I will be making my choice for Justice of the United States Supreme Court on the first Monday after the July 4th Holiday, July 9th!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 30, 2018
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
I will be making my choice for Justice of the United States Supreme Court on the first Monday after the July 4th Holiday, July 9th!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 30, 2018
९२ टिप्पण्या:
The left will say that Trump is provoking them. Calls for harassment are OK, then.
I'm still betting on Michael Cohen.
Trump has worked with Cohen for many years and trusts Cohen to make all legal decisions in a manner that helps Trump.
I confess, I am conflicted. I don't care for the system of unchecked SCOTUS overlords but I do enjoy Trump trolling. While it lasts.
Are you triggered?
The Envelope, please.
I hope he nominates a Russian Oligarch. Perhaps a guy with ties to Uranium One.
"they" say he should nominate a 'moderate'
He should pick Condi Rice, and say: Here's my moderate!
Well, I know who it is, and you are not going to believe it!
Paul Manafort, law degree Georgetown University.
Get ready, left-wing Harvard Law Professors, to bend over and take your proctology exam once again!
It will be someone who will further diminish the power of the "Liberal's Legislature" (courts) returning decisions of true importance to the normal Constitutional process. In some cases, just as with questionable executive orders, this may result in the finding that past decisions were wrongly decided. Of course this will be considered by many as destroying the Constitution.
How about Robert Mueller as the nominee?
To quote Paul Begala: "Any Democratic senator who supports the Trump Supreme Court nominee will likely see his or her fundraising and grassroots support collapse, and primary opposition spring up. Where a senator stands at this moment may well define his or her entire career."
Every morning when they wake up, the army of judicial clerks and medical specialists who kept Ruth Bader Ginsberg's decisions flowing these last years have to be wondering if they'll have a job when they get to the office. I bet there are no more complete, up-to-date, polished resumes than those of her staff.
Nominating RBG, the lead counsel of the ACLU, to the Supreme Court to be an absolute advocate for statist collectivist leftist ideology over law was a triumph of the Left. It deserves to be met with its ideological opposite: the lead counsel of the Federalist Society, or the NRA, or perhaps just a hunting buddy of Ted Nugent.
"the army of judicial clerks and medical specialists who kept Ruth Bader Ginsberg's decisions flowing these last years"
I wonder which enterprising journalist will reveal the dirty details. Nah.
But what will the court do when she becomes totally incapacitated and her staff just takes over?
Me, pick me !!!
Speaking of Government Walker, can the Senate Dems walkout of the Senate and shut everything down like the Wisc. Dems?
If the Dems go balls to the wall over a Republican replacing a Republican Supreme, what the hell will they do when RBG drops dead?
I hope they don't go apeshit crazy and burn and riot for 2 weeks like the Republicans did when the racist Democrat ideologue Sotomayer replaced Republican Souter. Oh right, that wasn't even controversial.
Sebastian said...
"the army of judicial clerks and medical specialists who kept Ruth Bader Ginsberg's decisions flowing these last years"
I wonder which enterprising journalist will reveal the dirty details. Nah.
But what will the court do when she becomes totally incapacitated and her staff just takes over?
How do we know it hasn't happened already?
@Bill, Republic of Texas said...
"Speaking of Government Walker, can the Senate Dems walkout of the Senate and shut everything down like the Wisc. Dems?"
In order to stymie business over the lack of a quorum, they need to have one Democratic senator in the chamber to challenge the existence of a quorum. And if they do, then even without McCain, the other 50 Republican senators +1 Democrat would constitute a quorum.
If every Democrat leaves, the chair can just assume a quorum and confirm Trump's nominee by a simple "the ayes have it" voice vote.
But as a practical matter, it'll never come to that. There's no way they'll get every Democratic senator who's up for reelection to join in the temper tantrum theatrics.
I'll be shocked if the nominee doesn't get at least five Democratic votes in favor. (Gorsuch got three.)
Weekend at Ruthie's
We got lucky with Trump's election. And they said it couldn't be done, that a competent person from the private sector could be elected president and it had not ever happened unless you count Hoover, no.
Thanks Clint. This time they'll just throw a temper tantrum.
I don't think they'll blow their was on Kennedy's replacement. RBGs will cause them to melt down. I wonder what they will do.
Regard RBG, wouldn't it be something if Trump got three SCOTUS picks in his first term.
Bring it on.
Make the Demos go even more crazy before the midterms. The election of conservative constitutional minded justices who would judge within the laws and the Constitution...... and not emotion are one of the MAIN reasons that many people did vote for Trump.
When the Democrats go nutso, throwing around the Nazi and Racist cards over every little thing that Trump does people see that the Left is just unhinged and don't want any more of it. More anti-fa riots. More harassment of people like Sara Sanders. More More More! the less that rational people accept anything from the Left. More crazy Dems = More Trump!!!
If they (the left) had any self control or self awareness they would stop acting like crazy people. The don't and they won't.
"If they (the left) had any self control or self awareness they would stop acting like crazy people. The don't and they won't."
Yeah, they don't because they live in a bubble of liberal thinking and bad behavior which is constantly re-enforced with positive feedback.
“He should pick Condi Rice, and say: Here's my moderate!”
condi rice nor any bush acolyte can be trusted. Supporting Hillary Clinton over the republican candidate is inexcusable.. full stop.
It is a shame that history is showing dubyas presidency to be a pretty big cluster. But it has.
Thus beginning a new American tradition ... on First Monday after Fourth of July ...
"But what will the court do when she becomes totally incapacitated and her staff just takes over?"
I'm with Fritz; what do you mean, WHEN?
Mickee says: " perhaps just a hunting buddy of Ted Nugent
Why not Terrible Ted himself? Or, even better yet: Kid Rock?
Who's a better constitutionalist; Kid Rock, or the animated corpse of RBG?
Trump makes quick decisions. I can remember when Bush dragged it out for a month.
An interesting movement has been encouraged by James Woods, a rare conservative actor.
It's called "Walk Away" and here is the video.
It's pretty interesting and I understand there are 5 million members so far.
Ginsburg holding on to Power - its been done before.
Douglas stayed on - even when he couldn't do the job - and had to practically forced out.
Marshall, went senile and spent all his time sleeping and watching TV, but refused to leave until it became impossible to go on.
On the other side, O'Connor, Stevens, and Souter are still healthy and could still be on the Bench if they chose. All three are Republicans.
some Unknown said (neither) "condi rice nor any bush acolyte can be trusted"
Might be true, might not; BUT! just imagine the Democrats saying:
We don't want that N***r B***h on the court!
There's a special place in Hell for women, etc etc
Bush dragged it out for a month.
....and then only to nominate Harriet Miers!!
"..and then only to nominate Harriet Miers!!"
Yeah, what a freaking disaster that was. Thankfully, she was so unqualified, Bush had to back off, and we were spared a Female Souter.
Of course, uber-hack Hugh Hewitt supported Miers. And raced to attack Conservatives in the New York Times for not "falling in line and supporting our Commander in chief"
The SCOTUS is too important to appoint blank slates, with a "Hey, they're conservative - Trust me."
I have read that Trump does not plan to ask any of his final five where they stand on Roe v Wade. Am still trying to decide whether this is a bad idea or a political masterstroke.
”If the Dems go balls to the wall over a Republican replacing a Republican Supreme, what the hell will they do when RBG drops dead?”
That’s what’s amazing about this. Kennedy is a Republican for Pete’s sake. So was Scalia.
But what will the court do when she becomes totally incapacitated and her staff just takes over?
If a few dozen people collectively identify as Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who are we to disagree?
And Trump thereby captures the news cycles for the next 10 days.
Then it will be the buildup to the meeting with Putin.
He's gone from daily media agitation to directing who will be on the news channels and what they'll be discussing.
Perhaps Trump can have Beethoven's Ninth Symphony playing in the background as he makes the announcement!
I think Trump is not only frenetic, but he's the perfect President for the 24-hour news cycle.
He's getting so much done the news channels can't sit on one theme for days on end, pounding and pounding it into our consciousness.
It's like he looked at his schedule, saw an opening in July, and said, "Call up Putin and let's meet!"
Kids in cages and executive orders? In the old days they'd say we're wrapping fish with that stuff.
”If the Dems go balls to the wall over a Republican replacing a Republican Supreme, what the hell will they do when RBG drops dead?”
Riots in the streets. It's always the endgame they're trying to engineer.
Trump should do it like an Award Show. Announce the top 5 on the short list, then open the envelope and name the nominee.
Or Trump could come to Wisconsin and name the nominee in Menomonie.
I guess he's telling candidates to clear thei calendars. He should do it on a weekend when court is not in session. But I suppose that conflicts with golf.
I still think Kavanaugh makes the most sense- he has been on the DC court for over decade, has a clear and unambiguous record that will please the conservative base, and is in his early 50s. Also, he clerked for Kennedy. It would be a fine gesture to replace Kennedy with someone who clerked for him.
Michael K said... It's called "Walk Away" and here is the video.
Wow, he devoured an entire bowl of red pills.
Trump should do it like an Award Show. Announce the top 5 on the short list, then open the envelope and name the nominee.
Even better, have Trump open the envelope, announce that the district judge from Hawaii is the nominee, and then announce, "Oops, wrong envelope!".
Even better for my idea is this- a fake announcement would have the Democrats and media going to court trying to argue, "No backsies!"
Hitler is dead, so he will have to go with someone who is literally Hitler.
Trump should do it like an Award Show.
He should have a call-in vote and then announce the country picked the person he wanted all along.
I hope it's Kavanaugh. Whoever it is will have to have the intestinal fortitude to take a lotta shots. It won't be like Gorsuch. The Left is like a wild pack of panicked swine.
"Even better, have Trump open the envelope, announce that the district judge from Hawaii is the nominee, and then announce, "Oops, wrong envelope!"."
Thread winner
It's like he looked at his schedule, saw an opening in July, and said, "Call up Putin and let's meet!"
He does the same with his rallies. Seems to plan a week out.
He should gather them all together and to announce his pick simply give them a rose.
brylun said...
To quote Paul Begala: "Any Democratic senator who supports the Trump Supreme Court nominee will likely see his or her fundraising and grassroots support collapse, and primary opposition spring up. Where a senator stands at this moment may well define his or her entire career."
I hope this is true.
This will move the equilibrium number of republican senators to 70 with 35 red states and 15 blue states.
Not even Colorado will elect a socialist senator.
Is Begala aware of the ten or more D senate seats being defended in states which voted for Trump? Lulz
Big Mike said...
I have read that Trump does not plan to ask any of his final five where they stand on Roe v Wade. Am still trying to decide whether this is a bad idea or a political masterstroke.
It is not difficult to find out what someone's position on Roe v Wade is without specifically asking about it.
It would take two questions:
1. Can you read?
2. Do you think your job is to make shit up to get the answer you want or to read and interpret the actual words in the constitution?
A brief follow up on the possible uses of international law would be illuminating.
Allen S said: "Well, I know who it is, and you are not going to believe it!"
Hilarious link Allen.
Democrats were counting on Kennedy to die during their time. That’s why they are so torqued.
o quote Paul Begala: "Any Democratic senator who supports the Trump Supreme Court nominee will likely see his or her fundraising and grassroots support collapse, and primary opposition spring up. Where a senator stands at this moment may well define his or her entire career."
It looks more and more like there is a movement afoot among Democrats to force Manchin to switch parties.
Trump makes quick decisions. I can remember when Bush dragged it out for a month.
Yeah. And then came out with Harriet freakin' Miers.
Friday on HBO’s “Real Time,” Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin responded to liberal documentary filmmaker Michael Moore’s call to take a million people to the U.S. Capitol to oppose President Donald Trump’s nominee for the Supreme Court vacancy. According to Rubin, it would be better to apply economic pressure to Maine’s LL Bean and Alaska’s Alaskan Cruises to convince Sens. Susan Collins (R-ME) and Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) to oppose Trump’s picks. “Instead of circling the capitol with a million people, take the million people to Maine and go to LL Bean and tell them
Our girl Jennifer Rubin, of the Stockholm Syndrome.
I hope Obama provides commentary during the hearing being Constitutional expert and all.
readering: "I guess he's telling candidates to clear thei calendars. He should do it on a weekend when court is not in session. But I suppose that conflicts with golf"
Slow on the uptake readering trots out Eisenhower-era complaints thinking it will be successful.
Yeah readering, because the lefties are very very very upset that Trump isn't focused on accomplishing more and wasting too much time on the golf course!
That darn Trump! Why can't he find a way to stay busier and more engaged? Why he can't he load up his plate with even more activity?
Too much time on the golf course.
Just like Hitler....
Trump will choose the Catholic women Barrett: It shall be announced via digitally coordinated smoke signals at Trump resorts worldwide ala the mountaintop fire signals in LOTR.
Although this is good for the Jews, you cannot group them together because o' the bigotry.
If your verbal IQ is too low to understand I cannot help you.
Tim In Vermont: "Our girl Jennifer Rubin, of the Stockholm Syndrome"
It's critically important to all of our LLR and "true conservatives" that the democrats not suffer a defeat.
Remember that scene from Peter Pan, where the audience is urged to believe to fairies to keep Tinkerbell from fading away? Imagine Tinkerbell is RGB. Zo my god, what a freeekout we will see if that were to happen.
TIV: "Zo my god, what a freeekout we will see if that were to happen."
The dems and their LLR allies would immediately move to impeachment.
He says the final 5 includes 2 women. I am as sure as can be that the nominee will be woman. Particularly after the crazy "end of the world for women" BS that we are seeing from the Dems. I am all for Amy Coney Barrett: she's from Louisiana. she didn't go to Harvard or Yale College and she went to Notre Dame Law School. A welcome change of resume from the current H-Y alumni.
I don't know if I can trust anyone who went to Notre Dame.
Re: asking about Roe v Wade...
Why would he need to? He's working from the list the Federalist Society put together.
@Bill: "I don't think they'll blow their was on Kennedy's replacement."
That's what I thought about blowing the filibuster on Gorsuch. So who knows -- they've got their base so fired up that they have to be afraid of trying to walk things back.
Create a generalized conscientious objector mechanism. congress approves a list of controversial programs per their electorate, place on tax form, their taxes that flow into those programs are returned to them. Employers and insurance companies included. Satisfies those, for programs like abortion, funding experiments on animals, some wars, sanctuary cities, so they have clean hands save for those that want to deter with, a fine, manslaughter to murder, to pulling abortionist, some research lab's license. But this isn’t substantive. There’s still a right to an abortion. But not public funding unless the local jurisdiction votes for it.
I don't remember who said it first (Gutfeld?) but Trump should nominate Hillary, just so she can lose one more time.
"He says the final 5 includes 2 women."
I hope one of the two women is Maxine Waters. She is crazy and never went to law school, but there would be high entertainment value.
Using the Social Security actuarial tables for chance of death in the next year. Values interpolated based on birthdate.
RBG ------(b. 3/15/1933)==>7.8%
Breyer----(b. 8/15/1938)==>5.8%
Thomas---(b. 6/23/1948)==>2.3%
Alito-------(b. 4/1/1950)===>2.0%
Sotomayor-(b. 6/25/1954)==>0.9%
Roberts---(b. 1/27/1955)==>1.4%
Kagan-----(b. 4/28/1960)==>0.6%
Gorsuch---(b. 8/29/1967)==>0.5%
RBG ------(b. 3/15/1933)==>7.8%
That's the thing about growing old. Your life expectancy keeps increasing the longer you go without dying.
The chance at least one of the liberal justices passes away in the next year is 14.4%
The chance at least one of the conservative justices passes away in the next year is 6.1%
That's the thing about growing old. Your life expectancy keeps increasing the longer you go without dying.
Like Cohen The Barbarian and his Silver Horde on Discworld. They had all gotten extremely good at not dying.
I am all for Amy Coney Barrett: she's from Louisiana. she didn't go to Harvard or Yale College and she went to Notre Dame Law School. A welcome change of resume from the current H-Y alumni.
The left will freak out like DiFi did about her being an observant Catholic, probably the only one at Notre Dame in recent memory.
But, of course, the left freaks out at everything.
There are five Catholics, three Jews and one former Catholic now Episcopalian on the Supreme Court. Should another Catholic replace the Catholic Kennedy?
@Mike Sylwester said...
I'm still betting on Michael Cohen.
Only if Cohen is making payments on Trump's behalf to Amy Coney Barrett.
Should another Catholic replace the Catholic Kennedy?
There's no guarantee that a Catholic would be Catholic. Witness the Pope.
"Only if Cohen is making payments on Trump's behalf to Amy Coney Barrett."
gadfly really is the poor man's Chuck. Lulz
"Perhaps Trump can have Beethoven's Ninth Symphony playing in the background as he makes the announcement!"
Funniest thing I've read all month! Great work!
Weird thing is, I can actually imagine him doing it, just to screw with people.
Life Expectancy in years
RBG ------(b. 3/15/1933)==>6.7
Breyer----(b. 8/15/1938)==>8.3
Thomas---(b. 6/23/1948)==>14.3
Alito-------(b. 4/1/1950)===>15.4
Sotomayor-(b. 6/25/1954)=>21.2
Roberts---(b. 1/27/1955)==>19.0
Kagan-----(b. 4/28/1960)==>26.0
Gorsuch---(b. 8/29/1967)==>28.8
WHat only gives the WaPo and NY Times one week to prepare their hit pieces on all the potential nominees. That bastard Trump!
I sent my resume to the White House. That Supreme Court gig is pretty fat. You only work about four months out of the year, you get a nice office, free parking and 24 hour security. Just hire some law students to write your memos and other crap no one reads and vote the opposite of RBG.
Remember He's on the list and like Taft can hold both seats. No new hit pieces necessary. He’ll dare Congress and the current court to do something about it. “we’ll see you in November”. Then like AJ he’ll burn down both parties, establishments, bureaucracies and institutions meeting his promise to drain the swamp. Then recreate something better in all aspects. At 1% of today’s headcount, a reverse coup where the humbled remnants know they are there to serve not rule. “Chief Justice Trump” has a nice ring to it. We’re overdue for a civilian on the court. Anyone that can do the impossible fixing the NYC ice skating ring debacle, under budget and half the time can do this in his sleep. Oh, I forgot, he doesn’t sleep. Gov work will be recast as person to person, not bureaucracy to bureaucracy, today’s workers will be made the bosses, all managed by objective, with performance bonuses. Using Today’s best practices.
sane_voter said...
Life Expectancy in years
RBG ------(b. 3/15/1933)==>6.7
Breyer----(b. 8/15/1938)==>8.3
Thomas---(b. 6/23/1948)==>14.3
Alito-------(b. 4/1/1950)===>15.4
Sotomayor-(b. 6/25/1954)=>21.2
Roberts---(b. 1/27/1955)==>19.0
Kagan-----(b. 4/28/1960)==>26.0
Gorsuch---(b. 8/29/1967)==>28.8
6/30/18, 5:01 PM
Sotomayor has type 1 diabetes.
What you got was a basic average life expectancy of every human being.
An insurance actuarial table that a billion dollar company spent millions developing will have a much smaller number than 21.2.
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