Samantha Bee called Ivanka Trump a “feckless cunt” who tries to get her father hot with her cleavage. On TV. No action. This looks like a double standard.
Who defended Roseanne here? AFAICS not even Roseanne was “defending” Roseanne on her tweet. She herself called it indefensible. Seems about right. Do you have examples?
"You know how many times I’ve been called a cunt by commenters here?"
It does get kind of repetitive, but something about you just cries out for the adjective "ditzy". I think it's the way you apparently actually can't tell whether you have a point or not, or what it might be. And after "ditzy", well, what would you suggest?
“It does get kind of repetitive, but something about you just cries out for the adjective "ditzy".”
It does get kind of repetitive, but everything about you cries out asshole. Look it up. You are one of the assholes who called me a cunt. So are you as vile as Samantha Bee?
"You know how many times I’ve been called a cunt by commenters here?"
Raises an interesting point. Would you say that the people who call you a cunt are misogynists? Or that calling you a cunt is misogynist? Is Samantha Bee a misogynist?
The gay porn King has a better moral compass than the media
"I would like to sincerely apologize to Ivanka Trump and to my viewers for using an expletive on my show to describe her last night. It was inappropriate and inexcusable. I crossed a line, and I deeply regret it."
I might have made a comment that Jarrett does indeed look like a character from Planet of the Apes, so I guess you could say that I defended Rosanne. But I think most of the "defenses" are really just pointing out the double standard of her firing.
Big Mike It was scripted. Rehearsed. Screened. Considered, judged, discussed, approved, chortled over. So the apology cannot be sincere, it can only be “oops, shit storm coming, better fake apologize.”
"I would like to sincerely apologize to Ivanka Trump and to my viewers for using an expletive on my show to describe her last night. It was inappropriate and inexcusable. I crossed a line, and I deeply regret it."
I agree with Inga that calling somebody a cunt in a blog flame war with voluntary participants is exactly the same as using a network show to personally attack a member of a politician’s family.
My favorite attack on the Trump family this week was an attack on Ivanka for posting a picture with her daughter when all of Twitter was in an tizzy over a bunch of illegal alien children. Didn’t she know she was harshing the narrative?
As for Samantha Bee, the same applies to her- she is free to state any opinion on her show she wants, and her detractors are free to write the sponsors and advertisers to point to the double standard being applied by many of them. If TBS wants to keep her show on the air, that is up to them, and the same applies to ABC in regards to Barr.
Washington (AFP) - Ivanka Trump is facing an online backlash for tweeting what one critic called a “tone deaf” photo of herself cuddling her son as outrage grows over a federal government policy to separate the children of undocumented migrants from their parents.
The eldest daughter of President Donald Trump, who serves as an advisor to her father, posted the picture of her with her son on Sunday, with the caption: "My <3! #SundayMorning.”
Who is she to pose with her son when there are people on Twitter being outraged over something or other they likely don’t understand!!! Oh yeah, and if you take your small children with you on a mission to break the law, you gotta own the result of your decision. But most likely those kids are right back with their families living illegally in the US.
It looks like it might be refrigerator art for a woman soon to be married. The four-legged critter in the upper left hand corner tells me they might have jumped-the-gun.
I used to watch TBS sometimes, if I felt like a. sitcom, but to be honest. I couldn’t take Married with Children being interrupted every twenty minutes by a blast of her Trump derangement.
Same reason I stopped leaving the Golf Channel on in the background. Who needs a periodi “promo” for MSNBC that is nothing more than a way to inject their anti-Trump propaganda into the network. RIght now I have on BBC Blue Planet as kind of a screen saver, and it’s prettier than golf courses.
Ivanka is fair game. She had to know what would get back in the way artillery incoming from the most unexpected places and " friends", when she boldly converted to become a Jew. That was like volunteering to be a human target in the world's oldest known firing range.
The first thing that I'd like to know is who are her sponsors? Pressure needs to be applied, apology or not. No one accepted Roseanne Barr's apology, nor should any decent person accept Bee's thoroughly insincere "sincere apology."
And germane to this entire sordid episode, Bee was reacting a Twitterstorm over a picture of children brought illegally into this country, separated from their parents, and kept in something resembling a dog kennel. But the picture turned out to be from 2014, i.e., during the administration of Trump's predecessor.
The YouTube channel for “Full Frontal” posted just that final 50-second segment containing her Ivanka rant as its own video Wednesday night. It’s now deleted, but the show clearly thought it was a winner until the backlash began.
Two minute hate is so passe. It's from that time when cartoons only played on Saturday mornings. Now it's hate all the time.
If Mueller releases his report right before the election, it will likely backfire the same way it did when Comey "cleared" Hillary a couple of days before the last election.
Autotrader (@AutoTrader_com) Thank you to those who reached out regarding our sponsorship of Full Frontal. The comments expressed by Samantha Bee were offensive and unacceptable and do not reflect the views of our company. As a result, we have suspended our sponsorship of Full Frontal with Samantha Bee.
I've bailed out early from the last four DVDs I bought. Maybe I'm down to the dregs, or maybe I'm too jaded by subplots that look too stupid and predictable to bear.
Tits with the promise of more tits doesn't do it.
If you look at the progress graph wondering if this is about over, it's time to bail out.
I have never called Inga a cunt, and would prefer nobody else call her a cunt either.
However, this is a successful blog. And Althouse eschews the practice of playing hall monitor. Ergo, one could posit that the informal creative nature of this blog thrives because it doesn't have a hall monitor. So, sometimes we have name-calling, as a small price to pay for the blog's success.
Scalia once said that he viciously attacked the idea, but not the man. It's good general advice.
I think the ideas of "communism," "socialism" and "leftism" need to be viciously attacked and/or mocked, because they have caused so much death and destruction on our planet.
Haven't we heard this song before? Didn't she call someone else a cunt or make a joke about Trump's son or something?
Sorry, I get my unfunny, ugly, TV comediennes mixed up - so it might be someone else.
Anyway, I'd think calling Ivanka a "cunt" on a TV show - deliberately - as a "Joke" - would be considered much more offensive than making a racially "tweet -joke" while under the influence of Ambien.
Directed at Whites: Quit wanking on about how "offended" you are at a racial joke and then do a hand-waving "what's the big deal" when the President's daughter is called a cunt, or someone disrespects the American flag.
No one believes your "blah,blah, its different" bullshit. Either you're against offending people or you're not. You're either for respecting everyone -Christians, Jews, whites, non-whites - or your not.
And, before I forget, Ivanka is hot! Something about that thin neck with nice boobs. The curves of a majestic swan. Kushner is one lucky little bastard!
Roseanne - not hot Samantha Bee - not hot Kathy Griffin -- not hot Michelle Wolfe? -- completely unfuckable
Inga thinks she's as important a public person as Ivanka Trump. Celebs are free to call Ivanka names (without consequence) because a few commenters here have called her those same names. Hmmm.
What people call somebody doesn't matter at all. The important question is whether it's amusing, accurate or clarifying.
All these bad words have sharply defined performances. Often they're a perfect fit, like piece of shit for Obama, or asshole for almost anybody.
They bring clarity.
Calling Ivanka a cunt puts her role as the female person in the enemy camp. Feckless, not even doing the job a woman should do in these politically feminist times.
I don't get the bent-out-of-shape reactions on each side. Idiotic.
"Note to our friends on the other side of the aisle: Sorry to indulge the cliché yet again, but this really is how you got Trump. You claim to be righteous. You claim to be above the fray. But then the minute things don’t go your way, you leap right into the mud and start slinging. Then you make all the excuses in the world for a member of your own tribe. The benefit of the doubt is for insiders only.
I can’t judge Ms. Bee too harshly, though. This is a tough time for her. She got passed over for The Daily Show, and now she has to watch helplessly as a younger, #woker comedienne hosts the WHCD and gets a buzzworthy Netflix show and hogs all the press. That’s supposed to be her up there, saying awful things about women who work in the White House. She’s supposed to be America’s Trump-Hatin’ Sweetheart. So, if calling another woman a really bad word on TV is what Ms. Bee needs to do to get noticed again, that’s how it goes."
That first paragraph could be aimed right at Inga.
I am convincing the SJWs to stop policing language. Nothing more fun.
The right wing is as idiotic though.
It will never get straightened out if it's an argument about moral purity instead of language.
Moralism is just putting out a pose and seeing if the other guy can accept it, or at least respect it. Most often they can't. That's not a failure of moral argument, but rather the point of it, to establish that.
I'm saying you're both arguing about the wrong thing. Nobody cares about your pose.
"Angel Dyne’s comments about how it’s unfair that black people cant be likened to apes and monkeys comes to mind"
I somehow suspect this is a gross misrepresentation of whatever AngelDyne said, since Inga isn't too good at that nuance thing and Angel Dyne is about 20 times smarter than she is.
The only thing I said about Barr was that I didn't like her and had never watched her show.
"So what you're saying is ..." is a sign of cognative dissonance, according to Scott Adams. Restating as something you didn't say, usually an absolute.
" Well, I didn't find Barr's tweet funny (truth to tell, I didn't understand it). But I confess I did the right thing for the wrong reasons. But now that you've instructed us on what we're not allowed to find funny and why, perhaps you could enlighten us on what we're required to find funny, dear Mrs. Grundy?"
I'm not sure how that equates to "it’s unfair that black people cant be likened to apes and monkeys"
Liberal rules: what Barr tweeted was terrible and she should lose her job over it. But Bee calling Ivanka a cunt is perfectly fine. After all, all good feminists think it's no big deal for a female comedian to call another woman a "feckless cunt" (Ivanka's big sin was tweeting out a picture of herself holding one of her children), just like they found it fine, laudable even, when Sandra Bernhardt said Sarah Palin should be gang raped by blacks.
If a conservative woman was being raped by a MS 13 gang member, liberal women like Bee would not turn a blind eye. Oh, no. They'd help hold the conservative woman down or stand on the sidelines and cheer the rapist on.
If Barr's show was dropped, the same thing should happen to Bee's show. Or if Bee's offense doesn't warrant her canning, neither does Barr's. I'm completely uninterested in both of these women. I just want to see the rules applied to both sides. Instead, I'm seeing liberal women tweet out that Ivanka really is a cunt. Inga chastised me not long ago for (as she saw it) siding with the guys and not defending The Sisterhood. Well, the Sisters are a pack of phony, nasty harpies who are still emotional adolescents and they would never defend me, so to hell with them.
Exile sez: "Liberal rules: what Barr tweeted was terrible and she should lose her job over it. But Bee calling Ivanka a cunt is perfectly fine"
That's one of the two essential problems when dealing with the Left. No standards. No concept of "what's good for the goose, is good for the gander."
The other one is toggling back and forth between opponent and referee. A favorite tactic is to shift from combattant to referee status, point out some allegedly racist comment you made (often a false charge), and then declare victory based on your infraction.
Blogger Angle-Dyne, Angelic Buzzard said... Henry: Bush could take being called a smirking chimp because white people weren't subjected to hundreds of years of vile pseudo-science that used physical appearance from skin color to skull size to justify slavery, Jim Crow, anti-miscegenation laws, and supremacist theorizing.
You're joking, right?
So, we can't mock blacks by comparing them to apes and monkeys, Because History. Because History means they don't have the "privilege" that other kinds of people who can be mocked by comparing them to apes and monkeys have. And having that "privilege" means that those other people get opportunities and access to society's goodies, regardless of their being mocked by being compared to apes and monkeys, but mocking blacks by comparing them to apes and monkeys deprives them, by some unexplicated Because History mechanism, of getting access to the same opportunities and goodies.
So nobody can mock Valerie Jarrett by comparing her to an ape or monkey because that would prevent her (by the above mentioned unexplicated Because History mechanism) from having opportunities and access to society's goodies.
But...Jarrett is a rich and powerful woman. Other black people before her have been mocked by being compared to apes and monkeys, but...Jarrett is a rich and powerful woman. Why did the Because History mechanism fail in her case? Now she has herself been mocked by being compared to apes and monkeys. Will this act of mockery retroactively deprive her of her wealth and influence?
The mechanism by which Because History ordains and controls these things still eludes me. Though it does seem to be getting more elaborately Ptolemaic over time.
5/30/18, 10:30 AM ——————————————
Blogger Inga said... It’s comical in a disturbing way to see those who lament that they can’t call black people apes and monkeys without blowback. Oh that awful unfair PC culture. Let’s expect black people to drop any sensitivity about it, so we can engage in our bigotry unimpeded.
Inga @6:41: You have a real comic genius for cutting-and-pasting things you give an excellent impression of not comprehending, in defense of daffy sub-moronic "interpretations" they don't support. (Since you at times give evidence of having at least a high-school level reading comprehension, I assume you're doing it on purpose. Brava! I feel proud to have had a post of mine recruited for one of your many first-rate exercises in this comic genre.)
Moira Breen/Angel Dyne, it was good of you to reveal your real name in one of the threads on Memorial Day, I was surprised you did that. I always wondered what happened to Moira Breen. If you are the Moira Breen I think you are, it explains a lot of things about you and your viciousness as an adult. I bought the book, pretty horrific, I pity you. I’m sorry your childhood was so messed up, it’s obviously affected your adulthood. If you’re not that Moira Breen, then excuse me.
Lol, but perfect example, as I explained on that thread, for why I use a pseudonym. No, I am not the that Moira Breen. Nor am I a couple of other Moira Breens whose email, etc., gets thrown my way.
Sometimes it's pretty comical. The lovely and talented lady with whom you confused me seemed to have had (understandably) a great number of swooning male fans, who would rather frequently misdirect their mash notes into my inbox. I always felt bad having to tell them that the person to whom they had proclaimed their ardor was, alas, a prosaic middle-aged housewife, not the angelically lovely blonde harpist of the same name.
She corresponded with me briefly back in the day; very nice lady.
Blogger Mark said... Blogger Moira Breen said... Yancey Ward: Moira, I am shamelessly stealing and using this in the future:
Glad you liked it, help yourself.
Btw, I'm Angle-Dyne. Using a different browser and couldn't be arsed to change my login this morning. (Oh noes, it's chrome! I'm dooooooomed.)
Guess I better get back to my pseudonym before any of my goodthinking prog namesakes get anathematized by acquaintances or employers vigilantly googling for wrongthink. I've gotten some mighty peculiar emails in the past.
Moira, Good to know that poor soul isn’t you. So, what made you the vicious adult you are? Teased or bullied as a child? There must be some good reason. I don’t want to think that you are just a nasty piece of work for no good reason.
If Angel Dyne is Moira Breen or Moira Greyland? Holy cow!
Do not read the story of what happened to Moira Greyland on a full stomach. Just a hint: anytime someone says " I much preferred to stay with my dad, as all he did was rape me." you know that the story is brutal.
She has absolute moral authority to attack the false leftists. And any claim that "LGBT issues are unicorn/peace/love never hurt anyone" is absolutely, totally wrong.
Of course, If Angel-Dyne is Moira... I fully expect ARM and Ritmo to still attack her and cheer what happened to her.
For Angel-Dyne's sake, I really, really hope she isn't Moira. That would totally be awful.
Bay Area Guy said... Exile sez: "Liberal rules: what Barr tweeted was terrible and she should lose her job over it. But Bee calling Ivanka a cunt is perfectly fine"
That's one of the two essential problems when dealing with the Left. No standards. No concept of "what's good for the goose, is good for the gander."
The other one is toggling back and forth between opponent and referee. A favorite tactic is to shift from combattant to referee status, point out some allegedly racist comment you made (often a false charge), and then declare victory based on your infraction.
They are a shifty bunch.
5/31/18, 6:22 PM
This in essence is one of the difficulties we face as a society. Individuals will always hold differing views from each other on all topics. 'Normals' are perfectly able to interact civilly with others that hold vastly disparate views.
What you describe here are the actions of people that have situational ethics. To them it is not important that you hold consistent views, or have those views based upon solid principles. Rather their views are gauged off of other people, aligned with those that are 'good' and against those that are 'bad'. The membership of those categories changes over time based upon a fickle mob.
Regular people do not act like this, regular people view this behavior as bad faith at best.
I didn't know that. I thought she was of Iranian descent. Iranians are not black. If you saw her on the street and didn't know who she was, would you take her for AA?
I didn't know that. I thought she was of Iranian descent
So did I.
I was listening to Larry Elder today and he said 99% of black people knew she was black (which makes sense. I can see them taking a special interest in all "black" politicians) and he was surprised that not everyone knew that. So he polled his white friends. All but one did not know she was black until the Roseanne thing came up.
He also said that that made all the difference to him. Comparing white people to apes is OK. Bush the Chimp, Trump the Orangutan, etc. He said it is only beyond the pale to call blacks apes due to such a long, racial association.
Maybe Moira is just frustrated that she can’t call black people apes and monkeys without being called a racist.
Anybody who calls black people in general apes and monkeys is obviously a racist. You are as sloppy as Donald Trump with your language.
But maybe blacks should shrug this off the same way whites more and more shrug off being called a racist. There is power in the shrug. If Roseanne is a racist, the term doesn't have any meaning.
She was born in Iran. Its pretty common knowledge after her maneuvering in the Iran deal, so it's pretty easy to understand how people would ascribe the features that now seem black to being Iranian. Doesn't matter though. The crucification of Roseanne is final! She must be made an example of to put the proper fear into the rest of the deplorables that our mastery of the organs of culture will not be questioned. Rosanne was transgressing against the power of the establishment elite, which was intolerable in any event, so thanks God for this pretext.
Eddie W.: It kind of surprises me that more people didn't know about Jarrett's background, seeing as how it's right there on Wikipedia and she was such an important part of the Obama administration.
Interesting, too, that Elder's reasoning boils down to Because History.
Well, I will. She said something offensive on twitter. Like it or not, that is done multiple times per second by millions around the world today, so it's common, it's also her right to do so, including if it's stupid. Is it racist? If she knew Jarrett was Black, then maybe, but it was meant as a crude joke, which I doubt anybody was really offended by. The offended postures are just theater and tribal gamesmanship.
All that goes just the same for what Samantha Bee did.
People think, say, and do racist and sexist things all the time and Blacks are racists against every other race in at least equal amounts to what they get, and women are just as sexist if not more so toward men and each other. We all are on both sides of the racism that is human nature. The really hurtful damaging forms are virtually gone now and very few people today actually suffer from racism or sexism. Everyone has the ability to step right over or around it when it happens if they choose substance and peace over drama.
What actually does real and serious damage is the over-reaction and obsession with the subject. A lot of people just lost their income, and many more will in this stupid culture war, where people are willing to hurt innocents with their silly posturing. Look at all the damage done to these actors and workers on that show just so that an ABC executive can signal her virtue. Imagine if other businesses went around firing everyone in a department because one of them tweeted an offensive joke. I mean why fire just the show's people? Why not resign and shut down the whole network via the the same logic. That would really show us your virtue.
What we need is courage, the courage to say no I will not punish innocent people just to quell the outrage of some who sit ready to pounce on any opportunity to score a point against the other team. It's cruel, selfish, cowardly and irresponsible. That executive had a responsibility to be measured and fair no matter how much gnashing of teeth goes on at the cocktail parties she attends.
The rest of us need to chill out and give people a little space to be open, unguarded, risque, foolish, funny, or not so funny, and the room to make a mistake without destroying lives. Where was the real damage done here, the tweets or the reaction?
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१२१ टिप्पण्या:
“Oh oh oh oh being ali-i-ive”
Being alive. Staying alive. unPlanned and evolving.
Wedding. Music. Being Alive. Yes, indeed, and all go together. But dog? How did that slip in?
Somebody find that dog a tail...
Being alive as a literal square, a Post-It note.
Anybody can just be alive, provided they survive the abortion holocaust. Be best. That's the goal.
Thanksgiving Day comes early at Chez Althouse.
And no Muppet reference is implied.
Someone to hold me too close...
And staying alive
Having never seen any of you in person, how do I know any of you here are living beings?
Samantha Bee called Ivanka Trump a “feckless cunt” who tries to get her father hot with her cleavage. On TV. No action. This looks like a double standard.
Link to the article that Full Moon cut and pasted without quotation marks or attribution@12:41.
So will commenters here defend Samantha Bee the way they defended Roseann?
You know how many times I’ve been called a cunt by commenters here?
Looks like Disco will never die.
Who defended Roseanne here? AFAICS not even Roseanne was “defending” Roseanne on her tweet. She herself called it indefensible. Seems about right. Do you have examples?
Blogger Inga said...
"You know how many times I’ve been called a cunt by commenters here?"
It does get kind of repetitive, but something about you just cries out for the adjective "ditzy". I think it's the way you apparently actually can't tell whether you have a point or not, or what it might be. And after "ditzy", well, what would you suggest?
“Who defended Roseanne here?”
Are you serious? Go to the threads that addressed the Roseanne tweet and read.
“And we can try to understand
The New York Times or Manfred Mann”
“Being Alive” is a mash up of “Being There” and “Staying Alive” perhaps.
Once was enough. If no examples come immediately to mind then maybe you’re wrong.
“It does get kind of repetitive, but something about you just cries out for the adjective "ditzy".”
It does get kind of repetitive, but everything about you cries out asshole. Look it up. You are one of the assholes who called me a cunt. So are you as vile as Samantha Bee?
Blogger Inga said...
"You know how many times I’ve been called a cunt by commenters here?"
Raises an interesting point. Would you say that the people who call you a cunt are misogynists? Or that calling you a cunt is misogynist? Is Samantha Bee a misogynist?
Blogger Inga said...
You know how many times I’ve been called a cunt by commenters here?
5/31/18, 2:05 PM
“Once was enough. If no examples come immediately to mind then maybe you’re wrong.”
Angel Dyne’s comments about how it’s unfair that black people cant be likened to apes and monkeys comes to mind. There were more.
Inga said...
You know how many times I’ve been called a cunt by commenters here?
5/31/18, 2:05 PM
Are you braggin;, or complainin'?
survive the abortion holocaust. Be best
A fitness function approved and advised by Mother Nature.
I wonder if normalizing/promoting abortion rites qualifies as "survival of the fittest". It probably does. Be a duck, not a dodo.
Inga said...
Link to the article that Full Moon cut and pasted without quotation marks or attribution@12:41.
5/31/18, 2:00 PM
Looks like that guy JoeBidened my work
The gay porn King has a better moral compass than the media
Inga said...
You know how many times I’ve been called a cunt by commenters here?
You know how to make it stop.
You wicked, wicked man!
You know how many times I’ve been called a cunt by commenters here? - Inga
How many times have you called others that word?
Seems you don't like being held to the same rules you've demanded of everybody else.
Tough. Shit.
@Althouse, is that how a BFA graduate really draws a dog?
From Samantha Bee herself:
"I would like to sincerely apologize to Ivanka Trump and to my viewers for using an expletive on my show to describe her last night. It was inappropriate and inexcusable. I crossed a line, and I deeply regret it."
I might have made a comment that Jarrett does indeed look like a character from Planet of the Apes, so I guess you could say that I defended Rosanne. But I think most of the "defenses" are really just pointing out the double standard of her firing.
Big Mike
It was scripted. Rehearsed. Screened. Considered, judged, discussed, approved, chortled over. So the apology cannot be sincere, it can only be “oops, shit storm coming, better fake apologize.”
“How many times have you called others that word?
Seems you don't like being held to the same rules you've demanded of everybody else.”
Never. Seems like you’re a liar.
From Samantha Bee herself:
"I would like to sincerely apologize to Ivanka Trump and to my viewers for using an expletive on my show to describe her last night. It was inappropriate and inexcusable. I crossed a line, and I deeply regret it."
For the single word, not for the comment.
I agree with Inga that calling somebody a cunt in a blog flame war with voluntary participants is exactly the same as using a network show to personally attack a member of a politician’s family.
My favorite attack on the Trump family this week was an attack on Ivanka for posting a picture with her daughter when all of Twitter was in an tizzy over a bunch of illegal alien children. Didn’t she know she was harshing the narrative?
In further defense of Inga, the main person here anybody would call a cunt is ARM, and the two seldom disagree.
I don't agree with the commenters who called Inga a feckless cunt, but I will vigorously defend their right to do so.
As for Samantha Bee, the same applies to her- she is free to state any opinion on her show she wants, and her detractors are free to write the sponsors and advertisers to point to the double standard being applied by many of them. If TBS wants to keep her show on the air, that is up to them, and the same applies to ABC in regards to Barr.
Washington (AFP) - Ivanka Trump is facing an online backlash for tweeting what one critic called a “tone deaf” photo of herself cuddling her son as outrage grows over a federal government policy to separate the children of undocumented migrants from their parents.
The eldest daughter of President Donald Trump, who serves as an advisor to her father, posted the picture of her with her son on Sunday, with the caption: "My <3! #SundayMorning.”
Who is she to pose with her son when there are people on Twitter being outraged over something or other they likely don’t understand!!! Oh yeah, and if you take your small children with you on a mission to break the law, you gotta own the result of your decision. But most likely those kids are right back with their families living illegally in the US.
It looks like it might be refrigerator art for a woman soon to be married. The four-legged critter in the upper left hand corner tells me they might have jumped-the-gun.
I used to watch TBS sometimes, if I felt like a. sitcom, but to be honest. I couldn’t take Married with Children being interrupted every twenty minutes by a blast of her Trump derangement.
Same reason I stopped leaving the Golf Channel on in the background. Who needs a periodi “promo” for MSNBC that is nothing more than a way to inject their anti-Trump propaganda into the network. RIght now I have on BBC Blue Planet as kind of a screen saver, and it’s prettier than golf courses.
Ivanka is fair game. She had to know what would get back in the way artillery incoming from the most unexpected places and " friends", when she boldly converted to become a Jew. That was like volunteering to be a human target in the world's oldest known firing range.
@Ken B., did you think I am unaware of that?
The first thing that I'd like to know is who are her sponsors? Pressure needs to be applied, apology or not. No one accepted Roseanne Barr's apology, nor should any decent person accept Bee's thoroughly insincere "sincere apology."
And germane to this entire sordid episode, Bee was reacting a Twitterstorm over a picture of children brought illegally into this country, separated from their parents, and kept in something resembling a dog kennel. But the picture turned out to be from 2014, i.e., during the administration of Trump's predecessor.
From now on, that B. will use the word "twat".
And Ivanka can get a feck anytime and as often as she wants.
The YouTube channel for “Full Frontal” posted just that final 50-second segment containing her Ivanka rant as its own video Wednesday night. It’s now deleted, but the show clearly thought it was a winner until the backlash began.
Two minute hate is so passe. It's from that time when cartoons only played on Saturday mornings. Now it's hate all the time.
If Mueller releases his report right before the election, it will likely backfire the same way it did when Comey "cleared" Hillary a couple of days before the last election.
Thank you to those who reached out regarding our sponsorship of Full Frontal. The comments expressed by Samantha Bee were offensive and unacceptable and do not reflect the views of our company. As a result, we have suspended our sponsorship of Full Frontal with Samantha Bee.
"You know how many times I’ve been called a cunt by commenters here?"
I usually skip over all of those arguments, but I have noticed that an absurd number of times. Of course, even once or twice is pretty absurd.
You and I may disagree on most political issues, Inga, but you certainly have the numbers of several commenters here, and I admire your toughness.
I've bailed out early from the last four DVDs I bought. Maybe I'm down to the dregs, or maybe I'm too jaded by subplots that look too stupid and predictable to bear.
Tits with the promise of more tits doesn't do it.
If you look at the progress graph wondering if this is about over, it's time to bail out.
Cunt is a great word, huge and amazing performances possible by calling out various combinations of meanings at once.
It doesn't disparage women. That's a pretend reaction.
It describes occupations women tend to be happy in.
I have never called Inga a cunt, and would prefer nobody else call her a cunt either.
However, this is a successful blog. And Althouse eschews the practice of playing hall monitor. Ergo, one could posit that the informal creative nature of this blog thrives because it doesn't have a hall monitor. So, sometimes we have name-calling, as a small price to pay for the blog's success.
Scalia once said that he viciously attacked the idea, but not the man. It's good general advice.
I think the ideas of "communism," "socialism" and "leftism" need to be viciously attacked and/or mocked, because they have caused so much death and destruction on our planet.
My 2 cents.
Cunt as a complex word is equal to the various possibilities in life that women have.
Bee as in Bee-itch.
Haven't we heard this song before? Didn't she call someone else a cunt or make a joke about Trump's son or something?
Sorry, I get my unfunny, ugly, TV comediennes mixed up - so it might be someone else.
Anyway, I'd think calling Ivanka a "cunt" on a TV show - deliberately - as a "Joke" - would be considered much more offensive than making a racially "tweet -joke" while under the influence of Ambien.
The Brits have ruined cunt by using it for any unpleasant and unreliable person. That robs women of their north star.
A cunt can be far from unpleasant or unreliable.
Lets have one standard - or stop with the BS.
Directed at Whites: Quit wanking on about how "offended" you are at a racial joke and then do a hand-waving "what's the big deal" when the President's daughter is called a cunt, or someone disrespects the American flag.
No one believes your "blah,blah, its different" bullshit. Either you're against offending people or you're not. You're either for respecting everyone -Christians, Jews, whites, non-whites - or your not.
Cunt is sucking up all the oxygen. That wasn’t the only smear. Is it okay to call your opponents incestuous?
Cunt as someone who brings feminity to the household
No disparagement there. (Barthelme)
And, before I forget, Ivanka is hot! Something about that thin neck with nice boobs. The curves of a majestic swan. Kushner is one lucky little bastard!
Roseanne - not hot
Samantha Bee - not hot
Kathy Griffin -- not hot
Michelle Wolfe? -- completely unfuckable
My 2 cents
How many times have posters here called you incestuous?
Listen, you pinko queer...
that's disparagement.
What I've learned today:
Inga thinks she's as important a public person as Ivanka Trump. Celebs are free to call Ivanka names (without consequence) because a few commenters here have called her those same names. Hmmm.
A cunt isn't expected to play by guys' rules. That's how she brings femininity.
What people call somebody doesn't matter at all. The important question is whether it's amusing, accurate or clarifying.
All these bad words have sharply defined performances. Often they're a perfect fit, like piece of shit for Obama, or asshole for almost anybody.
They bring clarity.
Calling Ivanka a cunt puts her role as the female person in the enemy camp. Feckless, not even doing the job a woman should do in these politically feminist times.
I don't get the bent-out-of-shape reactions on each side. Idiotic.
Inga said ... "You know how many times I’ve been called a cunt by commenters here?
Twice that I am aware of. Each time I chastised the person at fault.
Maybe you should name names.
I doubt that there would be a "bent out of shape reaction" if there were not such a glaring double standard at play.
Go for the right standard every time, not some bargain on double standards.
If the word works, use it.
Fights in words is what peace looks like.
Listen, you pinko queer..."
Close to the Buckley quote directed to Gore Vidal:
Now listen you queer. Stop calling me a crypto-Nazi or I’ll sock you in the goddamn face and you’ll stay plastered.
Sarah Palin - La Cabrona - Jennifer Lopez, celebrity, American second, politically congruent ("=").
Thank you Freeman. I appreciate your forthrightness and thoughtfulness every time you comment.
What Treacher has to say:
"Note to our friends on the other side of the aisle: Sorry to indulge the cliché yet again, but this really is how you got Trump. You claim to be righteous. You claim to be above the fray. But then the minute things don’t go your way, you leap right into the mud and start slinging. Then you make all the excuses in the world for a member of your own tribe. The benefit of the doubt is for insiders only.
I can’t judge Ms. Bee too harshly, though. This is a tough time for her. She got passed over for The Daily Show, and now she has to watch helplessly as a younger, #woker comedienne hosts the WHCD and gets a buzzworthy Netflix show and hogs all the press. That’s supposed to be her up there, saying awful things about women who work in the White House. She’s supposed to be America’s Trump-Hatin’ Sweetheart. So, if calling another woman a really bad word on TV is what Ms. Bee needs to do to get noticed again, that’s how it goes."
That first paragraph could be aimed right at Inga.
“@Althouse, is that how a BFA graduate really draws a dog?”
I just took a photograph.
I've always called it a cunt cap because my father did, and it always got a laugh from the other Boy Scouts.
Sadly, I have no idea what the proper name for that the cap is. The guy at the full service gas station wears one.
Garrison cap.
Barthelme, in the link above
even puts in the space beyond cunt
"But of course we may be different, perhaps you do care about it. It's not unheard of."
Getting down where cunt fits in in the language.
Samantha is bearing the brunt
Of calling Ivanka a cunt
And even so reckless
As calling her feckless.
I'm sorry, that puppy won't hunt.
"I don't get the bent-out-of-shape reactions on each side. Idiotic."
It does not compute. It does not compute.
Illogical. Illogical.
Danger, Will Robinson. Danger.
Mary had a little lamb
It was a little runt
It stuck its nose beneath her dress
And shoved it up her ...
What do you want, teacher, prose or poetry?
Prose please.
grade school joke
It's not illogical. It's stupid. Appreciate the language.
Those are not extra words.
Do realize that words are just letters? Why do people get upset about letters?
But they do. Its just how you rearrange them.
"Y'know what. I'd like to come over to your house and fuck your sister
Wait, why are you getting upset? Its just letters!"
Have intercourse with your sister would work the same way. It's not the word fuck but the claimed intention.
He's using fuck as a verb anyway. Fuck isn't a verb in its swear meaning.
@Althouse, just joking with you.
Fine, RH.
Now go and convince the SJW's to stop policing the language.
@Althouse, is that how a BFA graduate really draws a dog?”
I just took a photograph.
This is why I keep coming back.
I am convincing the SJWs to stop policing language. Nothing more fun.
The right wing is as idiotic though.
It will never get straightened out if it's an argument about moral purity instead of language.
Moralism is just putting out a pose and seeing if the other guy can accept it, or at least respect it. Most often they can't. That's not a failure of moral argument, but rather the point of it, to establish that.
I'm saying you're both arguing about the wrong thing. Nobody cares about your pose.
"Angel Dyne’s comments about how it’s unfair that black people cant be likened to apes and monkeys comes to mind"
I somehow suspect this is a gross misrepresentation of whatever AngelDyne said, since Inga isn't too good at that nuance thing and Angel Dyne is about 20 times smarter than she is.
The only thing I said about Barr was that I didn't like her and had never watched her show.
"So what you're saying is ..." is a sign of cognative dissonance, according to Scott Adams. Restating as something you didn't say, usually an absolute.
Angle-Dyne, Angelic Buzzard said...
" Well, I didn't find Barr's tweet funny (truth to tell, I didn't understand it). But I confess I did the right thing for the wrong reasons. But now that you've instructed us on what we're not allowed to find funny and why, perhaps you could enlighten us on what we're required to find funny, dear Mrs. Grundy?"
I'm not sure how that equates to "it’s unfair that black people cant be likened to apes and monkeys"
Liberal rules: what Barr tweeted was terrible and she should lose her job over it. But Bee calling Ivanka a cunt is perfectly fine. After all, all good feminists think it's no big deal for a female comedian to call another woman a "feckless cunt" (Ivanka's big sin was tweeting out a picture of herself holding one of her children), just like they found it fine, laudable even, when Sandra Bernhardt said Sarah Palin should be gang raped by blacks.
If a conservative woman was being raped by a MS 13 gang member, liberal women like Bee would not turn a blind eye. Oh, no. They'd help hold the conservative woman down or stand on the sidelines and cheer the rapist on.
If Barr's show was dropped, the same thing should happen to Bee's show. Or if Bee's offense doesn't warrant her canning, neither does Barr's. I'm completely uninterested in both of these women. I just want to see the rules applied to both sides. Instead, I'm seeing liberal women tweet out that Ivanka really is a cunt. Inga chastised me not long ago for (as she saw it) siding with the guys and not defending The Sisterhood. Well, the Sisters are a pack of phony, nasty harpies who are still emotional adolescents and they would never defend me, so to hell with them.
Exile sez: "Liberal rules: what Barr tweeted was terrible and she should lose her job over it. But Bee calling Ivanka a cunt is perfectly fine"
That's one of the two essential problems when dealing with the Left. No standards. No concept of "what's good for the goose, is good for the gander."
The other one is toggling back and forth between opponent and referee. A favorite tactic is to shift from combattant to referee status, point out some allegedly racist comment you made (often a false charge), and then declare victory based on your infraction.
They are a shifty bunch.
Garrison cap.
Thank you. I was reluctant to google.
Blogger Angle-Dyne, Angelic Buzzard said...
Henry: Bush could take being called a smirking chimp because white people weren't subjected to hundreds of years of vile pseudo-science that used physical appearance from skin color to skull size to justify slavery, Jim Crow, anti-miscegenation laws, and supremacist theorizing.
You're joking, right?
So, we can't mock blacks by comparing them to apes and monkeys, Because History. Because History means they don't have the "privilege" that other kinds of people who can be mocked by comparing them to apes and monkeys have. And having that "privilege" means that those other people get opportunities and access to society's goodies, regardless of their being mocked by being compared to apes and monkeys, but mocking blacks by comparing them to apes and monkeys deprives them, by some unexplicated Because History mechanism, of getting access to the same opportunities and goodies.
So nobody can mock Valerie Jarrett by comparing her to an ape or monkey because that would prevent her (by the above mentioned unexplicated Because History mechanism) from having opportunities and access to society's goodies.
But...Jarrett is a rich and powerful woman. Other black people before her have been mocked by being compared to apes and monkeys, but...Jarrett is a rich and powerful woman. Why did the Because History mechanism fail in her case? Now she has herself been mocked by being compared to apes and monkeys. Will this act of mockery retroactively deprive her of her wealth and influence?
The mechanism by which Because History ordains and controls these things still eludes me. Though it does seem to be getting more elaborately Ptolemaic over time.
5/30/18, 10:30 AM
Blogger Inga said...
It’s comical in a disturbing way to see those who lament that they can’t call black people apes and monkeys without blowback. Oh that awful unfair PC culture. Let’s expect black people to drop any sensitivity about it, so we can engage in our bigotry unimpeded.
5/30/18, 10:34 AM
rhrhardin: I am convincing the SJWs to stop policing language.
Nags always think that their futile repetitive nagging is effective.
Inga @6:41: You have a real comic genius for cutting-and-pasting things you give an excellent impression of not comprehending, in defense of daffy sub-moronic "interpretations" they don't support. (Since you at times give evidence of having at least a high-school level reading comprehension, I assume you're doing it on purpose. Brava! I feel proud to have had a post of mine recruited for one of your many first-rate exercises in this comic genre.)
Moira Breen/Angel Dyne, it was good of you to reveal your real name in one of the threads on Memorial Day, I was surprised you did that. I always wondered what happened to Moira Breen. If you are the Moira Breen I think you are, it explains a lot of things about you and your viciousness as an adult. I bought the book, pretty horrific, I pity you. I’m sorry your childhood was so messed up, it’s obviously affected your adulthood. If you’re not that Moira Breen, then excuse me.
Why does the MeToo movement stop at Bill Clinton?
Same immunity that protects Ms. Bee.
Some say vicious, others say straightforward. Viva diversity.
Inga 7:32:
Lol, but perfect example, as I explained on that thread, for why I use a pseudonym. No, I am not the that Moira Breen. Nor am I a couple of other Moira Breens whose email, etc., gets thrown my way.
Sometimes it's pretty comical. The lovely and talented lady with whom you confused me seemed to have had (understandably) a great number of swooning male fans, who would rather frequently misdirect their mash notes into my inbox. I always felt bad having to tell them that the person to whom they had proclaimed their ardor was, alas, a prosaic middle-aged housewife, not the angelically lovely blonde harpist of the same name.
She corresponded with me briefly back in the day; very nice lady.
Blogger Mark said...
Blogger Moira Breen said...
Yancey Ward: Moira, I am shamelessly stealing and using this in the future:
Glad you liked it, help yourself.
Btw, I'm Angle-Dyne. Using a different browser and couldn't be arsed to change my login this morning. (Oh noes, it's chrome! I'm dooooooomed.)
Guess I better get back to my pseudonym before any of my goodthinking prog namesakes get anathematized by acquaintances or employers vigilantly googling for wrongthink. I've gotten some mighty peculiar emails in the past.
5/28/18, 1:06 PM
Just in case someone acuses me of doxing her.
Good to know that poor soul isn’t you. So, what made you the vicious adult you are? Teased or bullied as a child? There must be some good reason. I don’t want to think that you are just a nasty piece of work for no good reason.
If Angel Dyne is Moira Breen or Moira Greyland? Holy cow!
Do not read the story of what happened to Moira Greyland on a full stomach. Just a hint: anytime someone says " I much preferred to stay with my dad, as all he did was rape me." you know that the story is brutal.
She has absolute moral authority to attack the false leftists. And any claim that "LGBT issues are unicorn/peace/love never hurt anyone" is absolutely, totally wrong.
Of course, If Angel-Dyne is Moira... I fully expect ARM and Ritmo to still attack her and cheer what happened to her.
For Angel-Dyne's sake, I really, really hope she isn't Moira. That would totally be awful.
Oh, good, she's not that Moira. Inga's happy: she can continue to smear her. If it was that Moira Breen? Inga would be left defenseless.
Inga: Just in case someone acuses me of doxing her.
Not to worry, you magnificent dozy bint. Nobody would ever you accuse you of having the brains to figure out how to doxx anybody.
Btw, you really need to learn how to take compliments more graciously.
“If it was that Moira Breen? Inga would be left defenseless.”
I would pity her and understand her behavior as an adult. In the case of our Moira Breen, her vileness is a mystery.
Maybe Moira is just frustrated that she can’t call black people apes and monkeys without being called a racist. Who knows?
Does the fact that Roseanne didn't know Valerie Jarrett was black change your opinion?
Bay Area Guy said...
Exile sez: "Liberal rules: what Barr tweeted was terrible and she should lose her job over it. But Bee calling Ivanka a cunt is perfectly fine"
That's one of the two essential problems when dealing with the Left. No standards. No concept of "what's good for the goose, is good for the gander."
The other one is toggling back and forth between opponent and referee. A favorite tactic is to shift from combattant to referee status, point out some allegedly racist comment you made (often a false charge), and then declare victory based on your infraction.
They are a shifty bunch.
5/31/18, 6:22 PM
This in essence is one of the difficulties we face as a society. Individuals will always hold differing views from each other on all topics. 'Normals' are perfectly able to interact civilly with others that hold vastly disparate views.
What you describe here are the actions of people that have situational ethics. To them it is not important that you hold consistent views, or have those views based upon solid principles. Rather their views are gauged off of other people, aligned with those that are 'good' and against those that are 'bad'. The membership of those categories changes over time based upon a fickle mob.
Regular people do not act like this, regular people view this behavior as bad faith at best.
Did Roseanne really not know that VJ was black?
Even if so, it won't change anything. Unconscious racism is still racism, even if you don't know about it.
Char Char Binks said...
Did Roseanne really not know that VJ was black?"
I didn't know that. I thought she was of Iranian descent. Iranians are not black. If you saw her on the street and didn't know who she was, would you take her for AA?
I didn't know that. I thought she was of Iranian descent
So did I.
I was listening to Larry Elder today and he said 99% of black people knew she was black (which makes sense. I can see them taking a special interest in all "black" politicians) and he was surprised that not everyone knew that. So he polled his white friends. All but one did not know she was black until the Roseanne thing came up.
He also said that that made all the difference to him. Comparing white people to apes is OK. Bush the Chimp, Trump the Orangutan, etc. He said it is only beyond the pale to call blacks apes due to such a long, racial association.
Maybe Moira is just frustrated that she can’t call black people apes and monkeys without being called a racist.
Anybody who calls black people in general apes and monkeys is obviously a racist. You are as sloppy as Donald Trump with your language.
But maybe blacks should shrug this off the same way whites more and more shrug off being called a racist. There is power in the shrug. If Roseanne is a racist, the term doesn't have any meaning.
She was born in Iran. Its pretty common knowledge after her maneuvering in the Iran deal, so it's pretty easy to understand how people would ascribe the features that now seem black to being Iranian. Doesn't matter though. The crucification of Roseanne is final! She must be made an example of to put the proper fear into the rest of the deplorables that our mastery of the organs of culture will not be questioned. Rosanne was transgressing against the power of the establishment elite, which was intolerable in any event, so thanks God for this pretext.
Eddie W.: It kind of surprises me that more people didn't know about Jarrett's background, seeing as how it's right there on Wikipedia and she was such an important part of the Obama administration.
Interesting, too, that Elder's reasoning boils down to Because History.
"Who defended Roseanne here?"
Well, I will. She said something offensive on twitter. Like it or not, that is done multiple times per second by millions around the world today, so it's common, it's also her right to do so, including if it's stupid. Is it racist? If she knew Jarrett was Black, then maybe, but it was meant as a crude joke, which I doubt anybody was really offended by. The offended postures are just theater and tribal gamesmanship.
All that goes just the same for what Samantha Bee did.
People think, say, and do racist and sexist things all the time and Blacks are racists against every other race in at least equal amounts to what they get, and women are just as sexist if not more so toward men and each other. We all are on both sides of the racism that is human nature. The really hurtful damaging forms are virtually gone now and very few people today actually suffer from racism or sexism. Everyone has the ability to step right over or around it when it happens if they choose substance and peace over drama.
What actually does real and serious damage is the over-reaction and obsession with the subject. A lot of people just lost their income, and many more will in this stupid culture war, where people are willing to hurt innocents with their silly posturing. Look at all the damage done to these actors and workers on that show just so that an ABC executive can signal her virtue. Imagine if other businesses went around firing everyone in a department because one of them tweeted an offensive joke. I mean why fire just the show's people? Why not resign and shut down the whole network via the the same logic. That would really show us your virtue.
What we need is courage, the courage to say no I will not punish innocent people just to quell the outrage of some who sit ready to pounce on any opportunity to score a point against the other team. It's cruel, selfish, cowardly and irresponsible. That executive had a responsibility to be measured and fair no matter how much gnashing of teeth goes on at the cocktail parties she attends.
The rest of us need to chill out and give people a little space to be open, unguarded, risque, foolish, funny, or not so funny, and the room to make a mistake without destroying lives. Where was the real damage done here, the tweets or the reaction?
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