২৩ মার্চ, ২০১৮

Why is President Trump threatening to veto a $1.3 trillion spending bill?

Not because of too much spending....
I am considering a VETO of the Omnibus Spending Bill based on the fact that the 800,000 plus DACA recipients have been totally abandoned by the Democrats (not even mentioned in Bill) and the BORDER WALL, which is desperately needed for our National Defense, is not fully funded.

৪৪৩টি মন্তব্য:

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন   ‹পুরাতন   443 এর 401 – থেকে 443
Howard বলেছেন...

You might be right Murph. I've been known to misremember facts

rcocean বলেছেন...

Cuck is short for Cuckservative.

National Review is full of Cucks.

New Republic is full of Leftists.

buwaya বলেছেন...

If you all want higher pay, I suggest you send as many women home to make babies as you can manage.

Howard বলেছেন...

If you want higher GNP, I suggest you send as many women to college as you can manage.

buwaya বলেছেন...

"We're not fighting a war."

Not really, yet. But you are close to losing the Pacific Rim to China. That will get very ugly very fast if the US is no longer credible.

Frankly, I don't think the US can manage it. The Pax Americana is going fast. Everyone will miss it when its gone, even the US.

buwaya বলেছেন...

"If you want higher GNP, I suggest you send as many women to college as you can manage."

American style college is wasted on most people. And that is a huge cause of economic inefficiency in the US. College here rarely adds value, its mainly a signalling device for employers. A very expensive signalling device, both in direct expense (public and private) and in opportunity costs.

The Germans do better spending a fraction per capita.

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

Buwaya is still California dreaming. But San Fran has lost its California culture and is in a race to see how low it can go. The rich have become so rich there that they are pulling out of the madhouse seeking peace. Go east Buwaya, go east. There is still an America out there waiting for you. But stay on the comments. You have injected great historical perspective here.

And thank God for Inga's free spirit. It is a breath of fresh air.

rcocean বলেছেন...

"But you are close to losing the Pacific Rim to China"

I don't know what that means. "Losing" means what?

China has never been an expansionist power. They may want Taiwan back, but they've never wanted to control Japan or the Philippines. We actually offered China control of IndoChina after WW2 - and Chiang Kai-shek didn't want it.

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

“And thank God for Inga's free spirit. It is a breath of fresh air.”

Oh thank you Trad Guy, I love you despite your er...um...Trump affliction. That’s OK, even one of my kids and her hubby voted for Trump and I still love her and my son in law.

rcocean বলেছেন...

California is the USA Future unless you stop illegal immigration and cut down on legal immigration.

Its a one-party state, and the USA will be like that soon, unless things change.

Narayanan বলেছেন...

@buwaya ... How about staggered fiscal year for different departments? As reform to prevent brinkmanship budget.

Michael K বলেছেন...

American style college is wasted on most people. And that is a huge cause of economic inefficiency in the US. College here rarely adds value, its mainly a signalling device for employers.

It is the politically correct IQ test.

The Duke Power case told employers they could not use IQ.

That's how we got useless college.

The Supreme Court ruled that under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, if such tests disparately impact ethnic minority groups, businesses must demonstrate that such tests are "reasonably related" to the job for which the test is required.

So now we have affirmative action college and no IQ testing.

In fact, there is almost no literature on IQ anymore and it is alleged to be "not useful."

A number of these guys clearly believe that there are racial differences in average intelligence that need to be hidden. For example, Howard Gardner (2001) writes that he does “not condone investigations of racial differences in intelligence, because [he] think[s] that the results of these studies are likely to be incendiary.” Well, if it was shown that no such differences existed, that would hardly be incendiary. Surprising, maybe, but not obviously incendiary.

So, we have feminized college, except in STEM where they are trying.

Narayanan বলেছেন...

Wondering why no one thought of it?!

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...

rcocean said...
California is the USA Future unless you stop illegal immigration and cut down on legal immigration.

Its a one-party state, and the USA will be like that soon, unless things change.

This is buwaya-level hysteria. One party never retains dominance permanently, the opposition reforms and recalculates, the ruling party splits from within, something always undermines the ruling party.

buwaya বলেছেন...

"China has never been an expansionist power. They may want Taiwan back, but they've never wanted to control Japan or the Philippines. We actually offered China control of IndoChina after WW2 - and Chiang Kai-shek didn't want it."

They have been expansionist, episodically. They would go way out into Central Asia and rule over a bunch of shepherds, or for many continuous centuries levy tribute from Korea or Indochina or Tibet. The problem with China was that any place worth having, that they could get to, they already had. European culture had the same problem. Until 1500-ish you would also have denied their expansionist capacities. But technology changed that.

And it will change that with China also.

Geography and technology are destiny.

CWJ বলেছেন...

Howard @7:47,

"Assfucking," how droll. But then again your goal is ... is ... I forget, what is your goal in commenting here?

buwaya বলেছেন...

"This is buwaya-level hysteria. One party never retains dominance permanently, the opposition reforms and recalculates, the ruling party splits from within, something always undermines the ruling party. "

Permanently is forever, so of course you are correct. But there are plenty of cases where this situation was continued beyond a human lifetime. And in the process things will have been irrevocably changed.

buwaya বলেছেন...

"How about staggered fiscal year for different departments? As reform to prevent brinkmanship budget."

First someone wants to fix the "brinkmanship budget" situation. Anything works with goodwill and honesty (and low stakes), nothing does when the stakes are high.

walter বলেছেন...

He's here to outsnark Inga.
Refers to "Hitlary", hates Trump.
Part of the Gadfly/Inga? "Hands clean/Don't blame me" coalition.

Howard বলেছেন...

I forget, what is your goal in commenting here?

buwaya বলেছেন...

Proportion of population with tertiary education -

OECD Tertiary Education Attainment

Go select whatever age group you like, and compare Germany vs the US. Amazing how people they send to "college".

And then, consider that PER STUDENT, the US spends almost 2X more on a parity basis than Germany, the UK, France, Japan, etc.

OK, only 25% more than Switzerland or Canada.

On the whole the US obsession with "college" is a ridiculous inefficiency.

Kirk Parker বলেছেন...


You are totally wrong about both the provenance and the meaning of the term. So I guess we'll go with clueless, then...

Nobody ever used it to describe folks on the left! If we wanted to find an SMP analogy for the left, they have a very different problem from the hapless conservatives who keep voting for Republican candidates over and over again, only to have those candidates be unfaithful to them.

Howard বলেছেন...

OK Kirk, I really appreciate you providing details on how a derisive term was applied to conservatives who voted for republicans who ended up voting with democrats. Makes perfect sense, weak conservatives were cuckolded by their elected representatives. So now, as per your precise definition, cuck appropriately applies to all of you Trump supporters as well. Therefore, by calling Trump supporters Cucks for the last year or so, you have confirmed my accurate precognition.

Thanks, buddy!

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...

Germany also has very strong unions, making it possible to earn a decent living without going to college. The Germans know what they are doing.

Michael K বলেছেন...

"China has never been an expansionist power. They may want Taiwan back, but they've never wanted to control Japan or the Philippines. We actually offered China control of IndoChina after WW2 - and Chiang Kai-shek didn't want it."

They have been expansionist, episodically. They would go way out into Central Asia and rule over a bunch of shepherds,

One reason Mongolia is probably our most devoted ally is China. They see what happened to Tibet and are determined to keep the Han away.

Michael K বলেছেন...

Germany also has very strong unions, making it possible to earn a decent living without going to college. The Germans know what they are doing.

Agreed but Germany has mostly craft unions.

They are going the CIO route but losing some ground.

They made a huge mistake with East Germany and nearly crippled the German economy. They would not allow the east to be a lower cost less skilled region until it caught up.

Only around a fifth of employees in Germany are union members, and union density has fallen sharply since the early 1990s, in part because of a sharp fall in manufacturing employment in Eastern Germany after unification.

They could have allowed a transition for the east but did not and it hurt badly.

Of course the Greens are crippling the economy but that is another issue.

Howard বলেছেন...

Doc Mike: One reason Mongolia is probably our most devoted ally is China. They see what happened to Tibet and are determined to keep the Han away.

Viet Nam as well. China doesn't have many friends

Murph বলেছেন...

"One party never retains dominance permanently, the opposition reforms and recalculates, the ruling party splits from within, something always undermines the ruling party."

That may be so. However, notwithstanding which party "rules," our history shows that the growth-of-government ratchet moves consistently in only one direction: bigger.
When is the last time that a federal agency was closed (and not simply re-named, replaced, or switched to a different responsible authority*)? When was the last time that the national debt was paid down (and not the Clinton 10-year budget "surplus" that was but a paper surplus built on accounting assumptions and a tech boom)? When was the last time that the federal government reduced its absolute annual spending?
* for example, ADC was terminated, but in its place we have food stamps and multiple other welfare-related programs that provide a bigger pool of beneficiaries with even more benefits.

Bad Lieutenant বলেছেন...

Big Mike said...
He signed it. Wish he hadn’t. Mattis may have persuaded him that the military needs the money.

3/23/18, 1:41 PM

Inhofe voted for it. I'm not quite like Bob Dole, who said he followed Strom Thurmond around and when he ate a banana Dole ate a banana, but his views carry some weight with me.

I really don't understand why all the panic and dismay and the glee and the gloating.

What does this mean? It was a GOPe failure, D victory, and/or swamp thing.
The budget was obviously veto-proof.

Furthermore, by pursuing the veto, Trump provokes the reminder that in theory if 67 Senators vote against him then it's he who would be fired. That's a limit he does not need to challenge at this time. It does not do for the lion tamer to remind the lion that the lion is stronger than he.

No, Trump is making progress, but the lines advance, retreat, change their shape. He has to keep chopping off the tentacles and the heads keep growing back. What did Hercules use to get the edge? Fire? A helper? Legends differ.

Is Howard's hypothesis that after all, PDJT has made a, what do you call it, a DEAL? Hmm. And so then... What next?

Insane is a medical term, but the picture that your viewpoints draw is one that is the opposite of the reality that I see.


Buwaya, of all people, YOU? Explain please, why are you in such despair over this measure? Explain it in words. From the near approach to panic in your tone, I am being reminded that no matter how wonderful a fellow I find you otherwise, that you are, in fact, after all, a foreigner. Your forefathers at Corregidor and beyond had matchless courage. Do not disappoint them.

So. Talk to me. Why is this the end? Come down off the roof. No, I don't see the problem. I admit I haven't read the budget. It's all binary yes no. We don't have a line-item veto.

It's Only Money. If the Republicans block and mock him by letting a budget be passed at the eleventh hour, with this lack of attention to the President's priorities, it is a betrayal. Ryan and McConnell told him that it would be all right and he f***** up, he trusted them. They wrapped it up and left town although I suppose they're technically still being kept in session so that President Trump cannot make recess appointments.

They handed PDJT the package to unwrap after they had left and voila, it was a s*** sandwich which he could either sign and thereby eat, or veto and have crammed down his throat.

So this is the 1.3T omnis*** sandwich, and Donald Trump never lets you see him eating.

Bad Lieutenant বলেছেন...

That was a long one and as I did not check it much, I hope I was not betrayed by voice-to-text excessively.

Bad Lieutenant বলেছেন...

It's Only Money. But if

buwaya বলেছেন...

" if 67 Senators vote against him"

Precisely this. They have them once, they have them always.
This stops every reform flat. Full stop. They can, and will, overrule him.
And the more they do, the more they will.
Its just a question of payment.
Someone paid for this.

Bad Lieutenant বলেছেন...

Go on...

He certainly can't let this happen again. He needs to find leverage. But nothing is so constant as change. This selfsame news comes, shockingly to those who have never seen a news cycle, comes curiously timed as a counterpoint amidst numerous significant data to the good.

Trump needs to run against Congress, perhaps. Buwaya, I think it is extreme to say that you can get 67 votes at will. Inhofe would never convict an innocent President, for example.

As if it mattered, what are the actual facts, the timeline of this legislation? The other than, more valuable discussion is what Trump can learn from this for the future.

walter বলেছেন...

How about bringing up concerns about the process before the very day he is "forced" to sign it?
Who in his circle advised him on this process?
This is a "deal" among shady players.
Can't be the first.

buwaya বলেছেন...

I am no spring chicken, nor inexperienced.
Trump has always been in a precarious condition, riding a tiger if you will. Much more so than the usual politician.
The tiger wants a piece of him, and now it finally got in a bite. Its tasted blood. This is not the first likely 67-vote. And Trump will walk warily in case he gets another one.

Some of these votes were bought. When a man is bought once you can always buy him again.

As for the senators in a sense besides votes, its not just their votes, but their example. Leadership of this sort is really a confidence trick. When the spell is broken, when the leader is successfully defied, he has lost power, however much the law says he's got it. It happens to a great extent even when the institutions are loyal. In this case they are deeply disloyal.

Bad Lieutenant বলেছেন...

Walter, good questions, worth exploring.

Buwaya, technically it was 65-33. The unspoken threat is the more effective, perhaps. PDJT handled it as best it could be done.

Now you can get hit all day, or you can hit back. What does Trump do? What do his allies, his base, his wild cards do? Do any of them not want what they wanted anymore? So now they will keep riding with Trump.

What if someone shoots up a dozen D Congressmen and gets away clean? Symmetry of the baseball game.

This is a big game with a lot of moves.

If the movers and shakers you allude to could be identified, they could be targeted and neutralized. How? Right wing investigative media, I suppose. Judicial Watch?

buwaya বলেছেন...

No idea what Trump does next BL.
Maybe he pulls some trick no one saw coming that flips the thing over again, but I would think that if he had such tricks up his sleeve he would have played them by now.

Rusty বলেছেন...

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
"Germany also has very strong unions, making it possible to earn a decent living without going to college. The Germans know what they are doing.

3/23/18, 9:17 PM"

Yes. And it is a very good living if your ambition is to stay a welder or tool and die maker or a mechanic. It is very difficult to rise in that

Rusty বলেছেন...

rocean @ 8:03
Then why all the islands? Of course China is an expansionist power.China just plays the long game.
China doesn't need aircraft carriers to protect its interests overseas. China needs aircraft carriers to project it's power in the SCS.

Bad Lieutenant বলেছেন...

buwaya said...
No idea what Trump does next BL.
Maybe he pulls some trick no one saw coming that flips the thing over again, but I would think that if he had such tricks up his sleeve he would have played them by now.

3/23/18, 11:13 PM

He's been playing them! Look, budgets are primal. You mess with a man's money and you get his full attention, and not in a good way. People talking veto are full of it. That would be a farmer reaching into the trough where his hogs are feeding, to pull out the drain plug. The question would be merely whether the hogs just take off his hand, or arm, or whether he gets pulled in entire.

There are roads which must not be followed, armies which must not be attacked, towns which must not be besieged, positions which must not be contested, commands of the sovereign which must not be obeyed.
Sun Tzu, The Art of War

This budget was one such.

Once Mueller is off his back perhaps he can do more. ALillianHellMan suggested that signing the budget was PDJT's buy-in to the swamp, the price of exoneration. (No I'm sorry, it was Ernest Prole or Howard, they all run together after awhile like sewage in the gutter from three different privies. "BC"ARM said, quite reasonably, that Trump never ran as a deficit hawk, and that this is on the GOP in Congress.

True or no, and "Lordy" would I like to be a fly on the wall where this all is going on, the Mueller machine seems to be grinding to a halt. So when Mueller breaks off without a recommendation to impeach, Trump can cast off the shackles.

I must say, how dare a Republican Congress deny a Republican President the ability to make recess appointments! This budget is blatant, but not news, for its swampiness and downright rebelliousness. And Trump has gone sailing along.

I'm not complacent, and everyone needs always to be upping their game, but I can't understand how this is the jump-off. I certainly hope President Trump will improve the situation.

The thing is, he needs help. Americans of goodwill ought to be flocking to DC to join up, or be taking action in their own communities. Trump can't do it alone. And he is alone. Except for the people. So the people need to be heard.

He needs some political operators who will not seek to drive policy but merely facilitate his cause and disrupt the enemy's. Better yet, they should be self-organizing so that any blowback does not affect the Administration.

People definitely need to vote till their asses hurt, for Republicans, and any Democrats, who can be trusted to support the President and his vision of American greatness. Sadly there may not be enough out there.

Boy it would be fine to find and cut the nexus of corruption. But that's a mug's game, a child's dream of what is right, without action. Someone should work on that.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...

Rusty said...
if your ambition is to stay a welder or tool and die maker or a mechanic.

And what would be wrong with this?

Rusty বলেছেন...

Nothing. But som people want to do more with the knowledge they have and want to gain more knowledge.
You can spend your welding career attaching teeth to front loader buckets and make a pretty good living. Or you could search out new avenues for your skills and eventually wind up as a non-degreed engineer for a large company. Or a campany of your own.
My apprenticeship was under a group of german tool and die makers who came here because they didn't want to stay at their assigned company in Bavaria, or Munich or whereever and just polish molds their whole careers.
What they do. What I do is very much an intellectual process. If it wasn't I wouldn't do it

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...

These are fair points but they assume an entrepreneurial spirit that many, I would guess a majority, don't have. For the majority the German system works very well. I don't doubt that living in Germany is stultifying for some.

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