On April 28, 1945 — 73 years ago — Italians hung the corpse of their former dictator Benito Mussolini upside down next to a gas station in Milan...."Will We Stop Trump Before It’s Too Late?" has coy deniability. But why on earth would you go straight to dangling the upside down corpse of Benito Mussolini unless you meant to say violence is necessary?
The next 2 sentences also present death as the solution:
Two days later, Adolf Hitler committed suicide in his bunker beneath the streets of war-ravaged Berlin. Fascism, it appeared, was dead.What's going on?! If you stick with the op-ed for 8 more paragraphs, you'll get to a paragraph that begins: "What is to be done?" (I can't understand why Albright used that phrase, which is the title of a famous pamphlet by Lenin.) Anyway, Albright answers the question with some nonviolent ideas:
First, defend the truth. A free press... is the protector of the American people. Second, we must reinforce the principle that no one, not even the president, is above the law. Third, we should each do our part to energize the democratic process by registering new voters, listening respectfully to those with whom we disagree, knocking on doors for favored candidates... We should also reflect on the definition of greatness.Well, that's the opposite of violent. It's utterly bland! It doesn't even follow through on the "Before It’s Too Late" business in the title. There's no sense of urgent time pressure. She probably didn't write the title, so she may be out of the loop about the synergy between the title and the first paragraph. Once you get past that, you've got an op-ed that's too dull to print. It seems like some boilerplate speech of hers. Ridiculous, but actually also appalling, because the invitation to violence is plainly there and ought never to have been published.
११३ टिप्पण्या:
She's kind of an asshole.
I don't understand why Brennan, and Albright would promote nullification.
I'm reminded of Gary Larson's Bummer Birthmark cartoon.
"listening respectfully to those with whom we disagree"
Isn't Madeleine the one who said that any woman - who doesn't vote for a woman - doesn't deserve the privilege of voting? Or something equally deplorable but I don't feel like looking it up.
I don't think I need her type of "respectful" listening.
{NYT link, so I'm not clicking)
...and by too late she means RGB isn't going to last forever.
Lefties are immune to what they accuse the R's of doing. They are not the party of peace and love, but the party of hatred and violence.
Madeleine HalfBright is just adding to what Kamela Harris babbled earlier this week.
She’s a swamp consultant. Has a firm with a former W lackey. No different than Manafort. Swamp Scum.
She stood by the rapist and perjurer Bill Clinton. She’s a sycophant and enabler of the powerful and corrupt. Worth over $10 million. There a special place in hell for her. She can drop dead
Lenin is an excellent example of her ideas.
She is one evil bitch who has been sucking for a lifetime off the wealth of Globalist wealth to whom any America First Jacksonian style American President represents the End of this world. So she has called for an emergency assassination to kill Trump and his voters before we kill her...oh, I only meant to say remember to vote.
She forgot Squeaky Fromme.
And Charles Guiteau
Really disgraceful of the NYT. Is there no bottom?
The left are moving through the stages of grief. They are on... die die die, Trump die. Even Ellen is laughing at the Trump might be dead soon jokes.
“Second, we must reinforce the principle that no one, not even Hillary Clinton, James Comey, Andrew McCabe and John Brennan, is above the law.”
This is what Leftist Collectivists are. Trump is bringing out all the nastiness because he denied Leftists the power they think they deserve.
I know most of the people who comment here know the above is true.
But it should be repeated often.
I hear she's been hired by The Atlantic.
I get Madeleine Albright mixed up with Helen Thomas.
I get Madeleine Half-bright mixed up with Ruth Buzzi.
"Second, we must reinforce the principle that no one, not even the president, is above the law."
-- But the former Secretary of State, she totally is.
May explain why Tucker Carlson tonight derided Albright's business connections to China as part of his series of reports analyzing how, against popular perception, China is a much greater strategic threat than Russia.
Carlson cited Albright's business relationships in China as explaining why she, along with much of establishment DC, carries water for the Chinese regime.
Worth a watch if FoxNews posts the segment.
MA writes:
"Third, we should each do our part to energize the democratic process by registering new voters, listening respectfully to those with whom we disagree..,"
Great! As someone profoundly disagrees with you, please respectfully listen to this:
It is fucking easy to register to vote and to vote. Very easy. Anyone sane adult can do it. For folks who are too lazy and incompetent to vote, well, let them not vote. As the band Rush once sang, "if you choose not to decide, you still have a made a choice. "
just for Fun, put on your whatIF hats;
and imagine whatIF it was 2010, and someone said something like this about O'bama?
Mussolini? The guy who gave us, "Everything for the State, nothing against the State, nothing outside the State"? You would think that the anniversary of his death would be an occasion of mourning for modern "liberals."
I get Madeleine HalfBright confused with Aunt Bea.
What I like best about the Trump administration is how he makes his opponents come right & prove just how stupid & banal they really are.
Second, we must reinforce the principle that no one, not even the president, is above the law.
You mean, like Democratic Party candidates for president? Congressmen, Senators, FBI, DoJ, CIA, NSA, ATF,& IRS officials? Those "No Ones"? Wooo-Hee! I can get on board with that idea! Except, I really doubt that's what Secretary Albright has in mind.
I swear, if the NYT keeps publishing shit like this & the Justice Stevens "Repeal the 2nd A" opinions I think they need to be fined for illegally undeclared in-kind contributions to the Make American Yuuuuuuuuuugely Great Again -- ReElect Trump 2020! campaign.
1. Freedom of the Press
2. Rule of Law
3. Registering Voters
Registering is Apartheid. If you are a citizen of majority age, you are assumed to be a legal voter. Like in North Dakota.
a. respect those with whom we disagree
b. knocking on doors for favored candidates
c. reflect on the definition of greatness.
Wishy-Washy child-like babble.
Ralph L wins the thread!
Did she not chase Arafat for a date when she was younger?
He jilted her too.
Who? Is this someone I'm supposed to know?
Oh, I sorta remember. She's the secretary of state under Clinton. A Foreigner who was a Jewish-Czech or a Czechist Jew or maybe just a Czech.
Anyway, she was a woman who was secretary of state. And that was really something.
Was she any good? I don't know.
But anyway, she a 100 years old and she doesn't like Trump. well, okey-dokey.
Ever see Madeleine Half-bright in her first (and last) Hollywood picture? Throw Momma from the Train" with Billy Chrystal .
Madeleine Albright is 80 years old so I guess it's not a surprise she has little in the way of original thinking to offer. It's basically the same old lefty message, the world is devolving into a seething mass of chaos and tyranny so we need to empower "global" institutions to stop that from happening but Trump is doing the opposite and nobody respects him. It's always the same claptrap when a Republican is in the White House. She would have written the same article if Marco Rubio or Scott Walker had been elected President.
She is a very old woman.
She is personally irrelevant, but someone is using her name for some political purpose.
She still has name recognition and some remnant goodwill in certain circles.
I always loved how from about 1974 to 199-whatever we always seemed to have a foreigner as Secretary of State.
Kissinger, Brzezinski, Albright. As if no one could deal with all those odd foreigners like another foreigner. Like they spoke their foreign lingo, and could translate it for us true-blue Americans.
Kinda like when the Lone Ranger would have Tonto speak "Indian" to the Indians.
Anyway, glad she's still alive and hates Trump or whatever.
"What is to be done?"
We know what's to be done. We've seen it happening in open daylight since November 2016. It's a third-world coup.
And the Republican Establishment is either complicit or too effing stupid to understand it.
You know, I look at what Trump has done since he's been in office & I don't see what he's done that any other Republican candidate wouldn't have done. Maybe, just maybe, he'll go total whack job & get on TV, pull down his pants, & tell Kim Jong Un to kiss his pale, pink ass, & thus precipitate a nuclear exchange. Maybe, he'll get confused & build a border way between the US & Canada.
But, not yet. Aside from the joy he seems to get from jerking the chains of his opponents with his rhetorical flourishes, I just don't see what he's done that's in any way close to "dictatorial". Not to the liking of the Left, yes. But dictatorial?
I tells ya what: get back to me when he does something untoward, like, ya know, use the IRS & FBI against his political opponents, mmmmmmkay?
She was always sort of a no account "peace dividend" SOS. Name her three bigger accomplishments - or even one. It is IMHO a shame that the NYT has fallen to this level of just providing talking points for their readers to use on each other. But God bless them the subscription strategy is working.
The Mussolini language is dangerous stuff.
This is not the first time its come up, and from people who actually are in power.
There has been a lot of loose talk about extra-constitutional or vaguely-constitutional measures.
If you want a whiff of the US political atmosphere, and what it could turn into, have a look at Colleen McCulloughs Rome series - she covers Marius to Octavian in her series of novels, the first three being by far the best. It is an ancient story told by many, but she does it with novelistic flair and atmosphere. Political desperation turns into ever more open constitutional compromise, until all restraint is gone.
I can't wait til the next presidential election, when the Democratic candidate once again runs on uniting the country.
That seems to be their play since 2004. Drag the GOP President through the mud and say the most divisive things, then promise to be the one who can put the country back together again.
Madeline Halfbright presided over the surrender of US technology to China under her boss Bill Clinton Crime Family. Lots of funds were transferred during that period.
When you depart from your social and political structures everything becomes possible.
When laws are used without restraint the other side will respond likewise, until the laws are moot.
I don't know if you can avoid this.
I keep coming back to that truly remarkable statistic, the FBI firearms background check data series, that shows a near-tripling of the rate of firearms purchases. It goes along with the change in types, the growth is in things like AR-15's, not shotguns for duck hunting, and massive increases in sales of ammunition. Its telling us something. The US population is, I think, profoundly troubled and does not assume a continuation of normality. Its one of those "wisdom of crowds" things.
Wasn't Albright the ultimate Hillary shill, going so far as to say (paraphrasing) that women who didn't vote for Hillary deserved a special place in a place in hell?
I reflexively dismiss anyone who thinks and writes that way.
rhhardin said...I get Madeleine Albright mixed up with Helen Thomas.
They do look quite alike.
Helen Thomas is the dead one. It's a dead give-away.
Robert De Niro was saying this week that we're beyond the point of trying to see the other point of view in our national politics. (And he clearly thought that a good thing.) The Left is increasingly convinced that Trump represents the dying gasp of an Old Evil America that needs to be put out of its misery.
They imagine that the Deep State, and its control of police and military are on their side and will arrange the peaceful (or, if necessary violent) defenestration of Donald Trump and the restoration of the New Democratic Majority hegemony. They really don't care if Mueller finds any smoking gun: his mission is to provide a pretext for the overthrow of Trump, legal niceties be damned.
This is why Ann's fantasies that "Blue Dog" Democrats elected in 2018 will shake up the Left or Democrat leadership are so dangerous.
Two days later, Adolf Hitler committed suicide in his bunker beneath the streets of war-ravaged Berlin. Fascism, it appeared, was dead.
Fascism, as a socialist political ideology is hardly dead. It, and National Socialism were disowned as names by the progressives after WWII broke out. They have never disavowed the ideology.
The quote above is straight from the progressive playbook. Kill anyone whose politics you disagree with. Don't buy the global warming hoax? Off with your head. Don't accept that Bruce Jenner is really and truly a "woman"? Off with your head. Support President Trump? Off with your head.
I have had people tell me that main problem with Adolf Hitler is that he gave socialism a bad name by being so uncouth about the killing. It is why, although the Germans never referred to themselves as National Socialists, everyone wants to call then "NAZIs".
As for Mussolini, he was surely no day at the beach but he did make the trains run on time (Crooked Hillary was going to make the planes fly on time. Remember that?), drained the Pontine Marshes and other stuff. I've read a fair amount about him and he was no worse than many other heads of state who don't get a tenth the bad press he does. Certainly Stalin and Mao seem to be viewed more favorably.
If anyone needs to die, it is the American progfas who are wishing death on those of us who disagree. I do NOT wish for their deaths. I merely wish they would shut up with theirideology of death.
As a great man once asked "Why can't we all just get along?"
John Henry
Sally327 said: "Madeleine Albright is 80 years old"
She was last spotted sneaking out the rear exit of a Holiday Inn with former SCOTUS John Paul Stevens in tow.
It is why, although the Germans never referred to themselves as National Socialists,
Oops, add "anything but" as in
It is why, although the Germans never referred to themselves as anything but National Socialists.
John Henry
Name her three bigger accomplishments
She had more personality than Warren Christopher.
She wore brighter colors than Warren Christopher.
She had female parts.
IIRC, most of Clinton's sellouts to China were before the 96 election (before Notbright). They weren't stupid enough to trust that crook to hold up his end of the deal.
I am still waiting for someone to explain the difference between American progressivism and Fascism, fascism or National Socialism.
Does anyone think that if Albright and her crew got in absolute charge of things, we would not have death camps fairly quickly?
For those who do not know what Fascism is, read Mussolini's "The Doctrine of Fascism". It is not long and not hard reading. You can buy it via Ann's portal
or download a free copy at http://www.worldfuturefund.org/wffmaster/Reading/Germany/mussolini.htm
If 72 page is too long a read, here is the full text of the Fascist Manifesto of 1919. Anything in here any of you progfas disagree with?
Italians! Here is the program of a genuinely Italian movement. It is revolutionary because it is anti-dogmatic, strongly innovative and against prejudice.
For the political problem: We demand:
a) Universal suffrage polled on a regional basis, with proportional representation and voting and electoral office eligibility for women.
b) A minimum age for the voting electorate of 18 years; that for the office holders at 25 years.
c) The abolition of the Senate.
d) The convocation of a National Assembly for a three-years duration, for which its primary responsibility will be to form a constitution of the State.
e) The formation of a National Council of experts for labor, for industry, for transportation, for the public health, for communications, etc. Selections to be made from the collective professionals or of tradesmen with legislative powers, and elected directly to a General Commission with ministerial powers.
For the social problems: We demand:
a) The quick enactment of a law of the State that sanctions an eight-hour workday for all workers.
b) A minimum wage.
c) The participation of workers' representatives in the functions of industry commissions.
d) To show the same confidence in the labor unions (that prove to be technically and morally worthy) as is given to industry executives or public servants.
e) The rapid and complete systemization of the railways and of all the transport industries.
f) A necessary modification of the insurance laws to invalidate the minimum retirement age; we propose to lower it from 65 to 55 years of age.
For the military problem: We demand:
a) The institution of a national militia with a short period of service for training and exclusively defensive responsibilities.
b) The nationalization of all the arms and explosives factories.
c) A national policy intended to peacefully further the Italian national culture in the world.
For the financial problem: We demand:
a) A strong progressive tax on capital that will truly expropriate a portion of all wealth.
b) The seizure of all the possessions of the religious congregations and the abolition of all the bishoprics, which constitute an enormous liability on the Nation and on the privileges of the poor.
c) The revision of all military contracts and the seizure of 85 percent of the profits therein.
John Henry
It was a Holiday Inn EXPRESS.
There are many anologies applied to Trump.
The one I like most, in terms of seeming accurate in mapping to US circumstances, not that it is comforting, is that he, Trump, is like the Gracchi, a powerful Tribune of the Plebs. The brothers Gracchi attempted to reform a deteriorating social situation, the decline of the class of small landowners that were the backbone of the Roman polity. Read that as the US middle class. The Gracchi, in spite of many attempts of the left to appropriate them, were profoundly conservative, their program was essentially to restore the former social order against the economic steamroller of Roman "progress".
They failed, but their failure required the PTB, the upper class, to resort to mobs, murder and proscriptions (legalized political massacres), gross violations of customary political norms, that became characteristics of the wild swings of fortune of the collapse of the Republic. Political and constitutional normality were over, there was too much at stake, a faction could not afford to lose, as the price was mass death and family ruin.
The US population is, I think, profoundly troubled and does not assume a continuation of normality. Its one of those "wisdom of crowds" things.
Democrats are doubling down on this. I wonder if they have thought about the final outcome.?
The GOP Congress took away most incentive to vote with their porkulus bill. What happens if the Dems take the House ?
Chaos ? Gun sales will double or triple.
There's a special place in hell for venal war criminals like this #$@&. She should've died in a cell right next to Milosevic.
Ans Caesar came along.
What is to be done?
The plan has been for the US Intelligence Community to use a combination of wiretaps and leaks to convince the public that Donald Trump is a secret agent of Russia.
Associates of Donald Trump are investigated in endless detail and then are questioned. Then those associates are threatened with various prosecutions and so are pressured to provide information and to testify against Trump.
Trump's private tax documents will be obtained and revealed to the public.
The plan will gain much new momentum if the Democrats can win a majority in the House of Representatives and then impeach him.
This is the Democracy and the Civility that the Democrats are developing for the USA.
A business question for Ann,
I went through your portal to Amazon, found the Mussolini book and pasted the link
I am hoping that if someone follows this link directly and buys the book you will get the credit. (Lemme see, 8% on 99 cents, WOW! If enough people click you'll be right up there with Bezos)
Do you know if this is the case? Or am I better off not linking and letting people click through your portal?
I am curious how that works.
John Henry
We must hang Trump, she said respectfully.
Before Caesar you had Sulla and Marius, both of which massacred their enemies several times, the Social War, with yet more massacres, civil wars and yet more civil wars, Pompey and Crassus and Caesar.
Blogger Mark said...
"What is to be done?"
"Who, whom?"
I also said many times, during the Obama years, "Worse is better" As in, the worse Obama and his crew were, the better for America. At least in the long term. He brought us President Trump. On purpose, as a Trojan Horse? Or via greed, cupidity and overreach? Don't know, don't care. The end result is the same regardless of motive.
We can quote Lenin all night long.
(Nope, still not tired)
John Henry
She pretended to be a Catholic. They are called Crypto-Jews
Albright became a citizen in 1957, Zbigniew Brzezinski in 1958.
They both studied Russian to work their way up the food chain during the cold war.
"The Mussolini language is dangerous stuff."
Look on the bright side dude.
Everyone under the age of 50 thinks "Mussolini" is an Italian seafood dish.
Sometimes the collapse of US education is a good thing.
Madeline Albright (at least compared to Nikki Haley) is a certifiable moron.
The more I hear from people like her, the greater pleasure I take in the fact that Trump overcame the Hildebeest and won the Oval Office.
What is Catholic Albright to do after Papa took away hell?!😇😇😇
Ann, She was stating the facts about dictators that failed during WW2. I really don’t see this as a threat to Trump at all, it’s just historical fact. She says “We should also reflect on the definition of greatness. Can a nation merit that label by aligning itself with dictators and autocrats, ignoring human rights, declaring open season on the environment, and disdaining the use of diplomacy at a time when virtually every serious problem requires international cooperation?”
I get the point you’re trying to make but I think it fails, maybe because you just got bored with her? I don’t know. But I think you’re going over the deep end here. I didn’t read that much into it that she was suggesting he should be taken out! She was just reminding us of what has actually happened in the past and that we should be careful and thoughtful when it comes to diplomacy. That diplomacy matters. And are we really going to argue about Hitler committing suicide was wrong or right? I don’t think so, and I think we all know the world is better without Hitler. No matter what you think about Trump. He’s just a dumb celebrity. And it’s horrible that our country is represented by him. It’s just embarrassing. Everyone is trying to get through this the best they can. Each and every day. And I'm not a huge fan of Albright, but I think you're taking this way too far.
Can't she find another mass murderer to dance with instead of inflicting this nonsense on the body politic?
Can a nation merit that label by aligning itself with dictators and autocrats, ignoring human rights, declaring open season on the environment, and disdaining the use of diplomacy at a time when virtually every serious problem requires international cooperation?”
This is a reading what Trump has done & what both the Obama & Clinton administrations didn't do that borders on the hallucinogenic. Please tell us what international issue had some resolution during the 8 years of Obama. You know, "dictators and autocrats, ignoring human rights", like giving Castro everything he wanted in re-opening relations with Cuba, without even springing one fucking Cuban dissident from prison.
I'll wait in the car.
have a look at Colleen McCulloughs Rome series
For whatever reason [legal, I assume], Amazon has not put that series on Kindle here, but they are part of the free Kindle Unlimited program at Amazon.uk.
Anyway, the period between the Gracchi Bros. and Marcus Aurelius is the most exciting in all history. My answer to "Who would you most like to have dinner with?" is Julius Caesar.
And what about Democrat FDR and NYT coddling dictator Stalin?
For someone born in Czechoslovakia to forget that, with her diplomatic credentials is beyond contempt.
Who will rid me of this turbulent priest?
No Mary, she is pulling a Henry the 8th, "Will no one rid me of this troublesome priest..."
It is disgusting and vile and if someone does kill Trump they will celebrate their victory, and people like you will say that for anyone to think that the hateful and coarse rhetoric the left has spewed had nothing to do with it because it was just words and thoughts and no one meant for that to happen and we are just taking it too far...
Are you that naive, or do you just think we are stupid and will buy your 'ah gee' they were just stating the facts bit?
JML, that was Henry II.
buwaya said...
There are many anologies applied to Trump.
I used to think he was more like Georges Danton.
On April 28, 1945 — 73 years ago — Italians hung the corpse of their former dictator Benito Mussolini upside down next to a gas station in Milan.... "Will We Stop Trump Before It’s Too Late?" has coy deniability. But why on earth would you go straight to dangling the upside down corpse of Benito Mussolini unless you meant to say violence is necessary?
It is time for these pieces of shit to put up or shut up.
Every leftist supports this mentality at one level or another. They would absolutely be killing as many of their political opponents as they could right now.
But that pesky 2nd amendment!
Albright knows a bunch of her friends are going to jail soon. The smell of panic is sweet and ripe.
Going to be a long hot Summer.
Ms. Albright knows what she is doing- she is encouraging someone to assassinate Trump- there is no other reason to use Mussolini as an example in the opening paragraph- it is wish to see someone kill Trump, and there is really no deniability here either.
If Trump is going to do the time he might as well commit the crime: have the Army surround the Capitol and have every Democrat put in front of a firing squad. Then have the Army do the same in every state capital. By this time in his Administration the usual authoritarians dictators would have cleaned house. Either he is a rather lazy and inept dictator or maybe he isn't the fake construct bogeyman that Halfbright and the Leftist hysterics make him out to be.
They are realizing that they cannot out think or out maneuver Trump. They dimly grasp that they are operating under the old Newtonian political mechanics and that Trump has discovered some new, non-intuitive quantum-like political mechanics that defy and confound the conventional political wisdom.
With these realizations comes another: The only way they are getting rid of Trump is through assassination. There are a million Lee Harvey Oswalds out there and they are speaking directly to them.
"Everyone is trying to get through this the best they can. Each and every day."
Yeah, encouraging violence, spewing hate. If that's the best they can do, we are doomed. It's unhealthy for them and the nation as a whole. But mental illness is oft self-destructive.
If you really believe this, seek help.
“She was stating the facts about dictators that failed during WW2. I really don’t see this as a threat to Trump at all, it’s just historical fact. ”
Sure. If an article about President Obama, written by a prominent Republican, began by discussing the historical hanging of black men in the south, it would be accepted these were merely historical facts.
It would be particularly warmly received if it came during Black History Month.
I saw her at a protest here in Seattle, and she burned herself in effigy to gain approval from the black bloc moving amongst the pink pussy hats in the crowd.
Her commitment was that deep.
If a conservative wrote an article that started off listing black leaders of the past that had been assassinated, and then went on to discuss how they disagreed with Obama's policies, would you be OK with that?
I'm old enough to remember when Democrats blamed the Gifford shooting on Palin's maps.
"Ignoring human rights."
By defeating Daesh, Trump has already dwarfed anything Obama ever did for human rights.
It brings to mind Lynch's speech early in Trump's Presidency. These aren't college kids spouting juvenile nonsense. Trump is threatening global interests to the extent that they are calling for his assassination. I think we need a Venn diagram to sort this all out. As always, follow the money.
Blogger Luke Lea said...
Really disgraceful of the NYT. Is there no bottom?
If you keep scraping the bottom, eventually it falls out.
Thanks Bob, heat of the moment...
The whole point of starting out with stories of Mussolini's and Hitler's deaths is to reinforce the leftist fantasy that fascism is a political philosophy of the RIGHT. Plus, to them, it shows where being led by a fascist (as per their definition, only someone from the right) will ultimately lead.
What I find interesting is that Trump really isn't a conservative. Thus far he has done mostly conservative things (such as picking conservative judges) but at heart he is really a moderate. Were the left not so viciously denouncing him he might actually govern more like Bush than Reagan.
listening respectfully to those with whom we disagree
Which is exactly what the refuse to do. Discussing Trump in an article that references Hitler and Mussolini and how they died is the opposite of "listening respectfully." Its pretty much stating outright that the people who disagree with you are moral monsters who need to be stopped by any means necessary. Which is how you get moar Trump.
I think we all know the world is better without Hitler. No matter what you think about Trump. He’s just a dumb celebrity. And it’s horrible that our country is represented by him. It’s just embarrassing. Everyone is trying to get through this the best they can.
And here we have an example of "listening respectfully" to those who disagree with you.
Guess what Mary? I'm part of everyone, and I'm not trying to get this the best I can. I voted for Trump and I think he is doing a great job fulfilling his campaign promises despite overwhelming opposition from the media, the federal bureaucracy, and elements within his own party. I think that enforcing the immigration laws, renegotiating trade treaties, bring manufacturing jobs back to the US, and standing up to NK are good things. And a hell of a lot of people agree with me. I believe Trump's approval rating is up to 50%, which is 8 points higher than Obama's was at the same point in his presidency. But hey, its not like the people who support Trump actually matter. Their just a bunch of troglodytes who need to die off so that the glorious utopia can finally be realized by the forward thinking people on your side.
Still not tired.
What the US needs to do is to continue to send lots of american kids to foreign countries so they can die or get maimed in order to bring them "DEMOCRACY" while simultaneously pursuing policies that depress wages and make it increasingly difficult for them to get a decent job. Cause borders are racist.
Albright has no room to talk. She proved herself a scumbag and party to mass murder in Iraq.
And, of course, fascism is of the Left and always has been. Stalin's most successful "big lie" was to convince people that National Socialism in Germany was right-wing.
She's Pro-Choice. Most of the wars, including: Iraq revisisted (i.e. Obama's premature evacuation), ISIS in the Middle East, Libya, Syria, Ukraine, South Africa, Rhodesia, Serbia, Egypt, Vietnam, Korea, etc., in the 20th and 21 century were elective and left-wing Choices. The war on men, and women, and babies, too.
And what about Democrat FDR and NYT coddling dictator Stalin?
FDR needed to open a second front. Either Stalin was very naive, or FDR knew how to influence his perception.
"Lefties are immune to what they accuse the R's of doing. They are not the party of peace and love, but the party of hatred and violence."
You're talking about two different things here: "lefties" and "parties." There is no "lefty" party. There are the Republicans and the Democrats. And, no...the Dems are not "lefties," except in comparison to the hard right turn taken in recent years by the Republicans. Both parties still support the same constituents: the wealthy and the powerful elites who rule the country.
"By defeating Daesh, Trump...."
"They imagine that the Deep State, and its control of police and military are on their side...."
The Deep State is on no one's side but its own.
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Do you like
Donald Trump and the GOP?
I do not like them,
you see Albright-I-be.
I do not like
Donald Trump and the GOP.
Would you like them
Here or there?
I would not like them
Here or there.
I would not like them
I do not like
Donald Trump and the GOP.
I do not like them,
you see Albright-I-be.
Would you like him
In the White house?
Would you like him
if he were not a louse?
I do not like him
In the White House.
I do not like him
He's a big louse.
I do not like him
Here or there.
I do not like him
I do not like Donald Trump and the GOP
I do not like them, you see Albright-I-be.
Would you like them
after bagels with lox?
Would you watch them
on Fox?
Not after bagels with lox.
Not on Fox.
Not in the White House.
Not with that louse.
I would not want them here or there.
I would not want them anywhere.
I do not like Donald Trump and the GOP.
I do not like them, you see Albright-I-be.
You would not like them either if you were me.
Keep pushing it, leftists.
Keep it up.
She was stating the facts about dictators that failed during WW2.
Again, just what is dictatorial about Trump? Why even go there if she's not trying to make the connection?
It's quite obvious what Albright is doing. And they're going to keep doing it until the next James Hodgkinson comes along ... whereupon they'll miraculously attempt to claim innocence.
"Trump is a dictator, so let's disarm all the citizenry."
That's one of those things that appears on the IMAO blog under "Liberal Logic." Like: "If we outlaw abortions, millions of illegal abortions will be performed. If we outlaw guns, everyone will be safe,"
"It's quite obvious what Albright is doing. And they're going to keep doing it until the next James Hodgkinson comes along ... whereupon they'll miraculously attempt to claim innocence."
I'm sorry--James who?
James Hodgkinson’s disease presents as shooting Republicans.
She's just pissed Trump is going to solve the NK problem, when she, with all her diplomatic skills, was unable to.
All those diplomatic skills pale compared to the boorish braggart. That's got to hurt.
The Deep State is on no one's side but its own.
But the Left are their willing patsies.
The Deep State is on no one's side but its own.
Yes, and that's what they find so threatening about Trump. He's not one of them. He could actually impact their plans in a negative way, something no president has done since Reagan.
"'The Deep State is on no one's side but its own.'
"But the Left are their willing patsies."
If you mean the Dems, that's so. And so are the right. (There is no effective "left" in this country.)
"'The Deep State is on no one's side but its own.'
"Yes, and that's what they find so threatening about Trump. He's not one of them. He could actually impact their plans in a negative way, something no president has done since Reagan."
Hahaha! Trump will serve the Deep State, just as Reagan did, just as every president does.
"She's just pissed Trump is going to solve the NK problem, when she, with all her diplomatic skills, was unable to."
What exactly is the NK problem? That they have a nuke? Trump will not take that away. That they are "threatening" us? They're not...they're just responding in kind to Trump's oafish boasts and insults. The "NK problem" is another manufactured "threat," the better to justify increasing the obscene budget of our Department of War.
Albright always struck me as a nasty sort of person, with MUCH too high an opinion of herself.
This adds another confirming data point.
"...we must reinforce the principle that no one, not even the president, is above the law"
Anyone else think of Hillary at that line?
I'm sorry--James who?
Hodgkinson. The guy who tried to kill as many congressional Republicans as possible while they were committing the heinous crime of practicing for a baseball game.
It's alarming how quickly his name has disappeared down the memory hole.
Not going to bother reading the New York Codswallop. Did she ever build a case as to why Trump has to be stopped? Or is that just a given?
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