Trump, responding to a question — "What did you mean just now when you said you wished Americans would sit up at attention?" — about something Trump said earlier this morning about Kim Jong-Un — "He speaks and his people sit up in attention. I want my people to do the same."
I was watching MSNBC a while ago — because Meade had it on — and there was a long panel discussion taking "I want my people to do the same" completely seriously.
ADDED: The quote in the post title happens about 6 minutes into this fascinating media feast:
१५६ टिप्पण्या:
I’m not going anywhere so lighten up Francis
The left is disciplined, but is not especially intelligent.
To be fair, scientists have shown that CNN really is, in fact, objectively the worst.
Try to imagine low energy Jeb! or Lyin Ted telling CNN they were the worst, even after they called him Hitler, which they would, they always do.
"You are the worst."
I love this guy. Love him.
I cannot fathom why any actual LLR wouldn't love a guy who calls CNN "the worst" to its face.
How many will connect the 'do you understand sarcasm' to the 'you are the worst'.
In my Facebook feed, very few, and they'll see it again as an attack on the Press. (As if CNN were the Press)
the press takes trump literally but not seriously. again. it's kind of boring after 2 or so years of it.
Watch the original comment. He was misquoted by CNN, he didn't say "Americans" he said "my people." But he wasn't cracking a smile or smirk, he was seriously defending his treatment of Kim at the summit. But he says whatever pops into his head, so there's that.
"What did you mean just now when you said you wished Americans would sit up at attention?"
That Americans should act like the sitting-up-and-paying-attention-to-Trump's-every-syllable person asking that question - ?
The problem with pretending to be stupid is that eventually it is no longer pretend.
Listen to them twist his words in real time. The press appears to be a lot of petty people with pens.
It’s best if less Americans sat up in attention to everything he mutters, utters, proclaims or tweets.
"My people" most likely prefers to his staff, in that context, it's plainly good natured sarcasm.
I want to state one more time that the democrats and the MSM would be acting exactly the same no matter which Republican had been elected.
They would be treating Romney, Bush, Cruz, Kasich, or Walker just like they're treating Trump.
Remember, if you go back more than three years the Democrats were partying with Trump and giving him awards.
This isn't about's about the Left not getting what it perceives and assumed was theirs...power.
It’s best if less Americans sat up in attention to everything he mutters, utters, proclaims or tweets.
Well most of us wish you and Chuckles would stop.
"What did you mean just now when you said you wished Americans would sit up at attention?"
Ask Tom Friedman...he knows.
CNN is the worst, and it's piped into so many public places, just like North Korean propaganda. I didn't need Trump to tell me that, BTW. They once were must watch.
Trumps humor is very deadpan, maybe not the best attribute in a President, but entertaining as heck.
And Inga proves Loren W Laurent correct in only four minutes flat!
Woo hoo!
Best president ever.
Yes, but we don’t have documentary evidence that the press views Trump with contempt.
“Well most of us wish you... would stop.
I’ve been trying to not pay attention to his utterings. It’s much more relaxing.
What exactly do you mean by "less" Americans, Inga.
So to take Bush down, Clinton’s team drew up a plan to pump Trump up. Shortly after her kickoff, top aides organized a strategy call, whose agenda included a memo to the Democratic National Committee: “This memo is intended to outline the strategy and goals a potential Hillary Clinton presidential campaign would have regarding the 2016 Republican presidential field,” it read. - Politico
Ha ha Haha ha.
“What exactly do you mean by "less" Americans, Inga.”
Just exactly what I said. The less people who sit up in attention to everything he says, the better.
I can't imagine what it must be like to be one of these CNN hacks. It must be exhausting to have Trump endlessly dominating your every thought. He seems to occupy so much of their mental energy. They're constantly finding ways to be outraged by his every utterance. It's truly a weird relationship. Trump says or Tweets something, they (usually mis-)interpret it, they jabber about it, yell about and rant about it, and rinse-repeat. Why let Trump (or anyone) dominate you in that way? Are you a masochist?
I mean, there's been plenty of politicians who I greatly disliked, even loathed, but I'd refuse to let them occupy that much of my energy like that. It's not healthy.
It's much better to pay attention to what a person actually does rather than what they say. Some people say a lot of stupid things, outrageous things, controversial things. So what?
If rhetorical speech is too hard for a person to understand, and humor completely escapes them, it would probably be best to limit one's intake of Trump tweets.
Inga: "Just exactly what I said. The less people who sit up in attention to everything he says, the better."
"Physician heal thyself" comes to mind..
"So to take Bush down, Clinton’s team drew up a plan to pump Trump up."
Jimmy Carters re-election team desperately wanted to run against Reagan and not that "powerhouse" HW Bush.
I for one am very very very pleased the lefties/libs/LLR's went insane and ceased pretending to be normal.
I want to state one more time that the democrats and the MSM would be acting exactly the same no matter which Republican had been elected.
That is something that can never be stated enough.
Basically, Trump haters seem terrified of their fellow Americans.
“Physician heal thyself" comes to mind..”
“I’ve been trying to not pay attention to his utterings. It’s much more relaxing.”
6/15/18, 2:27 PM
Now maybe you can work on not sitting up in attention anytime a leftie makes a comment. It’s OK to let some comments go unremarked on. I understand the impulse to do so, but I invite you to join me in resisting the impulse.
The press - it's like monkeys at a salad bar.
If the goal was to not appear guilty it's not going that well for Trump. He looks guilty of something. I thought for a while it was just the stripper but now it looks like something else is going on.
Fasten your seatbelts, it’s going to be a bumpy ride.
Blogger Nonapod said...
I can't imagine what it must be like to be one of these CNN hacks
This morning on my Twitter feed, CNN hack and one time employee of the Cruz campaign, Amanda Carpenter, was appalled he said such a thing.
But also, she "predicted" he would later say he was just joking, therefore, gaslighting all of us.
Fasten your seatbelts, it’s going to be a bumpy ride.
Passed failed predictions of doom and gloom are no predictor of future results! Honest!
There are two kinds of people in the world. Those who think Trump's been a pretty good, maybe even great and either way absolutely vital, president, and those who don't have a clue what's going on.
ARM, MSNBC called. They want you on their panel.
Inga, I'm going to have to recommend you "cease" responding to my comments.
It doesn't go well for you.
My respect for Trump just went up by infinity based on this clip, and similarly my measure of disdain for those so-called journalists.
When did Cohen stop being Trump’s lawyer?
In April, after the search warrant, Trump was claiming that Cohen was “My personal attorney.” And of course there has been the courtroom claim of privilege by (other) Trump attorneys in the SDNY District Court.
I recall smart media critics of Trump saying at the time that Cohen could not possibly remain as Trump’s attorney and of course they were right. So now, Trump concedes that Cohen is not his lawyer and Trump acts as if it had been a silly question.
When Trump treats reporters with contempt for asking good questions, who in their right mind would not expect those reporters to hold a grudge? I expect reporters to revert to professionalism when it is required; but as people, I expect them to hate his guts. For continual, shameless, lying and misleading.
Its always fun when LLR Chuck pops in under his original handle......
LLR Chuck usually emerges from his shell when the polls and economic indicators show Trump succeeding and the dem/lefty/lib/LLR cabal know they have to do something to slow the progress.
Sure enough:
"According to the latest Economist/YouGov poll, 68 percent of Republicans want Trump to run for re-election.
And Democratic pollster John Zogby said this week that only former President George W. Bush was more popular than Trump among his base going into his first mid-term election, and he had just launched a war against America’s 9/11 attackers."
"Atlanta Fed: Q2 GDP estimate rises to 4.8% from 4.6%"
That's enough to drive LLR Chuck back into therapy!! (but I would still recommend women and children give him a wide berth until we know for sure that he"well".)
"It’s best if less Americans sat up in attention to everything he mutters, utters, proclaims or tweets."
That's what I thought in the presidential primaries, but the media decided that Trump needed to get all the attention, all the time.
And now they get their wish for a number of years.
Every reporter at that news conference -- and in the panel discussion Althouse and Meade saw -- dreams fervently that somehow they will report a Trump utterance in such a way that Americans everywhere are shocked, just shocked! that the President would say such a thing. And Trump thereafter goes down to ignominious defeat! And the reporter (or "news analyst") will thus become "America's Hero", the person who Saved Us From Trump, and will appear for months on news shows and have books written about them and even a movie made (eat your hearts out Woodstein!)
The Clowns of the Fourth Estate. Only in America!
Inga said...
"The less people who sit up in attention to everything [President Trump] says, the better."
Totally agree.
Bob: "The Clowns of the Fourth Estate. Only in America!"
Uh oh.
If you think LLR and #StrongCNNDefender Chuck is going to allow you to disparage all his heroes at the those bastions of professional journalism (CNN, MSNBC, etc) without a fight, well then. You've got another thing coming mister.
The ONLY thing you could do now to make it worse on yourself is tell Chuckie that any random democrat is a buffoon! Woo boy. You'd see some fireworks then!
And if you dare defend the underage children of republican politicians, Chuck is likely to get "all up in your grill" (as the young people say).
When Trump treats reporters with contempt for asking good questions, who in their right mind would not expect those reporters to hold a grudge? I expect reporters to revert to professionalism when it is required; but as people, I expect them to hate his guts. For continual, shameless, lying and misleading.
Yeah...especially because he's the first president to ever be accused of that!
Just heard it reported that in a typical obama press conference obama would take or address only about 8-10 questions/issues.
Just this morning, off the cuff, in under an hour, in a "walk up", Trump answered 40, with followups, and putting up with continuous interruptions.
Just. Like. Hitler.
Informed voters.
Hey Chuck: If Reporters hated a President's "continual, shameless lying and misleading" --Then why do they worship the very pants crease of Obama?
I mean, what's more important to America: "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan!" "Every American family will save $2500 under my plan!" versus "Hey, this guy who was my attorney stopped being my attorney a couple of days differently."
You and the MSM think the second set is the worst thing ever, while set one is a-oki and peachy keen. No big deal, really--just another tax, and who cares about that--only deplorables! Why won't they focus on things that really matter like Trump's attorney instead of those petty things like their own pocketbook?
That's Chuck's ever lasting complaint--why won't these deplorables stop cashing those tax refund checks and enjoying the loosing of regulations-- and instead join the march to impeach Trump for not being a GOPe sellout?
Trumps humor is very deadpan, maybe not the best attribute in a President, but entertaining as heck.
Scott Adams postulated that 30% of people do not have a sense of humor.
He didn't specify that most were liberals, but I will.
It's the press' job to ask questions, and the President's job either to dodge or to answer them. Both did their jobs well here. As Margaret Thatcher taught during Question Time, hard questions are a gift to a superior communicator.
Obama hid from the press for months on end.
Trump walks outside and has impromptu press conference completely off-the-cuff.
He is the worst dictator ever.
Obama hid from the press for months on end.
Democracy dies in darkness... and a complicit press with bullhorns that drown the people's voice.
“Scott Adams postulated that 30% of people do not have a sense of humor.
He didn't specify that most were liberals, but I will.”
That’s not funny!
Vance: "Hey Chuck: If Reporters hated a President's "continual, shameless lying and misleading" --Then why do they worship the very pants crease of Obama?"
Every single MSM lefty hack reporter loved and worshiped obama.
Every single one of them thought obama was "magnificent"....just like LLR Chuck.
Trump walks outside and has impromptu press conference completely off-the-cuff
It was his impromptu interviews after each of the debates that swung me.
The debates themself...pfft.
Inga said...It’s best if less Americans sat up in attention to everything he mutters, utters, proclaims or tweets.
That’s not funny!
That was!
Sure, that too.
Jersey Fled has a mean streak.
I love the way Trump approaches the fake news rabble – with total contempt. No other politician could do what’s on the video. I remember Reagan. He would get out of the POTUS helicopter on the Whitehouse lawn and as he was walking to the door opening into the seat of power the news rabble would shout loaded questions at him. They wanted video of Reagan on the defensive with themselves as the stars of the show.
What they got was Reagan cupping his ear as if he could not hear them and smilingly waving at them as if they were his adoring public. That’s not good video if you are a Reagan-hater, which they all were.
I like Trump’s method even better. Confront the phonies, expertly spank them verbally over and over and then move on – leaving the idiots empty-handed and frustrated.
Earnest Prole: "As Margaret Thatcher taught during Question Time, hard questions are a gift to a superior communicator."
Prime Ministers Questions ought to be required viewing in our schools and we ought to make every President and their staffs do them as well here.
They are unbelievable wild and usually exposes the real thinking on so many issues from so many facets in so many ways.
Unfortunately for us, generally speaking no US politicians are raised in an environment where you have to marshall all your philosophical beliefs, assessment capabilities and policy prescriptions and forge them into rhetorical weapons with which to parry and thrust with your political opponents.
Thatcher was absolutely brilliant.
A real brilliant politician. Lefties and LLR's think obama was "magnificent", but he would still fumble even with a teleprompter.
I don't care if reading that sends LLR Chuck into paroxysms of rage or not.
Isn't this the second time in the last ten days that Trump has swatted at a CNN reporter?
Why, yes it is!! He also spanked CNN during the G7 summit in Quebec.
madAsHell: "Isn't this the second time in the last ten days that Trump has swatted at a CNN reporter? Why, yes it is!! He also spanked CNN during the G7 summit in Quebec"
Why do you think LLR Chuck is stumbling about in spittle-flecked rage?
Inga still doesn't get the joke.
She said "less Americans" when it more correctly should have been "fewer Americans".
I was giving her the treatment CNN gives Trump.
Pick a poorly chosen word, then imply a sinister motive to it.
madAsHell said...
Listen to them twist his words in real time.
It's impressive!
The press appears to be a lot of petty people with pens.
"The penis mightier than the s word."
The God Emperor is a continual delight. He treats the press exactly as they should be treated...with studied and dispassionate contempt.
His wisdom is continually on display even in relatively unimportant matters. Notice how the entire Washington Capitals hockey team will be attending a celebration at the White House. Except of course their one black player. Now we know that hockey is a white sport and the players are all patriotic Americans. Even the Canadians. The thugs and felons of the National Felons League should take a lesson. They can stand at attention and get their daddies out of the can on a pardon. Maybe in time for Father's Day.
Of course Fathers Day is always the most confusing day for those poor monkeys. Still they can take their best guess as the God Emperor is willing to be merciful.
All Hail him!!!!!!!!!
He looks guilty of something. - ARM
Well, I'm convinced.
Inga still doesn't get the joke.
She said "less Americans" when it more correctly should have been "fewer Americans".
Actually I did, but I chose not to let it become an insult and instead chose to go with it and enjoy the joke. Hence my 3:22 PM comment.
Jersey Fled said...
She said "less Americans" when it more correctly should have been "fewer Americans".
If "American" is treated as an undifferentiated unit of citizens, it is a mass noun, like "sand", and then
Fewer Americans, less American.
I'm pretty sure Mr. Language Person might agree.
I wish the God Emperor had asked that woman who badgered him if she sucked a cock to get her stories the way that NY Times reporter did with the Congressinal staffer.
That would have been epic.
Prime Ministers Questions ought to be required viewing in our schools and we ought to make every President and their staffs do them as well here.
If Trump were required to answer live questions on immigration from Congressional Democrats in weekly, nationally televised broadcasts, he would win over two-thirds of the population and the Democratic and Republican leadership would immediately and desperately sue for peace.
"He looks guilty of something."
Well what more do you need? String him up!
“If "American" is treated as an undifferentiated unit of citizens, it is a mass noun, like "sand", and then
Fewer Americans, less American.
I'm pretty sure Mr. Language Person might agree..”
True, if it’s an uncountable amount “less” is correct, no?
I have no doubt that Jim Acosta would swallow a bucket of cum to get a negative story about the God Emperor. It is what they do as journalists.
Reporters hate presidents for "continual, shameless lying and misleading"?
Nah, just Trump and a few other GOPers. They are like Dick Durbin Republicans that way.
On the other hand, threatening reporters with jail time, going through their records, and so on and so forth, that doesn't bother them.
Ask James Risen and James Rosen.
She said "less Americans" when it more correctly should have been "fewer Americans"
Hold my beer and watch while I smother all interest and joy in this conversation.
Demonstrating once again Salena Zito's observation: "The press takes him literally, but not seriously; his supporters take him seriously, but not literally."
They are his stooges.
At some point, probably in about 200 or 300 years, the leftists/media tools will realize that, just like Reagan, Trump is far more intelligent than they are.
It will be interesting to see if California can import enough voters from Mexico to keep Trump from winning 50 states in 2020.
California sure is doing a good job at driving American citizens out of the state.
The God Emperor is a merciful and kind deity. He doesn't require that you sit at attention. He only requires you stand at attention to honor our flag and our armed forces.
By rights he should require the press to prostrate themselves and kiss his feet.
Instead he suffers their impertinence without smiting them with the punishment they deserve. Such as banishment as was meted out to the "man without a country."
I personally think that caterwauling communist from yesterday's press conference should be forced to teach a classroom full of MS13 Mexican middle schoolers. That would be Justice.
“He only requires you stand at attention to honor our flag and our armed forces.”
Except that he doesn’t have the power to do that.
This is how Trump gets his reputation for playing 9-D underwater chess. They make it so easy.
It just seems like he’s baiting them and then using it against them and making them seem like the enemies of the American people because they twist his words so stupidly! God at least get something out of it if you’re going to be deliberately obtuse.
“What, like with a cloth.” a least served a purpose!!
CNN = certainly not news.
Mores the pity.
He can point out their disrespect so all right thinking patriots can scorn and boycott them. Along with Hollywood, television and Broadway.
The God Emperor is a merciful lord.
All Hail him!
“Mores the pity.”
No totalitatian goverment for you! Ha!
CNN=Cum Noshing Nerds.
Who are their biggest stars?
Anderson Cooper and Don Lemon.
They would swallow anything if it made the God Emperor look bad. Anything.
I turned off pandora for a bit and I have this on in the background.
It is better than advertised.
Holy shit he is crushing them.
Trump has completely defenestrated the press.
"I don't want to see a nuclear weapon destroy your family."
"Quiet. Quiet. Quiet."
"I did a great job this week."
"I am kidding you don't understand sarcasm."
"You're the worst!"
This is great.
Inga said...
“He only requires you stand at attention to honor our flag and our armed forces.”
Except that he doesn’t have the power to do that.
You are right. You live in a free country that you hate.
You are totally free to shit on this country and the people who died to give you your freedom.
You can run around and try to repeal the bill of rights.
We are totally free to point out you are wretched ingrates who are enemies of freedom.
Blogger Inga said...
“Mores the pity.”
No totalitatian goverment for you! Ha!"
Not since Obama left office.
"Blogger Loren W Laurent said...
The problem with pretending to be stupid is that eventually it is no longer pretend.
I've independent confirmation of this, and I'm about to start calling myself "I've Gandolphed" after Isaac Hayes as Gandy in The Rockford (Rockfish) Filies.
Inga said...
“Mores the pity.”
No totalitatian goverment for you! Ha!
And if there is any justice in the world Obama and Clinton will go to jail for spying on political opponents and using the federal government to attack and harass those that disagreed with them.
It is clear Obama was teaming up with MI6 and the other 5 eyes countries to spy on his political opponents for years.
That is treason.
I created The Rockfish Filies and they opened for numerous bands in your head; that be how roll I do.
"The penis mightier than the s word."
The fine line between humor, and a typo.
"Never bet with anyone you meet on the first tee, who has a deep suntan, a one iron in his bag and squinty eyes." - Dave Marr
I haven't seen anybody handle the press this effectively since Ike.
He's already worn out the I-can't-believe-he-said-that meme. These media pearl clutchers just don't realize it yet. They are addicted to it like alcohol, and every time it's followed by a disappointment hangover.
Jim Rockford : [At a restaurant to celebrate a record deal, Rockford discovers that Angel has conned Gandolf by pretending to be a British record producer] Well, Gandy, how about that, you've just been conned by the worst in the business.
Gandolph Fitch : You mean you know Shep?
[he points toward Angel]
Jim Rockford : Oh yea, for 15 years. The first time I met him he tried to con me into a food wholesaling scheme.
Angel : [In a British accent trying to play it cool] Would have made a fortune.
Jim Rockford : Oh yea, trapping pigeons in the park and selling them to Chinese restaurants. He was looking to me for $25.00 for popcorn and wire.
Angel : [Losing his British accent] He's trying to set you up. I'm just following orders. He told me to do this to you, it's not me.
Gandolph Fitch : Hey Rockfish, you and this wimp trying to run a game on me or something?
Jim Rockford : It's my two grand, Gandy.
[Angel climbs over the back of the booth and runs off]
The penis mightier
I don't think we are acquainted, but thanks for noticing!!
So the hilariously funny Donald Trump was also just kidding when he ripped into an unnamed CNN reporter.
First Donald was envious of Kim, telling Steve Doocy of Fox & Friends: "Hey, he's the head of a country, and I mean, he's the strong head, don't let anyone think anything different. He speaks and his people sit up at attention. I want my people to do the same."
"What did you mean just now when you said you wished Americans would sit up at attention?" a reporter asked after the interview.
Trump retorted, "I'm kidding. You don't understand sarcasm. Hey, who are you with? ...You're with CNN? Hey, you are the worst."
The joke continued: Trump, (ha ha) joked about the fate of several North Korean generals. “He had them fired, at least, fired may be a nice word,” Trump said, referring to their deaths as firings. Hiarious sense of humor, don't you think?
Somehow that doesn't sound like a laugh line to me - but here is a Trump lie that sounds really, really funny.
"I study ratings. I don't get to watch much television. Primarily because of documents. I'm reading documents. A lot." -- Donald Trump
Well, you told me that you wished that things had not,
Turned out this way.
You never thought there'd come a time,
When you would go away.
But you stayed right here beside me,
Even when the love was gone.
And just because I'm hurting,
That don't mean that you've done something wrong.
Well, you said that you were sorry,
And you'd take all the blame.
But we both shared the gamble,
So let's both share the pain.
Like a breeze that blew across us,
Love just moved along.
And just because I'm hurting,
That don't mean that you've done something wrong.
We were happy for awhile dear,
But that's all over now.
I'll pick up the pieces,
And I'll get along somehow.
But it all came back too clearly,
In my bed, alone, tonight, as I was,
Lying here just waiting for,
Oh, that early morning light.
Now you've gone so far away, dear,
And these words I cannot say.
I cursed at you for leaving,
Slammed the door and ran away.
In your face, I saw the sadness,
But I've waited, now, too long,
To tell you: "I still love you,
"And you've done nothing wrong."
'Cause we were happy for awhile dear,
But that's all over now.
I'll pick up the pieces,
And I'll get along somehow.
But it all came back too clearly,
In my bed, alone, tonight, as I was,
Lying here just waiting for,
Oh, that early morning lit.
Read more: Iris Dement - You've Done Nothing Wrong Lyrics | MetroLyrics
Shortly after the 17 minute mark, Trump blames Obama for losing Crimea!!
The press is full idiots- that is becoming clearer by the minute.
>>He looks guilty of something.
"There is no art to find the mind's construction in the face."
Unless you are ARM. Then it's so easy any idiot can do it. Provided, of course, that you are an idiot.
>>>>He looks guilty of something.
Soon, Snopes will rate this as "Mostly True".
gadfly is such a sad little creature.
I used to call him/her/it the "Poor Man's LLR Chuck", but upon reflection, that was actually unfair to Chuck.
>>but here is a Trump lie that sounds really, really funny.
I know you *want* it to be a lie, Gadfly, but really have no idea at all if it's true or not.
Which says more about you than Trump.
>>“He only requires you stand at attention to honor our flag and our armed forces.”
>>>Except that he doesn’t have the power to do that.
The NFL disagrees with you.
Shoot the doomy-boy atheists are right: no babies and no work because automation.
Nothing from nothing ain't nothing so us American's ought just acknowledge we've been duped.
And are doomed.
No babies to do no work MEANS DOOM DOOM.
How you gonna Lord over others if a robot cleans the toilet you soil?
Automation could harm the gentry more than a drastic loss of wealth.
I persononlly oppend for Drastic in '95 at fuckin' Alpine.
“He only requires you stand at attention to honor our flag and our armed forces.”
“Except that he doesn’t have the power to do that.”
“The NFL disagrees with you.”
The NFL as a private business can require their employees to do so, but neither they nor the President can compel the people in the stands to do so.
Spatial un-dissonance is Golf Buckley-word wise.
Leave gadfly alone. He can't help it.
Poor thing.
It's not sarcasm. It's pretending to be what people say he is. The joke is that those people are really stupid, and half the nation will get it.
Slightly related joke. I was just watching an unnamed recent movie (to prevent spoiling it), and one character has been taken over by an alien force, and suddenly roman candle fireworks erupt from her mouth and ascend skywards. The heroine looks surprised.
I see it as "acting surprised," outside the four walls of the scene. Only enforcement of convention prevents it from being a joke in the movie. You could take her surprise as directed at the scriptwriters, outside the movie.
Maybe Trump's joke could be read as a scriptwriter joke, amazment at the MSM scriptwriters. That's assuming the MSM isn't really as dumb as they act.
You have talking heads named Jessica though and who knows what they're thinking.
”It's not sarcasm. It's pretending to be what people say he is.”
That’s what I see. I find it hard to believe the press don’t understand it was a joke. I think they are pretending not to get it, but maybe they are really that stupid.
Trump, on why he fired Gen Michael Flynn...
First answer; Flynn is a good guy who didn't do anything wrong.
Second answer; Flynn lied to the Vice President Pence.
Third answer; Flynn lied to FBI in addition to having briefed Pence improperly.
Today's answer; maybe Flynn didn't lie to anybody.
"She" by the great Gram Parsons exists:
It causes honest artist to "Pack it in" to the extreme?
Ought we allow it?
If it only saves one ****** ought we therefore ban it,
or be worse Ghandi-like than the perverted killers?
Blogger tim in vermont said...
Basically, Trump haters seem terrified of their fellow Americans.
>>The NFL as a private business can require their employees to do so, but neither they nor the President can compel the people in the stands to do so.
I was making a point about the NFL players kneeling for the anthem. Trump called them out on it, and after using the power of "the bully pulpit", the NFL decided players could no longer kneel during the national anthem.
So, he did in fact have some power to make the players on the field stand.
I assumed 99% of the readers here would understand and make that obvious connection without me spelling it out.
Welcome to the 1% that makes the upper 99% possible.
(to prevent spoiling it), and one character has been taken over by an alien force, and suddenly roman candle fireworks erupt from her mouth
To prevent spoiling it ?
And a character has roman candles shooting from her mouth ?
I would certainly have lined up to see that one until you spoiled it for me.
I think that's what they call a bitch-slap
It really is amazing. Everything Trump says, either seriously or jokingly, leads the lemmings off of cliffs. Trump has learned how to use it, and yet the lemmings continue to jump.
The interview account comes from Peter strzok envoy from McCabe, who relayed it to Sally Yates who then told Michael Flynn, now Yates signed the second fisa warrant based on the fusion dossier and the crossfire hurricane assets how reliable you think that account is?
"Leave gadfly alone. He can't help it.
"Poor thing."
Go-to comment.
Suicide squad, did anyone voluntarily watch that, except as a how not to do something?
It can't be Ghostbusters because no one saw that, and is willing to admit it.
LLR Chuck, jumping back on the Flynn story!
Too funny.
What a hot, hot relevant take..........(I'm still laughing...)
It's all so much fun when you are a Trump supporter. The idea of an interview with Fox only in front of other news groups was amusing in itself. Trump was funny in the interview. Then the left-out reporters went crazy over words they deliberately misinterpreted, leading to Trump telling CNN it was the worst which is always fun to watch. Sort of payback for having to watch CNN in airports unable to change the channel.
But the good times since the election wouldn't be fun if you hated Trump and you had to act stupid and demean yourself with stupid questions because there wasn't anything smart to say except "Good job, Mr. President." And you can't say that and keep your job. And then today you look over and he's just back from denuclearizing Korea and out on the lawn in the sun and laughing at you while you engage in "ambition distraction and uglification" to keep your job.
I cant wait to hear from LLR Chuck how 8 year old Donald Trump reportedly shorted the sugar at his lemonade stand yet still charged the full amount.
Of course, it goes without saying Maddow will need to have reported it first for Chuckie to latch onto the story.
@ Inga 2:13 PM -- That should be "fewer", not "less."
Inga: less stuff, fewer things. True even of unnumbered things. If a star vanishes there will be fewer stars. If you spill milk you have less milk. Less stuff, fewer things. Many here wish you would speak less and make fewer comments.
But the good times since the election wouldn't be fun if you hated Trump and you had to act stupid and demean yourself with stupid questions because there wasn't anything smart to say except "Good job, Mr. President."
A couple of fools here seem to be willing to self flagellate all day.
Katy Tur
Verified account @KatyTurNBC
> @AliVelshi is reading straight from the bible right now on @msnbc regarding immigration. Must watch.
I bow down before the great Donald Trump. He now has liberals reading the Bible live on air.
-Andrew Clavan
You should all bow down before the God Emperor. Peace bringer. Job creator. Wealth spreader. Boat riser.
The Tide is high. All boats are rising.
Chuck, Inga and ARM hardest hit.
Lesser people should sit up and pay attention.
It was really cute the way Trump giggled about Kim firing three generals right before the Singapore meeting. Hehe, firing, yeah like with a machine gun, hehehe.
Katy Tur
Verified account @KatyTurNBC
> @AliVelshi is reading straight from the bible right now on @msnbc regarding immigration. Must watch.
I bow down before the great Donald Trump. He now has liberals reading the Bible live on air.
-Andrew Clavan
That is really funny. Nothing else seems to be sticking, so they’re pulling out the big gun, they’ll listen to us now and do what we want now that we’re quoting the Bible!
You know the press is clinging to the last vestiges of its integrity when the White House Press Secretary can accuse one of it's leading lights of not being able to understand long sentences and half the country shrugs and says "well, she's right..."
Acosta is a third rate Sam Donaldson.
True, if it’s an uncountable amount “less” is correct, no?
Not exactly. You use "fewer" if you could use a number with that noun. These are count nouns. They have singular and plural forms, so if you make it plural by adding an "s" at the end, it's probably going to use "fewer". (You can look up "count nouns" and "mass nouns" to compare.)
Shortly after the 17 minute mark, Trump blames Obama for losing Crimea!!
Who lost the Crimea! Not us, say the Obamatards. It was lost in 2014 but … but … OBAMA DID NOT LOSE THE CRIMEA, I tell you!! Shame on God Emperor Trump for such disparaging remarks.
Sure, in 2012 Obama was accidentally caught on an open mic asking Medvedev to inform Putin that after Obama’s “last election” the he, Obama, would have more “flexibilty.” But that was NOTHING! Nothing I tell you! Crimea was NOT lost by Obama.
The famously intellectually nuanced left, is neither intellectual nor nuanced. They are simple, very religious people. They may not consider themselves religious, but they are cult-like in their following of regressive dogma. They recite lines and thoughts verbatim-each and every one of them.
The single funniest line of the entire 2016 political season was during one of the Republican debates, when Trump remarked that we should ask the Russians for the missing Hillary emails. It was spot on, and hilarious. The left in general and the media at large were beside themselves for weeks afterward saying that proves that Trump is involved with Russians.
You have to work at being that blockheaded to see that remark as proof of anything but humor. Same thing with this comment about sitting up straight. Regarding today's left: Who are you people, and what have you done with my neighbors?
At this point, we aren't watching Trump: he's doing fine. The camera is on the comic tragedy that is the media.
According to Daily Oral Language, a 10 minute grammar lesson I taught for years, "fewer is for things you can count; less is for things you can't count."
Lefties just don't understand humor.
A political writer - I think Selena Zito - had the very wise observation that the left's problem is that they "take Trump literally but not seriously."
AA states...
CNN panel ".....into this fascinating media feast...."? Not the way I would venture to describe these silly screaming hyenas! More like a "oxymoron"(fascinating/media).
Thank you, Althouse. Not something we would otherwise have seen. I voted Libertarian, but am thankful every day for President Trump.
Just watched it up here on the roof.
Only two terms? Which Amendment is that? He's just tossing them about like ragdolls now. "When I'm wrong, I'll tell you." Did O ever say anything like that? Of course, O was never wrong. Except for this and that and, oh, most recently-prominently-stingingly, where at the Roast, his piece on DJT in effect saying that Trump would never be President.
How about this America, and I'm just throwing this out there, what if, DJT and BHO conspired to do in HRC? For fair motives (Obama's entitled to say that he saved the country from Hillary, in my opinion; or as much of her as he could) or foul.
No matter his motives, and the point is, BHO for all his faults did at his command readily have, and value, the total information resources of a nation-state at his beck and call. In other words, who better than O (except Bill!) to know how unfit HRC was to wield power.
Maybe Hillary was such a world-ending stinker, that it's all for the better this way and we should let it rest.
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