"... when a man on the shore grabbed his clothes. The thief’s parting words: 'Nazis don’t need bathing fun!'... The episode unleashed plenty of schadenfreude, and some criticism, on social media. Images of a dripping [Alexander] Gauland being escorted back to his house while wearing only a colorful pair of patterned swimming shorts spread rapidly, and a hashtag was born: #bathingfun."
The thief's remark is translated from the German, which was "Nazis brauchen keinen Badespaß!" In case you want to do your own translating.
1 – 200 of 316 Newer› Newest»As a self-hating German, Althouse still buys into all the PC hysteria about those poor Germans. They were young and misguided, and didn't do anything that the Spanish didn't do in Brazil or the English in Tasmania. It's time to fight Germophobia.
water frolicking
What would the response be if the swimmer was a woman of a far-left party like the DKP (modern German Communist party)?
far-right ~ Nazis
"Socialism is the ideology of the future."
"We are not a charitable institution but a Party of revolutionary socialists."
"We are for the first German national state of a socialist nature!"
"While National Socialism brought about a new version and formulation of European culture, Bolshevism is the declaration of war by Jewish-led international subhumans against culture itself."
Thus spake Joe the Gerbil.
So much of the news seems to manufactured.
“My belongings were stolen by someone as I was in the water, and other swimmers called the police without asking me.”
The thief’s parting words: “Nazis don’t need bathing fun!”
Other people called the police, and other people recorded the thief's parting comments?? I'm sorry, but my bullshit meter is pegged. The journalist added details for narrative appeal.
Didn't Nazis water frolic in the nude?
Nazis don't need to have fun swimming.
1945 - Adolf Hitler- real bona fide Nazi. Big war. Millions killed. Dies in bunker.
1967 - George Lincoln Rockwell: Leader of American Nazi Party. No criminal record. About 300 active members. Shot in a laundry mat.
2018 - Alexander Gauland, politician in Germany, says, "Hitler and the Nazis are just a speck of bird poop in more than 1,000 years of successful German history,” - gets in real trouble!
It is certainly unfair to characterize Germany by the Nazi era. It is unfortunate that Frau Merkel is using her apologetic immigration policies to atone. [Out, out, damned spot!]
Don't let's be beastly to the Germans.
I don't know anything about this man or his thought beyond the quote offered. The quote is debatable but not hateful or pro-Nazi......There's a kind of reverse Deutschland Uber Alles in claiming that Germans are uniquely and supremely evil. They do, however, seem to make an alarming number of wrong decisions.
So the Germans don't have a word for when you steal a Nazis clothes while he's swimming?
75 years ago, the Nazis were destroyed by US and Russian might. The Nazis no longer have a solitary tank or airplane or U-Boat, so I think it's ok to not worry about them.
And, for my far leftist friends, it's also ok to not worry that any abstract historical comment about Nazis-- even stupid ones -- will necessarily spur a phoenix-like rise from the ashes of a Nazi-like regime.
I'm pretty confident of that too.
I don't worry too much about Atilla the Hun, either. He was a bad dude, too.
I have always wondered why people can be coerced by the sins of the fathers. It is such a transparent cudgel, and yet it works like a charm.
There is a reason why the US Military still occupies Germany 30 years after the USSR became gone with the wind. We don't trust the Germans, and that includes the pro-Nazi Windsor family running Great Britain, that is 100% behind today's ongoing secret war against a Trump lead America.
I am often surprised when the left thinks that it has made a point. The point actually made is hardly ever the point they were trying to make.
Wait... I thought we were supposed to punch them.
Now we are supposed to steal their clothes?
Do we punch them before, during, or after?
What's weird is that a country like Germany, which, until WWI, really was more often a victim than a victimizer, gets more moral opprobrium heaped upon it for its 1932-1945 turn to the dark side than does Russia or China, which seem to have histories where enormous social evils happen again & again. For Germany, Nazism really was out of the ordinary. For China, the Great Leap Forward was just one more social catastrophe in which millions upon millions of Chinese ended up dead.
I guess it pays to be consistent, even if that means consistently evil.
traditionalguy: "There is a reason why the US Military still occupies Germany 30 years after the USSR became gone with the wind. We don't trust the Germans, and that includes the pro-Nazi Windsor family running Great Britain, that is 100% behind today's ongoing secret war against a Trump lead America."
During one of my "excursions" up "north", we were assigned a German Exchange Officer for interoperability and liaison purposes.
On Day 1 he provided a briefing on the German unit capabilities and limitations (a common practice).
At the end of that 30 minute briefing, he asked if there were any questions.
One member of our group, from Louisiana, raised his hand and (I'm not joking here), pointing at the map of Europe and the Med on the wall, asked this question: "So, what was up with that Hitler guy anyway? How much of Europe did Hitler take over anyway?"
There was, naturally, a bit of a stunned silence in this fairly well attended briefing room and the German Officer (Junior officer) had no idea what to say.
I, of course, was dying from laughter on the inside.
After what seemed like a full minute of silence, the German exchange officer determined that perhaps this was an actual question, so he turned to the map, and in a hesitant way at first, began to show what the maximum extent of Third Reich expansion had been. He covered Northern Africa, Russia, the Baltics, the Nordic nations, etc.
After about 2 minutes of quickly outlining German possessions, a voice from the back of room piped up.
It was a more senior officer in our command who hailed from Pittsburgh PA, tough guy who liked Jazz (Miles Davis fan) with a big bushy mustache and a cigar in hand that was never lit but was always present.
And he said in a fantastically Pittsburgh tough guy way: "Yeah, until we kicked your ass.........and if we have to, we'll do it again....."
Pandemonium ensued. I was literally rolling on the floor laughing.
The German officer turned beet red, did not say another word, turned on his heel and left the briefing room.
We did not see him again for the duration of the "exercise".
True Story.
"There is a saying of Nietzsche... which is worth quoting again: ‘He who fights too long against dragons becomes a dragon himself: and if thou gaze too long into the abyss, the abyss will gaze into thee.’
‘Too long’, in this context, should perhaps be taken as meaning ‘after the dragon is beaten’." -- George Orwell
So the Germans don't have a word for when you steal a Nazis clothes while he's swimming?
If we're gonna make supposed Nazi-sympathizers swim naked, should we pants anyone from Venezuela? That country is going through some pretty bad socialistic trauma today, as we speak.
@Drago -- that's a damn funny story.
"A prominent far-right leader who dismissed the Nazi era as mere bird poop on Germany’s 1,000-year history...."
I can see his point.
But it was a kind of really large poop...and it wasn't that long ago. And we are still dealing with the residue.
Now, if this German politician had offered this observation 300 years from now......
When non-nordic people swim, is that cultural appropriation?
Char-Char @11:15: Thank you for the pertinent quotations.
Is it cultural appropriation for non-westerners to speak of cultural appropriation (a uniquely western concept)?
Those Magnificent Men and their Flying Machines had the French luring military German swimmers to dive into a very shallow lake.
The Left would rather police one's current speech about past bad actors, than fight current bad actors doing similar bad things today.
In Great Britain, they let Muslim immigrants rape young British women, call said rapists "Asians," and then imprison/demonize folks who object to this, as "racists."
So the Germans don't have a word for when you steal a Nazis clothes while he's swimming?
Let's pause for a moment to honor the most perfect response to this story.
"traditionalguy said...
There is a reason why the US Military still occupies Germany 30 years after the USSR became gone with the wind. We don't trust the Germans, and that includes the pro-Nazi Windsor family running Great Britain, that is 100% behind today's ongoing secret war against a Trump lead America."
NATO = Keep the Germans down, the Russians out and the Americans in. True then, true now. Why take chances? The Germans started three major wars in less than one hundred years, two of them world wars. We pull out of NATO and you can bet the ranch there will be a general war in Europe in thirty years or less. Then we get sucked in to fix it again at a huge cost in blood and treasure. If the Chinese Communist had any sense they to would see why having the US in the neighborhood helps matters for them. Do they really want a rearmed Japan? And the rest of the neighborhood rearming against them if America pulls out and goes home?
YH, the sin of the Germans is unique. As far as I know, no nation ever went to the lengths the Germans did to annihilate peoples and ethnicities that did not and could not ever be pose a existential threat to them and while destroying those peoples devoted so much of their resources to doing that that it helped them lose the war. That is a special kind of evil and crazy. True the Communist have killed more in numbers, they also had more time to do the killing but even they simply didn't attempt to destroy an entire race or ethnicity simply because they existed. Leave it to DDR raised Merkel to revive Naziism in Germany with her policies.
FAr right?
Leftists are far left and the Nazi's were National Socialists.
What I don't understand is why the American left loves Merkel so much. I mean she is a globalist who despises America and exploits us to defend them while they get off Scott free.
Oh right. Never mind.
Sounds like he brought it on himself, but if I see anybody leaving a pile of this stuff on the lake shore this summer while swimming, I will be sure to steel it and make a movie too! Commies killed way more than the Germans (not a defense of Germany's actions under National Socialism), so I am sure I will get backup from the progs!
23andMe says I’m only 49% German, don’t hate me.
“Badenfreude”... good one!
So, the guy who calls the Nazis literally shit is "far right" and gets attacked and called a ... Nazi?
That makes sense.
(I mean, dismissing them as entirely unimportant is a bit much just now.
But actual Nazis don't do that; they celebrate them. Because they think they were right. That's what "being a Nazi" means.
The real problem here is that this guy thinks Germany has a glorious thousand year history at all; it wasn't even "Germany" as a whole until 1871, and the idea of "united Germany" roughly dates to reaction to Napoleon.)
BTW, anybody notice any striking similarities in the soviet kitch linked above to actual Hillary campaign imagery?
Naziism is a form of Fascism, not Socialism. Fascism is far right. Socialism is far left. The Nazi’s used the term “Socialism” to confuse folks like Bimbo. The Nazi’s hated Socialists and jailed and killed hundreds, if not thousands of them.
Oxford English Dictionary
mass noun
1An authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.
Example sentencesSynonyms
1.1 (in general use) extreme authoritarian, oppressive, or intolerant views or practices.
‘this is yet another example of health fascism in action’
The term Fascism was first used of the totalitarian right-wing nationalist regime of Mussolini in Italy (1922–43); the regimes of the Nazis in Germany and Franco in Spain were also Fascist. Fascism tends to include a belief in the supremacy of one national or ethnic group, a contempt for democracy, an insistence on obedience to a powerful leader, and a strong demagogic approach.”
1.1 (in general use) extreme authoritarian, oppressive, or intolerant views or practices.
Nothing sums up the Progressive Left better.
Let's pause for a moment to honor the most perfect response to this story.
I am humbled. Most of my comments are clinkers...
Nations defined by their worst episodes are in a select group. (The group that defines such nations is also quite select.) The U.S. has been put in this group of nations.
Inga sure knows a bunch about Nazis, socialists and fascists.
If the Chinese Communist had any sense they to would see why having the US in the neighborhood helps matters for them. Do they really want a rearmed Japan?
I doubt the Chinese spend much time worrying about a country that is rapidly removing itself from first the world stage and next the world.
Deny individual dignity. Deny intrinsic value.
Deny diversity (i.e. color judgments) and painting with broad sweeping strokes?
Far right, in America, and Europe, too?
Deny clothing, swimsuits, and bikinis? Progressive (i.e. monotonic), and a little liberal (i.e. divergent, weird), too.
Nazis are left-wing as in minority rule, as in authoritarian, as in political congruence (exclusion), as in diversity (e.g. racism), as in wicked solutions.
“Inga sure knows a bunch about Nazis, socialists and fascists.”
Thanks to the Oxford English Dictionary which is available to all you folks too!
Japan... a country that is rapidly removing itself from first the world stage
One baby at a time. However, there is still time to remediate their progress. China did it when they changed their one-child policy. Japan can do it by changing their selective-child policy and social liberalism to realize moral and natural imperatives, respectively.
Inga: "The Nazi’s hated Socialists and jailed and killed hundreds"
No one tell Inga about the Bolsheviks and Mensheviks, Mao's cultural revolution where Mao removed his communist/socialist competitors, commie North Vietnamese fighting commie Laotians, etc.
There has never been a socialist movement that obtained power without attacking other internal socialist factions, just as the nazi's (national socialists) did with the communist (international communists).
It’s one thing to say that Germans have done enough penance for 1933-45, quite another to make light of the period. Clowns like Gauland do tremendous damage to a good cause.
I wonder if Inga can tell us who ordered Trotsky's murder in Mexico?
Not sure I would rely on the OED for political definitions. As you are doubtless aware, because you certainly looked there first, your beloved Wiki makes plain that the Nazis were Nationalsozialismus, the party of National Socialism. Now you can argue that they, the Nazis, were mistaken in taking on this name but you cannot argue that it was not the name.
"What's weird is that a country like Germany, which, until WWI, really was more often a victim than a victimizer, gets more moral opprobrium heaped upon it for its 1932-1945 turn to the dark side than does Russia or China, which seem to have histories where enormous social evils happen again & again. For Germany, Nazism really was out of the ordinary. For China, the Great Leap Forward was just one more social catastrophe in which millions upon millions of Chinese ended up dead."
The lesson is to kill your own people.
Fascism is far right. Socialism is far left. The Nazi’s used the term “Socialism” to confuse folks like Bimbo
The only one confused is you.
Yeah, I wouldn't say that the Nazis hated Socialists.
I would say that:
(1) the Nazis hated Russian Communists;
(2) the Nazis made a deal with the Russian Communists to jointly invade Poland and split up Europe into 2 spheres of influence (Molotov-Von Ribbentrop Pact, September 1939) ; and
(3) the Nazis broke the deal with Russian Communists and invaded Russia (June 1941), which resulted in a bloody war, causing millions of deaths.
Maybe now he has some idea how the Jews felt stripped naked and marched to the gas chambers for a "shower." Unfortunately, he survived his embarrassment, and lives another day to preach hate. The Nazi party was outlawed in Germany after WWII, but apparently far right parties can't be stamped out completely. The so-called Christian baker probably would have no qualms baking a swastika cake for a Nazi wedding so long as the betrothed are straight. If you bake a Nazi cake, you should use red velvet chocolate to add some blood (blut in German) to the occasion.
Trumpit: "Maybe now he has some idea how the Jews felt stripped naked and marched to the gas chambers for a "shower."
It is clearly well past time for lefties like Trumpit to experience what is was like in the commie/lefty Killing Fields of Cambodia, Gulags of the Soviet Union, being. A teacher under attack in Maos cultural revolution, etc.
The certain knowledge that most of these goons would categorise me as a Nazi (or a fascist or whatever) leaves me a lot more sympathetic to the victims here than I otherwise would be.
At first they came for the Nazis . . . then they came for the "Nazis" . . . and then they came for the people who share memes about cartoon frogs . . . and then they came for the people who thought illegal immigration ought to be prevented. You know the progression. On the one hand, I'm sympathetic to that Charlottesville police chief who, presented with two loathsome gangs of Antifa and Nazi goons, said "let them fight," that's not actually the responsible answer. At some point one has to speak up.
>> Fascism is far right. Socialism is far left.
Go read Orwell on fascism. He's slightly more authoritative on this subject than you are.
“...but you cannot argue that it was not the name.”
Who is arguing it’s not part of the name? It’s a misnomer, look it up.
Man says Nazi’s were socislist, gets schooled by history writer.
There's no doubt that Hitler hated the Jews. One can read his memoir, Mein Kampf, written in 1925 (before he had any power or murdered anyone) to confirm that fact.
But Hitler hated Communists more and spent nearly a decade (1923-1933) battling Communists in the streets and in the political arena. He did not battle Jews, because they held no power, had no country, had no armies, and posed no threat.
Hitler also blamed many Jews for supporting Communists and becoming Communists. So, in essence, he conflated his 2 major enemies, Jews and Communists, into one threat.
The Communists, unlike the Jews, though had a big country (Mother Russia), a powerful leader (Josef Stalin), and many armed Divisions. So, once Hitler got into power (1933), his focus was on building and using his powerful army to fight Stalin's power army.
The Thirty Years War is the last previous occasion of mass murder in Germany, and in that case it was the outcome of chaos and, if organized, local opportunism.
It is the one demographically catastrophic episode in modern European history, caused by conflict. Wars, following the fall of Rome, generally had little demographic effect.
And the Thirty Years War was indeed that case where the Germans were the victims of all their neighbors, where the war, initially a German Civil War of sorts, was sustained by outside powers, from the Swedes to the Bohemians, the French to the Poles, following their own interests at the expense of the Germans.
No, you look it up. It is not a "misnomer." Unless you think they did not know the meaning of the name of the Nazi party which is generally agreed was the National Socialist Workers Party. You can get in your time machine and go back and make it something different but the name cannot be torn down like a statue of Robert E. Lee.
Re: Inga:
Naziism is a form of Fascism, not Socialism. Fascism is far right. Socialism is far left.
Really? I don't know how you can possibly think this. I mean, just look at Italian Fascism -- Mussolini was a big name in the Socialist Party, EIC of their party newspaper (Avanti!), until his schism with them over the Great War. He founded the Fascist party with people who joined him in splitting from the Socialists. You can characterise Fascism as "far right" if you like, sure -- it's pretty much the convention by this point -- but the people who developed Fascism as a political and practical ideology weren't the classic European "throne and altar" conservatives who comprised the pre-war Right. The Great War had, for better or worse (almost 100% worse) utterly discredited traditionalism and conservatism in Europe in the interwar years. They came out of schisms on the extreme Left, like Mensheviks fighting Bolsheviks.
But frankly, even granting that small-s socialism is intrinsically "left" is problematic, particularly in the German context, with Bismarckian Socialism looming in the background. Hitler went a lot further in that direction than Bismarck had done, sure, but there was no one on the political scene in Germany between the wars arguing for free enterprise and capitalism. Everyone more or less accepted small-s socialism as the practical solution. Not necessarily in the soppy, bleeding-heart way you see it in the West today, but in the somewhat more paternalistic fashion of Japan and Korea (or the Lord Salisbury). Keeping the kokutai strong and all that.
Bay Area Guy said...
in essence, he conflated his 2 major enemies, Jews and Communists, into one threat.
Yes, this is obvious but routinely overlooked in these discussions. It was the communists who were always the primary enemy, irrespective of whether you view it as a battle between left and right or competing totalitarian ideologies.
The House of Terror museum on Andrassy St in Budapest makes the case that there was little practical difference between the Fascist and Communist regimes. Some people were employed by both.
“No, you look it up.”
No you look it up. We could do this several more times, lol, but I have to be somewhere in 15 minutes. Auf wiedersehen.
True the Communist have killed more in numbers, they also had more time to do the killing but even they simply didn't attempt to destroy an entire race or ethnicity simply because they existed.
The most grievous sin of the Nazis was that they murdered millions outside their borders, as opposed to e.g. the Communist regimes that murdered their own people. It's kinda hard to judge which kind of mass-murder is most evil, targeting innocent civilians in time of war or murdering your own citizens in peacetime because they just happen to be handy & are unarmed, unlike folks outside your borders.
I don't like the phrase "just because they existed", because it is putting words into the mouth of Nazism, words that obfuscate their intentions. The Nazis saw the Jews, Slavs, whatever, as race enemies of the German Volk (People). For the Nazis, conflict between "Peoples" was what determined history, just as class conflict determined history for the Marxists. So, to say they killed "just for existing" simplifies the ideology to nonsense. No one speaks of Marxists murdering the bourgeoisie "simply for existing", because Marxist murder has an ideological basis that explains the method to its madness. Same for the Nazis.
As for Communists not destroying entire peoples, it's not for want of trying. According to Synder's Bloodlands, Stalin destroyed the Soviet Polish community as thoroughly as Hitler destroyed Poland's Jews. Also, since Commies have a "tabula rasa" view of human nature, they aren't as interested in the destruction of peoples as they are of cultures, and they're very good at destroying cultures. For example, while the Nazis killed Jews, the Communists killed Judaism in the countries under their control, and I mean they killed it dead as a door nail dead. Same with the Chinese & Tibet. There's never been a Chinese "genocide" of the Tibetan people, but the Chinese Communists have been carrying out a systematic destruction of Tibetan culture since they conquered it nonetheless.
The main difference in Soviet socialism vs German national socialism was race. Soviet socialism was for all races in the world and German socialism was only for Germans of the Aryan variety. Of course including the mutt category that Hitler, Himmler fell into. I'm amazed that Germany fell under Hitler's spell when you could clearly see he wasn't Aryan. I mean it's another thing if Reinhard Heydrich had risen to power, he had Aryan features. But my guess is the German people in 1930s were not as Aryan as they believed they were. If you want true Aryan, look to Scandinavian countries.
Re: Inga:
That Stuchbery person is either dishonest or ignorant. I'm guessing he's playing games and assuming the reader's ignorance. How can he acknowledge the link between the Nazis and the Italian Fascists and not even attempt to deal with the fact that a lot of the Italian Fascists (e.g. Mussolini) were all originally members of the Italian Socialist party. Obviously that would muddy the waters a lot, which is why he doesn't remind the reader of that fact. But it should be a clear signal to any informed reader that the man is just playing games, not attempting a serious rebuttal of the point that the Nazis were socialists.
The moron you linked to is hardly a scholar. He asserts, wrongly, that the Nazis took their ideology from the Italian fascists. So wrong on so many levels.
Hitler took much of his ideology from the German antisemites of the 19th century like Schopenhauer and Wagner.
Mike Stuchbery, by the way, is an elementary school teacher. LOL
The moron you linked to is hardly a scholar. He asserts, wrongly, that the Nazis took their ideology from the Italian fascists. So wrong on so many levels.
You are correct. Italian Fascism & National Socialism were very different ideologies, & drew from completely different sources.
What's weird is that a country like Germany, which, until WWI, really was more often a victim than a victimizer, gets more moral opprobrium heaped upon it for its 1932-1945 turn to the dark side than does Russia or China, which seem to have histories where enormous social evils happen again & again. For Germany, Nazism really was out of the ordinary. For China, the Great Leap Forward was just one more social catastrophe in which millions upon millions of Chinese ended up dead.
I guess it pays to be consistent, even if that means consistently evil.
I suspect it's more a matter of how willing a people are to wear a "kick me" sign. I mean, hey, they'll stand there and take it, why the hell not get your ethnic-animus on and have at?
If you try that on with the Chinese, or Japanese, or just about anybody but a select group of white nations or subsets of white people, they'll tell you to fuck off. Or maybe do a teeny amount of pro-forma "apologizing" about this or that atrocity, and then tell you to fuck off if you continue to yammer on about it.
cubanbob: YH, the sin of the Germans is unique. As far as I know, no nation ever went to the lengths the Germans did to annihilate peoples and ethnicities that did not and could not ever be pose a existential threat to them...
Uh, no. The millions slaughtered in the great ideological movements of the 20th century were all "existential threats" to the perps? I don't think so. And don't tell me that all the starving, imprisoning, deportations and "relocations" weren't motivated by group, including plenty of ethnic, animus.
The Germans are (were, if you prefer) "uniquely evil" in the same sense that Chinese, Russians, and every other group that goes crazy in some historical period are "uniquely evil" - that is, when they go crazy, they probably do it with certain characteristic touches.
Suit yourself believing that "the sins of the Germans are unique", though I find that belief deeply wrong-headed not to say downright creepy, considering the whole bloodthirsty history of humanity. Just remember that these days there are crazies out there making the same kinds of "uniquely evil" arguments against whites, with just as many selective facts and selective ignorance about other groups to back up their animus.
Frankly, the stronger argument against the Nazis being "real" socialists has to start by distinguishing them from the Italian Fascists, where the lines of descent from the honest-to-god Socialist Party are crystal clear. You have to paint Nazi Fascism as something different from Italian Fascism to make the argument that no, it wasn't really socialist -- that unlike Italian Fascism, the roots of Nazism lay in the Fuhrerprinzip, the emphasis on racial hygiene, and the heroic narrative of racial-national struggle, and the socialist element to their ideology was incidental.
That's not an absurd argument, though I find it unpersuasive.
Speaking of bird poop, a friggin' bird pooped on my truck the other day. Holy cow! A huge splat. Huge. My jaw literally dropped. I've never seen anything like it. Must have been a giant condor or something. Looked like somebody'd sloshed a whole bucket of bird stuff on there. I can't believe a bird could poop that much. A cow maybe, but not a bird. I'm surprised a bird could even get off the ground in the first place, carrying a load like that.
I took a picture for posterity. Now I'm trying to find out what the world record is, because...wow!
While the "Nationalist" part Nazism was never uncertain, at times the Socialist part seemed a bit confused in its idealogical roots. They claimed to hate Communists and reject Marxist ideas, but once they gained power they certainly seemed to adopt a lot the trappings of Socialism and even arguably Communism. They promised a national labor service, state-provided health care, guaranteed pensions and an agrarian settlement program. They seemed to like the idea of certain collectivist solutions, invovling large government programs and the like.
I do get the feeling that Hitler would have been perfectly fine with capitalism if everyone participating was 'racially pure'. Socialism was a tactic, not the end for him. Racial purity was.
ARM has it right: the proper distinction is between totalitarians and democratic republics that preserve liberty. Communists are Evil 1.0 and Nazis are Evil 2.0. The differences between aren't what matter.
Intersectionality is Evil 3.0.
Re: YoungHegelian:
You are correct. Italian Fascism & National Socialism were very different ideologies, & drew from completely different sources.
They don't share the same intellectual lineage, no, but I don't think they're actually that different -- they're both part of the broad family of socialistic ideologies You read Mein Kampf and it is absolutely full of the kind of nuttery you get from Occupy socialists today (although more "Jews," less "Israel," and fulminations against communists that you no longer hear from anyone on the Left). And while Hitler didn't view himself as a Fascist in the Italian sense, he was certainly positive towards Italian Fascism, which comes in for a bit of praise.
I hardly care what the bloodthirsty tyrant calls himself. All that matters is how to recognize and stop him.
The Nazis were elected on a campaign of ordinary human decencies, love of country, kindness to animals, deference to women.
The trouble is that it goes theoretical and then people start making deductions.
Mistakes with things that follow from them are the mistakes you have to watch out for.
As Vicki Hearne wrote somewhere.
"There is a reason why the US Military still occupies Germany 30 years after the USSR became gone with the wind."
And a reason we no longer shoot and bomb Germans.
Inga is right, the name "Nazi" is a misnomer promulgated by leftists to disguise the socialism of the National Socialists.
Nazism is not fascism. Calling Nazis fascists simply because of Germany's alliance with Italy makes as much sense as calling them Japanese Imperialists (i.e., none at all).
"YH, the sin of the Germans is unique..."
Maybe this will disabuse of that absurdity -- https://www.amazon.com/Rape-Nanking-Forgotten-Holocaust-World/.../0465068367
Re: Alex:
I do get the feeling that Hitler would have been perfectly fine with capitalism if everyone participating was 'racially pure'.
I don't get that sense at all. First, he is absolutely clear that "capital" must be subordinated to the state. Second, he fulminates an awful lot about "international" capital, "stock-exchange" capital, and sometimes "Jewish stock-exchange" capital. Hitler's writing is all kind of mush so it's hard to extract anything coherent out, but he's definitely not okay with the some kinds of capitalism.
the proper distinction is between totalitarians and democratic republics that preserve liberty
That is not true in principle, but it is often the outcome in practice. The significant difference is in competing interests capable of mitigating immoral, amoral, and immoderate individuals and factions from running amuck. Totalitarians who govern with a goal of reconciling moral, natural, and personal imperatives, will preserve liberty better than democratic republics that are selective, opportunistic, and politically congruent. Principles that are internally, externally, and mutually consistent, matter to engender a reconcilable outcome.
n.n. I don't see how any totalitarian regime is reconcilable with liberty.
There have been some small-scale benevolent dictatorships. Singapore comes to mind.
from what I understand from intersectionalists - 'liberty' is a white-male privilege thing. Collectivization is the salvation for 'people of color', women, LGBTQ+, etc... Apparently if you allow people to be free, white males naturally gravitate towards the top and will oppress everyone else. This is the narrative.
I am very fond of Germans/Germany. Lived there for 2 and a half years at the close of the Cold War. Cool mix of the modern and ancient in their towns and cities. Of course when I was there, the U.S. had more than 200,000 troops in USAREUR, the vast majority in Germany. Think we only have about 30,ooo troops there now, mainly at airfields and hospital facilities. My old base, Strassburg Kaserne in Idar-Oberstein, has been shuttered and overgrown for years. (Mengele is reported to have spent at least one night there while fleeing at the end of the War.)
Perhaps you mean that the "good king" model is feasible. I'd agree that it can exist, but is rare historically. The character of those in power is every bit as important as the political system, if not more so.
Most of my comments are clinkers...
Agreed!! The comments at Althouse are pretty much performance art, and you're going to find sinkers and floaters in that punch bowl.
Char Char Binks said...
There have been some small-scale benevolent dictatorships.
Kings are just dictators, with a patina of religious justification. They weren't all bad, I think.
sparrow: "ARM has it right: the proper distinction is between totalitarians and democratic republics that preserve liberty. Communists are Evil 1.0 and Nazis are Evil 2.0. The differences between aren't what matter"
That's only half the issue.
The other issue is how much time (history) must pass before tremendous evil/tragedy becomes something that is not "relevant" in current terms.
We don't see many people running around speaking about Roman conquest of Greece, etc.
Further, how much time has to pass before we can make jokes about said evil/tragedy?
I think Alan Alda explains it well here: "Comedy equals tragedy plus time...."
But it was a kind of really large poop...and it wasn't that long ago. And we are still dealing with the residue.
Yes, I agree, it was arguably a dubious statement, but it doesn't make him a Nazi. (Not that you were saying it does, but this seems to have been the motivation of the badenfreude theif.)
I do get the feeling that Hitler would have been perfectly fine with capitalism if everyone participating was 'racially pure'
Demonstrably false.
Business, the Church, etc. There is zero chance Hitler (and any other totalitarians (like current leftists)) will allow any institution to exist without coming under his/their direct or indirect control.
As a Jewish-led international subhuman, I should point out the the 30-some vultures of unknown political orientation who roost in some trees down the street aerially paint said street white with their not-mere poop.
Drago said...
We don't see many people running around speaking about Roman conquest of Greece, etc.
Actually, I'm still kind of bitter about this. The fucking plumbers, rather than the philosophers and mathematicians, got to rule the world.
Back to the post: so if the Nazi era is mere bird poop, what are we gonna call the new Muslim era? Hog manure?
A distinction between national socialism and international socialism falls away when part of the plan is to take over the world.
What's weird is that a country like Germany, which, until WWI, really was more often a victim than a victimizer, gets more moral opprobrium heaped upon it for its 1932-1945 turn to the dark side than does Russia or China
It's worth reviewing the 1789-1814 period in France for violence and mayhem on an unbelievable scale, particularly the Reign of Terror. While it doesn't measure up to the three you mentioned (maybe only for lack of technology), the extent to which it is not only underrated (in its violence) and even extolled as a great step forward, is even weirder.
When Twitter bans conservative users perhaps they should just say "Nazis brauchen keinen Twitterspass". They'd still be wrong for doing it, but it would be all kinds of Twitterblockenspass.
If you want true Aryan, look to Scandinavian countries.
Before there were any Aryans in the “Scandinavian” countries, the whole area was full (or as full as you could get with hunter-gatherers) of what we now call Lapps.
A distinction between national socialism and international socialism falls away when part of the plan is to take over the world.
Correct. So which one was the one that didn't send armies into neighboring countries and take them over? I can never keep that straight... <<--Sarcasm
I do get the feeling that Hitler would have been perfectly fine with capitalism if everyone participating was 'racially pure'.
Oh my god, man. Read Mussolini on fascism. Remember too that when he used the word "liberalism" he were talking about classical liberalism, which is free market capitalism. BTW, you can't have a "racially pure 'capitalism'" without an all powerful state enforcing it, which takes you right back left.
Taking over the world is not an evil in itself if the intention is good. If Ayn Rand took over the world and instituted libertarianism on a massive scale, wouldn't that be good? True I believe global organizations would lead to totalitarianism in the end due to the knowledge problem.
Inga knows all about the fact that Nazi's love to get naked and go swimming. That's why her family started the first nudist colony in Wisconsin.
Supposedly the lake was beautiful and of course they had the best showers in town.
Taking over the world is not an evil in itself if the intention is good.
Maybe that's one of those things you might not have typed if given a minute more to think about it.
Supposedly the lake was beautiful and of course they had the best showers in town.
What about the growers?
As humorous as "Nazi's don't need bathing fun!" is, and it is very funny. The idea that Nazism doesn't define the German people is correct, and also one that the German people deeply need to embrace. We are fast approaching the time where there are likely no more living Nazis left. I'm excluding 12 year old Hitler youth children. The Germans' generations long self hate isn't good for their country or their culture.
I didn't read the article, but I suspect that this far-right leader isn't a Nazi.
"Actually, I'm still kind of bitter about this. The fucking plumbers, rather than the philosophers and mathematicians, got to rule the world."
Just goes to show you. It doesn't matter how smart or clever you are. The best marker for success is being able to effectively deal with shit.
Germany as we largely imagine it only came into existence in the mid-19th century. In the then immediately preceding 200 or so years there a bunch of feudal states. For this guy to claim that Germany has a 1000 history (probably back to Charlamagne as the first reich, with the Bismarck unification the second reich) is the product of a fevered imagination. Seen this way, that ugly 12.25 year period, Jan. 1933 to May 1945, represents a significant portion of the New Germany.
Germany as we largely imagine it only came into existence in the mid-19th century. In the then immediately preceding 200 or so years there a bunch of feudal states.
I think it is fair to say that the German culture, and the German people existed well before the creation of the modern German state. So talking about the 1,000 year history of the German people seems appropriate to me.
Well, I'm still pissed off about the Norman invasion!
FTR World WarIi was a skirmish against Japan that wanted to die for the Emperor. The real War to the death was with a mad man who mind controlled Germans into successful extermination campaigns . Germans gladly produced weapons far better than anyone else knew existed. The race was for the Fusion Device. And Germany was closer than we ever admitted. We literally won by the skin of our teeth.
And that is why we fear Germans They want to kill everybody else and are smart enough to do it.
Re: Michael McNeil:
Before there were any Aryans in the “Scandinavian” countries, the whole area was full (or as full as you could get with hunter-gatherers) of what we now call Lapps.
Calling them "Aryans" is uncomfortably close to Nazi race science so geneticists have taken to calling the steppe invaders Yamnaya instead. It's totally different, see?
Also, isn't the current thinking that there were hunter-gatherers, who then were partly displaced by early farmers, who were then swamped (like 80%+ population replacement in Scandanavia) by the Yamnaya/Aryans who brought battle axes and chariots and all that. Lapps may have less Yamnaya ancestry, but I didn't think they were mostly hunter-gatherer. I don't think the paleogeneticists have found any modern populations that are even majority hunter-gatherer ancestry.
ARM: "The fucking plumbers, rather than the philosophers and mathematicians, got to rule the world."
Builders and creators (who are often great on the "vision" thing as well) often gain prestige and influence over those who simply opine.
And before you throw Leonardo at me (or some others like them), remember how few and far between those guys are and how their genius often results in their not having the other skills necessary to effectively lead groups of people.
Remember how those mastodons crushed early humans?
"Comedy = Tragedy + Time"
gspencer: "For this guy to claim that Germany has a 1000 history (probably back to Charlamagne as the first reich, with the Bismarck unification the second reich) is the product of a fevered imagination."
No more fevered than obama's lies about Islam playing a role in the founding of this nation and playing a role in space exploration.
Re: traditionalguy:
FTR World WarIi was a skirmish against Japan that wanted to die for the Emperor.
Eh, that was more than a skirmish. On the other hand, if the Army had been willing to give up on its (stupid) dream of conquering all of China, there probably wouldn't have been a Pacific war. They could have kept their conquests in Manchuria and northeast China and the Western powers could have kept their colonies in Indochina and the East Indies.
After they started issuing ultimata to Western colonies (French Indochina, ruled by Vichy France), we cut off the oil supplies they had been using to power their conquest of China (from what I've read, as of 1941, we were still supplying something like 80% of Japan's oil needs -- we were not China's friend). To make up for the loss of US oil (so they could continue the war in China), they decided to go after the Dutch East Indies, but the Philippines and the Straits Settlements were in the way, so they had to conquer those first, but the Philippines was a US colony, so they had to attack our Hawaiian colony first.
There's a logic to all those dominoes, but the premise -- they they have to keep the war in China going at all costs -- is nonsense. Unfortunately, their constitution gave the Army a veto over the formation of any government, and the Army wasn't afraid to use it. Not that the population was massively against the war -- in the 1942 elections, voters returned a Diet that was overwhelming comprised of Imperial Rule Assistance Association candidates. They held it just after the Doolittle raid, though, so there was probably a strong 9-11 style "rally round the flag" effect. Even so, though.
ARM: "The fucking plumbers, rather than the philosophers and mathematicians, got to rule the world."
A good plumber is worth at least a dozen philosophers and maybe half a dozen mathematicians.
If you want true Aryan, look to Scandinavian countries.
Better, for true-true Aryan, to look to Iran (= "Land of the Aryans), Kurdistan, Northwest India, and, most especially, Airyana Vaēǰah, the region encompassing what is known as the BMAC (Bactria-Margiani Archaeological Complex), widely regarded as the home of the Indo-Europeans, of which Aryans were a sub-group.
Before there were any Aryans in the “Scandinavian” countries, the whole area was full (or as full as you could get with hunter-gatherers) of what we now call Lapps.
Actually, "we" now call them "Sami", and they are a Finno-Ugric people who are, like the Finns, virtually indistinguisable from Indo-European Scandinavians, e.g. they're big, pale and tend to blond hair and blue eyes.
The Germans had some potent Creation Myths about their origins, which set them apart from the Lesser Breeds.
One good plumber is worth thousands of reasonable men.
mockturtle: "A good plumber is worth at least a dozen philosophers and maybe half a dozen mathematicians."
Without a few good plumbers you could really find yourself in some deep s***....
(sorry, too easy, I know)
I don't think the paleogeneticists have found any modern populations that are even majority hunter-gatherer ancestry.
All peoples of Indo-European descent are of hunter-gatherer ancestry, from the Eurasian (Ukrainian/Pontic Steppe) and the BMAC (see my previous post). The Yamnaya are properly regarded as "PIE," proto-Indo-Europeans, [very] arguably the first to leave the BMAC Urheimat.
Finno-Ugric peoples are not IEs, but there is much evidence that branches of the two ethno-linguistic closely interacted.
ethno-linguistic groups
they are a Finno-Ugric people
Those Finno-Ugrics are a just a menace to the 'hood. They are & nobody's gonna tell me different.
On a serious note, in your archaeological interests, you investigated, if I remember correctly, chariot warfare of the Bronze Age Mediterranean/Near East region. Have you ever worked through the Vedic literature on the subject? I've heard tell that there is so much chariot detail in the Rig Vedas that it's possible to build one to spec from the the texts.
Any comments on the Vedic side of things?
YoungHegelian: I've heard tell that there is so much chariot detail in the Rig Vedas that it's possible to build one to spec from the the texts.
Any comments on the Vedic side of things?
Careful, Rough. He's up to something. Next thing he'll be oh-so-innocently - "scholarly interest only" - asking for battle-axe specs...
It's when I ask for the specs of a chariot & how to build a composite bow that I'll tip my hand that I'm bent on world domination.
Short answer: yes, very much so. The spectacular Mahabharata especially. The centerpiece of this, the longest and arguably greatest of all Indo-European epic poems, are the so-called "War Books" which are concerned with the Kurukshetra War, a twelve-day conflict between the Aryan Pandava and Kaurava clans and the gods who supported them. The fighting, especially between the heroes, mostly takes place in chariots.
Highly recommended. The chariot was central to the relgio-ideology of these peoples. The poem itself is similar in many ways to those other great Indo-European epics, the Iliad and Táin Bó Cúailnge (The Cattle Raid at Cooley). E.g., the wars in both the Tain and the Kurukshetra War start with cattle raids and feature chariot warfare in its most ferocious and exciting forms. In the Mahabharata the greatest warrior is Arjuna, a Pandava prince who is often linked with Achilles. His main opponent is the also great and tragic Karna. The Bhagavad Gita is a section/incident in the war in which Arjuna discusses his self doubts about the morality of war and killing and being a member of the Kshatriya (warrior caste) with his chariot driver ... who just so happens to be God, albeit in the incarnation of Krshna.
Also check out the other great Indian epic, the Ramayana; and, of course, the Rig Veda. Lots of chariot stuff in both.
Those Finno-Ugrics are a just a menace to the 'hood.
Ha. When I lived in Denver in the 70s I used to hang out with a group of Finnish girls who were attending the nursing school at Loretto Heights College. Tall, sturdy, flaxon-haired blue-eyed beauties with a very, uh, healthy attitude to the human body, being as they were nurses and all. I might describe tham as "uninhibited". If you get my drift. Wowza. Good times, very good times indeed.
Gott sei dank he wasn't wearing a Speedo!
Those Finno-Ugrics are a just a menace to the 'hood.
Sisu !
YoungH: It's when I ask for the specs of a chariot & how to build a composite bow that I'll tip my hand that I'm bent on world domination.
I recall reading a really interesting Scientific American article about how to make a compound bow, old school. Years ago. Ah, I think this was it, iianm.
Not the article, just a link to purchase from the archives.
But don't be getting any ideas.
(I always thought it would be so cool to be an archer on horseback. The only things standing in the way are my never having ridden a horse, and not having any archery skills.)
Speaking of Scandinavians, Sweden recently activated ALL 40 of its home defense battalions, as part of an exercise to defend against Russian aggression.
The Swedish government has also advised its population to be prepared, in the event of war (with Russia) to survive on their own for at least a week.
So, there is hope for the Europeans -- at least for some of them.
As a former 8 year-old who stormed untold imaginary Nazi pillboxes and mowed down legions of imaginary Nazi infantry, I still have a deep suspicion of the Hun.
The other day I was talking to one of my little nephews and his buddy. 50 years later, they're still fighting Nazis.
Short answer: yes, very much so. The spectacular Mahabharata especially.
As far as I got in that (about half way, I think) it struck me as wagnerian, though given the timeline, the vice is more versa. We first meet this heroic guy we think is going to be the protagonist, but he turns out just to be the *grandfather*, wo we've got two generations to go. (And then later he gets smited by arrows, and spends days dying on the battlefield, dispensing advice the whole time..)
I've read quite a few of the Vedas & the Gita. I have not read the complete Mahabharata. And, I, of course, never read them with an eye to leading my tribe in combat against the residents of a nearby county.
I once told a Brooklyn Jewish friend of mine that the "inclusion" of the Gita in the Mahabharata was like finding the Gospel of John in the middle of the Iliad.
He reminds me of that quote every time I see him.
I haven't read the entire Mahabharata either. Nobody does! I just read the war books, and greatly abridged versions of the rest.
People who say they've read the entire Mahabharata are like people who say they've read the entire Bible: they are, most of them, lying.
YoungHegelian, good anecdote re your Jewish friend and the Gita. All three: Gita, Gospel of John, and Iliad, address most profoundly the Big Questions concerning how we should live in a fallen world. Throw in the Book of Job and the Silmarillion, and you've got some pretty mind-expanding literary meditations to keep you occupied.
Naziism identified with nationalism, much much more than socialism. You white nationalists should take a lesson.
1. Though Nazism claimed to be a new movement, many of its core ideas had deeper roots in German history, particularly the nationalism, authoritarianism and militarism of the 1800s.
2. Germany was itself a comparatively new nation, created through the unification of 26 different kingdoms in 1871. This unification was the product of strong nationalism and decisive military victories.
3. The Prussian kings and Junker elites who ruled imperial Germany in the late 19th century were conservative, authoritarian and militaristic, but also progressive with many of their policies.
4. The security and prosperity of late 19th century Germany made many Germans nostalgic for authoritarian government, something the Nazi movement was able to tap into in the early 1930s.
5. Another repository of traditional values and German ethnic nationalism was the grass-roots volkisch movement. Many members of volkisch groups later joined the NSDAP
They are all, after a fashion, tragedies, or infused with tragic sensibilities, i.e. an acute awareness of the tragic nature of life.
Inga needs some brauchen keinen Badespaß!
Germany didn't become united until Hitler, in 1871 it became a confederation dominated hegemonically by the Kingdom of Prussia but comprising three other bona fide kingdoms (Saxony, Bavaria, Wurttemberg), six grand duchies, 7 principalities, five minor duchies, and a number of "Freistadten" or free cities. All with varying degrees of autonomy. But Prussia controlled their foreign, military, and economic policies.
Inga: "Naziism identified with nationalism, much much more than socialism."
Inga: " You white nationalists..."
Double LOL
Inga should probably tell us about Stalin and whether or not he was nationalistic....
“I hypothesize that an ideology evokes enthusiasm—elicits an emotional response—to the extent that it articulates a fantasy that is shared by members of a population. Hitler was passionate about his ideas. When he spoke, he conveyed his passion—and elicited comparable passion within others. Hitler's ideas excited the German people. What he said struck a responsive chord in the minds and hearts of millions of other Germans. It was an ideology that united the German people and gave rise to Nazi culture.”
Sounds very familiar. I see Trump rallies.
Hitler and Nazism often are portrayed as if an aberration; outside the norms of civilization. I have found, on the contrary, that Hitler's ideas were fully within the mainstream of Western political culture. National Socialism was a subset of the ideology of nationalism. One may characterize Hitler as a radical conformist. Hitler embraced and promoted certain ordinary ideas—fundamental propositions contained within the ideology of nationalism—and carried them to an extreme, bizarre conclusion.
Nationalism again.
“Nazism represented an extreme form of nationalism. Hitler preached to his people: "Your life is bound up with the life of your whole people. The nation is not merely the root of your strength; it is the root of your very life." He asked his people to acknowledge their profound dependence upon Germany, declaring:
Our Nation is not just an idea in which you have no part; you yourself support the nation; to it you belong; you cannot separate yourself from it.
Nazism insisted that Germany be everything to Germans: "Our future is Germany. Our today is Germany. And our past is Germany. Let us take a vow this evening, at every hour, in each day, to think of Germany, of the nation, of our German people."”
“America First!”
Naziism identified with nationalism, much much more than socialism.
Hence the "National Socialism" part in their name. By this time, Socialism was Soviet Socialism. Yeah, they said they were International Socialists, but all the spoils would go to the Soviet Union because they were the top name on the list of this chain letter. That's one of the things Hitler disagreed with at his Socialist Party meetings. They warned him that such talk was dangerous. He said that Germans should benefit from the revolution and it must be steered by Germans. The leaders said the Soviets were the only ones with the expertise because they were the only ones to successfully revolt.
I wonder what Drago will think 10 years from now, all the time he spent on this website fighting Inga. Was it worth it? Drago, don't you have a family to spend time with?
I wonder if Mao was nationalistic....
The lies the lefties have to tell themselves to avoid the obvious.
Well, if you like your misconceptions, you can keep your misconceptions. No one is going to take those misconceptions away. Period.
At least Hillary never evoked enthusiasm. I'll give her that.
Alex: "I wonder what Drago will think 10 years from now, all the time he spent on this website fighting Inga. Was it worth it? Drago, don't you have a family to spend time with?"
How much time do you think it takes to pop in here and write something in 30 seconds and return to other activities?
BTW, just returned from the neighborhood pool. Lightning has put a damper on the afternoon.
traditionalguy said...
Germans gladly produced weapons far better than anyone else knew existed.
This is like looking at the Barcelona chair and saying that the Germans produced chairs far better then anyone else knew existed.
Like the Barcelona chair, German late-model tanks, for example, required more labor and materials than they were worth in the field (and were hard to service). V.D. Hanson's The Second World Wars is quite interesting on this issue. There are a lot of reasons the Allies won the war. Fast production and innovation in armaments in the midst of conflict high among them.
Demcorat's rally: Illigal immigration, late term abortion, tax hikes, tax hikes, tax hikes, free stuff for all! *(never mind that you'll all be broke)
Why the fuck did the Soviet Union and East Germany spend so much time and precious money trying to give themselves an edge at the Olympics if they truly believed in the Internationale? What difference does it make who won?
National Socialism was a subset of the ideology of nationalism.
No. Rather it was, as Paul Johnson correctly observed, a "Marxist heresy," substituting race for class and national identity for Marxist universalism. But they were fundamentally the same in terms of their core structures and conceptualizations of history, economics, and human nature.
Some apparently misunderstand the "America First" slogan. All nations should--and most do--put their own interests before those of other countries. This is only right. America is the most generous country on the planet and will continue to be generous but not at the expense of our own well being. We've been taken advantage of by others who seem to see us as an unlimited source of free money and rich enough that we won't miss a few billion dollars here and there.
“Hitler's ideology grew out of his fantasy of the German nation as an actual organism, or body (politic). "Our movement alone," Hitler declared, "was capable of creating a national organism." In place of the State, Hitler said, must be set "the living organism—the people." Hitler conceived of Germany as a body politic consisting of German people as its cells.
Germany, however, had a problem. An otherwise healthy body politic, Hitler believed, was being assailed or assaulted by forces that threatened to destroy it; bring about the demise of the nation. National Socialism came into being as a response to the desire of Hitler and others to rescue or "save" the nation; to prevent it from dying. Hitler was determined to "prevent our Germany from suffering, as Another did, the death upon the cross."”
How many times have we heard that America is under asssult by immigrants and how the American culture is being destroyed? “You (or) Jew will not replace us!” Heard at Charlottesville.
If not America First, Who First ? China ? Iran ? The International Proletariat ?
Ethno-nationalism was an integral part of many communist or far-leftist regimes.
You will find this a near-universal outside the "west".
It too is a western idea, and communists everywhere added it to the mix, almost as a natural reflex. It went together very well.
The Albanian, North Korean, Cambodian, Burmese "hermit kingdom" regimes were all extremes of this.
Cuba is quite typical. Its propaganda was always at least as nationalist as it was communist. Its "struggle" was to remain distinct, culturally unique, as against the homogenizing culture of the west. That's why their pantheon always included Jose Marti and all the host of Cuban rebels against the colonial power.
You will see much the same in Romania, Bulgaria, Nicaragua (in its original Sandinista episode), over and over really. And third world communist rebel movements were much of the same. Rarely, outside the west, international communism, but almost always an intensely national communism.
Or a national leftism. Indonesia, Venezuela long before Chavez, and more intensely later, Peronist Argentina (the Peronists would assure you they are of the left!), Cardenas Mexico, etc. ad infinitum. Very much on the French Revolutionary model, and from every one, in its rhetoric, you would get a very Hitlerian or Mussolinian impression, if one was not from that place and accustomed to it. And so on, across all manner of milder regimes across the globe.
So common is this that it is very fair to say that most of the world is effectively Fascist. Fascism won.
“Hitler's ideology, then, revolved around his conception of a unified German body politic, on the one hand, and a Jewish force of destruction, on the other, that was acting to cause Germany to fall apart. Hitler called the Jew the "demon of the disintegration of peoples," symbol of the "unceasing destruction of their life." The project of National Socialism, therefore, was "glorification of the national creative will over against the conception of international disintegration."”
Liberalism and mulitculturalism, are seen as a direct threat by white nationslists. These are seen as a force of destruction and we constantly hear the right lamenting the change they see as a threat.
Shorter Inga: What's so bad about muslim rape gangs?
"An otherwise healthy body politic, Hitler believed, was being assailed or assaulted by forces that threatened to destroy it"
This dates to the French Revolution.
You could get this from Chavez or Castro or Peron, or Garibaldi. Any nationalist anywhere since 1789, the vast majority some sort of leftist. Many of which are honored in their countries, with statues in their plazas.
Give us some more links to that history expert who is a grade school teacher. The expert on how the Nazis took their ideology from the Italian fascists and who said that The National Socialist German Workers' Party was not The National Socialist German Workers' Party at all. It was, as a commenter on the grade school teacher's site noted, a misnomer.
Look up your grade school teacher history buff. LOL.
Obviously he knows more than you do Michael.
Inga said ..."Naziism is a form of Fascism, not Socialism. Fascism is far right. Socialism is far left.
This is what happens when people lack the ability to think for themselves and rely on the cut and paste method to "showcase" their supposed thinking.
NAZI = National Socialist German Workers Party.
Read a book now and then. If you are nice, Michael K. might explain the big words to you.
Just a few weeks ago I was in a crowd craning to see Evita's tomb. Café La Biela a short walk away where I had a coffee next to Borges. The past is always just there in BA.
“The National Socialistic movement was based upon an ideology that was a subset of the ideology of nationalism. Nazism represented a frenzy of nationalistic hysteria. Jane Roberts states that Hitler brought to flower all of the "most morbid nationalistic fantasies" that had been growing for centuries.”
Maybe nationalism isn’t the cure.
“Those who do not read history are doomed to repeat it. Those who fail to learn from the mistakes of their predecessors are destined to repeat them.”
Funny that only a grade school teacher holds that belief. Well, and you. LOL
Of course Nazis were nationalists. I think though it is bad to politicize history by pretending they were not socialists and that they're socialist policies were in no way part of their identity.
I get it. Republicans are bad. But can we not screw up basic history to repeat that message?
I know a bunch of masked armed thugs saying we should use any means necessary to stop center to right people from speaking in public because they're a threat to our nation.
If we want to use the definition of nationalism Inga is providing, antifa are nationalists too.
Note that Mussolini did not stick nationalism into his socialism just for the heck of it. He was working with what was by then an old and almost traditional Italian nationalist ideology, which was often expressed in more extreme terms than he did.
Socialism in its Italian form was a proletarian rejection of what they saw as a bourgeois-intellectual nationalism, as that's who the 19th century rabid nationalists were, university students and the cultural cutting edge, the Gabriele D'Annunzio's. These guys hated the old right, the aristocrats, the Church, the old bourgeois.
Mussolini started in the proletarian camp, got education, served in the war, which was highly suffused with nationalist, irredentist ideology, and got the idea to merge the two, to create a proletarian socialist nationalism. The image he chose was telling, that of the Arditi assault troops, armed with knives and grenades. Not the gentlemanly warrior, but of the declasse guys who loved to fight dirty.
Dickin'Bimbos@Home said...”Demcorat’s rally: Illigal immigration, late term abortion, tax hikes, tax hikes, tax hikes, free stuff for all! *(never mind that you'll all be broke)”
Don’t forget the feminazi’rs #metoo movement to eliminate alpha males; make the nation “dudenfrei” or free of dudes.
“Sir Ian Kershaw, FBA (born 29 April 1943) is an English historian and author whose work has chiefly focused on the social history of 20th-century Germany. He is regarded by many as one of the world's leading experts on Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany, and is particularly noted for his biographies of Hitler.”
“In his 2010 book Hitler: A Biography, British historian Ian Kershaw wrote that despite putting the interests of the state above those of capitalism, he did so for reasons of nationalism and was never a true socialist by any common definition of the term:
[Hitler] was wholly ignorant of any formal understanding of the principles of economics. For him, as he stated to the industrialists, economics was of secondary importance, entirely subordinated to politics. His crude social-Darwinism dictated his approach to the economy, as it did his entire political “world-view.” Since struggle among nations would be decisive for future survival, Germany’s economy had to be subordinated to the preparation, then carrying out, of this struggle. This meant that liberal ideas of economic competition had to be replaced by the subjection of the economy to the dictates of the national interest. Similarly, any “socialist” ideas in the Nazi programme had to follow the same dictates. Hitler was never a socialist. But although he upheld private property, individual entrepreneurship, and economic competition, and disapproved of trade unions and workers’ interference in the freedom of owners and managers to run their concerns, the state, not the market, would determine the shape of economic development. Capitalism was, therefore, left in place. But in operation it was turned into an adjunct of the state.”
No one would dare to steal Angela Merkel’s clothing when she went swimming because just to see her in a state of undress could not be unseen.
"The next day Hitler read Anton Drexler’s pamphlet and recognised a number of details from his own “political awakening.” What seems to have impressed him most, though, was the idea of fusing nationalism and socialism, of freeing the working classes from the “false teachings” of Marxism and winning them over for the nationalist cause."
"Hitler:Ascent 1889-1939". Volker Ulrich. A scholarly work on Hitler up to the war.
Putting the economy under the control of the state is socialism. Even if an economic ignorant calls it capitalism
You neither own nor have read the Kershaw. Try giving us something from your own reading.
Reading the latest Inga cut and paste is basically saying it wasn't socialism because Hitler just stumbled into it. This historic revisionism if just bad.
The most grievous sin of the Nazis was that they murdered millions outside their borders, as opposed to e.g. the Communist regimes that murdered their own people. It's kinda hard to judge which kind of mass-murder is most evil, targeting innocent civilians in time of war or murdering your own citizens in peacetime because they just happen to be handy & are unarmed, unlike folks outside your borders.
Possibly. But it's not hard to argue the sequence of events that lead to which ideology gaining power and killing its way to another's rise. The problem with right-wing anti-communism is it contains an internal contradiction: Either communism doesn't stand on its own and leads to internal collapse or it needs an outside hero like Reagan to pretend that he somehow made an unsustainable system collapse.
No one can say this about Nazism. Nazism could not be contained and had to be confronted directly and militarily. It was belligerent and dangerous in a way (outside its borders) that communism wasn't.
It's hard to tell whether Russian communism emboldened Nazism or Nazism (and its defeat by communists and socialist capitalists in America) emboldened a more powerful America and a stronger USSR.
What people seem to ignore however is the real problem: Capitalism. Unregulated capitalist markets led to the 1929 crash which gave rise to Nazism. OTOH, socialist countries soften the blow of unregulated markets and their crashes on the working class, and stave off Nazism and fascism that way. That's the lesson learned by Western Europe after WWII.
But America still wants unregulated capitalism while deluding itself into thinking it won't hurt the working classes and seduce them into clamoring for either fascist Nazism or communism. They are wrong. This is why 2016 saw the rise of a fascist Republican candidate and a socialist Democratic candidate.
If we'd chosen the socialist we could have gone the route of Denmark, France, Germany and other successful social democracies. But we chose Trump so the answer is going to be more capitalist can-kicking down the road until the next collapse while he stitches band-aids on the economy with tariffs and immigration changes, combined with a whole lot of xenophobic racism, as well.
History shows that this way will not work. But Trump's gotten his minions to swallow much more lies than just that one, even though it's the biggest one of them all.
“For members of the Nazi Party, in fact, defending socialism on its own terms was a risky activity which could result in ejection from the party, or worse. Of party leader and dissenter Otto Strasser (whose similarly-minded brother, Gregor, would ultimately be assassinated by the Nazis), William Shirer writes:
Unfortunately for him, he had taken seriously not only the word “socialist” but the word “workers” in the party’s official name of National Socialist German Workers’ Party. He had supported certain strikes of the socialist trade unions and demanded that the party come out for nationalization of industry. This of course was heresy to Hitler, who accused Otto Strasser of professing the cardinal sins of “democracy and liberalism.” On May 21 and 22, 1930, the Fuehrer had a showdown with his rebellious subordinate and demanded complete submission. When Otto refused, he was booted out of the party.”
Mussolini, however, was not at all ignorant of economics.
He was an avid student of Wilfredo Pareto, attending his lectures in Switzerland.
Also, defining the boundaries of socialism as applied public policies is a fools game.
Idiots taxonomize in order to attach labels to things that exist in a complex system of continuums. Lots of academic idiots live by taxonomy.
And note, Kershaw defines the modern approach of public policy very well. This is indeed how most of the world works. "Capitalism was, therefore, left in place. But in operation it was turned into an adjunct of the state."
Now consider the Chinese system, or the Indian, or Singaporean, the Taiwanese or Japanese (MITI) or the French, run by enarques.
Mussolini would also have booted out Strasser.
For the same reason, of being an idiot.
The Nazis were much more fascist nationalists obviously than socialists. Fascist nationalists (like the Nazis) allowed much more crony capitalism in their economy than socialists do, as well as the hardest of hard-core murderous racist hate. Socialists OTOH are simply concerned with a more cohesive society that if anything leaves it all alone apart from any outsized power and oppression perpetuated by the politically stronger majority.
“The plain truth, writes Historian Richard J. Evans in The Coming of the Third Reich, was that Hitler and his party saw socialism, communism, and leftism generally as inimical to everything they hoped to achieve:
...it would be wrong to see Nazism as a form of, or an outgrowth from, socialism.”
...it would be wrong to see Nazism as a form of, or an outgrowth from, socialism.”
But the right-wing Nazis who run with Trump and beat their chests on these comments threads have to see socialism as evil because they keep fucking over the working class with corporatist crony capitalism. They invent the bigger enemy to distract the people from the real problem.
"Either communism doesn't stand on its own and leads to internal collapse"
Communism can certainly stand on its own, if permitted to exist it will find an equilibrium.
It is likely to be a low-output equilibrium, but that should not cause instability on its own. There are miserable places in the world that have been miserable since they discovered agriculture. The problem with communism is that adjacent to an outside world that offers an example of better standards of living it is unsustainable, the people will probably not permit it to continue, or powerful elements of the elite, at least, will rebel.
The only options are to become a hermit kingdom (and there have been several), to communize the world, or to modify communism.
It isn't really "crony capitalism" when the German government was the one reaping the benefits of ownership. I mean, you could say it was, but then, why are we having this discussion if we're going to redefine terms willy nilly just to pretend nothing bad ever happened except when the right was somehow involved?
“They invent the bigger enemy to distract the people from the real problem.”
Indeed! They do it every single day on these threads. While white nationalism festers under their noses...
"as well as the hardest of hard-core murderous racist hate"
The Khmer Rouge were at least as murderous to Cambodian ethnic minorities as they were to the bourgeois. You will see the same in leftist nationalist regimes all over the third world.
"The state, not the market, would determine the shape of economic development. Capitalism was, therefore, left in place."
-- This... this is so economically, politically and historically illiterate I wonder how it got published. This is like saying, "The editor, not the writer, would determine the shape of the story's development. The author's intent, therefore, was left in place."
Or: "The mother, not the child, would determine the shape of the day's activities. The child's intent, therefore, was left in place."
You obviously have never read the 25 point program Hitler delivered at the Hofbräuhaus on 24 Feb 1920. You might google it and cut and paste it in a an email to yourself. Points 11 through 15 deserve your attention. This was the pivotal moment in his life.
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