The investigation into Dolezal began in March of last year when an investigator from the Washington Department of Social and Health Services learned she had written a book that had been published.... At this time, Dolezal had been reporting a monthly income of less than $500.... In total, between August 2015 and September 2017, Dolezal’s bank statements showed she had deposited nearly $84,000, documents said. Investigators believe the money came from her book, speaking engagements and selling art, soaps and handmade dolls....
२५ मे, २०१८
"Rachel Dolezal, the white woman who posed as black, charged with welfare fraud."
WaPo reports.
९९ टिप्पण्या:
Ok, NOW I believe she is black.
Rachel is clearly not a fraudster because even though the objective evidence indicates she is, she clearly identifies as a law abiding citizen.
And these days how you identify supercedes the toxic whiteness patriarchal objective reality.
I suspect she was following her stereotype of what it means to be black.
The fruit hangs a bit too low, even for me.
Method acting.
Sistah keepin it real
In total, between August 2015 and September 2017, Dolezal’s bank statements showed she had deposited nearly $84,000, documents said.
There's a reason you see so many check cashing stores. Whatever your race there's a strong impetus to remain on welfare cooked into the program incentives.
Yep, she is clearly of the Hamitic persuasion.
The only surprise is they seem to be be going after her.
84K No Tax Why the Orange tax cuts mean little in some communities..
This seems as if it's another of these madness-in-public stories like Martin Sheen. Then there's groups like the football players destroying the NFL or the unions closing the Twinkies factory to get higher wages. Why always on the left?
I’m very uncomfortable with the notion that welfare fraud is a uniquely black thing, or that black welfare recipients generally commit fraud.
Hey, are there any honest progs? Anyone any other prog can vouch for?
"Ok, NOW I believe she is black."
I wondered how soon some idiot would make this comment. Imagine my non-surprise that it's the first one.
She's obviously a racist because she believes that "acting Black" includes committing welfare fraud. Lesser known is the fact that she subsists entirely on fried chicken, watermelon and grape soda too.
And...of course, many of the other comments are along similar lines. I wonder how much more blunt you are when you post on Stormfront?
Inside every leftist is a thief.
"known is the fact that she subsists entirely on fried chicken, watermelon and grape soda too."
Holy shit! I'm black?!
wildswan said...This seems as if it's another of these madness-in-public stories like Martin Sheen. Then there's groups like the football players destroying the NFL or the unions closing the Twinkies factory to get higher wages. Why always on the left?
There are plenty of nutcases and assholes on the Right, though, it's just that the Media and nice centrist people don't tolerate or make excuses for them--if you're a Lefty nutcase/criminal/asshole there's a good chance the respectable people will treat you with respect (let you tell your side if the story, whatever) while if you're the same but a non-Lefty everyone will immediately agree you're scum and not give you any airtime other than as the object of ridicule.
Not our ARM, he posts on Stormyfront.
Sometimes I think though that the racist posts come from Mobys trying to make this site toxic. But it is a shame that welfare is. set up more as a boot on the neck than a hand up.
Inside every leftist is a thief.
Property is theft, man!
Oso Negro and Langford Peel will always chime in whenever you need a racist comment.
She self-identifies as a model citizen.
Big Mike said...I’m very uncomfortable with the notion that welfare fraud is a uniquely black thing, or that black welfare recipients generally commit fraud.
Good; you ought to be uncomfortable with those notions since they're untrue. You ought not ever feel uncomfortable with true things--with facts--but in this case those notions are not factual so it's good to be uncomfortable with them.
It is equally good to be uncomfortable with untrue things that people profess in order to make the nice centrist people feel good; you should be uncomfortable with the notion that "welfare fraud doesn't exist/isn't a real problem" or "only racists care or make a big deal out of entitlement fraud" or such assertions. (Just as you should be uncomfortable when people say "women don't lie about rape" or "illegal immigrants don't commit crimes" or those kinds of nice centrist-approved notions.)
Does CPUSA have a blog that accepts comments?
I'm fascinated by the home-made dolls. It would be racist to suggest they're the kind one sticks pins into.
@Tim - I try to live my life free of the constraints of mainstream sensibility, middle class morality and certainly what might pass for a sense of decency in Vermont. Odds are my town and neighborhood are much more racially diverse than yours. I thoroughly enjoy black culture. But I am under no illusions about it.
This seems germane: "Tell the truth." -- Jordan Peterson
Also: "Live not by lies," Alexander Solzhenitsyn (
“Blogger Rockeye said...
The fruit hangs a bit too low, even for me.”
Normally, I’d agree but Jesus....
“And...of course, many of the other comments are along similar lines. I wonder how much more blunt you are when you post on Stormfront?”
Good Lord, lighten up, Bob. Even Marxist firebrands can appreciate the delightful irony of this story and take a little time off from advancing the broad masses to make some rueful riffs on the absurdities inherent in PC culture. You don’t think Black people are laughing at this bizarre play on the stereotype? It’s a Black comedian’s dream.
accused of stealing $8,847 in food and child care assistance
An amateur.
"It soon emerged that millions of taxpayer dollars, and possibly much more[sic], had been stolen through a massive scam of Minnesota’s social-services sector, specifically through fraudulent daycare claims. To make matters worse, the money appears to have wound up in areas of Somalia controlled by al-Shabab, the Islamic jihadist group responsible for numerous terrorist outrages."
@tim in Vermont - I enjoy Islamic culture, but I am not under any illusions about it either. So add religious intolerance to the list you keep in case you Yankees ever occupy Galveston again.
She looks doleful in her latest photos. Larger than life.
And by the way, be sure to order your old-timey Vermont Racist-o-meter through the Althouse Amazon portal! The deluxe edition plays “Battle Hymn of the Republic” and detects neighbors using light maple syrup on their breakfast flapjacks up to half a mile away! One dollar of every sale donated to the Bernie 2020 campaign.
I find myself agreeing with Cook for a change.
A number of comments, beginning with the first, are way out of line.
John Henry
On the other hand, I do enjoy seeing a fraudster like Dolezal caught.
There's plenty of great jokes in that.
And Tim is right, welfare of all kinds is too often a boot on the neck holding blacks AND whites down than a hand helping them up.
It has been ever thus.
John Henry
Big Mike:
I’m very uncomfortable with the notion that welfare fraud is a uniquely black thing, or that black welfare recipients generally commit fraud.
You're right. It's those other flavors of wog you have to look out for when it comes to your significant benefits fraud.
(Sorry, but this thread was getting way too pious.)
Oh look, the racist jokes practically write themselves.
Blogger johnhenry100 said...
I find myself agreeing with Cook for a change.
A number of comments, beginning with the first, are way out of line.
"...way out of line"?
I suspect it is the fact the comments contain a germ of truth that makes them objectionable.
If was Dolezan was instead a fake Asian, no would get the joke.
tim in vermont said...
"Oso Negro and Langford Peel will always chime in whenever you need a racist comment."
The truth is racist. You can acknowledge the truth. Or you can live in Igna-World, and call others racists. It's a choice you make. Every day.
What if she self-identifies as innocent of the charges?
Earnest Prole: Oh look, the racist jokes practically write themselves.
Just not quite as automatically as the indignant objections to them.
@Angle Dyne - “wog” doesn’t really resonate in our piece of the Anglo-sphere. Side note - in Ukraine there is a gas station chain called “WOG”. I sometimes stop in for a Wog dog when I fill up.
The lefties here see the irony as much as anyone. The difference is they think everyone should pretend to not notice it. Even after Althouse creates a post about it.
If the truth is "racist, " surely your superior self can find a less inflammatory way of expressing that fact.
Fraud seems to come naturally to this woman. She pretends to be something she is not, then pretends to be poor when she is not. In both cases she lied to get something she couldn't otherwise have. Race has nothing to do with it.
It’s not the color of her skin. It’s the content of her character. If she’s willing to misrepresent herself in one sphere of her life, it’s hardly surprising that she’d have the propensity to be a welfare fraudster. Dishonest people do dishonest things.
That first comment was hilarious.
Blogger Sal said...
The lefties here see the irony as much as anyone. The difference is they think everyone should pretend to not notice it. Even after Althouse creates a post about it.
This is Althouse trolling for racists. Does the name Pavlov ring a bell?
Most welfare fraud is committed by Whites. Which is, I guess, why Dolezal committed fraud. Because she's white.
The immediate jump to Black Welfare Queen jokes reflects poorly on the writers.
The self-identifies as innocent line: that's funny though, so thanks for that.
Oso Negro: @Angle Dyne - “wog” doesn’t really resonate in our piece of the Anglo-sphere.
OK. "Darkies" then.
Nah, that doesn't really work, either. That just referred to people of sub-Saharan African descent. U.S. racial categorization was strictly "black and white" for so long that there is no proper all-purpose slur for "those teeming hordes of bipeds of questionably human status out there (Africans, Asians, Irish, etc.) who aren't us". No "wogs begin at Calais" equivalent. Which is a strange lack for what's purported to be a bunch of "white supremacists" all hopped-up on "white privilege". What kind of lame-ass "supremacist" doesn't have an all-encompassing term for the "them" in "us v. them"?
Side note - in Ukraine there is a gas station chain called “WOG”. I sometimes stop in for a Wog dog when I fill up.
Ha. Not racial, but I still giggle like a smutty-minded adolescent at the "Kum & Go" gas station chain found in the American Midwest.
MadisonMan, your statistically correct but absolutely dishonest comment needs called out: Because the population of whites is is not equal in number to the population of blacks in the US, to compare behavior by each group, it is not the NUMBER of events required, but the RATE of events. RATE=NUMBER/POPULATION.
So even if "Most welfare fraud is committed by Whites" is true, it does not tell us anything about a race to race comparison of fraud rates. Your immediate jump to denigration as racists of the commenters making jokes reflects poorly on you, race-baiter.
"...I’m very uncomfortable with the notion that welfare fraud is a uniquely black thing, or that black welfare recipients generally commit fraud. ..."
I'm not uncomfortable with that notion at all.
Most welfare fraud is committed by Whites.
And most food stamp recipients are white. But whites are 6X the black population.
People on food stamps in US:
25% of Blacks
7% of Whites
7% of Asians
If you suffer from a cultural stereotype and the numbers back it up, own it.
MadisonMan: Most welfare fraud is committed by Whites.
Probably the woggier sort of white.
No, actually, it's probably Cleon and Cletus whites, so we're in luck here. We can still make jokes about "trailer-trash" whites without the stick-up-the-butt brigade falling in, can't we?
Which is, I guess, why Dolezal committed fraud. Because she's white.
Nobody complaining about stupid jokes has any kind of excuse for a rejoinder as lame as that. ("Watch MadisonMan DESTROY racists with this killer quip!" Groan.)
tim in vermont said...
"If the truth is "racist", surely your superior self can find a less inflammatory way of expressing that fact."
Oh, sure. But as you may have noticed, any indication that you are trying to avoid giving offense is read by the Left as a sign of weakness and vulnerabilty. Correctly, I might add. People have suggested to me, that just because it is true, doesn't mean you have to talk about it. But the fact is, not talking about it allows the Left to claim that the only possible explanation for the miserable state of black people's lives is white racism. They will keep right on claiming that as long as they can get away with it. So you have to throw it back in their faces. Black people have hard lives because they make bad decisions, lots of them. And affirmative action and welfare and bashing the criminal justice system aren't going to change that indelible fact. They're only going to make the rest of us pay for their bad decisions.
I wonder how much more blunt about their antipathy to liberty Robert Cook, Inga and our other resident State-shtuppers are when they post on whatever the current online equivalent of the Daily Worker is.
"I'm uncomfortable with the notion that. . . ." I call that the Phil Donahue line of argument.
I mentioned a couple of weeks ago that I watched the Dolezal documentary on Netflix and found her story far more complex and interesting than media reports left and right would have you believe (shocking, I know).
See, here's little MadMan, performing his transparent statistical BS about white people and welfare fraud. Is he actually so stupid he thinks that is a a valid argument? No, MadMan is not that stupid. But he doesn't feel the need to make valid arguments. He is accustomed to winning arguments by shouting "Racist! Racist right here! Got another one, come and fry 'em up!". They all are. And you let them.
Wait? So you're saying a Leftist was lying and exploiting the government programs the Leftist wants to expand? Shiver my timbers. I did not see that coming.
Hey..she has dole in her name.
(Bob Dole cringes)
"from her book, speaking engagements and selling art, soaps and handmade dolls...."
Unfortunately, her Melanin Spectrum Dolls are out of stock. But onsale is a strangely cropped Autographed 8×10″ Photo of Rachel.
Shiver me timbers, dagnabit.
The jokes write themselves, and so does the outrage at those jokes.......Parts of the Rachel story are intriguing. She's never been accused of donning blackface. Blacks never expressed much anger at her fraud. I guess it's okay to pretend to be black if your ultimate goal is to express hostility towards white oppression. Maybe this will change now that she's accused of welfare fraud.
"...I’m very uncomfortable with the notion that welfare fraud is a uniquely black thing, or that black welfare recipients generally commit fraud. ..."
I agree since most of the people I've known who were on welfare were white. You white motherfuckers need to learn to deal with that.
She just wanted to act black. She had to fit in with her peeps.
She needs to get a medal and her own show on BET.
Nothing to see here.
My comment (the first) was supposed to be taken as snarc, not literally.
But those who need to be offended are free to do so.
The reason we joke about Rachel Dolezal (small potatoes) is because the major media and large segments of the population minimize stories like this one (should be big potatoes, but is not):
$1 Billion verdict against security company where a young black security guard raped a 14-year old black female.
@Jupiter:No, MadMan is not that stupid. But he doesn't feel the need to make valid arguments.
I think you are being unfair to Madison Man about his motives.
However, he did make an argument he knows to be deceptive. And there's really no excuse for that.
More people die in auto accidents than die from drinking gasoline, but that doesn't mean drinking gasoline is safer than driving. It means that very few people do anything that stupid. Madison Man has enough experience with statistics and correlation vs causation to tell the difference, and I am disappointed in him.
I don't doubt that statistically most welfare fraud is committed by whites.
Most of them are "wiggers" like this bitch. White people who want to be black. The adopt the slang,music and culture of the black underclass.
@FullMoonIf they can, they earn extra cash babysitting, doing repair work, or, unfortunately, dealing some drugs.
Buying stuff with (your own other people's) SNAP or WIC and then selling at a discount or trading for non-food items.
I still believe this is about culture.
The people on welfare generally have single parent families, grow up without fathers, make poor financial choices, get poor educations. Labeling it black culture is unnecessary and counterproductive and also completely wrong.
Who are the patrons of this culture? Who designed the welfare system to destroy the family? Who turned our public education system into a cesspool? Who pushes Hip Hop culture?
Rich white globalists.
Pointing out people's failings is important. Properly diagnosing the problem and going after the source of the problem is more important.
The source of this problem are the rich white people pushing this shit.
They should be hunted down.
The best way to get ahead: Don't have a kid in high school, get a diploma, and if you have a child, marry the father (beforehand, if possible).
$1 Billion verdict against security company where a young black security guard raped a 14-year old black female.
What's more Big Potato here: That the award was an eye-popping, and certainly-going-to-be-reduced $1bn, that the race of the perpetrator was noted in the headline, or that the young woman who was raped is named, at her request?
Now, lets arrest some Crony capitalist for corporate welfare fraud.
Lets start with Bezoz or whatever the fuck his name his who's ripping off the Post Office so Amazon can make him more $Billions.
So she lies about being black for years.
Is anyone surprised she's committed Welfare Fraud? And probably tax fraud too.
Liars lie, it's what they do.
Woah, WA Dept of Health and Social services actually went after a case of waste, fraud, or abuse!! Quick, come do the Seattle City Council. I bet you'll find waaay more than 84K.
"...I’m very uncomfortable with the notion that welfare fraud is a uniquely black thing, or that black welfare recipients generally commit fraud. ...
I'm uncomfortable too but that's the way to bet.
Austin asserts: Ok, NOW I believe she is black.
The largest portion of welfare recipients are white.
@mockturtle:The largest portion of welfare recipients are white.
Is drinking gasoline safer than driving? Far more people have died driving than drinking gasoline.
You and Madison Man are better than this.
Rachel Dolezal, the white woman who posed as black . . .
"Posed as black"? What is this blatant anti-trans bigotry from the Washington Post? Just because she was assigned "white" at birth does not mean that everyone should not know respect and embrace her identity now at a black woman as her real one.
From the story - She was outed as pretending to be African American after her carefully constructed image was shattered during an interview in 2015"
My recollection - which was remarked upon at the time - is that she never claimed to be "African American." Rather, she always identified herself as "black."
Then again, the "reporting" is from the Washington Post.
This story make the case perfectly.
It isn't about race.
It is about Leftists.
The only fair and objective way to judge things like this is based on the people Rusty has known.
That she is being busted is the news. Usually the only real reason to not defraud welfare is personal ethics, which is pretty rare. Sometimes I'll be in line behind someone at the store who is using food stamps or an EBT, and it angers me, but it also makes me feel like a sucker. Why am I not accepting this free easy money too? Democrats, at least want as many of us on welfare as possible, so why not follow my illustrious leaders?
Blogger AustinRoth said...
"My comment (the first) was supposed to be taken as snarc, not literally.
But those who need to be offended are free to do so."
I've only known I'm black for a little while now but even I know rasis when I hear it.
Mark said...From the story - She was outed as pretending to be African American after her carefully constructed image was shattered during an interview in 2015"
Here's how her site characterizes it:
"She served as Chair of the Office of Police Ombudsman Commission, overseeing police accountability & justice in law enforcement in Spokane, WA and was President of the Spokane NAACP, before her personal identity was publicly criticized. Although she lost all her jobs amidst the media firestorm of 2015, she continues undeterred in her activist efforts."
I bet that the wording "her personal identity was publicly criticized." took some time to arrive at.
"The largest number of people on Welfare are white."
Which it should be - given we outnumber blacks 5 to 1.
"The largest number of people on Welfare are white."
Which it should be - given we outnumber blacks 5 to 1.
Fair enough but let's not stereotype welfare recipients as being black.
Who are the patrons of this culture? Who designed the welfare system to destroy the family? Who turned our public education system into a cesspool? Who pushes Hip Hop culture?
Rich white globalists.
Indeed. Althouse portal time: Black Rednecks and White Liberals
Is insanity a possible defense for committing welfare fraud?
Re what Langford Peel wrote about the "wiggers," I've always lived in ethnically diverse neighborhoods and I can attest that the Wiggers were pretty much the worst. I don't know about welfare fraud but they conformed to stereotypically bad behavior in other ways: chiefly loud rap music at all hours of the day and night. Also loud visitors into the wee hours of the morning, running up and down the stairs like a herd of crazed elephants, as well as loud arguments in the stairwells and vestibule. When they finally got the Boot, representatives of every branch of law enforcement were in attendance: city police, county sheriff, DEA, etc. Must have been quite the record drug haul. You'd think that if you were going to traffic in illegal drugs you'd be as low-profile and quiet as possible, but not those clowns. I guess they were being "gangsta."
"Fair enough but let's not stereotype welfare recipients as being black."
OK - that's what I just wrote. The majority of welfare recipients are NOT black. Which is not surprising given Blacks make up 14% of USA population.
I assume this issue depends on where you live in the USA. If you live in Western USA or New England, or rural Midwest, you may find it bizarre that peeps are always bringing up blacks and Welfare.
I'm beginning to think this is excellent publicity for her book and for her personally. And hopefully enough material for at least a couple of chapters in the sequels.
I think a straight and fair way to make the point is to say that, if you are going to be a cultural appropriator, you have a certain responsibility to be a positive role model.
Are there any publicly available statistics on welfare fraud broken down by race?
If not, why not?
I assume this issue depends on where you live in the USA. If you live in Western USA or New England, or rural Midwest, you may find it bizarre that peeps are always bringing up blacks and Welfare.
Good point, rcocean.
So a woman whose entire life is a lie also lied about her income? What a surprise.
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