"... just before the 2016 election as part of a nondisclosure agreement she is now trying to void. The same Trump attorney who brokered the deal with Daniels, Michael Cohen, filed a libel suit in January against BuzzFeed and four of its staffers over publication of the so-called dossier compiling accurate, inaccurate and unproven allegations about Trump’s relationship with Russia. Now, BuzzFeed is using Cohen’s libel suit as a vehicle to demand that Daniels preserve all records relating to her relationship with Trump, as well as her dealings with Cohen and the payment he has acknowledged arranging in 2016...."
Politico reports.
Interesting! Read the whole thing. Seems like it could work.
By the way, I'm having a hard time remembering why I should care about something Stormy Daniels could say that I haven't already heard. The fight to keep her quiet takes up a lot of the attention we could be giving to other distractions. Perhaps most of the players have an interest in doing precisely that.
६३ टिप्पण्या:
This has to be the dullest made up Trump story ever. And CNN is reporting on it 24/7.
Who ever thought a POTUS + porn star = boring.
But it is.
If he slept with her 12 years ago, so what?
If he didn't, so what?
Out: Collusion with Russia
In: Sex with Stormy Daniels
The idea is to keep the negatives going on Trump so nobody looks at the Dems. Beyond that, nobody cares about Stormy but the tabloid girls and maybe Melania.
You guys are missing the pivot point here- Stormy will tell us that she peed on Donald Trump, thus corroborating the Steele Dossier.
I can't believe how many DC people are excited about this. Does anyone believe Trump didn't sleep with her? Dumb.
Trump was trying to stop it coming out just before the election, when Althouse would have had a grab them by the pussy reaction all over again.
It hardly matters now.
As to restraining orders, I'd go with tortuous interference (bribing Stormy out of the agreement she'd made) and unlimited damagess the threat.
Stormy Daniels doesn't look at all appealing but then I don't like the everything gold taste Trump has either. Somebody likes big tits, I guess.
She is getting millions in PR. She may be the only one getting anything worthwhile out of the story.
BuzzFeed may have found a legal opening
Stormy has various openings of interest to the Press. Heh, heh.
Did you guys know that Stormy Daniels has very large bosoms due to very large implants? No, really. She does!
And she signed some form of a Non-Disclosure Agreement!
And she might have had sex with Donald Trump 10 years ago!
Pass the popcorn -- this is really good! (/sarcasm off).
I'm still not sure why I'm supposed to care.
This really strikes a different tone for CNN et al and their studious ignoring of the serial perversions of Mr. Clinton, absolute disinterest in Mr. Obama's past, and the way they all strenuously covered up for Edwards, Kennedy etc.
1. The "media" think we do not remember anything they have done and not done in the past.
2. Because they think you and I are stupid.
3. And that flogging this horse will have some sort of result in contradiction to the behavioral conditioning of the last 30 years of their "reporting"/"news smothering" on democrats.
So if the Fourth Estate ever had any real moral strength or was in any way essential to the governance of this country they have pissed that away. Golden shower indeed.
The Long March Litigation seems like a Maoist tactic. Keeping that wisp of a story fine tuned daily is supposed to at long last warp us into disassociating from The Terrible Trump.
Lately the narative creators saw that Miss Daniels may actually come across as an attractive person. So they have edited all further daily installments with an in your face slut look breast shot and the word PORN repeated in each paragraph.
Definitely another master piece of propaganda. We are privileged to see this high level of Fake News Wars unfold. Meanwhile back at the ranch, the next IED explosion of total corruption among the long time Dem elites is about to be published and a great number of CEOs and politicians are Vamoosing.
It's not readily apparent to me how we go from preserving records to discussing the relationship but then I'm one of your crappier lawyers.
I might also add that I fail to see the real-life appeal of banging a porn actress but then I also happen to be one of your crappier horndogs.
“The “media" think we do not remember anything they have done and not done in the past."
Why do you think they prize young voters so highly? If they could, they would lower the voting age to three.
If she had as many sticking out of her as she's had stuck in her she'd look like a porcupine.
Wait -- I thought that relations between two consenting adults were none of the public's business.
At least that was the rule back in the 90's, when a D was in the White House.
Can't we all just "MoveOn"?
A consensual affair looks good for Trump. Buried the Grab Them By The Pussy stuff.
Trump is fireproofed himself from a MeToo movement
Maybe whores should be bound by HIPAA. Bound AND gagged, if you're into that kind of thing.
She will probably be doing that New Years thing on CNN with what's his name. Gloria Vanderbilt's fetus.
The "Get Trump" Squad is buoyed by recent developments.
1. A big win in Pennsylvania, chipping away at their minority status, now at 238 -194.
2. Stormy Daniels is finally speaking out on the details of nefarious, but consensual pussy grabbing.
3. Mueller may re-indict the 13 Russian Trolls with even more egregious counts of felonious violations of federal law.
They will really get Trump now. No, Really.
Buzzfeed are bottom dwelling swamp creatures and should lose the suit Cohn filed against them. It was public knowledge, widely disseminated that the "dossier" had confused him with one of the other million Cohns in the USA. Yet Buzzfeed chose to smear him and Trump by releasing the "salacious and unverified" dossier as an act of "journalism" trying hide under the Sullivan cloak. Their actions, however, were malicious and done with the knowledge they were spreading lies. They should go down Gawker-style in flames. Their attempt to draw Stormy into their pissing match with Trump is sleazy and has very little chance of helping them succeed.
Buzzfeed = FakeNews = CNN = FakeNews = ...
So is the argument that Daniels somehow is related to the dossier?
I'm as interested in this as I am in hearing testimony from groupies fro Led Zeppelin's tour in 1975. In other words, I'm not interested. And why should we believe a word she says?
So the dossier includes “accurate” “allegations about Trump’s relationship with Russia”? Like what? That he’s been there? That’s not an “allegation”. So far as I’ve read, none of the allegations in the dossier have been verified. Nobody cares anymore. The dossier has served its purpose. Now all we are supposed to care about is “obstruction of justice.”
Even if Ms. Daniels is telling the truth, better a pornstar-shtupper in the White House than a State-shtupper.
Although with Trump's stand on Free Trade and his apparent cave on gun rights, it will be harder to tell who the biggest State-shtupper will be in the coming decades. History shows us that free societies are rare and short-lived while statism is more the norm. But you remember that "feminist" who talked about giving blowjobs to Bill Clinton? I'd be happy if that libertarian pornstar who got some publicity a few years ago (I forgot her name) offered similar services to Trump if he'd roll back the State and be more consistently pro-freedom.
"Buzzfeed = FakeNews = CNN = FakeNews = ..."
Propaganda arm of the DNC for several decades.
I am amazed when talking heads try to deny the ongoing, long term collusion between the MSM and the DNC.
Just Googled "libertarian pornstar." She's Miriam Weeks, aka "Belle Knox."
I hope Trump's attorneys recorded her demanding money. Why else would they pay it if she didn't threaten him?
I think Stormy should be given a slot on CNN on a twenty four hour basis, the same as when she hooked. Or a decent slot at the LA FBI office.
"Stormy Daniels" took the money and welshed (racist!) on the contract.
The courts ought to hold her to it.
Come to think of it, I suspect that Stormy's handlers are banking on it that they can keep this game going without ever quite coming before a judge.
It was neither involuntary nor superior exploitation that would place society at risk. There was no effort to normalize the dysfunctional behavior. This moral interlude is between the adulterer and God, between the adulterer and spouse. The warlock hunts are wearing thin.
“The fact of the matter is that each party to this alleged affair denied its existence in 2006, 2011, 2017 and again in 2018. I am not denying this affair because I was paid “hush money” as has been reported in overseas-owned tabloids. I am denying this affair because it never happened.”
--Stormy Daniels (Stephanie Clifford)
"I am denying this affair because it never happened.”
I swear it on my honor as a porn star.
"The fight to keep her quiet takes up a lot of the attention we could be giving to other distractions." Hear hear!
How many germaphobes would have sex with a porn star, given the chance? Is the gold standard for AIDS testing still a negative test today, followed by a negative test in six months and a negative test a year from now--with absolutely no sexual contact in that time period? Hard for a porn star to do.
Hagar said...
"Stormy Daniels" took the money and welshed (racist!) on the contract.
The courts ought to hold her to it.
So, uh, there WAS a contract?
With Stormy/Stephanie and David Dennison? But Trump "won" the arbitration.
Kewl. Nothing suspicious about that. Maybe an FEC violation or something, but who's counting?
"Bowe Bergdahl Republican" Chuck: "Maybe an FEC violation or something, but who's counting?"
Absolutely pitch perfect harmony with lefty talking points of the day.
As usual.
traditionalguy: "The Long March Litigation seems like a Maoist tactic."
Maoist tactics require lots of footsoldiers. The lifelong republican types make some of the best.
First Law of Porn: WHORES LIE.
‘‘Twas ever thus.
We left all this behind in 1998, if not 1992, as far as I can see.
Hell, the Democrats, the media, and eventually the GOP as well didn't care when the loathsome Edward M. Kennedy committed negligent homicide or worse against a young woman in his care. I'm supposed to be all excited about a NY real estate mogul/celebrity who had a consensual coupling with a porn star 10+ years ago?
I may wish I lived in a world where that mattered, but I don't live in such a world. Not any more.
So, uh, there WAS a contract?
That's what she claims. She also claims that there isn't a binding contract. She also claims to have met with Donald Trump. She also claims not to have had an affair with Donald Trump. She also claims to want to speak out about Donald Trump because of #MeToo, but can't because... She claims there was a contract.
I'd say rinse and repeat, but I suspect she swallows.
I usually lurk here to watch the regulars beat-up the trolls, but I am grateful for Althouse keeping us abreast of the situation.
Glad to have you, Daddy!
When she says she had an affair? BELIEVABLE.
When she denies it ever happened? LYIN' WHORE.
NeverTrump Logic.
This is what liquidated damages are for, and IIRC, it's $1M. Clearly, she is navigating all of this to be in a position to get major $$$. The trick is if she pushes it too far, she will lose all leverage.
I'm having a hard time remembering why I should care about something Stormy Daniels could say that I haven't already heard.
Media and left wing interest proves their earlier claim that the Lewinski scandal was just about sex and therefore not of public interest was pure partisanship.
Inga and Ritmo fantasy: If Trump had sex with Stormy Daniels then the Steele dossier is true.
Putin has been blackmailing Trump all this time.
Heads exploding!
Bill Clinton is still a rapist and the late night proggy comedy frauds don't care.
Stormy and Adam Shiffty - 24/7.
when the loathsome Edward M. Kennedy committed negligent homicide or worse against a young woman in his care.
The mob=vie about Chappaquiddick coming out soon. That's how you know Teddy is dead.
I wonder if Stormy does "The Monsoon?"
It was supposed to be "movie" but maybe that is better.
If I were on the golf course, and Stormy Daniels was one of our foursome, I would be very distracted by her very large putters.
I didn't see Trump with her on pornhub
E Pluribus Pussy
She's still in the news because the good people who decide what's news have decided that this might hurt Trump with the evangelicals, especially the women. It might work, and we'll be hearing plenty more. She'll be the most famous porn star ever. The only way that the media will drop this story is if Stormy starts hinting that Trump was not the only President she ever knew. Then she'll revert to bimbo status, and we'll never again hear from her.
Trump should answer with: "I did fuck her, she seemed to like it, and so did I. Melania and I worked though the issue long ago, and now our marriage is stronger than ever. Really great. You can get more recent stories like that watching Housewives of New York if you need them. So who has a question about what's happening now in the world and how America is getting great again?
Really bagoh?
Methinks best to limit comment.
Fucking a porn star while his latest wife contends with his newborn son?
Just can't be spun for most folks.
bagoh20 said...
Trump should answer with: "I did fuck her, she seemed to like it, and so did I. Melania and I worked though the issue long ago, and now our marriage is stronger than ever. Really great. You can get more recent stories like that watching Housewives of New York if you need them. So who has a question about what's happening now in the world and how America is getting great again?
But instead, Trump's "answer" was to get his attorney/fixer to set up a fake corporation, to shovel a heavily-disguised payment as hush money, along with a non-disclosure agreement replete with a fake name for Trump. Culminating in a flat denial that Trump ever had sex with her.
Kind of like the "shithole countries" statement. Wherein Trump chose to deny it, instead of saying, "Yeah, I said it; and while I didn't mean for it to be a public statement, I think that people understand that I was making sense in a blunt way, and that what I said had a lot of essential truth about the state of the world, and our immigration problems..."
Oh, the things Trump could have said. The ways that Trump could have been honest.
Now Chuck, since you have solved all the important problems, you can turn your attention to how both Obama and Clinton uses their attorneys to violate campaign finance laws "to shovel a heavily-disguised payment" for opposition research.
And you can start filing in the appropriate courts to have the attorneys who participated in the scheme sanctioned by the Bar.
LLR Chuck is STILL extremely upset that Dick Durbin was exposed and pushed around by Trump.
Durbin is one of LLR Chuck's absolute favorites.
It's almost....erotic...the way LLR Chuck defends him.
"Fucking a porn star while his latest wife contends with his newborn son?
Just can't be spun for most folks."
Most folks don't need the spin, older folks that lived through the Clinton sex scandals have been programmed to understand that private sexual matters aren't of concern, and younger folks that have been raised on pornography on the family computer are programmed to understand that fucking a porn actress is an admirable feat. Clear thinking folks of any age know that Trump has lived the life of a rich playboy and have accepted it already.
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