Both parties sent me fund-raising email today, and I went on at length about Ernest's urgings, so let me do a post for what I got from the GOP side. It's from Donald J. Trump. Subject line: "Russia."
I will not hide from the truth -- this is a WITCH HUNT.
Nancy Pelosi is now using the Russia witch hunt as a political ploy to RAISE MONEY from her supporters who still can’t accept that you voted to Make America Great Again!
He doesn't know if I voted for him, of course. He (i.e., whoever's writing this) would rather fake closeness to the people who voted for him and not worry about sloshing over onto people who didn't, because there's more to gain from reinforcing the closeness than from the off chance of drawing in some who 1. didn't vote for him, but 2. would feel put off by his purporting to know how they voted, and 3. didn't vote for him, even though 4. they're on this GOP mailing list.
We cannot let the swamp get away with using our government as a weapon to overturn elections and silence millions of American voters....
Why are they launching a witch hunt?
It's an argument of simple epithets:
swamp and
witch hunt.
Because they don’t want to Make America Great Again for YOU.
Nancy and her supporters aren't against me, specifically. They're against Trump, but the idea is that I should identify
Trump with things that are
for me. She's the swamp, and Trump is us. To be fair, he does proceed to list — incredibly simply — the elements of greatness (phrased as things Nancy and company are against):
They don’t want a wall. They don’t want to stop the endless flow of illegal immigrants. They don’t want Americans’ wages to rise. They don’t want to stop nation-building abroad. They don’t want to help hardworking Americans. They don’t want a fair economy that works for ALL Americans.
But I will keep fighting for you. This is what you voted for -- and this is what you deserve after so many years of broken promises by lying politicians.
The message is clear: illegal immigration is
the central problem. And yet the subject line was "Russia." I guess the idea is the Democrats are talking about Russia, but it's fake, a big distraction from what really matters: illegal immigration.
४५ टिप्पण्या:
The message is clear: illegal immigration is the central problem. And yet the subject line was "Russia." I guess the idea is the Democrats are talking about Russia, but it's fake, a big distraction from what really matters: illegal immigration.
"By George, I think she's got it!"
The difference between the two is that the Republican one addresses relatively-concrete desiderata in public policy, while the Democratic one stresses feelings.
The Russia investigation is how Trump is invited to join the deep state. They act like it's a distraction because that's exactly what they are aiming for. The more people are distracted, the more the 0.001% can increase their vig. People get excited about draining the swamp while the action is in the Marianas Trench.
"Russia" is a distraction and always had been. Its been going on since Nov 2016 and we are still getting hysterical "Putin is Hitler and Trump likes him!" nonsense from Commie Brenner, the Democrats, and crazy John McCain and Miss Lindsey.
Trump's reply said it best: Getting along with Russia is a good thing, not a bad thing.
Is this just a MSM-DC Elite-whoever thing? Do average Americans i.e 95% of us, toss and turn at night worrying about Putin? I sure as hell don't.
I assume that creating an association between Nancy Pelosi and witch was intentional.
As for the Russia-Collusion nonsense.
We were lied to by the MSM for almost 6 months. From Nov 2016-May 2017 we were led to believe Trump was under investigation by the FBI, and that ANY MINUTE NOW, the other shoe was going to Trump.
Johnny McCain said it was going to be "bigger than Watergate".
And then we learned Comey had told Trump 3 times - in PRIVATE - and Congress that Trump wasn't a target. Now, we've had to suffer through 10 months of Mueller - who's come up with nothing, but ANY MINUTE NOW will nail Trump for...something.
Just end it. Fire Rosenstein. Rein Mueller in!
He ain't Joshin' he's Earnest.
I apologize.
Goose > Gander!
The difference between the two is that...
There is no difference between the two. Have you heard about the new Meh Party? Join us today. We'll fight for your right to preserve your intellectual integrity and help you get the hottest babes.
> The message is clear: illegal immigration is the central problem.
What about this part:
> They don’t want Americans’ wages to rise. [...] They don’t want to help hardworking Americans.
Illegal immigration may be a central issue, but people's thoughts rarely stray long from their wallets.
Trump loves Althouse and Meade. In fact, when he comes to Wisconsin to campaign he will probably arrange a personal meeting. Free, of course. You are a big influencer.
Peasant 1: We have found a witch, may we burn her? (cheers)
Wise Guy: How do you known she is a witch?
Peasant 2: She looks like one!
W.G.: Bring her forward (advance)
Pelosi : I'm not a witch! I'm not a witch!
WG: Ehh... but you are dressed like Hillary!
Pelosi: They dressed me up like this!
Peasants: No we didn't!
1. They DON'T want a wall--they don't want meaningful long-term restrictions on (currently) illegal immigration. "They" here refers to Dems & Repubs.
2. They DON'T want to stop the flow of illegal immigrants. Those current illegals are future DREAMERS and their kids will be solid Dem votes. (They, naturally, will be low-cost labor for Repub-friendly business interests).
3. They DO want Americans' wages to rise. Their ideas of how to accomplish that are wrong--sometimes exactly backwards, in fact--but they do WANT to accomplish that.
4. They DON'T want to stop nation-building abroad...although again the "they" here refers to Repubs (possibly a majority of Repubs) at least as well as to Dems. Dems love wars & nation-building when a Dem is in power (especially sneaky perceived-low-cost wars like drone bombing the fuck out of people, destablizing existing regimes by proxy, etc) but Repub-voting neocons love those wars & nation-building without regard to who's in office.
5. They DO want to help hardworking Americans. Their ideas about how to do so are mostly wrong and they want just as strongly to help non-hardworking Americans (and/or non-Americans)...but they do WANT to help.
6. Do they want a fair economy that works for all? Tough; they DO believe they want a "fair" economy but their idea of fair is so far from the dictionary/reasonable definition of the word that one could say they DON'T really want fairness. I'll split that one.
So of the email is correct on 3.5 of the 6 main assertions it makes. On the 2 it misses it'd be dead easy to correct--for 3. all you'd have to change is the focus from whether they "want" to accomplish to the fact that their ideas won't accomplish, and for 5. all you have to do is say they prefer to help illegal immigrants (some of whom are violent criminals) than to help hardworking Americans. Easy. Cut me a check, Trump org!
Very concerning! Oh my, it makes me very concerned. You too should be concerned. If you’re concerned, donate now.
Dear Anti-Christ, I can invoke Nietzsche and so can you. Ask me how !
Both sides know what most Americans want.
The democrats just hate most Americans and spend their time trying to replace them with poor people from other countries.
The Russia investigation was really about Qatar and their sanctuary for the brotherhood, mazzetti gave the game away.
So Professor, are you sending any money? Maybe sharing Amazon portal revenue for a week or some such.
Blogger tcrosse said...Dear Anti-Christ, I can invoke Nietzsche and so can you. Ask me how ! Who taught you to be such a seductive cock teaser?
Blogger Achilles said... Both sides know what most Americans want.
The Republicans just hate most Americans and spend their time trying to send there jobs overseas to be done by poor people from other countries.
@Howard -
I'm jealous. I take great pains to write ridiculous shit, yet you manage it so effortlessly. What's your secret ?
Both messages are the same. The Party knows what its True Belivers truly believe, and the Party cites these beliefs as reasons for the True Believers to give $$$ to the Party.
In the Olden Times messages could be given non-publicly in "smoke-filled rooms" to a few "fat cats" who would write big checks. Of course, that still happens (although without the big fat cigars, at least at the Democrats' fund-raisers), but too often the public finds out what was said -- 47% of voters pay no taxes, the people who support my opponent are deplorable, they cling to their guns and their Bibles, etc.
What's harmful to our political culture is that too much of the "news media", which purport to be honest reporters, slant their "news" the same way. I am fairly conservative and have friends who are fairly liberal. It used to be possible for us to find a common base line for our civil discussions about our disagreements. That's much harder to do now.
Howard, up your game.
Immigration has two wings, both pushed by Democrats.
One is H1B pushed by the Silicon Valley donors
Two is the illegals coming from Mexico.
The GOPe, like Bloomberg, want illegals to rake sand traps but they are closer to the Ds than the Rs, especially after Trump.
Blogger tcrosse said... @Howard -
I'm jealous. I take great pains to write ridiculous shit, yet you manage it so effortlessly. What's your secret ?
I'm struggling to keep up with Drago
Mike, you need to quit getting high on your own supply: Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (Reagan Amnesty)
It is amazing how clearly Trump has communicated that our Federal Government has slowly changed into our deadly enemy that he is here to rescue us from. And his steady dislosures of that mass corruption and treason aimed at our destruction by the DC powers over 30 years has only been 10% done.
I am gravely concerned that Trump is starting a trade war that will undo all of the good things he did in his first year.
Democrat email: We need to get control and stop Trump
Trump email: They're trying to take control and stop me.
From what I’ve read about the Omnibus Soending Bill, a plague on BOTH sides.
Howard said...
Blogger Achilles said... Both sides know what most Americans want.
The Republicans just hate most Americans and spend their time trying to send there jobs overseas to be done by poor people from other countries.
Boring. We know the GOPe is right there with the democrats and for all intents and purposes are democrats that are lying about who they are.
There is exactly one thing the government can do to keep jobs from going overseas: Reduce the cost of employment.
The biggest plank in the democrat/GOPe platform? Higher taxes on businesses and people.
I am not sure if you are normally this stupid. But that was really dumb.
Amadeus 48 said...
I am gravely concerned that Trump is starting a trade war that will undo all of the good things he did in his first year.
"Trade War" in this case is the United States putting reciprocal tariffs on products other countries have tariffs on. Other countries have been participating in a trade war for decades. That is why there are numerous products they put tariffs on.
Your concern should be about the protectionist regimes in Europe and China.
Trump is the Great Communicator. Reagan was 50s Hollywood. He knew to keep it short and sweet and always end on a positive note. And since he was a successful radio, film, and TV actor (and pitchman) he was smooth. Easy to listen to.
Slick Willie was homespun cornpone washed and rinsed through the Ivy League. W was similar. You could tell when they were bullshittimg you. The change in tone and demeanor. The sincere attempt at earnestness showing that they are trying to bullshitbthemselves in the hopes of bullshitting you.
Obama was also similar to them. More urban-hipster mixed with south side cool
filtered through the Ivy League. But great ability to project seriousness or sadness with reassurance. His speech on TV just after Bin Laden was killed and his Sandy Hook speech were all-time greats.
Obama was better than Reagan even. I put Reagan’s 1984 d-day remembrance speech and the Space Shuttle Explosion speech as all-time greats. But Obama just edges him out. Maybe being younger put him over the top. Reagan was older and it showed at times.
But Trump is better than both. He’ll never give a hall of fame speech like Reagan or Ibama but that’s part of what makes him a great communicator. No one falls for that shit anymore. We popped our cherry on the Presidency before we elected Trump. That’s part of the reason we elected him. Reagan through Obama, all these guys were full of shit. They played us as suckers and we let them.
With Trump, agree or disagree or move or hate the guy and everything in between, we know exactly what he is saying. There are no euphemisms, no diplomatic or legalese bullshit.
They guy will contradict himself in the same sentence and flat out lie to our faces but we know exactly what he is saying. He knows he is contradicting himself constantly and bullshitting us constantly and he knows that we know it. That’s why he’s so effective.
He has made a total mockery of previous presidents, Congress, the “intelligence community” leaders, etc. And they all deserve it. Every one of them. They have utterly fucked up this country. These guys were more fake than the Wizard of Oz.
Trump has exposed all of them by mocking them so that they expose themselves. Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Power — these people have outed themselves as incompetent and petty partisans. Everyone in this country agrees that Comey is a sanctimonious and incompetent douchebag. Brennan is right on his heels.
W and Bill let the mask slip from time to time. They are so vain and shallow.
I give Obama major props. He’s laying low. Doing his thing. Maybe pops off on an issue or two in a very classy way. Hes a very smart man with an excellent temperament.
Biden is a clown. Always was. I wonder if Onama partly blames Biden’s idiotic remarks and antics for greasing the skids for Trump. Biden is the dumbest Vice President since Spiro Agnew, and the both of them are in the top 5 all time.
Am I the only one who never reads political email?
Of course it's not a witch hunt. The witch hunters believed that witches exist.
Achilles: you keep saying GOPe like that's not republicans. We'll see if your hero of the common man Trump sells out to the deep state to avoid jail and a banking freeze or if he goes down in history for breaking the back of the 0.001% lock on the US military industrial media information banking entertainment popular culture complex.
The Apocalypse is coming. Inga has asked me to donate to Trump! I'm donating online immediately.
@mockturtle, it's why they make delete keys
Howard said...
Achilles: you keep saying GOPe like that's not republicans. We'll see if your hero of the common man Trump sells out to the deep state to avoid jail and a banking freeze or if he goes down in history for breaking the back of the 0.001% lock on the US military industrial media information banking entertainment popular culture complex.
Even you need to know there is a difference between people who vote for republicans and republicans.
The minute Trump loses his political support they will jail him. There is only one reason they haven't done it yet and it has nothing to do with their failure to find a broken law or the law in any way shape or form. The rule of law is dead in DC. The only reason Trump is still in power is the clear and obvious knowledge of what happens if they pull a coup. Mueller would have indicted Trump by now otherwise.
We cannot let the swamp get away with using our government as a weapon to overturn elections and silence millions of American voters....
I thought the swamp had already been drained. Who knew that there are many more alligators that Trump cannot find. Most people have heard the rumors about alligators-in-the-sewer, in large part because of Thomas Pynchon's 1963 novel, "V."
“Geronimo stopped singing and told Profane how it was. Did he remember the baby alligators? Last year, or maybe the year before, kids all over Nueva York bought these little alligators for pets. Macy's was selling them for fifty cents, every child, it seemed, had to have one. But soon the children grew bored with them. Some set them loose in the streets, but most flushed them down the toilets. And these had grown and reproduced, had fed off rats and sewage, so that now they moved big, blind, albino, all over the sewer system. Down there, God knew how many there were. Some had turned cannibal because in their neighborhood the rats had all been eaten, or had fled in terror.”
"tcrosse said...
"I take great pains to write ridiculous shit . . . ."
You make it look so easy that I knew you had to be hiding great effort. I, for one, appreciate it.
You must have given money to somebody. On both sides!
You're like a cruelly neutral arms manufacturer or something.
I get pro-life emails. I must have given money to somebody.
Say No To Girl Scout Cookies Because of Their Ties to Planned Parenthood.
And it totally works. I'm like, "Fuck you, Girl Scout cookies. I don't like you, anyway."
And then I have trouble saying no to those damn girl scouts. They're barely over baby age. "I can't buy your cookies because of the babies." And they're all confused. And I'm like, "Be glad your mother loves you."
I mean, that's just a horrible conversation I don't want to have. So I just avoid girl scouts now. "Oh shit, it's the girl scouts. Run away!"
Is this like watching a Packers-Vikings game?
Am I supposed to care who wins?
Achilles invokes the "No true Scotsman" argument.
Funny, that argument reminds me of the "we really haven't seen Communism implemented as it should be" argument.
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