The picture is not sombre, even though this is a funeral. Obama and Bill Clinton are smiling broadly; W has that lopsided grin that suggests he’s cracked one of his fratboy jokes. They seem relaxed. And the source of that relaxation? Could it possibly be their collective relief that Trump is not there?Oh! The snark never ends. Consider the possibility that these people are smiling because they believe in their professed religion.
At the funeral, Jeb Bush said that the last time he saw his mother, she said, "Jeb, I believe in Jesus and he is my savior. I don't want to leave your dad but I know I'll be in a beautiful place."
११८ टिप्पण्या:
Because the photographer said “Cheeseburger”?
The poor Brits are not allowed the Christian smile anymore. It offends their Muslim overlords.
It's a good thing they didn't creepily infiltrate NYC.
I recall there was this clip of Clinton at some mandatory funeral, and he was yucking it up, then he saw the cameras and immediately put on a somber face, a few moments too late.
These people are rich, with their families, it was not a tragic death (she was 92 for God's sakes). Why shouldn't they be comfortable and well adjusted?
And you just know that if the crew had assembled for a photo with funereal looks on their faces, The Guardian would be commenting on how they all hate each other & could barely stand to hold still for the photo.
Ya can't win. Ya really can't.
Somebody said "Hillary Clinton will never be President of the United States."
Gets them every time.
"Consider the possibility that these people are smiling because they believe in their professed religion."
They are all politicians used to smiling whenever they are posed for a picture. It's what they do.
As for the article, it's what the Guardian does -- the funeral was just an opportunity to write about how much they detest Trump. It's just a different background for a storyline that isn't going to change.
"Somebody said "Hillary Clinton will never be President of the United States."
Gets them every time."
Even Billy Jeff!
There is indeed the religious angle, and then this: She had an amazing life. She died in her 90s surrounded by a large family who loved her very much. She was loved and admired by many more. I read she was drinking bourbon with friends on her last night.
She did it right, and we should all be so lucky. I'm sorry she's gone and I'm sure her family is too. Now sod off, Guardian columnist. You're not half as clever as you think.
Trump didn't show up because he has a Job - POTUS.
Is Hillary really that short? Michelle and Melina make her look like a dwarf.
And Bush II love the Obamas and the Clintons. And never said a bad word about either.
But with Trump, he couldn't keep his mouth shut.
The Religious aspect may explain the Bushes and *maybe* the Obamas smiles. But the Clintons?
Let's get some social details out of the way here.
Hillary & Melania know each other from before the election. Ivanka & Chelsea used to be (and maybe still are) good friends.
Clinton & W. have known each other for a long time, & are famous for how well they get along. W. apparently also had decent relations with the Obamas.
Bush senior is an old, old guy. What sort of shit of a human being would be rude to him at his wife's funeral?
Living in DC among the political class for as long as I have, what I've discovered is that it's not your political opponents who earn the undying enmity. It's friends who betray who earn the enmity. Thus, in political terms, politicos often end up with the strongest loathing for folks on their own side.
Lyle Lovett explains:
I went to a funeral
Lord it made me happy
Seeing all those people
I ain't seen
Since the last time
Somebody died
Everybody talking
They were telling funny stories
Saying all those things
They ain't said
Since the last time
Somebody died
Why are they all smiling? Obama farted.
Why would people be distraught over the death of a 91 year old woman? She's lived a good life, she raised a good family, and death gets all of us in the end.
Agonizing over the inevitable is foolish. Celebrating her memory should be a joyful occasion.
Plus, politicians have a natural reaction of smiling for the camera.
Why didn't the Guardian think it was because they were glad the Carters weren't there?
The reporters got confused.
Are the Bush’s hitlers today or not?
I watched the funeral on television. It was a tearful and joyful service. The family, friends, and others had no reason for doleful looks in a posed photo.
Yes, the Guardian comment is idiotic.
What's wrong with going nowhere at all.
If I make it to 92, I do hope folks are smiling at my funeral. 9 decades is a heluava run for anyone.
Why smiling? Because life does go on? Because a funeral is not just about the death but is more; a celebration of the life lived? Because the death of Mrs. Bush is not a big surprise and people have had the opportunity to come to grips with the event? Because there is a really great buffet with an open bar happening in a few hours?
Trump not being there does show some good sense. His absence isn't disrespect. Quite the contrary. His presence would be a distraction and cause huge logistical issues. Melania being present is a nice diplomatic touch as her presence isn't nearly as controversial as Trump's would be and shows that level of honorific respect for Barbara Bush.
"Consider the possibility that these people are smiling because they believe in their professed religion."
Here on the Althouse blog, that's as snarky as it gets.
I don't think there is anything particularly risible about Barbara Bush's death. But laughter is contagious. So that is probably why they were all in such an uproar. Reader's Digest used to have a section called, "Laughter is the Best Medicine," maybe it still does.
A famous heart specialist doctor died and everyone was gathered at his funeral. A regular coffin was displayed in front of a huge heart. When the minister finished with the sermon and after everyone said their good-byes, the heart was opened, the coffin rolled inside, and the heart closed.
Just at that moment one of the mourners started laughing. The guy next to him asked: "Why are you laughing?"
"I was thinking about my own funeral" the man replied.
"What's so funny about that?"
"I'm a gynecologist."
It's not a tragic funeral for a kid. It's a celebration of a long and interesting life. Those are often also joyful reunions.
"I know I'll be in a beautiful place."
If not Arizona, then a land not too far away ... where all parents are strong and wise and capable, and all children are happy and beloved. Maybe it was Utah.
fratboy jokes
I won't go to your funeral if you don't go to mine.
Thank you for posting this. The linked article on her faith brought actual tears to my eyes. -- Jessica
I take it the Guardian columnist has never been to an Irish wake.
She died in her 90s surrounded by a large family who loved her very much.
Yes, in my thankfully limited experience, the number of smiles and laughs at funerals increases non-linearly with the age of the deceased, with a big increase at 90 or so.
Everything is about Trump. Always.
Personally I would have reserved my snark for the lady in the background with the minidress, leopard purse and tire chains or whatever around her neck!
I'm back home for my grandma's funeral which was also Saturday. She died at 94. I found very little to be sad about. "Great Life Grandma. I'll see you again." People making this about Trump are deranged.
The snark does get tiresome.
Though to be fair, people on the right got mad at Obama for taking a selfie at Nelson Mandela's funeral. That was a little silly too.
They are smiling for the picture is all. Bushes do not look happy. They are doing their duty trying to smile but there is sadness in each.
Bill looks like he snuck into the shoot. Photo could have been cropped to remove woman on right.
Ties are asunder.
Elder Bush in front so ha cannot grab asses.
All in all, amateurish photo.
“Personally I would have reserved my snark for the lady in the background with the minidress, leopard purse and tire chains or whatever around her neck!”
Yes. Who is that woman? What inappropriate attire for a funeral.
I've conducted many funeral services. People cry, sometimes wail (depending on their national/cultural background), sometimes smile, laugh a little. Especially when they're with other people they value, love, and respect. Plus we're conditioned from early age to smile for photographs.
They should be smiling. It was a funny when Bill Clinton said “Who wants to tell Melania she has to stand next to HW in the photo?”
They smile from the weed and opioids.
Do American men not wear black to funerals anymore? I am struck by the coloured ties the Bushes and Obama are wearing (I cannot see Clinton's tie, but it looks like it might be black). The women are all appropriately dressed in black. I would have expected black from the Bushes, of all people, but perhaps it's that Texan informality.
We all laughed at my Great Aunt Kate's funeral when I was 15. She was 90 and ready to go. She was a Baptist and she thought she was saved. The laughter was because the very earnest quartet could not carry a tune. We had to act like we were crying and a deacon came over to comfort my Mom and my Aunt Bernice. It was a great day, one my cousin Mike and I mention often, 45 years later.
P.S. I'm still a Baptist and I think I'm saved too.
I recall there was this clip of Clinton at some mandatory funeral, and he was yucking it up, then he saw the cameras and immediately put on a somber face, a few moments too late.
Yep. It was (Secretary of Commerce) Ron Brown's funeral.
Though to be fair, people on the right got mad at Obama for taking a selfie at Nelson Mandela's funeral. That was a little silly too.
It was Michelle Obama who got more pissed than anybody on the right.
The clown was yukking it up with Ms. Leggy Blonde Dutch PM.
There were laughing because there is not a dimes worth of difference between them.
Melanie didn't understand that this was a meeting of the chief muskrats from the swamp.
BJ Clinton is there and it's GW that's assumed to crack an off-color fratboy joke?
FIDO, you are thinking of Bill faking it at Ron Brown's funeral.
Err..what Jim said ;)
I take it the Guardian columnist has never been to an Irish wake.
Can't expect much from the provincials.
It is the Aggie Spirit. It's a spirit that ne'er be told.
Nobody is laughing in the photo.
Hillary representing Nixons dog Checkers.
Extra woman in photo showed up early for next funeral. Just passing by..
Clinton & W. have known each other for a long time, & are famous for how well they get along.
Known each other, sure. But I also recall that the Medici of the Ozarks stole furniture from the White House and left a huge mess for the incoming Bush team for DARING to beat their anointed Son "Man/Bear/Pig" Gore.
Democrats never take defeat well. Das Kapital told them they would inevitably win.
So know each other...okay. Get on well? Compared to what?
"Disillusioned words like bullets bark
As human gods aim for their mark
Make everything from toy guns that spark
To flesh-colored Christs that glow in the dark
It’s easy to see without looking too far
That not much is really sacred"
There are people who's lot in life is to profane the sacred. They are called demons and should be exorcised from this mortal coil.
After all these years, it is striking how short Hill looks.
Tells you something about how the MSM propaganda machine works.
I come from a big Catholic family. A friend happened to go to one of our weddings and one of funerals (they occurred within a month of each other.) Both were boisterous joyous occasions. He remarked to me afterwards: "Your funerals are like your weddings."
"Exactly," I replied.
After all these years, it is striking how short Hill looks.
Nevertheless, we accept her, one of us.
Balfegor said...
Do American men not wear black to funerals anymore? I am struck by the coloured ties the Bushes and Obama are wearing (I cannot see Clinton's tie, but it looks like it might be black). The women are all appropriately dressed in black. I would have expected black from the Bushes, of all people, but perhaps it's that Texan informality.
I have never understood the TV/Movie custom of wearing black to funerals. Where I grew up (midwest USA), people wore their church clothes and there was no expectation that you should wear black. In fact, wearing black might have been seen as pretentious...a Hollywood wannabe.
After so many years of watching people in TV and movies showing up at funerals wearing black (no matter how poor the bereaved, no matter how unlikely that the characters could afford all new duds), real-life people are following suit. Except for me...I wear what I have in my closet. Color is no insult to the dead, nor to the family of the dead. Neither is laughing at a funeral. Some of the best laughter comes during sadness.
You want sad, try your son dying at 42. His identical twin brother angry that it is not you dying.
That is where the secret of JOY is so important. I cannot be happy my son is dead at 42 suffering a painful death, but I can be Joyful, because Joy is not affected by circumstances. So suffering refines away mere happiness, leaving nothing but pure Joy.
Joy is the secret born again Christians share. They know God's Joy. They know God's Peace. They know God's Hope. Most important, they know God's Love. These gifts God offers. The gift of Joy in the midst of suffering.
My favorite hymn is How Firm a Foundation, which ends: "The soul that on Jesus has leaned for repose, I will not, I will not desert to his foes. That soul tho all hell should endeavor to shake, I'll never, no never, no never forsake." I have relied on that hymn these last painful months to remind me Jesus weeps with me as he wept with Mary prior to raising her brother Lazarus.
Jesus may have raised her brother, but he put her through days of suffering after he tarries when told Lazarus is dying. He doesn't promise us escape from suffering. He doesn't promise it will be easy. He simply promises that He will be with us, as we travel the valley of the dark shadow.
"Yes. Who is that woman? What inappropriate attire for a funeral."
She's probably Clinton's date. Bill's, that is.
Re: prairie wind:
I have never understood the TV/Movie custom of wearing black to funerals. Where I grew up (midwest USA), people wore their church clothes and there was no expectation that you should wear black. In fact, wearing black might have been seen as pretentious...a Hollywood wannabe.
I wore a black tie to my grandfather's funeral (actually his burial -- I could not get a flight that would get me there in time for the funeral proper). And a black tie to the first year memorial and the three-years mourning. We all did, because it was Korea, and that's what everyone does, except for the people who go all-out and wear hanbok. It would be quite disrespectful to do otherwise, as a member of the family. Some of the villagers and more distant relations came in more informal suits and dark coloured ties, though.
I had assumed Whites did the same thing, perhaps because I saw you doing it on television, but evidently not.
Balfegor, if it would be disrespectful to wear something other than black, I hope someone would clue me in to the cultural expectations. Kindness to the family is paramount. (In my world, that would include not expecting them to go shopping but that's MY world...and not a criticism of other worlds.)
I'm sorry that you weren't able to be there in time for your grandfather's funeral. I like the idea of the first year memorial. The three-years mourning, you mean that you wore a black tie for three years or that after three years, there is a ritual/ceremony/practice of mourning? Such great respect for the dead in that.
I have noticed a trend (perhaps?) to forgo the funeral/memorial altogether. People who do without those rituals miss the comfort of being surrounded by people who either 1) also mourn, 2) remember the dead in other ways than as a family member ("I used to work with him" or "I remember her when she was a little girl", for example), 3) come to be there for those who are mourning.
When I go I hope to God there is laughter and many stories of the dumb and funny things I've done. If not at the funeral (a few of the family are wound too tight) at LEAST immediately after.
But here's another example of professional journalists speaking truth to power.
Outside of the actual ceremony (which is obviously quite somber), I don't think I've ever been to a funeral that didn't have more laughter than tears.
tim maguire said...
Outside of the actual ceremony (which is obviously quite somber), I don't think I've ever been to a funeral that didn't have more laughter than tears.
4/23/18, 3:59 PM
True for old people. Not so much for Od, accident, or murdered youngers
I always thought it was Catholic tradition to wear black for funerals. Is it not? I thought Protestants and especially Evangelicals didn't wear black to funerals.
Sebastian said...
After all these years, it is striking how short Hill looks.
Sly Althouse joke, short Hillary/ dwarfism.
Ya gotta be quick to keep up with the Prof.
After all these years, it is striking how short Hill looks.
"I'm melting!!!!"
My wife says the one with the short dress is about the third wife of one of the Bush boys.
Re: prairie wind:
I'm sorry that you weren't able to be there in time for your grandfather's funeral.
Not at all -- Korean funerals move quickly, and it was right in the middle of the season when the diaspora return home for the holidays, so flights were difficult to come by. I was glad enough I could make it to the burial, to be with the rest of the family.
I like the idea of the first year memorial. The three-years mourning, you mean that you wore a black tie for three years or that after three years, there is a ritual/ceremony/practice of mourning? Such great respect for the dead in that.
There is a funerary rite performed on the first and second anniversaries of a death -- the Chinese and the Japanese do this too (I believe the Vietnamese may do as well). The first anniversary is called the 小祥忌 (so-sang-gi, in Korean), and the second anniversary is called the 大祥忌 (dae-sang-gi). Collectively, this is often called the three years mourning although it's actually only two years (just takes place in three calendar years). It's not like Queen Victoria, wearing mourning black on a daily basis (although historical practice may have been more extreme. It's just on the anniversaries of the death day that one dresses in mourning clothes, including the black necktie.
Convenience stores and necktie stalls in the subway sell black neckties in event of an emergency, although I think this is more in the event of a funeral than for the annual observances. During the three day period following the death, acquaintances come to the memorial hall to offer up their condolences to the family and pay their respects to the dead, and even non-family members sometimes put on a black necktie for that.
In any event, deaths are a common enough thing that most adults will already have a black suit handy, and a dark navy or charcoal grey suit isn't inappropriate -- in dim light it's not really distinguishable anyhow. The black necktie is not a significant expense. You can get an emergency one for ~$10, and it will serve fine.
It should be noted that Melania never looks this comfortable and joyful when she is pictured next to her husband.
If we are to be snarky, why not add that Michelle looks like an Amazon?
One reason for them smiling is the same reason the picture was taken. They know it's historic. Folks always collecting photos of all the current and ex presidents and current and ex first ladies together. They were circulating a great one of Barbara, Hillary, Nancy, Lady Bird (Claudia), Rosalynn and Betty seated together.
Prediction: Melania will be the first First Lady to divorce a president.
"Do American men not wear black to funerals anymore?"
As someone up-thread stated, wearing black at a funeral is a movie/TV thing.
You're expected to show up in your formal "Go to Church" clothes.
Not one person in that photo voted for Trump.
"If we are to be snarky, why not add that Michelle looks like an Amazon?"
I wouldn't be snarky, she's just a big girl.
She looked pretty good as first lady, but I suppose she has to dress carefully, and accentuate the right features.
You know Melania didn’t vote for Trump. She knows better than anyone how crazy mean he is.
"Sebastian said...
After all these years, it is striking how short Hill looks."
Turn your head sideways. Now she's tall!
Now I Know!:"Not one person in that photo voted for Trump"
I know!
The Re-Election ads just write themselves, don't they?
Now I Know!: "You know Melania didn’t vote for Trump. She knows better than anyone how crazy mean he is."
Hey, in addition to "Stormy!", "Give Back Your Tax Cuts You Stupid Deplorable Racists", "Impeachment" and "Reparations", the dems can add "Our Mindreaders Have Determined Melania Didn't Vote For Her Husband" to their campaign theme mix.
She knows better than anyone how crazy mean he is.
Yeah. Hillary used to be big, and now look at her.
Blogger FIDO said...
I recall there was this clip of Clinton at some mandatory funeral, and he was yucking it up, then he saw the cameras and immediately put on a somber face, a few moments too late.
These people are rich, with their families, it was not a tragic death (she was 92 for God's sakes). Why shouldn't they be comfortable and well adjusted?
4/23/18, 11:14 AM
Ron Brown's funeral. Walking with his Evangelical Leftist spiritual adviser Tony Campolo.
Campolo's son Bart is a Humanist Chaplain now:
Over the course of his ministry career, Bart gradually transitioned from Christianity to secular humanism. As the first Humanist Chaplain at USC, he is committed to developing a community that offers regular inspiration, pastoral care, supportive fellowship and service opportunities to students, faculty, staff members and local families and individuals exploring or actively pursuing secular goodness as a way of life.
Hey you Althouse Hillbillies, you can stuff it. You have written much worse about President Obama and Michelle Obama. Ann might shine you on that somehow Trump is being unfairly criticized. (Never mind that no other politician in U.S. history has been so outlandishly uncivil than he has been.) But I am more than happy to point out that Melania never smiles and look as comfortable by Trump’s side as she does with these great former leaders who have nothing but contempt for her husband.
But I am more than happy to point out that Melania never smiles and look as comfortable by Trump’s side as she does with these great former leaders who have nothing but contempt for her husband.
Maybe that's because, unlike when she's standing by her husband, she doesn't feel like she's wearing a target for every left-wing crazy in the country, which, as you so aptly demonstrate each time you grace us with your presence, there seems to be no shortage of.
Now I Know! said...
It should be noted that Melania never looks this comfortable and joyful when she is pictured next to her husband.
Well it wasn't his funeral now, was it?
Balfegor wrote: I had assumed Whites did the same thing, perhaps because I saw you doing it on television, but evidently not.
I own one black suit that I wear to funerals, always with a white shirt, but I don't actually own a black tie.
Here's a much different take on the photograph.
It should be noted that Melania never looks this comfortable and joyful when she is pictured next to her husband.
Well it wasn't his funeral now, was it?
LOL! Thread winner for sure!
"Once written" has another brainless comment.
Why the hate ? Are you just as miserable as Ritmo ?
At the funeral, Jeb Bush said that the last time he saw his mother, she said, "Jeb, I believe in Jesus and he is my savior. I don't want to leave your dad but I know I'll be in a beautiful place."
It wasn't just "the last time he saw his mother." It was hours before her death, when she knew she was in the throes of dying.
Why would people be distraught over the death of a 91 year old woman?
Because she's Mom. Losing your mom is always a hard blow. It was for my father and aunt when my 99-year-old grandmother died. There is the pain of loss and the pain of realizing that you are now an orphan.
As Christians, a mix of Protestant and Catholic, for the Bush family it was a bitter-sweet moment. Sorrow and heaviness of heart at the loss (even Jesus wept for Lazarus knowing that minutes later He would raise him from the dead), combined with happy memories of her life and the confident hope that death is not an ending, but a new beginning.
Smiling is also an emotional release mechanism. Blessed are those who mourn. But it can wear you out. And without the release you sink deeper into the loss and a broken heart. Sometimes literally. Like Debbie Reynolds. And it looks like with George H.W., who is now in intensive care.
I always thought it was Catholic tradition to wear black for funerals.
Once upon a time, the priest's vestments at the funeral Mass were black. They still could be, but now generally not.
The snark never ends. Consider the possibility that these people are smiling because they believe in their professed religion.
Oh for god sake. Here comes the snark again. Consider the possibility that they're happy to see each other and don't mind celebrating/commemorating the life of a woman who didn't live it on others' terms. Why must every explanation for you be the one that makes the least sense? Yeah, I'm sure Obama and Clinton really "believed" that gay marriage was wrong, too. Until they suddenly didn't. Whatever.
You should try looking at religion metaphorically and symbolically - as it was always intended. The continued existence of life on this planet depends on it.
Are you just as miserable as Ritmo ?
Lol. For such an uptight guy, you sure like to project a lot - Cuckedy. I paraphrase Ferris Bueller, "Pardon my French but if you shoved a lump of coal up Michael K. Cuckedy's ass in a week you'd have a diamond."
Anyways, what does it say about you that you keep needing to channel me when I'm not around? Are you afraid to live life on your own terms, also?
Don't worry. The nurse's aide will be around to change and feed you soon.
Just like the Devil, says Ritmo's name and he appears.
You love it, Snowflake.
You can't live without me.
Kiss me in a dirty place, right now. Bow down and kneel before Zod.
Or go tend to your shrine to me under the guise of... "reading a book." LOL.
Ritmo lives to sock cucks.
Indeed. Damn Straight!
Michael K is really a delicate one, though. Perhaps even too delicate to be called a cuck.
Perhaps we should call him, "Buttercup."
Looking at that picture now made think we should have just handed Laura Bush the keys thirty years ago and let it ride.
We would have saves ourselves and enormous amount of drama.
I've been to funerals where it seems that some mourners were trying to "out-black" others. That was weird and uncomfortable.
This kind of respect will never be extended to Trump. Among other things he deeply insulted and lied about everyone in that photograph. He led the dispicable Birther movement against President Obama. He led chants against Hillary Clinton calling for her to be imprisoned. The Bush family find him to be beneath contempt.
You and Ritmo are a good pair.
You and Ritmo are a good pair.
AKA: "Mommy!"
Time to ask your nurse's aide for a diaper change, Buttercup.
“Jeb, I believe in Jesus and he is my savior. I don't want to leave your dad but I know I'll be in a beautiful place."
And George will be right behind you. It’s in his blood.
Pardon me while I step around Ritmo.
I wouldn't want to get any on my shoes.
NIK: "The Bush family find him to be beneath contempt."
The entire Bush family were literally called Nazis by the entire left for 30 years.
No Drago. Some on the left. If you get to say the entire left then we get to say the entire right are racist because there are racists that make up part of the right.
I wouldn't want to get any on my shoes.
That's what your diaper's for, Gramps.
NIK: "No Drago."
Yes NIK.
And the entire left has never hesitated to call the entire right racist.
Is there anything more predictable than lefties rewriting history.
Spoiler: nope
The God Emperor wears the contempt of the Bush family and the rest of the cowardly cucks of the phony Republican Party as a badge of honor.
He sent his wife as a token of respect. Much like Obama did when he stayed home and sent Moosechelle to Nancy Reagan's funeral.
But make no mistake. The Bushs and the Clintons are sides of the same coin. Heads they win...tails the American People lose.
The Bushs and the Clintons are sides of the same coin. Heads they win...tails the American People lose.
Trump is deficit-spending way more than both of them combined. Cool! Win!
And it remains to be seen if he'll stay out of Iran or Syria.
But hey! At least he's gutting the environment, the state department and other crucial national interests. That's something!
Since when did deficits matter liberal boy?
You didn't give a shit when the Black Jesus ran them up like he was buying Ring Dings with an EBT card.
Stop with your nonsense.
As far as Syria goes....when the God Emperor said it was time to get out the Deep State manufactured one of those Belgian Baby atrocities to pull him back in.
He got snookered. I hope he wises up and lets those filthy towel heads kill each other with gas or bullets for beating each other to death with goats. Leave that shit hole country for the Turks and the Russians too fight over. We have no interests there.
They want President Trump to recognize the Armenian massacre. As on a par with the Holocaust.
I say why not.
Just realize that the Armenian massacre is just about as relevant to the people of the United States as the Syria gas attacks.
Which is to say they don't mean jack shit.
America first.
The biggest deficit under Obama was the first year he took over after Bush crashed the economy and it decreased every year since.
Only someone who never put together a budget doesn't understand the difference between deficit spending in bad economic times and deficit spending when revenue is good.
Sounds like langford poodle never put together a budget. What a surprise.
tcrosse said...Ritmo lives to sock cucks.
For the 2nd time tcrosse -- Ritmo lives to cuck socks.
I thought you were brighter. Althouse thought so too. I am disappointedly sore.
Oh get over yourself, little hen.
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