March 19, 2018

"[Kamala] Harris was born to two Berkeley graduate students in the fall of 1964."

"Both were immigrants—her mother, Shyamala Gopalan Harris, a nutrition and endocrinology student from southern India, and her father, Donald Harris, an economics scholar from Jamaica—and they met 'in the movement,' says Harris; they often took Kamala and her younger sister, Maya, to civil rights marches. They divorced when Kamala was seven, and though the sisters made regular visits to Palo Alto, where Donald lived as a Stanford professor, it was Shyamala who became the guiding force in Harris’s life. Shyamala set 'incredibly high expectations,' Maya says. The Harris girls sang in an Oakland church choir, mastered Indian cooking, and cleaned test tubes in their mother’s lab. They were allowed to watch cartoons only if they simultaneously did something productive, like needlepoint or knitting. 'I have no idea how many blankets Kamala must have crocheted,' Maya tells me. 'She was the mad crocheter.' Harris describes her mother, who died in 2009, as 'a force of nature—all five feet of her,' she says. 'She had a code.' I glimpse some of the same intensity in Harris when I ask if her urge to protect the vulnerable comes from being raised by a single mom. 'I don’t play a violin about my childhood,' she says firmly. The sisters traveled regularly to Jamaica and India, and Harris can recall sitting on the porch of her grandmother’s house in Jamaica for hours, chewing on sugarcane and listening to her father and uncles talk politics. In India, the girls stayed in Chennai with their grandfather, a government diplomat, and their grandmother, who in the 1940s was known for driving through small Indian villages in a Volkswagen Bug, brandishing a bullhorn, and informing women about how to get birth control. 'She was the purest form of the Harris women,' Harris says. 'We’re all diluted versions of my grandmother.'..."

From "Kamala Harris Is Dreaming Big" (Vogue).


MayBee said...

'She was the purest form of the Harris women,' Harris says. 'We’re all diluted versions of my grandmother.'..."

Was the Grandma in India named "Harris" too?

chickelit said...

Pruriant people these days are much more interested in the Willie Brown days. I blame Trump.

MayBee said...

I saw that Kamala was trending on Twitter today, and so clicked the hashtag. Her most recent pronouncement is that college tuition should be free to all.

It must be really nice to be a lefty hero. All you have to do is pronounce that things should be free, or vote on more spending for something, and you are considered big hearted and for the people. Your priorities are never questioned, because you have all the priorities.

tcrosse said...

All you have to do is pronounce that things should be free, or vote on more spending for something, and you are considered big hearted and for the people.

To be fair, that was Hillary's gripe with Bernie. Everybody gets a pony.

chickelit said...


...has Harris ever spoken or written about Mario Savio, especially in the context of free speech on California campuses?

Gahrie said...

Where's the section that details her sleeping her way to the top in California?

rhhardin said...

Challenging Elizabeth Warren for the Indian vote.

rhhardin said...

Esperanto palindrome:
Sane volema kara rara kamelo venas.
A healthily wishful dear rare camel is coming.

MD Greene said...

You'd think the reaction to Vogue's 2011 puff piece on Bashar Assad's wife -- "A Rose in the Desert" -- would have caused the magazine's editors to think twice about this sort of crap.

gspencer said...

"The Harris girls sang in an Oakland church choir"

Apparently that church didn't teach that abortion is murder because Kamala is full-bore on now, in full alignment with the Democrat Party. Name the liberal extreme and you'll find Kamala right there.

Kevin said...

So she's done writing her origin story?

Immigrant 1 + Immigrant 2 + Berkeley Radicalism + WOC = 2020 Campaign?

She sounds like the anti-Trump. The press will label her fit for office the moment she announces and will treat her every statement as sage wisdom coming from the downtrodden who are here to reform the white, male, patriarchy. They will not waver no ma

I don't think 60's radicalism is going to play as well in the purple states as she thinks it will. But the idea that the 60's revolution is incomplete and just waiting for the right person of color to lead it will serve her well in the deep blue ones.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Funny to see how the pop culture glossies treat the D-party. All that free promotion. The other party are portrayed as Nazis.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

She fucked an argueably even grosser old man than Harvey Weinstein.

That California way to success!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Female brown socialist. This is the next frontier to push us further down the socialist sink hole.

Kevin said...

Where's the section that details her sleeping her way to the top in California?

That's going to come out. Trump will make sure it does and the media will be apoplectic when it happens.

Just as normal office behavior by men is unacceptable in today's society, that same society will have to excuse women who slept their way to good careers will be positioned as "doing what was necessary in a man's world" and made acceptable by today's media.

Once again men:bad, woman:good will be maintained no matter how intertwined the threads are.

chickelit said...

“Apparently that church didn't teach that abortion is murder because Kamala is full-bore on now, in full alignment with the Democrat Party. Name the liberal extreme and you'll find Kamala right there.“

To riff off rhhardin: Kamala toes the line.

FWBuff said...

Since she likes to keep score, she's had a very privileged life (educated parents and grandparents, international travel throughout her youth, comfortable middle-class childhood, access to influential people within the education and political establishments). How does she relate to the truly down-trodden?

Curious George said...

"She was the purest form of the Harris women,' Harris says. 'We’re all diluted versions of my grandmother.'..."

So grandma was an industrial strength whore?

chickelit said...

Remember how much heat Obama took when he implied that she was “hot”?

n.n said...

Since she likes to keep score, she's had a very privileged life... How does she relate to the truly down-trodden?

According to the color: black in Africa, brown in Asia, etc., privilege people, she is incapable of empathizing with lower diversity classes.

chickelit said...

@FWBuff: that’s not how modern identity politics works these days.

tim in vermont said...

Identity. That's her platform, that's her fire in the belly, that's her reason to run.

Kevin said...

Remember how much heat Obama took when he implied that she was “hot”?

You will be allowed to be positively influenced by her looks, but you will not be able to discuss her looks because that would be sexist.

Trump on the other hand can always be referred to in disparaging ways...

Kevin said...

@FWBuff: that’s not how modern identity politics works these days.

All white people: PRIVILEGED! #YesAllWhitePeople

All non-white people: NOT PRIVILEGED! #YesAllNonWhitePeople

That's their story and they're sticking to it.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Like Obama, there is nothing in Harris's upbringing that ties her to the American mainstream.
Trump, for all his faults, is a recognizable American type. Trump would not be out of place in a Fitzgerald story. Obama, Harris, and, of course, Hillary Clinton, are not recognizable American types. This was Hillary's most obvious weakness as a candidate.

Otto said...

What is it with women who fail their bar exam the first time?

David Begley said...

She sounds well-qualified to be President! She's got my vote!! Trump must go.


tcrosse said...

Let's see if the Tech and Media zillionaires decide to back her. Follow the money.

Fabi said...

"Kamala toes the line."

I read that as "camel toe the line".

Michael K said...

Blogger Lewis Wetzel said...
Like Obama, there is nothing in Harris's upbringing that ties her to the American mainstream.

The difference is that Obama could be charming.

Harris has all the charm of Hillary. She was interrogating someone in front of her committee and she came off just like a Hillary clone.

Mean and nasty,. That will not serve her well.

Drago said...

Otto: "What is it with women who fail their bar exam the first time?"

The women are too smart for the bar exam.


And if it weren't for the patriarchy, the law and the bar exam could be brought up to women's standards.

chickelit said...

She has sinecure in California. She has or can get the Bernie Sanders people nation wide. I don’t see much beyond that. She utterly lacks the crossover appeal tha Obama had and has zero roots east of California.

robother said...

Democrats have been looking to re-purpose "Camelot" since November 1963. And here, straight out of central casteing...I foresee an all-black revival on Broadway, just in time for the 2020 primaries.

James K said...

that same society will have to excuse women who slept their way to good careers

You could include Hillary in that list, to the extent she ever slept with Bill. Or Webb Hubbell.

Comanche Voter said...

I call BS here on Grandma "driving through India in the 1940s in a VW bug" preaching to women. VW beetles didn't arrive in the USA until the mid 1950s. Since the Brits controlled India (or at least tried to) until 1947 and independence, it's highly doubtful that any of those Nazimobiles were allowed in India. But it makes for a good story and the layers and layers of "fact checkers" at Vogue can't be bothered with petty details.

And chickelit, I knew Mario Savio--although I won't say he was a friend of mine. I was in law school at Boalt Hall from '65 to '68. By then Savio was past his glory days of raging against the machine on the steps of Sproul Hall. Instead he was pushing beers across the bar at The Blind Lemon down on San Pablo Avenue in West Berkeley. Yup--he was a bar tender.

The Blind Lemon was an interesting place. Little blonde sorority girls (okay, sexist to describe them that way) went down to The Blind Lemon to meet and mingle with the Black Panthers and Black Panther wannabes and dance. Daddy was probably a rich farmer in Fresno and they were busy getting a thrill by dipping their toe across the racial line. Savio watched from behind the bar. By this time he was a father and he had a kid to provide for.

chickelit said...

“Central casteing...”


TrespassersW said...

"I foresee an all-black revival [of Camelot] on Broadway, just in time for the 2020 primaries."

Would be cultural appropriation, if those sorts of accusations didn't always cut one way and one way only.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If CO Governor John Hickenlooper(D) runs, the D party might save itself. He's not a bad guy and he at least understands business.
Sadly, the D-party is radical left now so someone like Hickenlooper probably won't even try.

John Pearley Huffman said...

Comanche Voter's timeline for VW Beetle production and exportation is generally correct. But beyond that, India was intent upon creating an indigenous automobile industry during the 1950s and imposed large tariffs on imported cars toward that end. It's very unlikely there were many VWs there until Volkswagen itself opened assembly plants there. And I believe those were built during the 21st century.

That Vogue got this wrong is no surprise. I work for Car and Driver and if we had to write about cosmetics, we'd screw it up too.

Bay Area Guy said...

Kamala is a perfect fit for California. Biracial, leftist, activist, female, minority attorney.

She, literally, checks all the liberal boxes.

Kamala, though, is a terrible fit for the rest of America. She'll win CA, NY and Ill, but only a handful of other states.

It'll be the same battle in 2020 for Wisc, Ohio, Penn & Mich, as it was in 2016.

She is not a rust-belt type of gal, and her gun-control proposals will turn off a lot of voters those states. She may ignore those 4, and simply try to flip Florida and 1 other small state.

I hope Trump wins in 2020. But, I think it will be a very close race, regardless of who opposes him, because the country is so divided.

I could be wrong, just my 2 cents.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Would be cultural appropriation, if those sorts of accusations didn't always cut one way and one way only.
The cultural appropriation began with the mythical model English King -- Arthur -- being played on stage and in film by Irish nationalist & IRA supporter Richard Harris.

Howard said...

Bay Area Guy make solid points. In addition, Kamala is not popular with the DNC power structure. She has a shot at the nomination in 2020 because Millenials, but she would make Trump's 2nd term certain (that is, if he runs, which I doubt). She would also lose to a non-Trump Republican.

That said, she is a very impressive woman who has shown she has the brains, guts and ambition to take a shot at the moon. If she is smart, she will run in 2020 for name recognition and fund raising only. By 2024, enough Trump voters in swing states will be dead from opioids, diabetes and heart disease to make her viable nationally.

Howard said...

The VW Grandma story could be true
Brits Run VW Post-War

Wince said...

[Kamala] Harris was born to two Berkeley graduate students in the fall of 1964... and they met 'in the movement,' says Harris.

Isn't that what they used to call a "Red Diaper" baby?

Earnest Prole said...

Jamaica, India: Echoes of Barrack Obama and Nikki Haley. Is this a great country or what?

rcocean said...

Sorta of explains why she supports open borders and giving breaks to Illegal aliens over native born Americans.

I wonder if she thinks the USA has 57 states like Obmama.

William said...

She's had a pleasant and privileged life. I don't begrudge her her success, but I wish she'd acknowledge that America has treated her very well. Both her parents voluntarily agreed to come to this country and become a minority. Minorities are sometimes treated unfairly here, but if you want industrial strength oppression we do not hold a candle to the Indian subcontinent or Africa. I think Kamala should use her bully pulpit to publicize the bad way members of the Luo minority are treated by the Kikiyu in Kenya. She should call on all Kenyan athletes to take the knee when they play the Kenyan national anthem. She should call on Californians to boycott trips to Kenya until Obama's relatives no longer have to live in refugee camps.

rcocean said...

Some pundit said the Democrats will never nominate another White man for POTUS, and I believe it.

rcocean said...

California is run by "yellow dog democrats"

Once the liberal/left establishment labels you Kosher, you're a shoo-in and more or less can hold the office for life.

The California Republican party is a walking corpse and the D's are determined to crush whatever is left of it.

LYNNDH said...

Dickin, Hick is already exploring a run for Pres. Don't be fooled, he is just a far left as the best of them. At one time he might, just might, have been a little to center but not any more.

Bay Area Guy said...

As late as 1988, California voted "red" in the Presidential election (Bush 51, Dukakis 47).

And, from 1982 - 1998, California had 4 straight terms of GOP Governors.

In general, Northern California (San Francisco and Alameda Counties) had huge Democrat majorities, but were balanced out Southern California Republicans, mostly in Orange and San Diego Counties.

The Left then started opening the borders, and relaxing any and all enforcement of voting registration.

The result? Illegals immigrated to Southern Cal, and a large cache illegally registered to vote. Southern Cal went blue too, even in Orange County, and the State went hard blue.

A lot of GOP and business types simply cashed out, sold their homes and moved, causing Cal to get increasingly red.

So, now Cal has one party Dem rule.

Huge welfare state, huge debt, ridiculous business climate, and astronomical housing prices, benefiting those who already owned homes.

If you're a teenager graduating high school, not a good idea to dream of home ownership in California.

Ditto for college grads.

Ditto for graduate school post-docs.

At some point the Left will try to impose a "wealth tax" to cover it's enormous public debt, and then lots of wealthy Californians will then flee.

Geographically, and weather-wise, you can't beat California. It's beautiful.

The people, though, like Kamala Harris, are a bit off - they're like an army of Prius drivers, who can't change a tire.

mikee said...

How did a woman with such a wonderful mother end up such a horribly wrong politician?

Anonymous said...

As California AG, she abused prosecutorial discretion to crush individuals when it could be portrayed as “protecting women,” as in her effort to chit down, which had offered a safe way for sex workers to get clients. Actual justice not important, headlines appealing to women the only goal. In the Barbara Boxer tradition, but still disgusting.

“The charges were brought in December by former California Attorney General (AG) Kamala Harris, now a U.S. senator, after the first case Harris brought against Backpage was rejected. Rather than appeal, Harris amended the charges slightly and filed them in another court....”

Bay Area Guy said...

If Kamala runs in 2020, Pelosi and Jerry Brown need to join her at the hip in every TV and Internet ad in the rest of the country.

buwaya said...

"By 2024, enough Trump voters in swing states will be dead from opioids, diabetes and heart disease to make her viable nationally."

True. Or someone like her. Such a thing will not be survivable. Whatever America was, it will not be that any longer, it will be something far less.

MadisonMan said...

If Kamala runs in 2020, Pelosi and Jerry Brown need to join her at the hip in every TV and Internet ad in the rest of the country.

Well, I suspect Pelosi will be out of the picture by then. She'll be 80something in 2020, won't she?

Richard Dolan said...

Sounds like a prereport of a new book, Dreams of My Mother. Catchy title, no?

JaimeRoberto said...

She looks great in a leather skirt, or at least she did when I saw her about 10 years ago. But that's not a reason to vote for her.

Michael K said...

A lot of GOP and business types simply cashed out, sold their homes and moved, causing Cal to get increasingly red.

You mean blue, don't you ?

I know people who have cashed out and moved.

Bill said...

A veritable goddess of intersectionality, that Kamala.

Bay Area Guy said...

Yeah, I meant blue. Red is what we used to call the Commie bastards. My bad.

Theranter said...

OpenID said...
As California AG, she abused prosecutorial discretion to crush individuals when it could be portrayed as “protecting women,” as in her effort to chit down, which had offered a safe way for sex workers to get clients. Actual justice not important, headlines appealing to women the only goal. In the Barbara Boxer tradition, but still disgusting.

“The charges were brought in December by former California Attorney General (AG) Kamala Harris, now a U.S. senator, after the first case Harris brought against Backpage was rejected. Rather than appeal, Harris amended the charges slightly and filed them in another court....”


She also abused her office "doing a favor" for Planned Parenthood's Cecile Richards, whom asked Podesta to "help" her go after the baby-parts video guy. Podesta writes to Cecile (via his leaked emails) that "it took some convincing" to get Kamala to agree, but she did, and the takedown of Daladenin (sp?) and his videos commenced.

Tommy Duncan said...

Minority - check
Woman - check
Pro abortion - check
Zero private sector experience - check
Radical socialist - check
Privileged background - check
Questionable morals - check
Flunked bar exam - check

What's not to like?

Jupiter said...

chickelit said...
"She utterly lacks the crossover appeal that Obama had and has zero roots east of California."

Obama could get away with being in favor of open borders because he pretended to be a black man, even going so far as to marry an unreconstructed Affirmative Action princess. All those photos of Harris surrounded by smiling Hispanics are not going to do her any good in Detroit, or Philly, or South Chicago. No good at all.

Clyde said...

Didn't much like the "Dreams From My Father" guy, so I seriously doubt I'd want the "Dreams From My Mother and Grandmother" woman in his old office.

bleh said...

So much elite white liberal catnip in that excerpt. Barf.

cf said...

Oh, god is she on the cover of Vogue? Surely not, but soon perhaps, while we keep those other True American Jewels buried. BURIED, I TELL YOU.
#showMeIvankaBitches #ShowMeMelania

Mountain Maven said...

She would be the first presidential candidate in my lifetime to be single most of her adult life and childless. Two of the most transformative things one does. Sanders not much different. Why can't the Dems find someone who worked and earned their way into politics without unseemly assistance? I don't see a single reason to vote for her.

Kirk Parker said...

Mountain Maven,

" Why can't the Dems find someone who worked and earned their way into politics without unseemly assistance? "

Like, say, Sarah Palin?

Jeff with one 'f' said...

What unseemly assistance did Palin receive when she was elected Governor of Alaska?

Kirk Parker said...

Jeff: None! That's what Mountain Maven was asking for ("... without unseemly assistance...")