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I'm doing 3 things in Chicago "and nearly everyone will be disgusted by at least one of them."
So I said a couple days ago. I've already revealed that I am staying at the Trump Hotel, but many of you are not disgusted by that. For those of you, I add my second reveal. Here's what I did last night:

१६४ टिप्पण्या:
I assume she’s as “ not funny” live and in person as she is otherwise.
Book research.
Althouse, was her show any good?
Two for two. You’re on a roll. Will it be three out of three?
Her severed head bit somehow seems less relevent since Kennedy announced his retirement.
I imagine a cloud of greenish smug hovered over the audience.
I hope you did not have to pay for tickets.
I'm a Trump supporter.
Why would I be disgusted by that?
I'm not outraged by the return of wild criticism and satire aimed at the president.
I'm outraged that the press, the arts and the theater gave Obama a free ride for 8 years and shut down criticism and satire because he's black.
I'm not interested in blacklisting anybody either.
Funny or deranged hate?
Be honest.
That was a true act of mercy upon Kathy. A Mother Teresa moment for a dying performer. It must be a redhead thing.
Was it worth the price of the ticket? (As entertainment, not as a sociological experiment.)
Not disgusted- disappointed.
That's all I'm curious about. Was she any good?
But I have a pretty high tolerance for what people do. I only hate Illinois Nazis and Socialists. Oh, and journalists who act unethically.
Hope you had free tickets as a nationally renowned blogger.
Oh, and people who encourage assassination of government officials, so I guess I'm not fond of Kathy Griffith for that reason.
I'll write a post about the show later, after I've done a few other posts. But the house was packed and it began and ended with a standing ovation. She talked -- energetically -- for 2 1/2 hours. Very upbeat, I-will-survive kind of stuff. The crowd worshipped her.
@Shouting Thomas Amen to that. I was a huge Letterman fan for decades, but when it became apparent in the Obama era that he had become 100% partisan and wasn't willing to make fun of the president, I tuned him out. When the court jester isn't willing to make fun of the king, the position might as well be eliminated.
So yes, bring on the return of joking about those in power. Except now TV comedians don't feel like they have to create jokes at all. In the "Daily Show" era, you just get a rise out of your audience by expressing contempt for Republicans. Comedy depends on the element of surprise, and now it's all so predictable. It's boring. As I imagine Kathy Griffin's show was.
Chicago, which I regard as my hometown, is a great and very romantic city. Hometown of the Cubs.
I advised everybody to visit.
While you're there, take in a night of the blues at Kingston Mines on Halsted Street. Back in the good old days when my wife was still on this earth, we played there three or four times a year with the very great, very funny and fantastically dirty minded A.C. Reed.
You can take in a night game at Wrigley and walk over to Halsted St. for a late set.
Disgusted? I doubt any of the regular Althousians will be disgusted by a performance of that obviously unbroken ("He broke me!") clown. Bored, almost certainly, but hardly disgusted. Basically, it would be like being trapped in a stalled elevator with Inga, except every third utterance be fuck, a world our Inga happily avoids.
Althouse owes us one more reveal... it better be a doozy.
That right there is some cruel neutrality.
There are markets in everything...
Leftists love to worship the Hillarywoodlanders.
Damned Sierra, changed word to world. Fuck. (Laughs? It's the punchline, folks... Fuck. Fuck!)
I hope you are having a great time! She can be very funny. You have one more chance to disgust me, Althouse!!
"Althouse owes us one more reveal"
I thought she already revealed (sort of) that she paid $50 for breakfast.
Hat tip to ExiledOnMainStreet
The Left unhinged
It all begins with the poorly crafted angry marionette
Attending a comedy show starring Kathy Griffin? Not disgusting. Always a chance she could be funny or interesting. depending on her material, as Althouse intimates.
Now, sleeping with Kathy Griffin? That might cross the line......
I am not offended and indeed, am eager to read Althouse's review of Griffin's act.
ST says:
"Hometown of the Cubs"
This Brewers fan says "Booooo! Fie upon them!" (Although I have to admit trips to Wrigley are fun. I have been treated nicely there despite being dressed in enemy colors - Cubs fans seem to save their worst behavior for Miller Park - and the atmosphere is great. It's not the best place to get a good Chicago style hot dog though.)
I've never found her funny. That episode of Seinfeld where she plays the most annoying creepy bitch ever - that's her.
It's your time and money - why should I care or be disgusted how you spend each?
I made a conscious decision 20+ years ago not to spend another cent on show business offerings, with a few carefully arrived-at exceptions. They can do without my money very nicely, I'm sure. I do not proselytize, but will share my opinion if asked.
Ann going doesn't disgust me.
"I'll write a post about the show later, after I've done a few other posts. But the house was packed and it began and ended with a standing ovation. She talked -- energetically -- for 2 1/2 hours. Very upbeat, I-will-survive kind of stuff. The crowd worshipped her."
That... that disgusts me.
Poor Meade, taking one for the team there.
"I hope you are having a great time! She can be very funny. You have one more chance to disgust me, Althouse!!"
Good thing I said "nearly."
I think all conservatives should go to her show. Keep her front and center. Challenge her to push that envelope! C'mon Kathy! Go for it!
I'm Donald Trump and I approve this message.
Kathy Griffin is disgusting, as are the people who gave her a standing O. I’d rather poke myself in the eye than sit through her performance. How did Meade keep the vomit down?
The title of the show is hilarious! I'm with ST on this. An even hand in comedy is essential and that's not what we have been getting.
And I am still curious about the breakfast for one.
Standing ovations are fine, Althouse, at the beginning and the end of a performance. What we're wondering is, did you laugh out loud DURING the show?
What line or joke tickled your funny bone? Or got the audience laughing?
If not, why not?
Ann Althouse said...
I'll write a post about the show later, after I've done a few other posts. But the house was packed and it began and ended with a standing ovation. She talked -- energetically -- for 2 1/2 hours. Very upbeat, I-will-survive kind of stuff. The crowd worshipped her.
Well of course they did! They were a self-selected group that chose to pay money to see her, much like the people who chose to go to strip clubs to see Stormy Daniels' "Make America Horny Again" tour across America. There are enough Trump-haters out there who will support Griffin, Daniels and their ilk for that reason alone. Some of the ones going to see Stormy Daniels were the feminist types who would strongly object to the objectification of women, unless it sticks the knife in Trump, in which case they'll let it slide.
I do hope that Griffin at least made you laugh so that you got your money's worth.
"I hope you are having a great time! She can be very funny. You have one more chance to disgust me, Althouse!!"
"I thought she already revealed (sort of) that she paid $50 for breakfast."
Not for me but I'm still not disgusted.
Not disgusted so far, and since at the Trump Hotel peeing on the bed is de rigueur, I think you’re good on all three.
Now that is disgusting. AND weird. She was never very funny, and make an effort (300 + mile round trip,Trump hotel bill,tickets) to see what's likely to be a deliberately obnoxious hysterical disgusting show is a little peculiar
"But the house was packed and it began and ended with a standing ovation. She talked -- energetically -- for 2 1/2 hours. Very upbeat, I-will-survive kind of stuff. The crowd worshipped her."
Yeah, the crowd reaction is pretty disgusting. Ah, brave little Kathy, broken by Trump but unbowed, valiantly defying the Orange Dictator to speak truth to power....I think I would have had a strong urge to vomit during the standing o's.
Still, if there is a red wave instead of a blue one in November, we will have Griffin and all the other people featured in the video Dickin'Bimbos@Home linked to above to thank. You know, the ones who are always warning us about "extremists."
I'm not disgusted yet either, but I cling to my hope.
"They divorced in May 2006. Griffin had her tattooed wedding ring laser-removed after her divorce."
I wish there were a way to know what's a comedian's own work and what's his writers'.
She was pretty good making fun of celebrities like Oprah, but I bet she never does that to Obama or Michelle.
Yeah, okay, disgusting. “I will survive”? Maybe, maybe not.
"The comedy of Kathy Griffin"
Isn't that false advertising?
David Begley said...
"They divorced in May 2006. Griffin had her tattooed wedding ring laser-removed after her divorce."
How stupid for a Hollywood person to get a tattooed wedding ring instead of a nice rock, given how long entertainment world marriages last. I've heard tattoo removal is painful.
0-2 for me. We'll see what she has for tomorrow.
By the way, I like that marquee photo. It sparks the imagination.
I thought she already revealed (sort of) that she paid $50 for breakfast.
Actually, that did disgust me a bit.
I hear Griffin's shows are funny but too long. 2 1/2 hours is a long time, so that part seems true. Was it funny?
I don't care about an artist's politics so long as it doesn't corrupt the art. But it usually does.
I want an Althouse poll at the end of the reveal to see how many were disgusted and what disgusted them.
I'm not in favor of fervor predicated on self-deceit.
To keep the flame burning, they have to tell themselves that this is 1930s Germany, or the Warsaw Ghetto, they're opposing. Sorry, but I see no signs of that being the case.
But I do recognize that (a) we have a country living in two separate and distinct realities, and (b) individual people, whether based on fact or not, really do feel threatened.
You actually PAID her to mouth off?? I would pay her to shut up!! To each their own I guess.
Did you drink Malort?
Say what you will about Kathy Griffin, her complaint that "He Broke Me" will go down in history and is now part of the meme vernacular [is that the correct way to describe it?].
Disgusting, no.
Sad, yes.
Partisan hack, yes.
Tne Trump Hotel in Chicago gets very high ratings on TripAdvisor and glowing reviews. Expensive, but probably worth it if you have that kind of money. Many good hotels within walking distance of it at half the price, though. We stayed last year at a Hampton Inn - the brand we like and use the most - a few blocks away and it was nice and much less expensive.
I don't care how much adoration Kathy Griffin got from her crowd of admirers, I would consider it a waste of money. I tried to watch some special she did on HBO a few years ago and its was awful, I had to change channels. I doubt she has improved any. You drove a hundred miles to see that? I thought you hated to travel.
Did Meade and Althouse stand for the ovation ?
Talking energetically for 2-1/2 hours is very difficult. Kudos to her for that. I hope you got some good laughs -- and laughs that were true laughs, not "oh, the rest of the audience is laughing, so I will too" laughs.
If you have the opportunity, ask Kathy's HS classmates at Oak Park-River Forest HS what they think of her. The theater students (mostly quite liberal) thought she was a high maintenance attention whore then. it's only gotten worse.
I did not go to that school and I am older than her. However, I have trusted first-hand sources from that famous HS theater program.
"The Left unhinged..."
There was a lot of comic riffing on the word "unhinged" — like, just the idea that people have "hinges." She never had hinges, she said. And it just became suddenly a very silly idea — people with hinges.
Ann, I'd be interested in your take on the restaurants there, if that is your thing. Chicago is supposed to be a food town.
"Poor Meade, taking one for the team there."
Do you think we are physically attached to each other... like with hinges?
I didn't go to the show alone but I didn't go with Meade. I went with my son Chris, who's been a big Kathy Griffin fan for years.
Staying at the Trump tower or going to a Griffin show? Neither is disgusting. Going to a Griffin show while staying at the Trump tower? Delightful touch!
(I also thought the show title was mildly funny. Hope you found the show itself more than just mildly funny.)
It's true. No hinges on marionettes.
"I hope you are having a great time! She can be very funny. You have one more chance to disgust me, Althouse!!"
The third thing is probably least likely to disgust and very unlikely to disgust anyone who wasn't disgusted by the KG thing.
I'll reveal what the third thing was tomorrow.
"I'll reveal what the third thing was tomorrow."
But I need to be disgusted now.
Well - did you laugh your head off? Was it actually funny?
(... or just an excuse for Kathy to feel the love from her fellow Trump haters and make money so she can continue with her hypocrite rich white proggy gated community lifestyle.)
Interesting new tack for Althouse. Explore the depths of what will or won't disgust us.
Haven’t read all of the comments to this post, so apologize if a repeat, but I recall someone guessing that one of your disgusting things involved Kathy Griffin. They should get a prize of some sort.
”But the house was packed and it began and ended with a standing ovation....The crowd worshipped her.”
This is disgusting, but it’s not something you did (I fervently hope) so I’m not sure it counts.
Ann Althouse said...
"Poor Meade, taking one for the team there."
Do you think we are physically attached to each other... like with hinges?
I didn't go to the show alone but I didn't go with Meade. I went with my son Chris, who's been a big Kathy Griffin fan for years.
Which finally explains the solitary breakfast dishes.
I was hoping for a cockfight.
I would never pay money to see Griffin, but I am not disgusted by those who do. Just like I'd never pay money to see an NFL game, but I'm not disgusted by the fans. I did pay money to see the WWF once, a couple decades ago. Those fans were . . . surprising.
Not disgusted, but disappointed.
You attended at gun-point, I assume.
Only way I would have been there.
And even then, I may have bolted before entering that theater.
I'll write a post about the show later, after I've done a few other posts. But the house was packed and it began and ended with a standing ovation. She talked -- energetically -- for 2 1/2 hours. Very upbeat, I-will-survive kind of stuff. The crowd worshipped her.
OK, you win. That really IS disgusting.
Hey! I claim credit here! I was real frickin' close.
I said yesterday:
"You're having a colonoscopy done while listening to "Dreams From My Father" read by Kathy Griffin?"
Navy Pier - fireworks and some musical accompaniment?
Not disgusted by either so far although neither would be my cup of tea. And I agree - Trump digs and Griffin entertainment have that Alhousian cruel neutrality touch. Brava.
Very nice that you and your son are enjoying time together. One of the pleasures of raising children is being able to spend time with them as adults.
I watched the CSO plays Star Wars last night. It was awesome.
It takes a special talent to tank a $4 billion dollar sale and a franchise.
“people with hinges.”
Elbows. Knees.
Ann’s money. She should be more disgusted paying the sales tax and parking.
Smart move buying a product when it is cheap!
We support the right of people to see Kathy Griffin even as those same people do not support our right to see Roseanne.
Yeah, the crowd reaction is pretty disgusting. Ah, brave little Kathy, broken by Trump but unbowed, valiantly defying the Orange Dictator to speak truth to power....
In Chicago.lololol
I find Althouse shocking at times, but I don't think she's the disgusting type.
“The crowd worshipped her.”
No doubt getting in one last night of entertainment before Trump limits their right to assemble.
"Talking energetically for 2-1/2 hours is very difficult."
Not for crazy. They can't stop. Of course the hall was packed. Muller has been a great disappointment for these folks and they feel less insane looking at KG. I was a fan of hers as well. The D list joke was she'd do anything for notice....but it's not funny when it turns out to be true.
"I didn't go to the show alone but I didn't go with Meade. I went with my son Chris, who's been a big Kathy Griffin fan for years."
When I first started reading Althouse, I assumed Chris was her husband. Don't assume.
Read that the Trump hotels have really dropped their rates since the election due to lack of demand. Is that true of Chicago?
$50 room service breakfast. For 2 (sure) or per person (yikes)?
Standing O's? Bet that feels good.
Somehow she survived those weepy days when she thought her career was over.
Any Saudi looking fellows there?
the only time I stayed a Trump property was when my client also owned. A very long time ago. but I would stay at one again if it was enough of a bargain.
“people with hinges.”
Border Patrol agents wounded in the line of duty who require prosthetic's.
There was a lot of comic riffing on the word "unhinged" — like, just the idea that people have "hinges." She never had hinges, she said.
So she has sworn off elbows, knees, hips, knuckles and her jaw?
Since the first reveal was man related, the second was woman related, then the third must be an agender related. The third is less disgusting than the other two.
Did the merch table sell bloody Trump bobble heads?
Even before she destroyed New Years Eve, before she went down on Anderson Cooper, before she worked so hard at being a 'D- lister', and before she decided to behead Trump, she was unfunny. She was never funny. Annoying? Yes. Could she say a few funny things in an hour? Of course. So can my insurance guy. But she's never been funny.
I often wondered who the people are who PAY to see Kathy Griffin. So disappointed. Not disgusted. But definitely disappointed.
On the other hand, it's not like you need my approval. What do I know? I once paid to see West, Bruce, and Laing. At least you got to Chicago, which is almost always fun.
Why would anyone be surprised? This is Kathy Griffin's core audience. In fact her only audience.
Nasty gays and the overbearing mothers who made them that way.
It's my understanding that her act used to be about being a D-list celebrity. She was famous for not being famous. Now she's a cause celebre. In some ways that's the highest form of fame. I bet she never used to get standing ovations.......The whole concept of Kathy Griffin getting a standing ovation is kind of comical, but who will mock her. She's kind of sacrosanct. She's the Maxine Waters of comedy.
Obama adopted Chicago as his hometown. Uh-oh, I'm sensing that I'm getting closer to being disgusted.
You got me there!
I thought Kathy Griffin was occasionally funny as a main character in the scripted TV show, Suddenly Susan. The sassy co-worker character a la Wanda Sykes.
I thought you were at the Wyndam (used to be the Hotel 71, and I had somehow missed you telling us it was the Trump Tower) on the other side of the river on Wacker. In the first picture, it really did look like you were on the south bank of the river, and the 2nd photograph reminded me of the view I had of the Prudential Center. My other guess would have been the Hyatt, but I didn't think that was right because of the distance to the bridge in the foreground of the photo- that bridge is just a tiny bit east of the Hyatt as I remember it.
I used to find Griffin funny, but very little seems humorous to me anymore.
Charles Krauthammer once referred to somebody as “hinged”. I wish I could remember who he was talking about.
Kevin wins the thread, at least twice.
Blogger Quaestor said...
Damned Sierra, changed word to world. Fuck. (Laughs? It's the punchline, folks... Fuck. Fuck!)
Only cucks and women care about typos, so I can understand your frustration when you, the Chief the grammar police, makes a trivial error that no one noticed anyway.
All I care about is this: Was she funny?
I believe very strongly that lulz covers a multitude of sins.
A good use of money is drinking at Gibson's.
Griffin has lost a step recently, but in her prime she was unmatched for her brand of humor.
From the marquee photo, I read it as: "Go Kathy Griffin--Laugh your head off."
I’m curious as to whether Althouse would’ve gone to the KG show without her son encouraging her to, if that’s what he did. Whatever, mom and son time is worthwhile time no matter where you are. I’m also curious as to whether Althouse stood up for the ovation, I’m betting her son did, being a big KG fan. I’m also curious about the audience, that huge room full of lunatic liberals, probably every last one of them suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome. What did they look like, were they drooling and frothing at the mouth? Or maybe they just looked like ordinary people. I’m also betting that Althouse was the only one there writing a book titled “Trump and How I Grew to Love Him”.
She was awful on Seinfeld 100 years ago. I can't imagine she has gotten much better. I figured Seinfeld picked her up to used as a handy asshole to make everyone else seem normal.
Ann was this a cultural experiment or did you willingly part with your money? Your time - and money - was much better spent in the museum
“Nasty gays and the overbearing mothers who made them that way.”
Althouse doesn’t strike me as the overbearing mother type.
Dickin'Bimbos@Home said...
"I've never found her funny. That episode of Seinfeld where she plays the most annoying creepy bitch ever - that's her."
Same. I am not disgusted by Kathy Griffin, I find her irritating and un-funny. What would disgust me would be all the audience members yucking-it-up over a 2nd rate comic when all she is doing is pandering to their biases. Sure, there are people who have (unaccountably) always liked her, but she is clearly cashing-in on anti-Trump fame and that has got to be most of the crowd.
Althouse, if you really want to disgust your commenters/readers post a picture of the audience during the standing ovation, if you have one.
Oh the outrage!
KG has never been funny (Unexpectedly). But she's a women, hear her roar.
Inga of course, is a big fangirl of a woman who thought holding up a bloody decapitated head of Trump was funny.
That's because Mrs. Magoo is a vile little hypocrite who loves violence and violent talk when it comes from the left.
“Inga of course, is a big fangirl of a woman who thought holding up a bloody decapitated head of Trump was funny.”
Actually no, I never found her particularly funny, more annoying. I came down hard on her for her headless Trump fiasco, so unless you want to sound like Achilles, I’d suggest you stop talking through your ass.
I anxiously await AA comments on both. I'm not disgusted. I can eat a Chick-fil-a sandwich, while watching a Jos Whedon movie, or have a Starbucks coffee while listening to Ben Shapiro.
Some of us aren't prone to be disgusted, triggered, or threatened by such extreme behavior.
dreams said...Obama adopted Chicago as his hometown.
Worth a drive-by past their dwelling..which is near Farrakhan's..a twofer!
Blogger Inga said...
I’m also curious about the audience, that huge room full of lunatic liberals, probably every last one of them suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome. What did they look like, were they drooling and frothing at the mouth? Or maybe they just looked like ordinary people.
Borrowing a phrase from that patriot savior Peter Strjok, you could smell them.
“Borrowing a phrase from that patriot savior Peter Strjok, you could smell them.”
Even Althouse’s son Chris? Surely he doesn’t stink. I bet he’s a very interesting and intelligent young man and very handsome too, a son to be proud of.
He might be engaged in a personal hygiene boycott..because Trump!
He surely has toxic masculinity.
“He surely has toxic masculinity.”
I’m sure his masculinity isn’t toxic. He was great during the Wisconsin protests, IIRC he defended his mom from some jerk who was being aggressive to her, grabbed her camera I think.
Kathy Griffin
Verified account @kathygriffin
The @GOP has used video from my Trump mask photo shoot in their latest web ad. They've also included @MaxineWaters and @iamsambee - I'm in good company. Is this the best you got guys? A comic's photoshoot...while your president is keeping children in internment camps?
Fuck You
No, no Inga that's not how it works now. Since you lump every Trump voter in with the "alt-right" I am free to lump you in with Griffin and the baseball field shooter. It doesn't matter what we say, we're all violent racists in your eyes, so your weak protestations don't work for you either.
The New Rules. You won't like them.
Whatever floats your boat...I couldn’t care less.
"Since you lump every Trump voter in with the "alt-right" "
She spent every day for weeks explicitly lumping everyone non-left with Peel. But of course she insists the left must not be treated so. She's so addled she can't keep her principles straight on the same days.
Vodka's probably involved.
“Since you lump every Trump voter in with the "alt-right" "
“She spent every day for weeks explicitly lumping everyone non-left with Peel. But of course she insists the left must not be treated so. She's so addled she can't keep her principles straight on the same days.”
Monkey see monkey do.
We know and I’m glad you finally recognize it.
Every post you make, you don’t care.
A standing ovation for Kathy Griffen - with an airhorn for the duration of the performance? It is what Progressives of today do.
Ann, did you yield to the pressure and stand?
Personally, I hate the obligatory standing O. My daughter and her husband are classical musicians and I attend many concerts due to their influence. And I always rise at the end, clapping like a seal. But I’m not standing in my heart. Only when my daughter or her husband perform, then I not only rise and clap like a seal, but also shout “Bravo!” as I pivot towards sitters, clapping them to stand. (I kid, I kid.)
I've never found her funny. That episode of Seinfeld where she plays the most annoying creepy bitch ever - that's her.
There are only a couple episodes of Seinfeld I'll change channels when they're on: - Kathy Griffin and Janeane Garofalo.
Inga said...
Whatever floats your boat...I couldn’t care less.
Of course not, Mrs. Magoo!
So Althouse..how political is her current set?
I did pay money to see the WWF once, a couple decades ago. Those fans were . . . surprising.
One of the greatest forms of low-cost (and brow) entertainment is professional rasslin'. Get close enough to the ring and witness the true believers. It's a hoot.
My old man and I used to go regularly with friends. From WWF to the local guys rasslin' for pennies. It's an interesting sub-culture.
Monkey see monkey do.
6/29/18, 1:03 PM
So you're saying that your own tactic is something that should not be emulated?
What's sauce for the goose....
Why on earth shouldn't she survive? I mean, Trump didn't pose for a photo with her severed head.
Nor is he staying up nights plotting to get her, as far as I can see.
M Jordan asks: Ann, did you yield to the pressure and stand?
Perhaps we don't really want an answer to that.
Ann, did you yield to the pressure and stand?
Why assume her standing could only have been due to pressure?
“M Jordan asks: Ann, did you yield to the pressure and stand?
Perhaps we don't really want an answer to that.”
Maybe she wanted to stand.
What Althouse wrote: The crowd worshiped her
What I wanted to read: The crowd horsewhipped her
Kathy G. has a BIG gay following. I used to like her, in small doses, because she was always making fun of celebrities. But then I found out she's just as ditzy and weird as the people she makes fun of.
I don't think she's more a leftist than most comedians, she just doesn't have a filter - or any common sense.
I'd probably have walked out. Not because of Kathy G. - its because I can't sit there and be talked at by ONE person for 2.5 hours.
There is always a bright side.
At least Althouse will never have any grand children to turn gay.
I used to be disgusted Now I try to be amused.
It would only disgust me if you worshipped her.
As lots of others have noted, I'm not offended by performers. I just want them all to be judged the same. There's a rodeo clown that lost his job, for a running gag that is as old as rodeo clowns themselves, and several University of Wisconsin students that got sent to re-education camp, for acting like University of Wisconsin Students at a football game. As always the double standard is the problem, no the comedy or attempt at comedy.
Inga said...
Althouse, if you really want to disgust your commenters/readers post a picture of the audience during the standing ovation, if you have one.
Oh the outrage!
Its the left that censors performers that fly their Conservative flags.
Rosanne would still have her show if she stayed safely in the lefts corral. A little texting under the influence would have never caused a ripple.
She's dreadful when she tries to be funny
But she's hilarious when she is serious
Inga said...
Althouse, if you really want to disgust your commenters/readers post a picture of the audience during the standing ovation, if you have one.
Oh the outrage!
Inga ignores the previous 100 comments or so to spew her stupidity and hate.
It looks like the violent bitter shithead leftists are coming to grips with their impotence and failure.
I wouldn't spend my money and time to see Kathy Griffin, but then I wouldn't spend my money and time to see Roseanne either.
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