"She’s made that clear, and honestly, what bothers me the most is the fact that she shrinks away from just saying so. Anyone who’s paying even the slightest bit of attention realizes that we’re talking about a consistent perspective, not a gaffe — and I’d appreciate it if she didn’t insult my intelligence by saying that I just 'misinterpreted' what absolutely could not be interpreted any other way."
Writes Katherine Timpf at National Review.
Hillary Clinton's approach to communication is so annoying. I'm not a Trump fan, but he's at least a straight talker — even when lying! It works for his fans and his antagonists. He's energizing. She, on the other hand, is such a pain. Imagine having to follow the daily blather of President Hillary Clinton.
२७६ टिप्पण्या:
276 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»Timpf ought to take into account the types of intelligence.
Abstracting, male, better for large systems.
Complexifying, female, better for neighborhood-sized systems.
In a national election, the ladies are better off voting as their husbands say.
Vice versa in neighborhood matters.
"Imagine having to follow the daily blather of President Hillary Clinton."
Especially with that voice and that face.
Imagine having to II nspect and sniff her every vowel movement in order to gauge her political health. That’s what her mandarins do.
Imagine having to follow the daily blather of President Hillary Clinton.
We can follow the blather of non-President Billary right here, for some reason.
Did you know? Approximately 327,383,637 other Americans are also not the President, though I would guess that most don't blather as much or as poorly as Billary.
I'm not a Trump fan, but he's at least a straight talker — even when lying!
This has got to be one of the most ridiculous statements ever made on this blog.
Katherine Timpf....yowser.
Hillary's the worst, and she'll never let you forget that she's the worst because she won't go away. It's really amazing. Just when you may be feeling a bit overwhelmed by the the various antics of Trump and the media, just when you're thinking how crazy politics have become, here comes Hillary to remind you how bad she is and how things could have been much, much worse.
I wonder if Hillary knows that we have SECRET voting in the United States.
My parents used to joke that their votes "cancelled each other out."
You're just bouncing the rubble now, Althouse.
This has got to be one of the most ridiculous statements ever made on this blog
Maybe your refusal to even consider if there is some truth to it, given that Althouse is reasonably intelligent, and has a liberal temperament, is limiting your understanding of the world in which we find ourselves? Naah!
"Why aren't I 50 points ahead, you might ask!"
What a deluded woman.
This has got to be one of the most ridiculous statements ever made on this blog.
It actually gets to the heart of the matter. Would you rather deal with an outright lie, a statement that can be disproved by facts, or do you prefer a fog of equivocation and obfuscation?
Trump is publicly a monster. That's something potent to deal with, in opposition or support.
Hillary is privately a monster which is tedious and, ultimately, much more deceptive and destructive.
But Trump and Putin stole it all from her... by tricking everyone with lame facebook ads and setting up her Private Server. And cashing in on Uranium One.
My parents used to joke that their votes "cancelled each other out."
People used to "joke" about that stuff, now they get divorced over it, because Hillary is mad she lost.
"Our precious! Our precious! That Hobbit Trump stole our ring of power! Burn it down! Burn it all down!
What Trump says is always sand, and it goes into the gears of the deep state.
I would say this is the essential reason why Hillary lost to Trump: she is vague and indirect then lies by claiming her spoken words were misinterpreted. People simply do not trust her.
Poor poor Hillary - always the poor poor victim. Hey I know, her deep state loyalists inside the MSM and the bureaucracy can make life miserable for Trump as pay-back.
Why would she, or any politician, make a concrete blanket statement about anything? It's all about targeted messaging. Tell people what they want to hear one-on-one over social media. Say something to one group and then say something completely different to another group. That's the freedom that the Trump presidency has brought every politician.
I do hope she runs again in 2020. Please, Hillary, do it for the people. Maybe this time they'll get it right!!
The following lyrics came to mind as I watched Hillary slipping on those stairs in India.
I know a woman
Became a wife
These are the very words she uses
To describe her life
She said a good day
Ain't got no rain
She said a bad day's when I lie in bed
And think of things that might have been
Slip slidin' away
Slip slidin' away
You know the nearer your destination
The more you're slip slidin' away
Sand in the gears of Hillary’s well-oiled machinations is a good thing.
Maybe your refusal to even consider if there is some truth to it, given that Althouse is reasonably intelligent, and has a liberal temperament, is limiting your understanding of the world in which we find ourselves? Naah!
The statement is an oxymoron. How can one be a "straight talker" if they are lying. In a sane world "straight talk" is presumed to be the truth, maybe the hard truth, but the truth. Lying is contrary to straight talk.
I want Sessions fired and an ass fanged pit bull hired and a new Clinton Crime Family investigation begun into HER and her family's fake charitable foundation.
Hillary does say what a portion of her blind-faith supporters think. They agree with her, and have no problem excusing her lies and her corruption.
There is a god in heaven, this smug sanctimonious lying sack of shit lost.
This is a typical view, not at all unique to the left, that your opponents are either evil, stupid or both. Rarely is there an attempt to actually understand the other side. I am guilty of this as well. I don't think I'll ever agree with the left but I do know that I can understand some of the experiences and beliefs that drive some one in that direction.
Hillary can't understand why traditionally minded women, like my wife for example, would reject her. It makes sense she can't grasp it because her world view is diametrically opposed to ours. I am ceaselessly amazed at how highly capable people living in the same society can arrive at such radically divergent ends. Yet it happens all the time; it's completely ordinary.
Hillary doesn't even believe her own bullshit. Therefore, IMO, she's a bigger liar than Trump. It's obvious he does believe his own bullshit, at least momentarily. It amuses me how much it drives the Left (and Chuck of course) batshit crazy that his style of speaking with its diversions, roundabouts, overlapping assertions and self-referential asides is still more effective and clearly understood by the electorate than the high-minded GOPe and it's deep thinkers and poor campaigners.
Dude is a rule breaker when it comes to campaigning. The past was not prologue. They all wanted Trump so badly they created a mediastorm on his behalf. And it blew them away.
She is the blandest most boring representation of "conventional" thought and politics. She is a synthetic amalgam of bromides and fake statistics who cannot even laugh with something approaching a human act. She is a cliche, spouting cliches, and unable to see herself in any other light than the reverential glow she demands of her subordinates.
Hillary Clinton's approach to communication is so annoying...She, on the other hand, is such a pain.
In all the analysis I've seen of why Hillary says the stupid things she says, nobody ever suggests the most plausible and obvious explanation - she's just not very intelligent. Even the people who hate her seem to credit her with way more intelligence than is apparent to objective observation of her speaking, writing, or actions. She may be as hateful and evil as her detractors think, but the hateful and evil things she says are, above all else, embarrassingly stupid.
When Trump says apparently stupid things, his opponents call them stupid and his defenders invoke machiavellian maneuvers underneath the apparent stupidity. Whatever the truth of either of these interpretations, it's interesting how different they are to both the positive and negative reactions to the really stupid things Hillary says.
Freder Frederson:
"The statement is an oxymoron. How can one be a 'straight talker' if they are lying."
I found it thought-provoking, not ridiculous. The oxymoron quality is the hook. (Do I have to go all Scott Adams on you?)
It's interesting. I don't know if this is what our host meant, but when Trump lies, he tells entertaining, unconcealed obvious whoppers. Clinton lies (his and hers) are subtle, intended to be believed, and when they're found out, the defense is, Ah, but if you read it carefully enough you'll find that technically it wasn't a lie. Not my fault if you thought I was saying what I obviously seemed to be saying....
At least Trump at least a straight talker — even when lying!
That's funny. Hilarious even. Because somehow, it's true.
It's always a little odd to me that people seem to get upset because Trump lies. For one thing, that successful politicians lie is practically axiomatic. It's what they lie about that's far more significant than the simple fact that they lie. There are lies that don't really matter much in the grand scheme, they're superficial. And then there are lies that directly negatively impact the lives of millions.
The vast majority of Trump's lies seem to generally image related and very blatant, the sorts of things that are easily seen through. Things like the stupid kerfuffle over the size of his inauguration crowd. Conversely, characters like Obama and Hillary lie over things like being able to keep a health care plan you like or “We got back every dime we used to rescue the financial system”, or the feigning ignorance on the security of emails or whatever.
“I'm not a Trump fan...
...but he's at least a straight talker
... even when lying!”
How is it possible?
She conveniently leaves out the men we all know who voted for Hillary because their wife would make their life a living hell if they didn't.
Not a peep about that.
"Freder Frederson said...
The statement is an oxymoron. How can one be a "straight talker" if they are lying. In a sane world "straight talk" is presumed to be the truth, maybe the hard truth, but the truth. Lying is contrary to straight talk."
She simply meant that what he says is not ambiguous. It's clear what he means. But thanks for stopping in to remind us you're not the sharpest knife in the drawer.
e. colloq. Of an utterance: Outspoken, unreserved. Also, straightforward, not evasive. straight talk: a piece of plain speaking.
That sounds about right for Trump. Even if he's lying, it's a straightforward lie. Usually an obvious whopper. No wondering what "is" is.
"Rarely is there an attempt to actually understand the other side."
Daniel Dennett didn't originate the first step in his How To Compose a Successful Critical Commentary, but in my view he put it best:
"1. Attempt to re-express your target's position so clearly, vividly and fairly that your target says: 'Thanks, I wish I'd thought of putting it that way.'"
I think more and more of us, assuming we ever knew, are either forgetting how to do that, or forgetting why.
Too many (all?) Trump opponents think that Trump supporters are Trump supporters because they don't understand how bad Trump is. But many Trump supporters fully understand (and understood in Nov 16) exactly how bad Trump is (would be); they voted for Trump because, even with that knowledge, they judged him preferable to Hillary Clinton.
Simply put - She has overstayed her welcome.
Trump isn’t a straight talker, he’s a plain talker.
It generally is well that people who get married have reasonably compatible views of the world. If they don't, they may not stay married very long.
Some people may laugh about cancelling each other's votes, but for most I would think the laughter may ring somewhat hollow after a while.
Ms. Timpf says 'racist; I believe she means 'misogynist'. That is unless she has discovered a voting sub-block populated by blacks an Hispanics?
Hillary's video is already being used in an ad against Sen. Claire M. in old Mizzoo. Now her opponent should brand her - per Trump - "Hillary Supporter Claire" and use it every time.
It could, and SHOULD hurt to be tied to that woman.
The obverse of Freder's complaint is, of course, the Left's absolute humorlessness approaching Trump. The most obvious manifestation is the almost mythological importance given to his off-the-cuff joke while campaigning:
"Russia, if your listening. Maybe you can find some of those 30,000 emails Hillary lost and share them with our media. You'll be rewarded..." [this is my recollection because I'm too rushed to look it up right now]
The feigned seriousness and the idiotic assertions that this is prima facie evidence of "collusion" is one reason most of us wrote of the Mueller Witch Hunt from the beginning. Not one sentient citizen with an IQ higher than room temp actually thought this was "collusion." But a lot of people insisted that this is not a joke. It is this sleazy lying underbelly of Leftism that blinds them to the effectiveness of Trump's common man approach to campaigning.
"Inga said...
“I'm not a Trump fan...
...but he's at least a straight talker
... even when lying!”
How is it possible?"
Our resident dullard reminding us why she typically cuts and pastes others arguments.
Field Marshall Freder: "This has got to be one of the most ridiculous statements ever made on this blog."
Actually, your claim yesterday that you were "in the know" about deep state issues because you had been a contractor at the DoD/EPA AND your claim that most federal workers were not democrats were 2 examples of far worse ridiculous statements.
And all within 24 hours.
Poor Hillary. She has to say one thing to the Global Banks and Global Corporations while she gets elected by fooling the rubes that she is still an idealist for women and blacks. But she just cannot do it the way Sweet Old Bill used to. That damned Internet free speech by ending the Clinton Media Monopoly has ended their Glory Days.
And now she has to sit and watch as Trump removes the Deep State's Senior Executive Service as completely as the Twin Towers imploded, and then re-erects the United States.
Inga: "How is it possible?"
I dunno.
Maybe it was written in a dossier-like memo.
We know those things are always true. ALWAYS.....
Speaking of fake news -
"Cops searching for monkey near Miami strip club"
Because the light is better there. They said.
Actually Trump’s speaking style is anything but straight, it’s circuitous and repetitive, and deceptive in a childish, easily detected way.
Inga said...
Trump isn’t a straight talker, he’s a plain talker.
Yes, it is plain speech. More like a guy at a bar conversing than a "politician" would be. I agree with this statement completely, Inga.
Reading Hillary's statements its clear that LLR Chuck could have been her communications director!
Actually Trump’s speaking style is anything but straight, it’s circuitous and repetitive, and deceptive in a childish, easily detected way.
So it is straight.
Inga: "...and deceptive in a childish, easily detected way."
The golden showers and "if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor" team chimes in.
Lets listen carefully....
I’d appreciate it if she didn’t insult my intelligence by saying that I just 'misinterpreted' what absolutely could not be interpreted any other way."
I'd appreciate if she didn't insult my intelligence by saying that I can't think for myself, by virtue of having a vagina and a wedding ring. (BTW, I did not vote for Trump or Clinton, and I did not vote for the same person my husband did, and he certainly would never have expected that I should have to.)
Because his "lies" tend to be exaggerations for effect of things which are actually true. "I really won the popular vote, if you remove all the illegal votes that were cast," is a perfect example.
How many illegal votes were cast? The other side says voter fraud doesn't exist and any attempt to make sure illegal votes aren't cast can only be to suppress votes from actual citizens.
Then we have an effort to find the number, which is quickly shut down by the states.
So which is the bigger lie? Voter fraud doesn't exist, or voter fraud exists and is greater than 3MM votes? If one illegal vote was cast - and we already have evidence it was - then those against Trump have been shown to be lying.
Trump's claim has been neither proven, nor disproven. Thus, he's more truthful than his critics. And given that he's bringing up a topic neither side of the political establishment wants to tackle, he's also more of a "straight shooter" than they are.
In 2008 Obama ran against George W Bush and it worked pretty well.
Republicans should continue to run against Hillary, especially since she seems willing to keep helping them.
This sort of "feminism" (which is anything but) is absolutely infuriating to me.
“So it is straight.”
Simply put - She has overstayed her welcome.
Simply put - half the country still thinks she should be President, giving speeches which are lavishly-praised and dissected for their brilliance by Rachel Maddow.
Say something to one group and then say something completely different to another group. That's the freedom that the Trump presidency has brought every politician. - Triangle Man
You weren't around during the '90s were you? Lefty Chris Hitches wrote a book about Bill Clinton called "No One Left to Lie To." You can probably get it through Althouse's portal.
Hillary shot herself in the foot again, but to be fair, she does have a broken wrist.
For a liar, Trump has certainly shone the light of truth on a lot fo things about our government.
The bullet we dodged with HRC. The woman has done nothing but perfect her skills in denial and concealment throughout her political career. As Madame President we would have had an executive with half Nixon's charm, twice his paranoia, none of his skills, and a White House, like a Black Hole, from which no information escaped.
Hillary for Candidate in 2020!
Politics traditionally was all about telling one thing to one group, and another to another. Good old Machiavellian politics. This was easy enough when communication was by letter or in private chambers, and there was little in the way of "news" available to the players, much less the public.
The modern problem is that all can hear anything meant for a specific group, should it get past the mass media censors. Its difficult to prevent X from hearing what you are telling Y.
This is one of the essential functions of the MSM, to maintain this compartmentalization. It is often broken, to the degree that alternate media coverage can do so, but the MSM has a near monopoly, still, on the actual creation of "news", so openess is not quite here.
“Yes, it is plain speech. More like a guy at a bar conversing than a "politician" would be. I agree with this statement completely, Inga.”
A plain spoken bullshitter in a bar.
In case you’ve been living under a rock, Clinton spoke in India and described Trump voters as people who “didn’t like black people getting rights” and “don’t like women getting jobs,” before stating that white women voted for Trump not because they wanted to, but because they were pressured by their husbands.
Do her loyalists actually buy this shit?
Do her loyalists actually buy this shit?
They buy what they've been peddling.
"After the comments received backlash, Clinton insisted that she “meant no disrespect” by her comments — but she’s lying. Disrespect is exactly what she meant. In fact, I couldn’t think of a better word to describe her intention. Think about it: If you’re insinuating that you think an entire segment of the population is racist, then you obviously intend to signal that you don’t have any respect for those people. She insists that these things can be “misinterpreted,” and that that’s what happened — but honestly, in what other possible way could she have intended them to be interpreted?"
Exactly. Hillary was denied institutionalizing her corruption. She's pissed, she hates you and you ARE a racist. Because she said so.
Hillary shot herself in the foot again, but to be fair, she does have a broken wrist.
LOL. Now we know why she keeps tripping. It's a vicious cycle.
My favorite actually was "don't want to see that Indian-American succeeding more than you are." She is really subtle.
Every day that I wake up with Hillary not being president has the makings of a good day. The fact that she will never be president makes me smile. She is a truly hateful person.
Genial is not just a river in Egypt.
Run, Hillary, run! Please, please, please, oh baby, please, please, run in 2020! You can win it back!
After elections, I don't pay attention to the ones who loose. I do this every election. She is no longer relevant.
Here's what I don't get. If annoyed, why not avoid the story? That's what I do. I've been confused by this for months.
Rs are fighting the last war. The Dems greatest advantage going into Nov 2018 is there is no D leader. No one knows who will have the nomination in 2020. For all anyone knows, it'll be Conor Lamb or random other guy.
How did this blog become a collection of experts on HRC?
Would Hillary be saying the same stuff if she'd won? Why yes. Yes she would.
Blogger Angle-Dyne, Angelic Buzzard said "she's just not very intelligent" So very true. Its not that complicated. I was never sure why washington insiders even her political opponents like Bob Dole considered her a wiley adversary. The continual gaffes and mistakes she makes and self sabotage are not the products of an intelligent person, they just aren't. How much proof do we need that she's dumber than a bag of hammers?
The Hill and Trump are both pains in the ... who can't seem to stop talking about the past election; I wish she would shut up and exit the stage and I wish he would stop tweeting and pay more attention to the details of policy.
Clinton isn’t listened to seriously by anyone except the right. We on the left have moved on and are looking to win elections.
"don't want to see that Indian-American succeeding more than you are."
She didn't want to leave her audience out. Hey audience, you're a victim too. Those evil American deplorables are keepin' you down.
"Genial is not just a river in Egypt."
Hillary's genial is out of the bottle.
They can’t stop flogging that dead horse, lol.
All this Hillary hostility is boring if indeed deserving.
Hopefully soon we will have a new agonist to dis.
The Daily Blather would be a good name for a blog, alas it’s already taken.
Inga said...
Trump isn’t a straight talker, he’s a plain talker.
Mike said: Yes, it is plain speech. More like a guy at a bar conversing than a "politician" would be. I agree with this statement completely, Inga.
I say: Yes. I agree with both of those statements. Trump's method of speaking is one of the primary reasons that he connected with his voters. Plain talking, which is the familiar and common way people communicate, instead of the formal bullshit obfuscation that politicians use.
Circuitous as well. This is also common speech. Most people have digressions while having conversations. Start with one sentence, add a sidebar, joke, make a point that seems pointless and then gets back to the real point where it all comes together. If you are really god at this, as Trump IS, then it is also entertaining.
Hillary and her ilk, just bore the crap out of us, while droning on and lecturing at us.
We on the left have moved on and are looking to win elections.
Did anyone notify Hillary?
Nobody wants Hillary to STFU more than the Democrats.
Wrong. Clinton is listened to very seriously on the Left. Many are hoping she'll try again, as if she might somehow become better at campaigning and public speaking. She also has a lot of big money donors still ready to do her bidding, so even if she doesn't run there is a strong chance she will be among the kingmakers on the Democrat side.
"TWW said...
Ms. Timpf says 'racist; I believe she means 'misogynist'. That is unless she has discovered a voting sub-block populated by blacks an Hispanics?"
No she meant racist. Here is a portion of her India speech where she calls Trump voters racist. It's so obvious that even our resident dullard #IngaKnew can see it, probably:
"...I won the places that are optimistic, diverse, dynamic, moving forward. And his whole campaign, Make America Great Again, was looking backwards. You don’t like black people getting rights, you don’t like women getting jobs, you don’t want to see that Indian American succeeding more than you are, whatever that problem is, I am going to solve it."
"All this Hillary hostility is boring if indeed deserving.
Hopefully soon we will have a new agonist to dis."
I don't feel no ways tired
Curious George said...
"Freder Frederson said...
The statement is an oxymoron. How can one be a "straight talker" if they are lying. In a sane world "straight talk" is presumed to be the truth, maybe the hard truth, but the truth. Lying is contrary to straight talk."
She simply meant that what he says is not ambiguous. It's clear what he means. But thanks for stopping in to remind us you're not the sharpest knife in the drawer.
What Trump says is regularly, routinely, habitually ambiguous.
He described the infamous "shithole countries" exchange as "tough talk." No other explanation. He claimed that Senator Blumenthal "mischaracterized" then-Judge Gorsuch. No specific description.
Trump is constantly saying stuff that needs to be cleaned up later on, or is never explained, or has to be explained away as a joke. Remember this one? “Hillary wants to abolish ― essentially abolish the Second Amendment... By the way, if she gets to pick, if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don’t know.”
So; let's set aside the non-sensical illegalism that the President can "abolish" a Constitutional Amendment. What about the vague allusion to pro-gun rights violence? Another example of a squishy Trumpism that might be a dog-whistle to the far right, or might be.. what the hell, I don't know!
Look at a Trump transcript. It's often gibberish, the way that topics jump around, and the way that catchphrases get thrown in. "We've got a problem, people..." "We have to do it, we have no choice..." "People say..." "I hear from people..."
There was the time that Hugh Hewitt tried to help Trump explain the notion (from Trump) that Barack Obama founded Isis. Hewitt suggested to Trump in an interview that what Trump meant was that Obama's policies effectively created a vacuum into which ISIS grew. Trump responded, "No, I meant he's the founder of ISIS." And only later Tweeted, "THEY DON'T GET SARCASM?"
We can say a lot of things about Trump; one of the things that is easiest to say without fear of meaningful contradiction is that Trump has a very odd -- completely NON-STRAIGHT -- way of using words that avoid any clear meaning and thereby much accountability from Trump himself.
"they voted for Trump because, even with that knowledge, they judged him preferable to Hillary Clinton."
That's part of it. It was also obvious to some of us that only a billionaire who was a little bit crazy would be willing to take on the Deep State.
Remember, Codevilla wrote his "Ruling Class article in 2010.
His "Ruling Class is the Deep State plus the politicians they have on retainer.
Because his "lies" tend to be exaggerations for effect of things which are actually true. "I really won the popular vote, if you
remove all the illegal votes that were cast," is a perfect example.
How many illegal votes were cast? The other side says voter fraud doesn't exist and any attempt to make sure illegal votes aren't cast can only be to suppress votes from actual citizens.
Everybody knows that illegals voted heavily in California. Brown made it easy for them and encouraged them.
My wife's drivers license expired on her January birthday in the year when California allowed illegals to have drivers licenses.
She could not get an appointment to renew hers until April because the DMV was over run with illegals.
"Clinton lies (his and hers) are subtle, intended to be believed, and when they're found out, the defense is, Ah, but if you read it carefully enough you'll find that technically it wasn't a lie. Not my fault if you thought I was saying what I obviously seemed to be saying.."
I would question "subtle". The Clintons have been doing this before a national audience for 27 years now. Parsing (or excusing) their lies has formed a significant part of the political education of a generation.
Edit. Really GOOD, not God! at this, as Trump is. I am, by no means attempting to equate Trump with God. Geez that would be crazy.
tim in vermont: You weren't around during the '90s were you? Lefty Chris Hitches wrote a book about Bill Clinton called "No One Left to Lie To." You can probably get it through Althouse's portal.
'90s? This behavior is universal, and ancient.
buwaya: Politics traditionally was all about telling one thing to one group, and another to another.
This is one of the essential functions of the MSM, to maintain this compartmentalization. It is often broken, to the degree that alternate media coverage can do so, but the MSM has a near monopoly, still, on the actual creation of "news", so openess is not quite here.
Some pols have always managed to rise serenely above those compartmentalization guardrails, though. My last congressman could say one straightforward thing in response to one group, and a completely contradicting, but equally straightforward thing in response to another group, when both were in attendance together at a town hall, and if it were physically possible for him to have said these two different things simultaneously, instead of sequentially, with no filler or deflector but the brief instigating question from a member Group 2, he no doubt would have done so.
Impressive, really.
The difference, wwww, between the left and the right, and this is mostly true across cultures and epochs, is that the conservative mind is inclined to listen to the radicals, or, say, the right hears the left. The "right", consisting of an intellectual diversity, is accustomed to this.
A good starting point on the American conservative world view, and its fundamental diversity, is as always Russell Kirk. "The Conservative Mind" is essential. Oddly, not very popular in American academia.
This is because the left is much worse about hearing the right. Even when it gets the words it rarely engages with the meaning. It listens and disputes mostly with itself, which is why, I think, the left, anywhere, is so intensely prone to faction. It insists on a consensus world view and the battles are about details of the vision.
Hillary's cluelessness is only too apparent in her selection of clothing.
The lead comment from rhardin about the "complexifying" female approach better for neighborhood sized systems is an interesting one. (Not that I necessarily agree with it--see Thatcher, Margaret).
But it certainly fits Hillary. Was rhardin suggesting that Hillary could possibly win an election for dog catcher in a small town? Now that's a position she might be able to handle since she's been handling an old dog in Billy Jeff all these years.
The people who are gleeful in the hope she'll run again should keep in mind the glee with which her side anticipated facing Trump. The outcome is too unpredictable and the consequences are too dire to hope Clinton gets anywhere near power again.
The lead comment from rhardin about the "complexifying" female approach better for neighborhood sized systems is an interesting one. (Not that I necessarily agree with it--see Thatcher, Margaret).
But it certainly fits Hillary. Was rhardin suggesting that Hillary could possibly win an election for dog catcher in a small town? Now that's a position she might be able to handle since she's been handling an old dog in Billy Jeff all these years.
It's funny that our resident dullard $IngaKnew says no one on the left listens to Clinton, but she parrots much of Clinton's India talking points. Most liberals I come across DO believe what Clinton professed is true.
Mike said...
Inga said...
Trump isn’t a straight talker, he’s a plain talker.
Yes, it is plain speech. More like a guy at a bar conversing than a "politician" would be. I agree with this statement completely, Inga.
Guys in bars are usually among like-minded people. You know; there are cop bars, firefighter bars, gay bars, farmer bars, Cubs bars, Manchester United bars, Black Gangster Disciples bars, etc.
And so "guys in bars" don't usually have to answer hard questions. Presidents have to answer hard questions.
One of the interesting things I see in punditry today is that some of the conservatives who are the most anti-Trump are the people who have been on the front lines of arguing with liberals. Basically, the conservatives who get out of their own bars, and who go out into the public square to answer questions from their opponents and who ask questions in return. Those conservatives know that there are too many indefensible things with Trump; too many incoherent positions, too many incredible statements, and no great rhetoric or policy to attract them.
"Rory said...
The people who are gleeful in the hope she'll run again should keep in mind the glee with which her side anticipated facing Trump. The outcome is too unpredictable and the consequences are too dire to hope Clinton gets anywhere near power again."
I'm with you. She is a despicable piece of garbage.
Remember that in LeftWorld (that strange alternate reality* with its own Orwellian language), just as "fascist" can mean, incredibly, "anti-statist," "racism" is redefined as "whatever opposes the Hive's agenda." So in Hillary's mind (especially if it were altered by booze or drugs or both) her wildest ravings are probably not the usual "liberal" BS but the gospel truth.
*or mental illness.
As for the person of HRC - individuals are irrelevant.
Really, it is a grave fault to obsess about individuals.
It doesnt matter that person X said Y - Y is important, the person who said it is not, other than that persons relative position in the hierarchy. HRC matters because she was the chieftain of a very powerful faction that still exists. Her position is significant, not her person. She speaks for millions. The millions matter, not the human shell that is their mouthpiece.
Anything said by someone in a position of leadership is a window into the mode of thought of that persons faction.
My Ph.D. Dissertation for Conspiracy Theory is on Trump's use of a Hillary body double sent out to make terrible speeches everywhere while the real Hillary is locked away under guard. The backup Nancy Pelosi body double still needs some work. It stutters and freezes up during the best parts of the speech written by SNL writers.
"she is a despicable piece of garbage"
I dont think it matters. HRC was really a puppet of her faction. A very poor choice of representative, but unlikely to have imposed her personality on it. A figurehead, much as Obama was. A very poor quality figurehead, but thats all she was.
Boy, that Freder Frederson sure is a dumb ass.
Bush stole the erection in 2000, then killed a million people in Iraq. Trump stole the erection in 2016, and he may kill God knows how many before he's done. There is a theme here: Just like the Nazi party was outlawed in Germany after World War II, the Republican party must be outlawed for crimes against life on earth. Darth Cheney must be tried and executed before he dies of heart disease.
"Her position is significant,"
I disagree.
She has no official position aside from Grandmother.
She has former political positions, but as an individual she is far less relevant then someone like John Kerry. She has NO chance of being appointed to any future position.
Her lack of relevance will be obvious by 2020.
Her husband by comparison was on his own a genuine leader, who effectively created his own faction and gave it hs character, for better or worse. Much like Trump.
In August my wife and I will celebrate 38 years of marriage. It has been a very good 38 years together. I would lie, and so would my wife, about who I voted for if I thought doing so would preserve marital comity and harmony. Call it a 'white lie' if you like because telling this sort of truth about this subject when I know it would cause problems just isn't worth it.
The truth is I did not cast a vote for POTUS this time around. I live in MA, any vote other than for HRC here was irrelevant and a waste of time. I did tell my wife that. I think she voted for Bernie - or so she said.
How about statists, Trumpit? You think they should be tried for crimes against humanity?
Forget about persons, that is a delusion. Consider each of these politicians rather as the tip of an iceberg. Under a person like HRC, there are millions of powerful people who think as she does. She lets us know something of their nature.
The problem, of course, is that Bill Clinton stopped "pleasuring" Hillary several decades ago.
Understandably, this resulted in an angry, unsatisfied woman.
I am genuinely sympathetic to her plight. However, that doesn't mean I want her bossing me around from the Oval Office in a muu-muu.
Hillary is still getting a lot of press - and that’s not the rights fault.
Case in point her comment about Trumps daughter as President.
I’m surprised about how much she has been in the spotlight post election.
The Russian The Russians The Russians! It's always the Russians.
The leftwing hivemind believe. The Russians stole it from poor poor Hillary.
Like all leftists Hillary Clinton is mentally deficient.
There isn't an inch of daylight between Hillary Clinton and the Democrat Party and every single Democrat running for office from town council to mayor to school board to county commision to state representative to governor to Congress and the presidency. Scratch everyone of them and they will express the same beliefs and thoughts. Sure some of them run as moderate Republicans to get elected but once in office on any single issue of importance they vote their inner Hillary. The only possible exceptions are those half out of the closet Communists who vote ever further left. The Democrats think if they get a younger, more attractive and smoother messenger that will do the trick and sell the same message. Obama got elected twice so they may well pull it off.
Interesting Hillary and the Hilliaryites (and the progressives) are dumping on married woman as those woman voted ( according to them ) as per their husband's instructions. It doesn't occur to them that maybe those woman voted they way they did because they signed a joint tax return with their husbands.
Thar he blows! Moby Trumpit off the port bow.
Hey, Trumpit, why even have trials? Just execute the opposition!
Crooked Hillary will run for POTUS in 2020. She has nothing else to do. If she loses, then she'll run again in 2024.
Blogger Trumpit said...
Bush stole the erection in 2000, then killed a million people in Iraq. Trump stole the erection in 2016, and he may kill God knows how many before he's done. There is a theme here: Just like the Nazi party was outlawed in Germany after World War II, the Republican party must be outlawed for crimes against life on earth. Darth Cheney must be tried and executed before he dies of heart disease."
There used to be institutions for people like you. Perhaps there are still some available. Seek help immediately.
some of the conservatives who are the most anti-Trump are the people who have been on the front lines of arguing with liberals
What a load of crap. Bill Kristol, Jen Rubin and Bret Stephens (just to round up a few quickly) have a hard time being consistent, because they are often arguing lately against conservative ideas just because Trump has adopted them, like tax cuts, border security and the rule of law. How principled of these "true conservatives" to argue against their former selves. Why it's almost like the Democrat Party survey that now finds 53% of their voters saying a president's private life pre-Whitehouse should be a disqualifying factor now. Not when their guy was there, but NOW. NOW it MATTERS. Yeah right.
Yes, so principled, these LLR. Just like every other lifelong Republican who hates the fact our Party is led by Trump. So principled!
"Under a person like HRC, there are millions of powerful people who think as she does. She lets us know something of their nature."
I disagree. There were a lot of white women baby boomers who were enchanted with the "idea" of a first woman president. They identified with HC as a person. Her policy positions are of less relevance.
There were a lot of women, in the primaries, who voted for HC because they thought she would win. Now they want her to Go Away.
I know their reasoning for voting is difficult to understand, as she is obviously a horrid candidate. I sympathize with you difficulty in understanding. I also do not understand it. I can't explain it, except to say I think the baby boomer generation is odd.
I'm a "get on with it" sort of person, so I guess I'm never going to understand why people aren't moving forward in respect to HC. I think she has become part of the background zeitgeist noise for a bunch of baby boomers who have been paying close attention to her since the early 90s. For everything there is a season. Things change.
Her relative irrelevance will be obvious by 2020.
Id like to praise Inga.
Trump is a plain talker far more than a straight talker. That was a solid observation.
"Crooked Hillary will run for POTUS in 2020. She has nothing else to do. If she loses, then she'll run again in 2024."
Do you all not get she is 70 years old?
Really, even if the Boomers wanted her to run again the younger gens would vote her out.
Hillary Clinton is consistent in asserting that no one could have voted against her due to flaws in the candidate; therefore, it must be the voters who were flawed. All else follows from that.
"This couldn't have happened, yet it did. I was the perfect candidate, how could they not vote for me? Obviously there must be something wrong with them!" -- She who would be POTUS.
Imagine her condescension if she had won!!
I've never seen such a sore loser, and she continues to push the limit of sore-loser-hood.
Quite the contrary, they have agency and a conscience. They are women who do not share her Pro-Choice quasi-religion.
How did this blog become a collection of experts on HRC?
40 years of exposure to the evil conniving bitch.
Leftists I speak with refuse to believe anything negative about her. Yeah - they will agree that she's not likeable, but they refuse to acknowledge how bad the Private Server set up was.
One of the interesting things I see in punditry today is that some of the conservatives who are the most anti-Trump are the people who have been invited to all of the right cocktail parties.
Trumpits lets the inner brown shirt freak flag fly.
@Althouse, leaving out exaggeration for humorous impact and hyperbole, can you point to any major lies from Donald Trump? Perhaps when he sacks someone and says he wishes that person well in their future endeavors?
Now contrast him with his predecessor, who lied about nearly everything important (e.g., "if you like your health plan you can keep your health plan").
I do not speak of her voters as such. Most people vote tribally, as they identify their tribe. "Boomer women" may well be a tribe. But thats far even from the most relevant group here. There are many other tribes that backed her.
We have, besides them, these tribal voters, a great number of rational actors who backed her, a great number of powerful people who did and still do back her, or would back someone very compatible with her way of thinking. Behind HRC there was the entire elite caste in American life. HRC opens a window to these people especially.
You have to look at these things as a totality and a persistent though mutating system. Culture, economics, social class, grand strategy, as well as political structure and law. The big picture. HRC exists in all these dimensions.
damikesc: Id like to praise Inga.
Trump is a plain talker far more than a straight talker. That was a solid observation.
Second that.
And I'm glad that you dropped the "Hillary goes away" tag, given that she refuses to do so.
Whether or not Crooked Hillary gets the nomination is not relevant, because she will run. Once challenged, you'll see the blood splattering across the Democratic Plantation. She won't go quietly. Good luck to the lucky bastard/bitch who beats her in the primary. Don't forget, the Dems still have superdelegates. One of them is BJ Clinton.
Hillary Clinton "thinks that the Trump voting bloc is made up of racists and women who are too scared to indulge their conscience even when they’re in a voting booth alone.
This description is true of the overwhelming majority of the left, nor is it unique to Trump supporters. Even the so called moderates think racism is the motivation for most opposition. Their disagreements with the far left are not on this issue.
cubanbob is correct.
HRC is a window into the nature of her caste.
She has a talent for inadvertently letting out truths.
Yeah - they will agree that she's not likeable, but they refuse to acknowledge how bad the Private Server set up was.
Part of it is unthinking, irrational, crazy partisanship. Part of it are people who identify with her. They are generational cohorts, and they think they have stuff in common with her. They don't, but whatever, it's real to them.
I know people who are very pissed about it and her speeches. But they'd never say that in a partisan debate/situation. If they know you're for Trump it'll be a duel to the death defending her.
She's old news as soon as a new head-of-party appears in 2020. Nobody will want to hear from her, and you'll see how fast they throw her overboard if she gets in the way.
"AllenS said...
Crooked Hillary will run for POTUS in 2020. She has nothing else to do. If she loses, then she'll run again in 2024."
What's the difference between an African Pigmy and Hillary Clinton?
One's a cunning runt.
I think Hillary is positioning herself to run in 2020, and will not let anyone in the Dem party tell her she can't run.
She will conduct polling, and if she believes she has a shot to win, she will run.
If the polling shows she has no shot to win, she will decline and try to be the power broker.
The quest for power is strong in that one.
Clinton isn’t listened to seriously by anyone except the right.
Sure, the left's most recent Presidential candidate's views are completely irrelevant. Meanwhile non leftists are responsible for everything now dead Democrats said or did 60 years ago.
Remember if the left's support for Clinton was based on principle or rational judgement then Clinton wouldn't be irrelevant now.
Freder said ... "This has got to be one of the most ridiculous statements ever made on this blog."
It is not even in the top 20, Field Marshal.
On the other hand, you may have a few entries in the top 10.
I did not include Inga on that list because I consider her to be a dullard who just repeats what she has heard or read. At least you have original thoughts, foolish as some of them may be.
"You have to look at these things as a totality and a persistent though mutating system. Culture, economics, social class, grand strategy, as well as political structure and law."
I see the emotion and the messy where you see smooth system and grand strategy.
What is interesting to me is that Kamala Harris is just a younger version of Hillary and is just as charming.
Hillary was a leftist who married Bill to get somewhere politically as she was going nowhere on her own.
Harris is the same. A leftist who used Willie Brown to get her into California politics where she did not shine but she did manage to get Barbara Boxer's Senate seat by being a half black female in a state that had orgasms over Obama.
Harris in person, as in her Senate hearing performance, is nasty and rude and condescending to her betters.
If she is the best the DEemocrats can come up with, and she might be, 2020 will be fun.
Meanwhile, the "wheels are coming off" the leftwing lie machine.
" As the parallel investigations and diluvian leaking have unfolded, the anti-Trump Resistance has received a series of gradually suppurating mortal wounds. The Steele dossier was commissioned and paid for by the Clinton campaign; over a hundred FBI agents and Justice Department lawyers expected Hillary Clinton to be charged criminally, and President Trump was correct in saying conversations by his campaign officials had been tapped, a claim that was much ridiculed at the time. Deputy FBI director Andrew McCabe testified that the Steele dossier was essential to obtaining a FISA warrant on a junior Trump aide (Carter Page), and McCabe and former director James Comey’s rabidly partisan helper Peter Strzok, and his FBI girlfriend Lisa Page, texted suggestions for influencing the FISA judge in the case. The judge recused himself, voluntarily or otherwise, after granting the warrant. Mueller set up his “dream team” of entirely partisan Democrats; McCabe failed to identify to the Bureau his wife as a member and beneficiary of the Clinton entourage and political candidate in Virginia; and the fourth person in the Justice Department, Bruce Ohr, met with Steele, and Mrs. Ohr helped compose the Steele dossier.
The Justice Department inspector general, Michael Horowitz, whose report is expected imminently, showed the FBI director, Christopher Wray, findings about Andrew McCabe’s conduct that caused him to retire McCabe prematurely. The Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR), one of the few centers of unquestionably ethical and nonpartisan conduct in Washington, advised the attorney general to fire McCabe."
People voted for Trump because they were sick of so much immigration from Mexico/South America. If Hillary had said that she supported reduced immigration/increase enforcement she would have won. The personalities, although an endless focus here, were not that important.
There are no smooth systems, and a high level perspective has to allow for irrationality. Aggregated over a large number of people there is however sense in nonsense, and irrationality fits in a rational model.
They can’t stop flogging that dead horse, lol.
Meanwhile you keep flogging the imaginary horse of Russian collusion.
Let's see whom the Media and Tech billionaires bankroll. Follow the Money.
ARM gets it wrong again.
If Hillary had come out for more immigration enforecement/restrictions/The Wall, nobody would have believed her. Even you wouldn't have believed her.
It wouldn't have made a difference - in fact, if anything it would have hurt her because Latino groups would have protested her new stance and possibly voted in greater numbers for Jill Stein or someone else.
No, the folks who voted for Trump did so not only because of Hillary's stances and personality and health issues and baggage and lawbreaking and coverups, but also because they don't believe a goddamn thing she says about policy.
Most of the people saying she's irrelevant here still wish she were president. Most of them would vote for her again if the election were re-done today. If Trump were impeached and there were a movement to put Hillary in place of Pence, they would be here telling us it's the only moral thing to do because she won the popular vote.
So please stop telling us how irrelevant you think she is.
If Hillary had said that she supported reduced immigration/increase enforcement she would have won.
As if she hadn't enough spurious reasons why she lost.
The Russians and Trump stole the election from its rightful owner. I heard it on the MSM and the comedy shows.
Blogger Freder Frederson said..."I'm not a Trump fan, but he's at least a straight talker — even when lying!"
This has got to be one of the most ridiculous statements ever made on this blog.
Actually, it's one of the most accurate, insightful and concise descriptions of the gestalt of Trump. I would make one slight change "*especially*" when lying. It is an oxymoron, however, that is precisely what makes it so accurate.
It helps to understand concepts like this if you have at least a conceptual working knowledge of modern physics. A good start is Quantum Electro Dynamics by Richard Feynman
Democrats just can't stay out of the spotlight.
GHWB, GWB, McCain, Romney, all walked away and let the next guy do the job.
Bill Clinton, Al Gore, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, can't get rid of any of them.
Blogger Kyzernick said...
If Hillary had come out for more immigration enforecement/restrictions/The Wall, nobody would have believed her. Even you wouldn't have believed her.
I didn't believe Trump either. Skepticism that has been fully justified by actual results. But, Hillary only had to turn a few voters, not necessarily the most skeptical ones. She could have made it all about jobs for the poor and improved her performance among blacks and hispanics or at least stayed constant while not losing so many union members.
People voted for Trump because they were sick of so much immigration from Mexico/South America.
True. That was a major factor.
The other major factor was blue collar job loss in the manufacturing sector. That's what brought home Ohio, Penn & Mich.
The final "minor" factor was general distaste for Hillary, stemming from her private e-mail server issues.
If Hillary had said that she supported reduced immigration/increase enforcement she would have won. The personalities, although an endless focus here, were not that important.
Hillary would have won had she just avoided breaking federal laws and regulations. But her arrogance, corruption and incompetence prevented her from doing so. That informed voters everything they needed to know about her personality. That has everything to do with why she lost.
Bay Area Guy said...
The other major factor was blue collar job loss in the manufacturing sector.
I agree, although Trump was also a less than ideal messenger on this issue. Clinton could have fought him to a draw on this if she had any skill as a politician.
The one point that hasn't been brought up about her comments is that she damn near lost the nomination to Bernie Sanders.
Losing to Obama can at least be understood as racist politics, and the idea of electing a "clean" (Biden's word) African-American (well, half-black) president was more important than electing Hillary.
But it appears that the memory hole has swallowed the fact she had to be dragged to the nomination against a wealthy socialist / commie. Now that that half of the party has been silenced, she's free to blame who she perceives as her inferiors for her loss.
I don't know if this is what our host meant, but when Trump lies, he tells entertaining, unconcealed obvious whoppers. Clinton lies (his and hers) are subtle, intended to be believed, and when they're found out, the defense is, Ah, but if you read it carefully enough you'll find that technically it wasn't a lie.
I don't think this is quite right. Clinton's lies aren't subtle she just inverts the burden of proof. Dems/left wingers seem to accept this from within the tribe. Bill famously explained "it depends on the meaning of is" and that an increase in a budget is a cut in politico-speak. Obama claimed Obamacare would save the "typical" family 2,500 / year. In all these cases the defense was "you can't prove this is wrong". It's the culture. If she were a good enough politician to get elected we wouldn't even be discussing it just like we don't primarily remember Obama as a liar. Even Bill we remember as a liar only in the one specific context.
Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
"People voted for Trump because they were sick of so much immigration from Mexico/South America."
you forgot 'illegal'. Illegal immigration from Mexico/South America. I know that's what you meant but it helps your argument to be clear.
Hillary never had to really sweat for anything she got and her campaign showed that.
Regarding Trump and immigration it's always worthwhile reading Coulter. She is right about what got him elected and also right about how little has been done to address his primary issue.
Hillary is still yammering on about the Russians. Funny - so is the entire leftwing machine - headed by Mueller.
Dickin'Bimbos@Home said...
Meanwhile, the "wheels are coming off" the leftwing lie machine.
Conrad Black has had a series of excellent pieces in NR and this is one of the best.
He knows Trump personally, as do many of the conservatives who support him.
The most virulent NeverTrumpers don't know him and are going on illusions of propriety and other weak nonsense.
Rich Lowry began the decline of NRO with the firing of Derbyshire and the abandonment of Mark Steyn.
Their hysterical rejection of Trump was just another in a series of steps in decline.
Imagine having to adore the daily blather of President Hillary Clinton. And then imagine having enough memory to try to align it with other, recent blather.
Racists and women makes a good group, though.
“In all the analysis I've seen of why Hillary says the stupid things she says, nobody ever suggests the most plausible and obvious explanation - she's just not very intelligent. Even the people who hate her seem to credit her with way more intelligence than is apparent to objective observation of her speaking, writing, or actions. She may be as hateful and evil as her detractors think, but the hateful and evil things she says are, above all else, embarrassingly stupid. ”
Stupid and completely lacking in self awareness. I haven’t seriously considered her to be above average in IQ, since I found out that she failed the DC bar, at a time when it was one of the easiest in the country (maybe harder than Arkansas though, where she ultimately did get licensed). Most graduates of decently ranked ABA accredited law schools pass their state bar exam, and Yale tends to be #1 or #2, which probably means that she may have been the only member of her class to fail the bar. Maybe I am cynical, but after passing the CO bar based on my MBE scores alone, I looked around to see which states I could qualify for admission to their bar, without taking their bar exam, and DC was at the top oft the list, with an MBE requirement > 20 points lower than for CO. Seriously considered it, given that I was aiming at patent law, but decided not to, and was happy at that long run, since it was enough of a pain keeping up with the bars that I did belong to.
"Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
Bay Area Guy said...
The other major factor was blue collar job loss in the manufacturing sector.
I agree, although Trump was also a less than ideal messenger on this issue. Clinton could have fought him to a draw on this if she had any skill as a politician."
Really? How? She was for NAFTA and TPP.
The Justice Department inspector general, Michael Horowitz, whose report is expected imminently
This has been expected in a day or two from weeks or months.
JPS said...
My favorite actually was "don't want to see that Indian-American succeeding more than you are." She is really subtle.
3/21/18, 10:13 AM
Yeah, I was really, really pissed off when Bobby Jindal was elected governor of Louisiana (by all those racist rednecks) and Trump appointed Nikki Haley to the UN post. Of course, Haley is a white Indian so that didn't piss me off as much. But really, don't those people know they should all be working at convenience stores like Joe Biden said?
My favorite actually was "don't want to see that Indian-American succeeding more than you are."
Nikki Haley says hi.
Mind meld with exiledonmainstreet.
Exiled -- the MSM-Democrat party meme is that the Russians and Trump stole the election from poor Hillary and we are all a pack of racists. Stop pointing out inconvenient truths regarding minorities who are not on the corruptocrat plantation. They are all uncle Toms.
"MadisonMan said...
The Justice Department inspector general, Michael Horowitz, whose report is expected imminently
This has been expected in a day or two from weeks or months."
He probably has asked to be put in the witness protection program. Doesn't want to be Seth Riched.
"Hillary Clinton's approach to communication is so annoying."
Almost every statement she makes is, to some extent, a calculated lie, even when the truth would serve her better.
Take for example the story of the broken wrist. She fell heavily on the steps in India and came down hard on her right wrist. In an amazing coincidence, according to her version, she fell again in her hotel bathtub the same day and fractured that same wrist.
Possible, yes, but almost certainly a lie. Why? Falling in public demonstrated weakness. An injury associated with the fall emphasized the weakness. So she concocted a lie which put the occurrence of the injury out of sight in an attempt to minimize the perception of weakness created by the fall.
That may seem like a lot of trouble to go to to avoid the minor damage to her reputation a public fall and injury would cause, but if you are a congenital liar, it's simply your nature. It's as natural as stinging the frog.
@Bill P @12:22
Good point.
The Sanders the Trusty Old Socialist phenomenon was flushed down the memory hole and replaced with "The Russians stole the election and gave it to Trump. Trump is Poots Puppet!"
Proof came out yesterday when Trump congratulated poot on his win. Obama did so too, in 2012, but it's always OK when a D does it.
Kat Timpf.... I like watching her on TV.
Inga said...
They can’t stop flogging that dead horse, lol.
3/21/18, 10:27 AM
That's because the horse isn't dead. She keeps getting up and neighing. And the horse is told by plenty of fawning Democrats that she's a lovely young filly who can easily run again, rather than a broken down old nag who's past due for the political glue factory.
Imagine having to follow the daily blather of President Hillary Clinton.
I've wondered this for years, especially during the years of people paying $50,000-$250,000 to have her come and talk. I always wondered- who would PAY to listen to that?
"So please stop telling us how irrelevant you think she is."
Look, I am not trying to persuade you, and I've gotta right to be interested in this subject. I have a right to believe she is irrelevant.
I find it very strange that people think she's still relevant. I appreciate hearing Why That Is from people, because I Don't Get It. She's 70 years old. She had two swings at the bat. 90s are old, old news. She brought scandal and drama with the e-mails. She's unlikeable. She's out of political power and has no constituency. In 15 years she'll likely be dead. So, I don't think she's relevant.
If you are bored or irritated by my posts, there is a Great Solution. Ignore my posts.
"Rich Lowry began the decline of NRO with the firing of Derbyshire and the abandonment of Mark Steyn."
True. Two of the most interesting people in American journalism.
Another is Sailer. What he doesn't know about Los Angeles isn't worth knowing.
Taki's page has more interesting and wide-ranging people in it than any US newspaper.
Its not she, its they. You look at a person, and assume its a person. But what you should be seeing is a system.
"I always wondered- who would PAY to listen to that?"
Because they don't, and in fact I think in many cases they didn't even bother to hold the function. It was just a way of making political contributions. Just as is done with publishers advances.
Timpf on Hillary Clinton: "She’s made that clear, and honestly, what bothers me the most is the fact that she shrinks away from just saying so. Anyone who’s paying even the slightest bit of attention realizes that we’re talking about a consistent perspective, not a gaffe — and I’d appreciate it if she didn’t insult my intelligence by saying that I just 'misinterpreted' what absolutely could not be interpreted any other way."
Chuck, on Donald Trump: "He's made it clear, and honestly, what bothers me the most is the fact that Trump shrinks away from just saying that there are 'shithole countries.' Anyone who's paying the slightest bit of attention realizes that we're talking about an intended comment, and not some euphemistic 'tough language.' And I'd appreciate it if Trump didn't insult everyone's intelligence by denying that he said it, or by otherwise suggesting that the phrase was being misinterpreted. Especially not, when so many in TrumpWorld are claiming that the phrase was intended 'straight talk' about a subject that needed a blunt and realistic assessment. Indeed, sources indicated to reporters that Trump was please with how the story was being received within the Trump base. That essentially 'shithole countries' was something that needed to be said."
People voted for Trump because they were sick of so much immigration from Mexico/South America. If Hillary had said that she supported reduced immigration/increase enforcement she would have won.
I agree, although Trump was also a less than ideal messenger on this issue. Clinton could have fought him to a draw on this if she had any skill as a politician."
The "if my grandmother had balls she'd be my grandfather" school of political commentary.
"My parents used to joke that their votes "cancelled each other out.""
Now days, we don't have to get married to accomplish that, we can just import it via illegal immigration.
Bobby Jindal didn't count because he was brought up Christian, and was a conservative Republican.
It doesn't matter. It is all propaganda, and all done for effect. You cannot reason with a machine.
"political glue factory" - hahahaha
Where I stopped reading:
Chuck, on Donald Trump
Of course, that should be Chuck's blogger name, since that is all he can write about.
"Clinton could have fought him to a draw on this if she had any skill as a politician."
HR Clinton was and is a representative sample of her caste, which funded her campaign and staffed it with experts, and could not go there.
Her husband, who was much more prominent in 2008, could have, and probably would have in 2016, but he was not truly a representative of his caste.
These things are not simply questions of political practice, or tactics.
"Angle-Dyne, Angelic Buzzard said...
In all the analysis I've seen of why Hillary says the stupid things she says, nobody ever suggests the most plausible and obvious explanation - she's just not very intelligent."
She tweeted "Happy Birthday to this future president" with a photo of herself at 12. How dumb is that? She's not #IngaKnew stupid, but close. Other than marrying a future POTUS, what success has she had?
"Its not she, its they. You look at a person, and assume its a person. But what you should be seeing is a system."
I think they are reacting with emotion to their image of a person -- on the right and the left.
All of the emotion in the responses. They are not dispassionately strategizing about a system. That is a reaction to a particular personality.
I see no one wants to address Coulter's complaint's about Trump. Probably a wise decision.
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