May 9, 2018

Would "SNL" cast Aquaria as Melania Trump?

I see there's a petition...
Last week, we watched as Aquaria, a contestant on RuPaul's Drag Race Season 10, performed a skit as Melania Trump for the series' celebrity impersonation challenge: Snatch Game.

Aquaria nailed Melania's looks, was super funny, while being respectful of our nation's First Lady. Saturday Night Live has had some great Melania impersonators before, but Aquaria would be a cut above the rest.
I watch "RuPaul's Drag Race Season 10," and I picked Aquaria as my favorite in Episode 1 and I blogged last week about how much I enjoyed the performance as Melania.

But! "SNL" has had a long-running problem giving adequate representation to its female cast members. Through much of its history, it has been outright sexist, keeping the women cast members down and boosting the men. In recent years, things have been a lot better, and that progress is something "SNL" should want to protect. You might think that it would be a great way to scream PROGRESS!!! to put a drag queen on the show, but to do that for the role of Melania would be to take the role away from castmember Cecily Strong. Here, you can look at the clips of all 19 of her performances in that role. Unless they write a sketch based on the concept that there are somehow 2 Melanias, there will be a progressivism clusterfuck if Aquaria is given the Melania role.

"SNL" bumped castmember Taran Killam to give the Donald Trump role to Alec Baldwin, but Killam is a man — and thus a member of the group long favored by "SNL" — and Alec Baldwin is kind of a big deal, a biiiig, biiiiggg deal, the biggest, most beautiful deal that you have ever seen, believe me.

Now, one thing that so interesting about putting Aquaria in the role is that it mocks Donald Trump in a way that Cecily Strong cannot. It critiques his taste in women, possibly at the expense of transgender women, which Aquaria is not. Everything about Trump is fake, etc. etc. They could run with that and work in the 2 Melania's idea maybe.


the 4chan Guy who reads Althouse said...

"...that there are somehow 2 Melanias,"

Like, the Wallflowers wrote a song about THREE Marlenas, so I think the math is possible and shit.

And the dude in the Wallflowers was Bob Dylan's son, so I bet he banged a lot of models. Not sure if any were trans, though.

CJinPA said...

Through much of its history, it has been outright sexist, keeping the women cast members down and boosting the men.

As an avid fan of pre-2000 SNL, I have to disagree with this. If there is umbrage to be taken, it might be that Lorne Michaels didn't hire enough women. It was definitely a male-centric place. But, once hired, I don't think any claims of "keeping the women" down can be supported. (Not that there might not be such claims by former cast members.) As Michaels famously observed, "Funny ain't fair."

Cecily Strong is very good.

Sebastian said...

""SNL" has had a long-running problem giving adequate representation to its female cast members."

What are you saying? That all those prog media types are actually misogynists? That the MSM are tools of the patriarchy?

Amadeus 48 said...

Ah, Althouse! Ah, humanity!

the 4chan Guy who reads Althouse said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ignorance is Bliss said...

Remind me again... what man was brought in to play the part of Michelle Obama?

rehajm said...

Like, the Wallflowers wrote a song about THREE Marlenas, so I think the math is possible and shit.

Mike Doughty went to school with 27 Jennifers

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

what man was brought in to play the part of Michelle Obama?

They could have brought in the real Michelle.

Wince said...

Aquaria's impression did not capture Melania's femininity. Quite the opposite.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Bill Clinton, the rapist, was portrayed as "bullet proof". Anyone not on the left will be mocked by the mean girls who work for NBC.

rehajm said...

It's as if SNL tries to hide their sexist stuff, like this one you wont find on the SNL platform...


Kevin said...

and Alec Baldwin is kind of a big deal, a biiiig, biiiiggg deal, the biggest, most beautiful deal that you have ever seen, believe me.

Putting Baldwin in the role made it easier for the left to say, "Hey, this isn't just some comic here but a real performance you should watch and enjoy. It's art."

You didn't think Taran Killam was going to be Must-See-TV for the left, and used in political discussions on the major networks' Sunday news programs, did you?

Baldwin is connected in both NY and LA. His friends would have to tune in and comment, and his friends are all celebrity influencers.

It was a strategic move.

Ann Althouse said...

"Remind me again... what man was brought in to play the part of Michelle Obama?"

There was no Michelle Obama but there was a Maxine Waters.

Kevin said...

what man was brought in to play the part of Michelle Obama?

Or Hillary Clinton?

Like that would have gone down well.


Kevin said...

There was no Michelle Obama but there was a Maxine Waters.

Right, eight years and nothing to say about the first lady.

They've been licking their chops for the last year and a half for Melania to do something public so they can start tearing her down.

Kevin said...

They couldn't come up with one sketch about Michelle in the White House vegetable garden?

tcrosse said...

I propose Patton Oswalt to dress up as Hillary Clinton. After all, John Belushi did Liz Taylor, and Will Ferrell did Janet Reno.

FIDO said...

This fascination of women for drag queens and gays is rather queer to me. I just don't understand it, though my life experience makes it seem 'a thing'.

I put it down to women liking the idea of these gorgeous outfits and make up...but being far too lazy to make the actual effort (certainly among Feminists) plus it is always a nice little ego stroke to be SO WORSHIPPED by someone that they try to adopt your identity...without being in any way threatening in the mating game. (Hence their adoption of Bruce (I don't have a dick anymore) Jenner)

I still remember that quote from M Butterfly: "China only let men play women on stage because only men know how women SHOULD act."

Maybe it's ladies seeking lessons...

Titus said...

Abs love the name Aquaria.

Sebastian said...

"Baldwin is connected in both NY and LA."

Must be why #MeToo hasn't destroyed him yet.

But #TheyKnow. Worse, #TheyKnowWeKnow.

Big Mike said...

You mean that show’s still on? I thought they folded years ago.

Drago said...

Question asked

"Would "SNL" cast Aquaria as Melania Trump?"

Observation: "Aquaria nailed Melania's looks, was super funny, while being respectful of our nation's First Lady."

Answer: Not in a million years.

Disrespect for Melania by LLR Chuck's lefty media/entertainment teammates is the order of the day.

Unknown said...

I have got to stop reading you Ann, as soon as this old man gets up. Too much coffee on my screen. Too much great stuff I want to learn, grinning from ear to ear.No wonder T is untouchable. We can hurt him and his family personally, but after a time it passes and they play Battleship after dinner. What? Baron run the Colorado campaign? sunk another one.

Caligula said...

"SNL" has had a long-running problem giving adequate representation to its female cast members."

Somehow I thought SNL was in the business of offering topical humor, not in the business of "giving adequate representation"?

"Giving adequate representation" seems more about keeping the cast happy than keeping the audience happy. Of course, sometimes a business can improve the quality of what it offers by improving its employees' job satisfaction, but, prioritizing employee interests over customer interests is not always a winning strategy.

If the purpose of "giving adequate representation" is something other than making the show better, then why should/would SNL do it? Just because?

n.n said...

Progress is monotonic change. It is an unqualified process, that includes the resumption of abortion rites, and, today, conducts a war on women through the normalization/promotion of neo-women.

Eleanor said...

I never suspected Meade was a drag queen given his strong, outdoorsy side, but maybe that's how he managed to win your heart. You do seem to find them fascinating. Could you add "drag queen" in your tags so those of us who don't find them fascinating know to skip the post?

Drago said...

""SNL" has had a long-running problem giving adequate representation to its female cast members."

Perhaps what we need is something along the lines of a Federal Ministry of Culture as was created in Robert Cook's Soviet workers paradise?

Kevin said...

Must be why #MeToo hasn't destroyed him yet.

If there is one person who is currently immune to the #MeToo moment right now, it's Alec Baldwin.

Can you imagine if they had to replace "Trump" on SNL because the actor savaging him every week had behaved worse?

It might actually break the spell.

FIDO said...

You mean the guy who screamed epithets at his children in phone messages? Who had a brutal divorce with Kim Bassinger? THAT Alec Baldwin?

FIDO said...

So far, I haven't seen many Lefty men who have NOT behaved worse than Trump and his consensual pussy pattering.

Frankly, he likes boobs and models and hasn't asked women to watch him defile house plants.

Compared to that, he's normal.

Unknown said...

I wager Melania and the D use it to teach Baron story arcs,and boards, production values, effective use of lights and colors and cleavage, screen writing, and how get us all to choke on our coffee. Reviewing it frame by frame together, laughing all the way. The family that plays together stays together.

mikee said...

Yeah, SNL could do that. Or, and I'm just nainstorming here, it could try presenting something funny, or at least amusing, or perhaps just maybe nonpolitical.

eddie willers said...

Ah...for the days of Jane Curtin, Laraine Newman and Gilda Radner.

Known Unknown said...

Why is "SNL" in scare quotes?

Is it "fake comedy?"

Known Unknown said...

just maybe nonpolitical.

Their non-political stuff tends to be their best. Especially when they are allowed to get weird.

The Godfather said...

Sorry, I must have missed something. Does anyone really think that the guy who dressed in drag to play Melania did a good job or was funny or clever?

Anonymous said...

There's something happening here...
What it is ain't exactly clear
There's a Trump with a plan over there
Telling me I got to be aware.
I think it's time we stop, children, what's that sound
Everybody look what's going down.
There's battle lines being drawn
Nobody's right if everybody's wrong
Young people speaking their minds
Getting so much resistance from Pelosi's behind
It's time we stop, hey, what's that sound
Everybody look what's going down
What a field-day for the MSM.
A thousand armed people in the street
Singing songs and carrying signs
Mostly say, you're crossing a line
It's s time we stop, hey, what's that sound
Everybody look what's going down
MSM Paranoia strikes deep
Into your life it will creep
It starts when you're always afraid
You step out of line, the MSM come and take you away