"The government said it would 'look carefully' at Mr Spicer's 33 recommendations, which also included a need for research into the cultural background of abusers, many of whom in the case of Sanctuary were from a 'predominantly Asian or British Minority Ethnic culture or background.'Mr Spicer, who carried out the serious case review... said it was clear 'adults were being targeted, groomed and exploited' as well as children. But he said authorities did not have the powers to intervene with adults to stop them 'making bad choices"' or forming 'inappropriate relationships.'"
BBC reports.
६६ टिप्पण्या:
He also said the government needs to research the "profiles, motivations and cultural and background influences of perpetrators of sexual exploitation".
Huh? But my betters have told me that profiling is bad and racist and stuff.
"Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever"
" But he said authorities did not have the powers to intervene with adults to stop them 'making bad choices"' or forming 'inappropriate relationships.'"
I.e., living in sin.
The conflation of color and character diversity (a.k.a. racism) is a clear and progressive risk to women and children, and men targeted for warlock hunts and trials.
Ever notice the number of really ugly things happening across the globe have a great big slice of Islam involved?
The first step in dealing with this issue is to stop calling these people "Asian". Call them what they are: Middle-eastern Muslims.
I lived in Japan, Taiwan, and Malaysia for 10 years. I travelled extensively to other East and Southeast Asian countries. My wife, who is Japanese, is also Asian. So are all of the Japanese, Chinese, and Koreans I worked with in semiconductor and other technology manufacturing industries. To call the Middle-eastern Muslim perps "Asian" is to demean all of the Asian people in my life, including my beloved wife.
The BBC can go screw itself.
I think Brexit was about stopping the government from forming 'inappropriate relationships.'
Racism is the only appropriate response.
It is the fear of being accused of racism the caused hundreds of children to be raped.
A good dose of racism could have saved them.
Where are the English me Now? Why are they letting their children be raped by Muslim cab drivers.
"Asian" equals "Muslim," for those who don't know British PC code.
It's not their culture lets them do bad things but that their culture doesn't see it as bad.
Vulnerable women is a modern thing.
In fact it's being pretty much perfected these days.
One thing they get right is that they don't see women as particularly smart.
As a matter of the official line.
You have to rape a few eggs to make an omelet.
"In August 2014 the Jay report concluded that an estimated 1,400 children, most of them white girls, had been sexually abused in Rotherham between 1997 and 2013 by predominantly British-Pakistani men."
Rotherham, population 109,691 according to the 2011 census.
It's been 4 years since Rotherham and they're just now getting around to making recommendations?
When the Rotherham news broke, I couldn't understand why every British parent wasn't out in the street with a pitchfork. Tarring and feathering would have been too good for the officials who turned a blind eye to the rape and abuse of over a thousand girls.
> It's been 4 years since Rotherham and they're just now getting around to making recommendations?
Seems to me the people recommended BREXIT, much to the chagrin of the MC/PC political class.
"Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever"
Oh, shut up.
Just for the record, it's not White people demanding segregation today......
Don't people change their behavior when they're shamed? Shouldn't the people engaging in this behavior be shamed? The powers that be certainly have no hesitancy in shaming white bigots.
" I couldn't understand why every British parent wasn't out in the street with a pitchfork. Tarring and feathering would have been too good for the officials who turned a blind eye to the rape and abuse of over a thousand girls."
British officials have the population they want: beaten, docile, compliant and uninterested in resistance to the commands of their Betters. Astonishing that these are the descendants of the people who resisted the Nazi war machine. British elites have been working to extinguish British culture for a couple of generations, and it's amazing how quickly they have succeeded.
Excerpt from a speech given by Robert Heinlein to the US Naval Academy in Annapolis:
"Patriotism — An abstract word used to describe a type of behavior as harshly practical as good brakes and good tires. It means that you place the welfare of your nation ahead of your own even if it costs you your life.
Men who go down to the sea in ships have long had another way of expressing the same moral behavior tagged by the abstract expression “patriotism.” Spelled out in simple Anglo-Saxon words “Patriotism” reads “Women and children first!”
And that is the moral result of realizing a self-evident biological fact: Men are expendable; women and children are not. A tribe or a nation can lose a high percentage of its men and still pick up the pieces and go on. . .as long as the women and children are saved. But if you fail to save the women and children, you’ve had it, you’re done, you’re THROUGH! You join tyrannosaurus rex, one more breed that bilged its final test.
I must amplify that. I know that women can fight and often have. I have known many a tough old grandmother I would rather have on my side in a tight spot than any number of pseudo-males who disdain military service. My wife put in three years and a butt active duty in World War Two, plus ten years reserve, and I am proud — very proud! — of her naval service. I am proud of every one of our women in uniform; they are a shining example to us men.
Nevertheless, as a mathematical proposition in the facts of biology, children, and women of child-bearing age, are the ultimate treasure that we must save. Every human culture is based on “Women and children first” — and any attempt to do it any other way leads quickly to extinction.
Possibly extinction is the way we are headed. Great nations have died in the past; it can happen to us."
The entire speech is here. Especially check out the ending.
Roughcoat said...
"Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever"
"Oh, shut up."
Good point, Rough. Why waste time thinking of reasons why people should be forced to live with others who rape their children? Just say, "Oh, shut up!". So simple!
exiledonmainstreet said...
"When the Rotherham news broke, I couldn't understand why every British parent wasn't out in the street with a pitchfork."
Most of these girls didn't live with their parents. They were wards of the benevolent British State. But in any case, the British have been disarmed, and are no threat to their owners.
Roughcoat is just your normal cuck who would rather not be called racist so he will allow his children to be raped.
Child sex is part and parcel of Islamic culture. Sort of like the Mormons. Now the United States squelched the Mormon religion and outlawed polygamy and child sex. They need to do it to the Muzzies. But they won't. Because. Racism.
Racism is natures protective mechanism. That is why animals drive out of the herd those members who do not look like them. It's nature. It's natural. You need to nurture self-destructiveness.
Good luck cucks.
That is why the Royal Family is welcoming an Asian escort into their family.
Rule Britannia!
> Most of these girls didn't live with their parents.
Looks like Wikipedia disagrees:
> The targets can include children in the care of the local authority; in Rotherham, one third of the targeted children were previously known to social services.
And Uh-oh. Wikipedia has used the hated semi-colon.
langford peel said...
"Roughcoat is just your normal cuck who would rather not be called racist so he will allow his children to be raped."
Oh, I don't think so. I think that Roughcoat is an intelligent, thoughtful and highly-educated person who has thoroughly internalized the American ethos under which we were both raised, which said that America is an idea, not a race, and racism is inherently evil. He just hasn't gotten quite as far as you and I have in recognizing that America is in fact based on an idea, but that idea only works if the population has the right DNA. After all, any nation that so desires is welcome to make use of our Constitution. It's not copyrighted. But they all seem to have other ideas.
"Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever" was the rally cry George Wallace used to stir up his audience of supporters at his 1963 inaugural address, following his election as governor of Alabama. In uttering it Wallace was not advocating the segregation of the races because American blacks were raping the children of white parents. Rather, he uttered it as a means of promulgating the retention of an unconstitutional system of racial apartheid which was explicit in it's goal to deny American blacks their full rights as citizens of the United States. Wallace and his supporters wanted segregation not to protect their women and children from black rapists but because they regarded themselves as superior in every way to backs and segregation was the means by which they would keep blacks permanently subservient to whites. Using this phrase in the same context of what is going on in places like Rotherham is shameful and obnoxious.
becauseIdbefired said...
"Most of these girls didn't live with their parents."
"Looks like Wikipedia disagrees:"
I don't necessarily believe that Wikipedia is trustworthy on these matters, but their information may be better than mine. So replace "Most" with "Many", and see if you like it better.
As for George Wallace: it's interesting, and heartening, to note that he repudiated his racialist/segregationist views late in his life, shortly before he died. He was never the bad man his opponents made him out to be but at the end of his life he became a very good man indeed.
Cuckford Peel raises an interesting point and as a Moby has purposefully inverted it to try and trap hair-trigger racialists into his net.
As bad as the US is in terms of the ideal of what race relations should be, Americans are much more progressive in assimilating gobs and gobs of darker toned immigrants from all over the world. I submit, it's the deeper racism and classicist mentality ingrained in white Europe which causes them to increase segregation and relegate the recent shithole imports to ghettos with little to no economic independance. In the US, the Arabs took over gas stations (I wish they would clean the bathrooms better) and convenience stores, the Patels run our Motels, and Manual does most of our labor. Our minorities are better off because they too have bought into the American Dream.
Astonishing that these are the descendants of the people who resisted the Nazi war machine
A lot of them are not. It's the same with Germans and French.
In South Dakota, the pheasants all run. The flyers were shot long ago.
The serial killer doctor was killing all the single old women who had never married because the men were killed in war.
This is a first for me, being called a cuck. I'm accustomed to having actual cucks excoriate me in the harshest terms for being somewhere distantly to the right of Genghis Khan. Which I find laughable, given that I am Indo-European through and through and Genghis was, well, a Mongol. Although: according to Marco Polo, the great khan had red hair, which has given rise to speculation that he might have had some Indo-European blood in him, possibly acquired via "contact" by his progenitors with IE Tocharians. But I digress.
Which I find laughable, given that I am Indo-European through and through and Genghis was, well, a Mongol. Although: according to Marco Polo, the great khan had red hair, which has given rise to speculation that he might have had some Indo-European blood in him,
The Mongols were originally European and became Asian because of all the Chinese wives they captured.
Don't think so, Gahrie.
Yes George Wallace eventually lapsed into senility after the Deep State had him assassinated because he was a threat to them. Many of his themes and positions have become achingly relevant to today's political reality. As he said about the Republicans and the Democrats at the time "There is not a dimes worth of difference between them." That is why he had to be silenced.
You claim to be to the right of Genghis Khan but buy into the politically correct nonsense that cultures are equal. There is usually no problem with minorities if they act white. When they retain the trappings of their inferior cultures and religion they are a destructive force.
That is what white supremacy is all about.
The old timey English understood that. They have lost it. That is why their children are raped with impunity.
Roughcoat said...
"Wallace and his supporters wanted segregation not to protect their women and children from black rapists but because they regarded themselves as superior in every way to blacks and segregation was the means by which they would keep blacks permanently subservient to whites. Using this phrase in the same context of what is going on in places like Rotherham is shameful and obnoxious."
There were indeed Southerners at one time so utterly depraved as to imagine that importing blacks and keeping them in a state of subservience was a good idea. By the 50's that notion had long since died out, replaced by the recognition that importing blacks had been a disastrous mistake. It is probably true that they were unable to imagine our modern world, in which black criminality and violence is a harsh reality our political elites encourage for their own purposes, but that does not mean that the segregationists were not trying to protect their women and children.
So, what are you trying to say? That the British authorities who allow their women and children to be raped and abused by other races are better men than the segregationists who tried to protect their women and children? Why?
Of course you can counter with the nonsense that these other cultures are just as valuable and desirable as White Anglo- European Christian Culture. You know you typical Black/Woman studies sort of tripe.
Tell that to the young girls groomed, raped and turned out on the street by Abdul the cab driver.
Good luck with that.
"By the 50's that notion had long since died out, replaced by the recognition that importing blacks had been a disastrous mistake"
This is absolutely and undeniably true. The worst crime that America was ever guilty of was the purchase of black slaves from Muslim slave traders.
America would have been so much better off if that had never happened.
It was a sin and a shame.
Abe Lincoln recognized this. It is why his original platform was predicated on the transportation of these poor African back to their homeland.
A dream that was cut short by his assassination. Who knows what would have happened if he had lived.
Law is second to religion/morality. The former is reactive, while the latter is proactive. The UK has a clear and progressive diversity problem normalized through liberal policies, and calls for inclusiveness that are for-profit virtue signalling.
> I don't necessarily believe that Wikipedia is trustworthy on these matters, but their information may be better than mine. So replace "Most" with "Many", and see if you like it better.
Hard to know what to trust these days, but fortunately Wikipedia links to sources:
While I don't think you are trying to do this, some are trying to downplay what happened in Rotherham. As an example, one article states 35 Muslim women in the country were treated the same as the 1400 mostly white women. As if to make an equivalence to downplay the racism/religiosity. Others try to make it about incompetence. Others are saying it wasn't that they were white, but they were poor white trash. Etc.
langford peel said...
"The worst crime that America was ever guilty of was the purchase of black slaves from Muslim slave traders."
Let's not go overboard here. Slavery has been with us for as long as warfare. Stack American slavery up against the Armenian genocide, the Gulag, the Final Solution or the Great Leap Forward, and it doesn't amount to much as grotesque atrocities go. The Leftists find it convenient to pretend this run-of-the-mill horror was uniquely horrible, and uniquely American, precisely so as to paralyze reasonable people like Roughcoat with guilt, and blind them to the fact that our civilization is under attack from without and within, and it will surely succumb if we do not find the means, the will and the courage to defend it.
"ministers need to urgently review sex exploitation laws..." Apparently, ministers do not need to urgently review the presence and conduct of sexual exploiters.
I vehemently disagree Jupiter.
I think it was a crime and a sin and a big mistake to import blacks to America.
Just as it is in your neighborhood.
That is not to say if a black person wants to "act white" then they might not be acceptable. Nobody is worried about Urkel or the Winslows. You just don't want to live next to Trayvon or Michael Brown. That would be a big mistake. Just like slavery.
The American colonialists should have stuck with Irish indentured servants. It would have worked out much better all around.
Sure we would have fewer basketball players but we would have a bunch more poets.
More DUI's but a lot fewer rapes because the micks would be too drunk to get it up.
Lots of skin cancer but no sickle cell.
America would have been a lot different.
"Asian abusers." Seriously. Rotherham's "Asian abusers" were Pakistani Muslims.
Effete Brits.
Well everyone commenting here is so sure of the answer but the Top. Men. in the British government are wise enough to see that the principal action to take in response to this THREE YEAR STUDY is to perform "research into the cultural background of the abusers".
So in another 3 years the Top. Men. will be able to better inform the commentators here what the right people think they should think about this situation.
A dream that was cut short by [Lincoln’s] assassination. Who knows what would have happened if he had lived.
Reconstruction would probably have been better handled, otherwise not much. The performance of black troops in combat and his friendship with Frederick Douglas had long since changed Lincoln’s mind by the time of Lee’s surrender.
Or maybe not.
Lincoln was also in favor of repatriating black slaves to Central America. The black union troops would have been perfect for conquering Columbia and building a canal which was being discussed at the time. The slaves could have their own nation.
It would have been Nirvana. Right?
langford peel said...
"I think it was a crime and a sin and a big mistake to import blacks to America."
Well, yeah, I agree. But I am more concerned about the "big mistake" part than the crime and sin part. It was a bigger crime, and a bigger sin, to wipe out most of the indigenous people. But it was not a bigger mistake. An awful lot of people seem to think that in order to expiate our sins, we must compound our errors.
"It's cultural!" is a wonderful excuse to avoid taking necessary action.
Charles Napier saw through that BS and re-oriented the Indian subcontinent away from murderous violence to women. He offered to respect the Indian practice of throwing widows on their husbands' funeral pyres, as long as the Indians would respect the British practice of hanging those who did so. Guess who gave up burning widows?
I am not exactly an Anglophile, but I follow British political and cultural news fairly closely. To put it bluntly, that whole country seems to have a very odd relationship with pedophilia. Permissiveness is not the right word; nor is blasé. I'm not quite sure what it is, in fact, but it's weird.
It was a bigger crime, and a bigger sin, to wipe out most of the indigenous people.
How does one punish bacteria and viruses, the lifeforms that committed the crime?
The blood and soil comments are far more eloquent in their original German.
"I think it was a crime and a sin and a big mistake to import blacks to America."
I'm not too happy that cro-magnons came along and put my ancestors (3% Neanderthal) out of business.
What right did they have to come out of Africa and take the place of the Neanderthals?
They might even have enslaved them.
"that whole country seems to have a very odd relationship with pedophilia"
I'm not sure it is really pedophilia. More like ephebophilia.
The juniors at Oxford were called "fags" and probably had some responsibilities in that direction.
School boy things and all that.
Lock them up, you postmodern sissies.
So Michael K what you are saying is that the people coming out of Africa have been causing problems since caveman times.
I can't disagree. Good point.
MadisonMan said...
"How does one punish bacteria and viruses, the lifeforms that committed the crime?"
While bacteria and viruses killed a lot of Amerinds, they didn't put them on reservations. But I wasn't actually planning on punishing anyone for ancient crimes. I'm more interested in how we can avoid becoming victims of future crimes. And I think it starts with determining who "we" is. First you must establish the perimeter. Only then can you defend it.
kurt9 and others,
The reason "Asian" in the UK generally means "people from the Indian subcontinent," and within that group many more Pakistanis than Indians, is simply that that's where most Asians in Britain come from. After the partition of India and its emancipation from what used to be the British Empire, the Indian subcontinent was full of ex-British subjects who still had British passports, and understandably a lot of them wanted out; there were literally millions of refugees, huge population transfers between the two new nations, &c. Apart from Hong Kong, which no one wanted to leave anyway (at least until the final handover to China), there really wasn't anything similar in the Far East.
"Asian" just means "from Asia," which is a mighty big place. You can divide it into "good, nice Asians" (Chinese, Japanese, Korean) and "nasty Muslim Asians" all you like, but as a fact, in the UK there are many more of the latter than the former, and it has almost entirely to do with the dissolution of the Empire. For the same reason, France has heavy populations from former French colonies in North Africa, while Britain's African population is drawn from Arab ex-protectorates further east, and former British colonies in sub-Saharan Africa. I wonder why that could possibly be? [/sarc]
In the US, which is also a mighty big place, we have leisure to make distinctions. So we have, say, Somali communities in Michigan and Minnesota, and Chinatowns (and Japantowns, and Little Saigons) all down the West Coast.
In short (which this comment isn't; sorry), it sticks in my craw every time someone calls the UK use of "Asian" some kind of euphemism for "Muslim." It's not.
So Michael K what you are saying is that the people coming out of Africa have been causing problems since caveman times.
I can't disagree. Good point.
Turnabput's fair play.
Just kidding.
I agree, in the UK, "Asian" is not a euphemism for "Muslim."
It's a way of lumping Muslim Asians together with non-Muslim Asians, so that the listener/reader can't be sure which group is actually involved.
it sticks in my craw every time someone calls the UK use of "Asian" some kind of euphemism for "Muslim." It's not.
Like all euphemisms, the smaller, embarrassing portion travels remora-like on the larger, perfectly respectable host.
What I'm saying is that "non-Muslim Asians" are a negligible fraction of the UK population, while Indian/Pakistani Asians (overwhelmingly Muslim) are the very large majority of the Asian population. There is no "lumping together," only an almost automatic parsing. If you hear "Asian" in the UK, you think Pakistani, simply because nearly all Asians are, in fact, Pakistani.
How many "non-Muslim Asians" vs. Muslim Asians do you think there are in the UK? I checked Wiki, and per them there were in 2011 about 3 million Indian/Pakistani/Bangladeshi Asians in the UK, as compared with less than half a million Chinese and 850,000 or so "other Asian." So, as you can see, there's good reason that "Asian" means what it does in the UK. Interestingly, the number of Indians is greater than the number of Pakistanis.
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