Chevy [Chase] claims he was traveling over NY's Tappan Zee Bridge on February 9 when a black pickup cut him off. He told cops he though[t] the truck hit his car, so he flashed his high beams and followed it until the driver pulled over.The kicker told police that Chase actually did try to punch him, and the kick was in self-defense.
According to police docs ... Chevy realized there was no damage to either vehicle, but approached the driver to "speak to him about his reckless driving." He claims there were 3 other people in the truck, and one of 'em flipped him off....
Chevy says he fired back, "If I were a lot younger I'd bust your nose" ... then one of 'em got out and kicked him in the shoulder so hard he went to the ground.
What kind of person, cut off by a truck in NYC, follows the truck and actually gets it to stop and walks up to it? Chase is a 74-year-old man, and he either didn't know who was in the truck or knew there were 3 people in it. He followed them, which is threatening, and, further threatening them, forced them to stop and approached them and (apparently) yelled at them. Did he think he'd be recognized as a celebrity and celebrated?
Perhaps he's desperate to get in the news and willing to die for it. Here he was last month going on "Good Morning Britain" to reminisce about the time — back in 1989 — when, pursuant to a "Saturday Night Live" script, he dumped popcorn on Donald Trump's head:
Oh, no, wait, Chase claims that was spontaneous ad lib slapstick: "I saw that hair and thought, 'I've got to spill some popcorn on him.'... He's just a big construction worker to me.... Unfortunately he's now running the country – a construction worker!" Well, Mr. Chase, the billionaire was able to inspire construction workers and other blue collar people to feel he cared about them. And here you are sneering at the people. And scolding and threatening truck drivers who you only imagine have damaged your fancy car.
How tone-deaf and un-self-aware can you get?
१३० टिप्पण्या:
Johnny Carson said of Chevy Chase that he couldn't ad lib a fart.
He thinks he is bullet proof. He may find out someday that he is not. I imagine the combination of celebrity and male stupidity (which admittedly I suffer from sometimes as well)--where you think as a guy you can handle yourself in a fight comes into play.
I wonder if he will learn a lesson from this? Or what lesson it will be?
"I want to see white mothers on TV crying."
Tone deaf and un-self-aware describes 99.9% of Hollywood.
Another snot nosed self entitled brat self identifies.
Joe McKnight followed a driver that HE cut off, got out of his SUV, and "dangled" his hand INSIDE that man's castle while that castle was blocked in on all sides at a red light, and got shot dead for it. Ronald Gasser was convicted of manslaughter for daring to defend himself against a semi-famous Negro football player.
In life sometimes you have to learn how to let things go. Unless you're armed and are traveling with a bunch of other dudes willing to throw down, you'd have to be delusional to chase down some idiots in a pickup who just cut you off.
This is all liberals. It really is.
Not all Democrats - I know plenty of Democrats who don't call themselves liberal and consider most of the folks we know and love on the Left to be looney.
But this is all liberals.
Actors. My mother-in-law, who was in the business, called them "Talent."
And it was no compliment.
I loved the Fletch movies, and some of his other work. Which is why I've been so entirely disappointed by how not funny he is in real life. He has longed seemed to be very angry and elitist.
How does one get kicked in the shoulder, anyhow? Some kind of high kick? Or a roundhouse? If it was a movie, it'd have definitely been a roundhouse.
"Nonapod said...
In life sometimes you have to learn how to let things go. Unless you're armed and are traveling with a bunch of other dudes willing to throw down, you'd have to be delusional to chase down some idiots in a pickup who just cut you off."
You delusional either way. Nothin good will come from the encounter.
Never ascribe to malice what can reasonably be interpreted as carelessness.
As I teach my kids to drive, I always reinforce the idea that sometimes a driver cuts you off simply because he is not paying attention. Don't get angry, and never honk a horn in anger, after the fact.
Whatever the reason, it NEVER is worth escalating.
Maybe Chase is suffering from dementia. He is lucky to be alive after that episode.
The guy always has been an overrated fool.
You try that in Miami, you have a death wish.
"If I were a lot younger I'd bust your nose"
An open invitation. Which the other guy took.
CC has always been a foul-mouthed wuss. Fletch was his dream. Lying on the pavement after giving his invitation his much-deserved reality.
I'm sure he can get more so.
The Tappan Zee bridge is not in NYC. So, it may be marginally less crazy a thing to have done.
I've heard Chevy Chase has a bit of a rep for being difficult to work with. I suspect he has anger issues which may explain this little episode. I'll say that I like the movies Funny Farm and Christmas Vacation a great deal.
He's lucky they weren't three stuntmen.
My father once forced another driver off the road, walked up to the car, and when the other driver rolled down the window, he leaned in and took their car keys, informing them that the police were on the way, and if they got out of the car the keys would be thrown into the nearby body of water.
My family had a small business, decorated with various sculpted figures. The night before, someone had stolen one ( not the first time. ) My father reported it to the police, but we assumed we would never see it again.
The next day, while waiting at a traffic light, he saw the car go by with something tied to the roof, wrapped in a blanket. The only thing sticking out were the feet, damaged when it had been stolen. So he chased them down.
Stolen property recovered, perps arrested.
That shoulder kick stood out for me, too. Was Chase leaning down, or on his knees? Unless the other guy was Chuck Norris, few people can kick that high.
I forced to choose either a Queens construction worker or an entertainment celebrity I would much rather trust the govt to the construction worker.
"If I were a lot younger I'd bust your nose" --talk about an ineffective threat!
Someone cut him off, and he got that angry?
Sounds like a someone who doesn't do much driving.
Retired law prof Althouse is asking a lot of questions this morning.
Was he chasing a Chevy truck?
Award winning Post, Professor.
New reality show: Celebrity Road Rage
Anyone who had law school crim law should be reminded of "If it were not assize-time, I would not take such language from you." From an old English case like Rex vs. The Miller's Son or some such.
It could be worse. I know some people who are so stupid and unself-aware that they voted for Donald Trump.
How tone-deaf and un-self-aware can you get?
Well Chase did set that bar high when on SNL. But later came Adam Sandler on SNL, yet even Sandler was followed by Alex Baldwin. NBC should just show this stuff instead of the Olympics, oh wait...
"That shoulder kick stood out... few people can kick that high."
Especially since Chase is 6' 4". Sounds like he got what he was asking for. Too bad wasn't seriously injured.
"Was he chasing a Chevy truck?"
Good one. Chevy Chase chases Chevy.
It's the Jackie Chan Derangement Syndrome.
Consider the existence of a substantial population of millionaires and billionaires somewhat smarter than Chevy Chase, but with similar personalities and instincts.
Thats why you got Trump.
The scene of the carriage in "Tale of Two Cities" seems apt.
So all those movies where he was an idiot, he wasn’t acting.
"How tone-deaf and un-self-aware can you get?"
As tone-deaf and un-self-aware as all the inferiors who patronize us.
You know, I would do the same thing Chevy did - when I was 17 or 18 years old. Juvenile, by definition. And quite risky besides. He's lucky to get away with just a sore shoulder.
From accounts I've read, Chase has always been an asshole.
I predict this sudden media appearance of the all-but-forgotten Chevy Chase will bring some MeToo accusers out of the wood work.
Or maybe Chevy is a clueless twit. Just applied Occam's Razor.
"This is all liberals. It really is."
No, it is really all goblins. Nasty goblins from Hell who take the form of humans. Really.
Re Crazy Jane at 10:29: "Someone cut him off, and he got that angry?
Sounds like a someone who doesn't do much driving."
I thought cutting people off or being cut off is within the local ground rules for New York driving.
Do Hollywood stars think...
No, they don't.
> How tone-deaf and un-self-aware can you get?
I thought a Chevy-Chase was already the NIST standard asshole.
Do Hollywood stars think life works like a movie?
Absolutely. Where do you think the hyper-sexualized culture of the industry -- abuse or not -- comes from? They think that having sex with someone new every week is normative behavior, that people within ten minutes of meeting each other are humping in the bar bathroom or closet at work, that in the middle of some terrifying event or when being chased by killers that people will look each other in the eye and rip their clothes off to have sex.
40 years ago Chevy Chase was funny.
He was also best friends with my hero, Doug Kenney, editor of National Lampoon.
The problem is that all good things must end. And, at age 74, if he's confronting truck drivers on the Tappan Zee Bridge, well, old man, stand down!
This is a story that started at the Emergency Room intake for "pain management".
tcrosse said:
"Johnny Carson said of Chevy Chase that he couldn't ad lib a fart."
After a baked bean dinner, no less.
As for chasing after some vehicle to get into a dispute with another driver -- that happens all the time for reasons having nothing to do with the movies.
You are more correct than you think.
Tendencies to political alignment come, to a large degree, along with personality.
Once an asshole always an asshole.
No, he's just an asshole. He's known for being an asshole, and that is what assholes do. They act like assholes.
As a dda, I once rejected a sad road rage case: Little old guy walks up to big guy sitting in his big old Cadillac and yells at him for dangerous driving. Big guy gets out, laughs and tells liitle guy to fuck himself. Little guy reaches up and hits big guy twice. Big guy hits little guy once and shatters left side of little guy's face. Months later after he gets out of hospital, little guy comes see me to find why no charges could be filed. He has this bolt- like thing holding his cheek together. He left slowly shaking his head and muttering, "I'm so stupid, I'm so stupid.I'm so stupid".
"I forced to choose either a Queens construction worker or an entertainment celebrity I would much rather trust the govt to the construction worker."
Isn't Trump both?
If memory serves me correctly, The Tap crosses the Hudson and leads westward into Rockland County, which is well known by everyone in the area as the place where NYC cops and firefighters live. Could very well have been Chevy threatening a car pool of commuter cops. Brilliant.
Don't forget: Chevy thinks he's better than the rest of us because he's Old Money. From Wikipedia:
"Cornelius Crane Chase was born on October 8, 1943 in Lower Manhattan, New York, and grew up in Woodstock, New York. He is a 14th-generation New Yorker, and was listed in the Social Register at an early age. His mother's ancestors arrived in Manhattan starting in 1624 — among his ancestors are New York City mayors Stephanus Van Cortlandt and John Johnstone; the Dutch Schuyler family, through his ancestor Gertrude Schuyler, the wife of Stephanus Van Cortlandt; John Morin Scott, General of the New York Militia during the American Revolution; Anne Hutchinson, dissident Puritan preacher and healer; and Mayflower passengers and signers of the Mayflower Compact from England, John Howland, and the Pilgrim colonist leader and spiritual elder of the Plymouth Colony, William Brewster. As a child, Chase vacationed at Castle Hill, the Cranes' summer estate in Ipswich, Massachusetts."
The new Tappan Zee bridge is sooo much smoother than the old one. Now if they'd only fix I684 below Brewster. Westchester is one of the richest counties in the country, why were/are their roads so crappy?
He's Chevy Chase and you're not.
Thank God.
Chevy Chase has done some great work. He is also an ass.
Robert Cook said...
From accounts I've read, Chase has always been an asshole.
He portrayed one woodenly on a Law and Order episode. It felt like an ass trying to play a decent guy playing an ass.
Didn't he snap at Leno or someone for cutting to commercial?
Westchester is one of the richest counties in the country, why were/are their roads so crappy?
Because their waiting to the state or feds to do it or hand them money to do it?
Remember that Jack Nicholson attacked another driver with a golf club a few years ago.
Well, 20 years ago.
I doubt he's as spry now.
Actors. That's all you need to know.
Tuberville v Savage
Chevy Chase has always been an asshole. He was never that funny. At the height of his career, his fans were stoned when they watched him. They thought everything was funny until they had to go get some Twinkies.
The best part of Hollywood gun violence is the pink spray behind the victim. Yet I'm not inclined to shoot anybody.
The old westerns just had the guy being plugged falling down, or falling off his horse, as the case may be.
That shoulder kick stood out for me, too. Was Chase leaning down, or on his knees? Unless the other guy was Chuck Norris, few people can kick that high.
Picture the truck being a rather big, say a Ford F-750 commercial model. The floorboard on that vehicle is about 3 feet above the pavement, and the seat is at least 5 feet high relative to the street. If the cab door is open a seated person could kick out and hit a tall man in the shoulder.
Remember that Jack Nicholson attacked another driver with a golf club a few years ago.
Wow, for a split second I thought it said 'Jack Nicklaus'!
Does it say what club he used?
I wish someone would come up with a good Family Truckster joke. I got nothing because 74 year-old alcoholics just aren't that funny.
"Someone cut him off, and he got that angry?
"Sounds like a someone who doesn't do much driving."
It does. Maybe he's had a driver for much of his life. People here, in a friendly place, would think you were nuts if you followed and confronted someone who cut you off.
Well if you do that kind of thing in Texas you might get... shot. I'm surprised in NY he wasn't shot by gang bangers.
Someone followed my father to a parking lot once to confront him about his driving, but I can't remember what happened. Can't ask either because he's dead. A little story lost to time.
So Chase says he was triggered by Trump's hair - but in 1989 was Trump's hair considered laughable? I was a devotee of Spy Magazine in the '80's and they loved making fun of Trump, but I don't remember Trump's hair being joke fodder back then. Trump was considered pretty good looking back in the day. His hair is weird now because he hasn't changed the way he wears it, just as an older woman who wore her hair in a beehive would have been considered odd in 1978 but not in 1962.
So I'm raising the bullshit flag on that claim. Either Chase is lying or he's projecting the modern day fashionable leftist disdain for all things Trump (including the hair) onto his memories of what happened in 1989.
"He's just a big construction worker to me..."
If NBC and all its minions, past and present, evaporated overnight, folks would be disconcerted and bemused -- briefly. After a few days of idle speculation (Was it alien abduction? Black magic? The oft-predicted Millerite Rapture?) the nation's television addicts would find some other mind-numbing distraction to fill those wastable hours between eating, sleeping, and occasionally working, consigning SNL and Chevy Chase to the ash heap of forgotten entertainments to keep company with vaudeville and bearbaiting.
However, if our construction workers, our plumbers, our farmers and ranchers, our truck drivers, or any other Hollywood-despised class of workaday stiffs similarly ceased their existence on this Material Plane... well, just imagine.
"mockturtle said...
Remember that Jack Nicholson attacked another driver with a golf club a few years ago.
Wow, for a split second I thought it said 'Jack Nicklaus'!
Does it say what club he used?"
Depends on the lie.
What kind of person, cut off by a truck in NYC, follows the truck and actually gets it to stop and walks up to it?
Ann, who has fond memories of living in New York in the 70s when she liked to peruse the ads for porno movies, has got her geography wrong, not that that should stop her. The Tappan Zee bridge isn't in NYC. It's like saying Ann got cut off in Madison and followed the truck to the Milwaukee Street bridge in Janesville, about 30 miles away.
So often it's the little errors that expose the weak thinking of the whole.
By all accounts, Chevy Chase is a major-league asshole.
He most likely deserved everything he got.
I reread the post and, you know, I could picture Chase standing there, waiting for the director to yell “Cut!” so a stunt double can come in to a choreographed fight scene.
Apparently he thought he was Clint Eastwood playing Walt Kowalski in Gran Torino.
So johnny boy, what impact does the exact location have on the point she was making?
"So often it's the little errors that expose the weak thinking of the whole."
Man, you are stupid.
John Pickering wrote: So often it's the little errors that expose the weak thinking of the whole.
Explain how a 29.2-mile error in geography invalidates Althouse's opinion? Show your work. You have 20 minutes to avoid be adjudged an irrelevant and abusive minor troll.
"Does it say what club he used?"
I think it was a wedgie.
Notice that Chevy Chase did spill the popcorn on the black guy and Trump smiled indulgently at his infantile attics.
Cornelius Crane, a man motivated by fear and envy.
John Pickering wrote: So often it's the little errors that expose the weak thinking of the whole.
It's Nit Pickering.
Quaestor: "Explain how a 29.2-mile error in geography invalidates Althouse's opinion?"
How dare you challenge Pickering on his silly point which he presents as invalidating the point of the blog post?
Why, I'll bet that Chevy Chase's shirt color was crimson red, not cardinal red! Thus it was totally cool that Chase stupidly chased down 3 dudes in a truck!
Well if you do that kind of thing in Texas you might get... shot.
Or Seattle. Or Phoenix. Or any number of places. Not the smartest move.
Times up, Pickering.
Congrats, you've acquired the rank of minor troll.
Earnest Prole, 11:49:
Interesting. His maternal grandfather, as you and others here may know, was Miles Browning (also not a nice man by many accounts, but one who mattered).
Actually Picky Pickering has acquired the status of toxic annoying cunt. The Lena Dunham award with the Amanda Marcotte cluster.
Very rarely bestowed on Althouse commenters. The last one was Luckyoldson.
Living in LA I have heard many stories of Chevy-Chase-the-Jackass over the years, probably more than any other local celebrity.
"Do Hollywood stars think life works like a movie?"
Short version: Do Hollywood stars think?
Perhaps, but it's not required. They're not paid to think, they're paid to act.
Which surely has far more to do with emoting than with thinking.
langford said:
Actually Picky Pickering has acquired the status of toxic annoying cunt. The Lena Dunham award with the Amanda Marcotte cluster.
Very rarely bestowed on Althouse commenters. The last one was Luckyoldson.
Ah yes, they get the fabled 'Inga' statue... a rusty metal sculpture of an old, gaping vagina cutting and pasting stuff it doesn't understand.
Chevy Chase: "I'm an asshole and you're not!"
You have 20 minutes to avoid be adjudged an irrelevant and abusive minor troll.
Nothing says blowhard quite like non-negotiable blog-comment demands.
Does it say what club he used?
A two-iron.
A Name Which Will Live In Infamy.
Does it say what club he used?
A two-iron.
If it had been a one iron he would have missed.
"Not even God can hit a one iron," said Lee Trevino as he held one up during a lightning storm.
Don't understand the whole "road rage" thing?
Don't peeps realize how many madmen,criminals, drunkards, druggies, and just plain stupid people are out there, driving around?
Not to mention nice, well-intentioned people who just aren't paying attention or are having a bad day.
People are always using the "no one can be that stupid" defense when someone is being tried for absurd murder or a crime. No, even people with high IQ's can be really stupid. Just look at "road rage".
Chase was distracted crossing the Tappan Zee bridge by Christie Brinkley, driving alongside while wearing scanty attire.
But seriously . . .
If Chase's behavior were motivated by a kind of class-conscious sense of entitlement, he picked the wrong locale for it. One of the things I liked about NYC was that it was, in the best sense, egalitarian. I often wonder if this were a result of many of us coming from recent-immigrant stock who were mostly apartment dwellers rather than landed gentry; also the heavy presence of Catholicism and Judaism, which place a strong emphasis on education and lack the baleful influence of Calvinism. I've long treasured the story of the time George Plimpton, in a hurry to get somewhere, pushed his way to the front of a line for tokens in a New York subway station. Plimpton being Plimpton, I'm sure his efforts reflected an upper-caste WASP "politesse," but the crowd wasn't having any of it. I can just hear the old-school Noo Yawkers telling him, "Hey, Duchess--where the @#$% do you think you're goin'?" or "Back of the line, ya bastid!" As I recall, he did have to get to the back of the line.
From a NYC perspective, it’s one of the bridges that are covered in the traffic reports.
Thanks Ann, metro NY traffic reports cover at least three states. The Tappan Zee, from an NYC perspective, crosses the Hudson River to join Westchester and Rockland counties, commonly referred to as "leafy.". Your insinuation that anyone who would engage in road rage in NYC must be nuts depends on the assumption that NYC people are dangerous. In fact, partly because gun laws are enforced, New York City is the safest major city in the country. It's much safer than it was in the '70s! Time for another visit, though Times Square is but a shadow of its former self.
Do we know for certain that Chevy Chase was driving a 'fancy car'?
Maybe it was a Hyundai, not that there is anything wrong with that.
John Pickering wrote: Your insinuation that anyone who would engage in road rage in NYC must be nuts depends on the assumption that NYC people are dangerous.
Tone deaf? That IS the chosen tone of the Democrats. He is pitch perfect at what he’s trying to convey.
If you're cut off in traffic - don't follow. That's crazy person behavior.
If you're being followed - don't stop. That's also crazy person behavior.
If you have to, drive to the police station, then stop.
Maybe it was a Hyundai, not that there is anything wrong with that.
More likely a Wagon Queen Family Truckster.
My company used to handle Chevy's property security back in the 90's. He was a barking a-hole even then...
So a bunch of thugs assault a 74-year old after driving recklessly and because he made a joke about one of the least popular presidents you find that justifiable?
Feel free to engage brain and/or morals at any time.
I thought it was the coal miners and line assembly workers who felt "cared for" by this liar. Construction workers aren't just in PA, OH, MI and WI.
BTW, Tappan Zee is not in NYC, Ms. Pretend Construction Worker.
Oh, and when do people have to feel "inspiration" in order to feel cared for? This must be the narcissist's understanding of empathy. The only one worth caring for you is the one who is "above" you.
Trump is a liar and doesn't care about anyone. But your "construction" is revealing. Because you elevate him, put him on the pedestal he imagines himself to be living on, that makes him good enough to care. All the lesser mortals just aren't awesome enough to care. Or at least, not dishonest enough to lie about how awesome they think they are, anyway. Or dishonest enough to lie about caring.
Other than that, your hourly Trump puff piece is the usual mess. The most sophisticated sycophancy on the webs!
Has Trump got the goods on you? How much did Michael Cohen offer you?
People here, in a friendly place, would think you were nuts if you followed and confronted someone who cut you off.
So the people there are friendly enough to cut others off or to let aggressive drivers do what they want? Sounds like someone's defining "friendly" in a very unconventional way.
I've run across aggressive drivers who then do the assaulting. Perhaps investing in a dash-cam might be worth it. Either that or a taser - but I'm not sure how they're regulated as far as carrying/using one goes. If that fails then I guess a crowbar might be the right way to go.
It's fascinating to me how much lawlessness the rest of the thread seems to be ok with. I guess the aggressive drivers they experience are less aggressive than the ones I've seen. But calling 9/11 is probably the better way to handle it - not that I have much faith that it leads to much.
Thousands of pounds of deadly force and the thread is ok with misuse. While supporting an administration that jumps at the chance to use nukes and guns down households because a whiny voiced AG thinks that demon-weed is bad. (But the KKK was good before any of them caught on to it). Bizarre priorities you people have. Guess we won't be returning to a law & order-based society any time soon.
Was the black pickup truck a Chevy?
I think Tappan Zee leads to Sleepy Hollow.
I'm not sure how a headless horseman fits into this story. Maybe a toupe-less bald man?
The legend of Donald Callow.
Blogger langford peel said...”Very rarely bestowed on Althouse commenters. The last one was Luckyoldson.”
Now there’s a name out of deep time.
"Leave lots of room for crazies to merge, is my motto." Mine too. I'm not in that much of a hurry, nor do I have anything to prove. I try not to let random strangers mess up my day.
Feel free to engage brain and/or morals at any time.
Sez the creep with no brain or morals worthy of the noun.
If there is a god, Ritmo will cut off some deranged asshole in traffic this week.
As a non-New Yorker, anything within a 40 mile radius of NYC is NYC for me. That's how we think in Los Angeles.
Zone of influence counts for something. If I hear something happening in New York state, I think upstate or such. Because if it happened near the city, people would just say it was in the city. Suburbs are part of the city.
"How tone-deaf and un-self-aware can you get?"
"I don't KNOW, Margo!"
Chevy reacted the way he did is because he was humiliated. Allowing a driver to cut you off is your own fault for not being fast and aggressive enough to avoid being a victim.
@Howard - quite right!
John Pickering, are you saying gun laws (such as the Sullivan Law, created by an old time political boss to keep his opponents disarmed) were NOT strictly enforced in the 1970s? That was not my experience or my recollection. I was on two Grand Juries, one in the early Seventies and the second in the late Seventies, and I witnessed several inoffensive citizens whose only "crime" was wanting an effective means of self-defense get indicted because Big Brother wouldn't give them permission to carry a gun. (I argued for their release but my unschooled and unsophisticated version of Jury Nullification didn't sway enough of my fellow jurors.) In fact in those days it seemed that our overlords were more concerned for the safety of the urban lumpenproletariat than the safety of the rest of us. If something has changed since then to make NYC safer, I'm guessing it was some other factor than the Ruling Class getting tougher on gun laws.
This script had all ready been used by Seinfeld. George thinks someone gives him the finger and he decides to follow the vehicle until it stops at a gas station. Turns out the perpetrator has a cast on his middle finger.
Tappan Zee bridge has been closed for a year; replaced by the new Mario Cuomo Bridge now - LOL
Howard: "Chevy reacted the way he did is because he was humiliated. Allowing a driver to cut you off is your own fault for not being fast and aggressive enough to avoid being a victim.
I would recommend Chase spend 6 months driving in Naples, Italy to correct this deficiency.
Remember, if you make eye contact with another driver at a merge point you are doing it wrong.....
Deemed nonviable, inconvenient, or profitable. Most do, in fact, live their lives at the twilight fringe.
This confirms what I've always suspected - Chevy Chase is an idiot.
Chase has always been an a**h***. Why should being 74 make him any different now.
"Robert Cook said...
"From accounts I've read, Chase has always been an asshole."
It's nice to be able to agree with Cook for once.
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