May 1, 2018

"I don’t give a fuck. I mean, everybody had to choose for themselves, according to their own conscience, who they felt was the lesser of two evils."

"This is America, it’s a free country, and you know, when you weigh it all together, you know, I just felt like we needed a whole new thing. All the way. Bottom to top."

Said Roseanne last night when Jimmy Fallon asked her about supporting Trump. Video:

ADDED: Since we're talking about female comics on TV yesterday, here was Kathy Griffin on "The View" (saying, among other things, that she's sorry she said she was sorry for posing with a fake severed Trump head):


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Michael K said...

Her voice doesn't sound like Wolf's. Maybe her character does.

Earnest Prole said...

I predict a strange new respect from Althouse commenters.

Achilles said...

Earnest Prole said...
I predict a strange new respect from Althouse commenters.

It is fun to make dumb assumptions in order to make stupid points and build up straw men.

Rob said...

Jimmy Fallon, a friend of Justice Garner.

Ann Althouse said...

I will lose money from Google AdSense because I put the word "fuck" in the post title. I considered adding an asterisk but would not do that for the money. I don't know how much money it is. Admittedly, if it were $10,000 I would do it. I just don't know how much money it is, but it's not $10,000.

Achilles said...

Nobody would ever be angry if she supported Obama despite him spying on domestic political opponents and providing aid and comfort to our enemies on at least two specific occasions.

Also that seems like Fallon, not Kimmel.

Dude1394 said...

I agree with Roseanne, I do not give a **** what the democrat media party thinks. They can all sod off, they are just a bunch of hypocrites.

Achilles said...

Ann Althouse said...
I will lose money from Google AdSense because I put the word "fuck" in the post title. I considered adding an asterisk but would not do that for the money. I don't know how much money it is. Admittedly, if it were $10,000 I would do it. I just don't know how much money it is, but it's not $10,000.

I really hope pornHub jups in and competes with Google.

Gahrie said...

Roseanne has always been a contrarian.

Ann Althouse said...

"Also that seems like Fallon, not Kimmel."

Oops. Thanks. Mixing up the jimmys again.

Jimmy Kimmel is more rhyme-y. It jumps into my brain space when I'm not maintaining focus. I do know the difference. Fallon is the sweet smushy one. Kimmel is the smirking asshole.

Achilles said...

Unknown said...
I agree with Roseanne, I do not give a **** what the democrat media party thinks. They can all sod off, they are just a bunch of hypocrites.

The real pivot is when you become one of the cool kids by telling the democrats off.

The democrats/media/hollywood are the popular target of derision now.

This was part of the preference cascade that happened months ago and we are just now watching roll over the country.

traditionalguy said...

She is still wonderful. And we have Johnny Carson to thank for her career.

Birkel said...

I liked the Roseanne show years ago because she could joke about the subjects of her show (lower middle class struggling families) without maligning the character of the people. She liked those people and found the humor in them, too. She thought there were important and universal messages in her observations.

America agreed and watched Roseanne in large numbers.

Earnest Prole makes predictions.
I am making observations.

Predictions are hard, especially about the future.

Leland said...

Heh, we know Ann's price, but what the hell, it's just an asterisk. The question in my mind is whether that's $10G for the post, the day, the month, the year? If I had to toe the line for a year to get the $10G, I might have to think about it. Certainly, I'd have to view the archive of posts to determine if I'd been a good person up to this post, and I was throwing away a $10G paycheck to quote a celebrity making more money just to show up and say outrageous thing (for which there is no outrage).

As for Rosanne and the thought; it is just another sign of just how weak a candidate Hillary was, yet how few on the left will accept this fact. Sanders nearly beat her too, and just might have, had the DNC not put its thumb on the scale of the primary election.

Achilles said...

Ann Althouse said...

Oops. Thanks. Mixing up the jimmys again.

Thats sounds dirty.

Jimmy Kimmel is more rhyme-y. It jumps into my brain space when I'm not maintaining focus. I do know the difference. Fallon is the sweet smushy one. Kimmel is the smirking asshole

About right. I can watch clips of Fallon. Kimmel is too much of a piece of shit.

Rob said...

Great moments in talk show host segues:

Roseanne Barr: "I'm not gonna put anyone down who didn't vote like me. This is America, it's a free country, and when you weigh it all together, you know, I just felt like we needed a whole new thing, all the way, bottom to top.

Jimmy Fallon: "Yeah, and you did, you changed it up. But you're now doing standup again, right?

Birkel said...


Switch the 'c' and the 'k' and keep the money.

Bay Area Guy said...

Heh - I haven't really thought of Roseanne since she badly sung the National Anthem and then grabbed her crotch.

That was 28 years ago!

Leftist Hollywood wants more Leftist pods to read from the same Leftist script, so to the extent that Roseanne is bucking those shackles, Hell yeah, I give her a big Atta-girl.

Henry said...

Just follow xmas's advice and substitute Pho-k and get $10,000 worth of restaurant ads.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Ann Althouse said...

Admittedly, if it were $10,000 I would do it. I just don't know how much money it is, but it's not $10,000.

So now we're just haggling over the cost of fucks?

Phil 314 said...

And I don't give a f#*k who Roseanne voted for.

Ann Althouse said...

"Heh, we know Ann's price, but what the hell, it's just an asterisk. The question in my mind is whether that's $10G for the post, the day, the month, the year? If I had to toe the line for a year to get the $10G, I might have to think about it...."

I was talking about the decision to write "f*ck" instead of "fuck."

Caroline said...

Have we reached peak f-word yet?
Sheesh people.

Wince said...

Althouse said...
Oops. Thanks. Mixing up the jimmys again.

Requires an "Althouse is like Stormy Daniels" tag?

Achilles said...

It has been fun watching the preference cascade come together.

We may make it through this after all.

Henry said...

I was talking about the decision to write "f*ck" instead of "fuck."

Not, "I don't give a darn"?

Or, you could go Utah Mormon and bowdlerize "I don't give a flip."

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Sad when a Media figure like Roseanne can understand and explain the mentality of many Trump voters when genius political operatives and True Conservatives can't. To the smart elite GOPers/TruCons/NeverTrump crowd anyone who voted for Trump--even our own dear Chuck--must have done so out of racism/sexism/homophobia/Islamophobia/hidden white supremacist desires. There can be no other explanation!

Amadeus 48 said...

OMG, Althouse. That post about the price of an unexpugated “fuck” sounds exactly like Trump.
He has taken control of your brain, my brain, the brains of all Jimmys.

etbass said...

Admire the Professor's morals; she gives up the big bux but WILL use the F word :-)

langford peel said...

The thing about Roseanne is that her comedy and her show were organic from her life experience. She actually was a housewife with a couple of kids when she started her comedy career. She was lower middle class. She was talking about something she knew about. These young comics and writers have no experience of that life.

Now the head writer on her show is the comedian Whitney Cummings who created her own sitcom and the very successful "Two Broke Girls." She did not have Roseanne's life but she is a very talented and creative writer. It is Roseanne's direction that keeps it honest.

That is why it has been massively successful in the old mold of a half hour formulaic situation comedy. The half of the country that is hated by Hollywood is tuning in and they don't know what to do with it. Do they follow her lead and try to rip it off. I am sure some less talented rip off artists will and they will fail miserably.

Sure some conservatives might have a "strange new respect" for her. Why is that unusual when someone changes their outlook to agree with your world view?

FullMoon said...

Roseanne does funny stand up. Her show was pretty good but ran for too long and sagged. Hubby Tom brought it down IMHO.

BTW, Tom Arnold claimed to have tape of Trump saying nigger, or something. Remember that? Maybe Cohen outbid Clinton and bought it.

Quaestor said...

I will lose money from Google AdSense because I put the word "fuck" in the post title.

Bravely non-partisan as they are I think AdSense would waive the penalty if you followed with "Trump".

Jupiter said...

Lots of people who voted for Trump have been saying that he was "the lesser of two evils", but really, every Presidential election comes down to the lesser of two evils, if I'm not running. There was no candidate with whom I was in entire agreement on all issues. But I certainly did not feel any reluctance, or sense of compromise, in voting for Trump. Hillary Clinton is a corrupt, evil miasma. She ought to be in prison, not the White House. Calling Trump the lesser of two evils is civility bullshit.

langford peel said...

The reason why the press has a "strange new respect" for Quislings like George W Bush is that they are parroting the conventional liberal wisdom. That is what the McCains and Grahams and Bushes and Romney's do. Look at little Marco. Have you been listening to what he has been saying lately? He is down with gun control. He was always for amnesty for illegals. Now he is saying that American Workers are not getting enough out of the tax cuts. He might as well be running as a Democrat.

Roseanne is typical of the union worker and life long Democrat who saw Donald Trump as someone who would shake things up. Who is not beholden to the special interests. Who would make a change. He has come through on many of those promises. Not all of them by a long shot. There is one thing he knows.

He will never get the respect strange new or otherwise from the Republican establishment or the courrpt mainstream media. They are appendages of the Deep State and the Duopoly and the bitter enemy of the "Normals."

John henry said...

I don't follow your logic, Ann. She didn't actually say "fuck" she said BEEP I suspect, that it was planned and the producers knew that, though perhaps not.

Why did you feel a need to say it in the title? It seems inaccurate.

I don't have a problem either way. I guess "fuck" spelled out will get more clicks and if you don't get paid for this post you will probably get more clicks on other posts. I suspect overall a couple pennies more for no asterisks.

I wonder if Roseanne supporting President Trump, even tepidly, is having an effect on the millennials and reports of them deserting demmies in droves.

Now Kanye?

I would love to see President Trump invite Roseanne and Kanye to the WH to perform at some cultural evening.

Fopdoodles and others would complain about trashing the culture and what a disgusting pig the man is. They would even be kind of right, in this case. The reaction would be worth it.

Maybe along about September.

John Henry

Earnest Prole said...

Heh, we know Ann's price

As Jimmy Hoffa purportedly said, "Everyone has his price. What's yours?"

John henry said...

Blogger Jupiter said...

Lots of people who voted for Trump have been saying that he was "the lesser of two evils",

When people complain about how terrible it is that he won, I like to tell them "It could have been worse"

When they go "Huh?" I tell them he could have lost.

Most people I get into a situation allowing this line seem pretty humor impaired.

John Henry

YoungHegelian said...

I don't think the story two years out now is about Trump voters. The story is about Hillary voters.

I know there were folks out there who were gangbusters on Trump. Clearly, he filled the halls with them. But, even from family & friends in Alabama, I don't know many of them. What I know lots of, in life as in this forum, are people who would do anything to avoid HRC & 8 more years of Democratic rule. But still, the mythos of the hard-core Trump voter has been held up by the press as a freak of nature who's now wrecking the nation.

But look at what's come out about HRC since the election! Good Lord in Heaven! We saw what she was, and we have the exchanges here to prove it. Why didn't the Democrats? I think some of the Bernie-ites saw her for what she was, but in deference to their fellow Democrat, couched public denunciation in policy terms. How could the entire politico-cultural machine of the Democratic Party fall into such lockstep behind such a train wreck? It boggles the mind. To me, it boggles the mind more so than the rise of Trump on the Right.

langford peel said...

I just don't like the formulation that people use when talking about the election.

The people who voted for Trump voted for the lesser of two evils.

The people who voted for Hillary voted for the evil of two lessers.

Unknown said...

Kathy Griffin's cheek implants look horrific.

langford peel said...

Yeah and her face is fucked up too!

Larry J said...

Leland said...

As for Rosanne and the thought; it is just another sign of just how weak a candidate Hillary was, yet how few on the left will accept this fact.

Hillary was such a lousy candidate that she lost an election that was rigged in her favor. She had the overwhelming majority of the press on her side. She had the DNC favoring her in the primaries against Bernie Sanders. She had people giving her the questions ahead of time in at least one debate. She had the Justice Department and FBI turning a blind eye to a massive number of felonies she committed with her illegal email server*, in addition to massive corruption with the Clinton Foundation. In spite of all that, she still managed to lose because she was too stupid and arrogant to listen to Bill and in state staffers who were begging her to go to places like Wisconsin.

Say what you will about Trump, there hasn't been a single second where I thought things would be better had she won the election.

*I've held security clearances for almost all of my adult life (I'm 61) and would've lost my clearances, my job, and quite likely my freedom for mishandling even a tiny fraction of the stuff she did.

Seeing Red said...

Is Griffin going for a Lucille Ball look?

She looks like a60s time warp.

Sam L. said...

THE FIX WAS IN...and Hillary blew it.

Thorley Winston said...

I predict a strange new respect from Althouse commenters.

I never cared much for Barr’s politics before (I was a reluctant Trump voter who doesn’t care for him but didn’t want Hillary Clinton appointing three justices on the Supreme Court) but I watched and enjoyed Roseanne when it was on originally and I’ve watched all of the new episodes and the show holds up very well. She’s a very talented comedienne who created a hit show with a great cast which I enjoy watching.

Simon Kenton said...

Larry J:
"*I've held security clearances for almost all of my adult life (I'm 61) and would've lost my clearances, my job, and quite likely my freedom for mishandling even a tiny fraction of the stuff she did."

Yup. I grew up in one of the security cities - Hanford, Los Alamos, Oak Ridge. You just didn't do that kind of thing, and if you did, it didn't matter your party. High position would have made it worse. Jail was to be hoped for - the chair was possible. So that attitude - it must be all right, if She did it -- boggles.

Sebastian said...

"We saw what she was."

Even Dem journalists saw what she was--see Chozick on the Hill campaign in VF. (of course, they didn't tell their true-believing readers at the time, not really.)

Which adds to the mystery. Why were they with her?

Payoffs and political brutality were part of it. O and his minions too. The cost of not being with her was too great.

Bay Area Guy said...

Kathy Griffin is taking back her apology?

She should take back that hideous, short red hairdo too.

Achilles said...

Jupiter said...

Calling Trump the lesser of two evils is civility bullshit.

The media/democrats were successful during the election othering people who don't toe the line. Like good totalitarians they created the perception that no good person could for Trump.

In order to justify voting for Trump many people who still had to live in places dominated by the fascists settled on this rationale.

Since the election people who voted for Trump have noticed the nature of their oppressors. The leftists/media/deep state are finished. The night of the long knives approaches.

Achilles said...

Kathy Griffin is a piece of shit. Not because she held up a fake severed head of Trump. Because she voted for Hillary. Saying she wanted someone to kill the president was honest.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

1) Kathy Griffith is one really ugly person.
2) Jimmy Kimmel is a F head

Comanche Voter said...

Ah our "lady" comediennes. We are living in a dark era.

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
n.n said...

Barr has been Judged and Labeled.

Tradition suggests that we do not interrupt.

Jupiter said...

Wow. That "View" show is something else. Like, if I die, and go to Hell, that is what I expect it to be like. Maybe I'd better start going to church.

Infinite Monkeys said...

Voters had to choose between a candidate who was known to be immoral and a candidate who was known to be unethical. Neither was ideal, but enough voters felt that Trump's personal peccadillos would be less harmful to them than Clinton's disregard for the rules under which she's supposed to work.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If kathy wound up as a severed head, what would you do?

*Insert kick the ugly head into the gutter joke here.______________________

I'm only kidding.

dreams said...

A real loser and I don't think her life is going to get better.

Jim at said...

I predict a strange new respect from Althouse commenters.

Nope. She's still the beast who put Jew gingerbread men in the oven and screeched the National Anthem. Just like Kayne West is still the asshole who said George W. Bush doesn't care about black people.

Just because they happen to support Trump doesn't mean I now give a damn to what they think or say about politics.

J. Farmer said...

People say to me, "You're not very feminine." Well, they can just suck my dick.


langford peel said...

Of course Kathy Grifin took back her apology. She doesn't think she did anything wrong. She doesn't care how the families of the victims of ISIS beheadings might feel. She just wanted to attack Trump in the vilest way she can. Just as the comedians and people like Chuck want to attack Trumps young son as a legitimate target of their bile.

The fact is most of the left like Kathy Grifin, Cher, Joy Behar and the mainstream media want Trump dead. That is what is behind this so called humor.

I continue to plead with the President to get his own security and not to trust the Secret Service and other minions of the Deep State.

The Deep State has already gone the FBI route to get rid of Trump in the same way as they did Nixon. This has failed.

Now they will turn to the CIA route and do what they did to Kennedy.

President Trump must take extraordinary steps to protect himself.

J. Farmer said...


Nobody would ever be angry if she supported Obama despite him spying on domestic political opponents and providing aid and comfort to our enemies on at least two specific occasions.

Just out of curiosity, what makes a country our "enemy?"

PM said...

Sure it's a cheap thrill, but it always works for me.

Anonymous said...

Kathy is not, and never has been, funny. Not a comic, but certainly a joke

Leland said...

I never got a clearance, but I still filled out the SF-85 form that the Obama Administration mishandled and leaked to China. I took the annual training. I've been out of the industry for over 5 years, but if I told you certain things about certain well-known civilian systems, I could still be said to have committed a criminal violation of International Traffic in Arms Regulation. I even remember the part in training that lack of intent wasn't a mitigating factor.

I'm heartened that many Americans are not fooled by Comey's nonsense. They may not understand exactly what Hillary has done wrong, but they know if they had done even some of the things we do know (used personal emails to hide business, accepted as personal gifts items given to the business/government, mishandled classified information), then they wouldn't see any prosecutor discretion in their favor.

People can say what they want about Rosanne Barr as a person or actress, but she's not an idiot beholden to ideology. She can think for herself. Apparently Kanye agrees. And this independence of thought won't be missed (and hasn't been missed) by other women and minorities.

Rumpletweezer said...

I got to hold Roseanne's mike once when she popped the button on her jeans at a comedy club in Baltimore.

Leland said...

People are distancing themselves from Michelle Wolf and the WHCD because of bad jokes. Apparently Kathy lacks other sense of timing, not just comedic.

Yo, Kathy, it's not just Trump you insulted by your photo.

Michael K said...

"Just out of curiosity, what makes a country our "enemy?"

If they say so ? Would that get past your pearl clutching ?

Michael K said...

I continue to plead with the President to get his own security and not to trust the Secret Service and other minions of the Deep State.

I agree and hope he has replaced his guy who left. Recently, I've heard that Kelly fired him but I don't think Trump would allow that.

Anyway, I do not trust the Secret Service anymore, especially with that "woke" SS agent saying she would not take a bullet for Trump.

Gunner said...

I'm so sad that we lost loyal Kathy Griffin Republicans like Ana Navarro.

Freeman Hunt said...

Is the entertainment world cracking out of its dusty, chalk block of boring, ignorant sameness? I might have to stop entirely ignoring it then.

traditionalguy said...

Assassinating a bad President is a performance that will backfire. But Griffin claims she is a victim because she celebrated beheading the best President we have ever had and was visited by the Secret Service. She is sick.

FullMoon said...

Tom Browkaw #3:
"We talked and then, abruptly, he was embracing me and giving me a French kiss. I pulled away, reminding him that he was married and a tryst was out of the question. He said, “Yes, it would be unfair to Meredith,” meaning his wife."

Gahrie said...

If they say so ? Would that get past your pearl clutching ?

Nope. When countries like Iran, China, Russia or North Korea threaten us and call us their enemy they don't really mean it.

Mike Sylwester said...

Roseanne Barr made a public fool of herself early in the controversy about the killing of Trayvon Martin. She tweeted the supposed address of George Zimmerman, the neighborhood-watch volunteer who shot Martin to death in self-defense. As it turned out, the address that Barr tweeted was that of Zimmerman's parents, and they sued Barr.

The lawsuit was dismissed, but I think that Barr learned an embarrassing lesson from her stupid attempt to provide guidance for a lynch mob.

George Zimmerman was a well-intentioned but bumbling person who easily could have become the model for a character in her new television series.

langford peel said...

Here is a liberal media report on the relationship between Kelly and Schiller.

Notice how the other people said to be close to the President other than his daughter and son-in-law have also been forced out.

The Deep State has been working to isolate President Trump. Forcing out his loyalists. Just the way they did it to Nixon. Trump is made of sterner stuff and he is fighting back. The question remains is where do they go from here.

The list of ridiculous questions from Mueller may be the turning point. When President rightly refuses to step in a perjury trap the Deep State will be out of options in their soft coup.

Then they will start looking for a patsy with three names to do their dirty work. They have done it before and they will do it again.

Kevin said...

saying, among other things, that she's sorry she said she was sorry for posing with a fake severed Trump head

I think the Secret Service needs to go back and check her out again. Obviously she told them she was sorry before, and obviously she lied.

Robert Cook said...

"The Deep State has been working to isolate President Trump. Forcing out his loyalists. Just the way they did it to Nixon. Trump is made of sterner stuff and he is fighting back."

Trump is the one firing these loyalists.

Kevin said...

Roseanne Barr made a public fool of herself early in the controversy about the killing of Trayvon Martin.

Kanye West made a public fool of himself by saying George Bush hates black people.

Thankfully, some people break free from the PC force-field.

Jupiter said...

J. Farmer said...

"Just out of curiosity, what makes a country our "enemy?""

Achilles did not say anything about countries, he mentioned enemies. But I do seem to recall that you are the guy who lives in Florida and doesn't really give fuck zero if the Norks blow up Seattle. So I guess you figure that people who kill other Americans can still be good friends of yours. So broad-minded! A truly global perspective!

Howard said...

Farmer: The government of Iran is our enemy. Obambi sold us out to the Mullahs just like Reagan sold them arms for hostages after they were allowed to slaughtered nearly 300 forced to be defenseless Marines.

Howard said...

Deep Staters and Loyalists alike are being let go from the Trump Admin.

Robert Cook said...

"Voters had to choose between a candidate who was known to be immoral and a candidate who was known to be unethical. Neither was ideal, but enough voters felt that Trump's personal peccadillos would be less harmful to them than Clinton's disregard for the rules under which she's supposed to work."

You've got it backwards: it's Clinton who is immoral and Trump who is unethical!

buwaya said...

One of the problems of such a large and powerful country like the US having, effectively, no security at all vis-a-vis any competent intelligence agency, is that it makes dealing with the US very difficult for everyone, ally or enemy.

The only people to who the US government is in any way mysterious is the US public.

Not only does everyone have the entire communication stream of the Secretary of State, in realtime, but also that of everyone dealing with the State Department through replies and cc's, and because they are all using "private" unsecure means of their own also. Do you imagine HRC's were the only unsecure channels? Besides public business you would have all the behind-the-scenes under-the-table influence peddling and politicking besides this.

The trouble is, as a foreign power, you also have to know that if you have it, so does everyone else, just as well and just as quickly. So how do you deal with the Americans? The moment you say anything to them in private it will be detected by everyone. They are an international nuisance.

The answer, simply, is that unless you are an idiot or desperate you don't deal with the Americans.

Robert Cook said...

"The government of Iran is our enemy."

Why? If anything, we are their enemy.

"...Reagan sold them arms for hostages after they were allowed to slaughtered nearly 300 forced to be defenseless Marines."

I cannot parse this at all. WTF are you saying here?

J. Farmer said...


But I do seem to recall that you are the guy who lives in Florida and doesn't really give fuck zero if the Norks blow up Seattle.

I'm afraid your memory has failed you on that one.

So I guess you figure that people who kill other Americans can still be good friends of yours.

Actually, I was curious what the "aid and comfort" Achilles was referring to. I am actually the one wanting soldiers out of the middle of fights in which the US has no vital interests.

So broad-minded! A truly global perspective!

No that would actually apply to the liberal internationalism that has dominated American foreign policy for nearly a century. I prefer the nationalist conservative approach. It has become a sad feature of American political life that conservatives feel the need to defend patriotism by displaying a willingness to send young American men and women off to fight in pointless wars.

Robert Cook said...

"When countries like Iran, China, Russia or North Korea threaten us....

When have they done this? North Korea promised to respond if we attacked them, but that is understandable. The others?

J. Farmer said...

@Michael K:

If they say so ?

Perhaps. Do you have an example?

Would that get past your pearl clutching ?

Clutching pearls really is not my style, Michael, and you should know that.

tcrosse said...

You've got it backwards: it's Clinton who is immoral and Trump who is unethical!

A distinction without a difference.

J. Farmer said...


Farmer: The government of Iran is our enemy. Obambi sold us out to the Mullahs just like Reagan sold them arms for hostages after they were allowed to slaughtered nearly 300 forced to be defenseless Marines.

Sold us out to the Mullahs? Huh? How so?

Robert Cook said...

"It has become a sad feature of American political life that conservatives feel the need to defend patriotism by displaying a willingness to send young American men and women off to fight in pointless wars."

They're only "pointless" if one tries to make sense of them on the basis of the lies we're told as justifications for them. They're wars of empire, and conservatives aren't "defending patriotism" so much as providing cover for the real basis for our wars.

Robert Cook said...


Ah! You got my point!

Achilles said...

Mike Sylwester said...
Roseanne Barr made a public fool of herself early in the controversy about the killing of Trayvon Martin. She tweeted the supposed address of George Zimmerman, the neighborhood-watch volunteer who shot Martin to death in self-defense. As it turned out, the address that Barr tweeted was that of Zimmerman's parents, and they sued Barr.

Wasn't that the goofball from New York who I can't remember the name of that goes to Knick's games?

J. Farmer said...


Nope. When countries like Iran, China, Russia or North Korea threaten us and call us their enemy they don't really mean it.

When has Russia or China called us their enemy?

buwaya said...

"They're wars of empire"

They are. The US is the only global empire. Under modern conditions (and "modern" means since the early 19th century) its become necessary to have a guarantor of the freedom of the seas, of trade. The US has the role of the necessary imperialist.

This brings requirements, on occasion, to beat down the overtly hostile, as most of actual power is the perception of power. This can be done well or badly, cheaply or otherwise, but it remains necessary anyway.

Its a paradoxical situation.

Achilles said...

Oh goody. The friends of Iran are out in force today.

As someone who lost buddies to and knew people who were maimed by Iranian attacks I want to send out a heartfelt "fuck you."

Anyone who defends Iran needs to check themselves.


Nonapod said...

Yeah, wasn't it Spike Lee that Tweeted out George Zimmerman's incorrect address?

Achilles said...

Robert Cook said...
"The government of Iran is our enemy."

Why? If anything, we are their enemy.

Good. They are murderous barbarians and shitheads who kill and imprison their own people and have been attacking our allies in the ME incessantly. They throw gay people off of buildings and systemically beat their women.

The Mullahs need to go.

eddie willers said...

Yeah, wasn't it Spike Lee that Tweeted out George Zimmerman's incorrect address?

Confusing Roseanne Barr with Spike Lee doesn't seem possible, but there you are.

buwaya said...

If you want to blame anyone for the US Empire you have to go back to William McKinley and Alfred Thayer Mahan and Teddy Roosevelt.

And the critical day (or night) when McKinley made his decision to keep its first real colony, the Philippines, won with Mahan and Roosevelts Navy, and thereby set the course of the twentieth century. The US then, necessarily, if rather unconsciously to start, became a player in the game of great powers, international strategy and global influence.

buwaya said...

"They are murderous barbarians and shitheads "

As are most US allies, to be fair.

The real point of Iran is that it still threatens to impose hegemony over the Persian Gulf. That's a lot of power to leave in the hands of such barbarians and shitheads, or at least barbarians and shitheads that aren't your friends. Petroleum has been the critical strategic resource of the last hundred years.

Achilles said...

J. Farmer said...

Nope. When countries like Iran, China, Russia or North Korea threaten us and call us their enemy they don't really mean it.

When has Russia or China called us their enemy?

China used it's surrogates like North Korea to do it. China and Russia both specifically supported North Korea. And Iran.

I love the morale equivalence by the way. It is super cute. You should be embarrassed. Cook is a fan of murderous leftist ideology so we expect that kind of behavior from him.

Robert Cook said...

"They are murderous barbarians and shitheads who kill and imprison their own people and have been attacking our allies in the ME incessantly. They throw gay people off of buildings and systemically beat their women."

This doesn't much differentiate them from many "friends" we've cultivated in the world, or even from us. We're as murderous as they are, much more so to people in countries around the world. Iran does not have military killing people in multiple countries.

langford peel said...

"Trump is the one firing these loyalists."

Wrong Cookie. Supposedly Hope Hicks and Schiller left because of being frozen out by Kelly. The long knives are out for Ivanka and Jared and anyone else who supports the President. Even the non-partisan White House Doctor was destroyed because he said nice things about the President.

Trump is fighting back as best he can. He got rid of McMasters but had to trade him in for Bolton. When he tried to bring in General Flynn to think outside of the box and the Deep State consensus they destroyed him and started this Russian collusion nonsense that they wanted to use to bring down his Presidency and reverse the election. It seem that they have failed.

It is quite likely that they will resort to more extreme measures.

Michael K said...

"Iran does not have military killing people in multiple countries."

You never struck me as stupid. Wrong yes, but do you not know who is funding Hamas and Hezbollah ?

Achilles said...

buwaya said...
"They are murderous barbarians and shitheads "

As are most US allies, to be fair.

Fair point but I would say some, not most. Everyone involved in conflict such as this is murderous. But what are the ends they seek? That is the difference.

The real point of Iran is that it still threatens to impose hegemony over the Persian Gulf. That's a lot of power to leave in the hands of such barbarians and shitheads, or at least barbarians and shitheads that aren't your friends. Petroleum has been the critical strategic resource of the last hundred years.

Right now we have leaders in Saudi Arabia and the UAE which want to modernize and civilize the ME and the Islamic religion. This is something that cannot be underestimated in it's importance.

It is absolutely in the best interests of the United States to do what it takes to modernize the religion of Islam.

Iran is an impediment to this goal. Iran getting nuclear weapons would set back the middle east and the religion of Islam for decades.

Michael K said...

"When has Russia or China called us their enemy?"

Were you alive when 500,000 Chinese attacked our troops in Korea ?

Russia has been sending "mercenaries" to attack our people in Syria.

You may not agree with Syria policy but you can't blind yourself to the reality of what is going on.

Come on. Pat Buchanan sees this even if he opposes the policy.

Achilles said...

Robert Cook said...
"They are murderous barbarians and shitheads who kill and imprison their own people and have been attacking our allies in the ME incessantly. They throw gay people off of buildings and systemically beat their women."

This doesn't much differentiate them from many "friends" we've cultivated in the world, or even from us. We're as murderous as they are, much more so to people in countries around the world. Iran does not have military killing people in multiple countries.

1. You are a liar. Iran is all over the middle east funding wars in at least 4 countries. Yemen, Lebabnon, Gaza/Israel, Syria just for starters.

2. We expect your moral relativism. But totalitarians like you generally need to downplay the actions of other evil people to justify their own desires to murder their political opponents.

tcrosse said...

If Russia colluded with Trump to subvert the 2016 election, that makes them our enemy, right ? If not, not.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Jimmy Fallon isn't so bad. it's Kimmel who is a d-bag.

Michael K said...

"Sold us out to the Mullahs? Huh? How so?"

Come on, Farmer. You know better than this.

buwaya said...

Comments by an editor of Wired magazine, which was once interesting and to which I once subscribed -

Trump a stepfather that was going to rape us

"When Obama left the White House in a helicopter that horrible day, I had the impression our true father was leaving & the nation was stuck with a stepfather who was going to rape us. Now I increasingly believe that the media is the mother who won’t stand up for us & defy him."

This is an example of what your universities are turning out. Her point of view and character are not unusual, they are rather typical of the class of person that is working its way through your cursus honorum and is beginning to lead all your institutions, public and private. They are almost uniformly insane.

Jupiter said...

eddie willers said...
Yeah, wasn't it Spike Lee that Tweeted out George Zimmerman's incorrect address?

"Confusing Roseanne Barr with Spike Lee doesn't seem possible, but there you are."

Barr did the wrong address, Lee did the parent's address.

buwaya said...

"Right now we have leaders in Saudi Arabia and the UAE which want to modernize and civilize the ME and the Islamic religion. This is something that cannot be underestimated in it's importance. "

If it works. The dice have rolled in this latest round, lets see if the new Saudi establishment survives.

rcocean said...

God, Kathy Griffith is a weirdo. I think there's something mentally wrong with her.

Of course, that would be Ok - if she was funny. But she's past her "Sell by Date".

Jupiter said...

Blogger buwaya said...

"When Obama left the White House in a helicopter that horrible day, I had the impression our true father was leaving..."

Yeah, if Obama had a daughter, she'd look just like Virginia Heffernan.

walter said...

Wolf and Griffin should collaborate on a stage act where they behead Trump admin folks in effigy.
Yucks galore.

rcocean said...

Could someone tell me why a small country 12,000 miles away is America's biggest enemy?

I don't give a shit about Iran. How does it effect the USA? I'm willing to let the State Department, Trump, and the UN handle the Iranian nuclear deal.

Jupiter said...

Blogger Achilles said...

"... totalitarians like you generally need to downplay the actions of other evil people to justify their own desires to murder their political opponents."

Cookie doesn't really roll that way. I can't recall his ever actually defending any government, nor anarchy either. He uses Marxist rhetoric once in a while, but he's mostly a plague-on-all-their-houses type.

rcocean said...

"I will lose money from Google AdSense because I put the word "fuck" in the post title. I considered adding an asterisk but would not do that for the money."

Personally, I wouldn't give a fuck about saying fuck.

But I guess it means a lot to you. I

rcocean said...

"Yeah and her face is fucked up too!"

Yep. She's gone from homely to fucking ugly.

Just like her soul.

buwaya said...

"Yeah, if Obama had a daughter, she'd look just like Virginia Heffernan."

The problem here is not Virginia Heffernan, or even her views re Obama and Trump.

Its that V. Heffernan is a type.

There are tens of thousands of V. Heffernans, not differing in much at all, and you are letting them occupy positions of leadership throughout your society, public and private, and moreover that the vast majority of those in line to inherit such leadership are these Heffernans.

Birkel said...

Do you plan to recognize the Iran Deal was violated before the ink was dry? Are you prepared to say giving pallets of cash to mullahs was bad policy?

Smug away, Smug. It is the thing you do best.

buwaya said...

"How does it effect the USA?"

An Iran free to do what it will without fear of US retaliation will try close the straits of Hormuz and moreover will try to overthrow the despotic Sunni sheikhs across the Gulf and install its puppet regimes. They will thereby control the largest stream of petroleum on earth. Or start a large war trying, which will do no good for the global economy.

As the global policeman (see above, blame anyone you like) the US cannot permit that.

madAsHell said...

When did Carrot Top go trans-gender?

Earnest Prole said...

And the critical day (or night) when McKinley made his decision to keep its first real colony, the Philippines


rehajm said...

When did Carrot Top go trans-gender?

Tranny Bonaduce ladies and gentlemen

Michael K said...

Blogger buwaya said...
Comments by an editor of Wired magazine,

I used to read "Wired" too. Their piece on "The Formula that killed Wall Street" was excellent.

I guess, like so much of tech society, the lefties have taken over.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The celebrities have to dance around any support for Trump.
If you go on the view(D) - you can be as hard core nasty ugly meangrrl death wish Trump hate bat shit crazy as you want.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If Kathy Griffith and Joy Behar got hit by a bus, I'd be fine with it.

Just kidding. Actually I mean it. No, not . No really. A-OK.

Birkel said...

If The bus pulled backward and forward a few times, would that be ok?

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Kathy Griffith looks like a badly crafted marionette.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Birkel - Really very very OK.

Jupiter said...

buwaya said...

"There are tens of thousands of V. Heffernans, not differing in much at all, and you are letting them occupy positions of leadership throughout your society, public and private, and moreover that the vast majority of those in line to inherit such leadership are these Heffernans."

Don't I know it. But what do you mean "letting"? The legislatures fund the schools, the schools train the Heffernans. If I knew how to stop it I would, believe me.

Robert Cook said...

"2. We expect your moral relativism"

Actually, is you and others like you who excuse our barbarity while condemning that of others who are moral relativists. If they are murderers for their acts, we are certainly murderers for our greater number of murders.

I am a citizen of this country, and my concern is our behavior in the world, not just for abstract reasons of "morality," though that is part of it, but for the very practical reason--which is already manifesting itself--that the way we behave in the world and the brutality we routinely impose on others will come home and become the norm here. To save ourselves from this fate we must condemn our brutality abroad and call it what it is. Once people Americans drop their blindness to America's actual nature, only then will we begin to stop what is coming our way.

I'm not optimistic.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The fact that Kathy lives the life of luxury off her so-called talent, is a complete embarrassment to our culture and way of life.

omg - DBQ - you nailed it. She does look like a "badly crafted marionette".
***Lady Elaine Fairchilde from Mr. Roger's Neighborhood.

langford peel said...

"An Iran free to do what it will without fear of US retaliation will try close the straits of Hormuz and moreover will try to overthrow the despotic Sunni sheikhs across the Gulf and install its puppet regimes. They will thereby control the largest stream of petroleum on earth. Or start a large war trying, which will do no good for the global economy."

This a prime example of mistaken strategic thinking that is fighting the last war.

The Straits of Hormuz and the Gulf Oil is no longer enough of a a strategic imperative to justify endless wars with endless US causalities. The United States in fracking and drilling has turned to a net exporter of oil. We are not dependent on these sand monkeys and unlike the Bushes and Clintons this President is not bought and paid for by the Saudi's. In fact the Saudi's realize this as they are turning their society upside down to modernize and they are going to go public with their de facto alliance with Israel. Trump went to Saudi Arabia and laid that out for them. So the regional actors in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan and Israel are joining together to oppose Iran. As they should be.

The days of thousands of working class Americans dying for the King of Saudi Arabia is over. If we can extricate ourselves from the endless war in Iraq and Syria we might begin to put American priorities first.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

On this May Day, hijacked by Commie turds worldwide, I find it appropriate to remind everyone, and Cooktard in particular, that the only good Commie is a dead Commie.

Be a good Commie, Cookie.

langford peel said...

Look we are not going to invade China to protect the Opium trade either.

Lets look at the world today and put America first.

walter said...

Despite her weepy career is ruined complaints, KG is getting around just fine..including her "Laugh your head off world Tour"

walter said...

When she returns next to AC for New Year's, all will be restored.

Achilles said...

Robert Cook said...

Actually, is you and others like you who excuse our barbarity while condemning that of others who are moral relativists. If they are murderers for their acts, we are certainly murderers for our greater number of murders.

Stalin couldn't have said it any better.

What is funny is you refuse to accept your part in the murder of over 100 million people by leftist totalitarians.

Most of us are willing to kill/die for something.

It is people like you that pretend to be above everyone that end up killing the most people.

buwaya said...

"The Straits of Hormuz and the Gulf Oil is no longer enough of a a strategic imperative"

Less of one than a decade ago, but still a major strategic imperative.
The problem with this is that such a shock to the global economy will create all sorts of secondary problems.

Consider that WWII was a near-direct consequence of the Great Depression. Quite a few countries developed insane or at least troublesome leadership as a consequence of the economic stress. And the world is smaller now.

FIDO said...

I predict a strange new respect from Althouse commenters.

It isn't that I respect Rosanne particularly MORE.

It is that you lot has 'Crazy Leftist' in your rearview mirror and are accelerating.

Sort of like Trump.

I don't LIKE Trump...but compared to that mendacious, evidence destroying, corrupt, soul sucking alcoholic harridan who will sell state secrets and technology if it gives her another $2 for her campaign...yeah...very much the lesser of two evils.

Short form: I don't like Rosanne any more, you have just become much more contemptible in comparison.

Achilles said...

langford peel said...

This a prime example of mistaken strategic thinking that is fighting the last war.

To the extent that we are net exporters of oil this is true and it would be interesting if we were to start taking advantage of that.

But the consumer still feels the effects of the global price of oil. Particularly Trump supporters just on a general analysis as we still have cars and still drive ourselves to work by and large. The price of the food we buy is also heavily dependent on the price of oil.

If we can work towards a lasting stability in the ME that should be our top priority. I think pushing the religion of Islam towards civilized behavior has huge benefits too. It looks like Bin Salman is willing to kill off enough of the shitheads in the ME to make it happen. This should be encouraged.

buwaya said...

"We are not dependent on these sand monkeys"

In truth the "sand monkeys" are incidental problems.

The real problem is that sea of petroleum under them, and that stream of tankers taking it all over the world.

The strategic purpose is to keep that stream going.

John Henry said...

Blogger buwaya said...

And the critical day (or night) when McKinley made his decision to keep its first real colony, the Philippines,


What about us down here in the deep south? (PR)

What are we, chopped liver?

John Henry

FIDO said...

Just out of curiosity, what makes a country our "enemy?"

An Anecdote in One Act.

The Secretary of State called all his diplomats into the office and asked a simple question: "Which nation do you represent?"

"Chad". "Switzerland." "France". "China" came the various tools shouting out.

He looked at them with disgust and pointed at the USA. "THAT is the nation that you represent."

I think you would fail that test too. So while you are wonderfully qualified to be on Hillary's cabinet or even better Obama's, I doubt very many Americans would particularly want you to represent them.

Achilles said...

Robert Cook said...

I am a citizen of this country, and my concern is our behavior in the world, not just for abstract reasons of "morality," though that is part of it, but for the very practical reason--which is already manifesting itself--that the way we behave in the world and the brutality we routinely impose on others will come home and become the norm here. To save ourselves from this fate we must condemn our brutality abroad and call it what it is. Once people Americans drop their blindness to America's actual nature, only then will we begin to stop what is coming our way.

And what Cook sees coming our way is a nice purge, you know, to "save" ourselves. This is such pure and boiled down International Socialism.

Americans must drop their blindness and accept America's actual nature. We are just killing people all over the place for no reason. America is full of evil people who are not as good as he is.

I'm not optimistic.

Cook is not optimistic. In order to "save" America good people like him would just have to kill off a few million people.

Just like every other place in the world leftists take over.

But only every single place leftists take over.

Paul said...

Lesser of two evils?

It wasn't even close. Hillary was corruption in the flesh and Trump was just a loud mouth business man with new ideas.

Wasn't even close!!

langford peel said...

Once again you guys are French Generals building the Maginot line. You are cloaking the Iranians and the Chinese in capes as supermen.

Iran is eminently controllable by a combination of the Israeli's military and the money of the Saudi Arabians. Iran's economy is in a shambles. They are teetering on the edge. We do not have to kill thousands of Americans. Guys like Achilles don't have to put their lives on the line to save multinational oil corporations. You want some oil. Why not go into Venezuela which is a humanitarian crisis in our own hemisphere? There is plenty of oil there. There is a ton of a shale oil in America. American jobs. American oil. Independence from the fickle ways of murderous camel jockeys. You basically want to spend American lives so the Germans and French the rest of the EU can have cheap oil.

Stop buying the conventional wisdom of the Deep State. We don't have to follow the failed history of the last fifty years. The Korean War can end. The Palestinian problem can be solved if their patrons stop propping them up. The Iranians can fall through there own incompetence.

Put America first and stop spending our blood and treasure on other peoples priorities.

Robert Cook said...

"Americans must drop their blindness and accept America's actual nature. We are just killing people all over the place for no reason."

Oh, it's for a reason: for global political dominance and control of resources. Same as with any empire. We're not the first by any means. We may be the last.

buwaya said...

"What about us down here in the deep south? (PR)
What are we, chopped liver?"

Pretty much, yeah.
The problem with the Philippines is that it put the US right in the face of many of the Great Powers right where a great deal of the money was. The Philippines was a negative value in itself, and no danger to anyone in Spanish hands.

But in US hands it put the US in a strategic spot right in one of the worlds great trade routes - even back in 1898. All of a sudden the US was threatening the ambitions and strategic interests of Japan, for one. Which started looking at the US as a strategic rival, and there you went, a Naval arms race for the control of the Pacific and East Asia. This went very quick, the US was fortifying Manila Bay, explicitly against a Japanese threat, by 1908, and setting up the naval bases of Cavite and Subic.

PR - well, no.

Panama, yes, but that was in the US "sphere of interest" and there were no major power colonies or naval bases of importance anywhere near. Still, it mattered much more than PR.

One way to tell the value of a colony - the amount spent on its coastal defense. PR (San Juan) had much less built to defend it than the US put into Manila Bay or Panama.

Robert Cook said...

"In order to 'save' America good people like him would just have to kill off a few million people."

Nope. Try again.

buwaya said...

"Iran is eminently controllable by a combination of the Israeli's military and the money of the Saudi Arabians. "

Israel's military is far away from the Persian Gulf.
The Arabians are much more frightening on paper than in practice, no matter what they buy. Thats been their problem for decades.

buwaya said...

"You want some oil. Why not go into Venezuela which is a humanitarian crisis in our own hemisphere?"

Imagine the cost of Venezuelan oil if you have to fix Venezuela (i.e., effectively conquer it and install and support a friendly government) in order to get it.

"Guys like Achilles don't have to put their lives on the line to save multinational oil corporations."

Multinational oil corporations are incidental. They just take oil from the ground and deliver it in usable form to users. The real problem here are the users - in all countries of the world. They don't get the oil, they become poorer than they would like to be and thus are unhappy. Then trouble follows. Like WWII.

FIDO said...

"In order to 'save' America good people like him would just have to kill off a few million people."

Nope. Try again.


You personally? No.

Your fellow travelers? History has not been kind to Socialist regimes. They have this proclivity to genocide of their own populations. (as opposed to actual enemies)

To wit: Fighting Siberian Americans for control of the land that they conquered first is understandable.

Starving your Ukrainian Citizens because they were 'difficult' with an artificial famine? Setting up the Killing Fields for people who wore glasses? Asking for new ideas and then shipping off all the volunteers to 'camps' that they never left?

There has been a lot of genocide and massacres in your ideology. Not war. GENOCIDE and MASSACRES.

See Tibet.

So no, you do not get any moral soapbox for your ideology.

Achilles said...

langford peel said...
Once again you guys are French Generals building the Maginot line. You are cloaking the Iranians and the Chinese in capes as supermen.

I think Trump is doing things very differently. It has proven very effective so far.

Iran is eminently controllable by a combination of the Israeli's military and the money of the Saudi Arabians. Iran's economy is in a shambles. They are teetering on the edge. We do not have to kill thousands of Americans. Guys like Achilles don't have to put their lives on the line to save multinational oil corporations.

This seems to be exactly the direction we are going. I think we need to provide diplomatic cover to our allies and technical support as well.

Thousands of us died in Iraq only because of the stupid COIN nation building bullshit.

You want some oil. Why not go into Venezuela which is a humanitarian crisis in our own hemisphere? There is plenty of oil there. There is a ton of a shale oil in America. American jobs. American oil. Independence from the fickle ways of murderous camel jockeys. You basically want to spend American lives so the Germans and French the rest of the EU can have cheap oil.

I have considered talking to some rich people who would be interested in colonizing Venezuela. The people there would at this point be happy to be colonized at this point.

Stop buying the conventional wisdom of the Deep State. We don't have to follow the failed history of the last fifty years. The Korean War can end. The Palestinian problem can be solved if their patrons stop propping them up. The Iranians can fall through there own incompetence.

Put America first and stop spending our blood and treasure on other peoples priorities.

This is all true. We need to put our needs first just like the first priority of any business is to make money.

It is the decision not to take payment for our services that hurts the world the most.

buwaya said...

"You basically want to spend American lives so the Germans and French the rest of the EU can have cheap oil."

And the Chinese and Indians and Pakis and South Africans and Australians and Japanese and Brazilians, everyone really.

A resource-shock depression will make a lot of governments fall, bring a lot of radicals to power, and start wars. Who will fight whom is going to be random, but you will have a lot of it.

Seeing Red said...

Iran signed a deal with Chavez to put missiles in Venezuela.

Seeing Red said...

The real point of Iran is that it still threatens to impose hegemony over the Persian Gulf. That's a lot of power to leave in the hands of such barbarians and shitheads, or at least barbarians and shitheads that aren't your friends. Petroleum has been the critical strategic resource of the last hundred years.

And we have a lot of it, we and the English build the best refineries, don’t we?

And Lockhead is working on fusion.

Game changer.

buwaya said...

If anyone is afraid that some foreigners are going to massacre and genocide some other foreigners, you only need to wait for the next global depression. The easiest way to get that, going back to the 1950's, is to threaten the global oil supply.

The greatest US foreign policy disaster since the 1938-40 (when the US could have prevented WWII in Asia, at least, by strongly reinforcing the Philippines) was when the US let Iran fall to the mullahs. Really, the Carter admin let these fools fill a power vacuum.

buwaya said...

"And Lockhead is working on fusion.
Game changer."

It is, if its real.

buwaya said...

"I have considered talking to some rich people who would be interested in colonizing Venezuela. The people there would at this point be happy to be colonized at this point."

Its not cost-effective. Its going to be very expensive keeping order. The place is going to be an extremely well-armed conglomeration of organized criminals and even some semi-sincere ideological guerrillas. And the people will be grateful for about five minutes.

Howard said...

Blogger Seeing Red said...Iran signed a deal with Chavez to put missiles in Venezuela.

I have a feeling Mattis believes strongly in the Monroe Doctrine. Maybe the liberation of Venezuela is coming sooner

Howard said...

Scratch that, old news on Irankets in Venezooala

langford peel said...

"If anyone is afraid that some foreigners are going to massacre and genocide some other foreigners, you only need to wait for the next global depression."

That is precisely what we should not give a shit about. We didn't care when the Huttu murdered the Tutsi so why should we give a shit about some sand monkeys killing each other? Don't be racist. If they are not Americans who gives a shit?

le Douanier said...

Ha ha.

A post about two gals neither of which give an F re giving an F*. And, the post also includes one gal who would give an F*, if her meager price is met.

Anywho, we are to believe that a certain Mad town based small ball F* and red meat monger is the better re a so-called smirking asshole who works to help folks who are less well off than himself.

What exactly does it mean to be an "asshole" at HQ-Madison-Resistance?

Logic is tricky.

Carry on.

langford peel said...

"You basically want to spend American lives so the Germans and French the rest of the EU can have cheap oil."

And the Chinese and Indians and Pakis and South Africans and Australians and Japanese and Brazilians, everyone really.

A resource-shock depression will make a lot of governments fall, bring a lot of radicals to power, and start wars. Who will fight whom is going to be random, but you will have a lot of it.

More of the same tired propaganda from the conventional wisdom. Americans have to die to protect the oil supply or the world is coming to an end. Guess what's? We can sell them the oil. As can the Russians. We don't have to be held hostage by the filthy Arabs anymore.

Think this century not last. We don't have to keep the silk route open through the Kygher pass anymore Sahib. We are not sending the Sand Pebbles to save the Opium route. There is plenty of shale oil for everybody. When can be exporters instead of importers. Wipe out some trade deficits.

And save some American lives to boot.

Who could be against that?

Except Max Boot.

William said...

Kathy should embrace that severed head bit. She should do her stand up routine carrying Trump's severed head. Maybe she could vary it a little by using the severed heads of Pence or Sarah Sanders. Maybe put a whole row of them mounted on pikes just behind her while she does her act. Her fans would be in raptures. I don't think it's too soon to be talking Emmy.

le Douanier said...

BTW on the smirking asshole spectrum, if Kimmel is gonna be called out, how does POTUS get a pass?

Logic is tricky.

RMc said...

(Griffin)'s sorry she said she was sorry for posing with a fake severed Trump head

The original stunt got her noticed. Apologizing got her noticed. And now un-apologizing is getting her noticed. It's the gift that keeps on giving!

chickelit said...

Griffin juxtaposed with the other women of the The View is interesting. She looks so severe in every way. There is absolutely nothing feminine about her.

Achilles said...

buwaya said...

Its not cost-effective. Its going to be very expensive keeping order.

It would be interesting to discuss that. There are billions in annual oil revenue from a relatively small geographical area mostly at Sea.

The place is going to be an extremely well-armed conglomeration of organized criminals and even some semi-sincere ideological guerrillas.

Your definition of well armed and my definition of well armed would probably differ. ;)

And the people will be grateful for about five minutes.

Grateful is relative. You can't please everyone. On the other hand everyone responds to stimulus.

Michael said...

The great revolution by the deplorable will not be with the use of their many millions of guns. No. There may come the day when they decide for a week or a month to sit on their grimy deplorable hands. Open your own Fifth Ave doors, drive your own elevator to the penthouse. Open your own windows when the AC man doesn't answer his phone, climb over the garbage. Fix your own toilet. Boil your water because the guys at the water dept are no longer vouching for its quality. Power outage? Climb the pole and fix it yourself. Drive out to the farm and pick up your own food. The deplorable hold the balls of the country in their greasy hands. Don't make them squeeze coastal shits.

Seeing Red said...

Howard is pffft olde news.

They did it

And now Venezuela is in chaos.

Oil we have it

The Canadians are sitting on it since the surrounding territories don’t want that icky Alberta tar running thru pipelines on their turf

Mexico has some

Get a pipeline built from Canada....

We can supply the world.

Once Venezuela gets its commie Head out of its collective.....

Bad Lieutenant said...

I was talking about the decision to write "f*ck" instead of "fuck."

Yes we know, but how much for all night?

Bad Lieutenant said...

Logic is tricky.

Carry on.

Apparently, shiloh, English is hard enough for you. You should, and do, leave logic out of it.

le Douanier said...

Bad Lieutenant,

You pee your pants.


J. Farmer said...


China used it's surrogates like North Korea to do it. China and Russia both specifically supported North Korea. And Iran.

China is both our enemy and our largest trading partner? Are we at war with China? With Russia? With North Korea? The term "enemy" does not even make sense in this conflict. Yes, countries support other countries that they believe is in their strategic interest in doing so, often with little regard for the internal nature of those regimes. The UK, France, and Germany all oppose the US' posture towards Iran and support the JCPOA. Why are they not therefore our enemy, under your formulation?

I love the morale equivalence by the way. It is super cute. You should be embarrassed. Cook is a fan of murderous leftist ideology so we expect that kind of behavior from him.

Quote one line I've written where I made a "moral equivalence." That's yet another strawman you've dutifully knocked down.

J. Farmer said...

@Michael K:

Come on, Farmer. You know better than this.

Oh yes, the old the-answer-is-too-obvious-to-answer routine. Boy that never gets not boring.

Roughcoat said...

Consider that WWII was a near-direct consequence of the Great Depression.

Or so the Germans would have you believe.

John henry said...


Speaking WWII era

I am not particularly familiar with Manila and its US fortifications. I know about Corregidor, Cavite and Clark(?) Airfield. Did the Navy have much at Subic at that time?

I am familiar with the fortifications in San Juan and very familiar with the fortification of Roosevelt Roads. A/K/A The Gibraltar of the Caribbean.

My son and I have visited most of the gun emplacements around it. He has pictures of a lot of them and how they look now. I have the Army Coastal Defense Force firing plans for both Roosey and San Juan. On a hill a couple hundred yards from my house we have 3 observation bunkers for nearby gun emplacements.

Drop me a note if you would like a copy of the plan

Here's some of what was built around Roosey:

3-16" batteries 2 guns each (about 60% of all 16" shore guns on the east coast)

9-8" batteries 2 guns each

A bunch of 6" batteries

Most of the emplacements, including magazines and support structures were built though the guns were never mounted.

The 2nd or 3rd largest drydock in the Atlantic at 1100' X 500'

6,000' airfield, 3 runways

An underground, heavily, I mean Lorient style heavily, facility for the British royal family had Germany invaded

What was to have been the throne room became the AFRTS TV studio. My son and I were in there last year. Abandoned and deteriorated but impressive as hell structurally.

An equally heavy 10MW powerplant. You can see a recent picture with some of my comments at

Hundreds, mainly on the island of Vieques about 2 miles across the sound, of ammunition bunkers.

A fleet anchorage for the Royal Navy in the event of German invasion. This included a 2 mile causeway between Roosey and Vieques. (About 1/3 built)

St Thomas, Virgin Islands, is about 35 miles away and had a bunch of fortifications as well as a submarine base.

Much of this was done in 1939-1942 when it looked like England might fall. By 1942, England was safe than the Germans turned out to have not much of a surface navy anyway.

John Henry

J. Farmer said...


Do you plan to recognize the Iran Deal was violated before the ink was dry?

No. Having plans to a program that was known to the IAEA over 10 years before the deal was signed is not a violation of the JCPOA. The restrictions outlined in the JCPOA began when the deal went into effect. Since that time, Iran has been compliant with the conditions imposed. I've noticed that despite repeated pleas from myself, no one here has yet been able to tell me what part of the deal Iran has been noncompliant with.

Are you prepared to say giving pallets of cash to mullahs was bad policy?

The "pallets of cash" had nothing to do with the nuclear deal. That was a payment made through the US-Iran Claims Tribunal, which has been in existence for nearly 40 years. And yes, that settlement was good policy, because had the claim gone to the tribunal instead of being settled, Iran would likely have received a judgment for a much larger amount. The claim boiled down to money owed to Iran by the US from the early 1980s. Iran was originally seeking interest on the original amount from the tribunal.

le Douanier said...

"Are we at war with China? With Russia? With North Korea? The term "enemy" does not even make sense in this conflict......The UK, France, and Germany all oppose the US' posture towards Iran and support the JCPOA. Why are they not therefore our enemy, under your formulation?"

Obviously, we should be at war w/ all of them.

You don't understand that the existing world order which is dominated by US power needs to upended cause we're not respected. So, we'll have wars to change that.

Then we'll be the dominant world pow........errrr........wait a minute.....wait.....
I'm not sure why we want to F up the system that we already dominate?

I gotta check w/ Russia for the reason re self-defeating ourselves.

I'll let ya know when I hear back. Or, wait for a DJT update. Closer to the source.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

"This is America, it’s a free country, and you know, when you weigh it all together, you know, I just felt like we needed a whole new thing. All the way. Bottom to top."

Well, yes. I do believe corruption this hard-core and selling out the country to a foreign Russian dictator really is a whole new thing for America. Bottom to top.

Michael K said...

"China is both our enemy and our largest trading partner?"

Yes, just like France and Germany in 1914. Do you read books ?

I guess I misjudged you by saying you know better.

Maybe you should read "The Great Illusion."

I assume you can read if you want to.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Of course Kathy Grifin took back her apology. She doesn't think she did anything wrong.

And the Confederate Justice Department evidently agrees. It just took them two months of trying to intimidate her before they were able to admit it.

Michael K said...

"Maybe the liberation of Venezuela is coming sooner"

Nope. Colonialization is defunct, except for communism and they can 't even get the power plants to run, sort of like Arabs.

Maybe Columbia wants them. I don't.

Bad Lieutenant said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Quaestor said...


Bad Lieutenant said...

Roseanne Barr: "I'm not gonna put anyone down who didn't vote like me. This is America, it's a free country, and when you weigh it all together, you know, I just felt like we needed a whole new thing, all the way, bottom to top.

From Trevanian's Shibumi:

This thing wasn't even a gamble. It was like flipping coins against
Fate, with Fate having both heads and tails. Hel won only if the coin landed on edge.

Trump landed on edge.

Now see the Ds and Rs blowing on him to make him fall down. They don't quite dare to stick out a finger, yet, but are working themselves up to banging on the table.

From J. Farmer:

Quote one line I've written where I made a "moral equivalence." That's yet another strawman you've dutifully knocked down.

I don't have a verbatim quote handy, but often enough you've questioned why we disfavor Iran and favor Saudi Arabia when Saudi Arabia is, apparently, according to you, morally equivalent, unless of course you think Saudi Arabia is worse than Iran.

Also it ill behooves you to solicit replies when you don't respond to the remarks you do receive. Of course, when you have contradicted yourself in the space of a paragraph, Tace is the Latin for a candlestick.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Well, yes. I do believe corruption this hard-core and selling out the country to a foreign Russian dictator really is a whole new thing for America. Bottom to top.

Happily we avoided that by electing Donald Trump and defeating Hillary Clinton. But you knew that.

Bad Lieutenant said...

And yes, that settlement was good policy, because had the claim gone to the tribunal instead of being settled, Iran would likely have received a judgment for a much larger amount.

BTW, how do you figure?

John henry said...

Perhaps I should drop a line in the water...

John Henry

Bad Lieutenant said...

Blogger anti-de Sitter space said...
Bad Lieutenant,

You pee your pants.


5/1/18, 6:39 PM

Thanks, shiloh, I really appreciate that. It takes a, slightly, better entity than I thought you were, to admit when he is beaten. Don't you just hate yourself for losing, though? Because anyone can see your desperation to win...whatever it is you think your unlovely prize may be.

le Douanier said...

"Perhaps I should drop a line in the water..."

Thanks for the heads up.

But, I think this is just something that you do, or don't do. Like sticking your finger up your asshole so you can get a whiff re cleanliness pre-pegging.

Skip the announcement.

Yur welcome.

Bad Lieutenant said...

But, I think this is just something that you do, or don't do. Like sticking your finger up your asshole so you can get a whiff re cleanliness pre-pegging.

Skip the announcement.

Curiously, however, that is exactly your style.

I blame lack of self-awareness on your part rather than hypocrisy, but that's just my generous nature; I could be convinced either way.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Thanks de Sitter space.

It's amazing how many commentary incompetents think that it's all about them and how dishonestly they can seek to control the thread.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Jimmy said the set felt like comfort food.

I could never stand her show's set. Drab as hell.

Probably like the fans who identify with what she's doing now.

Excessive gold gilding is the luxury equivalent of drab - i.e. "gaudy."

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