২১ মার্চ, ২০১৮

Hillary Clinton "thinks that the Trump voting bloc is made up of racists and women who are too scared to indulge their conscience even when they’re in a voting booth alone."

"She’s made that clear, and honestly, what bothers me the most is the fact that she shrinks away from just saying so. Anyone who’s paying even the slightest bit of attention realizes that we’re talking about a consistent perspective, not a gaffe — and I’d appreciate it if she didn’t insult my intelligence by saying that I just 'misinterpreted' what absolutely could not be interpreted any other way."

Writes Katherine Timpf at National Review.

Hillary Clinton's approach to communication is so annoying. I'm not a Trump fan, but he's at least a straight talker — even when lying! It works for his fans and his antagonists. He's energizing. She, on the other hand, is such a pain. Imagine having to follow the daily blather of President Hillary Clinton.

২৭৬টি মন্তব্য:

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন   ‹পুরাতন   276 এর 201 – থেকে 276
Rick বলেছেন...

I find it very strange that people think she's still relevant. I appreciate hearing Why That Is from people, because I Don't Get It. She's 70 years old. She had two swings at the bat. 90s are old, old news. She brought scandal and drama with the e-mails. She's unlikeable. She's out of political power and has no constituency. In 15 years she'll likely be dead. So, I don't think she's relevant.

What difference does it make that she personally won't be holding office? Roughly 60 million people voted for her, are they all going to be dead by the next election? Are the institutions which supported her going to be disbanded?

Bay Area Guy বলেছেন...

The penultimate question posed to Hillary is this:

You're rich, you're educated, you're powerful, you won election to the Senate, you were Secretary of State; so why didn't you divorce your husband who repeatedly cheated on you for 40 years?

There's only 1 honest answer:

"Because I made a Devil's bargain with him. I accepted his deeply humiliating affairs, and agreed not to divorce him, if he agreed to exercise his power, fame and influence to help me become President. It almost worked."

tcrosse বলেছেন...

So, I don't think she's relevant.

Pay no attention to that old drunk behind the curtain.

Curious George বলেছেন...

"Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
I see no one wants to address Coulter's complaint's about Trump. Probably a wise decision."

You mean the ones she had 2-1/2 months ago?

Weak shit even for you ARM.

So you don't want to answer my question at 12:39? Probably a wise decision.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...

Curious George said...
So you don't want to answer my question at 12:39?

It wasn't a very good question. It was factually inaccurate, she came out against TPP, and politically naive. As someone else pointed out her husband could have, and would, have made it work.

wwww বলেছেন...

"What difference does it make that she personally won't be holding office?"

Because she can not exercise much influence or power from her current position. She is not in charge of a major company. She is not very active. She's on a book tour to make $$ for herself. Like much of her life when she was out of office, it's concentrated on accumulating her own personal wealth.

"Roughly 60 million people voted for her, are they all going to be dead by the next election?"

Millions and Millions of people in the USA exercised their right and duties of citizenship by voting. But they had only TWO choices, aside from throwing their votes away. The overwhelming and great majority of people DISLIKED both choices.

Why did she win the primary? That's a different question, and goes to older Democrat women boomer identity issues. And a bunch of people who thought she was a good candidate. She ran a campaign against Obama that got a lot of publicity, and Ds are stupid about politics. So they thought she would win.

"Are the institutions which supported her going to be disbanded?"

Institutions aren't people. People decide who is likely to win in politics. They don't back losers because it's a waste of time and money.

I don't know why this isn't obvious but we're on the cusp of a huge generational change in politics. She's too old to run. If, for some odd reason she did run, she'd never win the nomination.

Also, Dems are desperate to win. After they loose, their left wing becomes less purist in their politics. They compromise more after loosing. They'd nominate Conor Lamb before Hillary.

Win Dems win, the left wing breaks off and votes 3rd party or Nader or Bernie or whoever. After they get tired of loosing, they get willing to compromise and vote for moderate Ds.

In the up run to 2020, the main thing voters are going to ask, is "How good is this politician at winning?" I'm guessing a white, moderate, male will win the nom. Maybe a vet or a prosecutor.

AllenS বলেছেন...

wwww said...
She [Crooked Hillary] is not very active.

Well, she slipped twice on some stairs, then later she slipped again in a bath tub and broke her wrist, you can't get much more active than that.

Drago বলেছেন...

James K: "Of course, that should be Chuck's blogger name, since that is all he can write about."


LLR Chuck is quite skilled at defending democrats and obfuscating for lefties.

That should not be overlooked.

Nonapod বলেছেন...

Hillary Clinton is most certainly still relevant, whether people like it or not.

For one thing, she represents a general viewpoint that is held by a sizable number of people. As people up-thread have pointed out, she's a view into the current mindset of many democrats. And of course she refuses to bow out quietly. It's probably true that she might not have the *approval* of a majority of Democrats to run for president yet again (but even that isn't known for sure yet). But even if that's so it's only because she's been shown to be a loser, not because there's a significant difference of political opinion or ideology between her and many democrats. Sure, there's many new far more socialist leaning younger Democrats who may not agree with her, but the more mainstream Democrats probably still hold most of her viewpoints as standard I imagine.

Curious George বলেছেন...

"Blogger Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
Curious George said...
So you don't want to answer my question at 12:39?

It wasn't a very good question. It was factually inaccurate, she came out against TPP, and politically naive. As someone else pointed out her husband could have, and would, have made it work."

So you still haven't answered the question, and your rebuttal of my statement is crap. She called TPP "the gold standard." And you ignored her approval of NAFTA.

the 4chan Guy who reads Althouse বলেছেন...

I quickly wrote the following line:

Show us on the Vodka Bottle where Hillary touched you.

Which I initially found mildly amusing.

And mildly amusing is what I now typically provide on Althouse.

The more extreme, really funny stuff is on my blog in the Dark Web.

From Wiki, on 'Dark Web':

"The dark web is the World Wide Web content that exists on darknets, overlay networks that use the Internet but require specific software, configurations or authorization to access….

"The darknet is also used for illegal activity such as illegal trade, forums, and media exchange for pedophiles and terrorists….

"A December 2014 study by Gareth Owen from the University of Portsmouth found that the most commonly hosted type of content on Tor was child pornography, followed by black markets, while the individual sites with the highest traffic were dedicated to botnet operations (see attached metric).[27] Many whistleblowing sites maintain a presence[28] as well as political discussion forums.[29] …

"There are reports of crowdfunded assassinations and hitmen for hire,[43][54] however, these are believed to be exclusively scams...

There is an urban legend that one can find live murder on the dark web. The term "Red Room" has been coined based on the Japanese animation and urban legend of the same name. However, the evidence points toward all reported instances being hoaxes…"

So: that is what the Dark Web is, to explain my digression. And that is where I post the more extreme, really funny stuff. You know: the stuff that upsets the sensibilities of the typical 4chan aficionado.

Anyway: as I was saying, I quickly wrote the following line:

Show us on the Vodka Bottle where Hillary touched you.

Which I initially found mildly amusing.

Because the format is pretty good for almost any subject:

'Show us on the ______ where ______ touched you."

You get the innuendo of orifices, and combining 'Hillary' and 'Vodka Bottle' is usually good for a smile.

And maybe she isn't even touching an orifice.

For instance: perhaps Hillary is touching the Vodka Bottle on its Taint.

From Wiki:

"The perineum is the space between the anus and scrotum in the male and between the anus and the vulva in the female….There are a number of American slang terms commonly used for this area of the human body, such as "taint.""

In case you didn't know.

But where would the taint be on a vodka bottle? Between the opening on the neck, and the…?

So I kinda stopped there.

But Hillary touching a taint made me think of Huma Adebin. Obviously.


Show us on Huma where Hillary touched you.

But now I'm missing the Vodka Bottle.

So I found a way to put it all together: Hillary, Huma, and the Vodka Bottle.

Which made me happy. And I thought it was more than mildly amusing.

Because mildly amusing is what I now typically provide on Althouse.

In fact, what I came up with might even upset the sensibilities of the typical 4chan aficionado.

So I posted it on my blog on the Dark Web.

Perhaps you might find it.

But watch out for the pedophiles and terrorists.

At least the pedophiles and terrorists who don't already comment on Althouse.

The Germans have a word for this.

Fernandinande বলেছেন...

anagram("Katherine Timpf")
Inept Fake Mirth
Hip Freak Mitten
Pink Father Time

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent বলেছেন...

"Like much of her life when she was out of office, it's concentrated on accumulating her own personal wealth."

To say nothing of when she was in office.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi বলেছেন...

The Justice Department inspector general, Michael Horowitz, whose report is expected imminently

Does anyone really think he's going to come down hard on his fellow Bureaucrats? I'm guessing there will be a couple wrist slaps and stern words for some lower level folks but that will be it. It's all about walking that fine line to preserve deep state entitlement while projecting an image of integrity for the rubes.

I assume the delays are necessary for ensuring anyone of importance isn't implicated in wrongdoing. The loss of invitations to the cool kids parties would be devastating for all involved.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent বলেছেন...

"At least the pedophiles and terrorists who don't already comment on Althouse.

The Germans have a word for this"

Die Linke?

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

“I find it very strange that people think she's still relevant.”

They need her to be relevant. If she was irrelevant they wouldn’t have nearly as much fun with flogging her. She’s a dead horse, no matter how much whinnying they think they’re hearing from her. The left isn’t interested, why is the right still so fixated on her?

Clinton Derangement Syndrome

tcrosse বলেছেন...

Hillary couldn't put the cap back on the vodka bottle without cross-threading it.

It isn't easy being the Anti-Christ.

Drago বলেছেন...

Inga: "The left isn’t interested, why is the right still so fixated on her?"

The left takes time out from promoting every single thing Hillary does and says and believes as well as hyping Hillary's non-stop book tours and television appearances and giving her continuous standing ovations in public and praising her non-stop everywhere she goes in public to complain about others noticing that they are doing that.


Rick বলেছেন...

Because she can not exercise much influence or power from her current position.

Not relevant. She's an example of the rot, not it's source.

The overwhelming and great majority of people DISLIKED both choices.

Hillary Clinton has been in politics for decades. Her supporters had many other choices over that time and they chose to give her effectively complete control over the Democratic Party. The people making that choice include many people who claim to have disapproved so that alleged disapproval cannot be considered a fact. This is despite the fact that your initial comment is not true. There's a much larger group than usual who dislike both candidates but it was not the "great majority".

Institutions aren't people.

Institutions are more important than people, not less. That's how a group of 10-15% of the population can control the public debate and policy in America.

People decide who is likely to win in politics.

People decide from among choices severely limited by institutions. Hillary Clinton's support was always institutional, never retail. Yet twice she had the primary field cleared for her.

I don't know why this isn't obvious but we're on the cusp of a huge generational change in politics

We're on the cusp of changing figureheads. All the circumstances which push the left agenda will exert themselves on the next group also. Likely even more so than they did with the older generation since the new have even less experience outside that universe.

You probably think Obama is quite different from Hillary (and in some ways he is). But when he was President we got the same health plan we would have gotten with Hillary and the same Title IX witchhunts. That's largely because the staff, resources, and echo chamber for any Dem president is the same group.

Howard বলেছেন...

The right is fixated on Hillary because she is the best posterchild for Republicans to retain congress in 2018.

Drago বলেছেন...

Inga appears unable to accept the reality that the dems ceded the entire party to Hillary and the Clinton clan.

Sorry charlie. Hillary says don't be an "indian giver" (Requisite Tomahawk Warren sub-reference)

Drago বলেছেন...

Howard: "The right is fixated on Hillary because she is the best posterchild for Republicans to retain congress in 2018"

Ixnay trategysay alktay....

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

“The right is fixated on Hillary because she is the best posterchild for Republicans to retain congress in 2018.”

Good. Then let them keep fixating on her, while we on the left are busy getting our candidates winning elections. Maybe it’s a Machiavellian plan to keep them distracted.

LA_Bob বলেছেন...

The penultimate question posed to Hillary is this:

You're rich, you're educated, you're powerful, you won election to the Senate, you were Secretary of State; so why didn't you divorce your husband who repeatedly cheated on you for 40 years?

There's only 1 honest answer:

"Because I made a Devil's bargain with him. I accepted his deeply humiliating affairs, and agreed not to divorce him, if he agreed to exercise his power, fame and influence to help me become President. It almost worked."

Great comment and suggested question and answer. I wish one of HC's supporters would actually ask her this in a public forum.

Drago বলেছেন...

Inga: "Maybe it’s a Machiavellian plan to keep them distracted."

Of course it is.

In the same way Hillary was being Machiavellian by visiting Arizona but purposely skipping Wisconsin.

Very very clever strategy by the most qualified candidate in the history of our republic to run for President.

Not Washington. Not Jefferson, or Adams, etc.


Drago বলেছেন...

Can you blame Hillary for not wanting to give the party back to the dem rank and file.

After all, those rank and file dems are such docile little voice-actuated urchins you can't really blame Hillary for thinking that when push comes to shove all those little apparatchiks will fall right back into line.

As they've always done in the past....

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...


LOL, it’s all good. Keep yourselves distracted.

Bilwick বলেছেন...

"I see no one wants to address Coulter's complaint's about Trump. Probably a wise decision."

Doesn't interest me in the slightest, because I know that with you State-f*ckers, the target isn't, ultimately, Trump, but me--not me personally but me and anyone who wants to live free. You just want to get rid of Trump so you can put some other State-f*cker in power and continue the "good" work of completely shredding the Constitution, disarming the citizenry, and looting us six ways from Sunday.

n.n বলেছেন...


Bill বলেছেন...

Hillary: banality after banality delivered in the voice of a fishwife.

Howard বলেছেন...

I disagree Inga. Hillary, the fallen angel, wishes to destroy that which she cannot have. The real problem with distraction is the democratic party mainstream media and national political pundits going nuts every single day over every single insignificant the purpose-built nugget of chaos and insanity created by Trump. I don't feel so serene. The Dems barely beat a child molester in Alabama and Jabba the Hut against a very conservative handsome young Marine in Pennsylvania.

Michael বলেছেন...

Those of us lucky enough to be around smart people almost all of the time often fall victim to the idea that someone in our economic class or with the right degrees is also smart. It is often, maybe frequently, the case that they are not.

Drago বলেছেন...

It was the conservatives who forced the Grammy's to give hillary a speaking slot.

Those darn sneaky conservatives! How do they keep fooling those lefties into keeping Hillary front and center?

They must be getting Putin's support! And Facebook's! And the Macedonian troll farms!

There can be no other explanation...other than some chicks being told what to do by their husbands/boyfriends/sons.

exhelodrvr1 বলেছেন...

Hillary is still relevant because the controversies instigated by her losing the campaign, and the illegalities of the Clintons, have still not been resolved/addressed.

And the context of letting "them" get away with it is a significant danger to the future of our nation.

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

Why is Crooked Hillary still relevant? Partly, I think, because she hasn’t yet given up on her inevitable coronation as President. Rationally, she shouldn’t have a chance in 2020 - but I suspect that anyone else running for the Dem nomination will have to go through her. Which, of course, is stupid. But, she has never put her party, or probably anyone without the last names of Clinton or Rhodam, before her personal ambitions. Her purpose is not to serve the Dem party, or even the American public, but just the opposite, them to serve her, as we saw in 2016 with her hacking the Dem nomination, making sure, by any means, fair or foul that she beat Sanders for the nomination.

Jim at বলেছেন...

If Hillary had said that she supported reduced immigration/increase enforcement she would have won.

And if a frog had wings, it'd be a bird.

People like you still don't understand how many of us voted for anybody but Hillary Clinton. And that includes Bernie Sanders voters who voted third party or sat out the general.

Rick বলেছেন...

Jim at said...
[If Hillary had said that she supported reduced immigration/increase enforcement she would have won. ]

And if a frog had wings, it'd be a bird.


Nobody believed her when she professed to oppose a judicially mandated redefinition of marriage and she later admitted everyone was right. But somehow voters were actually going to believe she opposes massive increases to immigration? Absurd.

One of the reasons the left fails (and annoys everyone in the process) is they they apply debate semantics to reality. In a debate we can all understand you're lying but as long as you don't slip up and admit it doesn't count against you. But when you try this on people they both reject it and conclude you're an idiot. Most kids get past this by about fifth grade so it's pretty jarring Democrats use it when running for office.

Bay Area Guy বলেছেন...

Hillary is still relevant, because if she doesn't quite have the power to become Prez, she still would like to be power broker.

The Gal has power. That's why we mock her. We don't want her to rise from the political dead, like Freddy Kruger or Jason.

gadfly বলেছেন...

The definition of "straight talker" is: A person who speaks simply and honestly.

Ann tells us: I'm not a Trump fan, but he's at least a straight talker — even when lying!

That contradiction in terms doesn't work for me and Donald Trump is annoying at best and further - he is never, never, never energizing. Maniacs are simply unreliable for the purpose of helping us engage reality.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...

Jim at said...
And if a frog had wings,

This is naive. The thing good politicians are good at is convincing people that they believe what the punters believe and changing what they say to make sure that this happens. Trump is very good at this. He is a libertine NY liberal, yet he convinced evangelicals that he was their man. Hillary was terrible at this same task, but her husband would have had no problem throwing immigrants under the bus along with NAFTA, if necessary.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...

What about Coulter? She's a true believer. Isn't it of some interest to know what the true believers say?

Michelle Dulak Thomson বলেছেন...


I'd appreciate if she didn't insult my intelligence by saying that I can't think for myself, by virtue of having a vagina and a wedding ring. (BTW, I did not vote for Trump or Clinton, and I did not vote for the same person my husband did, and he certainly would never have expected that I should have to.)

Indeed. I also didn't vote for HRC or Trump, and I'm as near as certain that my husband voted differently from me. But I haven't asked him, as he wouldn't ask me. Hillary evidently hails from some other part of the country, where husbands just naturally fill out their wives' ballots and slip them in the mail. (But I'm confused -- Is HRC from Arkansas, or NY, or what? And it's only in OR that we literally do vote by mail.)

But this is the most insulting part of HRC's speech to me, much more so than her patronizing business about how the "dynamic, optimistic" parts of the country putting out 2/3 of the GDP all voted for her. She has the gall to say that a man in my life tells me how to vote, and I obey. And it isn't just husbands; she says fathers and sons as well. All of this is by way of explaining how The First White Female President was rejected by 53% of actual white females. Maybe we had other things on our minds than white-femaleness? Hmm?

নামহীন বলেছেন...

BCARM: It was [a] factually inaccurate [representation of her actual position, the way] she came out against TPP...


tcrosse বলেছেন...

Hillary may not be relevant to some Nobody in the Middle West, but she still counts to the Big Money in Media and Tech. Try criticizing her on Twitter and see what you get.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

BCARM: What about Coulter? She's a true believer. Isn't it of some interest to know what the true believers say?

Well, if you think what she said is interesting, why don't you discuss it yourself? I don't follow Professional Conservative Columnists, myself, and don't know who else here does, either. But you're very keen and up-to-date on them, so why do you keep asking everyone else to comment when you're the obvious go-to guy on the subject?

Gahrie বলেছেন...

That's at least a half dozen attempts by ARM to drag this thread off topic....

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

The candidate who will beat Clair McCatKill(D) is already using Hillary and her words in a campaign ad.

More please.

Keep talking Nancy and Hillary!

নামহীন বলেছেন...

BCARM to Jim at:

"And if a frog had wings,"

This is naive.The thing good politicians are good at is convincing people that they believe what the punters believe and changing what they say to make sure that this happens.

Wut? You really don't have any idea what the "if frog had wings" line means, do you?

Trump is very good at this. He is a libertine NY liberal, yet he convinced evangelicals that he was their man.

He did convince them he was their man, but not by convincing them he wasn't a New York libertine. (Evangelicals have been naïve and a little slow on the political uptake over the last few decades, but they're not that naïve.)

Hillary was terrible at this same task...

Yeah, duh. That's where the "if a frog had wings" line comes in when you keep rabbiting on about how "Hillary could have done this and Hillary could have done that *if* Hillary wasn't Hillary."

n.n বলেছেন...

Clinton, a rabid diversitist, and Pro-Choice acolyte, projects. Even her husband was a lesser mongrel, albeit socially liberal.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...

Gahrie said...
That's at least a half dozen attempts by ARM to drag this thread off topic....

The topic was the regularly scheduled two minutes of hate. I think Coulter's thoughts on Trump and immigration are a more fertile topic for something a little less dull and routine.

Michael বলেছেন...

Tell us more about Coulter. LOL
And thanks again for being the topic monitor. Or, as some less charitable might say, GYOFB.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...

Angle-Dyne, Angelic Buzzard said...
You really don't have any idea what the "if frog had wings" line means, do you?

Not sure your point here since I was arguing that this was a naive understanding of Hillary. I think Hillary is quite good at dissembling. As Ritmo points out regularly, she was a Goldwater girl. Her instincts are less liberal than Chuck's.

Gahrie বলেছেন...

The topic was the regularly scheduled two minutes of hate. I think Coulter's thoughts on Trump and immigration are a more fertile topic for something a little less dull and routine.

Then start your own blog and discuss it there, or wait for a café post.

Drago বলেছেন...

The Poor Man's LLR Chuck: "That contradiction in terms doesn't work for me..."


Trumps election doesnt work for you.

I imagine you arent too pleased about gravity.

And the constituent elements of our atmosphere no doubt put you off as well.

But there we are....

Drago বলেছেন...

When a couple of comnenters like LLR Chuck and ARM self-designate as Topic Quality Control Monitors, I really think they should wear the appropriate armbands and perhaps force blog posters to present Conversational Hall Passes in order to facilitate The Conversations We Really Really Should Be Having.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...

Don't you guys ever get sick of the two minutes of hate? Do you really not find it boring?

Trump is interesting because he is currently our president. If he wasn't president he would just be another John, and no one would really care.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

I'm not a Trump fan, but he's at least a straight talker — even when lying!

The only way a statement like this makes any sense is if the person making it is accustomed to lying in the same manner that Trump does.

A lie is a lie. There is no shortage of people in the world who believe that their own lies and those of whom they agree with are uniquely justified and decent. But they are deluding themselves. There is no greater good that Trump's lies serve when the great majority of the public detest and do not trust the man already.

Gospace বলেছেন...

Howard said...
The right is fixated on Hillary because she is the best posterchild for Republicans to retain congress in 2018.

You misspelled Nancy Pelosi.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

The Mueller investigation is all Deep State Hillary revenge poison.

We will talk about Hillary.

Michael বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
readering বলেছেন...

All this blather about Hillary. She is history. like Kerry... gore...dukakis...mondale...mcgovern...humphrey. Have to go back to Stevenson for loser nominee repeating for Democrats. And he put stake in heart of such efforts.

Birkel বলেছেন...

Wait, so now my 27 years of Hillary Hate get boiled down to two minutes?

How is that fair?

Birkel বলেছেন...

I loved Dukakis! It was a shame he wasn't running against a conservative.

If only Reagan hadn't selected a Deep State ass hole like Bush!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

The Mueller investigation is all Deep State Hillary revenge poison.

I can imagine David Attenborough speciating the right. Not all of you are as hateful as Stormfront, but your hold on reality is certainly just as weak and conspiratorial. It's a feature not a bug.

Unknown বলেছেন...

> Harris in person, as in her Senate hearing performance, is nasty and rude and condescending to her betters

Roya Cohn

Maybe in her future constituency's movie she is the female Trump

Using her prosecutor skills (does Gowdy have any?)

to overcome the deplorables and their Fox news

or maybe she is just the next Ted Cruz..

wwww বলেছেন...

All this blather about Hillary. She is history. like Kerry... gore...dukakis...mondale...mcgovern...humphrey. Have to go back to Stevenson for loser nominee repeating for Democrats.

Yeah, I don't get the commenters here. I guess I'll never get it. If you're having fun, fair enough. But if she annoys you, I don't get it.

Me: After election, "Yea! We never have to hear about Hillary and Bill Clinton Again!"

Spouse: "Huzzah!"

Extended Family: "Woot the Cubs won the World Series and now it's Christmas!" "Hillary who?"

Commenters Here: "She's Annoying! Let's talk about her once every two weeks! Yeah I'm annoyed again! Ouch I just hit my head that hurt! Let's do it again! OUCH OUCH OUCH!"

wwww বলেছেন...

Does she annoy me?

Yes, she annoys me ALOT. I've been annoyed since the first time I saw her in those headbands.

Gahrie বলেছেন...

Yeah, I don't get the commenters here. I guess I'll never get it. If you're having fun, fair enough. But if she annoys you, I don't get it.

You never take your eyes off of the vampire until the stake has been driven in.

Gahrie বলেছেন...

If only Reagan hadn't selected a Deep State ass hole like Bush!

Bush was Reagan's biggest mistake. he should have picked Kemp.

Gahrie বলেছেন...

Bush was Reagan's biggest mistake. he should have picked Kemp.

OK...second biggest. I forgot Justice Kennedy.

Rick বলেছেন...

Commenters Here: "She's Annoying! Let's talk about her once every two weeks! Yeah I'm annoyed again! Ouch I just hit my head that hurt! Let's do it again! OUCH OUCH OUCH!"

Althouse: Topic in News.

Commenters: Discuss topic.

www: People are talking about things I wish they didn't. They are so strange!!!

Yeah. It's "they".

wwww বলেছেন...

www: People are talking about things I wish they didn't. They are so strange!!!

Nah it was a question, which was answered by the commenters.

I don't understand why people talk about something that bothers them. I couldn't click on that India story because I find her so personally annoying.

But why you all want to keep talking about her fascinates me! I'm surprised that anyone on the left or right or middle wants to talk about her.

I guess it's fun, on some level, for the commenters to talk about her. So, fair enough!

Bilwick বলেছেন...

"Hillary was a Goldwater girl." For how long? Was that before or after she sent fan mail to Darth Soros?

I used to consider myself a socialist. Then I learned something about economics.

Bilwick বলেছেন...

Correction to the above: I meant Saul Alinsky, not Darth Soros. Hillary didn't develop a thing for Soros until later in life, perhaps after she acquired her palace guard of flying monkeys.

Birkel বলেছেন...

readering paraphrase: "Forget about loser Democrats, they are history."

Democrats everywhere: "Southern Strategy, which was started in 1965 and came to fruition in about 2005, totalitarian Republicans the South."

Republicans everywhere: "What the fucking fuck?"

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