I found something very strange in google today. I have often in the past googled terms from postings in the Althouse forum to look for things either I or others have posted. I've generally had no problem with anything that wasn't in the "deep archive".
I was discussing the "Black Panther" with my brother & I tried to find my posting on Wakanda as an allegory of Zionism. I googled "althouse younghegelian kirby wakanda" & got no hits.
Here's the link. I'm the fifth comment down. All those terms should produce a unique hit, but they don't.
So, what's up with Google? Has someone at MeadeHouse or at Blogger changed the HTML code to block search bots? Has Google decided that Althouse is a alt-right den of iniquity & is refusing to help her (& us) spread our venom?
Deficit spending sucks. Dismaying that voters have so little self respect - electing pandering Congresscritters to steal the fruits of their own offspring's labor.
Looks like insane borrowing from the future, same as usual - unless Trump grows a pair and shuts it down.
What the heck - likely I'll be outa here in 20 years tops, and at least Hillary! still not President.
With leaked recording from her highly political/partisan visit to a San Francisco fund raiser, even the Journal Sentinel has made note of WI supreme Court candidate Rebecca Dallet's dalliance...though presenting a couple of the many questionable statements.
That format produces a more "site specific" search, & I'm glad to see it, at least, still works. But, what I'm pointing out is that the more generic format I used has worked for years, & now, seemingly, doesn't. Why?
What kind of data, exactly, does Facebook collect on us? (And Amazon?) Can they collect data on what blogs I read, what kind of things I search for on the internets, etc, through cookies? Or is it just what I say and do on Facebook and what I buy on Amazon?
Can they collect data on what blogs I read, what kind of things I search for on the internets, etc, through cookies?
Oh, yes, they definitely mine your cookies & probably your history, too. Haven't you noticed how when you search for something in a search engine, you'll see an ad for it in FB? Cookies.
Every site that wants it has access to your cookie cache. That cache is within the "sandbox" that even well-behaved web sites are supposed to have access to. Stepping outside that "sandbox" into your general file system is considered "malware" type behavior.
"I used to reassure myself by thinking, at least my 401k is doing well. For how much longer?"
Relax. Everyone knew a correction was coming. Stocks were super hot in 2017 and are still well above where they were when Trump took office. Fact is, part of the Democrat/Leftist game is to keep markets jittery with bad news after bad news about Trump - ignoring successes, amplifying failures, and creating scandal where none exists.
The question you should be asking yourself is, if Mueller had ended his investigation once he realized there was no evidence of any collusion, legal or illegal, between Trump and Russia, how HIGH would stocks be today? Instead, the Deep State and the liberal elites are trying to slow-walk a coup of a duly elected president. I'm surprised the markets have done as well as they have over the past 14 months, given that fact hanging in the background.
Grace Potter, Joe Satriani and Willy Waldman do a great cover of Cortez the Killer
Willy plays a great trumpet in this cover. I'm not sure I've ever heard a Neil Young song that had a trumpet. Perhaps the best cover of this song ever.
@YoungHegelian- Is all the controversy about malware type behavior on Facebook's part, or is it all "in the sandbox." I thought everyone knew about the cookies stuff; since, as you said, you can see ads on FB for things you've searched for.
Here's what Geno Auriemma UCONN head coach tweeted about the firing of Jamelle Elliott at Cincinnati WBB
"Positively disgraceful that Jamelle Elliott was let go at Cincinnati. Anyone interested in that job would be well advised to do their homework."
Sounds just like a Donald Trump Tweet, doesn't it? If I didn't know Geno doesn't like Donald I would think he had Donald ghost write it. If UCONN wins the NCAA this year we should assume that a Russian Collusion investigation will be launched against Geno and his family.
Blogger Kyzernick said... Instead, the Deep State and the liberal elites are trying to slow-walk a coup of a duly elected president. I'm surprised the markets have done as well as they have over the past 14 months, given that fact hanging in the background. Maybe the institutional deep state investors make decisions based on real facts instead of fairy tails.
Inga: "McMaster is out. Bolton is in. Lord help us"
Gee, Inga's right. With Bolton in we might make mistakes like handing over 20% of our uranium to Vlad and gang as well as sending billions of dollars to the biggest global sponsor of terrorism that is pledged to our destruction.
Inga weeps for the Iran deal. We wouldn't want to do anything to hurt those guys as they do so much "good" in helping to create terrorists that can be unvetted and imported as future democrat voters.
Howard: "Maybe the institutional deep state investors make decisions based on real facts instead of fairy tails."
Yeah, Andrew McCabe launching a super-secret criminal investigation of Jeff Sessions, based solely on the "request" from 2 democrat senators, could never be described as anything other than "by the book" (wink wink)
By the way, according to career prosecutors, what McCabe did to Sessions is NEVER done. Ever.
Brennan flat out lied to Congress and admitted it. Holder was held in contempt of congress. Clapper lied to congress.
So here are your choices: leadership elements at the FBI were conducting an "Insurance Policy" against the incoming Trump administration.....
Blogger Inga said... McMaster is out. Bolton is in. Lord help us.
This means the deal has been inked, Mueller investigation won't touch Trump & Family. Trump is now officially the titular head of the deep state. Firing the adults and replacing them with nut-bars are a play to maintain base so he will sign the Dem spending bill.
Inga: "Drago wins the Trump sycophant of the Althouse Blog award."
Wow. What an unexpected honor. Particularly since I was unaware of this awards existence 10 minutes ago.
First of all, I'd like to thank the Academy, my parents who always sacrificed to support my dreams, my children who have inspired me more than I can express.
To my wife, my partner, my best friend. Without you none of this would have been possible.
And, of course, many thanks to all of my Althouse...(chokes up...)...fans....(tears flowing)....who have always supported me. I feel the love and I want to return the love.
So when were either man in the Obama Administration, much less head of the NSA? There will come a time Drago, that you’ll have to drop the rank partisanship and put your country first.
Can't wait to see how hysterical MSM will react. The Mueller clearance of Trump Family will have to wait a month, but it's a done deal. Dronald, Jr and Jared walk!
Is all the controversy about malware type behavior on Facebook's part, or is it all "in the sandbox."
Neither. The data that caused all the hullabaloo had to come directly from FB's tech guys doing a partial database "dump" of the requested user records from FB's ginormous database of users. In other words, Obama or Trump's tech guys (i.e. Cambridge Analytica) requested a subset of clients who met certain criteria, & FB's tech team provided it.
As far as I know, FB has not yet been hacked & its entire user database compromised.
Inga: "So when were either man in the Obama Administration, much less head of the NSA?"
They and their philosophy were well represented with Li'l baracky.
And really, any supporter of the obambi crew which put Fine Arts BA, failed screenwriter and lunatic Ben Rhodes in a Deputy National Security Advisor role, has no room to say anything.
Oh, by the way: did you know that this key Deputy National Security Advisor, whose only real claim to fame and competence was his brother, David Rhodes, who is President of CBS news, was a key architect of the Iran Deal giveaway.
Did you know that Inga?
Did you also know that Ben Rhodes spent 8 years in this critical role and....(wait for it)....NEVER received a security clearance.
In fact, the FBI went so far as to deny him a clearance.
Inga: "There will come a time Drago, that you’ll have to drop the rank partisanship and put your country first."
As long as idiots like you continue to support a party that colludes with Putin to create fake dossiers and have that disinformation weaponized to violate American citizens rights, I will always be there to call you out.
Bolton has one purpose. He removes McMaster who was the last Soros mole in the Cabinet. Now the decks have been cleared for action that will commence soon. Bolton will hold the fort down at the White House. When the storm is over, then he will be fired too.
One thing we know for sure because it comes from Trump himself is that after he selected “the finest group of people ever assembled as a cabinet” in 2017, now in 2018, Trump is “getting closer to the group we want.”
Howard: "OKay folks, thread is officially closed Inga and Drago are getting their "psychological nudity" on."
Several days ago I pointed out how some addicts will build a tolerance to drugs.Takes more and not as much fun. They will take a four day vacation, mostly sleep, to get it out of their system, then start hitting it again. Low doses at first until they reach the point where they need to stop and regroup again.
Inga does the same thing. Don't know if she did it as AllieOop back in the day. I wasn't here.
Drago is fun, brings out the crazy in the crazies.
One thing we know for sure because it comes from Trump himself is that after he selected “the finest group of people ever assembled as a cabinet” in 2017, now in 2018, Trump is “getting closer to the group we want.”
I have led teams and been member of teams. Motivation through positive feedback is extremely common practice. To ignore that simple fact, proves people are very busy finding fault in the most basic practices, in faltering attempt to "other" President Trump.
The left is still using the same play book, soon approaching 3 years, hoping against hope that to keep doing the same thing will finally bring the result they seek. That tactic is taking President Trump literally, not seriously. Something they wouldn't think of doing to other persons.
I had never resolved the difference between a city spelled Edinburgh, and pronounced Edin-boro. To be sure, there is no difference.
I did notice that there are NO garbage cans in the train station at Edinburgh. The same is true in London. I figure it's a diversity problem that can only be solved by more diversity.
YoungHegelian said... I found something very strange in google today.
Funny the first comment is about Google and feeling strange.I've been avoiding Google today. I hate their doodle. I feel like that women is judging me and I'm just not up to snuff.
And her eyes follow me too. Not cool Google. Not cool.
Blogger Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said... Hard to argue now that Trump's primary understanding of the world does not come from cable news, primarily FOX. Not an entirely reassuring thought.
More brilliance from commenters who have never been more than 100 miles from home.
1. The Facebook developments have me wanting to see the record of how many times my data was sold. There are some instructions in the news for getting into your history, and seeing the remarkable full record of info, yours and others, that is gathered there.
I would like to see that, AND/BUT I'd mostly like to see the record from the other side, where and to whom my life was given or sold.
2. It keeps pestering me that "Liberal" is now applied to the most Totalitarian, Supremacist segment of our political nation.
I. am a Liberal. We can't let the lefties take that glorious idea of a word and do what iowahawk formulated, ". . . 3. gut it. 4. wear its carcass as a skin suit, while demanding respect. "
"Progressives" and "Lefties" are OK, but in general usage these Monsters are referred to as Liberal.
I am starting to use "Alt-Liberal". I propose it as an excellent, useful distinguisher. It signals a deviance and carries the appropriate ominous edge of our moment, no? Besides, "progressives" and "lefties" is so last-century.
Antifa is Alt-Liberal. Sympathizers and apologists for Antifa are Alt-Liberal. the women's March hive is Alt-Liberal. @NPR is way Alt, Ultra-Alt-Liberal, haha.
Blogger Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said... "Hard to argue now that Trump's primary understanding of the world does not come from cable news, primarily FOX. Not an entirely reassuring thought"
Odd comment from someone who's compendium of Leftist website cut'n'pastes looks like the Oxford dictionary.
"Did this make sense to you when you wrote it or did you just say, "Fuck it, I'm tired.""
I wasn't gonna comment re this. But, since the door is open: WTF?
The OED is insanely well sourced with specific info re everything it states. In a non-DJT world we all used to be able to agree that such was a good thing.
Now, knowing and supporting stuff is an insult. Better to just lie and/or be uniformed = MAGA.
Today the Liberty Unyielding website published an article titled "Curious things still unresolved as leaks about presidential comms inside White House continue", written by J. E. Dyer, a retired Naval Intelligence officer. The article includes the following passages.
... On 2 February 2017, an Obama appointee was escorted from the White House after being summarily relieved of his position. The appointee was White House Chief Information Security Officer – CISO – Cory Louie. ....
That date fell a few days after the first media leaks on Trump’s phone calls with Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto, and Australia’s Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull at the end of January: startling leaks, apparently, about the contents of the president’s phone communications. ...
A week after Louie was fired, another leak purported to reveal the contents of Trump’s first presidential phone call with Vladimir Putin, which took place on 28 January 2017. ...
There’s something else that happened on 2 February 2017. That was the day the Capitol Police kicked the Awans out of the U.S. Capitol complex due to the family’s various criminal investigations and indictments. As of that date, the dozens of House Democrats who at various times had employed the Awans were on notice that members of the family were involved in highly questionable activity.
In an absolutely inexplicable series of follow-on developments, it took some key Democrats, like Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, weeks or even months to cut ties with the Awans. ....
'Sex on the first date, unprotected romps many dozens of times and treated like a prostitute': Playboy's Karen McDougal tells all about '10-month affair' with married Trump and why SHE ended it
I thought you were old enough to be over pornographic fiction.
There will come a time Drago, that you’ll have to drop the rank partisanship and put your country first.
Yes, the Trump hunters have wrapped themselves in the American flag and the rest of us are all traitors. The ones who want to revers the election are the only true patriots!
Dow is still a shit ton higher than it was, BTW, no credit to Trump for that, right? It's all Obama when it goes up, Trump when it goes down!
My wife got into watching Anderson Cooper's interview of Karen McDougal and we were trapped.
But it was interesting in that she said 10 good things about Trump for every 1/2 bad thing and she blamed that on her lawyer.
Get this: She was ashamed of a 10 month , 5 times a month sexual affair with a good and loving, intelligent man only because he was married. So she never wanted "her story"told, which was why she negotiated selling it into silence with $150,000 and promises of publishing her articles on fitness...a win, win deal.
Now that he is President, Hillary's lawyer has convinced her that her own lawyer sold her out cheap. She wants to publish all the sordid details now and discovers she sold "her story' so if she tells it again, which she is free to do, she will have to pay damages.Drat...foiled again.
But she supports Trump and voted for him and would never hurt him...sincerely.
@MadisonMan: I fight with my wife''s sister everytime we talk politics. One time she pushed me down and slapped me over and over. I just turned the other cheek. That infuriated her even more.
“Get this: She was ashamed of a 10 month , 5 times a month sexual affair with a good and loving, intelligent man only because he was married.”
It’s not Trump’s fault that he is so full of love that one woman wouldn’t be able to handle all that love,💕 so he has pity for his wife and takes a mistress, or two or three. In the words of the Pointer Sisters, what a man, what a man, what a man, what a mighty good man!
Anyway, it would have been nice if Obama had made Hillary promise "Not to start any wars" the way Trump did Bolton. She might be president now, the EU might be in better shape, Brexit might never have happened without the massive flood of refugees from Hillary's military adventures. And Biden was right there with her!
Justic Dept. Spokesman Ian Prior in response to Rep Goodlatte subpoena of DOJ/FBI info.
""We are individually reviewing the remaining documents to ensure that they do not include grand jury information, information about ongoing law enforcement actions involving American citizens, or privileged attorney-client communications,"
Intelligent Inga picked up on my comment. McDougal was praising Trump and showing how gentle, nice and respectful he was to her. And then after she left, without rest after 3 days with her, he seduced Stormy the next night at his Tahoe Tournament.
Trump must be descended from Charles II, another Scottish Stuart. He too had to bed a Catholic whore and a Protestan Whore to keep his Kingdom happy, and he stepped up and did it plus several more. What a man.
The rest of the world admires Trump more for this. And the Evangelicals are stuck in their once loyal, always loyal commitment to him.
I saw the movie "Professor Marston and the Wonder Women". It seems that the various porno versions of Wonder Woman are in some ways more faithful to the origin story than the big budget Hollywood movie. Nonetheless, the Hollywood movie transcends its kinky roots and succeeds on its own terms as a straightforward superhero movie. I'm trying to fashion this into some kind of metaphor for the Trump presidency, but further work needs to be done on the metaphor,
"Titus never said that his Indian husband actually liked Clumbers..."
Maybe his hubby was only into the "rare" ones. I'm not sure if the ones in my hood are "rare" or not.
Anywho, I have a friend who just spent four grand on a French Bulldog. That may or may not be rare, but it beats us be a grand (plus we only gots a so-called designer mutt).
Fuck me. Please Drago come back for more foreplay with Inga, no matter how creepy it's completely normal compared with the Log Cabin Closet Brigade fantasizing about Anderson Cooper and Titus.
Sometimes when I read the comments here I get the impression that liberals think that it is legal for the Feds to spy on Americans if they suspect them of wrong doing. They aren't. The feds are allowed to investigate actual crimes, but they aren't allowed to say "Gosh, that Wayne LaPierre opposes the public policy that the duly constituted government of the People of the United States would like to enact, so let's take a really close at his communications & see what we can charge him with." You need to have a crime first. I know, it sucks to be liberal, they really believe that they want the best for everybody & these stupid laws & constitutional rights keep standing in their way . . .
Well who are they targeting not antifa occupy, but tea parties deplorable, who did they confront in Oregon and Nevada, the dhs focused on veterans and orolifers.
Well, actualy, after the "heightened awareness" this week of how facebook & Zuckerberg make money, maybe the "htpp://" part of internet URLS's should be replaced with "4chann://". It's all 4chann now.
Well, it appears as though the Innernet's equiv to Mos Eisley shut parts of itself down, and for very understandable reasons.
I remember living in Western Europe, where EU sorts were pushing for this sort of legislation, and thinking, "they wouldn't do that back where I come from." Guess I guessed wrong.
Mark Penn served as a pollster for Bill Clinton in the 1990s and chief strategist for Hillary's 2008 presidential campaign. He claims that the former First Couple have 'at least a one-way open marriage.' Penn opens up about the Clintons in his upcoming book, Microtrends Squared: The New Small Forces Driving Today's Big Disruptions.
He writes: ''Today you can sit down with an impressionable elite - a Harvard-educated lawyer, for example - and they know with absolute certainty that somehow Trump was laundering money with the Russians in exchange for help in the election.
'They have no evidence for these claims and yet they 'know' it just as strongly as elites once believed the earth was flat.
'So did the Russians need money? How, when $2.4billion was spent on the election campaign, would $100,000 worth of Facebook ads make a difference?
'It's illogical, and yet perhaps 40 per cent of those reading this paragraph have come to believe it, based on reports of completely classified un-knowable information. They just know it.'
Penn claims that while two-thirds of the country did not like either presidential candidate, it was the 'elite' liberals who led Trump into office because they thought Clinton's win was inevitable.
He writes: 'And even in the aftermath, impressionable elites remain on the edge of their seats, in a world of Russian conspiracies and James Comey missteps, still waiting for the deus ex machina to bring the tragedy of 2016 to a close.
'But these, as well as other blinders, are just ways of denying the sea change of the rebellion of 2016.'
Us 4chan guys think orient refers to the OTO, reconstituted by Aleistair Crowley so Hitler and his next generation Nazis could get spirit cooking powers. It's not easy to rule Europe without illuminati help.
"Anywho, in both cases the cons who are now latching on to what's currently bein' sold are smart." Conservatives aren't stupid enough a to buy the "Russki's Stole the election for Trump!" story that was invented on the morning of November 9, 2016.
"'Beware the pine-tree's withered branch! Beware the awful avalanche!' This was the peasant's last Good-night, A voice replied, far up the height, excelsior!"
Jesus didn't travel more than fifty miles from home
What? Certainly he did. As a baby Jesus traveled with Joseph and Mary from the vicinity of Jerusalem to Egypt, perhaps Alexandria where there was a community of Jews. That’s just about 1000 km (620 miles) by road right there. From Alexandra to Nazareth is another more than 1,000 km.
Then, as an adult, within a few years Jesus traveled several times between the vicinity of (e.g., Tiberias on) the Sea of Galilee to Jerusalem and back — that’s 180 km (110 miles) each way — plus trips elsewhere in the general area of Judea, Samaria, and Galilee — such as a visit to the Decapolis (the Ten Cities) in what’s now northwestern Jordan.
"Excelsior" is pretty bad. But "The Tay Bridge Disaster" is supposed to be even more worserer, though the poet, some artless chap named McGonagall, is not as well known as Longfellow.
"Twas about seven o’clock at night, And the wind it blew with all its might, And the rain came pouring down, And the dark clouds seem’d to frown, And the Demon of the air seem’d to say- 'I’ll blow down the Bridge of Tay.'"
So, just in case you were thinking that the 4chan guys are some group of super-secret geniuses, here is a representative post from some fellow who calls himself "MFW": Why can't the FAA fuck off? It's all just a fucking pyrimd scam anyway. The idiots at the bottom want to be a cool airline pilot so they give money to CFIs. The CFIs work their asses off and accept shit pay to get to the regionals. Pilots at regionals get paid shit and work their ass off to get to the majors. At the majors They finnaly start getting paid a living wage and by then they hate their job
Why didn't someone tell me this industry is so fucking toxic BEFORE I wasted $40k??
My wife has shown me the pearl necklace she wants for our 30th anniversary.
I told her she is too young to wear pearls like that. Then she showed me the suit she made for wearing them. Which is very nice. Plus, she said, they will be handed down to our daughter when we croak.
She's so romantic. Now all I have to do is sell my brush hog and box blade.
I started learning how to fly under the GI Bill while I was enlisted. Then I did two years of college ROTC, and was commissioned. After 20 years service, I retired.
Most of my flying was in jets, so I was a shoe-in for the airlines. But the thing is, the cockpit today is people managing computers. It's not really flying. So I was not interested in that. My last plane (707) was controlled by cables, and levers. Even the seat had to be adjusted manually. The cabin door was a curtain. We had an enlisted man to adjust our throttles for us, and a 90 day wonder to tell us where the sun and moon were.
So when I retired I flew an ultralight for a year, then partnered in a sailplane. After a couple years I was bored, and bought a farm.
Flying is a lot of fun, as long as you stay below 40 HP. After that it is expensive and boring. It's a good career for a high school graduate if you have a good method to de-stress healthfully.
I tell everyone to fly into Dallas during rush hour, and then tell me they want to be an airline pilot.
The only airline pilot I knew flew for NW (this was in the 80s). He wanted to buy a lake cabin in the Detroit Lakes region of MN. He paid his own way through civilian flight school, sacrificed his marriage, and lived a very restricted lifestyle, all for that dream of a cabin on Pelican Lake. Hope he made it.
I think that my pilot friend made about $80k/year in the late 1980s, flying as second officer on mid-size airliners. If he was on-call (he called it the "hot seat"), when we went out for a beer, he would drive his own car & keep his uniform in the back seat with a towel over it so no one would see it. He limited himself to one drink. When his wife divorced him, she made it very clear that his obsession with his job was the cause. I've looked for him on google (he has an unusual last name), and it comes up blank. That makes me think he has died. Oh well.
Memories are coming back. That pilot guy -- his first name was "Mark" -- really loved to fly. He talked me into renting a plane for a flying lesson, $40/hr IIRC. We flew out of an airport in Saint Paul, some tiny little plane that barely held two people. I was terrified, it seemed so flimsy. He had me sit in the pilot's seat, on the left, and told me when to hit the throttle & pull up and push down on the stick. I was terrified, and at that time I rode an old Harley for transport eight months out of the year. We zipped around the old, giant smokestacks at Bayport. The flight was uneventful, but I wanted to kiss the ground when we landed. I hate flying, it ain't natural.
Just as Democratic donors thought they’d finally put away wallets for Hillary Clinton, she’s coming back to NYC for a fund-raiser for her nonprofit — while also creating a party stink by throwing the bash at the exact same time as an event for DNC chairman Tom Perez. Clinton will be in town on April 30 for her “Onward Together” organization, to support young political leaders. With great fanfare, Clinton announced in an email to her 2016 supporters that she is launching the Onward Together Leadership Council and that they could become charter members — in return for coughing up at least... . - New York Post
Ha ha ha! "Onward together" because ye can nae break a stick when it's in a bundle! Oh, and BTW, let's invade North Africa! Libya sounds like a good place to start!
Liberals are burning their bridges with the rest of America with this extended tantrum about Trump. What's it going to mean when the next Democrat is elected and suddenly their families are all over the covers of magazines, first lady is getting fawning publicity. It is going to mean that all of that stuff is partisan propaganda. It becomes clearer every day.
tim in vermont said... Just as Democratic donors thought they’d finally put away wallets for Hillary Clinton, she’s coming back to NYC for a fund-raiser for her nonprofit — while also creating a party stink by throwing the bash at the exact same time as an event for DNC chairman Tom Perez"
Great news!
And Inga thinks it's right wingers keeping Hillary in the news. No, it's Queen Pantsuit her own bad self. She's not going to let the Dems forget about her.
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१७५ टिप्पण्या:
I found something very strange in google today. I have often in the past googled terms from postings in the Althouse forum to look for things either I or others have posted. I've generally had no problem with anything that wasn't in the "deep archive".
I was discussing the "Black Panther" with my brother & I tried to find my posting on Wakanda as an allegory of Zionism. I googled "althouse younghegelian kirby wakanda" & got no hits.
Here's the link. I'm the fifth comment down. All those terms should produce a unique hit, but they don't.
So, what's up with Google? Has someone at MeadeHouse or at Blogger changed the HTML code to block search bots? Has Google decided that Althouse is a alt-right den of iniquity & is refusing to help her (& us) spread our venom?
Inquiring minds want to know.
I used to reassure myself by thinking, at least my 401k is doing well. For how much longer?
YoungHegelian said...
I googled "althouse younghegelian kirby wakanda" & got no hits.
I get to the post and its comments with the following google query:
younghegelian kirby wakanda site:althouse.blogspot.com
Deficit spending sucks. Dismaying that voters have so little self respect - electing pandering Congresscritters to steal the fruits of their own offspring's labor.
Looks like insane borrowing from the future, same as usual - unless Trump grows a pair and shuts it down.
What the heck - likely I'll be outa here in 20 years tops, and at least Hillary! still not President.
Looks like insane borrowing from the future, same as usual - unless Trump grows a pair and shuts it down.
Or unless growth takes off enough that tax receipts climb to cover part of it.
With leaked recording from her highly political/partisan visit to a San Francisco fund raiser, even the Journal Sentinel has made note of WI supreme Court candidate Rebecca Dallet's dalliance...though presenting a couple of the many questionable statements.
I get to the post and its comments with the following google query:
younghegelian kirby wakanda site:althouse.blogspot.com
That format produces a more "site specific" search, & I'm glad to see it, at least, still works. But, what I'm pointing out is that the more generic format I used has worked for years, & now, seemingly, doesn't. Why?
What kind of data, exactly, does Facebook collect on us? (And Amazon?) Can they collect data on what blogs I read, what kind of things I search for on the internets, etc, through cookies? Or is it just what I say and do on Facebook and what I buy on Amazon?
Feminist fish mating.
After 4 Nor'Easters in 3 weeks, I am officially ready for Spring. Not the mud though, not looking forward to that coming in on four-paws all the time.
Can they collect data on what blogs I read, what kind of things I search for on the internets, etc, through cookies?
Oh, yes, they definitely mine your cookies & probably your history, too. Haven't you noticed how when you search for something in a search engine, you'll see an ad for it in FB? Cookies.
Every site that wants it has access to your cookie cache. That cache is within the "sandbox" that even well-behaved web sites are supposed to have access to. Stepping outside that "sandbox" into your general file system is considered "malware" type behavior.
Doesn't this mean that heroic efforts were not necessary in order to hack Hillary's emails ?
Blogger readering said...”I used to reassure myself by thinking, at least my 401k is doing well. For how much longer?”
Simple solution. Take your 401k money out of stocks. Problem solved.
"I used to reassure myself by thinking, at least my 401k is doing well. For how much longer?"
Relax. Everyone knew a correction was coming. Stocks were super hot in 2017 and are still well above where they were when Trump took office. Fact is, part of the Democrat/Leftist game is to keep markets jittery with bad news after bad news about Trump - ignoring successes, amplifying failures, and creating scandal where none exists.
The question you should be asking yourself is, if Mueller had ended his investigation once he realized there was no evidence of any collusion, legal or illegal, between Trump and Russia, how HIGH would stocks be today? Instead, the Deep State and the liberal elites are trying to slow-walk a coup of a duly elected president. I'm surprised the markets have done as well as they have over the past 14 months, given that fact hanging in the background.
(World Famous Lurker says....)
Grace Potter, Joe Satriani and Willy Waldman do a great cover of Cortez the Killer
Willy plays a great trumpet in this cover. I'm not sure I've ever heard a Neil Young song that had a trumpet. Perhaps the best cover of this song ever.
Its funny how whitey bulger was protected and Stephen hatfill was detained
@YoungHegelian- Is all the controversy about malware type behavior on Facebook's part, or is it all "in the sandbox." I thought everyone knew about the cookies stuff; since, as you said, you can see ads on FB for things you've searched for.
Here's what Geno Auriemma UCONN head coach tweeted about the firing of Jamelle Elliott at Cincinnati WBB
"Positively disgraceful that Jamelle Elliott was let go at Cincinnati. Anyone interested in that job would be well advised to do their homework."
Sounds just like a Donald Trump Tweet, doesn't it? If I didn't know Geno doesn't like Donald I would think he had Donald ghost write it. If UCONN wins the NCAA this year we should assume that a Russian Collusion investigation will be launched against Geno and his family.
Wes Anderson still sparks joy at the movies...
McMaster out and Bolton in.
McMaster is out. Bolton is in.
Lord help us.
I wonder how long the Democrats can keep the blacks on the Plantation ?
When the divorce comes it will be very nasty, Even violent.
Blogger Kyzernick said... Instead, the Deep State and the liberal elites are trying to slow-walk a coup of a duly elected president. I'm surprised the markets have done as well as they have over the past 14 months, given that fact hanging in the background. Maybe the institutional deep state investors make decisions based on real facts instead of fairy tails.
Dow plunges, thanks Trump.
Inga: "McMaster is out. Bolton is in. Lord help us"
Gee, Inga's right. With Bolton in we might make mistakes like handing over 20% of our uranium to Vlad and gang as well as sending billions of dollars to the biggest global sponsor of terrorism that is pledged to our destruction.
Inga weeps for the Iran deal. We wouldn't want to do anything to hurt those guys as they do so much "good" in helping to create terrorists that can be unvetted and imported as future democrat voters.
Howard: "Maybe the institutional deep state investors make decisions based on real facts instead of fairy tails."
Yeah, Andrew McCabe launching a super-secret criminal investigation of Jeff Sessions, based solely on the "request" from 2 democrat senators, could never be described as anything other than "by the book" (wink wink)
By the way, according to career prosecutors, what McCabe did to Sessions is NEVER done. Ever.
Brennan flat out lied to Congress and admitted it. Holder was held in contempt of congress. Clapper lied to congress.
So here are your choices: leadership elements at the FBI were conducting an "Insurance Policy" against the incoming Trump administration.....
....Jeff Sessions is a Russian Agent.
Inga: "Bolton is a warmonger."
Hillary and obama were warmongers.
Obama famously said that he was "pretty good at killing people".
And the left cheered them.
Cheered them.....
Inga: "How goes that comport with a Trump and he campaigning on not getting involved in new foreign wars?"
What foreign war did Trump involve us in?
Bolton is a warmonger. How goes that comport with Trump and he campaigning on not getting involved in new foreign wars?
“What foreign war did Trump involve us in?”
Bolton will influence Trump. Trump is famous for taking on the opinion of the last person who he spoke with. Don’t be a simpleton Drago.
Blogger Inga said... McMaster is out. Bolton is in. Lord help us.
This means the deal has been inked, Mueller investigation won't touch Trump & Family. Trump is now officially the titular head of the deep state. Firing the adults and replacing them with nut-bars are a play to maintain base so he will sign the Dem spending bill.
No he just wants them prosecuted forcefully. He pointed out the Syrian and Cuban cbw programs
Inga: "Dow plunges, thanks Trump"
The Dow closed at 18,332.74 on Nov. 8, 2016, Election Day.
The Dow closed today at 23957.89.
Thanks Trump!
Howard: " Firing the adults and replacing them with nut-bars are a play to maintain base so he will sign the Dem spending bill."
"nutbars" now defined as opposing removal of Ghadaffi and opposing sending billions to Iran and uranium to Russia.
Yeah, those adults have been great.
How's the Norks nuke program coming along?....very well after several decades of the "adults" running things.
Drago wins the Trump sycophant of the Althouse Blog award.
Inga: "Bolton will influence Trump."
Farrakhan and Ayers influenced obama.
But in a "good way" one supposes.
Bolton was just sheep-dipped into the deep state here in Monterrey by Leon the Fixer.
I see it's working, Drago. I can't wait to see how you react to Trumps coming rapprochement with Schemer and Pelosi.
"Looks like insane borrowing from the future, same as usual - unless Trump grows a pair and shuts it down.
Or unless growth takes off enough that tax receipts climb to cover part of it. "
Borrow the money and hope for the best. Nice poetry maybe (dactylic pentameter?) but a chancy economic policy.
Inga: "Drago wins the Trump sycophant of the Althouse Blog award."
Wow. What an unexpected honor. Particularly since I was unaware of this awards existence 10 minutes ago.
First of all, I'd like to thank the Academy, my parents who always sacrificed to support my dreams, my children who have inspired me more than I can express.
To my wife, my partner, my best friend. Without you none of this would have been possible.
And, of course, many thanks to all of my Althouse...(chokes up...)...fans....(tears flowing)....who have always supported me. I feel the love and I want to return the love.
God bless you all.
Howard: "Bolton was just sheep-dipped into the deep state here in Monterrey by Leon the Fixer."
Ah, I'm hoping you mean Leon Panetta and the Monterey, CA gang. (You may have misspelled the California Monterey, which is obviously the better one).
Howard: "I see it's working, Drago. I can't wait to see how you react to Trumps coming rapprochement with Schemer and Pelosi."
Don't get me started (Brooklyn accent)....
autocorrect is mesoamericancentric apparently
Howard: "autocorrect is mesoamericancentric apparently"
Wish I had written that.
“Farrakhan and Ayers influenced obama.”
So when were either man in the Obama Administration, much less head of the NSA? There will come a time Drago, that you’ll have to drop the rank partisanship and put your country first.
Can't wait to see how hysterical MSM will react. The Mueller clearance of Trump Family will have to wait a month, but it's a done deal. Dronald, Jr and Jared walk!
We've got redbuds blooming, and I've got a headache.
Inga, I love you but get real. Obama's NSA was the worst in history.
Is all the controversy about malware type behavior on Facebook's part, or is it all "in the sandbox."
Neither. The data that caused all the hullabaloo had to come directly from FB's tech guys doing a partial database "dump" of the requested user records from FB's ginormous database of users. In other words, Obama or Trump's tech guys (i.e. Cambridge Analytica) requested a subset of clients who met certain criteria, & FB's tech team provided it.
As far as I know, FB has not yet been hacked & its entire user database compromised.
Inga: "So when were either man in the Obama Administration, much less head of the NSA?"
They and their philosophy were well represented with Li'l baracky.
And really, any supporter of the obambi crew which put Fine Arts BA, failed screenwriter and lunatic Ben Rhodes in a Deputy National Security Advisor role, has no room to say anything.
Oh, by the way: did you know that this key Deputy National Security Advisor, whose only real claim to fame and competence was his brother, David Rhodes, who is President of CBS news, was a key architect of the Iran Deal giveaway.
Did you know that Inga?
Did you also know that Ben Rhodes spent 8 years in this critical role and....(wait for it)....NEVER received a security clearance.
In fact, the FBI went so far as to deny him a clearance.
Gee, whaddya think of that?
Inga: "There will come a time Drago, that you’ll have to drop the rank partisanship and put your country first."
As long as idiots like you continue to support a party that colludes with Putin to create fake dossiers and have that disinformation weaponized to violate American citizens rights, I will always be there to call you out.
Howard: "Can't wait to see how hysterical MSM will react."
HR McMaster will be "demoted" from Russian Colluder and Lackey to merely tainted by association with Trump.
Bolton will be "promoted" suddenly to Chief of Putin's White House Based Comintern Cell.
OKay folks, thread is officially closed Inga and Drago are getting their "psychological nudity" on.
Howard: "OKay folks, thread is officially closed Inga and Drago are getting their "psychological nudity" on."
That comment only works if you say it in a lispy german accent and right before you ask me if I loved my "mutter and fater"
Bolton has one purpose. He removes McMaster who was the last Soros mole in the Cabinet. Now the decks have been cleared for action that will commence soon. Bolton will hold the fort down at the White House. When the storm is over, then he will be fired too.
McMaster out...
And so the crooked lying anonymously-sourced left-wing biased deep-state lamestream driveby media...
...was right.
Sure they were Chuck. I mean, you say the same thing over and over, week after week, you're going to be right eventually....
Double Standards Won’t Close the Racial Learning Gap
One thing we know for sure because it comes from Trump himself is that after he selected “the finest group of people ever assembled as a cabinet” in 2017, now in 2018, Trump is “getting closer to the group we want.”
Howard: "OKay folks, thread is officially closed Inga and Drago are getting their "psychological nudity" on."
Several days ago I pointed out how some addicts will build a tolerance to drugs.Takes more and not as much fun. They will take a four day vacation, mostly sleep, to get it out of their system, then start hitting it again. Low doses at first until they reach the point where they need to stop and regroup again.
Inga does the same thing.
Don't know if she did it as AllieOop back in the day. I wasn't here.
Drago is fun, brings out the crazy in the crazies.
The New York Times is apparently getting so good with its preporting that it can now convert fake news into real news.
One thing we know for sure because it comes from Trump himself is that after he selected “the finest group of people ever assembled as a cabinet” in 2017, now in 2018, Trump is “getting closer to the group we want.”
I have led teams and been member of teams. Motivation through positive feedback is extremely common practice. To ignore that simple fact, proves people are very busy finding fault in the most basic practices, in faltering attempt to "other" President Trump.
The left is still using the same play book, soon approaching 3 years, hoping against hope that to keep doing the same thing will finally bring the result they seek. That tactic is taking President Trump literally, not seriously. Something they wouldn't think of doing to other persons.
I had never resolved the difference between a city spelled Edinburgh, and pronounced Edin-boro. To be sure, there is no difference.
I did notice that there are NO garbage cans in the train station at Edinburgh. The same is true in London. I figure it's a diversity problem that can only be solved by more diversity.
RE: The Mcmaster firing prediction.
The rule for being an accurate prognosticator: Give'em a name or give 'em a date. Never give both at the same time. You'll be correct sooner or later.
John Bolton? Was General Buck Turgidson unavailable?
Bolton is not a good replacement I predict we will all regret this move combined with the leaving of sane lawyer
Inga said...
McMaster is out. Bolton is in.
Lord help us.
The lamentation of their women. Trump must be on the right track.
Loyola looks great. The coach is Porter Moser. Creighton grad. A fav of mine from his playing days.
YoungHegelian said...
I found something very strange in google today.
Funny the first comment is about Google and feeling strange.I've been avoiding Google today. I hate their doodle. I feel like that women is judging me and I'm just not up to snuff.
And her eyes follow me too. Not cool Google. Not cool.
So now war and the economy are in the hands of part-time FOX commentators. What could go wrong?
Amazing how Fox just creates those commentators from thin air.
Hard to argue now that Trump's primary understanding of the world does not come from cable news, primarily FOX. Not an entirely reassuring thought.
“What foreign war did Trump involve us in?”
Bolton will influence Trump. Trump is famous for taking on the opinion of the last person who he spoke with. Don’t be a simpleton Drago.
Inga is almost the equal of Field Marshall Freder in posting ignorant nonsense on international affairs.
In Inga's book, Churchill was a warmonger and Chamberlain was a peacemaker.
Blogger Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
Hard to argue now that Trump's primary understanding of the world does not come from cable news, primarily FOX. Not an entirely reassuring thought.
More brilliance from commenters who have never been more than 100 miles from home.
"I predict we will all regret this move combined with the leaving of sane lawyer"
I agree. The OIG report is coming, and the lamentation of your women will be a lullaby to me.
“More brilliance from commenters who have never been more than 100 miles from home.”
Nothing is hidden from Michael K!
The coach is Porter Moser.
Is that how they dress at Creighton??
Plaid jacket, checked shirt, and a paisley tie. Is this guy married??
1. The Facebook developments have me wanting to see the record of how many times my data was sold. There are some instructions in the news for getting into your history, and seeing the remarkable full record of info, yours and others, that is gathered there.
I would like to see that, AND/BUT I'd mostly like to see the record from the other side, where and to whom my life was given or sold.
It would be instructive.
"In Inga's book, Churchill was a warmonger and Chamberlain was a peacemaker."
Quote for that claim?
Ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Don't worry doc, you don't need to answer that, we all know what you spew, i.e. what yur full of, i.e what splatters.
That, and your tic re telling us when it's your bedtime is what makes you awesome.
Never change. Please.
I am pretty much fed up with my wife's siblings. That is all.
The cool thing about doc Mike is that, at times during his existence, he's been a sorta big fish in a small sea.
But, that makes him a fish in a barrel re not a wee sea.
He's the best.
2. It keeps pestering me that "Liberal" is now applied to the most Totalitarian, Supremacist segment of our political nation.
I. am a Liberal. We can't let the lefties take that glorious idea of a word and do what iowahawk formulated, ". . . 3. gut it. 4. wear its carcass as a skin suit, while demanding respect. "
"Progressives" and "Lefties" are OK, but in general usage these Monsters are referred to as Liberal.
I am starting to use "Alt-Liberal". I propose it as an excellent, useful distinguisher. It signals a deviance and carries the appropriate ominous edge of our moment, no? Besides, "progressives" and "lefties" is so last-century.
Antifa is Alt-Liberal. Sympathizers and apologists for Antifa are Alt-Liberal. the women's March hive is Alt-Liberal. @NPR is way Alt, Ultra-Alt-Liberal, haha.
Blogger Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
"Hard to argue now that Trump's primary understanding of the world does not come from cable news, primarily FOX. Not an entirely reassuring thought"
Odd comment from someone who's compendium of Leftist website cut'n'pastes looks like the Oxford dictionary.
MadisonMan said...
I am pretty much fed up with my wife's siblings. That is all.
I am more sympathetic to this than you can imagine.
The Cracker Emcee Classic said...
cut'n'pastes looks like the Oxford dictionary
Did this make sense to you when you wrote it or did you just say, "Fuck it, I'm tired."
"Did this make sense to you when you wrote it or did you just say, "Fuck it, I'm tired.""
I wasn't gonna comment re this. But, since the door is open: WTF?
The OED is insanely well sourced with specific info re everything it states. In a non-DJT world we all used to be able to agree that such was a good thing.
Now, knowing and supporting stuff is an insult. Better to just lie and/or be uniformed = MAGA.
I am pretty much fed up with my wife's siblings. That is all.
You don't marry just the girl - you marry the tribe - unless you have a boat.
'Sex on the first date, unprotected romps many dozens of times and treated like a prostitute': Playboy's Karen McDougal tells all about '10-month affair' with married Trump and why SHE ended it
The rumor about Trump being germaphobe is starting to look more like a cover story than a real thing. Was John Miller the source for the story?
Today the Liberty Unyielding website published an article titled "Curious things still unresolved as leaks about presidential comms inside White House continue", written by J. E. Dyer, a retired Naval Intelligence officer. The article includes the following passages.
... On 2 February 2017, an Obama appointee was escorted from the White House after being summarily relieved of his position. The appointee was White House Chief Information Security Officer – CISO – Cory Louie. ....
That date fell a few days after the first media leaks on Trump’s phone calls with Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto, and Australia’s Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull at the end of January: startling leaks, apparently, about the contents of the president’s phone communications. ...
A week after Louie was fired, another leak purported to reveal the contents of Trump’s first presidential phone call with Vladimir Putin, which took place on 28 January 2017. ...
There’s something else that happened on 2 February 2017. That was the day the Capitol Police kicked the Awans out of the U.S. Capitol complex due to the family’s various criminal investigations and indictments. As of that date, the dozens of House Democrats who at various times had employed the Awans were on notice that members of the family were involved in highly questionable activity.
In an absolutely inexplicable series of follow-on developments, it took some key Democrats, like Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, weeks or even months to cut ties with the Awans. ....
[end quote]
Blogger Inga said...
“More brilliance from commenters who have never been more than 100 miles from home.”
Nothing is hidden from Michael K!
I thought you were going to show us your travels. I guess Wisconsin is most of it.
Blogger anti-de Sitter space said...
The cool thing about doc Mike is that, at times during his existence, he's been a sorta big fish in a small sea.
But, that makes him a fish in a barrel re not a wee sea.
He's the best.
PB&J or whatever your handle is today thinks he/she knows all there is to know about the world.
There is a lot outside your mother's basement.
Why not look ?
It's just amusing to see the video game generation explain life.
Etienne said...
You don't marry just the girl - you marry the tribe - unless you have a boat.
Trust me on this, having a boat doesn't solve the problem.
Bolton is a hair-lip bottom fish. From the swamp. No good can come from this.
'Sex on the first date, unprotected romps many dozens of times and treated like a prostitute': Playboy's Karen McDougal tells all about '10-month affair' with married Trump and why SHE ended it
I thought you were old enough to be over pornographic fiction.
Whatever turns you on....
Many of us don't travel more than 100 miles (or, like me, we live in a basement sans windows) so we didn't know that that headline was a sex thing.
Only an sophisticated, world traveler anglophile like yurself could know that "romp" means Fing.
P.S. do you own a jet?
I am pretty much fed up with my wife's siblings. That is all.
Now that you mention it....
The Cafe Post may be a subtle Face Book creation for an advertiser: Land 'O Lakes Butter.
Michael K said...
You reminded me of the name of the publisher of the National Enquirer.
There will come a time Drago, that you’ll have to drop the rank partisanship and put your country first.
Yes, the Trump hunters have wrapped themselves in the American flag and the rest of us are all traitors. The ones who want to revers the election are the only true patriots!
Dow is still a shit ton higher than it was, BTW, no credit to Trump for that, right? It's all Obama when it goes up, Trump when it goes down!
Well she backdated her diary by 10 years, but she's kind of attractive in the way miss Clifford isn't, but this is all they got.
If this Congressional bill passes the Senate and Trump signs it, I see no reason to vote this fall.
Michael K said...
You reminded me of the name of the publisher of the National Enquirer.
I don't know who that is but whatever turns you on.
My wife got into watching Anderson Cooper's interview of Karen McDougal and we were trapped.
But it was interesting in that she said 10 good things about Trump for every 1/2 bad thing and she blamed that on her lawyer.
Get this: She was ashamed of a 10 month , 5 times a month sexual affair with a good and loving, intelligent man only because he was married. So she never wanted "her story"told, which was why she negotiated selling it into silence with $150,000 and promises of publishing her articles on fitness...a win, win deal.
Now that he is President, Hillary's lawyer has convinced her that her own lawyer sold her out cheap. She wants to publish all the sordid details now and discovers she sold "her story' so if she tells it again, which she is free to do, she will have to pay damages.Drat...foiled again.
But she supports Trump and voted for him and would never hurt him...sincerely.
Jesus didn't travel more than fifty miles from home
anti-de Sitter space said... [hush][hide comment]
Many of us don't travel more than 100 miles (or, like me, we live in a basement sans windows) so we didn't know that that headline was a sex thing.
@MadisonMan: I fight with my wife''s sister everytime we talk politics. One time she pushed me down and slapped me over and over. I just turned the other cheek. That infuriated her even more.
She can feign sincerity,
The daily basilisk can't get a clue, if they gave it away
Of course, I'm not on Facebook and so our altercations must be physical.
Why is Anderson Cooper spearheading all these Trump affair things? Typical angry gay move.
“Get this: She was ashamed of a 10 month , 5 times a month sexual affair with a good and loving, intelligent man only because he was married.”
It’s not Trump’s fault that he is so full of love that one woman wouldn’t be able to handle all that love,💕 so he has pity for his wife and takes a mistress, or two or three. In the words of the Pointer Sisters, what a man, what a man, what a man, what a mighty good man!
Maybe one day it will come out that not only was Anderson Cooper an avid tea-bagger, but that he also bit in order to punish his partners.
Did she leave bruises?
I wish it were spring here. Looks like a new ice age, seriously.
We need to fix the image of Anderson Cooper tea-bagging his partners in people's heads.
Inga still defends Bill though.
@Inga: From the slap down? No, but I did leave.
Anyway, it would have been nice if Obama had made Hillary promise "Not to start any wars" the way Trump did Bolton. She might be president now, the EU might be in better shape, Brexit might never have happened without the massive flood of refugees from Hillary's military adventures. And Biden was right there with her!
So comforting that the "era of austerity is over".
Cheers, everyone!
My apologies, that was Salt N Pepa.
I could’ve sworn The Pointer Sisters did it first though.
Cooper is in it for all the salacious details: penis size, endurance, load size...all the typical things that fascinated Titus.
Compare and contrast:
Wrong analogy, its shangrila:
There are also similarities with a futurist western that aired in 1979, secret empire.
"all the typical things that fascinated Titus."
One of the places I live has neighbors w/ a clumber. And, it's two dudes! (Neither Indian.)
Anywho, weird.
Titus never said that his Indian husband actually liked Clumbers...
Justic Dept. Spokesman Ian Prior in response to Rep Goodlatte subpoena of DOJ/FBI info.
""We are individually reviewing the remaining documents to ensure that they do not include grand jury information, information about ongoing law enforcement actions involving American citizens, or privileged attorney-client communications,"
"Grand jury info"......WTF, OH YEAH
It was underground, set in the past not the near future
Intelligent Inga picked up on my comment. McDougal was praising Trump and showing how gentle, nice and respectful he was to her. And then after she left, without rest after 3 days with her, he seduced Stormy the next night at his Tahoe Tournament.
Trump must be descended from Charles II, another Scottish Stuart. He too had to bed a Catholic whore and a Protestan Whore to keep his Kingdom happy, and he stepped up and did it plus several more. What a man.
The rest of the world admires Trump more for this. And the Evangelicals are stuck in their once loyal, always loyal commitment to him.
I saw the movie "Professor Marston and the Wonder Women". It seems that the various porno versions of Wonder Woman are in some ways more faithful to the origin story than the big budget Hollywood movie. Nonetheless, the Hollywood movie transcends its kinky roots and succeeds on its own terms as a straightforward superhero movie. I'm trying to fashion this into some kind of metaphor for the Trump presidency, but further work needs to be done on the metaphor,
"Titus never said that his Indian husband actually liked Clumbers..."
Maybe his hubby was only into the "rare" ones. I'm not sure if the ones in my hood are "rare" or not.
Anywho, I have a friend who just spent four grand on a French Bulldog. That may or may not be rare, but it beats us be a grand (plus we only gots a so-called designer mutt).
Fuck me. Please Drago come back for more foreplay with Inga, no matter how creepy it's completely normal compared with the Log Cabin Closet Brigade fantasizing about Anderson Cooper and Titus.
Fuck me.....the Log Cabin Closet Brigade fantasizing about Anderson Cooper and Titus.
Don't need ta be Freud to figure this out.
Howard, Drago doesn’t ring my chimes, but Trad Guy, what a man, what a man, what a mighty good man...💋
Sometimes when I read the comments here I get the impression that liberals think that it is legal for the Feds to spy on Americans if they suspect them of wrong doing.
They aren't.
The feds are allowed to investigate actual crimes, but they aren't allowed to say "Gosh, that Wayne LaPierre opposes the public policy that the duly constituted government of the People of the United States would like to enact, so let's take a really close at his communications & see what we can charge him with."
You need to have a crime first. I know, it sucks to be liberal, they really believe that they want the best for everybody & these stupid laws & constitutional rights keep standing in their way . . .
Inga Marking Her Man with Belle Jolie Lips
Well who are they targeting not antifa occupy, but tea parties deplorable, who did they confront in Oregon and Nevada, the dhs focused on veterans and orolifers.
Golden years backwarders are funnier than yute backwarders.
Howard, sometimes I mark my man with a scent. Ivanka’s new perfume, “Complicit”.
BTW, we can all be certain that our 4C homie is not an Alt-puppet.
Well, actualy, after the "heightened awareness" this week of how facebook & Zuckerberg make money, maybe the "htpp://" part of internet URLS's should be replaced with "4chann://".
It's all 4chann now.
Inga should switch to the new, hot scent:
Tagline: Daddy loves when I'm Complict
Hahaha! I’d rather Elevate my man than Escalate him.
Well, it appears as though the Innernet's equiv to Mos Eisley shut parts of itself down, and for very understandable reasons.
I remember living in Western Europe, where EU sorts were pushing for this sort of legislation, and thinking, "they wouldn't do that back where I come from." Guess I guessed wrong.
Mark Penn served as a pollster for Bill Clinton in the 1990s and chief strategist for Hillary's 2008 presidential campaign. He claims that the former First Couple have 'at least a one-way open marriage.' Penn opens up about the Clintons in his upcoming book, Microtrends Squared: The New Small Forces Driving Today's Big Disruptions.
He writes: ''Today you can sit down with an impressionable elite - a Harvard-educated lawyer, for example - and they know with absolute certainty that somehow Trump was laundering money with the Russians in exchange for help in the election.
'They have no evidence for these claims and yet they 'know' it just as strongly as elites once believed the earth was flat.
'So did the Russians need money? How, when $2.4billion was spent on the election campaign, would $100,000 worth of Facebook ads make a difference?
'It's illogical, and yet perhaps 40 per cent of those reading this paragraph have come to believe it, based on reports of completely classified un-knowable information. They just know it.'
Penn claims that while two-thirds of the country did not like either presidential candidate, it was the 'elite' liberals who led Trump into office because they thought Clinton's win was inevitable.
He writes: 'And even in the aftermath, impressionable elites remain on the edge of their seats, in a world of Russian conspiracies and James Comey missteps, still waiting for the deus ex machina to bring the tragedy of 2016 to a close.
'But these, as well as other blinders, are just ways of denying the sea change of the rebellion of 2016.'
For a while I've been wondering what happened to Dick Morris re con adoration and dough-ation.
No need to fuss w/ that now.
Anywho, I hope you ordered the book. W/ the Althouse Amazon portal.
Anywho, in both cases the cons who are now latching on to what's currently bein' sold are smart.
OTOH, the Clintons who preceded them were/are suckers for buyin' what used to be bein' sold.
Got it.
Love you, Inga.
Us 4chan guys think orient refers to the OTO, reconstituted by Aleistair Crowley so Hitler and his next generation Nazis could get spirit cooking powers. It's not easy to rule Europe without illuminati help.
David Brock swings the other way.
"Anywho, in both cases the cons who are now latching on to what's currently bein' sold are smart."
Conservatives aren't stupid enough a to buy the "Russki's Stole the election for Trump!" story that was invented on the morning of November 9, 2016.
"'Beware the pine-tree's withered branch!
Beware the awful avalanche!'
This was the peasant's last Good-night,
A voice replied, far up the height,
Go get 'em, tiger!
Before cable, most people got all their TV news via 4 channels.
Inga Unclogged!
4chan Uncensored!
A.Cooper's balls in face sitter's mouth!
This is too much!
(not really)
Man, this place is weird.
Jesus didn't travel more than fifty miles from home
What? Certainly he did. As a baby Jesus traveled with Joseph and Mary from the vicinity of Jerusalem to Egypt, perhaps Alexandria where there was a community of Jews. That’s just about 1000 km (620 miles) by road right there. From Alexandra to Nazareth is another more than 1,000 km.
Then, as an adult, within a few years Jesus traveled several times between the vicinity of (e.g., Tiberias on) the Sea of Galilee to Jerusalem and back — that’s 180 km (110 miles) each way — plus trips elsewhere in the general area of Judea, Samaria, and Galilee — such as a visit to the Decapolis (the Ten Cities) in what’s now northwestern Jordan.
"Excelsior" is pretty bad. But "The Tay Bridge Disaster" is supposed to be even more worserer, though the poet, some artless chap named McGonagall, is not as well known as Longfellow.
"Twas about seven o’clock at night,
And the wind it blew with all its might,
And the rain came pouring down,
And the dark clouds seem’d to frown,
And the Demon of the air seem’d to say-
'I’ll blow down the Bridge of Tay.'"
They've escaped from the worst of it:
How do we discover this now:
So, just in case you were thinking that the 4chan guys are some group of super-secret geniuses, here is a representative post from some fellow who calls himself "MFW":
Why can't the FAA fuck off? It's all just a fucking pyrimd scam anyway. The idiots at the bottom want to be a cool airline pilot so they give money to CFIs. The CFIs work their asses off and accept shit pay to get to the regionals. Pilots at regionals get paid shit and work their ass off to get to the majors. At the majors They finnaly start getting paid a living wage and by then they hate their job
Why didn't someone tell me this industry is so fucking toxic BEFORE I wasted $40k??
My wife has shown me the pearl necklace she wants for our 30th anniversary.
I told her she is too young to wear pearls like that. Then she showed me the suit she made for wearing them. Which is very nice. Plus, she said, they will be handed down to our daughter when we croak.
She's so romantic. Now all I have to do is sell my brush hog and box blade.
"Face sitter"
The Germans have a word for that, you know.
@Ettiene: Mikimoto
The Germans have a word for that, you know.
Why can't the FAA fuck off?
I started learning how to fly under the GI Bill while I was enlisted. Then I did two years of college ROTC, and was commissioned. After 20 years service, I retired.
Most of my flying was in jets, so I was a shoe-in for the airlines. But the thing is, the cockpit today is people managing computers. It's not really flying. So I was not interested in that. My last plane (707) was controlled by cables, and levers. Even the seat had to be adjusted manually. The cabin door was a curtain. We had an enlisted man to adjust our throttles for us, and a 90 day wonder to tell us where the sun and moon were.
So when I retired I flew an ultralight for a year, then partnered in a sailplane. After a couple years I was bored, and bought a farm.
Flying is a lot of fun, as long as you stay below 40 HP. After that it is expensive and boring. It's a good career for a high school graduate if you have a good method to de-stress healthfully.
I tell everyone to fly into Dallas during rush hour, and then tell me they want to be an airline pilot.
Here's a video
The only airline pilot I knew flew for NW (this was in the 80s). He wanted to buy a lake cabin in the Detroit Lakes region of MN. He paid his own way through civilian flight school, sacrificed his marriage, and lived a very restricted lifestyle, all for that dream of a cabin on Pelican Lake. Hope he made it.
penis size, endurance, load size...all the typical things that fascinated Titus.
These are important details which Cooper can at least bring back to P-Town social circles, even if they are edited out of the 60 Minutes interview.
Cooper: Can you speak to Marco Rubio's "small hands" innuendo, Ms. Daniels?
Stormy: Yes I can, Anderson. I am free to do so.
I think that my pilot friend made about $80k/year in the late 1980s, flying as second officer on mid-size airliners. If he was on-call (he called it the "hot seat"), when we went out for a beer, he would drive his own car & keep his uniform in the back seat with a towel over it so no one would see it. He limited himself to one drink. When his wife divorced him, she made it very clear that his obsession with his job was the cause. I've looked for him on google (he has an unusual last name), and it comes up blank. That makes me think he has died. Oh well.
$80k/year in the late 1980s
That would be good money back then. Especially in the great white north, eh :-)
Memories are coming back. That pilot guy -- his first name was "Mark" -- really loved to fly. He talked me into renting a plane for a flying lesson, $40/hr IIRC. We flew out of an airport in Saint Paul, some tiny little plane that barely held two people. I was terrified, it seemed so flimsy. He had me sit in the pilot's seat, on the left, and told me when to hit the throttle & pull up and push down on the stick. I was terrified, and at that time I rode an old Harley for transport eight months out of the year. We zipped around the old, giant smokestacks at Bayport. The flight was uneventful, but I wanted to kiss the ground when we landed. I hate flying, it ain't natural.
@Lewis, google his name and “obituary.” If it comes up blank he isn’t dead. Whitepages should then have him.
Just as Democratic donors thought they’d finally put away wallets for Hillary Clinton, she’s coming back to NYC for a fund-raiser for her nonprofit — while also creating a party stink by throwing the bash at the exact same time as an event for DNC chairman Tom Perez. Clinton will be in town on April 30 for her “Onward Together” organization, to support young political leaders. With great fanfare, Clinton announced in an email to her 2016 supporters that she is launching the Onward Together Leadership Council and that they could become charter members — in return for coughing up at least... . - New York Post
Ha ha ha! "Onward together" because ye can nae break a stick when it's in a bundle! Oh, and BTW, let's invade North Africa! Libya sounds like a good place to start!
Liberals are burning their bridges with the rest of America with this extended tantrum about Trump. What's it going to mean when the next Democrat is elected and suddenly their families are all over the covers of magazines, first lady is getting fawning publicity. It is going to mean that all of that stuff is partisan propaganda. It becomes clearer every day.
tim in vermont said...
Just as Democratic donors thought they’d finally put away wallets for Hillary Clinton, she’s coming back to NYC for a fund-raiser for her nonprofit — while also creating a party stink by throwing the bash at the exact same time as an event for DNC chairman Tom Perez"
Great news!
And Inga thinks it's right wingers keeping Hillary in the news. No, it's Queen Pantsuit her own bad self. She's not going to let the Dems forget about her.
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