I live near the Pacific Ocean, and so do seagulls. They are powerful flyers. I like to watch them soar, and catch the air currents. On hot days, they like to bask in the sun. They often congregate on warm days at my local supermarket's asphalt parking lot. I've been told that you do no favor to wild animals to feed them, but sometimes I can't resist. They like Cheetos, bread, cheeseburgers (plain), etc. Human's have so depleted the oceans of fish, and polluted the waters that I wonder how the seagulls can find enough food. I don't like to see them foraging in trash dumpsters at McDonald's or Wendy's. Does no one care about them except for me?
Thanking you in advance for the taxes you will pay after my passing to support through deficit spending the Medicare, Social Security, and other benefits I now enjoy, I am
I knew you'd like it Drago. For people unaware, Filkins wrote the best embedded stories from the front lines of the 2002 Afghanistan War and Operation Iraqi Freedom.
“The irony of enforcing masking laws to prosecute leftists is just incredible,” said Molly, a counterprotester from Charlottesville, Virginia, who traveled to Georgia to protest neo-Nazis. She asked that her last name not be published for fear of retribution. “Those are anti-Klan statutes.”
“The irony of enforcing masking laws to prosecute leftists is just incredible,” said Molly, a counterprotester from Charlottesville, Virginia, who traveled to Georgia to protest neo-Nazis. She asked that her last name not be published for fear of retribution. “Those are anti-Klan statutes.”
Trumpit said... "Human's have so depleted the oceans of fish, and polluted the waters that I wonder how the seagulls can find enough food. I don't like to see them foraging in trash dumpsters at McDonald's or Wendy's. Does no one care about them except for me?"
Trumpit, you might want to ask yourself, if the seagulls are on the brink of extinction due to human activity, why are there so God-damned many of them flying around?
I never said that "seagulls are on the brink of extinction." I wish that they didn't forage in trash dumps, and could find plentiful fish in the sea. If gulls are not on the road to extinction, I'd like to keep it that way. The overpopulation of humans is a big problem. Seagulls only irk me when they crap on my car.
My daughter rear ended another car. There was no apparent damage to the other car. My daughter's car is drivable. The hood is crumpled, and the front bumper is dinged up.
Unfortunately, the air bag went off, therefore the car is totaled.
As Pettifogger points out, for some reason Pedernales is pronounced perd'n aliss by locals. I'm from the Texas hinterlands, and when I was in grad school at UT in Austin, I would correct professors who mispronounced it, sort of like they'd correct me when I mispronounced things like Ibiza.
Other Texas names commonly mispronounced by foreigners: Refugio (roo-fury-oh), Blanco (blang-koh), and Whataburger (water-burger). Guadalupe is an interesting case, usually pronounced gwah-dah-loop in Austin (sometimes just for the street, sometimes for the river as well), and gwah-dah-loo-pay elsewhere. It's interesting because Austinites are usually more ostentatious about giving Spanish place names a distinctly Spanish pronunciation.
I once traveled from Austin to Lubbock to a conference with a group of fellow doctoral students. On the way we ate at the Burger Bar Cafe in Llano (that's lann-oh), where a bunch of old boys in VFW caps at the next table asked us right off if we were from the university. "How'd they know?" everyone wondered later.
Ignorance? Maybe. She certainly doesn't seem to have reflected on the possibility that legislators picked out the things they didn't like about the way the KKK behaved, and made them illegal, and now she and her friends are behaving that same way.
I never said that "seagulls are on the brink of extinction." I wish that they didn't forage in trash dumps, and could find plentiful fish in the sea.
Plenty of fish in the sea. Dumpster seagulls are the lazy ones. We call 'em welfare gulls in my neighborhood by the beach. We have criminal gulls also, steal your lunch out of your hand or off the table if you are eating outside. Maybe descendants of Hitchcock's Birds?
Ignorance? Maybe. She certainly doesn't seem to have reflected on the possibility that legislators picked out the things they didn't like about the way the KKK behaved, and made them illegal, and now she and her friends are behaving that same way.
She was also unaware that the KKK was a Lefty group founded and protected by Democrats.
Howard: thanks for the link to a great article. Helps you understand a big picture Middle East and how things are changing since Trump took office. But, obviously there was much change happening before Trump won. Does make you wonder how HRC would have salt with the young, Saudi leader. One thing I took great delight in: "“I would say they are more responsible for the image of Obama as being soft in the Middle East than anyone else. They trashed us all around town.” Rhodes described Yousef Al Otaiba, the U.A.E.’s Ambassador to the United States, as especially capable." Anytime someone can make Rhodes whine like the baby he is, it makes me smile!
Reinking, 29, who was naked during the shooting except for a green jacket and assault rifle, may have “mental issues,” authorities said. -- Comey level sleuthing..
"some reason Pedernales is pronounced perd'n aliss by locals" the park ranger on the video (on the falls website) said that 'apparently, LBJ had trouble pronouncing Ped der nal lays (sic?) and came up with per'n alice instead. the ranger said that either is acceptable, which is kinda cool A) blame it all on LBJ B) say it doesn't matter.
Here in Iowa, we make a point of NOT pronouncing place names the way most would. if you go to Madrid, Nevada or Comanche you'll probably wonder where you are. Interestingly, we tend to do spanish (and french) pretty good; it's english we have trouble with
Reinking, 29, who was naked during the shooting except for a green jacket and assault rifle, may have “mental issues,” authorities said. -- Comey level sleuthing..
Yes, either he has mental issues, or he didn't have time to put on clothes when he dashed out to foil the dastardly plans of Taylor Swift by shooting people in Waffle House. Good that they have uncovered the former possibility.
Titus said"US News reports Boston is the number one travel destination for summer travelers in the U.S. and we are number three in the world for summer travel."
Everyone flying to Boston to tour the scene of the crime? That would be Chappaquiddick Island.
Amazing what a good movie will do to generate interest in history.
"Here in Iowa, we make a point of NOT pronouncing place names the way most would. if you go to Madrid, Nevada or Comanche you'll probably wonder where you are."
I recall when I heard Mad-rid and Ne-vade-a the first time. Made it easier when coming to Wisconsin and learning that New Berlin was pronounced New Burl-in.
11. In the past, men from the Ilonggo tribe in the Philippines were required to present the shrunken head from an enemy they killed as part of the courtship ritual.
And when this strange tribal tidbit was past on to Europe by the first Spanish explorers, the phrase "giving head" first entered into the sexual lexicon.
I'm a picky eater and I understand that isn't a good thing. But on the list of things I need to address that isn't going to come in first.
We were in Scotland and Scottish food is different. We'd been there for five days and it seemed like I was only eating every other day. My husband and son were golfing and I decided to roam around St. Andrews. I came across a Subway!!! It may not be good food, but it was food that I'm used to eating. I got my six inch meatball sub with a fountain drawn soda.
I found a nice bench overlooking Witch Lake (the drowning pools). I was enjoying the breeze and the view, extremely content. I was about to take a bite of my sub when someone threw a softball at the back of my head. The impact was so hard it pitched me forward onto my hands and knees. I climbed back onto the bench holding the back of my head. I saw a seagull flying away with my sandwich.
I grew up going to Huntington Beach every weekend. I'm used to aggressive seagulls. This still shocked me.
It's become clear that the failure of the "Comey Gambit" has been very hard on the resident leftists and their LLR allies.
When even Mara Liasson and the dem insiders are telegraphing to the base that it's over, you really have to credit the True Believers like ARM and LLR Chuck for going Full "Lost Japanese Soldier On An Island".
It's clear we need some common sense Van Laws to reduce the lethality of these Assault Van Weapons.
I'm thinking perhaps reducing the size of the tires to 4" diameter. Or making sure you do not have Mega-Gas Tanks that allow you to drive for significant distances.
200 yards tops would be what most people need. And if you intend to drive alone, you should have to complete extra training, pay for a Concealed Solo Driver License, and obtain at least $2.5M in additional insurance.
Also, all vehicles should be retrofitted to be made of spongecake.
" I was enjoying the breeze and the view, extremely content. I was about to take a bite of my sub when someone threw a softball at the back of my head."
I didn't know they played softball in Scotland. American expats?
There were days when I hated tourists when I lived in DC, especially during the summer when the Metro would be jammed with sweaty people in shorts and T-shirts who couldn't figure out how to buy a pass or use the turnstiles. Then they'd take up all the seats. I always tried to be polite if they asked for directions though. I think some of the resentment directed at tourists by locals is simply because they're on vacation having fun and you're working and the novelty of the place has worn off for you.
Interesting story on NBC yesterday, about "Accidental Americans". It seems our country is the only country in the world that taxes all citizens. All other countries only tax residents.
Cases such as a man who was born in the US from a French father and a US mother, and became a US citizen. His father then divorced and returned to France. The man has never been to America. Never worked, never paid taxes. But, he has a social security number, and that's all the IRS needs to make his life a living hell.
So, he wants to get rid of his US citizenship. But you can't just do that, you need to first pay all your back taxes, and the only way it can be done is through specialized lawyers. His estimate was $67,000 just to get started.
Anyway, they have formed a group in Europe, and people are trying to get their governments involved, and change the US policy through diplomatic means, or even International courts.
It's just a shame and a black mark on our country. It's worse than terrorism to the people involved, because a foreign country wants all their money, and doesn't care if they die in the streets homeless. It's like the accidental social security number was a weapon of mass destruction.
You're a vegetarian, yet you feed seagulls hamburgers. Ergo, you purchase slaughtered beef to feed birds.
Fun tech fact: Some IBM systems used to initialize "unused" memory with the hex string 'DEADBEEF'. If you saw that, you knew your code had wandared off into la-la land.
Fun tech fact: Some IBM systems used to initialize "unused" memory with the hex string 'DEADBEEF'. If you saw that, you knew your code had wandared off into la-la land.
7090s (BESYS3) used STR instructions (Store and Trap) for fill, so a wild jump would return to the operating system with the location counter saved away. 0's would halt the machine (HTR), which at $600 an hour is wasteful.
JWL said "I am Canadian who thinks of Texas as deserts and large modern cities so nature shots by Prof Althouse are causing cognitive dissonance."
No! It's all deserts and modern cities and extremely well-armed assholes who are involved in mass shootings at least once a week. We are having enough problems with Californians. Better stay home, Frosty!
'It's just a shame and a black mark on our country. '
Worse, it affects US business, it makes it difficult (expensive) for any but large companies to directly establish foreign operations. Yet another one of those things that favor established companies that are well connected in "the swamp".
Americans have been worried for many years about their balance of trade. But they rarely do anything realistic about it, such as clearing away impediments to exporters, such as tax and financial reporting laws. Or laws that increase costs for US manufacturers; or increase legal risks and thus force other costs.
If Americans were actually to become serious about exports and the trade balance, it will require the breaking of a great number of rice bowls. A great number of people depend on practices that can only be described as economic sabotage.
Ah yes, Austin. If you are told to go to an address on Man-shack Road, put Menchaca in your GPS.
And well I remember as a pilot trainee at Laredo AFB, listening to the recorded voice repeatedly declaiming the opulence of a nearby navigational aid: "This is palacious VOR."
Seagulls are natural born criminals. Sometimes they get lost. I saw one on the runway at Belen Airport in NM.
One day while rolling out on landing in a C172 at John Wayne Airport in Santa Ana there was a seagull on the runway centerline. It waited until the last minute to fly away...straight into the propeller.
Also, has anybody ever seen a baby seagull? Apparently, every seagull ever seen in public are full grown.
I've managed to kill birds in a couple of creative ways. One day on the golf course, I lifted my 6-iron vertically to check my grip position and as I did, two hummingbirds flew by and one of them flew straight into the head of my iron. Killed instantly it fell like a lawn dart with it's beak stuck in ground.
@Drago, I did not know you were a naval aviator. But it certainly explains a lot in the way you are so adept at battling the LLR's and Inga's of the world!
> But, he has a social security number, and that's all the IRS needs to make his life a living hell.
I recall a story of a man who was born on a train as his American parents were traveling through the erstwhile Yugoslavia. When he came of age he received a Yugoslavian draft notice.
Earlier, I was listening to Ben Shapiro dissect the Starbucks incident. He played various clips that were out there on various sides of this. One was of the 2 "victims" on one of the morning shows. One of the guys mentioned the manager came over and asked if they wanted anything, coffee, water. He said they altready had their water bottles so they answered no. Shapiro went on to talk of other elements (why no security footage released etc) but the bit about them having water bottles stood out to me...hadn't heard that mentioned or considered elsewhere. I mean..if you are in essentially a beverage joint..with your own carried in beverages, seems to me that adds a special flavor to the scenario.
They don't say FDR's name as "Rose-ah-velt", they say it as "Rooz-ah-velt". It's jarring for an Uhmerican.
Collier and Horowitz (I think it was) discussed this in there Roosevelt family bio. It is not just the Brits, it is the Roosevelts themselves.
One branch, FDRs(?) pronounces it Rose... The other pronounces it Roos...
Collier and Horowitz wrote a fine series of bios of entire families. The Fords, The Kennedys, the Roosevelts, The Fondas. Very interesting reading since, instead of focusing in depth on just one principal member, they cover all members. Albeit more briefly on the lesser members.
The Roosevelt bio was interesting to me because it finally untangled the two branches of the family for me.
eddie willers:I moved to Austin in 1980 and was given directions to turn left on Kaynig. Took a long time before I realized that Koenig was the same street.
Walter Koenig, Star Trek's Chekov, pronounces his name "kaynig."
And well I remember as a pilot trainee at Laredo AFB, listening to the recorded voice repeatedly declaiming the opulence of a nearby navigational aid: "This is palacious VOR."
Palacious, heh. I should have mentioned that one.
I'm disappointed Ann didn't head out to Marfa. That's where the really cool people in Texas go.
The scumbag press are trying to say that HUD under Dr. Carson did some favors for him when these companies bought this investment property during the Obama administration. Typical media lies.
"According to House Oversight Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy, Comey may have saved himself thanks to the exoneration of Hillary Clinton.
"Not by the standard he set in the summer of 2016. God knows how hard it would be to win that case," Gowdy said in response to a question about whether Comey broke the law. "Remember, he ignored the statute that says 'grossly negligent.' He now has a requirement that it has to be intentional and you have to do it to harm the United States. So under the standard that he set in summer 2016 with Secretary Clinton, I don't think Jesus could win that case. -- Wait..are there, you know, "laws" to inform this?
Not taking anything from the clearly heroic action of Shaw but..much of the reporting fails to mention the apparent nudity of the gunman. That just MIGHT give a different signal than a fully accessorized/armored assailant. I await reportage as to whether shooter's Dad who gave back confiscated arms will be found sans pantalons. "Occifer, I had nuttin' to do with that. Oh, this?..I'm doing laundry."
I doubt Trump remembers much of that Friday afternoon in Moscow, ARM. Having made that kind of trans-Atlantic trip on more than one occasion, you basically get to the room around 2:00 p.m. local time and collapse. The problem, though, is this- having done that, you are literally up all night long. I doubt Trump went back to the hotel to sleep after leaving it that Friday evening- by all accounts, his schedule was non-stop from that point forward.
What it sounds like to me is that Trump returned to the room that Saturday morning to shower and get ready for that day's activities after having been out all night- he basically didn't have a chance to sleep at all that Saturday morning, afternoon, or evening. Trump was probably remembering not spending a night in the hotel room, and the Bloomberg story actually explains how that happens if you have any experience at all with an evening departure from the East Coast to arrive in Europe midday local time.
In any case, this is all such fucking trivia, I am not a bit surprised to find the Left now touting this new evidence as the gotcha moment- just a bunch of clueless morons like you.
And he wasn't in Moscow for 46 hours- according to the Bloomberg story, he arrived in Moscow around 2:00 p.m. that Friday local time, and departed around 4:00 a.m. that Sunday morning- or 38 hours total.
The pissing story was made up by 4Chan denizens, trolling a NeverTrumper. They proved it with the timestamped thread and emails to and from the victim. And the original version just had Russian hookers pissing on the mattress that Barack Obama had slept on. Trump wasn't in the picture. And it was made up--to reiterate.
"Ah yes, Austin. If you are told to go to an address on Man-shack Road, put Menchaca in your GPS.
And well I remember as a pilot trainee at Laredo AFB, listening to the recorded voice repeatedly declaiming the opulence of a nearby navigational aid: "This is palacious VOR.""
That answers one question I had. In my 5 years in Austin, I noticed a lot of what outsiders would consider mispronounciations, and blamed it on the German influence, in a belt around the city. Most of such seemed to be an English (or maybe Getman) pronunciation of Spanish words, while the rest of us tend to use the more Spanish pronunciation. But this phenomenon sounds more widespread. There seems to be a right way, a wrong way, and a Texas way to pronounce these words, and Texans really don't care if the rest of us don't agree with their pronunciations. It's a Texas thing.
"7090s (BESYS3) used STR instructions (Store and Trap) for fill, so a wild jump would return to the operating system with the location counter saved away. 0's would halt the machine (HTR), which at $600 an hour is wasteful."
The fix to that problem was to only allow that sort of instruction to execute in privileged mode, so only the operating system could actually stop the machine. It turns out that you really, really want zeroes to trap as a fatal error. I remember some architecture where zeros were the (a?) no-op. That meant that you could jump into data, execute merrily along for a bit, until you ran into something else, and then maybe do some random calculations, before jumping off randomly to somewhere else. Hell to debug, because sometimes you ended up nowhere near where the actual error occurred.
The solution to that really was to segregate data and code, not allowing you to execute in the data sections. Then, when you tried to do so, you would immediately trap an error. Alternatively, you could just make that sort of thing impossible in the first place - as was done with Algol based Burroughs systems. Still, self-modifying code can be fun. My favorite was when I was at Census in the latter 1970s, and I implemented essentially an on-the-fly compiler for FORTRAN Format statements (which were interpreted). First time you used a Format, I would parse it into executable code, which would be used subsequently. That could speed up programs doing a lot of formatted I/O up to maybe 5x. Sure, we could have used COBOL instead, but this was the Census Bureau, which was ruled by statisticians, so no one would be caught dead coding in such. Besides, at that point, COBOL was even easier than FORTRAN to abuse, thus creating bug prone code. And, I discovered, several years later, in my one and only COBOL project, that encapsulation, as is done in almost every other language, was almost impossible.
The fix to that problem was to only allow that sort of instruction to execute in privileged mode, so only the operating system could actually stop the machine.
It's a single-user machine. He gets to do what he wants.
One of the control card options (OPTION 10) allowed you to overwrite the operating system, the plan being that usually it's a mistake but it's your machine; and it says reload the operating system after the job's gone.
A HALT though is just a money-waster so is good to avoid if it's not intentional. The operator notices that the lights stop moving and reboots. An intentional HALT would be noted in the operator instructions for the job. Maybe a tape mount or something.
"I'm about as far away from the ocean as you can get (South Dakota), and we've got flocks of them here."
Nelson Lake is a glacial pothole lake of about 40 acres. It is about 60 miles from Lake Michigan. This time of year we get migrating pellicans. What I find unusual is that I have never seen a pellican on lake Michigan.
I ran an IBM 360/65 for a few years at night when I had a long-running program, but the machine wasn't informative in the displayed lights like the 7090 was, so it was like you weren't really there but just necessary to change tapes and stuff. You couldn't tell what it was doing by watching lights.
In the 7090 the lights displayed the same registers the programmer dealt with.
The GE/Honeywell 635 had programmer register lights but they were hidden inside the CPU cabinet. That was the last machine that contemplated a programmer perhaps running it from physical presence.
Greenwald, whom Althouse hates, has a great column on Joy Reid
You're kidding right?
Althouse practically dotes on the guy. I on the other hand have a real problem with him...starting with the fact that he has never apologized for using sock puppets.
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१२५ टिप्पण्या:
From the Purd'n Alice, I assume.
loving the Texas pics
Yes, Pedernales. The same waterfall.
I live near the Pacific Ocean, and so do seagulls. They are powerful flyers. I like to watch them soar, and catch the air currents. On hot days, they like to bask in the sun. They often congregate on warm days at my local supermarket's asphalt parking lot. I've been told that you do no favor to wild animals to feed them, but sometimes I can't resist. They like Cheetos, bread, cheeseburgers (plain), etc. Human's have so depleted the oceans of fish, and polluted the waters that I wonder how the seagulls can find enough food. I don't like to see them foraging in trash dumpsters at McDonald's or Wendy's. Does no one care about them except for me?
There's a lot of seagulls because nobody wants to eat them. They taste worse than bald eagle.
The New Yorker has a great in depth piece by Dexter Filkins on the recent power moves by the young Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman
Someone hacked Joy Reid’s old weblog and posted anti gay stuff on it.
Much like the Devils River north of Del Rio.
All together, now...
Way down upon the Pa-der-na-les
Far, far away.
That's where my heart is longing ever,
Chasing mojados away.
Dear Mondito -
Yada yada yada.
Blah blah blah.
Thanking you in advance for the taxes you will pay after my passing to support through deficit spending the Medicare, Social Security, and other benefits I now enjoy, I am
Your loving abuelo,
Walking seagulls sound like an umbrella up close.
Howard: "The New Yorker has a great in depth piece by Dexter Filkins on the recent power moves by the young Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman"
This really is quite an incredible story and given everything else going on it often flies under the radar.
Achilles: "Someone hacked Joy Reid’s old weblog and posted anti gay stuff on it."
I guarantee that before the day is out the RNC, wikileaks, Russians and/or Macedonian hackers will be blamed by Joy.
You know, Joy should just declare her lawsuit against the republican party right now and not leave us in suspense.
I knew you'd like it Drago. For people unaware, Filkins wrote the best embedded stories from the front lines of the 2002 Afghanistan War and Operation Iraqi Freedom.
Howard: "Filkins wrote the best embedded stories from the front lines of the 2002 Afghanistan War and Operation Iraqi Freedom."
I did not know that.
I'll keep an eye out in the future for his reporting.
“The irony of enforcing masking laws to prosecute leftists is just incredible,” said Molly, a counterprotester from Charlottesville, Virginia, who traveled to Georgia to protest neo-Nazis. She asked that her last name not be published for fear of retribution. “Those are anti-Klan statutes.”
“The irony of enforcing masking laws to prosecute leftists is just incredible,” said Molly, a counterprotester from Charlottesville, Virginia, who traveled to Georgia to protest neo-Nazis. She asked that her last name not be published for fear of retribution. “Those are anti-Klan statutes.”
The ignorance is strong in this one.
Trumpit said...
"Human's have so depleted the oceans of fish, and polluted the waters that I wonder how the seagulls can find enough food. I don't like to see them foraging in trash dumpsters at McDonald's or Wendy's. Does no one care about them except for me?"
Trumpit, you might want to ask yourself, if the seagulls are on the brink of extinction due to human activity, why are there so God-damned many of them flying around?
I never said that "seagulls are on the brink of extinction." I wish that they didn't forage in trash dumps, and could find plentiful fish in the sea. If gulls are not on the road to extinction, I'd like to keep it that way. The overpopulation of humans is a big problem. Seagulls only irk me when they crap on my car.
My daughter rear ended another car. There was no apparent damage to the other car. My daughter's car is drivable. The hood is crumpled, and the front bumper is dinged up.
Unfortunately, the air bag went off, therefore the car is totaled.
I don't think you made it plain enough for Trumpit.
If the fish have been depleted, then what are the all the gulls eating??
As Pettifogger points out, for some reason Pedernales is pronounced perd'n aliss by locals. I'm from the Texas hinterlands, and when I was in grad school at UT in Austin, I would correct professors who mispronounced it, sort of like they'd correct me when I mispronounced things like Ibiza.
Other Texas names commonly mispronounced by foreigners: Refugio (roo-fury-oh), Blanco (blang-koh), and Whataburger (water-burger). Guadalupe is an interesting case, usually pronounced gwah-dah-loop in Austin (sometimes just for the street, sometimes for the river as well), and gwah-dah-loo-pay elsewhere. It's interesting because Austinites are usually more ostentatious about giving Spanish place names a distinctly Spanish pronunciation.
I once traveled from Austin to Lubbock to a conference with a group of fellow doctoral students. On the way we ate at the Burger Bar Cafe in Llano (that's lann-oh), where a bunch of old boys in VFW caps at the next table asked us right off if we were from the university. "How'd they know?" everyone wondered later.
Gahrie said...
"The ignorance is strong in this one."
Ignorance? Maybe. She certainly doesn't seem to have reflected on the possibility that legislators picked out the things they didn't like about the way the KKK behaved, and made them illegal, and now she and her friends are behaving that same way.
Trumpit said...
I never said that "seagulls are on the brink of extinction." I wish that they didn't forage in trash dumps, and could find plentiful fish in the sea.
Plenty of fish in the sea.
Dumpster seagulls are the lazy ones. We call 'em welfare gulls in my neighborhood by the beach. We have criminal gulls also, steal your lunch out of your hand or off the table if you are eating outside.
Maybe descendants of Hitchcock's Birds?
Ignorance? Maybe. She certainly doesn't seem to have reflected on the possibility that legislators picked out the things they didn't like about the way the KKK behaved, and made them illegal, and now she and her friends are behaving that same way.
She was also unaware that the KKK was a Lefty group founded and protected by Democrats.
what about all these people using military sized Vans for their mass murders?
Do sportsman REALLY need a high capacity Vans?
Howard: thanks for the link to a great article. Helps you understand a big picture Middle East and how things are changing since Trump took office. But, obviously there was much change happening before Trump won. Does make you wonder how HRC would have salt with the young, Saudi leader.
One thing I took great delight in: "“I would say they are more responsible for the image of Obama as being soft in the Middle East than anyone else. They trashed us all around town.” Rhodes described Yousef Al Otaiba, the U.A.E.’s Ambassador to the United States, as especially capable."
Anytime someone can make Rhodes whine like the baby he is, it makes me smile!
Reinking, 29, who was naked during the shooting except for a green jacket and assault rifle, may have “mental issues,” authorities said.
Comey level sleuthing..
"some reason Pedernales is pronounced perd'n aliss by locals"
the park ranger on the video (on the falls website) said that 'apparently, LBJ had trouble pronouncing Ped der nal lays (sic?) and came up with per'n alice instead.
the ranger said that either is acceptable, which is kinda cool
A) blame it all on LBJ
B) say it doesn't matter.
Here in Iowa, we make a point of NOT pronouncing place names the way most would. if you go to Madrid, Nevada or Comanche you'll probably wonder where you are. Interestingly, we tend to do spanish (and french) pretty good; it's english we have trouble with
I am Canadian who thinks of Texas as deserts and large modern cities so nature shots by Prof A!thouse are causing cognitive dissonance.
Why, oh why, are seagulls foraging through dumpsters (and tailgating cruise ships) for food? Because it's easier.
Same reason a coyote pack runs down a fawn, as opposed to a large buck.
US News reports Boston is the number one travel destination for summer travelers in the U.S. and we are number three in the world for summer travel.
how fab.
pointy 60's tits.
Reinking, 29, who was naked during the shooting except for a green jacket and assault rifle, may have “mental issues,” authorities said.
Comey level sleuthing..
Yes, either he has mental issues, or he didn't have time to put on clothes when he dashed out to foil the dastardly plans of Taylor Swift by shooting people in Waffle House. Good that they have uncovered the former possibility.
Titus said"US News reports Boston is the number one travel destination for summer travelers in the U.S. and we are number three in the world for summer travel."
Everyone flying to Boston to tour the scene of the crime? That would be Chappaquiddick Island.
Amazing what a good movie will do to generate interest in history.
"Here in Iowa, we make a point of NOT pronouncing place names the way most would. if you go to Madrid, Nevada or Comanche you'll probably wonder where you are."
I recall when I heard Mad-rid and Ne-vade-a the first time. Made it easier when coming to Wisconsin and learning that New Berlin was pronounced New Burl-in.
Never heard Comanche, however. Is it Co-manch?
From the article linked over at Insty:
12 Crazy Sex Facts You Didn’t Know:
11. In the past, men from the Ilonggo tribe in the Philippines were required to present the shrunken head from an enemy they killed as part of the courtship ritual.
And when this strange tribal tidbit was past on to Europe by the first Spanish explorers, the phrase "giving head" first entered into the sexual lexicon.
It's true. I read about it on the internet.
" however. Is it Co-manch?"
yes, which i always thought was the proper way (it's between Clinton and the Quad cities
Last night I watched a PBS documentary about earthquake faults in the Himalayan Mountains.
For my entire life I have heard and spoken the mountain range's name with the stress on the third syllable --
However, everyone in the PBS documentary stressed the second syllable --
This weird mispronunciation spoiled the entire, hour-long documentary for me.
I've wasted the last 15 minutes looking for a seagull on the photograph.
Are there seagulls in the Pedernales, Texas?
Seagulls are natural born criminals.
Sometimes they get lost. I saw one on the runway at Belen Airport in NM.
@Mike Sylwester, it's out of the frame, just above the guy with the sunglasses. He's about to get hit right in the middle of the right lens.
@Mike S,
Ever watch a British documentary on WWII?
They don't say FDR's name as "Rose-ah-velt", they say it as "Rooz-ah-velt". It's jarring for an Uhmerican.
Hagar: Seagulls are natural born criminals.
Sometimes they get lost. I saw one on the runway at Belen Airport in NM.
They're not lost, they live everywhere. I'm about as far away from the ocean as you can get (South Dakota), and we've got flocks of them here.
I'm about as far away from the ocean as you can get (South Dakota), and we've got flocks of them here.
Technically, those would be just "Gulls", right?
It's interesting that just above the SC/NC border, the gull type switches to "Laughing" seagulls. Totally different sound, same obnoxious behavoir
Unknown: Technically, those would be just "Gulls", right?
I suppose, sure. But then so would the one Hagar saw. :)
I'm a picky eater and I understand that isn't a good thing. But on the list of things I need to address that isn't going to come in first.
We were in Scotland and Scottish food is different. We'd been there for five days and it seemed like I was only eating every other day. My husband and son were golfing and I decided to roam around St. Andrews. I came across a Subway!!! It may not be good food, but it was food that I'm used to eating. I got my six inch meatball sub with a fountain drawn soda.
I found a nice bench overlooking Witch Lake (the drowning pools). I was enjoying the breeze and the view, extremely content. I was about to take a bite of my sub when someone threw a softball at the back of my head. The impact was so hard it pitched me forward onto my hands and knees. I climbed back onto the bench holding the back of my head. I saw a seagull flying away with my sandwich.
I grew up going to Huntington Beach every weekend. I'm used to aggressive seagulls. This still shocked me.
Seagulls are evil.
For Chuck:
Revealed: Trump spent nearly 46 HOURS in Moscow on Miss Universe trip in 2013 – though Comey claims Trump told him 'Golden Showers thing' couldn't be true because he didn't stay over
"Seagulls are evil."
No true Scottish seagull would ever do such a thing.
BTW, did the Toronto terrorist driving the van have a "Sanctuary Cities Are Great!" bumper sticker?
I think its quite reasonable to ask.
Seagulls have stolen hotdogs out of the hands of our kids several times.
Fishermans Wharf is not a safe space.
And my daughter once lost her cookie to a peacock.
It's become clear that the failure of the "Comey Gambit" has been very hard on the resident leftists and their LLR allies.
When even Mara Liasson and the dem insiders are telegraphing to the base that it's over, you really have to credit the True Believers like ARM and LLR Chuck for going Full "Lost Japanese Soldier On An Island".
It was that groovy "co-exist" one.
And my daughter once lost her cookie to a peacock.
4/23/18, 4:05 PM
I lost a small bag of almonds to one. Peacocks are extremely aggressive birds.
I can't wait to see what magic LLR Chuck pulls out of his hat to cover for noted gay-hater Joy Reid at MSNBC.
If there is one thing LLR Chuck will not abide under any circumstances its criticism of that august network and lineup of stellar talking heads.
At least one of which LLR Chuck has called "brilliant"!
The Canadians have demonstrated that whatever our deranged people can do with a rifle, their deranged people can do double with a van.
Trumpit, you feed seagulls cheeseburgers? But burgers come from slaughtered cows!
Shame on you! Shame on those nasty birds!
It's clear we need some common sense Van Laws to reduce the lethality of these Assault Van Weapons.
I'm thinking perhaps reducing the size of the tires to 4" diameter. Or making sure you do not have Mega-Gas Tanks that allow you to drive for significant distances.
200 yards tops would be what most people need. And if you intend to drive alone, you should have to complete extra training, pay for a Concealed Solo Driver License, and obtain at least $2.5M in additional insurance.
Also, all vehicles should be retrofitted to be made of spongecake.
However, everyone in the PBS documentary stressed the second syllable --
This weird mispronunciation spoiled the entire, hour-long documentary for me.
I ignored their pretentious pronunciation, and still enjoyed the piece.
But, yeah.
It's LAY.
" I was enjoying the breeze and the view, extremely content. I was about to take a bite of my sub when someone threw a softball at the back of my head."
I didn't know they played softball in Scotland. American expats?
Trumpit, you feed seagulls cheeseburgers? But burgers come from slaughtered cows!
Since when are seagulls vegetarian?
There were days when I hated tourists when I lived in DC, especially during the summer when the Metro would be jammed with sweaty people in shorts and T-shirts who couldn't figure out how to buy a pass or use the turnstiles. Then they'd take up all the seats. I always tried to be polite if they asked for directions though. I think some of the resentment directed at tourists by locals is simply because they're on vacation having fun and you're working and the novelty of the place has worn off for you.
Since when are seagulls vegetarian?
OK. Let me see if I'm following this:
You're a vegetarian, yet you feed seagulls hamburgers.
Ergo, you purchase slaughtered beef to feed birds.
If seagulls can eat hamburgers, surely I can enjoy a delicious venison steak every so often...
Speaking of seagulls and green pools...
Did anyone else notice that yesterday was Earth Day? How refreshing, that it came and went without any fanfare.
Not tired of winning yet.
More Van Violence..
You're a vegetarian, yet you feed seagulls hamburgers.
Ergo, you purchase slaughtered beef to feed birds.
4/23/18, 4:31 PM
Remember who we're dealing with here.
Interesting story on NBC yesterday, about "Accidental Americans". It seems our country is the only country in the world that taxes all citizens. All other countries only tax residents.
Cases such as a man who was born in the US from a French father and a US mother, and became a US citizen. His father then divorced and returned to France. The man has never been to America. Never worked, never paid taxes. But, he has a social security number, and that's all the IRS needs to make his life a living hell.
So, he wants to get rid of his US citizenship. But you can't just do that, you need to first pay all your back taxes, and the only way it can be done is through specialized lawyers. His estimate was $67,000 just to get started.
Anyway, they have formed a group in Europe, and people are trying to get their governments involved, and change the US policy through diplomatic means, or even International courts.
It's just a shame and a black mark on our country. It's worse than terrorism to the people involved, because a foreign country wants all their money, and doesn't care if they die in the streets homeless. It's like the accidental social security number was a weapon of mass destruction.
You're a vegetarian, yet you feed seagulls hamburgers.
Ergo, you purchase slaughtered beef to feed birds.
Fun tech fact: Some IBM systems used to initialize "unused" memory with the hex string 'DEADBEEF'. If you saw that, you knew your code had wandared off into la-la land.
buwaya said...
Seagulls have stolen hotdogs out of the hands of our kids several times.
Fishermans Wharf is not a safe space.
And my daughter once lost her cookie to a peacock.
4/23/18, 4:05 PM
At the zoo, right?
Seagulls at zoo will park on roof of snack shacks, waiting for innocent tourists to terrorize.
Peacocks (and mermaids) roam free at Florida's Weeki Wachee State Park though I have yet to have either steal anything from me.
later in the summer, in dry years, the green pool gets smaller and smaller, and kids wade across to the cave in the rocks for the shade.
I saw a seagull flying away with my sandwich.
Baboons!!....and they are fearless!
Yoda does not like seagulls.
Fun tech fact: Some IBM systems used to initialize "unused" memory with the hex string 'DEADBEEF'. If you saw that, you knew your code had wandared off into la-la land.
7090s (BESYS3) used STR instructions (Store and Trap) for fill, so a wild jump would return to the operating system with the location counter saved away. 0's would halt the machine (HTR), which at $600 an hour is wasteful.
JWL said "I am Canadian who thinks of Texas as deserts and large modern cities so nature shots by Prof Althouse are causing cognitive dissonance."
No! It's all deserts and modern cities and extremely well-armed assholes who are involved in mass shootings at least once a week. We are having enough problems with Californians. Better stay home, Frosty!
Texas names commonly mispronounced
I moved to Austin in 1980 and was given directions to turn left on Kaynig. Took a long time before I realized that Koenig was the same street.
Shorter Joy Reid: “The dog faked my homework.”
"At the zoo, right?"
Yes. It is a place of terror for tiny children.
Here's some good seagull action --
The Toronto attack
Minassian is an Armenian name and today is the anniversary of the Armenian genocide. Some connection?
Re US foreign tax rules -
'It's just a shame and a black mark on our country. '
Worse, it affects US business, it makes it difficult (expensive) for any but large companies to directly establish foreign operations. Yet another one of those things that favor established companies that are well connected in "the swamp".
Americans have been worried for many years about their balance of trade.
But they rarely do anything realistic about it, such as clearing away impediments to exporters, such as tax and financial reporting laws. Or laws that increase costs for US manufacturers; or increase legal risks and thus force other costs.
If Americans were actually to become serious about exports and the trade balance, it will require the breaking of a great number of rice bowls. A great number of people depend on practices that can only be described as economic sabotage.
Ah..moderating is feisty today.
Ah yes, Austin. If you are told to go to an address on Man-shack Road, put Menchaca in your GPS.
And well I remember as a pilot trainee at Laredo AFB, listening to the recorded voice repeatedly declaiming the opulence of a nearby navigational aid: "This is palacious VOR."
Yeah, won’t be swimming in water that color.
Hagar said...
Seagulls are natural born criminals.
Sometimes they get lost. I saw one on the runway at Belen Airport in NM.
One day while rolling out on landing in a C172 at John Wayne Airport in Santa Ana there was a seagull on the runway centerline. It waited until the last minute to fly away...straight into the propeller.
Also, has anybody ever seen a baby seagull? Apparently, every seagull ever seen in public are full grown.
"I moved to Austin in 1980 and was given directions to turn left on Kaynig. Took a long time before I realized that Koenig was the same street."
If you find yourself in Spring Texas north of Uu-ston and someone tells you to go north on Kur-kin-dahl start looking for Kuykendahl Road.
My favorite Beeville Naval Air Station moment: while sitting in a preflight brief with an A&M grad/student, being asked where I was from.
I amswered "San Diego".
The atudent pilot then asked if I knew Rich something or other.
My response: No.
He then asked if I knew Billy Bob or something.
My response: No.
He looked up confused, brow furled then a look of understanding crossed over his face.
He said: oh, wait a minute. Which San Diego are you from?
My response: You mean there's more than one?
Sheesh. Aggies.
I've managed to kill birds in a couple of creative ways. One day on the golf course, I lifted my 6-iron vertically to check my grip position and as I did, two hummingbirds flew by and one of them flew straight into the head of my iron. Killed instantly it fell like a lawn dart with it's beak stuck in ground.
@Drago, I did not know you were a naval aviator. But it certainly explains a lot in the way you are so adept at battling the LLR's and Inga's of the world!
> But, he has a social security number, and that's all the IRS needs to make his life a living hell.
I recall a story of a man who was born on a train as his American parents were traveling through the erstwhile Yugoslavia. When he came of age he received a Yugoslavian draft notice.
asked where I was from.
I amswered "San Diego".
Now we know that is wrong because a real Sandiegan would say "Sandy Eggo."
@Howard My impression of Dexter Filkins was forever altered by this piece.
Earlier, I was listening to Ben Shapiro dissect the Starbucks incident.
He played various clips that were out there on various sides of this.
One was of the 2 "victims" on one of the morning shows. One of the guys mentioned the manager came over and asked if they wanted anything, coffee, water. He said they altready had their water bottles so they answered no.
Shapiro went on to talk of other elements (why no security footage released etc) but the bit about them having water bottles stood out to me...hadn't heard that mentioned or considered elsewhere.
I mean..if you are in essentially a beverage joint..with your own carried in beverages, seems to me that adds a special flavor to the scenario.
So Sean Hannity, after his lawyer's office was raided, 'suddenly' has lots of so called incriminating evidence about him released.
Almost like there were leaks in the FBI aimed at Republicans.
I detest Sean Hannity, but unlike a Leftist, I have to defend people I don't like to uphold principles.
It is when Lefties refuse to defend principles that we inch closer to horrible consequences.
So some 'grassroots' teenager starts a 'nation wide' High School walk about on the anniversary of Columbine.
Millions of high school students defying school administrators and getting all activist in high school.
Politicizing our kids is happening. Be careful out there and don't neglect to push back.
I send a strongly worded letter to our principle and had a decent conversation afterwards.
Blogger YoungHegelian said...
They don't say FDR's name as "Rose-ah-velt", they say it as "Rooz-ah-velt". It's jarring for an Uhmerican.
Collier and Horowitz (I think it was) discussed this in there Roosevelt family bio. It is not just the Brits, it is the Roosevelts themselves.
One branch, FDRs(?) pronounces it Rose... The other pronounces it Roos...
Collier and Horowitz wrote a fine series of bios of entire families. The Fords, The Kennedys, the Roosevelts, The Fondas. Very interesting reading since, instead of focusing in depth on just one principal member, they cover all members. Albeit more briefly on the lesser members.
The Roosevelt bio was interesting to me because it finally untangled the two branches of the family for me.
John Henry
eddie willers: I moved to Austin in 1980 and was given directions to turn left on Kaynig. Took a long time before I realized that Koenig was the same street.
Walter Koenig, Star Trek's Chekov, pronounces his name "kaynig."
And well I remember as a pilot trainee at Laredo AFB, listening to the recorded voice repeatedly declaiming the opulence of a nearby navigational aid: "This is palacious VOR."
Palacious, heh. I should have mentioned that one.
I'm disappointed Ann didn't head out to Marfa. That's where the really cool people in Texas go.
Sean Hannity should sue the FBI and Kimba Wood.
What they did was a travesty.
The scumbag press are trying to say that HUD under Dr. Carson did some favors for him when these companies bought this investment property during the Obama administration. Typical media lies.
"Now we know that is wrong because a real Sandiegan would say "Sandy Eggo."'
Which reminds me of a time waking up on a beach and looking around for breakfast...
Kanye West/Scott Adams blog post must be in the works...
"According to House Oversight Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy, Comey may have saved himself thanks to the exoneration of Hillary Clinton.
"Not by the standard he set in the summer of 2016. God knows how hard it would be to win that case," Gowdy said in response to a question about whether Comey broke the law. "Remember, he ignored the statute that says 'grossly negligent.' He now has a requirement that it has to be intentional and you have to do it to harm the United States. So under the standard that he set in summer 2016 with Secretary Clinton, I don't think Jesus could win that case.
Wait..are there, you know, "laws" to inform this?
Not taking anything from the clearly heroic action of Shaw but..much of the reporting fails to mention the apparent nudity of the gunman.
That just MIGHT give a different signal than a fully accessorized/armored assailant.
I await reportage as to whether shooter's Dad who gave back confiscated arms will be found sans pantalons.
"Occifer, I had nuttin' to do with that. Oh, this?..I'm doing laundry."
I'm not sure this is an instance where being bat**** crazy instead of just psycho crazy makes a difference in your response..
Full tactical outfitting suggests to me a smaller window.
I doubt Trump remembers much of that Friday afternoon in Moscow, ARM. Having made that kind of trans-Atlantic trip on more than one occasion, you basically get to the room around 2:00 p.m. local time and collapse. The problem, though, is this- having done that, you are literally up all night long. I doubt Trump went back to the hotel to sleep after leaving it that Friday evening- by all accounts, his schedule was non-stop from that point forward.
What it sounds like to me is that Trump returned to the room that Saturday morning to shower and get ready for that day's activities after having been out all night- he basically didn't have a chance to sleep at all that Saturday morning, afternoon, or evening. Trump was probably remembering not spending a night in the hotel room, and the Bloomberg story actually explains how that happens if you have any experience at all with an evening departure from the East Coast to arrive in Europe midday local time.
In any case, this is all such fucking trivia, I am not a bit surprised to find the Left now touting this new evidence as the gotcha moment- just a bunch of clueless morons like you.
And he wasn't in Moscow for 46 hours- according to the Bloomberg story, he arrived in Moscow around 2:00 p.m. that Friday local time, and departed around 4:00 a.m. that Sunday morning- or 38 hours total.
Walter notes: Remember, he ignored the statute that says 'grossly negligent.'
Hillary was negligent. Hillary is gross. "Gross" means "big" in German. Hillary was bigly negligent. Duh!
The Sean Hanity leaks, if they came from the Cohen raid, really discredit the fbi and justice department.
Fun thing in Tampa is when a new reporter for one of the nightly news shows reports on
something that happened in Kissimmee.
The pissing story was made up by 4Chan denizens, trolling a NeverTrumper. They proved it with the timestamped thread and emails to and from the victim. And the original version just had Russian hookers pissing on the mattress that Barack Obama had slept on. Trump wasn't in the picture. And it was made up--to reiterate.
"Ah yes, Austin. If you are told to go to an address on Man-shack Road, put Menchaca in your GPS.
And well I remember as a pilot trainee at Laredo AFB, listening to the recorded voice repeatedly declaiming the opulence of a nearby navigational aid: "This is palacious VOR.""
That answers one question I had. In my 5 years in Austin, I noticed a lot of what outsiders would consider mispronounciations, and blamed it on the German influence, in a belt around the city. Most of such seemed to be an English (or maybe Getman) pronunciation of Spanish words, while the rest of us tend to use the more Spanish pronunciation. But this phenomenon sounds more widespread. There seems to be a right way, a wrong way, and a Texas way to pronounce these words, and Texans really don't care if the rest of us don't agree with their pronunciations. It's a Texas thing.
"7090s (BESYS3) used STR instructions (Store and Trap) for fill, so a wild jump would return to the operating system with the location counter saved away. 0's would halt the machine (HTR), which at $600 an hour is wasteful."
The fix to that problem was to only allow that sort of instruction to execute in privileged mode, so only the operating system could actually stop the machine. It turns out that you really, really want zeroes to trap as a fatal error. I remember some architecture where zeros were the (a?) no-op. That meant that you could jump into data, execute merrily along for a bit, until you ran into something else, and then maybe do some random calculations, before jumping off randomly to somewhere else. Hell to debug, because sometimes you ended up nowhere near where the actual error occurred.
The solution to that really was to segregate data and code, not allowing you to execute in the data sections. Then, when you tried to do so, you would immediately trap an error. Alternatively, you could just make that sort of thing impossible in the first place - as was done with Algol based Burroughs systems. Still, self-modifying code can be fun. My favorite was when I was at Census in the latter 1970s, and I implemented essentially an on-the-fly compiler for FORTRAN Format statements (which were interpreted). First time you used a Format, I would parse it into executable code, which would be used subsequently. That could speed up programs doing a lot of formatted I/O up to maybe 5x. Sure, we could have used COBOL instead, but this was the Census Bureau, which was ruled by statisticians, so no one would be caught dead coding in such. Besides, at that point, COBOL was even easier than FORTRAN to abuse, thus creating bug prone code. And, I discovered, several years later, in my one and only COBOL project, that encapsulation, as is done in almost every other language, was almost impossible.
The fix to that problem was to only allow that sort of instruction to execute in privileged mode, so only the operating system could actually stop the machine.
It's a single-user machine. He gets to do what he wants.
One of the control card options (OPTION 10) allowed you to overwrite the operating system, the plan being that usually it's a mistake but it's your machine; and it says reload the operating system after the job's gone.
A HALT though is just a money-waster so is good to avoid if it's not intentional. The operator notices that the lights stop moving and reboots. An intentional HALT would be noted in the operator instructions for the job. Maybe a tape mount or something.
"I'm about as far away from the ocean as you can get (South Dakota), and we've got flocks of them here."
Nelson Lake is a glacial pothole lake of about 40 acres. It is about 60 miles from Lake Michigan. This time of year we get migrating pellicans. What I find unusual is that I have never seen a pellican on lake Michigan.
Sean Hanity leaks, if they came from the Cohen raid
How can you doubt it?
I ran an IBM 360/65 for a few years at night when I had a long-running program, but the machine wasn't informative in the displayed lights like the 7090 was, so it was like you weren't really there but just necessary to change tapes and stuff. You couldn't tell what it was doing by watching lights.
In the 7090 the lights displayed the same registers the programmer dealt with.
The GE/Honeywell 635 had programmer register lights but they were hidden inside the CPU cabinet. That was the last machine that contemplated a programmer perhaps running it from physical presence.
Greenwald, whom Althouse hates, has a great column on Joy Reid
Greenwald, whom Althouse hates, has a great column on Joy Reid
You're kidding right?
Althouse practically dotes on the guy. I on the other hand have a real problem with him...starting with the fact that he has never apologized for using sock puppets.
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