Who knows whether all or some or none among the graduating class at Yale were alarmed when Hillary Clinton intoned those words? But I do note that somebody was sitting right there in the front row wearing a witch's hat...
So if we're doing witch hunts, I found one. I mean, I know there's a hat thing going on at Yale. the linked article (in the New Haven Register) does talk about it:
It is Class Day tradition for the seniors to wear silly, imaginative headgear and Clinton held up a Russian fur cap, saying, “I brought a hat too — a Russian hat. Look, I mean, if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em!”Join the Russians.
Meanwhile, at the other hyper-elite school: "Hillary Clinton will receive Harvard’s prestigious Radcliffe Medal for her 'transformative impact on society.'"
९६ टिप्पण्या:
It seems like only one side weaponized the bureaucracy, so so far there's no crisis.
She should know about the crisis since she is hip deep in it.
This goes back to the Iran deal and that makes it even more interesting.
What did the NSA find on Corker to get him to support the Iran deal ? Why is he resigning ?
“Attacking truth and reason, evidence and facts, should alarm us all.”
What difference, at this point, does it make?
What the hell is wrong with these people?
Self awareness is not her strength, but projection certainly is.
“Waging a war on the rule of law and a free press, de-legitimizing elections, perpetrating shameless corruption and rejecting the idea that our leaders should be public servants undermines our national unity. And attacking truth and reason, evidence and facts should alarm us all."
1. Hillary broke the law daily by using her private email server to run her bribery scheme.
2. The press protected the Clintons and just took dictation.
3. Hillary paid for the Steele Dossier with the hope of winning the election.
4. The Clintons define corruption.
5. How did the Clintons and their alleged daughter become rich?
6. Public servants don’t become rich.
7. National unity? Become a Leftist or else!
8. Obligatory attack on anyone who didn’t attend college, preferably an Ivy League school and anyone who doesn’t religiously believe in the global warm scam.
Keep talking Hillary. You are the best campaigner for Trump’s re-election.
Is it OK to laugh at the crazy lady?
"Waging a war on the rule of law and a free press, de-legitimizing elections, perpetrating shameless corruption and rejecting the idea that our leaders should be public servants undermines our national unity. And attacking truth and reason, evidence and facts should alarm us all."
Self-description. Except she's not really alarmed.
The people who believe in the crisis are the ones laboring to create it: the neutered media, drawing room intelligence operatives who have lost sight of their roles, and Hillary herself, whose long record of irritation reaches new heights with each tone-deaf expression of bitterness at the sound of any voice that dares to disagree with her.
Isn't this the time when one carries oneself to an island far away to live in exile muttering about betrayal to people paid to murmur consolation?
We have never understood class obligation in America.
"Waging a war on the rule of law and a free press, de-legitimizing elections, perpetrating shameless corruption and rejecting the idea that our leaders should be public servants undermines our national unity."
Gonna need taller boots...
@gspencer is exactly right. Sec. Clinton is surely the most un-selfaware politician today.
Loser. I guess Yale isn’t so elite after all. Why did they let her read Trump’s speech?
How can we miss her when she won’t go away?
Hillary transformed my life.
Her loss brought a smile to my face that's still going.
"losing a country" = workers taking home more of their pay
How much was she paid to intone those words?
I find it disturbing how Democrats characterize law enforcement as “the rule of law.” It’s one of their current talking points. Feinstein and HRC both said it over the weekend.
For three decades left wingers have been telling us objectivity is racist. Any weapon was legitimate as long as it was used against their enemies. Somehow the second these weapons are used against them they want to call timeout.
Reap what you sow.
I remain in wait for someone to list a single individual accomplishment by this empty pantsuit.
Leftists always project.
Hillary: de-legitimizing elections
Is there anyone who wants to hear this carp at their college graduation?
Don't eat me Hillary!
John Henry
Hillary accepted the invitations to join numerous coven during the last year--according to numerous sources.
A witch hunt for her is going to have pretty good odds of success.
The Russian hat at Yale was a signal to Lefties that the whole Russia business is made-up bullshit. Lefties love that. And they love giving themselves high signs even more. Remember when Obama gave Hillary the finger and he said he was just scratching his nose. Then managed to do it again later to cheering crowds of student Lefties.
Million-Felony Hillary pleads for justice.
If justice ever shows its face again, she's not going to like the outcome.
The 2020 presidential primaries kick off in six months. How are the democrats going to stop this entitled cat lady from becoming their nominee?
Any chance the red hat near the witch hat is a MAGA hat ?
I've said for a long time that the Constitution only means what five or more supreme court justices say it means, actual text notwithstanding. I also have pointed out that the 537 elected federal politicians in DC are mostly the Hollywood government. The real government is composed of the millions of unelected, unaccountable, and apparently unfireable government employees who work in an alphabet soup of agencies, departments, and bureaus. The aftermath of the 2016 election has finally shown a light on how their system works. Some people deserve very long prison sentences for what they've done, with the Clintons and Obama being in that number. Obama talked about fundamental transformation and to a degree, he achieved it. He almost transformed the US into a banana republic.
Is there a prestigious college that has not shifted leftward and taken on the smug, wealthy worldview?
I object to men wearing hats indoors in the presence of ladies.
Oh, wait, it's OK in that room.
MayBee said...Is there anyone who wants to hear this carp at their college graduation?
Carp indeed.
How much did this carp get for speechifyin'?
"[T]anks in the streets" usually refers to a military coup against an elected government, doesn't it?
Carp is JustOneMinute code for "crap"
"Waging a war on the rule of law and a free press, de-legitimizing elections, perpetrating shameless corruption and rejecting the idea that our leaders should be public servants undermines our national unity. And attacking truth and reason, evidence and facts should alarm us all. But....enough about me!"
Sure..but the typo pantsuits her better.
"de-legitimizing elections, perpetrating shameless corruption and rejecting the idea that our leaders should be public servants undermines our national unity.
The woman who weaponized the use of civil servants to tilt an election, and whose shameless pay-for-play Foundation has made her family billionaires? That Clinton?
paraphrasing my favorite line from Michener's :Hawaii" about the missionaries
"They came to do good, and they did very very well..."
“Whether in Arkansas, Washington, D.C., New York state, or traveling around the globe as secretary of state,” Cohen said, “Secretary Clinton has provided a model of what it takes to transform society, often under scrutiny: tireless effort, toughness amid the political fray, and an enduring capacity to envision a better future.”
Previous medalists include U.S. Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen, Supreme Court Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, former U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Dole, and former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright.
Rep. John Lewis, D-Ga.
Lewis named Harvard Commencement speaker
Prominent Civil Rights leader and congressman will address Afternoon Program
Radcliffe Day will feature a tribute to Clinton from Albright, a global affairs trailblazer, followed by a wide-ranging keynote conversation between Clinton and Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey ’92.
The day’s program will open with a panel titled “Toward a New Global Architecture? America’s Role in a Changing World.” In 2009, Clinton outlined a vision for a global architecture with both incentives to cooperate and disincentives to cause friction. Nearly a decade later, the U.S. is still grappling with complex questions about its role in global affairs. Nicholas Burns, the Roy and Barbara Goodman Family Professor of the Practice of Diplomacy and International Relations at Harvard Kennedy School and a former U.S. ambassador to NATO and undersecretary of state for political affairs, will moderate a discussion exploring these issues with the foreign-policy experts Michèle Flournoy, David Ignatius, Meghan O’Sullivan, and Anne-Marie Slaughter.
The Radcliffe Institute is dedicated to creating and sharing transformative ideas across all disciplines. Each year, the Institute hosts 50 leading scholars, scientists, and artists from around the world in its residential fellowship program. Radcliffe fosters innovative research collaborations and offers hundreds of public lectures, exhibitions, performances, conferences, and other events annually.
The institute also is home to the Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library, the nation’s foremost archive on the history of women, gender, and sexuality.
Hillary's behavior post election is puzzling to me. She obviously knows what she did. Why would she keep such a high profile? Does she really think that she is bulletproof? Best defense is a good offense? Is she just some sort of sociopath that can't help it? Or is she an Inga type who truly believes that she did nothing wrong? I doubt the latter very much. Even she knows she is unelectable. Why the front and center act?
Wasn't it just noted that Russia's goal was to delegitimize the elections, and if anything preferred her stability to Trump? Why is Hillary supporting the preferred narrative of Russia?
Oh that's right, common cause.
Was that part of her swag from selling the uranium to the Russians? Or was it part of the swag from Bill's speech to the Russians? Inquiring minds want to know.
"a full-fledged crisis in our democracy"
Assuming she's not referring to the outrageous deep-state attack on Trump and his campaign, what, pray tell, is the crisis?
She lost, we won--is that the crisis?
Or is this just another case of progs not believing their own BS?
Where is that Yale woman doctor who wrote (or edited) the book on Trump's alleged mental illness? Why doesn't she do the same thing for Hillary?
Hillary's alleged husband got blow jobs in the White House from a woman employee young enough to be his daughter.
Hillary then stands by her man in one of the biggest public humiliations of all time. She has to go out and defend him; probably doing interviews with perverts like Matt Lauer and Charlie Rose. Why didn't those guys hit on her?
Bill then is a regular passenger on the Lolita Express while Hillary pretends to be a US Senator.
Hillary and Bill engage in a bribery scheme but Hillary at State has to do most of the flying to pick up the bribes.
Hillary then blows the election and loses to Trump.
Hillary can't let go and has a book ghost-written about her loss in which she blames everyone but herself.
Hillary is a sick, sick woman.
Harvard is, however, right to honor Hillary. She is transformational. She gave us Trump.
As usual Hillary is mostly upset hat the democrat press will not be as effective as it is supposed to be. I mean they couldn’t even get her elected.
"Secretary Clinton has provided a model of what it takes to transform society, often under scrutiny: tireless effort, toughness amid the political fray, and an enduring capacity to envision a better future.”
Do Ivy progs believe their own BS?
If they do, who are they to call us deplorable?
Harvard and Yale are probably vying for her Presidential Library. Soon Trump will be arrested and Hillary will be sworn in. I feel sure about it.
The heart of Hillary's mental illness is her sexual deprivation and frustration.
Her alleged husband bangs any woman who walks by him, but she gets nothing. Who can forget her words in that famous White House fight with the throwing of the lamp? "I need to be fucked more than twice a year."
There are certain things that are so essential they should transcend politics.
Like Hillary's entitlement to the Presidency?
Like the need to overthrow Trump?
Like enhanced funding for the Clinton Foundation?
Like Hillary's right to spew hateful bile at those who offend her?
Blogger David Begley said...
"Hillary then stands by her man in one of the biggest public humiliations of all time. She has to go out and defend him; probably doing interviews with perverts like Matt Lauer and Charlie Rose. Why didn't those guys hit on her?"
I thought about your question and threw up a little in my mouth.
"Secretary Clinton has provided a model of what it takes to transform society, often under scrutiny: tireless effort, toughness amid the political fray, and an enduring capacity to envision a better future.”
This is the Mythical Hillary. If she didn't exist, and she doesn't, they would have to invent her. And they did. This dumpy woman in a pantsuit gets to play her.
Ever since the election I have been perplexed at her behavior. She’s poking a bear that will end up devouring her.
Love her or hate her, you have to admit, she's got big brass ones!!
I watched some video of this and the people surrounding her looked strained. She is completely nuts and a joke.
I think it says a lot about a nation that allows some of their people to bypass the legal system when they commit felonies.
I think every student who participated in that event, should kneel before God and repent their sins against their fellow citizens.
She is attacking truth and reason, perpetrating shameless corruption, and rejecting the idea that our leaders should be public servants.
Things she attributes to the other Party are in fact her credo.
Wouldn't it have been rich if PETA threw "blood" on her as she displayed the fur hat?
Etienne @ 8:50
It's all about her, even at a ceremony that should be about the future of those graduating.
We dodged such a corrupt bullet.
She should be in prison for her Private Server. Instead, she's complaining that she isn't in charge of the federal corruptocracy.
Fuck her and fuck Brennen.
I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!
The other? Princeton (and Stanford) will be upset to read that. Majority of US Supreme Court attended those two colleges. none Yale.
I liked her better when she was lost in the woods.
Mencken said losing presidential candidates ought to be quietly hung so that they don't wander around the country scaring the children.
H/T Armstrong and Getty
Welcome to the twilight fringe (a.k.a the penumbra), where the very life of a human being is a selective perception.
Harvard and the other top-tier American universities are critical high ground for the US system of power. They control, directly or indirectly, the indoctrination of your upper class and the personnel that staff the upper levels of your mechanism of governance. They also control what gets taught in all lesser universities, and from them all else in your system of education.
They are critical valves in your cursus honorum.
If you want your democracy back, they need to be reformed or destroyed. I doubt they can be reformed.
Re: the witch hat -
There's a thing running around the Uni culture for a couple years now, "Hex the Patriarchy", usually seen on t-shirts and posters along with various Wicca symbols. I suspect that's what the audience member was referring to.
Open up the impeachment files.
Yeah, how much did they pay her?
Billy Jeff was able to claim JFK passed the baton/torch to him (with photos to prove it before photoshop.)
I wonder who will it be to claim Hillary passed to (...)
I wonder who will it be to claim Hillary passed to (...)
Hillary isn't through with it yet.
"Transcend politics"
A dog whistle for the left, permitting violence to redress the wrong of the left losing an election.
BDNYC said...
I find it disturbing how Democrats characterize law enforcement as “the rule of law.” It’s one of their current talking points. Feinstein and HRC both said it over the weekend.
democrats passing the baton = police truncheon
The only people I've seen running around "de-legitimizing elections" are Mrs. Clinton and her supporters, who still can't seem to deal with the fact that she lost.
And as far as "I mean, if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em!" Mrs. Clinton, you already tried that in 2009, with your "reset" schtick. Perhaps you should seek treatment for dementia if you don't recall that?
can Harvard graduates discern farce and irony?
Quit posting sober, Etienne. Boring and stupid is Quastar's game
Blogger tcrosse said...
"Secretary Clinton has provided a model of what it takes to transform society, often under scrutiny: tireless effort, toughness amid the political fray, and an enduring capacity to envision a better future.”
Moahmaur Quaddaffi did not immediately respond to emails seeking comment
"Waging a war on the rule of law and a free press, de-legitimizing elections, perpetrating shameless corruption and rejecting the idea that our leaders should be public servants undermines our national unity."
Man, someone has no self-awareness at all.
We'll just have to see whether the Big Money boys are willing to bankroll H>er for another run.
What is really alarming is that Democrat criminals and their cohorts are not only shameless, but immune from prosecution. Society cannot have justice and examples cannot be made.
"Secretary Clinton has provided a model of what it takes to transform society, often under scrutiny: tireless effort, toughness amid the political fray, and an enduring capacity to envision a better future.”
They never get around to the point that not all transformation is a positive thing. It's as empty as Obama's 2008 "Hope and Change" campaign. Hope is not a plan and change isn't always for the better. Obama wanted to "fundamentally transform" the US and to a large part, he succeeded. He transformed us into a banana republic.
Self awareness is not her strength, but projection certainly is.
Certain Jill Stein voters have the same problem.
She didn't pass the baton.
She passed a dildo to Huma so she could lube it up.
Keep talking Hillary. You are the best campaigner for Trump’s re-election.
She's practically Trump's running mate at this point, much the way Willie Horton was Michael Dukakis'.
She's building the case that should she be indicted she'll be ruled mentally incompetent to stand trial.
A Radcliffe Medal and a five dollar coffee will get you into the bathroom at Starbucks.
She’s making it a lot harder for the next woman who wants to run for President.
Blogger narayanan said...
can Harvard graduates discern farce and irony?
I'm not sure anymore. I know Yale undergrads can't.
Have there ever been an failed POTUS candidate who's been such a classless loser?
You'd think the vast majority of Americans could unite in telling Hillary to shut up and behave with some decency and grace. And emulate peeps like Ford, Mondale, Dole, McCain, Romney and McGovern.
Instead you get shrieks of approval from the Left, and usual namby-pamby "Oh, gosh gee whiz, it'd really be nice if Hillary wasn't so aggressive" comments from the RINO/Never-trumper/loser Cuckservatives.
This is not a new behavior pattern for Hillary.
How many remember The Travel Office Scandal?Billy Dale was indicted by a federal grand jury on December 7, 1994, on two counts of embezzlement and criminal conversion, charged with wrongfully depositing into his own bank account $68,000 in checks from media organizations traveling with the president[35] during the period between 1988 and 1991.[5] He faced up to 20 years in prison if convicted.[36] Dale's attorneys conceded that funds had been co-mingled, but stated that Dale had not stolen anything but rather used the monies for the substantial tips and off-the-book payments that the job required, especially in foreign countries, and that anything left over was used as a discount against future trips.[5]
At the 13-day trial in October and November 1995,[37] prominent journalists such as ABC News' Sam Donaldson and The Los Angeles Times' Jack Nelson testified as character witnesses on Dale's behalf.[8] Much of the trial focused on the details of the movement of Travel Office funds into Dale's personal account, and not on the political overtones of the case. The jury acquitted Dale of both charges on November 16, 1995,[4] following less than two hours of deliberations.
Long enough to choose a foreman.
Hillary still ain't over it
Hillary is obviously much more comfortable and charming among her people -- the Yale elite. I didn't realize until this Yale incident how much of the antipathy (TDS) is resentment towards a guy who isn't one of them, not in the club. Trump is not from Yale or even from Harvard, he's a commoner. University of Pennsylvania Business School doesn't count when we are discussing royalty. Looking back, it's been thirty seven years since we've had a president who wasn't a graduate of either Yale or Harvard. Shocking! The whole system of networking and knowing the right people will be thrown out of wack, especially if Trump serves eight years. No doubt that makes a lot of fancy people (elite, sophisticated, superior, high achievers), take your pick of adjectives, very anxious and angry.
Hillary's lifelong bitterness has just been refueled by the 2016 election loss, she's got a real purpose now.
God, she is one truly evil Bitch!
What is more disturbing is that these students are believing every word of it, and that Hillary’s Behavior is acceptable - desirable - behavior.
Women who voted for Hillary are morally reprehensible.
Hillary Clinton will never, ever, be the President of the United States.
It feels good every time I type that sentence.
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