Spending the day with Streisand at her home overlooking the Pacific Ocean* reveals someone who lives up to her reputation as being much less self-assured than one might expect.** Her chronic stage fright prompts her on several occasions to kick everyone but the photographer out of the rooms where she is being shot. She stage-manages some of the setups and lighting cues, true to the perfectionist that she is. She even reshoots a series of short video interviews to her precise liking: “I know how this should look,” she declares.Among the residents of that house are 3 Coton de Tulear dogs. 2 of them — Miss Violet and Miss Scarlett — are clones of a dog — Samantha — that died in 2017.
“They have different personalities,” Streisand says. “I’m waiting for them to get older so I can see if they have her brown eyes and her seriousness.”There's also this about Hillary Clinton:
“I said to her the last time I saw her, ‘You were just too smart.’” In fact, she’s not convinced that Trump beat Clinton. “I really believe she won the election,” Streisand says. “I’ve talked to senators from Michigan and Wisconsin. I do believe, like I believed during Bush, they were playing with those voter machines. And [Al Gore] lost by 537 votes out of 104 million. And now, in retrospect, Bush looks quite good compared to Trump. At least he’s not mean-spirited. He’s not a guy who is retaliating for what Obama did at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner.”She has a movie theater in that big house, but sometimes she actually goes out to the movies:
“My husband and I like to go to those theaters where you get food,” Streisand says. “They have one in the Valley where they have little spring rolls, great ice-cream sundaes and truffle french fries. You’re there thinking, ‘How many heads were on this thing?’ I feel like I should bring a towel.”Oh! The common people! With their heads. Ugh! You need a towel to protect yourself from what oozes out of them. At first when I read that, I thought the towel was for the mess she and the husband made with all that ice cream and french fries, but no, it was revulsion at the contamination of the chair backs, even in a place in the Valley where the french fries are truffle french fries. You want us to go out to see your movies, but you're telling us public theaters are disgusting, because of the people. And your movies are about people... yet people disgust you. Why would I want to absorb what you have to say about people... especially if it requires me to sit in a chair that's been sat in by peeeepulll...***
What I love about this is how she means to be a committed lefty, but it's all always so cluelessly intertwined with self-regard and personal entitlement. I mean, look at this:
[Shooting "The Prince of Tides," she] wanted everyone to stay a little late, because [Nick] Nolte was in a head space where she thought he could nail a scene that called for his character to be tired. But the camera operator and the crew banded together and told her they wanted to go home. Nolte took their side (although he called her later that night to apologize). “So I had to walk off the set. It would have literally taken 10 minutes, but they were fucking with me.” The next morning, Nolte needed 17 takes to get it right, because he was too rested. “Today I wouldn’t ask the question,” Streisand says. “I would tell them. And if you don’t want to do it, don’t bother to come back to work tomorrow. I wouldn’t be afraid of that. But then, I was afraid of it.”A committed lefty would care about labor issues and empathize with the mundane tiredness of the working man. But she was attentive to the tiredness of Nick Nolte, which he could use to play a scene where his character was tired instead of having to do the work of an actor and pretend to be tired. Oh! That was so hard. Took 17 takes. And her regret is that she wasn't self-assured enough to dictate to the crew, and that fucked-with Nolte took their side. Ah, but the weasley little man paid the price: 17 takes it took him to act tired when he was well-rested. Poor (rich) man.
* It's just by chance that after mentioning the Streisand effect in a post this morning, I've run into a Streisand article that hits my "bloggable" mark, and then there's that reference to the house she didn't want us looking at:

Copyright (C) 2002 Kenneth & Gabrielle Adelman, California Coastal Records Project, www.californiacoastline.org
** A paradox. If it's your reputation than it is what we expect. Or is it even less self-assured than that.
*** People... people...
१३४ टिप्पण्या:
I do believe, like I believed during Bush, they were playing with those voter machines.
Another liberal who doesn't know anyone who votes Republican and therefore any who win must have hacked the machines.
These people are the core of the "Russian Collusion" squad.
They need illegals to vote to make up for the voting machine hacking on the other side...
What I love about this is how she means to be a committed lefty, but it's all always so cluelessly intertwined with self-regard and personal entitlement.
I don't understand. You see some sort of contradiction?
Let me explain something, Leftisim is all about self-regard and personal entitlement.
1. You vote Democrat, which is a part run by old white people but signals you're for the little guy.
2. Then you guiltlessly live your privilege.
“I said to her the last time I saw her, ‘You were just too smart.’” In fact, she’s not convinced that Trump beat Clinton. “I really believe she won the election,” . LOL. So which was it? Was she too smart? Or was she robbed? Was B.S. a ghost writer for What Happened?
I think that most people use the word “smart” in the sense of “agrees with me,” and in that sense, Hillary was probably “too smart” in her agreement with B.S., anyway. I think most people believe in the perfection of their own intelligence, even if they won’t say it out loud. Just like feminists seem to be creationists. But she has a beautiful voice, and she made some really good movies, not among them, The Prince of Tides.
Baba is revealing she knows the voting machines results were rigged for Clinton. That is why Trump's winning past the blue wall reveals the rigged machines must have been tampered with later by a more powerful hacking team than Eric Schmidt's Google.
“I said to her the last time I saw her, ‘You were just too smart.’” In fact, she’s not convinced that Trump beat Clinton. “I really believe she won the election,”
rharden’s pretzel logic spotted in the wild!
"I don't understand. You see some sort of contradiction?"
There's no contradiction between meaning to be a committed lefty and actually having the complexity and flaws of a human being. I said I loved it.
I'm afraid of the true believers. Those people are dangerous. She's an extremely talented, wonderful, ridiculous person.
Her voice hurts my ears.
She's an extremely talented, wonderful, ridiculous person.
Who really, truly believes. And by extension puts her life out there for other true believers to use as a model.
These are the people setting the standard that others wish to achieve.
My favorite story about her is the time she sent a FAX to Richard Gephardt on some issue and made the mistake of writing it herself instead of having her staff do it.
It was illiterate, She has the mentality and the education of a child of six.
The definition of true believer is one who thinks Hillary lost because she was "too smart".
”There’s no contradiction between meaning to be a committed lefty and actually having the complexity and flaws of a human being.”
I think the word “grok” is called for. She doesn’t grok her purported leftism.” It’s kind of like meaning to believe in evolution, but on the other hand asserting that millions of years of evolution in an uncaring wilderness left no mark on human nature.
Are there any committed lefties who don't detest the common folk they pretend to champion? Barbara Streisand is exactly the noblesse oblige narcissistic schmuck i expect her to be. Talented, sure. But that doesn't mean anything and the topic is, what sort of human being is she?
It’s kind of like meaning to believe in evolution, but on the other hand asserting that millions of years of evolution in an uncaring wilderness left no mark on human nature.
But at a certain point you don't look at millions of people who misuse the word. You simply admit the definition has changed.
The definition of leftism has come to mean cluelessly intertwined with self-regard and personal entitlement.
It's no longer a misrepresentation when it's become what the word actually represents.
I’ve never cared anything about her. My wife and I saw a few movies with her in them many years ago but I didn’t enjoy them.
Obviously the Founders made a huge mistake in failing to put a provision in the Constitution that providee for the expulsion of coastal California. Manhattenites are radical red-staters compared to these people.
“Nick called to apologize.”
LOL. I bet he did! One must kiss the ring if one cannot bite the hand!
BTW, Nick was great in A Walk in the Woods, the movie was far better than the book, because it left out a lot of stupider opinions of what’s his name, who wrote it.
It’s no longer a misrepresentation when it's become what the word actually represents.
Except the English language loses the power to discuss a concept, every time this happens. I’t like losing the word “liberal” to leftists who don’t believe in liberty. Mussolini ranted about his hatred of “liberalism” and what he was discussing was free market capitalism, but you see people who then turn the term around, because they simply can’t accept that if they understood the terms properly, they would mostly agree with Mussolini. “Stronger Together!” Let’s invade North Africa! Who was more simpatico with good ole’ Benito than Hillary? But the language has changed and so these facts are not obscured.
At a college movie house (forgot what movie, perhaps The Princess Bride), they played a preview of a -Barbra Streisand movie called, "Nuts" , so I yelled "Mental Yentl," at the screen, and got a few chuckles from the audience, but my date laughed so hard, she started choking on the Coca-Cola, she was sipping.
Once she regained her composure, she was quite touchy-feely through the whole flick.
I hear you can get ass worms from the movie theater seats. That's why you should always bring a towel. Or wear pants. One or the other. Probably depends on the movie.
Well, Hillary was too smart to go to Wisconsin or Michigan after Labor Day.
What I love about this is how she means to be a committed lefty, but it's all always so cluelessly intertwined with self-regard and personal entitlement."
What I love about this is how she means to be a committed lefty, but it's all always so cluelessly intertwined with self-regard and personal entitlement.
I love how you still persist in your belief these positions conflict. At some point your noticing left wing advocates obviously don't stand for what they claim to - Streisand, Clinton(s), Pelosi,, pretty much any one you name - should translate into understanding the left isn't what you wish it was.
I have always liked her singing and the movie "Nuts" was the only one of hers I liked.
I am also very fond of my dog.
Hahahahaha. That all appears very self-assured to me.
She and her husband believed the 9/11 conspiracy theories, so it's funny to hear her say now that Bush wasn't that bad. But my favorite part of this interview is where she explains how well she would do as a director now, even though she isn't directing anything. In our imaginations, we are always so on top of things.
Court minister, "Madam, the people are revolting, and so are the theater seats!"
And Babs immediately piped up, in chorus with Mr. Streisand, in a well-rehearsed and practiced line, "They certainly are!"
BTW Here in Nevada all the Real Estate people can talk about is the California Exodus, so it must be a thing. Not necessarily a good thing.
"Mental Yentl" - ha.
Hillarywoodlanders are true believers. Perched on the sea, in the mansion, behind the walls.
All sorts of evidence based facts point to CA voter fraud. I just hope old babs is washing her laundry pounding rocks outside.
She would have done well in Nazi propaganda films, except...
I was just about to say, "No matter what, I will always love listening to her songs", but then I thought that if she were a man scorned via #metoo, I would probably stop listening, at least for awhile. I'm a hypocrite.
A committed lefty would care about labor issues and empathize with the mundane tiredness of the working man. But she was attentive to the tiredness of Nick Nolte, which he could use to play a scene where his character was tired instead of having to do the work of an actor and pretend to be tired. Oh! That was so hard. Took 17 takes. And her regret is that she wasn't self-assured enough to dictate to the crew, and that fucked-with Nolte took their side. Ah, but the weasley little man paid the price: 17 takes it took him to act tired when he was well-rested. Poor (rich) man.
1) On the one hand, this evokes Laurence Olivier's quip to Dustin Hoffman on the set of Marathon Man, when Hoffman is trying to method-act his role with the aid of sleep deprivation. Olivier says: Why don't you try acting, it's much easier.
2) On the other hand, one is always reminded how little respect you have (or show) for any function which you, Althouse, do not or cannot do.
3) "Ann Althouse is an extremely talented, wonderful, ridiculous person." That's a compliment, a nice thing to say, makes you feel good. Right?
Concerned about income inequality??
"ViaGen has slashed that price in half; they charge $50,000 to clone a dog."
PS I don't know if you're a size queen, but Nick Nolte is not AFAIK by any definition small.
YOU, honey, are small. I could pick you up with one hand.
I liked her in late 60s/early 70s movies. What's Up Doc. (Was that the one with the identical suitcases?) Pork Belly Futures. Meaningless but entertaining.
I think she sings very well.
None of this means her opinions are worth listening to. But I guess they generate clicks, or sales. Go figure.
OMG, her movies from the sixties are gold. Her voice really is “like butter,” but her political views? But she is rich enough not to care if she alienates actual fans like myself.
If Streisand hadn't become rich and famous, she'd be roaming the streets, pushing a shopping cart, and digging in dumpsters.
What I find amazing is how anyone would consider an interview with her. Streisand's views are not important to many people.
Those icky people in Wisconsin who watched what the out of control corrupt leftwing machine did to Scott Walker. The same people who voted for Obama but realized after 8 years their circumstances were much worse. Tired of feeling like Obama bent them over.
no - it waz the machines - they waz hacked - by the stupid GOP and the Russians!
I'm surprised she goes to the movies. Why would she need to? She probably has a state of the art home theater and chefs to make her gourmet junk food.
Peter said: "Obviously the Founders made a huge mistake in failing to put a provision in the Constitution that providee for the expulsion of coastal California."
I've often wondered if we do need an amendment that provides for: (1) state bankruptcy, (2) secession, and (3) expulsion. Might be very difficult to come up with anything that would work for these but we are getting to the point with a rebellious state like CA and a fiscally mismanaged state like IL that we need to think about it. If CA doesn't secede I would not be sad to see it expelled in some way, I think it is too far gone to be saved. In another 20 years Mexico will begin to look good by comparison. Of course, we will need to build another wall to separate it from the rest of the country. A state like IL should be forced back to territory status, say for a period of 20 years, to clear up its debts and write a new constituion to prevent it from ever getting in such a sorry state again.
’I feel like I should bring a towel.”
Wipe it with a cloth?
Smart. Too smart.
She's not very bright. She should stick to singing.
Tim maguire asks, rhetorically: Are there any committed lefties who don't detest the common folk they pretend to champion?
Exactly. None. Zip.
Tim in Vermont,
Thank you! You're so far the only other person I've seen make that connection. "Stronger Together" is what fascism means. You'd think people would sort of get the hint from the fasces, but evidently not.
Maybe one reason I can like her is that I have stayed away from her movies. I could tell from a distance they were not my thing. I never saw "The Way We Were" or "Yentl" or "Prince of Tides."
The only movie I've seen her in is "On a Clear Day You Can See Forever," but I'm not sure I watched the whole thing. I'm very familiar with the theater show "Funny Girl" (because we did it as a high school show), but I've only seen a few clips from the movie (notably, "You Are Woman, I Am Man").
I know her from her first few records and the appearances she did on TV in the early 60s, when she was quite young.
In short, I don't let her bother me. I don't take her politics seriously. I think she's cool looking and enjoy her individuality. And she's fun to make fun of.
Why are you letting her bother you? It can't be that she gives money to causes you don't like. Lots of people give money to things and you don't let them bug you.
"Barbra Streisand on How She Battled Hollywood’s Boys’ Club"
1 - make video
2 - play with dogs
3 - conspiracy theories
4 - eat at the movies
That'll show 'em!
Michael K pontificated...
My favorite story about her is the time she sent a FAX to Richard Gephardt on some issue and made the mistake of writing it herself instead of having her staff do it.
I bet that's your favorite story because you you made it up.
An employee wrote the memo and made several minor typos, which were more indicative of carelessness than stupidity.
Wikipedia says Ferenc Puskás is "widely regarded as one of the greatest players of all time."
Tim maguire asks, rhetorically: Are there any committed lefties who don't detest the common folk
I don't think all lefties detest common people. The common element is thinking they're stupid because they have to be forced to make the choices the left thinks they should embrace voluntarily.
"Poosh" is good for a pooch.
If these rich lefties have the money to clone theor pets, Buffet is right- they need to pay more taxes.
"I love how you still persist in your belief these positions conflict."
Maybe you missed my comment at 7:48.
You have delusions of the persistence of things that never even happened the first time.
And yet you push ME to sharpen up.
Get smart America.
Yep. Having a dog cloned is quite individual.
the Motion Picture Academy failed to nominate her for 1983’s “Yentl,” a musical fable about a spinster who passes as a man to gain an education.
“It was strange,” recalls Streisand over a cup of tea at her stunning Malibu estate. “I didn’t mind it for one reason: It really showed the sexism. I thought by not being nominated, I put a spotlight on the issue. I thought, ‘Wow. This is so transparent.’”
Some 34 years later, the barriers that Streisand broke through — as the first woman to juggle duties as the star, director, producer and co-writer of a single studio movie — are at the forefront of everyone’s mind in Hollywood. “I didn’t know it was a glass ceiling,” she says about her decision to step behind the camera. “I just thought, they don’t believe in a woman’s capacity to handle finances or to be the businessman. Years ago, I was told, ‘You want control? A woman wants control? That’s crazy!’”
And on it goes..clearly attempting to catch the #metoo wave in some way.
“...it would have taken 10 minutes but they were fucking with me.”
Isn’t this where the rubber meets the road with Hollywood sexism? Women just want to dominate smaller people as easily as the dominant men do, but here the crew were sexist enough to assert their rights. -willie
I avoid the common people myself.
"Wikipedia says Ferenc Puskás is"
Wait, you had to look that up?
"Tim maguire asks, rhetorically: Are there any committed lefties who don't detest the common folk"
Well, no, it's not at all that they detest commoners. In the abstract, and in the aggregate, they just love them. It's just all the particular instances of common people that they detest.
It's sort of like appreciating the beauty of cats, yet despising the one that poops in your yard, and especially that other one that yowls every night behind your house. In the abstract cats are beautiful animals; it's just that all those actually existing tend to be kinda yucky.
I have much respect for Babs’ willingness to take the heat from men, quaking nervousness and all. Yentl and Prince of Tides were both excellent. Agreed that her politics are cluelessly bound to her narcissism, but that doesn’t take anything away from the stuff she does great. -willie
The stalker once again to the rescue of Streisand's reputation.
The story was well known at the time.
She may be much less self-assured than one might expect, but she is still very sure about what's best for us deplorables.
" While Streisand was waiting for the clones, her breeder brought another dog"
A stand-in.
I never saw "The Way We Were" or "Yentl" or "Prince of Tides."
Yentl was worth watching for several reasons, such as the incredibly HOT Mandy Patinkin.
Maybe you missed my comment at 7:48.
There's no contradiction between meaning to be a committed lefty and actually having the complexity and flaws of a human being.
Your own emphasis on "meaning" in front of "to be a committed lefty" shows you believe the conflict still exists between Streisand's actions and actually being a committed lefty, right? Doesn't this suggest you believe she is failing to be a "committed" lefty precisely because she has this attitude?
She sounds like a control freak. If anything like her bit with Nolte and the cam op's "boys club" comment happened, I would bet she was asking for it.
Poor (rich) man.
Thank you for the callback to Nick Nolte's greatest acting. "Rich Man, Poor Man" was excellent.
I was wondering what this Ferenc Puskas has to do with anything.
Then I read the other post.
Quite the house.
Excellent wall in the front. Probably armed security elsewhere.
"she’s not convinced that Trump beat Clinton. "I really believe she won the election," Streisand says. "I’ve talked to senators from Michigan and Wisconsin. I do believe, like I believed during Bush, they were playing with those voter machines. "
Because in The World of Streisand it's not necessary to actually have any evidence to support an accusation; apparently it should be sufficient merely to assert, "I do believe."
"I said to her [Hillary Clinton] the last time I saw her, ‘You were just too smart.’"
Yes, but, has anyone ever accused Barbara Streisand of being "just too smart"?
Unknown [willie], I agree. And in the instance described above she was, with the instincts of a good director, absolutely right.
While I abhor her stupidity and her politics, I admire her as an artist.
Tim maguire asks, rhetorically: Are there any committed lefties who don’t detest the common folk"
There are, but we like the tame ones like B.S. much better.
Streisand is known as a difficult even among entertainers. I remember some award show years back where she got some award which she came on stage, received, & immediately disappeared.
The next presenter up was Jason Alexander AKA George Costanza on Seinfeld, who's also a very talented Broadway singer & actor. He leans into the mic & bellows, in his best Brooklyn Jewish accent: "Wodda it have killed ya to do a numbah!?".
"Agreed that her politics are cluelessly bound to her narcissism, but that doesn’t take anything away from the stuff she does great."
Sounds positively Trumpish.
Thank you! You're so far the only other person I've seen make that connection. "Stronger Together" is what fascism means. You’d think people would sort of get the hint from the fasces, but evidently not. Michael Dulak Thomspon
So, did you see the most recent Star Trek, produced to help Hillary win, I am sure, where Scotty says “Ye can nae break a stick when it’s in a bundle!”
Turns out The Federation is fascist. Explains all the wars of conquest referred to in that movie, too. Maybe the movie was some reverse Mobyism.
Michigan doesn't use voting machines.
BTW, other people made that connection at the time. It’s just that the language has been so debased that an honest discussion of fascism as the fascists of the thirties and forties understood it, is now impossible.
I would put her at the top of a list of people likely to have their bodies frozen at death, in the hopes that they could someday be brought back to life. For the benefit of others of course.
Michigan doesn’t use voting machines
We need paper ballots everywhere. I believe that the House has the power to set the manner of its own election. They should do this.
"I never saw "The Way We Were" or "Yentl" or "Prince of Tides.""
Aw man, I probably shouldn't divulge this, and please don't take away my "Man" card, but I loved "The Way We Were" - even as a loveless, teenage, virgin!
The scenes in New York, the WWII setting, Malibu/Hollywood in the 50s, young hot, fiery socialist Barbra, with tall, handsome blonde, somewhat Republican Redford - and of course that song. Yowzah!
I still love that flick.
I will celebrate so hard on the day that this troll nosed twat dies.
Tim in Vermont--besides the fascist roots of "Stronger Together" and Mussolini's hatred of classical liberalism (as opposed to today's statist pseudo-liberalism), there's also Il Duce's "Everything for the State, nothing against the State, nothing outside the State"--nowadays the unofficial slogan of the Democratic Party. See Erik von Kuhnnelt-Leddhin's LEFTISM for much more on Italian Fascism and German National Socialism's roots in anti-individual, anti-market, pro-State philosophies of the 19th and early 20th Century, and how they share those roots with today's retrogressive "Progressivism."
However, Hillary could never do the Mussolini chin-tilt as well as Obama (aka "Il Dufe").
Mockturtle - Yep. Leaving aside the incongruity of labor law enforcement in the pursuit of great art, her side of that particular story seems totally believable! If it was a Great (male) Director calling the shots that day, any crew member who needed to be somewhere would have been making the call... “sorry honey but it’s Kubrick and we need this shot!”
Maybe this is slowly changing. Kathryn Bigelow wins Oscars, I bet she can get a crew to stick around late without too much fuss.
If it wasn't for sexism, Streisand and Hillary Clinton would be gods, not just a highly successful actress and politician.
Ok, that was sarcasm. If it wasn't for the Boy's Clubs, there would be neither Hollywood nor a U.S. government to be president of. Suck on it, ladies.
I bailed out of some Barbara Streisand flick that didn't even involve singing, at least before I bailed out. some title...
The Mirror Has Two Faces (1996)
As the bosses said, "If you don't work Sunday, you don't work Monday." They weren't afraid either.
"The next morning, Nolte needed 17 takes to get it right, because he was too rested."
... or 1 take to get it right and 16 passive-aggressive object lessons for Nolte and her disloyal crew.
"What I love about this is how she means to be a committed lefty, but it's all always so cluelessly intertwined with self-regard and personal entitlement."
But isn't self-regard and personal entitlement what being a lefty is all about? Streisand may be a particularly pure case, but she's more an exemplar than an outlier.
Why are you letting her bother you? It can't be that she gives money to causes you don't like.
I don't know. I think Marie-Antoinette was a nice lady who meant well, but she sure seemed to bother quite a large number of people.
What a fighter! Those upstarts Crow and Paltrow have challenged her and she's going to show them that she's still the flakiest biotch ever to come down the pike.
Leftists stink worse that the stinkiest shit you've ever smelled.
All of them.
The problem with her isn't simply her, but a subculture of the same or very similar types, and they between them are powers in the land, not only providing funds exclusively to one side of US politics, but actively driving policy through purchase, effectively. Besides which injecting political and cultural positions into their mass media productions, which their subculture dominates through the "market dominant minority" process that Amy Chua/Thomas Sowell describe.
Her neighbors Reiner and Geffen (and others) are immensely more significant politically, but they are all between them, for practical purposes, a unified whole.
The effects of their politics is locally pernicious. They contributed, for instance, to the expulsion of much light industry from the LA basin, removing a bulwark against corrupt politics and moral degeneracy. There is an inherent virtue in ones way of making a living, and they are deliberately hostile to a virtuous one.
Whoa, are they saying Babs is still alive?!? Given the nonsensical ramblings attributed to this character in the article I'd say they're making a strong case that she is, or is she a clone of the original Babs, like her dogs?
Flash forward to 1989 when he got a call and was asked to read for the role of tortured Tom Wingo in the bestselling novel, The Prince of Tides, which was to be directed by screen legend Barbra Streisand.
He tells how Barbra, who also co-starred, wanted Nolte to come over to her house, have a cocktail and introduce himself.
She was staying at her apartment in Manhattan at the time, an entire floor of a park-side building.
She poured him a glass of red wine and they made small talk while she worried about him spilling the wine on her white carpets.
Barbra wanted an extra scene in the film and asked if Nolte would jointly kick in $500,00. He agreed but admits he wasn't sure if that scene even made it into the film.
Streisand had a reputation for being mean but Nolte saw 'she was totally thorough and prepared, and did a lot of research.'
They talked extensively about their characters' relationship and the romantic pull – and suddenly it was happening in real life.
'I was powerfully drawn to her just as she was to me, so much so that I knew that early on we needed to talk about the reasons why we shouldn't slip into a romantic and sexual relationship with each other as we worked,' Nolte writes.
He warned her it would be dangerous for the film – 'to have to carry a relationship and the story at the same time.'
'We can live in the fantasy of a relationship and that will survive, but an actual physical relationship might not survive the film,' he writes.
However, shooting scenes, Streisand always wanted Nolte naked while she was covered with layers of sweaters.
'How come I've got to show my a** and you never show anything?' Nolte asked her.
'They don't pay me enough for me to show these tits,' Barbra responded.
While the film was going through editing, Nolte recalls Streisand had called him asked him to, 'come out and live with me.'
'I want to be with you,' she told him.
At the time, Nolte was raising his son Brawley and declined.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5281435/Nick-Nolte-reveals-Streisand-wanted-naked.html#ixzz58Q4YCgWI
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Forgot to add, Tim in Vermont, how you can hear echoes of Fascism's hatred of classical liberalism and all that it stood for (individualism, a free market, free speech, etc.) in contemporary "Progressivism's" retrogressive war against "Neoliberalism," and it's antipathy to the whole Enlightenment heritage.
As Althouse points out, she's more fun to make fun of than to actually hate. Jane Fonda is definitely the supreme high hatable celebrity of all time. No one will ever come close. Madonna is easily as mockable as Streisand and is, on occasion, genuinely despicable, but she's no Jane Fonda. I find Meryl Streep's smugness extremely irritating, but that might be idiosyncratic on my part......The way they have the Hersholt Award on Oscar night to honor some Hollywood humanitarian (snort), they should have a Weinstein Award to honor that Hollywood figure who best represents the douchebaggery and hypocrisy endemic in that culture. Streisand could be a presenter because she was a true pathfinder, but there are so many others who have far exceed her humble efforts in those directions.
Tim maguire asks, rhetorically: Are there any committed lefties who don’t detest the common folk"
Nonsense, they LOVE to common man:
From a distance,
In the abstract,
As useful tools.
"People" may be the worst song ever written. My Cherie Amour by Stevie Wonder is right up there with it. Those sappy songs should only be used in a medical setting to test one's gag reflex.
Ryan O'Neal reputedly said of Streisand, "She has a couple of problems. She thinks she's beautiful and she's not. She thinks she's smart and she's not."
Sounds reasonable.
Blogger AJ Lynch said...
If these rich lefties have the money to clone theor pets, Buffet is right- they need to pay more taxes.
Amazon made 5.6B in 2017. Paid ZERO federal income taxes as a Corp. Nice trick Jeff!
There's something distinctly yeesh! about someone who clones her dog just because she has the affluence to do so.
What a pleasure it is that this odious person, now well past her peak, gets little publicity.
Liberalism is a divergent philosophy and process. Sometimes its evolution coincides with what is perceived as tolerance and empathy. Principles matter.
The Prince of Tides is an epic book written by a local author who is my contemporary. And Streisand made parts of his book into a very romantic and watchable chic flic. Don't miss it. And Streisand's soundtrack made for Prince of Tides is a passionate CD you can enjoy going to sleep by.
Blogger tcrosse said...BTW Here in Nevada all the Real Estate people can talk about is the California Exodus, so it must be a thing. Not necessarily a good thing.
The Michigan diaspora was brought up yesterday at Jane the Actuary's blog. California's could be bigger.
Blogger tcrosse said...BTW Here in Nevada all the Real Estate people can talk about is the California Exodus, so it must be a thing. Not necessarily a good thing.
Is that why the traditionally red state of NV voted blue in the last election?
I hope they stay the hell out of Arizona!
It cost her $50K apiece to have those dogs cloned. Think of the homeless who could be fed and sheltered with that money! ;-)
She should write another movie where the male lead dumps Elle Macpherson for her. That doesn't make her look ridiculous at all.
Back then, Ken Adelman was running around Watsonville airport during the Fly-In and Airshow showing off a copy of the check BS signed to him after she lost the suit over that photo of her house. Helicopter liberal Trumps limousine liberal
Good Lord.
This interview makes me hope that little dictator's Taepodong-2 missiles are functional and aimed at Malibu.
Hmm, William is on to something. Having the Oscars spend 10min handing out a Weinstein Award may be a way to bring back more eyeballs in this eager witch burning time. But Would it be a Lifetime Achievement or a Best in Year type category?
"Here's last year winner, K Spacey..."
(Boos, cries of shame)
"Thank you. This year, the Academy is pleased to dishonour a real horror show of a human being - one that so many of us knew to be an awful, negative influence not only on those most immediate to them, but also someone who strove to imprint their diseased mind on the world at large. For too long, he has succeeded. And yes, - in a town famous for its blinding hypocrisy and steady ignorance to anything but gratifying their own immediate selfishness, this worm of a man merits an award of ill reputed fame so that history will remember that while our soulless industry was composed of many low rats and snakes, some pillars of Babylonian excess stood tall, like one of those poorly CGI-d deformed reptilian insected monstrosities that gracelessly appear in Cloverfield 9, Electric Boogaloo, which opens this weekend, as directed by past winner..."
"And while I never worked with this lowlife - we had different interests lets say - I know enough rumour to wonder whether there is any justice in the next world, because there certainly is none in this life. Ladies & gentlemen, recoil at the montage,.."
Is that why the traditionally red state of NV voted blue in the last election?
I see Harry Reid's fingerprints on that.
"I hope they stay the hell out of Arizona!"
That's why I got the CA plates off both cars as fast as possible.
When my daughter went to U of A ten years ago, I did the same thing.
No cop magnet like a CA plate in AZ,
No cop magnet like a CA plate in AZ
Or an IL plate in WI.
Ann never leads but is the great counter puncher, not a true believer in anything ( pure Nilihism). Will make mince meat out of honor, valor,courage, dedication, truth, evil,good, bad mercy, grace and yes God. A woman "without a chest". But with a brain, just ask her.
Having said that i have to agree with Ann, BS has a wonderful voice,all the rest is bs.
Re 320 Busdriver at 10:47 - to the extent it matters -- In 2017, Amazon made $4.6 billion before interest and taxes, and paid $769 Million in income taxes.
See link -- https://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/amzn/financials?query=income-statement
Ryan O'Neal reputedly said of Streisand, "She has a couple of problems. She thinks she's beautiful and she's not. She thinks she's smart and she's not."
Well, she could sing.
" In 2017, Amazon made $4.6 billion before interest and taxes, and paid $769 Million in income taxes."
USA income taxes?
AMZN has a pile of loss carry forwards, I would guess, and a galaxy of depreciation.
So which Senators from Wisconsin and Michigan did she speak with who lead her to believe that voting machines were tampered with? I'd really love to know. Maybe some intrepid reporter can follow that one up.
It must warm Streisand's heart to know that there are so many men who do impressions of her. Midler and Cher, too.
Amazon paid 724M in foreign taxes and a few M more in state and local for a Federal rate of zero in 2017. This does not count the nearly 800M it will benefit in deferred income with the new tax law.
2 of them — Miss Violet and Miss Scarlett — are clones of a dog — Samantha — that died in 2017.
“They have different personalities,” Streisand says. “I’m waiting for them to get older so I can see if they have her brown eyes and her seriousness.”
Coming soon to a theatre near you…
Clone Dogs
A control freak diva finds herself in a battle for her life as her psychotic clone dogs are off the leash!
Playing with the machines... Barbara?. A 2016 call for recount in Michigan fell apart embarrassingly when it was discovered that more than a third of the votes in metro Detroit were invalidated due to their satchels not being closed and sealed in accordance to law. Just like Kennedy/Nixon 1960 Chicago? Hmmm.
Somehow, I have a feeling that the crew wouldn't have banded together if she hadn't been a demanding difficult bitch for the whole production.
I loathe her.
A friend of mine was on the crew of Prince of Tides. I visited him in Beaufort, SC where and when they shot the film. One early morning (prima luce) they set up the opening of the film which they shot from my buddy's 36 footer. On board were Streisand, Thomas Reilly 1st asst. director (Woody Allen's guy) Goldblatt the cinematographer, his asst., my guy and me. Streisand was trying to set up the shot and Goldblatt kept strongly insisting it couldn't be done the way she wanted it. Streisand kept insisting she wanted it done her way. Back and forth for a couple of minutes until they shot it while the light was right. Fascinating experience for me. I was struck at the time by Streisand's restraint in the face of what seemed to me as very condescending behavior by the camera guy. I admired it as she was already very much the diva. I suppose as a rookie director she chose caution as the most effective tack.
That can't be Streisand's house. I remember her lecturing us that we should all dry our clothes on clotheslines because of global warming or something.
And look! No clotheslines.
"Among the residents of that house are 3 Coton de Tulear dogs."
I'm truly impressed that Streisand has three dogs. Most women of her age and political mindset have 47 cats and their homes are littered with fecal material.
When I was a kid, I was the least hip kid you ever met. I'd listen to the easy listening station in Pittsburgh, Barbra Streisand and Neal Diamond and all that rot. It was easy to go to sleep to that stuff.
I still listen to Neal Diamond. He's cheesy as all hell, but it's got a sincerity that... yeah. And Diamond doesn't run around being difficult and abusive and political in public.
Leftists, in my experience, never care about what they do, but how they feel about it. E.g., they will live in an enormous, energy gulping home, but express regret for it, which makes it OK.
In Wisconsin the voting machines make a paper copy of every ballot cast so that the electronic totals could be checked. So I don't think there was fraud due to the machines. I'm not so sure about the absentee ballots. And there was fraud in Michigan as Jill Stein's recount showed. But it wasn't some mysterious machine tampering done by far-off hackers but just good healthy change-the-vote-totals in Detroit, same as always. Consequently, it could very well be the case that Democratic Senators in Wisconsin and Michigan told Babs that there had been fraud by Democrats on behalf of Hillary, but just not enough. You could tell Miss Privilege anything because she wouldn't get the story right - as here where she transforms standard Democratic big-city cheating into evil Republican hacking.
"Thanks to a complex system of credits and deferment, Amazon won't pay any federal income taxes after topping $5.6 billion in income in 2017. The Seattle-based online retailer will end up paying out roughly $769 million in taxes for the year, but $724 million of that will be in foreign taxes." And the rest state and local. So no Federal income taxes.
Liz: And my name is Liz - of course, this is my mother. Barbra, we love you - hello, gorgeous! The movie was like butter!
Linda Richman: Like butter.
Liz's Mother: Like a big stick of butter!
and their homes are littered with fecal material
Assuming facts not in evidence.
Amazon lost billions for years, they have tons of write-offs. Why is everyone always so surprised? But if this boob bait for suckers will serve a political attack purpose, have at it, I guess.
Regarding the Nolte bit, a committed actor could have slept a half night so they weren't rested and nailed the sleepy character without having to actually act.
Ken B said...
Michigan doesn't use voting machines.
Paper ballots that are read by optical scanning machines. You haven't voted until the machine scans and records your ballot.
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