"The doctor, identified by the San Jose Mercury News as Beth Keegstra, was recorded on June 11 while questioning the behavior of 20-year-old Samuel Bardwell. 'I'm sorry, sir, you were the least sick of all the people who are here, who are dying,' she can be heard saying in a video that has been viewed more than 4 million times.... At one point Bardwell, a 6-foot-9 basketball player, complained to the doctor at El Camino Hospital in Los Gatos that he could not inhale. It was at this point that Keegstra said, 'He can't inhale! Wow! He must be dead. Are you dead, Sir? I don't understand, you are breathing just fine.' The doctor asked if the patient wanted narcotics... Near the end of the conversation, the doctor tells the patient, 'You have changed your story the whole f-----g time.'"
The Daily News reports (with video of the doctor's interaction with the patient).
ADDED: Years ago, I was in an emergency room in New York City, waiting to have a large embroidery needle removed from my foot. (I'd stepped barefoot on exactly the wrong spot on a crack in an old wood floor causing a needle that was lying there to spring up and go completely into my foot.) In the next bed, behind a curtain, was a woman who'd taken something in an effort to kill herself. She was yelling dramatically at the doctors, "Go! Go help someone who wants to live!"
८९ टिप्पण्या:
The doc has a point. Others are actually dying, this guy is looking for drugs.
Same BS as we see at the border, where some cameraman pinches a kid to make him cry and we're to understand that Donald Trump actually slapped the kid, or something.
Acting classes must be sold out, eh?
Yeah, why is an anxiety attack even in an ER in the first place?
The doc's approach to this precious snowflake sounds about right to me.
John Henry
Now that's feminism. Good for her.
When you breathe in, you inspire. When you don't breathe in, you expire.
Why is he identfied as a "basketball player" what team does he play for?
He is actually a 20 year old freshman at a community college. Starts classes in September.
The story says that the doctor "cursed" young mr bardwell the basketball player. Really? How?
All I could see was that she cursed his story "you've changed your fucking story.." not him
He was ultimately treated for dehydration and released. Not treated for an anxiety attack. Unless treatment for dehydration is treatment for anxiety.
Maybe he needs one of those stupid "don't forget to breathe and hydrate" tattoos on his hand.
Sounds like a bullshit story to me.
John Henry
"Take your seat, stewardess. I'll handle this."
I'd guess she is suffering from burnout, but... the friend recording the interaction was obviously anticipating this kind of situation with a view to making a 'viral' video. Of course, the hospital, blackmailed into a PR nightmare, had to apologize and capitulate. Another cause for outrage.
Speaking of outrage: Derek Hunter was on Fox yesterday discussing his book, Outrage, Inc. and how emotions today are replacing objectivity in both narrative and policy. I would rather call it mass hysteria.
She was being unprofessional but he was being a drama queen.
When you get a patient like that, you give them a dose of some sort of anxiety med and send them on their way.
You don't argue with patients.
I didn't see his head but he probably should have had some oxygen and a mask going.
There are quite a few angry feminist doctors and medical students these days.
Riffing on mockturtle
Perhaps the whole point of the visit was to garner publicity.
Life is treating this kid unfairly. He is 6'9" and identifies as a basketball playwr.
Why is he in a community College instead of on some NBA roster?
Perhaps a viral video will get him noticed by the NBA?
John Henry
That doc looks like (and sounds like) a third wave lesbian feminist.
Sorry but the doctor and the patient can both be wrong here. No need to defend her unprofessional behavior.
This is not the kind of medical care I would expect at a Hospital, so I'm not sad the Doctor is facing the consequences of her actions.
That poor "basketball player"! His acting was terrible.
He probably thought she was going to have to perform mouth to mouth. That would give anyone an anxiety attack. Ugh.
She was not making good use of her time. She should have told a nurse what to do, and never have interacted with the patient. He did not need emergency care.
For that, she needs to go to the time-out box and repent.
Very unprofessional behavior on the part of the doctor. Agree, probably burnout or at least a very stressful shift that had her emotionally frayed. This is one reason I stop to pray before entering a room of a patient I expect to be difficult. If I take that time to orient my mind away from me and toward a higher good, I can let stuff flow over me much better. Another way of putting it is I let the Holy Spirit guide the encounter.
Hmmm. Where have I seen this doctor's beside manner before?
Oh yeah...
"In van down by the river!"
We are told by the hack collective left that nobody should ever go to an emergency room and that we had to destroy our health care system because of it.
They need to give the Doctor a medal. Victim practice is more important to this family than basketball practice which pays them nothing. Taking that con game into an ER is like setting off smoke bombs and calling the Fire Department to your home video filming so you can sue them for not going along with the Faked emergency. Meanwhile real fires have to wait.
Blogger Etienne said...
She was not making good use of her time. She should have told a nurse what to do, and never have interacted with the patient. He did not need emergency care.
Agree but I am seeing more and more angry feminists in medicine. Guys would laugh this off.
Atlanta "Dancing Doctor" Objects to License Suspension
I haven't watched the original clip yet.
Is this another example of toxic masculinity at work?
If so: you go girl (I mean, Dr. ma'am)!
Doctors with the help of nurses kill daily, and get away with it. Take a .38 automatic with you to the ER and shoot the doctor(s) and nurse(s) if they try to hook you up to a deadly morphine pump. That is solid advice from someone who's mother was killed with a morphine GTT pump starting in the ER, and ending on a cancer ward pretending she was dying from pneumonia, sepsis, & end stage pancreatic cancer. Those false diseases were used as a pretext to place her on "comfort care." She denied pain repeatedly, i.e., zero/ten pain level.
Michael K, You know how bad doctors and nurses are from personal experience. I'm thankful you were kicked out of the profession.
Trumpit needs an intervention.
You are crazy and need help. I don't think it is a parody. I think the guy is crazy.
Patton knew how to handle these wimps.
Take a .38 automatic with you to the ER and shoot the doctor(s) and nurse(s) if they try to hook you up to a deadly morphine pump.
There a number of cases of shooters in ERs and that is why I think you should be in therapy,
Inpatient therapy. Locked ward.
Black-people problems.
"Doctors with the help of nurses kill daily, and get away with it."
I will, grudgingly, agree here. Partner had been prepped for back surgery. Gas Passer has been by to start the sedation. Young guy pops in with a chart, jumps up on the counter, and starts talking to her about the brain surgery that he is going to perform on her. She is still awake enough to panic, and start yelling at him. As for nurses, after one of her back surgeries, the pain meds they were supposedly giving her didn't seem to be working very well. But more egregious, a neighbor had just had her leg amputated, and screamed all night about the pain. When my partner complained to her back surgeon, who by that time trusted her to not overuse pain meds, he asked around, found a pattern of behavior on that wing, and ultimately got several of the nurses fired. And later they were convicted. They were apparently selling a good portion of the pain meds that they were supposed to have been dispensing to post surgical patients. She can tell several more of these stories. Luckily, for her, that back surgeon didn't accept that sort of behavior, and could usually make medical staff who endangered his patients pay for endangering his patients, through being fired, loss of privileges, etc. Disliked by a lot of hospital staff, but loved by his patients.
Friend was a trauma surgeon for a number of decades at the big county hospital in a big city, where they brought the victims of the local Knife and Gun club. He tells of when they started having armed LEOs there for protection. For one thing, sometimes after a gang related shooting, members of rival gangs would end up in the same ER, and attempt to continue the dispute there.
From witnessing them in a friend, I am confident that panic attacks are a real thing. Automatically denying the guy's situation as people seem to be doing here is not attractive.
Not really sure what led up to this, but in general, always be suspicious of viral videos that being mid-dispute. Could be that is when the cameras were turned on, could be that the inflammatory prior behavior was edited out.
\She must have read HOUSE OF GOD and thought she was reliving the Fat Man character. GOMER indeed.
Everybody want to be Dr. House anymore.
Big Brother is us. It's already worse than anticipated in dystopian science fiction. We are all being watched constantly by millions, and unfortunately it is mostly when we are at our worst. This doctor has probably spent 99% of her work life helping people and saving lives, but all we know of her is this. Put your fucking phone down and mind your own business. And what was the recording colleague being paid to do at the time she was screwing around with her phone. Someone was screwing off on work time in the E.R.
@Michael K, when did they stop teaching bedside manner in med school? Or did they never start?
Panic attacks are something most of us have experienced, but it seems like they are a lot more common than they used to be despite the fact that modern life has far less to be panicked about.
Imagine living in a cave where bears and lions like to sleep.
Trumpit is, indeed, a sick individual and probably dangerous.
Speaking of outrage, we saw 8 solid years of it under Obama.
As for this doc, it’s impossible to know what happened before this video was taken. Taken at face value the doc was unprofessional.
@Michael K, the authorities won’t get treatment for Trumpit for the same reason psychiatrists didn’t get treatment for young Nikolas Cruz — they want mass killings to occur. Look at Parkland. In addition to not confiscating Cruz’s guns, not putting him into treatment, the school resource officer staying outside the building and not confronting the shooter, the deputies also staying outside and even preventing armed EMT teams from entering the building to save the wounded, I now read that a member of the school security saw Cruz on his way onto campus, was aware that Cruz was forbidden to come on campus with a back pack, and simply waved him by. If Broward County wanted a high death toll, what would they have done differently?
Anyway, in the person of Trumpit we are privileged to have the next mass shooter here among us.
For those too disinclined to read the article or prior comments:
He has had a prescription for these panic attacks
Collapsed after playing basketball
He was taken by ambulance.
He was with his father and waited had four hours.
His father says his prescription ran out and they did not have time to refill.
He was eventually given a pill of some sort.
Dad says Dr. should lose her license.
Dr. came in with security guard.
Unknown what transpired before Dr. arrived.
Coupla years ago I was called to the ER at 5am on a Monday (in a thunderstorm) to see a young man whom the ER doc was concerned had a seriously bad sinus infection. CT scan looked worrisome but the patient looked fine and repeatedly asked me for pain medicine. The more I observed the guy the less I was convinced he needed any treatment from me, most especially narcotics. He laid on the ER bed with his girlfriend and his mother sitting in a chair in the corner, and told me I was "unprofessional." I reminded him that unprofessional doctors dont come out in a rainstorm at 5am just to re-assure an inexperienced ER doc that there was no serious problem devleoping. After he mouthed off some more and threatened to report me to some hospital board member (his employer), I told him he was a fucking pussy, and walked out. I'm typing this at a computer at that same hospital.
As for this doc, it’s impossible to know what happened before this video was taken. Taken at face value the doc was unprofessional.
Blind hog, stopped clock.
despite the fact that modern life has far less to be panicked about.
Imagine living in a cave where bears and lions like to sleep.
Imagine living in the '60s, where 1/3 of the Strategic Air Command's thousands of bombers were kept fueled and loaded (with H Bombs), sitting* at the edge of the runway 15 minutes away from launch, on alert status 24 hours a day.
Or the 70's, With over a thousand Minuteman ICBM missiles 55 seconds away from launch, on alert status 24 hours a day.
sitting* with another 20 or 30 bombers; Already in the air, fueled and loaded for bear
And what was the recording colleague being paid to do at the time she was screwing around with her phone. Someone was screwing off on work time in the E.R.
Dad took vid. Every story says so.
I don't think it is a parody. I think the guy is crazy.
Yep. Plus, I believe it's a female.
despite the fact that modern life has far less to be panicked about.
Imagine living in a cave where bears and lions like to sleep.
Well, those cavemen did not have to worry about the Big Earthquake in Ca. Global warming,Futures ice age, ozone layer, diversity, slavery, nuclear war with Korea, kids separated from parents, Russian interference, drive bys and school shootings, scholarships, student loans, sexual assault, MSM, social network,
And, most of all DONALD TRUMP.
Trumpit is the most vile, disgusting, impertinent commenter here.
He is great.
I would wager the doctor deals with a patient like this every single day. Watching the video, I would guess that this isn't the first time this particular patient has been there, and this was either a ploy to get drugs or to get publicity. The latter seems more likely.
In any case, the doctor shouldn't have let her emotions get out of hand that way- there are ways to deal with drama queens that don't backfire like this.
I was using a grinder at work and got a small barb of hot steel in my eye. At the ER they put my head into a clamp in a device that the doctor would use to inspect the eye. From the curtained stall next to me, I heard the doctor talking to a young woman who was having a panic attack. She wailed that she couldn't breathe-- he told her her blood oxygen level was just fine, that she just needed to relax. This went back and for 30 minutes. I sat there with my head in a vise, a needle of steel in my eye, for one half hour. By what standard did the doctor behave correctly?
Do you get the feeling that Trumpit owns a motel and has his mother stuffed in a unit in the back?
If I was Althouse I would be afraid to take a shower.
My right-wing, gun-toting troll detractors are most dangerous of all, capable of any kind of outrage, or insanity. They are the unrepentant deplorables who put Trump in office after all and threaten to destroy us all to satisfy their innate cruelty and hatred of all that is holy and decent in the world. They, and their loverboy Trump are disgraceful and destined for the ashcan of history.
Trump gave the most ridiculous speech the other day touting his new "Space Force." According to the NY Times the Coke brothers are doing all they can to prevent mass transit projects from moving forward throughout the country. It's clearly a commie idea that must be stopped. The country is going to hell in a hand basket with such rich and powerful people intent on wrecking this country to satisfy their inflated egos.
They should just hand the patient with the panic attack a paper bag and tell them to breathe into and out of it. Increases their C02 level and often solves the issue.
He was ultimately treated for dehydration and released. Not treated for an anxiety attack. Unless treatment for dehydration is treatment for anxiety
IOW, he had an actual medical problem, and the doctor was a complete a$$ about it, rather than, oh, actually treating the medical problem.
Knowing other people who have been on the receiving end of this kind of medical misbehavior, I'm really glad they had video, and I hope the "doctor" gets hammered.
IOW, he had an actual medical problem, and the doctor was a complete a$$ about it, rather than, oh, actually treating the medical problem.
The Dr. ordered Iv. The patient walked out of the hospital.
The patient spent four hours waiting to see the doc. Guess he wasn't all that bad.
Dr, was an asshole. So what? Deserves to "get hammered"?
They should just hand the patient with the panic attack a paper bag and tell them to breathe into and out of it. Increases their C02 level and often solves the issue.
And cures hiccups. Win/Win !
A million to one chance, Doc. A million to one.
Anyway, in the person of Trumpit we are privileged to have the next mass shooter here among us.
6/19/18, 11:18 AM
Trumpit is anti-gun, though.
If he/she/ze did not have the Internet to spew on (thanks to the public library), I imagine Trumpit would be standing on a street corner delivering spittle-flecked, confused diatribes about Trump, beautiful animals and horrible deplorables, doctors-killed-my-mom and other assorted brain farts rising to the surface at any given moment.
Imagine living in Trumpit's head. Even 5 minutes would be too long.
Yeah, why is an anxiety attack even in an ER in the first place?
Because when serious enough, people kill themselves to stop it.
Severe anxiety is way more than just breathing quickly.
"Imagine living in Trumpit's head. Even 5 minutes would be too long."
Likewise. I'd rather be dead that live in your head for even 5 minutes.
Well, Trumpit, I'm generally pretty happy and enjoy my life.
I can understand why that would be alien territory for you, poor thing.
You're clearly miserably unhappy.
Two unreasonable people.
I heard the doctor talking to a young woman who was having a panic attack. She wailed that she couldn't breathe-- he told her her blood oxygen level was just fine, that she just needed to relax. This went back and for 30 minutes. I sat there with my head in a vise, a needle of steel in my eye, for one half hour. By what standard did the doctor behave correctly?
Was the young woman voluptuous and naked?
I hope your eye is a-ok now.
I've been to the emergency room a couple times. First when I was a kid and got whacked in the head with the boom when I was sailing. I needed to get stitched up. I had to wait a long time because the guy next to me had been in a motorcycle accident and lost a lot of skin. He got all the attention.
The second time was on the South Side of Chicago when my girlfriend sprained her ankle and thought it might be broken. After waiting for hours I complained to one of the nurses who explained that they had two gunshot wounds and a stabbing, and compared to that an ankle isn't a big priority.
It must be a tough job and I can see how someone would lose patience, but sometimes someone else has a bigger problem than you.
ER doctors, beat cops, paramedics and firemen in big cities are exposed to a continuous stream of bad behavior. They deal with druggies, hypochondriacs, gang bangers with attitude, malcontents, professional victims, belligerent creeps and all manner of human refuse. They are spit on, bitten, kicked, punched, shot at and berated. It is a miracle they manage to remain professional 99% of the time. I admire their ability to rise above the situations they encounter.
I've been to the ER two times in my life and both times the doctors and nurses were outstanding.
Here, the dude is malingering, but the angry, fat Doctor is totally rude and unprofessional.
What they need in the ER is a fancy looking machine with lots of lights that makes lots of noise, but actually does nothing when they hook you up to it. Also bottles of placebos that look like opiates. It has to be kept a secret though, so do not tell Comey, McCabe, or a Clinton.
I've been to the emergency room twice in the last year and encountered only wonderful, professional doctors, nurses and techs. Treated like a princess both times.
From witnessing them in a friend, I am confident that panic attacks are a real thing.
Yes, they're a real thing. The problem is some of the symptoms are similar to what you'd get for a heart attack. Even if you think it's unlikely to be a heart attack, you'd sure hate to be wrong.
I've always heard about long waits in the ER, but I've gone in with a Type 1 diabetic nearing DKA twice, and there is no waiting. Same with anaphylaxis. Actual life-threatening issues = no wait. Seems like sitting around the ER would exacerbate an anxiety attack. If the guy was having a panic attack, I have some sympathy for him; I have heard that they are terrible.
"You're clearly miserably unhappy."
Who cares what an insulting Trump troll thinks about anything? You don't know me; you're just a glib, annoying troll who inserts himself where he doesn't belong. I don't know you, and don't care to, but I know that Trump's an unmitigated disaster for the country; he's also an asshole. I won't be silent about it.
I got the impression that the young man was no longer experiencing a panic attack but his father was worried that a panic attack would return if his son left the hospital without any treatment. If the problem was not taking his medication then take the pill or get the prescription filled, and get off the gurney. The young man refused to actually try to get up. I'm not sure what they expected the doctor to do, it didn't sound like they were asking for some examination to find some other cause of the young man's "pain." Was he in pain, not able to breathe, unable to move, having a panic attack? All of the above? I think the doctor was right about the diagnosis, just too short tempered with a patient who really only wanted to be catered to.
I hope I never get that kind of treatment in an ER but I doubt I could ever be that rude to a doctor or abuse a medical facility if I was not really having an emergency. I noticed the same kind of behavior in schools with disruptive students who crave attention and drama by deliberately antagonising the teacher, hoping to get the teacher to incriminate herself and get fired. Nasty.
Of course, the hospital, blackmailed into a PR nightmare, had to apologize and capitulate.
For heaven's sake, why? Boycott? POCs and SJWs might avoid your hospital? The horror!
He was with his father and waited had four hours. --> wait for it...
His father says his prescription ran out and they did not have time to refill. --> sounds like they had four hours to me, and even if the stupid "kid" had to remain there, the stupid father could have gone to Walgreens and gotten it filled for him.
He was eventually given a pill of some sort. --> this is why they call it "drug-seeking behavior"
The problem is that there is no way to punish these people.
This guy Trumpit should be reported to the FBI. Advocating killing doctors and nurses, shooting up hospitals.
Say what you want about Trumpit's sanity, or lack thereof, but you have to admire his/her/xer proficiency with grammar and punctuation. Even in the most degrading and insulting diatribes, there's nary a mistake.
His father says his prescription ran out and they did not have time to refill. --> sounds like they had four hours to me, and even if the stupid "kid" had to remain there, the stupid father could have gone to Walgreens and gotten it filled for him.
After ambulance ride that may cost dad 1500.00, four hour stay at ER, kid may have been afraid to tell dad he was OK
Gotta stay incapacitated to justify expense and waste of time.
Trumpit said...
...According to the NY Times the Coke brothers …
LOL. Have a Koch and a smile, Trumpit.
Everybody have fun tonight . . . everybody Wang Ju tonight!
I notice that Trumpit, who rather predictably dislikes the Koch brothers (those evil billionaires who WANT TO LEAVE YOU ALONE!!!), uses the term "gun-toting" as a pejorative against those of us in the pro-freedom camp. This, from a guy who-- like that other "special" State-fellator, Pee Pee--loves the biggest, bloodiest gun-toter of them all, Der Staat. I guess they think that Big Brother's enforcers are armed with nothing but love beads and incense. Weird.
So Dr. Cox from Scrubs is NOT a role model?
I've had what some call "anxiety" attacks, what I call panic attacks since I was 12. I've broken a bone, had other painful episodes, but there is nothing more "unpleasant" than a full on panic attack, and once you have one, more will come.
It's like a different state of being. If you have never had one, you won't know what it's like. Outside of the certainty that you will die at any moment, you come to a new awareness. That you have been lying to yourself about death since the last time you had one. You can see things that you don't normally understand. That much of what we do as people is to attempt to distract ourselves from death, to lie to ourselves about it so we can cope. All the little pleasantries we produce are small attempts to say "See, life is nice." You like Ann's photos? Those are part of the distraction "Life is worth it," which is an absurd proposition.
In those moments when you reach out for help, after the panic has subsided, there is, at least for me, a tremendous sense of shame. Even the first one I had when I was twelve, and I had no idea what it was.
That came about from being bused into an afterwards 97% black school in SF in the '70s. Most of the the bused whites left SF (the judge issuing the order exempted St. Francis Woods, where his grand daughter went to school), leaving me and 3 other white guys to contend with a brutal environment in which we were the hated outsiders. We did not have the social skills to deal with.
Incidentally, here is the population of SF:
1960: 740,000
1970: 716,000
1980: 670,000
1990: 723,000
2000: 776,000
I suppose in this situation, some of you are thinking this guy was taking up space and time for a real problem. What you may not understand is this guy thought he was dying.
bagoh20: The fancy machine might work. What also works is a single, stiff drink. Stops it cold, which took me about 25 years to figure out. The problem is when you are in this state, the last thing you want to do is dull your senses, ironically. Your body is telling you to be as aware as possible to fight the danger.
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