২৮ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০১৮

"He's got the dog coming at him! The dog takes him down! The dog got him. The dog made the tackle."

২১টি মন্তব্য:

grackle বলেছেন...

Good dog!

Humperdink বলেছেন...

I saw a longer video where the handler could not get the dog to release from the bad guy, even after three cops had the guy down.

Bob Boyd বলেছেন...

Puskas? Who names their dog Puskas? Sounds like a medical condition.

"Sorry, I can't make it this weekend, my Puskas is acting up again. No, I'll be okay in a couple days. I still have some of those pills. They help a lot. I don't know...they're Puskas pills. What am I, a druggist? Just go. Have fun."

Bob Boyd বলেছেন...

"Oh and hey...don't sit on the beach. Don't sit on the sand. You can get hookworms. Hookworms. They crawl up in...I'll send you a link. Okay. Have fun."

Kyzer SoSay বলেছেন...

Police Report
Officer: Dog

Saw bad man. Chased bad man. Bit bad man.

End of Report

Rob বলেছেন...

Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf invited Padillo to move to Oakland, where he would receive sanctuary.

gspencer বলেছেন...

"I saw a longer video where the handler could not get the dog to release from the bad guy, even after three cops had the guy down."

Maybe the cops shoulda had a smoke or two before they attended to the dog. Leave the dog to do what dogs do.

AllenS বলেছেন...

Would have been a good time for the police to take positions behind garbage cans and such, until backup arrives.

James Pawlak বলেছেন...

I hope that puppy did not get some horrid disease from the other animal.

Jersey Fled বলেছেন...

Our police department does local demonstrations with their dogs throughout the year. These animals are truly impressive. The officers reward the dogs by playing ball with them.

Incidentally, there are several charities that raise money to buy bulletproof and stab proof vests for the dogs.

Too bad Broward County didn't have any. I'm sure the dogs wouldn't be hiding behind a car waiting for backup.

mezzrow বলেছেন...

Puskas? Who names their dog Puskas? Sounds like a medical condition.

That's easy. I'm guessing somebody naming K9s is a soccer fan and is maybe Hungarian or a Real Madrid fanboi.


Breezy বলেছেন...

Awesome! Good dog!

Just asking বলেছেন...

Antonio Padilla? Next on MSNBC, how police are using dogs to chase down Hispanics in Trump's America.

mockturtle বলেছেন...

Love it!

Eric the Fruit Bat বলেছেন...

I'm sad the dog needed jaw surgery.

MadisonMan বলেছেন...

That would make a good movie of the week. Bummed that Puskas needed surgery though. I wonder why.

FleetUSA বলেছেন...

Great find Professor. Sad for all those people with wrecked vehicles and thankfully, he didn't have a gun.

TrespassersW বলেছেন...

You do NOT want a K9 coming at you like that.

But as is apparent from the video, that guy made a long series of "bad choices."

Comanche Voter বলেছেন...

Most of the police dogs here in Southern California were raised and trained in Europe. And they are expensive--a trained dog ready to start work with his US police handler costs about $25,000. Because of their training a police dog usually understands commands in the language of whatever country they were trained in. Could of been a language problem for Puskas--he'd let up if the officer gave the proper Hungarian command. Until then he was going to clamp down on Mr. Padilla.

I had a neighbors son who went through a phase of training to be a police officer, working in a couple of small departments, then getting on with a suburban police department here in LA. He worked with a German Shepherd "Chopper"--a good name for a police K-9. Chopper obeyed commands in German.

And speaking of some really "bad choices". A few years back an armed suspect/villain/criminal wanted for something very violent crawled under a house down around Long Beach. The cops sent a police dog in after him, trying to get him to come out. The suspect shot and killed the dog. The suspect's body was eventually retrieved from under the house--but by that time he had so many bullet holes in him he looked like a sieve. It is a very BAD idea to kill a police dog. His handlers are likely to get more than a little hacked off.

BarrySanders20 বলেছেন...

The narrator is a Randall wanna-be. You know, Randall, the guy who narrates the honey badger video.


Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

"The narrator is a Randall wanna-be. You know, Randall, the guy who narrates the honey badger video."

Ha ha. You made me go back and watch honey badger again after all these years.