March 19, 2018

"This is the portrait of a so-called Christian whose only purpose in life is to lie for the wicked. Monstrous!"

Via AP ("Jim Carrey is being criticized on social media for a portrait he painted that is believed to be White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders").


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I wonder if Jim's numerous sexually transmitted diseases have spread to his brain?

The Vault Dweller said...

I knew I liked Sara. She is tough and willing to call out the White House Press corps on their faults in coverage. The fact that this seems to irritate Jim Carey is just a bonus.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Leftwing Hillarywoodland bubble dwellers hate conservative women. News at 11.

Big Mike said...

If you took away their hate modern leftists would be nothing but a hollow, empty shell.

JohnAnnArbor said...

It must be hard to carry around that much hate in one's soul. Jim, seek counseling.

Robert Cook said...

Yes, he caught enough of a likeness to identify this as Sandra Huckabee Sanders.

chickelit said...

Carrey’s whole recent tweet stream appears to be a series of politically motivated paintings.

Michael K said...

Another actor with delusions of grandeur.

Reagan was the only one with any sense and they hated him.

Infinite Monkeys said...

He's also called Jerry Brown a corporate fascist.

Jim Carrey is not only watching a different movie, he's in a whole different theater.

chickelit said...

He used to be such a funny guy. What happened?

TrespassersW said...

For years, the old saying was that conservatives think liberals/progressives are wrong, while liberals/progressives think conservatives are evil.

However, conservatives are starting to understand the rules of the game, and are more and more willing to return like for like. Way to go, liberals/progressives!

Infinite Monkeys said...

Maybe next he'll do a painting of a "so-called Muslim". That would be entertaining.

Florence said...

This is an example of the war on women, right?

Ann Althouse said...

It's a well-done caricature. The caption is fitting as an expression of his point of view.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

Or could be Dana Loesch.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The Christian bashing is fresh. The moral superiority of non-Christian leftist actors, rulz.

The Vault Dweller said...

I wonder how Jim Carey defines lying? I've noticed lots of people seem to get it wrong and assume that lying is saying something that isn't true. But really, lying is knowingly saying something that isn't true. Does he think Sara knowingly tells untruths? His comment certainly seems to suggest some moral judgment on her actions. It would be odd to do that without at least assuming she knows she is lying, if she is lying at all.

If he doesn't include the knowing part for lying does he hold himself to the same standards? If the truth is that vaccines don't cause Autism in children, does he face the same moral judgment for saying they do, even if he believed it to be true?

tcrosse said...

Another Canadian immigrant. Built that wall !

Elizabeth said...

Carrey’s career must be circling the drain.

The Vault Dweller said...

"The Christian bashing is fresh. The moral superiority of non-Christian leftist actors, rulz."

I don't know if he is non-christian. I recently saw a video that focused on some the art he was making, (think paintings and sculptures not films) and there was one painting of his he showed that was a portrait of Jesus that he made that tried to be of no specific race or ethnicity, reflecting on the universality of Jesus' message. So if he is non-Christian he is at least intrigued by some Christian ideas and the figure of Jesus.

Will Cate said...

Looks like all that DMT he took turned him a bit sour.

Drago said...

Sarah Sanders would literally have to put 30 million of her fellow citizens into the ground to get the support of certain comrade-ly characters like Cookie.

I for one am pleased she has chosen a different path.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Gotta love how the non-religious use religion to attack (I started to say "the Left" but I guess it's broader than that).

If they're not mocking you for being religious ("how could you believe in some ridiculous Sky Father," etc) they're mocking you for being insufficiently faithful to the tenets of your religion ("look at this so-called Christian!").

Eh, let 'em bitch. John 15:18. It's not an excuse to make oneself worthy of hate but it's pretty solid as a defense against this kind of damned if you do, damned if you don't anti-religious-ism.

prairie wind said...

I like the portrait. Not because I dislike Sanders or because I like Carrey but because it is interesting. If I were Sarah, I would try to buy it myself...except for the part about Carrey getting my money.

Bay Area Guy said...

Since Trump is powerful, and Sanders is a spokeswoman for said powerful man, then, Yes, criticism and even ridicule is fully appropriate.

We have to have standards, Yes?

The problem, of course, is that the Left has a double-standard. Were we to criticize or ridicule President Obama, or Loretta Lynch, or Eric Holder, we would be tarred with the racist brush.

So, what to do?

Well, on substance, I kinda like Sanders and think she's doing a fine job. And, if some actor wants to ridicule her, I can live with that, as long as said actor is open to some reciprocating ridicule.

Henry said...

That's a pretty good caricature.

Turns out that Carrey can really paint. He likes bright colors.

The outrage seems feigned to me. Sara Sanders is a public figure. It's not a funny attack.

Not like this one.

Earnest Prole said...

Surprisingly skillful. Carrey's ability to transform his own face to communicate comic and tragic emotion is unmatched.

Henry said...

The caption is clearly borrowing Trumpish style, is it not?

Hari said...

This seems in bounds. Far more so than a painting holding a severed head.
He is not advocating violence or wishing harm on anyone.

Howard said...

Thanks Henry, he is quite talented. The problem with people like Jim Carrey is he holds modern Christians to Nietzschean standards.

Unknown said...

Why do we obsess on what any celebrity has to say on any political subject?

DKWalser said...

I'm not sure why Carrey merits criticism for the painting or the caption. Sanders' isn't above being criticized, even if the criticisms are unfair. I don't agree with Carrey's view and I don't like the way he expressed it. But, both his view and the manner of its expression are well within bounds.

traditionalguy said...

Sarah is always right over the target, hence the mother of all flack barrage's is hers. But she can deal with it. Her Christianity produces an inner strength that causes consternation and draws a large audience to see if she will be broken. that is Trumpean.

walter said...

prairie wind said...I like the portrait. Not because I dislike Sanders or because I like Carrey but because it is interesting. If I were Sarah, I would try to buy it myself...except for the part about Carrey getting my money.
He doesn't need money. She could offer to make a donation to a Christian charity on his behalf.

traditionalguy said...

Interestingly, Sarah always wears her pearls as a totem of her long suffering faith.

Achilles said...

I look forward to Jim's depiction of Kamala or Hillary.

I am sure it would be handled well.

n.n said...

why Carrey merits criticism for the painting or the caption

It's probably because of the close association between "Christian", "lie", and "wicked". Whether it was his intention to characterize that class of people on those terms -- "color", not character -- people have learned to be proactive in confronting latent prejudice.

gspencer said...

Actually I thought it was Dana Loesch.

Ann Althouse said...

I looked at the pictures by Carrey at the link Henry provided.

There's one of Jesus, with this description: "Growing up catholic Jesus was a powerful and pivotal figure in my life. Whether his story is literal or allegorical, I have no doubt of the power of Christ consciousness. My intent was to capture that power, energy and ultimate understanding as it manifests from the electricity in all things. For The Prince of Peace to gaze into your eyes and see everything you are with total acceptance, forgiveness and love."

I would accept that he is serious about Christianity and perhaps sincere in criticizing SHS on a religious ground.

Jim at said...

Why am I supposed to care what some has-been Canuck thinks about U.S. politics?

Big Mike said...

I would accept that he is serious about Christianity and perhaps sincere in criticizing SHS on a religious ground.

@Meade, has she always been gullible?

eddie willers said...

If I were Sarah, I would try to buy it myself.

It is a slimming portrait.

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
walter said...

"only purpose in life "
That's pretty sweeping. Reminds me of TTR.

n.n said...

The ideological rift includes, among other things, a nuanced distinction between "Christian" and "Catholic".

mccullough said...

The same type of people who wouldn’t stand up to the Nazis and won’t stand up to the Salafists and other Muslim extremists are so brave in taking religious digs at Christians.

Cowardice is always on display. Always.

Snark said...

"Why am I supposed to care what some has-been Canuck thinks about U.S. politics?"

He lives in the US, and has been been a US citizen since 2004.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

We are lectured to constantly that only people are the "right" are Christians. Bad evil ones.
Those on the political left do not need God, for they are good people.

Only people on the left are allowed to judge what is and isn't a good Christian. Hillarywoodlanders are best to judge the Christians.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hillarywoodlanders lecturing us on forgiveness and love. LOL.
Right after they burn an effigy of Sarah Sanders.

Snark said...

I like it. I think it is good art. It does effectively communicate what it intends to say, which gives it something in common with its subject, interestingly enough.

William said...

Truth to power. Not that truth. Not that power. The chances of Carrey painting a caricature of Harvey or Kevin or any of the other fallen angels in his business are vanishingly small.......Okay, he's got talent, but that's not the same as character.

mccullough said...

Muslims who believe in killing apostates and infidels, especially gays, are sincere Muslims.

It’s a sick ideology as bad as Nazism. Apparently it’s acceotable because it’s based on a religious belief other than Christianity and Muslims are a minority in the US and Europe (and almost completely absent in Japan, China, and Sourh Korea).

So Muslim terrorists attack the US and Europe and leave South Korea, Japan, and China alone because they aren’t allowed there.

Anyone who doubts that East Asians are much smarter than whites is really stupid.

William said...

I'd be interested in seeing his take on Mohammed.

Snark said...

"Why do we obsess on what any celebrity has to say on any political subject?"

It's not obsessing to note that a person has something interesting to say, in an interesting way.

rcocean said...

Another Non-Christian (read about Carey online - he's your typical Hollyweird social liberal & "Spiritualist") giving us advice on Christian behavior.

He called Jerry Brown a "Fascist" because Carey doesn't believe in mandatory vaccines.
He suffers from depression and "took Prozac" for years.

He's full of love for everyone - except Republicans and conservatives.

mockturtle said...

I would accept that he is serious about Christianity and perhaps sincere in criticizing SHS on a religious ground.

And you'd be wrong.

"Growing up catholic Jesus was a powerful and pivotal figure in my life. Whether his story is literal or allegorical, I have no doubt of the power of Christ consciousness."

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

I would accept that he is serious about Christianity and perhaps sincere in criticizing SHS on a religious ground.

Except in every form of Christianity I've been involved with and observed the criticism, especially of another's faith, should always be done in a loving spirit and privately. So calling one's faith into question publicly, as he does, serves to call his own into question as a practical matter. She is doing her job to the best of her ability, IMO. And that is the best way, Paul says, to express your faith on a daily basis, that you do all you do with the same effort as if you were doing it for Him. And I think she does a kick-ass job, so maybe Jim and I wouldn't agree on much at all.

tcrosse said...

Why, it's Margaret Atwood, the Bad Feminist.

Rabel said...

I'm disappointed that Carrey left off the fangs and the blood dripping down her chin.

And I need to know if wicked is worse or better than evil so I can adjust my avatar accordingly.

rcocean said...

In a 60 minute interview he refused to identify himself as Christian, saying "I'm a Buddhist, a Muslim, a Christian, a Taoist...I'm anything you want me to be...I just believe in love"

Wince said...

Actually, my observation is Carey's image conflates two things, dare I say dishonestly?

Although unflatteringly exaggerated, the facial expression Carey paints is more consistent with SHS when she is LISTENING to questions from the WH press corps.

Go to Google images and you'll see she has a more pleasant face when SPEAKING.

Thus, Carey is using SHS "don't bullshit me" face while listening in order to invoke a "monstrous" image of her "lying" for the wicked.


Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

And Sarah is cheerful. She handles a tough job with humor and poise. Much more than I could bring to the job! What they are really doing is holding her up to ridicule for being a conservative, the only kind of Female that can be safely attacked in public on basis of their looks. (I think she's pretty nice looking anyway.) I smell fear on their part because she is so good at her job.

Snark said...

Coincidentally I recently watched a Netflix thingy that was documentary type footage of the making of Man on the Moon, where Carrey played Andy Kaufman. He did a method actor thing where he never, ever broke character to the point that it caused actual psychological suffering to other actors and crew. It was interesting, but jarring. Jim is interviewed briefly at the end in more present day, and to me he seems that he is really insightful in that particular way that people who carry a lot of wounds are. The film is called something like "Jim and Andy" if it is still available and anybody is interested.

Roger Sweeny said...

Ambrose Bierce? "A diplomat is an honest man sent abroad to lie for his country."

Earnest Prole said...

He did a method actor thing where he never, ever broke character to the point that it caused actual psychological suffering to other actors and crew. It was interesting, but jarring.

You mean Kaufman I assume; Carrey was merely representing this.

Kathryn51 said...

As Kurt Schlichter tweeted (re: the Painting:

"Liberals hate you.

You know because they will tell you so."

Snark said...

"You mean Kaufman I assume; Carrey was merely representing this."

I think that's what the intention was artistically. To really be Andy, he elected to really be Andy, all the time, as Andy was. But the effect on others was fascinating, and the ambivalence of whether it went too far remains even at the end.

Snark said...

Trailer, if anybody is interested.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

A common theme that spews from Hillarywoodland is that it is uncool to judge others.

Pinandpuller said...

It's like he remade Ghost with his dead girlfriend.

Ralph L said...

"Growing up catholic Jesus was a powerful and pivotal figure in my life.
Jesus was a born again Protestant.

William said...

She's not god looking, not in a Hope Hicks, Melania, or Ivanka kind of way. You can argue that she looks more like the people who voted for Trump than do the members of his family. That's perhaps what makes her such an effective spokesperson. She's the wrong person to caricature. It's like you're taking a dig at the ordinary Americans who voted for Trump. It makes people reflect on how good looking and pitted with emptiness those Hollywood people are.

chuck said...

Just another a$$hole artist, dime a dozen they are. Seems to be an occupational hazard.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

It's OK when the Democrats do it!

Quaestor said...

Althouse wrote: I would accept that he is serious about Christianity and perhaps sincere in criticizing SHS on a religious ground.

Sincerity is the worst of all possible compliments.

Jim at said...

He lives in the US, and has been been a US citizen since 2004.

I stand corrected. Thank you.

I shall pay close attention to his political opinions from now on.

Renee said...

Without context who knows, being that he is from the expressive/creative industry I wish he did a better job expressing his opinions.

On face value, he just wanted to throw a grenade in out cultural divide with no intent of trying to find common ground.

Howard said...

The Carrey Christian quote about the Christ spirit is exactly what Jordan Peterson talks about in his lectures on Christianity. What you people who claim to be christian don't understand is that you are actually anti-christian in practice. This was pointed out by Nietzsche in the late 1800's who predicted that the result of Christians killing God would be nihilism and mass murder.

Therefore, it isn't surprising that Trump supporters who claim to be Christian are hyper-sensitive to any questioning or criticism: Deep down, you know you are the Anti-Christ

tcrosse said...

Troll no small trolls.

Dad said...

People who like to say "so-called Christian" don't really know a lot about Christians

MadisonMan said...

Separated from the commentary on it, I like the painting. It's a good caricature.

Good painting doesn't mean I should listen to his opinion though.

Rick said...

I would accept that he is serious about Christianity and perhaps sincere in criticizing SHS on a religious ground.

Sure. It's totally credible someone who has never spoken for Christianity is sincerely moved to do so because a spokesperson isn't telling the truth. What other famous Christians have lied? By chance did any claim a particular government policy would not force people to change doctors and would save the "typical" family 2,500 / year?

Totally credible. It's not like he has some other justification he might be hiding because it would weaken his criticism.

YoungHegelian said...


What you people who claim to be christian don't understand is that you are actually anti-christian in practice. This was pointed out by Nietzsche in the late 1800's who predicted that the result of Christians killing God would be nihilism and mass murder.

Uhhhm, exactly what Nietzsche are you talking about? "Christians killing God"? What?

You got a textual link for that?

Rick said...

Therefore, it isn't surprising that Trump supporters who claim to be Christian are hyper-sensitive to any questioning or criticism: Deep down, you know you are the Anti-Christ

Whose asshole did this guy leak out of?

YoungHegelian said...

Having a job that publicly requires one to defend the Trump administration against a hostile press corps? "A moral monstrosity!"

Being part of a Dept of Justice that took the Little Sisters of the Poor to the Supreme Court? "Hey, what's the problem? It's the law, right?"

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"I would accept that he is serious about Christianity and perhaps sincere in criticizing SHS on a religious ground."

Dogshit. Non-Christians and nominal Christians trying to paint the devout as hypocrites just doesn't work with their targets. They fully understand the hollowness of the tactic. You no playee the game, you no makee the rules.

Darrell said...

Killing somebody with your diseased cock is wicked.
Beating corrupt Hillary and governing is not.

Bilwick said...

The facial expression reminds me more of Trump's opponent, Queen Cacklepants, especially when she's summoning her battalion of flying monkeys and sending them forth to wreak destruction on her enemies.

traditionalguy said...

War on straight, white, Republican women. Kelly Ann and Sarah are both superior at their jobs to men that Trump tried out, and they do it while raising three young children each. Being a Christian goes with their life styles. Neither one is a freaked out actor who played Dumb and Dumber by being himself.

Howard said...

YH: It starts in section 40, page 36.
The Anti-Christ, Ecce Homo, Twilight of the Idols, etc. pdf

Michael K said...

"Deep down, you know you are the Anti-Christ"

Howard, step away from the bong pipe.

A nice nap would do you good.

Howard said...

Peterson on Nietszche and Christianity

Howard said...

Ouch, that really hurts Doc.

tcrosse said...

On the Internet nobody knows you're the Anti-Christ. Except Howard, who might not be qualified to make that judgement.

traditionalguy said...

Imperfect Christians is not proof that God is dead. He likes imperfect people because they are the ones who need Him. As the evangelists say, only sinners are invited to become Christians. Relax. No one will make you take the leap of faith. But if it's a good thing, why shouldn't you have it?

walter said...

Did he feel "love" as he painted that?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Oh course, according to the cult of leftist prog church, you are not good enough for Christ if you are not a devout leftist. oh and it's worse, you're not good enough for Christ and you're an anti-Christ ta boot.

The leftwing prog church hath spoken.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The leftwing prog church will judge you, and you will feel the love and the acceptance.

LOL! I mean pure hatred.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The left have spent decades stereotyping and vilifying their own imaginary caricature of a what they think a Christian is.

It continues.

chickelit said...

Nice point, William, at 1:37

Birkel said...

It's an unflattering painting of a public figure and it's fine by me. Nobody is above criticism.

That said, it would be nice if the Left would go high as Obama claimed they would.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

It's a pretty good piece of pop art - even moreso given how easy it was for everyone to guess who the witch really was. Pretty remarkable that the amateur artist photographer running the blog has no opinion to offer on it from that perspective. I guess it goes to show just how much more important the smallest of petty political/culture and ginned-up pseudo controversies grievances matter to her than really anything else in life - so many things worth much more attention.

Clyde said...

Well, Sarah Huckabee Sanders isn't Jim Carrey's girlfriend, so he can't drive her to suicide.

MayBee said...

I find the use of the term "wicked" very interesting.

Paddy O said...

The Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee with Jim Carrey is quite fascinating. It's a little bit like when Gollum was debating with himself, the good (funny) side made appearances but there's a very weird side too. Rather West Coast Buddhist in a 70s sort of way. He gives a tour of his art studio.

Seinfeld is great with him.

Birkel said...

TTR goes low, again.
Wish he would follow the Obama advice.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Your tiny balls don't hang that low, Burquelle.

And that was a kick, not a lick.

Birkel said...

No, your insults do not matter. Thanks for playing.

Here's a hint: nothing you say or do matters to me. You are powerless. And I mock your inability.

TTR, you could not be less potent.

Rusty said...

Being lectured on Christianity by our beta males.
It is the funny.

Freeman Hunt said...

I don't think I agree with him, but he seems pretty good at this form of art. I would like to see other, less current event centered things he's done.

Birkel said...

Freeman Hunt:

Have you paid attention to all the statues that have been taken down, defaced, or disassembled?

Told you so.