An additional 27 women — 14 CBS News employees and 13 who worked with him elsewhere — said Rose sexually harassed them. Concerns about Rose’s behavior were flagged to managers at the network as early as 1986 and as recently as April 2017, when Rose was co-anchor of “CBS This Morning,” according to multiple people with firsthand knowledge of the conversations....People? So not just Rose.
“I had been there long enough to know that it was just the way things went,” said Sophie Gayter, now 27, who worked at “60 Minutes” in 2013 when, she said, Rose groped her buttocks as they walked down an office hallway to a recording studio. “People said what they wanted to you, people did what they wanted to you.”
Lots more at the link.
५३ टिप्पण्या:
Women's feelings rule. Unanswered is why anybody but the woman's husband would worry about a woman's feelings.
Irrationality is there to give the husband something to do. It's a bonding thing.
No bonding is possible with the general population, except on soap opera channels.
When did he find the time, busy as he was interrupting the guests on the Charlie Rose show?
"No bonding is possible with the general population, except on soap opera channels."
I've bonded. With your mother.
Charlie Rose saw the office as his personal sexual playground. Here a tit. There a fanny. Everywhere a filly. Spread your gams, I'm going to ball you silly!
People? What’s the frequency, Kenneth?
Will CBS, like NBC and Brokaw, rally stars to their/Rose's defense in a Weinstein-esque effort to isolate the accusers? Maybe they tried and already failed.
Re: Brokaw, he would have been a more effective news-talker (new-stalker?) had he removed the marbles from his mouth.
Hypocrisy? From a “well respected Leftist, err, non-partisan, journalist?”
That’s unpossible!
If your butt gets grabbed, the correct response a slash across the face with a belt buckle or something, not moping around for years and finding someday, oh look, everybody cares about my feelings now, and invent some feelings.
Irrational feelings are there for bonding with husbands who will find themselves caring, not for the soap opera news channel.
What's the problem with Charlie Rose grabbing your butt? He doesn't care about your feelings.
If he does care about your feelings, is opening a courtship, it's another matter. He's offering to care about your feelings as a permanent sort of thing.
The butt-touch without caring is the damage. Psychological problem. Irrational but built-in.
"People? So not just Rose."
No, not just Rose.
So I read that NBC urged anchors to talk up the same letter. I await the howls from the MSM how this lockstep type reporting is how Democracy dies.
The falsehoods continue:
“I was never informed that Charlie behaved badly with women,” Fager wrote. “I hired him because he was one of the best interviewers in the country. Period. If I knew there was this darker side he never would have been hired.”
He was a terrible interview, long-winded and too often making the conversation more about him than his subject.
"Re: Brokaw, he would have been a more effective news-talker (new-stalker?) had he removed the marbles from his mouth."
But Brokaw's marbles were, how you say in French... delicious.
I'm anxiously awaiting the 75-year old female producer asserting that Walter Cronkite used to vigorously wack off near her before reporting on the Tet Offensive.
So Rose was only that boring when on TV? Amazing.
"If your butt gets grabbed, the correct response a slash across the face with a belt buckle or something, not moping around for years and finding someday, oh look, everybody cares about my feelings now, and invent some feelings."
No. Moping works better: no assault charges, universal sympathy, man gets his due, you are the heroic victim. What's not to like? Added bonus: you can hold on the the mope for later use, as a little implicit blackmail, or simply make it up, for who can tell it didn't happen?
“I hired him because he was one of the best interviewers in the country. Period."
One of the strangest things in this episode. It makes you realize that we live in different worlds. Who could possibly say such a thing?
I'm anxiously awaiting the 75-year old female producer asserting that Walter Cronkite used to vigorously wack off
No. He'd dip his dick in the 2 lb coffee can of cocaine CBS supplied to him, and she's have to blow him. Hum and coke, he called it. That's how things were in the old days.
More and more I am coming to believe that the reason why Leftwing women are so obsessed with sexual harassment is because most Leftwing men are sleezebag sexual harassers.
As a famous man once said, and I paraphrase, when you’re a star they let you do it, and don’t report it to HR.
Remember Charlie Gibson. He's the newscaster who literally looked down his nose at Sarah Palin during that interview.. He always struck me as kind of sleazy. Someone should look him up and ask him if he ever made unwanted advances on a subordinate and post his denials prominently. That should start the ball rolling. My schadenfreude is not yet perfect.
And we're supposed to accept lectures on civic morality from these people, who are morally reprehensible.
What I’ve often seen is people in positions of authority and influence given freer scope to pursue their personal biases and vices, but also given more responsibility and pressure. I don’t really have a problem with industries attracting men and being more male oriented because much of that, I think, is nature. I do have a problem with someone using a position of authority for personal gain which abuses, humiliates and demeans others. Character matters.
Having positions of authority be so exclusive that women are excluded and made to follow rules which affect them is pretty unjust, but I’m also seeing many women attaching themselves to an ideology which directs them to destroy any male only group, and seeks to integrate every single male oriented field in the name of equality (denying biological and natural differences exist...entirely). I think much of this is misguided, dangerous and often leads to weakened and in some cases, failed institutions (worse women and worse men fighting over less and less).
Unanswered is why anybody but the woman's husband would worry about a woman's feelings.
Surely this is feminist satire of right-wing misogyny. And people think Chuck's the troll.
A Rose by any other name would smell as ______
"Unanswered is why anybody but the woman's husband would worry about a woman's feelings."
Surely this is feminist satire of right-wing misogyny.
Why is it misogyny? Can't women go through life getting about the same amount of general concern with feelings which men get?
Noticing an unnoticed force holding women back from serious citizenship benefits women.
Charlie Rose is older than dirt. I'm amazed that he even thinks about sex nevermind pinching twenty two year old butts.
@cubanbob, it’s not about sex, it’s about power. He can slap a woman's fanny or pinch her butt because he’s on-air talent and she’s just yet another young woman running around the studio.
I imagine we might be in this same spot with Brokaw 6 months from now.
I saw a woman's ankle the other day - yowzah!
The national news media is having its Scandal just like the Roman Catholic Church did with its sex abuse scandal in the US.
Of course the assholes who run these news operations or have worked their awhile knew. They all knew. The We Support Tom Brokaw letter wasn’t about supporting Brokaw. It was about Scum like Andrea Mitchell pretending they didn’t know what was going on. This is what people with power do. They look the other way because they don’t care about anyone but themselves, and then they pretend to be ignorant. It doesn’t work. NBC News is a hive of villainy and scum just like the rest of them.
Big Mike said...
@cubanbob, it’s not about sex, it’s about power. He can slap a woman's fanny or pinch her butt because he’s on-air talent and she’s just yet another young woman running around the studio."
She should have slap him in the face. What we Rose have done? Complained to whom about what? The implied litigation threat would have tempered HR to do nothing to the young woman and management would gently told Rose to cut it out. We are talking five years ago not fifty years ago as is the case of one of Brokaw's accusers. Five years ago HR was woke enough to sexual harrasment suits.
The bloom is off the Rose. He was a good looking guy when he was young and an agreeable talker with money and status. There was a time in his life when it must have been very easy for him to get over wth the attractive women who passed him in the halls. Then at some indeterminate moment he became an old guy. Maybe a nice, kindly old guy but a wrinkly old guy, nonetheless. Maybe because of the importance of his position he went through the halls of power without ever realizing he was no longer a stud muffin, and there none who dared tell him otherwise. My heart goes out to Charley.....I have retained my own good looks well into old age. I'm frequently mistaken for Justin Bieber. I just hope that when that day comes when I'm no longer irrestible to women that someone takes me aside and informs me.
All these sleaze bag men have a significant other who provides cover for their licentious behavior.
Bill had Hillary.
Cosby had Camille.
Weiner had Huma.
Weinstein had Georgina.
Brokaw had Meredith.
Rose had Amanda Burden, Bloomberg’s socialite Commissioner of New York City Planning.
Women are complicit.
Unanswered is why anybody but the woman's husband would worry about a woman's feelings.
It's the husband's job to protect his property, in other words. To spell it out for those who lack moral imagination, this is the Taliban theory of society.
For those men who require a family relationship in order to empathize with a woman, imagine your 22-year-old daughter could not work in her chosen profession unless she consented to the sexual advances of a 71-year-old man.
The entire universe of lefties in media, the press and political world knew.
For decades.
And hid it.
And now want to lecture us....
Wow Earnest, you just don't get it.
It isn't that we lack empathy. It is that you lack proportion.
If a pinch on the butt is the worst thing that happens in her career, she is fucking FLYING! She could be laid off. She could face 12 months of interviews without a job. She could get into a life changing accident.
It is folks like you preaching the 'emotionally scarred' narrative who changes this from 'Eww! What a creep!' to 'sobbing and scarred for decades!' I've been assaulted like this by a gay man.
He was a creep and a perv but that is on him and doesn't define my life
Theoretically, I can sympathize with these defenses of Charlie Rose.
However, as a practical matter, "ol' Charlie Rose" was a screechy left-wing hypocrite would've been the first in line to demand any conservative caught doing anything not PC - be hung by his neck till dead.
Like most Liberals - Rose presented himself as a "friend of Feminism". Now, he's shown to be the pervy ol' fart who demanded women "watch him shower".
So - no sympathy.
One can wish the women had come forward sooner, but it doesn't make Rose any less of a sexual harasser - who should have been fired and not covered up for.
Besides, he was a such pompous twit, who was ALWAYS interrupting people - and talking over them. Especially if they were conservatives or interesting. He's other pose was the "complete sycophant" when he interviewed say Kissinger or some Grand Liberal Poo-bah.
It isn't that we lack empathy. It is that you lack proportion.
Why so emotional, FIDO? Charlie Rose's grope is straight-up sexual battery under state law, which exists to discourage savage behavior; it doesn't require the woman to be irreparably harmed. Hopefully she is as resilient as you, but regardless, Charlie Rose belongs in jail with several other mainstream media friends.
Earnest Prole,
It's always fascinating to see you taking something seriously. RH is a favorite, a pet, of Althouse's, so your outrage will go unrewarded.
RH, I will say, you think a woman groped by a man should cut him? ("belt buckle")-correct? I disagree strongly. The classic riposte is to slap his face. You would know this if you were a gentleman.
The classic dog-does-not-bite-bitch rule applies, even when the bitch does not reciprocate; but a slap is one thing. That's a signal. Belt buckles is no longer a signal. You're going to do an attack which could blind me, this is going to a new level. At that point is whoever is stronger or a better fighter. In other words that woman is going through the nearest wall. What kind of gutter do you come from?
Also: is your standard even handed? What if some powerful faggot groped you, or some other male, to depersonalize, or some male relative or friend, to repersonalize? In that setup, I'd also say the belt buckle was a bitch move, but there would be manly unarmed violence. Or, should you negotiate your ass cherry, or quit? Is it different if you are also gay?
RH, are you full of shit, or what?
You never answered me about shooting your dog.
RH is a favorite, a pet, of Althouse's, so your outrage will go unrewarded.
I appreciate that rhhardin has the courage of his unreconstructed convictions and will say out loud the sneaky thoughts shared by more than a few commenters, so I suppose he’s my pet too.
The law is the law and I for one offer no sympathy or perspective toward Rose. He is my ideological enemy so he gets the back of the legal bitch hand.
However a butt pinch is jaywalking. It is his other activities which make him reprehensible.
For those who can't offer any empathy to a person not a Democrat: a butt pinch, like destroying sobpoenaed documents, wouldn't be able to find a prosecutor to take the case.
That being said: if we allow Feminists to run socially unchecked, an unsolicited compliment will be rape.
So I am wishing Charlie and Feminists could both lose.
He is my ideological enemy so he gets the back of the legal bitch hand.
It’s always a tough call in cases like this: On the one hand you want him in jail because he votes D, but on the other hand you don’t want to give sexual assault a bad name.
Earnie, he's gotta be taking the piss, as our over-the-pond pals say. Don't you think? You're not the only purveyor of insincere harassment on Althouse.
Earnie, he's gotta be taking the piss, as our over-the-pond pals say.
I suppose he doesn't need my help with that.
What I gathered from this discussion is that too much Earnestness makes a commenter boring. Kind of screechy. Like when that guy from Saved by the Nell made a sex tape with Jodie Foster.
If it were not for the Charlie Rose hypocrisy this wouldn't be a story.
"NBC News is a hive of villainy and scum just like the rest of them."
Sure, but NBC does not have twin suns, androids, and a Facebook page like this:
>> imagine your 22-year-old daughter could not work in her chosen profession unless she consented to the sexual advances of a 71-year-old man.
My 21 year old daughter would kick him square in the nuts.
It’s always a tough call in cases like this: On the one hand you want him in jail because he votes D, but on the other hand you don’t want to give sexual assault a bad name.
So what punishment would you put on a butt grope? If a man slaps another man on the ass, are you advocating the same punishment? If not, why not? If Jim grabs an irritated Pam's butt at work, and Angela sees it and reports it, should Jim be thrown out of The Office?
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