From "Erdogan Tells a Weeping Girl, 6, She’d Receive Honors if Martyred" (NYT):
She wore a maroon beret and a Turkish flag in her pocket, and had made a soldier’s salute during Mr. Erdogan’s televised speech, when he spotted her in the audience.Who knows if she was crying out of fear of martyrdom, the strangeness of being plucked out of a crowd and displayed on stage, or overwhelming awe at meeting her glorious leader? Who knows if the Turkish people in general disapproved of this melodramatic theater?
The maroon berets are fighting in Afrin, a Syrian enclave the Turks are trying to take from the Kurds, and when the president noticed the girl’s beret, he called her to the stage.
“Look, look, look, what is there? Girl, what are you doing there?” he called out. She held her salute, but her face began to crumple in anxiety as she was lifted out of the crowd to meet the president. “Here are our maroon berets. Look, we have our own maroon berets,” Mr. Erdogan said as she crossed the stage....
Mr. Erdogan’s remarks to the girl on Saturday drew criticism from some on social media, who felt that the talk of martyrdom was inappropriate for a child so young.
In America, the President imagines his own readiness to accept martyrdom. He would — in his dream — run to take bullets to save schoolchildren. That's not happening right now, so there's nothing to be afraid of, only pride and glory to bask in. Might not the little 6-year-old girl — like the American President — feel exalted in this vision of martyrdom?
६१ टिप्पण्या:
And Erdogan is one of the sane Muslim leaders?
As W.C. Fields said of Baby Leroy, who had gone stiff as a carp upon drinking the swig of liquor offered by Fields, "Aw, the kid's no trouper."
If a male Moslem martyr gets 72 virgins in Paradise, what does a female Moslem martyr get ? Does she get to be one of the 72 for some guy ?
Mr. Erdogan’s remarks to the girl on Saturday drew criticism from some on social media, who felt that the talk of martyrdom was inappropriate for a child so young.
Only some.
Lots of people say things they don't believe.
General Flynn a brave heroic man, would no doubt kidnap an enemy dissident of Turkey and send him to Glorius Leader Erdogan to show his bravery and Turkey, or maybe to enrich himself?
I have no doubt that Glorious Leader Trump would run into a building with bullets flying around his head naked, armed only with his small fists and a basketful of bravery.
You can mock Trump for his comments, but upon hearing the cops stayed out while the shooter continued his killing I think most people in this country thought about what they might do in that situation.
And in that assessment how they might feel about those four officers.
You might be wrong if you said you'd run into the gunfire. But you're probably right if you searched your soul and decided you wouldn't.
I have no doubt that Glorious Leader Trump would run into a building with bullets flying around his head naked, armed only with his small fists and a basketful of bravery.
How about Obama?
Anybody see him running in?
"He would — in his dream — run to take bullets to save school children."
No he didn't. Where are you getting this "dream" nonsense from?
"You know, I really believe — you don’t know until you test it — but I really believe I’d run in there, even if I didn’t had a weapon."
No sign of dreaming in that statement.
There are a lot more reasons not to like Erdogan than this.
"the talk of martyrdom was inappropriate for a child so young."
Talk of martyrdom is always appropriate for a Muzzie leader trying to score political points by encouraging other Muzzies to die for Islam.
The point is not that he might have bothered a little girl. The point is that the Muslim leader of a NATO "ally" thought this made for good rhetoric on stage.
Kevin said...
You can mock Trump for his comments, but upon hearing the cops stayed out while the shooter continued his killing I think most people in this country thought about what they might do in that situation.
The idea of running toward children in danger? A burning building? Diving into the Surf?
A Man with a gun?
Instinctive reaction, bred into the species.
People that don't feel that tug, may not be human...
Hillary? Bernie? Oprah? Elizabeth Warren? Anybody see them running into gunfire? I don't.
George W? Yes. Jeb? No way. Kasich? You've got to be kidding.
Barack and Michelle have too much money coming their way to risk it all now.
"How about Obama?
Anybody see him running in?"
Only if Michelle ordered him to.
Instinctive reaction, bred into the species.
I think our institutions put it into society at one time and are slowly taking it out at this point.
The Broward officers just showed you can train people to cower just as you can train them to rush in.
We're training people to cower, and as the anti-gun folks keep reminding us, a society of cowards doesn't need to be armed.
Only if Michelle ordered him to.
Susan Rice would draft a memo days later saying it was all Barack's decision.
“How about Obama?
Anybody see him running in?”
In all seriousness, it would never even occur to him that he should. He’s not wired that way.
This particular tweet by Trump was too much. I think the deputy caused more problems than solved, but it is more than Monday morning quarterbacking to say you would run to danger when there is no history in 7 decades to back that claim.
It’s what a man does. If you’re really a man. You try to rescue women and children who are in danger. It helped make h. sapiens a very successful species.
I don’t expect Democrats to get it. If you’re a man and a Democrat and you get it, you might just be in the wrong party.
Our resident dullard is back! It looks like we have six more weeks of stupid.
What is Erdogan doing with his microphone while he calls the girls up to the podium?
A crucial difference with Trump: the audience is filled with formally dressed members of the his post-purge Deep State.
Trump is followed by those outside the state apparatus.
This sort of thing works.
Not in every case, but across a population it certainly is possible to increase the rate of self-sacrificial behavior, of whatever sort is required.
Trump got out of his limo back in 1991 and stopped a guy from beating another guy with a bat. It's not quite the same as running towards gunfire, but it's a lot more than many others would have done.
I don't know that I would run towards gunfire, but it's been almost 20 years since Columbine. Any school resource officer should be aware of the fact that a shooting is possible. If he/she thinks that waiting outside while kids get shot is the best plan for an emergency, he/she shouldn't be working at the school.
Not in every case, but across a population it certainly is possible to increase the rate of self-sacrificial behavior, of whatever sort is required.
Like JFK, who proposed: "Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country."
"This particular tweet by Trump was too much. I think the deputy caused more problems than solved, but it is more than Monday morning quarterbacking to say you would run to danger when there is no history in 7 decades to back that claim."
Apparently back in '91 he had his limo stop and confronted a guy who was mugging someone with a baseball bat.
Ugh. That's a horribly constructed sentence. The guy mugging was using a bat. Trump had nothing but his fame.
If I had to depend on someone to save me from danger, I would rather Trump than Obama. Or--God forbid!--Hillary. Trump is a man of action, not rhetoric.
The guy mugging was using a bat. Trump had nothing but his fame.
Any responsible reporter would have done the little digging required to let us know if Trump had ever put himself in danger when reporting what Trump said.
That none seemed to do so tells us how irresponsible the press has become.
Makes me wonder if Trump was purposely setting them up to see if they'd report his past acts.
You can do it for good or ill of course.
Its interesting how often its been done, to great effect.
My favorite example has nothing to do with Muslims - it was Francisco Solano Lopez, dictator of Paraguay, who got his people to persist in fighting against impossible odds, often using "human wave" tactics, until (controversially, estimates vary) it lost up to 90% of its adult male population.
What you get from Trump is his stream of consciousness.
What you got from Obama was scripted by Valerie.
I don't know that he would do that, especially now, but he was musing.
The left is in a bad dream that will likely go on for the next seven years.
They should try to get used to it. Wishing it away is not going to work.
The left is in a bad dream that will likely go on for the next seven years.
Maybe they should look at their hands.
It never fails to crack me up when these older Muslims (always male) encourage young Muslims, male and female, to take out lots of infidels, and themselves of course, which will earn them a great place in their Allah’s paradise.
“Oh, honored pasha, if it’s so great to do that, then how is it that you’ve lived to such an old age?”
Mr. Trump, meet Mr. Erdogan. Mr. Erdogan, Mr. Trump. I'm sure you'll have a lot to talk about.
I'm hazarding a guess Althouse is today trying please all the lib/prog commenters who've been excoriating her as a Trumpian lackey. To conflate a hope one would be brave enough to risk life & limb to save others to one who looks forward to death after bringing death to others is truly strange.
Praising martyrdom is Muslim virtue-signaling.
“Oh, honored pasha, if it’s so great to do that, then how is it that you’ve lived to such an old age?”
Hence the difference between what Trump and Erdogen said. Trump contemplated his own actions, rather than simply berate the officers who failed to act.
In doing so, he put his own humanity on the line for examination along with theirs.
I'm hazarding a guess Althouse is today trying please all the lib/prog commenters who've been excoriating her as a Trumpian lackey.
The Schiff memo was a dud. They do need something to coax them into the daylight.
She's 6, for God's sake, and about two decades too young to have to deal with the expectations of her country.
What is wrong with these people!
>Apparently back in '91 he had his limo stop and confronted a guy who was mugging someone with a baseball bat.
I think Trump's "confronting a mugger story" is more impressive than mine.
My only problem with his tweet is that he said he thought he would run in instead of saying he hopes he would.
Portlandmermaid said...
She's 6, for God's sake, and about two decades too young to have to deal with the expectations of her country.
What is wrong with these people!
2/27/18, 11:09 AM
Six is young, but the indoctrination can start at this age for some of the children used. I know that in the Second Intifada there were some 15-17 year old suicide bombers used in Israel. Just because we see this as horrible does not mean that their culture does not view it as valid. Unfortunately.
Even more unfortunately, we are losing the cultural capability to be able to point out how horrible this is and call them on it as a moral judgement. If every culture is equally valid than who are we to say that this kind of action is beyond the pale? Or at least that is what some would argue.
Equipping teachers with suicide vests is probably the solution to school safety.
Might not the little 6-year-old girl — like the American President — feel exalted in this vision of martyrdom?
This is a joke, right? A 6-year-old?
Again, since all four Broward Co. deputies did the same thing immediately upon arrival, I believe they followed established department policy.
Sheriff's are independently elected local officials, and it is very difficult for any state or federal authority to tell them anything.
For that matter, I am not sure that the policy here in Albuquerque is much different. The school "resource officers" are police, not sheriff's deputies, and they are required to keep their weapons locked up in their cars and on no account ever bring them into the school buildings.
As for Erdogan, I think for him it is more about ambition to become the Sultan of a Turkish empire than religion. Besides the religious aspects, the current situation with Russia, Iran, and Turkey is very unstable. These are old empire states looking to recover, and each is a traditional blood enemy of the other two.
It may be as likely that they fall to fighting each other as that they manage to stick together about fighting the "Arabs" and the "Great Satan," us.
Turkey is going down fast. The way I see the end-game is that NATO pulls out, and then a year later Russia invades in order to secure the border with Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Iran.
The USA would be very smart to get their troops and air power out of there now.
buwyaya reports: My favorite example has nothing to do with Muslims - it was Francisco Solano Lopez, dictator of Paraguay, who got his people to persist in fighting against impossible odds, often using "human wave" tactics, until (controversially, estimates vary) it lost up to 90% of its adult male population.
But, then, there is the Battle of Agincourt.
"The USA would be very smart to get their troops and air power out of there now."
I agree but it might not be so easy. I would also like to see us out of Afghanistan. Also a logistics nightmare.
Blogger Leland said...
This particular tweet by Trump was too much. I think the deputy caused more problems than solved, but it is more than Monday morning quarterbacking to say you would run to danger when there is no history in 7 decades to back that claim.
2/27/18, 8:53 AM
Fairly typical of the bloggers to open their mouths and make idiots out of themselves in one fell swoop!
>Again, since all four Broward Co. deputies did the same thing immediately upon arrival, I believe they followed established department policy.
I suspect you're right. One person alone freezing up, okay it happens. Four? Not impossible, but...
If so, then this is a "bad tactics" situation and not a "cowardice" situation. Personally, I'd rather the former.
Like JFK, who proposed: "Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country."
what did JFK do for his country during the Cuban Missile Crisis?
Apparently I'm the only one who believes this 'Turkish girl' acts terrified because she is being used to play a part - they chose her and rehearsed her and then - acting out her REAL age and urges - she has an actual and overwrought emotional response to the pressure and intimidation. Erdogan sees it, covers it, and then can't get her offstage fast enough.
How about Obama?
Anybody see him running in?
I see him fainted on the sidewalk, being fanned with a Turkish flag by a six-year-old girl.
Inga: "General Flynn a brave heroic man,"
Whom the entire left, including Inga, literally called a traitor to his nation.
And even with the truth emerging about the Meuller setup (the original FBI interviewers wrote Flynn did not lie) not a single one of the lefties has apologized.
Nor will they.
nara: "what did JFK do for his country during the Cuban Missile Crisis?"
I think you meant to ask, "who" did JFK do for his country during the Cuban Missile Crisis?
"Fairly typical of the bloggers to open their mouths and make idiots out of themselves in one fell swoop!"
I think I detect a couple of new lefty trolls.
Portlandmermaid said...
"She's 6, for God's sake, and about two decades too young to have to deal with the expectations of her country.
What is wrong with these people!"
It's called "Islam". The Khomeini regime sent teen-agers to clear mine-fields during the war with Iraq, by running through them.
When they look at their own children, they think about how glorious it would be to see them die while attacking you. Guess what they think about when they look at your children?
I think the police officers lawyer has found a reasonable defense.
He has said the police officer was under the impression the shots were being fired outside. He even got a report of a victim near the stadium.
This explains his not going in, but does not explain why he didn't merge with the enemy. He should have kept moving, and then he would have realized the shots were somewhere else.
My own 2 cents, having never been a police officer or infantryman.
"He even got a report of a victim near the stadium."
There was one outside.
We will not see the video evidence unless it gets subpoenaed in a lawsuit.
I think the defense will indict the sheriff.
Exactly once in my life I had to make a choice to face danger instead of running from it. I stayed between my daughter on a hiking trail and a charging momma black bear whose cubs had wandered too close to us. Those few seconds were filled with the knowledge that as a parent I was doing exactly as needed, while simultaneously regretting the potential mauling with every cell of my body. Fortunately momma bear stopped 10 yards away and the cubs ambled up the hill she'd just come down, followed by her. My young daughter thought it was a wonderful experience. Of such different understandings are parenting memories made. I hope she never has to see my side of that event in her own life.
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