They appear to all be interchangeable anathematization-words to denote the status quo in the U.S. prior to roughly, I don't know, 1990? — and anybody approving of such.

This is a symptom of one of many of the things that drove me away from the Democrats and their allies. The Republicans may be a bunch of low, thieving bastards, but at least they don't want me and mine to disappear.

walter said...
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walter said...

Kevin said...You can get every one of those sign-holding, protest-chanting kids to the polls and you'll still get the same number of electoral votes.
Hence their desire to get rid of electoral vote..as well their desire for open borders, amnesty and felons voting.

Blogger Temujin said...
I feel like I'm being trolled. By everyone. Even my dog.
Pet votes matter! (possible with a li'l "facilitated communication" by Social Workers.)

YoungHegelian said...


Our mistake was not realizing that angry old white guys are a renewable resource.

Okay, I'm stealing that line.

Paco Wové said...

"Isn't it fascinating that someone like Milbank thinks he's not part of a white, racist hegemony"

Milbank's a Yale grad, a member of Skull & Bones — he's as elite establishment as they come. Wikip. doesn't say whether he has any children or not. If not, maybe he just doesn't care what happens after he's dead. Otherwise, he probably figures that the progeny of a Bonesman will come out ok no matter what.

Seeing Red said...

we know that a rapist is no less likely to hurt a woman simply because he’s married to her

I don’t think that’s what Germaine Greer said.

Seeing Red said...

Ms. Kelly is a Ph.D. student researching the impact of digital cultures on anti-feminism and the far right."

Lololololol so what if her research shows women who aren’t as involved in or use as much “digital culture” are happier?

What if Ms. Kelly’s digital culture is a form of bullying?

n.n said...
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n.n said...

Anti-feminism is pro-humanism, and a minorities of trans-social and progressive liberals. As for color, most people are not diversitists, they don't judge/discriminate between individuals based on the color of their skin.

Anonymous said...

Paco to YoungH:

"Isn't it fascinating that someone like Milbank thinks he's not part of a white, racist hegemony"

Milbank's a Yale grad, a member of Skull & Bones — he's as elite establishment as they come. Wikip. doesn't say whether he has any children or not. If not, maybe he just doesn't care what happens after he's dead. Otherwise, he probably figures that the progeny of a Bonesman will come out ok no matter what.

What's really fascinating is how guys like Milbank have managed to convince status-striving goodthinkers and virtue-signalers everywhere that the white hegemonic privilege hoarders are a bunch of guys in South Carolina and Ohio with high-school degrees pulling 50K a year.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“I'm not razzing you here, Inga. There's something seriously "off" about your responses to people (not just me), and it's worrying.”

What’s worrying to you is that I cut through your bullshit and point out exactly what you’re trying to cover up with your lengthy prosaic comments. I suggest you take your own advice and speak less because people are going to call you on your very obvious racism and bigotry. I’ve been reading your dreck for years now and your vile nature occasionally is transparent like the other day when you were whining about not being able to call blacks monkeys and apes without being labeled a racist. You are what you are dearie and I’m happy to point it out.

tim maguire said...

Giving a New York Times opinion piece to a student from East Anglia is a bit galling if you understand how sought after those limited slots are, but if that's who's willing to say what the Times wants said on this topic, then so be it. More galling to me as a reader is the way she jumps from country to country with no apparent understanding of the issues of the individual countries or the unique gloss on meaning that the same term might have in different cultures.

So we get scary alt-right (did she define it right? I don't think so) North Dakota illustrated with scary quotes from alt right Norway and Austria, as though right-wingers are the same everywhere. That alone makes it an article where the readers know less when they're done than when they started.

AZ Bob said...

Althouse, don’t you know that it irks your readers when you constantly link to the NYT? Sheesh.

“People who actually think about what they are reading don't read the NYT”, don’t you know this Althouse?

Althouse like to let us in on NY Times stories that are in essence pushing the culture leftward. Althouse tells us she is liberal and she may well be but at her core she is a down-to-earth Midwesterner. And that is a good thing.

YoungHegelian said...

@Angel-Dyne, Paco Wove,

"Isn't it fascinating that someone like Milbank thinks he's not part of a white, racist hegemony"

What's really fascinating is how guys like Milbank have managed to convince status-striving goodthinkers and virtue-signalers everywhere that the white hegemonic privilege hoarders are a bunch of guys in South Carolina and Ohio with high-school degrees pulling 50K a year.

What's amazing is that I think Milbank does this in utter sincerity. It has always struck me that a central tenet of post-Marxist Leftism is that its adherents are somehow outside of history. You, their ideological opponents are embedded in a history -- of racism, sexism, whatever was the accursed hegemonic discourse du jour. They are not "embedded in a discourse", but rather see reality for what it is, as if they stand on some Archimedean point.

It's amazing that they think that one can be a moral actor in history & bear responsibility for the good without concomitantly bearing responsibility for evil.

Mid-Life Lawyer said...

She would have been a lot better woman had she got pregnant at 15 by a guy who would never pay a dime of child support and then gotten on the government dole, getting periodic raises by popping another one out of the oven every year or so. That's a strong woman!

buwaya said...

Nazis and KKK types are far less effective at messaging than the genuine alt-right, people like Vox Day. Its a very grim point of view. It makes a reasonable claim to at least a subset of possible futures, and those futures are not exactly pleasant.

I have my own analysis that I think allows for a much larger set of possible futures, many much more pleasant, but there is no getting there without travail. And I have to concede that VD's subset of possibilities exists within mine.

What is certain is that the PTB are screwing things up in their response. It is a major politico-cultural failure by this societies' leadership caste. Among other things there is an intense parochialism, it is a very narrow minded, ignorant lot at the top of your pyramid.

buwaya said...

One alternative and very likely future is that of Latin America, where identity is not so politically determined, where race is a matter of degree, gradations in a continuum, yet race and caste exist (and how). It is blood and race that determines the ruling class, and grades down the pyramid. In a sense it is a natural order of things, much like the US case, but with much less overt conflict.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Althouse like to let us in on NY Times stories that are in essence pushing the culture leftward. Althouse tells us she is liberal and she may well be but at her core she is a down-to-earth Midwesterner. And that is a good thing.”

LOL, I’ve lived in Wisconsin for all but three years of my life, I always have to chuckle at generalizing geographical areas and behavior.

Anonymous said...

Inga: What’s worrying to you is that I cut through your bullshit and point out exactly what you’re trying to cover up with your lengthy prosaic comments.

It's nice of you to want to help other readers understand the real meaning of my long dull posts, but I'm pretty sure you're the only one here who's having trouble understanding them.

At any rate, if they're as long and dull as you claim, nobody but you is reading them anyway, so you don't need to save anyone from my insidious racist bullshit.

Amadeus 48 said...

I am as white as T. Coddington Van Voorhees VII*.

My brother did the 23 and Me test and discovered that he is the whitest person you can imagine: 100% northern European, mostly English/Irish and French with a little random Nordic. And this is in a family that has been here since John Alden and Priscilla Mullins. OMG! Melting pot we are not.
What am I to do? I can't dance. I naturally want to clap on 1 and 3 instead of 2 and 4. I'd never get into a prestige school today. Our family's entire collective persona reeks of whiteness. I am so humiliated. I hoped maybe there could be a cuckoo in the nest, but my brother and I look exactly like my father. It looks like I am stuck with my whiteness.
There is nothing to do but be proud. The boys down at the Society of the Colonial Wars understand me. If a whitey needs a pal, the descendants of those Indian fighters, slave owners, and Quaker-hangers are always ready to buck you up. Yeah, the guys are a bit on the doofus side, but their hearts are in the right place. It's not so much that they want to oppress minorities, it is more that they want you to know that their great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandfathers were something special.
So, I am white and proud. Want to make somethin' of it? My dog can lick your dog.

*If you don't know who he is, Google the name together with Iowahawk.

HipsterVacuum said...

Inga said, "the real meaning of my long dull posts, but I'm pretty sure you're the only one here who's having trouble understanding them."

Considering you've never had an original thought in your pin-sized head and your posts are nothing but tedious copy-paste jobs,are you really wondering why everyone thinks you're a one-dimensional dullard?

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Tradwives are a meme/minor Twitter phenomenon. The Media taking cues from Twitter trends, and having that drive the News (what actual Centrist-type people follow) is both hilarious and profoundly stupid.

Howard said...

Do you think the discussion of rape prompted the spam bot Syem Pak to advertise for date rape products?

Paco Wové said...


Annie Kelly at the New York Times Lied About Traditional Moms

Dear Ms. Kelly,

I was recently the subject of your op-ed in the New York times regarding traditional mothers on Twitter. I was shocked and saddened that you chose to label me a “white supremacist” and a “Nazi.”
I am, in fact, none of these things. I have gone on the record hundreds of times on Youtube, in interviews, on social media and made my views extremely clear. I do not believe whites are superior in any way.
A simple google search of “wifewithapurpose” would have brought you to my website where my beliefs are clearly laid out. I am not a Nazi, I am not a national socialist and I firmly believe that all human beings are of equal worth in the eyes of God. ...

Michael said...


Curious as to your knowledge of date rape products. Interesting.

buwaya said...

Re the Indonesian salesman - yes, I see the rape connection now.
He was selling chloroform the other day.
I was puzzled, but now it is explained.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“...but I'm pretty sure you're the only one here who's having trouble understanding them.”

I’m quite certain others understand them as well as I do.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

@ Amadeus

Since you are whiter than Wonder Bread, you and your brother can always take up Square Dancing Which evidently is some sort of white conspiracy to subjugate the darker masses.

Square Dancing Is a “Tool of White Supremacy” and an “Effort to Uphold Whiteness”

Considering that the origins of Square Dancing lie with the Irish/Scottish/French immigrants it is NO wonder. A tool to keep the Darkies down.

Don't even ASK about line dancing.

(and for Inga....sarcasm...it is a thing)

Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jupiter said...

HipsterVacuum said...

"Considering you've never had an original thought in your pin-sized head and your posts are nothing but tedious copy-paste jobs,are you really wondering why everyone thinks you're a one-dimensional dullard?"

I don't know. Fitzgerald said "The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function." By that standard, Igna is undoubtedly the smartest one here.

Anonymous said...



Annie Kelly at the New York Times Lied About Traditional Moms

Dear Ms. Kelly,

I was recently the subject of your op-ed in the New York times regarding traditional mothers on Twitter. I was shocked and saddened that you chose to label me a “white supremacist” and a “Nazi.”
I am, in fact, none of these things. I have gone on the record hundreds of times on Youtube, in interviews, on social media and made my views extremely clear. I do not believe whites are superior in any way.
A simple google search of “wifewithapurpose” would have brought you to my website where my beliefs are clearly laid out. I am not a Nazi, I am not a national socialist and I firmly believe that all human beings are of equal worth in the eyes of God. ...

Clearly you're in need of Inga's textual-analysis services to cut through Wife-with-a-Purpose's bullshit. Just look at the images she chooses to post on her site! Photos of cute white babies! And retro images of cute little white children and a white family at dinner! We all know what *that's* all about...

And this comment of hers in particular...

"I am simply a happy, Christian, homemaker who is not ashamed of my heritage, my culture and my ancestors and I believe that all races and people should feel positively about their heritage, culture and ancestors."

...is an obvious "tell" that she's a bigotedracistNaziwhitesupremacist.

But all joking aside, look at that page, and ask yourself where we are that crude-minded "scholars" like Annie Kelly are allowed to slander and demonize people like this woman, on the pages of "prestige" newspapers. It's not funny at all, when you think about it.

Birkel said...

Yours is an argument about the null set, not a set=2.

CWJ said...


Read the source again. Your attribution is wrong. Really undercuts the rest of your comment.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Nuclear family = white supremacy. This is the final solution of progressive ideology.

CWJ said...


They have lyers upon layers of fact checkers and editors. Surely they required some objective support for Ms. Kelly's claims before choosing to publish her.

CWJ said...

Layers, but lyers is a pretty good slip-up.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

The White Baby Challenge, to “restore the stock”, like breeding animals on a farm. Need more white babies because all those brown folks aren’t native to the US? Huh? LOL.

Yeah you can put lipstick on this pig, but it won’t disguise what it is, sort of like the white nationalists who comment in these threads.

mockturtle said...

Michael Fitzgerald observes: Nuclear family = white supremacy. This is the final solution of progressive ideology.

Yes, that's it, isn't it? After all, what could be more pernicious than Leave it to Beaver?

Anonymous said...



Read the source again. Your attribution is wrong. Really undercuts the rest of your comment.

Maybe it was just an efficient way to call both us pin-heads.

Michael K said...

Earth to Inga:

Dear Ms. Kelly,

I was recently the subject of your op-ed in the New York times regarding traditional mothers on Twitter. I was shocked and saddened that you chose to label me a “white supremacist” and a “Nazi.”
I am, in fact, none of these things. I have gone on the record hundreds of times on Youtube, in interviews, on social media and made my views extremely clear. I do not believe whites are superior in any way.
A simple google search of “wifewithapurpose” would have brought you to my website where my beliefs are clearly laid out. I am not a Nazi, I am not a national socialist and I firmly believe that all human beings are of equal worth in the eyes of God. ...

Inga, you sound like a white supremacist to me. Why would you live in 98% white Wisconsin (I know about Milwaukee but that is a ghetto) if you were not a white supremacist?

You could move to Baltimore and I would respect you for it.

Otherwise, white supremacy all the way down.

Paco Wové said...

Inga said:

"...the white nationalists who..."

There is is again. And still I don't know what Inga means by it! I try asking, and get no response. Perhaps if I phrased my question in the form of an elementary schoolyard insult, it might register.

Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Inga...Allie Oop said...


Is your google finger broken? I’m just about out the door to attend my granddaughter’s graduation.

Paco Wové said...

Yesss! Schoolyard insult comes through for the win!

Google isn't going to help me with the fact that you throw the term around indiscriminately. I want to know what you mean by it.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Read the Wiki page.

chuck said...

Having a Brit studying American ways is pretty much an intellectual crime in itself, Brits seldom have a clue when it comes to the US, especially educated Brits. Andrew Sullivan has been here, what, 34, 35 years, and still hasn't a clue. Christopher Hitchens may have come close, but I think he still found some things a mystery.

Michael said...

Inga lets cut and paste do her thinking.

Laura said...

That pig in lipstick also advocates against the loss of life that happens in strategically located Planned Parenthood clinics. Too complex?

Those "health" clinics that don't provide mammogram equipment on site for brown women...

But arguing that black people are strong and resilient is racist.

Anonymous said...

Michael K: Inga, you sound like a white supremacist to me. Why would you live in 98% white Wisconsin (I know about Milwaukee but that is a ghetto) if you were not a white supremacist?

Upper Midwesterners, amirite? Gotta love 'em (for the most part), but nobody does the smug and naïve when it comes to racial issues like an Upper Midwesterner.

I think we should have an Inga Day, when we all honor Inga by reading and responding to all her posts in best Inga style. For example, respond to her post with the youtube link above with, say, comments like this:

"Inga, why do you hate white babies? What the hell is wrong with you that you hate any human group that wants their kind to flourish and prosper? Why do you want whites eliminated? Why do you think countries full of white people are inferior to countries full of other kinds of people? Why do you think reducing the relative or absolute number of white people (or eliminating them altogether) makes any place a better place?"

You get the idea. Now, I don't believe Inga actually thinks any of the above (1 - she lives in Wisconsin, and 2 - I see no evidence that she thinks at all), but remember, we're trying to get our Inga on here, meaning that you have to imagine that you've got a brain like Inga's, which means its only content is pretty much the prog equivalent of Jack Chick tracts. Look for trigger-word stimuli, and in response just start babbling out whatever angry, self-righteous, free-associated ideas pop into your head. Don't worry about their having any logical connection to anything anyone's actually said - in fact, if you do that, you're doing it wrong. Just let 'er rip.

Laura said...

Speaking of pigs, isn't it also taboo to compare people to animals? Or are some pigs more equal than others?

Paco Wové said...

98% white Wisconsin

You know what else is really white? Norwich, the home of the U. of East Anglia, where Ms. Kelly beavers away in the tunnels of academe. True, not quite as white, only 91%. But that's almost as white as Merrick, New York, home of Dana Milbank (95.25%). All of them way more white than horrid North Dakota (82.7%).*
*All facts courtesy of Wikipedia (Inga-approved!).

Paco Wové said...

it's not the animals that are more equal than others, it's the people.

Laura said...

I know, just making a veiled reference to "Animal Farm." Couldn't resist the pun.

Anonymous said...

Paco: You know what else is really white? Norwich, the home of the U. of East Anglia, where Ms. Kelly beavers away in the tunnels of academe. True, not quite as white, only 91%. But that's almost as white as Merrick, New York, home of Dana Milbank (95.25%). All of them way more white than horrid North Dakota (82.7%).*

On a summer's weekend, when the residents are outside in their swim-suits, shorts, and casual summer tops, the blazing albedo of the zip codes of the anti-raciest of anti-racist whites is probably visible and measurable from the Andromeda galaxy.

RMc said...

Syem Park said...

Still makes more sense than Inga.

Michael The Magnificent said...

When you read this kind of tripe in the Onion, it's funny.

But when you read this kind of tripe in the NYT, it's just sad.

ZOMG! The white wimmins be getting married, keeping house, growing vegetables, and (gasp!) making more white babies!

So, tell me again who the racist haters are supposed to be?

Jaq said...

Here is my take on racism in America. In the 1970s in high school I had a black girlfriend, the main pushback I can remember was from black kids, ok, the boys, talk about us having “zebras,” but there was pushback, Plus the looks from her father, when I went to her house for dinner, were kind of hard for me to interpret. I have recently started dating another black woman, we are almost universally met with obsequiousness. It can be almost uncomfortable at times. We went to one place and the guy asked us if we wanted smoking or non smoking, then he said, “I don’t know where that came from!” People are almost too friendly. Although there are many pleasant and genuine smiles from young black women (They light up!) who may be working here or there at places we go. It becomes pretty clear that unless we stopped for fast food somewhere though, that there are very few actual black customers at the places I take her. So there is a ways to go still, I think. One day maybe couples will just be couples. I am not sure that all of this hectoring is the way to get there.

mockturtle said...

Observes Angle-Dyne: On a summer's weekend, when the residents are outside in their swim-suits, shorts, and casual summer tops, the blazing albedo of the zip codes of the anti-raciest of anti-racist whites is probably visible and measurable from the Andromeda galaxy.

Yep. ;-) My daughters [one of whom is biracial] and I have discussed the fact that white liberals are utterly clueless about black people because most of them don't know any.

Michael said...

Tim in Vermont
Bring her down to Atlanta! Wouldn't get a second look. Down here the Yankees generally live north of the city, beyond I285, where it is generally white. But here in town where southerners tend to live we whites are a minority and happily coexist with our black brothers and sisters. We pretty much get each other. The Yankees live as far away from the blacks as possible, since in general they are scared shitless of them.

mockturtle said...

Michael, a distant relative of mine, Harriet Beecher Stowe, made a similar observation in Uncle Tom's Cabin, particularly pertaining to the easy physical familiarity between blacks and whites in the South that New England matrons found appalling even while considering themselves strong abolitionists [at a safe distance, of course].

Amadeus 48 said...

mockturtle--Harriet Beecher Stowe was my great-great-grandfather's second cousin--we're related.

mockturtle said...

Cool! :-) I'm a descendant of her brother, Henry Ward Beecher.

Ken B said...

Michael K:
Can this be true?? Can Inga really have chosen to live somewhere so overwhelmingly white? I'm appalled. That might explain why she, unlike many leftists, didn’t promise to move to the only country in North America with fewer Mexicans than the USA if Trump won: Canada is nowhere near as white as Wisconsin.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Oh good grief. I grew up in Milwaukee and worked in Milwaukee hospitals for 35 years. Now you’re going to tell me we have no black
people in Milwaukee? LOL.

Wisconsin’s white population is 87.5%. Milwaukee’s white population is 35.5%.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Inga, Milwaukee was much whiter when you were growing up (and it still is one of the most racially segregated cities in America) and you don't live there now - in fact you haven't lived there for quite some time. The Milwaukee suburbs are much whiter than the city is. And Wisconsin outside of the city of Milwaukee and perhaps Racine/Kenosha, is extremely white.

Blacks are firmly on the plantation in Wisconsin, thanks to Milwaukee's many Democrat mayors.

As far as the article goes, this was amusing:

"We shouldn’t underestimate how some young white women, when faced with this bleak economic landscape"

The author apparently hasn't seen the latest employment numbers. Obama isn't in the WH anymore.

PhilD said...

Black Africa is in high need of diversity.
I'm appalled by the way lily-white liberals, like Inga, refuse to do their duty, remove themselves to there and bring that so much needed diversity.
But then it seems that lily-white liberals want to enjoy "White Privilege" (tm) to the full while 'combating' it. Live like toxic parasites in other words. What a way to exist.

Btw, I consider people like Inga to be like a nazi, be it in an upside down manner.

Oso Negro said...

@Tim in Vermont - Are you dating across age boundaries as well as race? If your girlfriend is a young black woman, that is really transgressive.

FIDO said...

And you all wonder why I write some people off entirely.

My question is how we deal with these cultural rotters. How do we take back the Academy from the Marxist/Maoists.

This seems important to me

RBE said...

I am originally from the south, lived many years in Indiana and now live in rural New England.

I agree with Michael about the relationships between black, white and now brown in the south. At least in the small towns where I spend time. I think it is funny that so many "Yankees" move south to developments with names like "St James Plantation", of course, they are gated. My 93 year old mother says we couldn't even afford to live in the slave quarters of some of these developments.

When my family moved to Indianapolis from the south I was made fun of because I had a southern accent...an Appalachian hick...ha! During the early 60's the city was very segregated at least in the Northside where we lived.

Where I live is not racially diverse. In my small town there is economic and political diversity. Everyone knows each other, rich and poor live side by side. We entertain ourselves, plant trees to beautify the town, pick up trash on green up day and work together to make the community better despite differences that might keep us apart in larger towns. Someone sees a need for the community and creates a group to take care of it. This is how people are supposed to live.

There has been so much positive change in the last 50 years. I hate how the race, gender and political baiters are demonizing everybody. It is so shallow and callous and sick. The hate sowed by these "well educated" and wealthy (by world standards) people is appalling. They want to destroy everything in their path...to what end?

Rusty said...

" Norwich, the home of the U. of East Anglia, where Ms. Kelly beavers "
That conjoured up an unwelcome mental image.

Bruce Hayden said...

Annie Kelly is little different than thousands, maybe millions, of her counterparts here in the US. Which is why the NYT is runner no this, to cater to their conceit. Those woke progressives wtiting, and reading the NYT advertently, or inadvertently, are pushing a somewhat disfunctional strategy and view of the world. The upper middle class is not coming close to replacing itself demographically, thanks to a combination of modern promiscuous feminism and middle class morality that realizes that child rearing outside matrimony very often results in kids, or esp grandkids who fall far below the upper middle class, through drug abuse, violence, and prison for the males, and teenaged fatherless child rearing for the females, perpetuating the cycle. We saw what happens with blacks, with their illegitimacy rate jumping from 1/4 to 3/4 since LBJ's War on Poverty destroyed the black family. And it is happening in the white world now too. This is a pushback against that.

I would suggest that modern promiscuous feminism is not good for a lot of women. Making the universities a female centric, and male unfriendly domain means that females outnumber males now with college degrees. Unfortunately, females prefer marrying up, instead of down, and males the contrary. Compounding this, female sexual attractiveness peaks in their early twenties, and declines thereafter. Meanwhile thoughts of marriage are put on hold in many cases until well after this peak, until education is complete, and career is well underway. So many of these young women are finding that they are competing in the marriage market with younger, more sexually attractive, women. The natural consequences of this are that an increasing number aren't going to get married young enough to easily have children. Fewer are getting married, and the ones who do are having fewer children. And solidly middle class, or above, know that having children out of wedlock leads to bad outcomes, so mostly don't.

There is a demographic race going on right now, with modern, progressive, westerners (including the Japanese, and maybe even Chinese) failure no to replace themselves. There seems to be fairly strong correlation between religious fervor and fundamentalism on the one hand, and number of children around the world (excluding, maybe Africa). Religious Muslims, Orthodox Jews, and fundamentalist Christians (including unassimilated Hispanics) (and quasi-Chrisians such as Mormons) are reproducing above replacement rate.

Much of the progressive left probably sees this as a feature, and not a bug, out of some bizarre feelings of guilt resulting from their privileged, likely colonial, pasts. This collective belief in their own guilt is rejected by much of the right. And rightly ask why European culture and heritage is breeding itself out of existence. The culture and genes that gave us modern society, ranging from the technology that we take so much advantage of, through the culture that gave us natural law, democracy, and abolishing slavery, are now being bred out of existence. This "white nationalist" BS is aimed at guilting and othering the middle class back into conformity to the progressive worldview that this class, this demographic, that has provided so much good in the world,deserves to die out over time through some sort of demographic death. This is what is being rejected here.

CStanley said...

@Michael- I live in one of those north Atlanta suburbs (OTP) and have been here for 22 years. The change in racial diversity and acceptance over that time period has been noteworthy.

Bruce Hayden said...

I noted above the dynamic that female sexual attractiveness peaks in maybe the early twenties and declines thereafter (and, for obvious reasons, really drops at menopause). But another dynamic that is mostly ignored, is that sexual attractiveness, and wife suitability, decline with the number of sexual partners a woman has. Sure, the girl sleeping around at 18 is going to have more dates than her sisters who aren't, because the hormone driven guys of her age are hoping to get lucky. But go forward 5-10-15 years, and that isn't the case. The most eligible guys are no longer desperate virgins, but arevsexually experience enough to be more discerning. For the most part, the more promiscuous a woman has been, the less valuable she is as a wife. It may seem unfair that male value may increase with sexual successes, while female matrimonial value decreases, but the reason for this is straight forward - females that bstincticely know the maternity of their children, while males have had to trust their wives in regards to their paternity. And little is worse for the Darwinian success of a male and his genes than being cuckholded. Of spending his scant resources raising kids sired by other males.

That is where female "modesty" comes in. It essentially says to the world that they are not sexually promiscuous. And that increases their matrimonial value. Intellectually, we may believe that shouldn't be the case. But emotionally, it statistically is, for the reasons given above. Wanting to stay home and have a bunch of kids can also be matrimonially advantageous. Not only does a guy marrying them probably get more children and grandchildren (of his own loins), but she is showing that she is willing to put family ahead of personal concerns and desires.

I should add that we have a large community of Mennonites here, and some Amish a bit east of here. And the females are modest, wearing handmade long dresses from a young age, and a head covering over their hair after a certain point, which usually means a small bonnet of sorts over their rolled up and pinned long hair. Their hair buns aren't really that big though, meaning that they must allow their hair to be cut. Interestingly, the younger adult women often are wearing modern walking sneakers under those long dresses (long enough that you only see flashes of the sneakers). They run to large families, of course. But the kids are very well behaved, and seem quite happier, probably happier than their less religious and less conservative counterparts.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

I worked in Milwaukee until just a few years ago. So to say I know no black people and have never worked or lived among black people because I live in Wisconsin is wrong. Exiled you’ve lived and worked near or in Milwaukee for years also, you cannot say you haven’t worked with black people, I suspect. To generalize and say liberals don’t live or work among black people is a canard, silly and simplistic.

Michael K said...

Mentioning the consequences of feminism, my grandchildren are all the children of my sons.

None of my daughters is married.

Michael K said...

To generalize and say liberals don’t live or work among black people is a canard, silly and simplistic.

No, Inga. What we say is that leftists, there are few "Liberals" any more, avoid blacks while they propagandize for "diversity"and tell other whites to behave as they say, not as they do.

n.n said...

Diversity is a "color" judgment or discrimination, a progressive form of racism, sexism, etc. A moral person will reject [color] diversity and instead judge people by the content of their character.

mockturtle said...

Exactly, n.n. Diversity is like tokenism. All show and no substance.

n.n said...

It's the same with feminism, which in principle and practice is female chauvinism, which targets both women and men for political, social, and economic suppression, and is the basis for an unprecedented violation of human rights: capital punishment of the wholly innocent, life deemed unworthy, under the twilight faith (and amendment), Pro-Choice Church, Planned Parenthood corporate charter (both selective and recycled-child), and natural rites of abortion.

The moral person will reject feminism, or female chauvinism, and instead recognize a principled and basic truth: men and women are equal in rights and complementary in Nature. Population control and replacement theory has been seen extraordinary progress for men, women, our relationships, and babies, too.

n.n said...


Diversity of individuals, black, white, tall, short, fat, skinny, young, old, female, male, etc., happens when we judge people by the content of their character. Diversity of "color" is a first-order forcing of progressive (i.e. generational) prejudice. It's avoidance at best, and wicked at worst.

Anonymous said...

mockturtle: Yep. ;-) My daughters [one of whom is biracial] and I have discussed the fact that white liberals are utterly clueless about black people because most of them don't know any.

And the patronizing of blacks, it burns! To be fair, I do know liberals who conduct themselves like normal human beings interacting with other human beings while socializing with blacks. But some of are cringe-inducing (as tim in vermont relates @8:18).

Also, "look up the demographic composition of the neighborhood of [insert hand-wringing/white-demonizing white "anti-racist" here]" is always a fun and instructive game.

PhilD said...

To describe the Left in general, and the writer of the NYT article and the Inga's here in particular,

On a Twitter thread about google listing 'nazism' as a GOP ideology.
A Leftist asks for examples of racism coming from the Left. Given such examples she rejects them because "... but racism requires systemic oppression." When asked where she gets that from she answers it is the definition of racism according to any dictionary. So a dictionary definition is cited to show that's not true. Her answer, "enjoy your block".

Point is, we have no longer a language in common with the Inga's of this world. They play Humpty-Dumpty with words so that they themselves can't possibly be racist or intolerant or "fascist" or ... Words no longer have meaning. And that's something extremely dangerous.

Gahrie said...

Point is, we have no longer a language in common with the Inga's of this world. They play Humpty-Dumpty with words so that they themselves can't possibly be racist or intolerant or "fascist" or ... Words no longer have meaning. And that's something extremely dangerous.

Tell that to Althouse.......she's the queen of the Humpty-Dumpties.

Gahrie said...

And little is worse for the Darwinian success of a male and his genes than being cuckholded. Of spending his scant resources raising kids sired by other males.

Who gives a shit? They're just splooge stooges after all.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Mentioning the consequences of feminism, my grandchildren are all the children of my sons.

None of my daughters is married.”

Hahahaha, all three of my daughters are married and two of them have children. Feminism doesn’t stop any woman from marrying if that’s what she wants. My son isn’t married, but he’s still young enough to have plenty of kids when he does.

Gospace said...

Haven't read the thread yet. But an oft repeated line relevant to the article is- If you'e the only one who can hear the racist dog whistle...

PaoloP said...

People behind this writing at the NYT must be un-voted to oblivion.

Ken B said...

So Inga, you track the percentage white where you live, to the nearest decimal??

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