Said Michelle Obama.
I don't really understand the idea of the "good parent"/"bad parent." In a stereotypical traditional family, you might have one parent who's softer and more empathetic and the other who's more about strict enforcement of the rules, but aren't both responsible? If not, did Michelle just unwittingly take a shot at mothers and even, obliquely, at the Democratic Party (the "mommy party")? And Michelle's idea of the rule-enforcing parent sounds more like the mother, who's generally the one concerned with getting you to eat your vegetables (and, indeed, Michelle Obama made getting kids to eat vegetables her cause). But usually it's the father who gets portrayed as the "bad cop" in a "good cop"/"bad cop" routine that might describe some families of the wait-'til-your-father gets home kind.
So I don't know what kind of family she's envisioning — or even if she's presenting her husband as the mother or the father.
What she's talking about seems more like the contrast between any parent and some weird interloper like the Cat in the Hat:
And don't get me started on Hillary Clinton and carrots....
Now, the script says onion rings, because that's what the Sopranos were eating in that final scene, but I doubt if any blogger will disagree with my assertion that, coming from Bill Clinton, the "O" of an onion ring is a vagina symbol. Hillary says no to that, driving the symbolism home. She's "looking out" all right, vigilant over her husband, denying him the sustenance he craves. What does she have for him? Carrot sticks! The one closest to the camera has a rather disgusting greasy sheen to it. Here, Bill, in retaliation for all of your excessive "O" consumption, you may have a large bowl of phallic symbols! When we hear him say "No onion rings?," the camera is on her, and Bill is off-screen, but at the bottom of the screen we see the carrot/phallus he's holding toward her. Oh, yes, I know that Hillary supplying carrots is supposed to remind that Hillary will provide us with health care, that she's "looking out for" us, but come on, they're carrots! Everyone knows carrots are phallic symbols. But they're cut up into little carrot sticks, you say? Just listen to yourself!...
१०६ टिप्पण्या:
Good parent gave billions to Iran to build nukes and kill Americans. And he let millions of illegal aliens into our country. Including the illegal alien who got drunk and killed Sarah Root in a car crash about 3 miles from where I sit now.
Great guy! Great parent!
Just wait 'til your Father gets home.
"Just wait 'til your Father gets home."
You added that while I was adding another sentence to my post: "But usually it's the father who gets portrayed as the "bad cop" in a "good cop"/"bad cop" routine that might describe some families of the wait-'til-your-father gets home kind."
Barack Obama was "the ‘good parent’ at home... The responsible parent, the one who told you to eat your carrots and go to bed on time."
What a bizarre understanding. Obama told the country they could have anything they want if only those hated racists would stop interfering. We just need to give government unlimited power to control the rich's money making schemes and take their money.
Candy for votes is the Democrats core.
Obama was right about knives and guns. I will teach my kids to be responsibly armed.
Both parents should be in agreement when they raise (and discipline) children, so their kids get a consistent message as to what is acceptable and what is not.
You added that while I was adding another sentence to my post: "But usually it's the father who gets portrayed as the "bad cop" in a "good cop"/"bad cop" routine that might describe some families of the wait-'til-your-father gets home
So did I preplagiarize ? I presume so.
"What a bizarre understanding. Obama told the country they could have anything they want if only those hated racists would stop interfering. We just need to give government unlimited power to control the rich's money making schemes and take their money."
Talk about a bizarre understanding.
Rick said...
What a bizarre understanding. Obama told the country they could have anything they want if only those hated racists would stop interfering. We just need to give government unlimited power to control the rich's money making schemes and take their money.
Actually Obama was all about the lowered expectations. He spawned the "New Normal" and 1.5% growth expectations. Higher energy costs were his goal knowing the effect it had on quality of life for poor people.
He was the "good" parent to America the way leftists have been craving. They have been desperate to force us to eat carrots.
If the government takes all of the capital from the private sector the proles need to learn to live with less because the government can only provide so much. They need to keep most of it for themselves you see.
and, indeed, Michelle Obama made getting kids to eat vegetables her cause
I hope you realize that that whole garden thing was bullshit. As far as Michelle being some kind of National Food Nazi spokesman to tell everybody else what their children can eat at school, the Obama children did not have to go through that.
Two frauds in a pod.
“And now we have the other parent,” Obama added. “We thought it’d feel fun — maybe it feels fun for now because we can eat candy all day and stay up late and not follow the rules.”
It’s pretty evident that she is likening the Trump Presidency with having the bad undisciplined parent. Eating too much “candy” will only hurt you in the long run, any responsible parent knows this.
I wonder if there are people who cannot see Os and Is without seeing a vulva or a penis in their brains.
They have been desperate to force us to eat carrots.
This is not an "us" which includes Dems. They believe since that growth only benefits "the rich" the reduction in growth is an acceptable cost to pay for the "benefit" of taking the rich's income and giving it to Dem supporters.
The government is NOT OUR F***ING PARENT!
Those of you who don’t want a responsible government raise your hands. If you think chaos and strife in DC is productive, well then I have to wonder why.
What Roy Jacobsen said to the nth degree!
Dammit Michele, I wear the mom jeans in this house!
Yes of course! Because the intellectual foundation of democracy was always that the voters were undisciplined children who dont know better how to take care of themselves.
Inga wants us all to go back to sleep so her and Obama’s leftist espousing friends can continue to pillage and plunder the country. At least Trump give us a different set of plunderers. One set of plunderers checking and balancing the other set of plunderers. Just how the framers envisioned. Chaos ensues as it should.
If you think chaos and strife in DC is productive, well then I have to wonder why.
It's astonishing people whose core message is demonizing their opponents cite "strife" as if their demonizing doesn't cause strife. The lack of self awareness is remarkable.
Her comment is a weird little window into the the progressive mind set. In progressive view the role of government is to be parent-like, a protector, a Big Brother, a referee, an economic leveler, a cradle-to-grave caretaker, and wealth distributor and fairness guaranteer to all the helpless deplorable masses.
I think what some progressives really want is some kind of purely benevolent monarch, a single individual of infinite selflessness and goodness. Some may believe that you need not a single person, but a small committee of such individuals, a benevolent oligarchy. But it's futile to try explain to them that such people can't actually exist. You can show them historical example after historical example of the horrific failure of massively centralized government power structures and still they refuse to believe. It's a faith.
I guess Michelle is back to her normal state - disappointed in America.
The only time it seems she was proud was when her and her husband were doing their most to cripple America.
Maybe it's just me, but I don't see the government as either of my parents.
And I sure as hell don't want a government official seeing me as a child in need of parenting.
The responsible parent ran trillion-dollar deficits; bragged about its great success in Iraq, then claimed the rise of ISIS was baked in the cake when Iraq devolved again into massive bloodshed; and by default invited Russia back into key-player status in the Middle East. All the while North Korea made great strides in its nuclear weapons and missile programs.
While I criticized these actions, the retort from his supporters was inevitably "Oh yeah? What about Bush?"
And now, now, Mrs. Barack ["will never allow you to go back to your lives as usual, uninvolved, uninformed"] Obama, proud wife of the president who begat the Trump presidency, wants to say he was the responsible parent?
Hell no. He was not responsible. And he's not our parent. (Yes, it's a metaphor, but I hate this metaphor.)
I think Michelle is saying that those who voted for Trump are the undisciplined children who want someone in power who is every bit as undisciplined as they are. It fits in with the chaos theory, the burn it all down mentality, the ones who think that the more deregulation the better. We saw how well the deregulation of the financial industry went in 2008. Now we’re seeing in real time how a chaotic, undisciplined president affects Wall Street.
Actually Obama was all about the lowered expectations. He spawned the "New Normal" and 1.5% growth expectations. Higher energy costs were his goal knowing the effect it had on quality of life for poor people.
Instead of aiming for the stars, he aimed for weatherstripping the country.
I think it was in his first SOTU speech laying out his goals.
Mrs. Obama was speaking at a women's leadership conference? And, what pray tell, qualifies her for that role? Destroying the School Lunch program? Taking endless extravagant vacations?
Demanding her own plane when traveling "with" her husband. Her obsession with "race"? Her disdain for her country before it woke to the wonderfulness of her International Man of Mystery?
Can anyone cite a single accomplishment of Mrs. Obama? Maybe her role as Super Flunky at the Chicago Hospital that paid her hundreds of thousands to do something-or-other when she was in the mood. I suppose it is possible she improved that Hospital so completely that there was no work left to be done. I mean, otherwise, they would have hired a replacement to do the vital work she'd been doing, right?
In fact, is Mrs. Obama really Mrs. Obama or just a public surrogate for Valerie J?
Patronized by our inferiors.
The world is not orderly. Neither are humans.
If this was the 60s you’d be all for it.
W had his steel tariffs too how fast old people forget.
Admitting her garden was BS?
Inga said...
Those of you who don’t want a responsible government raise your hands.
I want a responsible government. I just want it to be responsible for a whole lot less.
If you think chaos and strife in DC is productive, well then I have to wonder why.
I don't think chaos and strife in DC is productive. I don't want DC to be productive. I've seen what they produce.
And we all know we can’t drill our way out.
Plus we can keep our doctor.
Obama is the guy giving $1 million lap dances to the oligarchs in Silicon Valley and Wall Street whose water he carried during his presidency. He’s cashing in just like Reagan, HW, Clinton and W.
I don’t agree with Carter on much but he didn’t cash in on the Presidency like these greedy corrupt fucks. Truman wouldn’t take a dime from the corporate overlords. He had integrity.
Trump is their legacy.
Michelle Obama’s is a trite fool whose just as greedy as her husband. Fuck all these people.
"Those of you who don’t want a responsible government raise your hands."
Geez, Inga, you've really got our number.
Some of us think the federal government should do a relative few tasks well. A federal government that blends massive overreach with frequently appalling incompetence, while spending far beyond its means from now to beyond the planning horizon, is not a responsible one.
If you think chaos and strife in DC is productive, well then I have to wonder why.
As opposed to the Gleichschaltung, yes. Stick that in your Volksgemeinschaft and smoke it.
The Germans have a word for it.
My daddy always said gridlock is best. They get nothing done and the country keeps humming.
And grabbed 1/6 if the economy.....
Europeans like order.
Americans like messy we were born in messy we have messy ideas.
It seems China’s getting a handle on order. I don’t think we’d like that order but the Chinese are used to that kind of order.
But a prog always wants that kind of order.
Framers are getting very nervous about the trade war that Trump has started. He is so reckless and undisciplined he doesn’t know or care how he has just stabbed those farmers who voted for him in the back and how these trade wars will affect the economy. Yes, we need an undisciplined chaotic President to set things right, right?
Michelle always looked like the easy going one. Now, Hillary OTOH.....
Please tell me The Moocher was not equating candy to the peanuts tax cut.
It’s no surprise the Dems want to take away our candy and they’re running on it.
the best thing about Trump is we didn't have to hear about what a great House Husband Bill Clinton had become and how he accepted his role as "First Gent" with such style and grace.
Michelle probably would've beaten Trump in 2016.
Have you read the farm bill?
And Michelle's idea of the rule-enforcing parent sounds more like the mother, ...
Perhaps Joan Rivers was right.
Jerry Coyne wonders, "Am I the bad cop?"
Food as oil is fungible. What will they replace beans with? They can’t feed their people.
Will they let them starve?
Trump campaigned on getting people back to work, protecting the country by building up the military, strengthening the borders, imposing "extreme vetting" of immigrants, demanding allies pay their fair share to fund NATO, dealing with trade imbalances. That's not being responsible? I have no idea what Michelle Obama is talking about.
“chaos and strife”
Inga longs for the peace and harmony of a dictatorship. Where everyone knows their place and dutifully stays in it.
Insty linked to an article that 2 Chicoms are going to prison for stealing GMO seeds (espionage).
Why can’t they feed their people?
World Hunger is now a distribution problem.
We could just pay the $168 billion a year directly to producers who sell to China. China has $500 billion a year to lose based on a reported (and inflated because they are Red Scum) GDP of $11 trillion. We’d put their fake economy under in 6 months. These be back to starving their people like the Red Scum they are.
And pull the student visas and force the sale of all the individual properties the aristocracy in China is buying in the US. The aristocracy would hang Xi and the Politburo in 1 week. Let’s quit pretending China is any different than Russia. They aren’t. Xi is a corrupt scum like the rest of them.
The Obamas want to be seen as the cool kids.
I don't think of Barack Obama as a father figure. I see him more as a Big Brother.
When the jag off oligarchs in the US tell us that they are worried about some soy bean farmer, you know they are worried about their corrupt income stream getting cut off. Obama might actually have to get a job to pay the bills.
WTF cares what Michelle Obama has to say?
I’d call the woman a complete and utter bitch but apparently you can’t have that opinion without being racist and sexist, so I’ll bite my deplorable tongue.
(BTW my kids both believe Inga is actually Ann trolling her own blog. I tell them that is ridiculous.)
(Inga is Mead trolling Ann’s blog)
Do you remember back before Obama's second term, when his people kept floating the idea that America was ungovernable? Hahahahaha. The idea that he was some wise being with the best interest of the nation always on his lips is revisionist.
Inga was born in Europe.
Her father chose to keep the family in a refugee camp for was it 10 years Inga? to come to America instead of choosing to have their Canadian relatives sponsor them to live in Canada and later on emigrate to the US.
It’s understandable she craves “order.”
That doesn’t mean she understands giving up liberty for safety and security means you might not get either (dead white privilege Ben Franklin) or that her position on what she perceives is order is good going forward.
What this “chaos” seems to be is a discussion on terms of order. Sometimes discussions are loud and messy.
FB scraping isn’t helping. Discussing privacy terms is also chaotic and messy.
Whereas the terms or framework for sitting down with North Korea seems quiet.
For some strange reason the terms for resolving the Palestinian issue are quiet as well.
On the other hand, if someone wants order one should accept that the Vulgarian is president and STOP TRYING to gin up chaos when there doesn’t need to be.
Media Screaming diaper babies and the usual vile progs.
The chaos is OK as long as your side benefits.
So chaos will reign get used to it and stop whining. At your age it’s long past time.
We're not supposed to be proud of America now, right?
Good parent also lied to us about salt in our diet
Good fences make good neighbors. Trump is trying to build that China fence.
It would be easier if the other Vile Prog Clinton hadn’t sold us out to China in the 90s.
Inga said...
Those of you who don’t want a responsible government raise your hands. If you think chaos and strife in DC is productive, well then I have to wonder why.
Inga likes the unified DC that erases our borders, wants to replace American voters with Mexican voters, starts numerous ridiculous wars, crushes local businesses under massive regulation, signs "free" trade agreements that allow the globalists to get rich, and doesn't allow her political opponents to defend themselves.
Most importantly Inga wants a unified DC that spies on her political enemies and persecutes the Americans she disagrees with.
if china stops buying our grain they must buy elsewhere. Elsewhere's current customers for grain will have to find a new supplier.
Unless you envision a world where tons upon tons of grain are dumped in the ocean, the US farmers will find a market.
Oh there may be some hitches and glitches, but the Chinese need the grain.
Those of you who don’t want a responsible government raise your hands. If you think chaos and strife in DC is productive, well then I have to wonder why.
Your precious Boy King weaponized the government to punish those he didn't like.
I'll take Trump's 'chaos' over you and your totalitarian, leftist thugs each and every time.
the ones who think that the more deregulation the better. We saw how well the deregulation of the financial industry went in 2008.
Inga has about a quarter of the story right.
The more deregulation the better. I agree.. At least until we get back to sanity about 1952.
The 2008 crash is beyond the ability of Inga to imagine.
I would recommend this book.
It's not very long.
Here is some history.
The CRA itself focuses on the provision of credit to low- and moderate-income communities. On the other hand, the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (1974) and the Fair Housing Act (1968) explicitly prohibit discrimination on the bases of race, sex, or other personal characteristics. The Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (1975), which requires the disclosure of mortgage lending and application data, was enacted to increase transparency and to support public and private investment activity.
The debate surrounding the passage of the CRA was contentious, with critics charging that the law would distort credit markets, create unnecessary regulatory burden, lead to unsound lending, and cause the governmental agencies charged with implementing the law to allocate credit.
The result was the crash described in Nicole Gelinas book.
Her kids are free, a quarter white and over 18.
Inga wants the Order that China’s instituting.
Be a good citizen or you can’t use the train or travel or lose their “privileges.”
Cameras everywhere and as someone said, wait until lip reading software gets better.
China is becoming what the USSR would have been if the tech was there.
The HuffPo from "back in the day" says:
During her speech at the Democratic National Convention on 9/05/2012, first lady Michelle Obama painted her husband as a president who has created jobs like those held by her father and his grandmother, jobs they used to give their families greater opportunities. “He brought our economy from the brink of collapse to creating jobs again -- jobs you can raise a family on, good jobs right here in the United States of America,” Obama said.
The unfortunate reality is that about three-fifths of the jobs created under President Barack Obama’s administration pay low wages, while most of the jobs lost during the recession paid middle-wages, according to the National Employment Law Project. More than 40 percent of the jobs created during the economic recovery have been in low-paying sectors like retail, food and employment services.
So was that a Michelle lie or an overembellishment of facts-not-otherwise-in-evidence?
It’s really not that difficult to understand. Just pay attention to China Venezuela and Cuba.
Welcome to rehashing 20th century socialism.
It ALWAYS ends the same.
Michelle Obama: "So I think people should be less ... disheartened that me and Oprah don't want to run, "
Music to my ears!
But, as an aside, the folks who choose not to join the fight should be a bit more humble about those who join the fight and win.
Now we’re seeing [] how a chaotic, undisciplined president affects Wall Street.
The NASDAQ index, which had risen as high as 5312 before the election, is now down sharply to 6936.
(You may want to cycle off of the "Trump is hurting Wall Street" talking point, and get back to the "Growth in meaningless Wall Street indicators doesn't show how bad things are in the real economy" that worked so well for you during the Bush presidency.)
The abomination that is Mike Meyer's Cat in the Hat should never be used for any purpose, for any reason. Be ashamed, be very ashamed.
Barack Obama was "the ‘good parent’ at home... The responsible parent, the one who told you to eat your carrots and go to bed on time."
The one who sent his own daughter to work for Harvey Weinstein.
separate kinship terms:
a “genitor” is a biological father, and
a “pater” is a social one.
Princeton education cannot overcome as the feminist conflate both into Patriarchy (to be hated)
while admiring Statism (also don't want responsible genitors or paters)
If I may extend this a bit, at what age do I get to be a non-dependent adult in Mrs. Obama’s tortured “President as parent” analogy? As children, we are reliant on parents for all manner of things, from food and shelter to clothes and transportation. But as we grow, our parents allow us to assume more of those responsibilities ourselves. Some might say that a good parent expects their child to assume them as part of being an adult. What part of the “progressive” world view embraces, encourages, or even understands that? Or are we, as many have observed, perpetual children in the eyes of the left?
"The responsible parent, the one who told you to eat your carrots and go to bed on time."
Michelle, the pre-21st centuries called. They want their parenting style back. We all now know that it takes an entire village to tell kids to eat their organic carrots and go to bed on time.
Robert Cook wrote: Both parents should be in agreement when they raise (and discipline) children, so their kids get a consistent message as to what is acceptable and what is not.
And when they're not, is it the best policy to just abstain?
Barack Obama was "the ‘good parent’ at home... The responsible parent, the one who told you to eat your carrots and go to bed on time."
There is only one Father of His Country, and it ain't Barack Hussein Obama. We're all grown up now. We don't need no stinkin' daddies.
I can just see Barack Obama, now! Standing out in front of his house wearing a cardigan, slippers, horn rimmed glasses; yelling "You kids better get off my lawn or you're going to be in BIG TROUBLE.......I mean that!". That vision just encapsulates the years 2008 - 2016 for me.
I've always suspected that lefties want the government to be their mommy and daddy; Michelle clearly agrees.
However, I think that is a shameful way to live.
Mr Trump isn't a parent to the nation. It isn't his place. The president isn't anybody's father except to his own children.
Was Mrs. Obama thinking of Bill Cosby's famous "Chocolate Cake" stand-up story where Cosby's wife tells hime to make breakfast for the kids and he feeds them chocolate cake.
Chocolate Cake
"And we had a ball. Until... she came downstairs..."
You know who doesn't like chaos? Established interests don't like chaos, especially the chaos that comes from competition.
Free markets are chaotic. Creative destruction is chaotic. People are losing and winning and nobody knows which groups will win, ex ante.
That's why banks hired Dodd and Frank after they wrote the eponymous legislation that protected national banks from regional banks' competition. Think of all the chaos those banks avoided by squashing their competition by paying off Congress.
Inga hopes for more fascist order and less messy capitalism. And Obama delivered on her preferences.
Why would you think of a president as a parent - that says a lot about the Democrats' statist mentality.
Okay. So MO thinks President Obama was the 'good parent' -- the one that is trying to be your friend, that all your friends like. And Trump is the 'bad parent' -- the one that makes you clean your room, and grounds you when you do something bad?
Or does her 'good parent' mean the one who does everything right and who has kids that are rock stars, vs. 'bad parent' the one who brings up bullies?
Her language is positively Clintonian. It can mean anything you want.
Hillary's beef with Bernie is that he promised everyone a pony, which would make him the indulgent Grandpa. Hill would be there with the cod liver oil for your own goddam good.
The government's function is not to be our parent, but our servant.
Robert Cook said...
The government's function is not to be our parent, but our servant.
Fuck no. That way lies mob rule.
The government's function is to keep you from hitting me over the head and taking my stuff, and vice versa. It's function is not to hit me over the head in service to you.
Robert Cook, the socialist, just wrote that government is to serve the people. Robert Cook is unclear about how socialism works.
See, e.g. Venezuela
Michelle Obama, like her husband, gives no indication of ever having thought deeply about anything. She is a fount of platitudes and uselessness. One of the wonderful things about the current administration is that we aren't subjected to the nonsense and preoccupations of the first lady. Melania is, for the most part, blissfully silent. Michelle, on the other hand, had nothing to say and said it often.
Danzig: Mother
ATHF: Danzig
Birkel said...
Robert Cook, the socialist, just wrote that government is to serve the people. Robert Cook is unclear about how socialism works.
See, e.g. Venezuela
It has to murder all of the people who don't think right first. Dictatorship of the proletariat and all that...
Then utopia.
This message fought to you by the same people who want you to unilaterally disarm, for the children.
She talks like she thinks we're all five years old.
A comfortable government is inherently evil.
No American government should strive for this comfort. This is a vacuous desire.
Governments must be, by rule, chaotic, to demonstrate response to their betters, the people, in the case of the USA. Some control of the chaos is welcome, but if it is not be found, do not be afraid, be grateful that the checks and balances are working.
Barack and Michelle Obama were more like Seuss' Thing 1 and Thing 2, than parents.
No one yet has pointed out how Michelle is like the condescending step-parent who plays favorites with her own and is coldly exclusionary to the other kids who are clearly outsiders?
I like the candy, and it's not that unhealthy.
ISIS beaten into submission.
Immigration policy enforcement.
Tax cut.
Energy independence.
Health Care options.
Pissing Liberals off. (maybe this is the true candy.)
Carrots are so 20th Century. Practibly child abuse. Child's should only be fed organic kale
We saw how well the deregulation of the financial industry went in 2008.
Except that a big part of the 2008 crash was the big financial losses of investment banks and insurance companies- the result of risky financial moves they knew the federal government would cover- thanks to a loophole that Senator Chris Dodd inserted into legislation in the 1990s. Last I checked, no one ever called Chris Dodd a fan of "deregulation."
From Reckless Endangerment.: How Outsized Ambition, Greed, and Corruption Led to Economic Armageddon. ( P40-41)
But in scrutinizing the FDICIA, Todd had uncovered an obscure amendment to the law that dramatically expanded the federal safety net, increasing the likelihood of taxpayer bailouts in the future. While previously only commercial banks who were members of the Federal Reserve System could request emergency financial support from the central bank in times of crisis, the amendment to FDICIA increased the availability of Fed assistance to include investment banks and insurance companies.
The amendment had not attracted much attention before or after the bill was passed. Todd discovered that the change had been quietly inserted late in the legislative process by Christopher Dodd, the Connecticut Senator whose constituents include most of the nation’s large insurance companies. During a debate about the bill on the Senate floor, Dodd said that his provision would give “the Federal Reserve greater flexibility to respond in instances in which the overall financial system threatened to collapse. My provision allows the Fed more power to provide liquidity, by enabling it to make fully secured loans to securities firms in instances similar to the 1987 stock market crash.”
The person responsible for a large part of the crash, by enabling investment banks and insurance companies to get federal bailouts, was Senator Chris Dodd of CT. This isn't "deregulation" but rather crony capitalism- government subsidy of private capital's mistakes. Had investment banks and insurance companies known they wouldn't get financial bailouts, they wouldn't have made such risky moves. Chris Dodd was doing a favor for the Hartford insurance companies. Nobody ever accused Chris Dodd of being in favor of deregulation . Chris Dodd was a big government man all the way.
I think most leftist democrats over-look Hillary's lying and criminal behavior because she promises universal free stuff.
Talk about your undisciplined parenting.Seeing the discriminatory school justice system implemented because of Obama's policies in schools like MSD in Broward.Gee how did that work out?
Yeah.Pretty much, Robert.
Our Constitution pretty much limits what our government is supposed to do for us. a) mediate our disputes-courts b) protect us from each other-police c) protect us from foreign threats- defense
Other than that it's Game On.
The BORs is there for the government to protect not regulate. Constitutional law professors to the contrary.
"'The government's function is not to be our parent, but our servant.'
"Fuck no. That way lies mob rule."
That's why the Constitution created a representational republic, and not a straight prevent mob rule.
"The government's function is to keep you from hitting me over the head and taking my stuff, and vice versa. It's function is not to hit me over the head in service to you."
It's function, as stipulated in the Constitution, is much more than your view of it. As to who the government is serving at the expense of you...and is the wealthy elites, Wall Street, the financial industry and the corporations.
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