2 tweets by Trump — here and here — published within the last hour. The piece looks like this in the middle of the front page of The Washington Post right now:
From the article, recounting something Rachel Crooks said happened Jan. 11, 2006:
“He was waiting for the elevator outside our office when I got up the nerve to introduce myself,” she said now, remembering that day when she was 22 years old and Trump was 59. “It’s not like I was trying to upset the apple cart. I don’t know. Maybe I was being naive.... He took hold of my hand and held me in place like this,” she said, squeezing the sides of the water glass, shaking it gently from side to side. “He started kissing me on one cheek, then the other cheek. He was talking to me in between kisses, asking where I was from, or if I wanted to be a model. He wouldn’t let go of my hand, and then he went right in and started kissing me on the lips.”
She shook the water glass one final time and set it down. “It felt like a long kiss,” she said. “The whole thing probably lasted two minutes, maybe less.”
“Like you were another piece of his property,” the hostess said.
“And with those orange lips!” another woman said.
१६२ टिप्पण्या:
Evidence, lady. Your word ain't good enough.
Outrage is something women do together. That's the plan.
I'm unconvinced. There's nothing in Trump's demeanor -- in my opinion -- that suggests he just starts kissing strangers! The guy is a germ-phobe!
Trump has the better of this argument. Hell, I could claim Nancy Pelosi grabbed my cock and invited me to her hotel room 25 years ago. Prove me wrong!
At what time during the two minutes did she decide it was sexual misconduct?
"I believe Crooks" - Hillary Clinton
Hmm. From 2006 - 12 years ago.
1. Was a police report filed in 2006?
2. Was a written complaint made in 2006?
3. Did she write down the event in 2006, near the time it happened?
4. Did she tell anyone about it in 2006?
etc, etc, etc.
The problem, as we all know, is that when Bill Clinton was president, these type of accusations were deemed unsubstantiated "bimbo eruptions." But, then strong evidence was developed that Bill Clinton was actually doing these things in the White House (Lewinsky, Willie).
Here, WaPost prints any old accusation, as if it were news, to slander a President they really don't like.
Not Kosher.
Aww, that little story is as cute as a bunny wabbit.
Sex, Russia, Hitler, mental -25th Amendment, Hitler, Russia, back to sex this week. One after the other. Next week it'll be Russia again.
I used to model, and there was a photographer who worked for a major client that I used to work with. He always kind of hung out outside the changing room, calling in, "Is there anything you need?". It was obvious what was going on, but he wasn't threatening. He knew I was married, but I guess some guys always kind of hope. Then one day he walked me out to my car, hugged me goodbye (which was normal) then went in for the kiss, which was not normal. I turned away so he didn't get that kiss, and stepped back to my car.
I lived through it. If he ever runs for president, I won't bother to go to reporters about it.
This kind of thing is so stupid.
I believe she is telling the truth because she likes dogs.
Does this mean the Media's affair with the Russian collusion story is over?
Men should kiss women only on the elbow. Men, too.
The left are on the march to take people down with innuendo.
One of those 19 claims that Trump did something objectionable to her (I can't be bothered to look this up) on a plane. The usual suspects (i.e. the NYT/WaPo nexus) published her story, but never mentioned any corroborative evidence. Planes have other passengers and flight attendants who probably have pertinent information. Wouldn't a fair-minded journalist demand something more than a narrative from an accuser? You'd think that would be the ethical default. But Trump is so evil (he used Russian trolls to discombobulate HRC's campaign, doncha know?) he can't be extended any benefit of basic ethics.
The courts aren't quite so certain of Trump's evil nature. They demand a bit more than a narrative, which is why none of those lawsuits have gone anywhere but into the cylindrical filing cabinet.
And I'ma going to keep telling my story about how Hillary scared the bejeezus outa me with that "Doctor Evil" pantsuit.
That was a 55-gallon drum of harassment on a national scale.
I smell a steaming pile of BS.
Heh I read the title to this post and thought it was referring to some guy claiming Althouse came onto him years aqo. Need more coffee.
Your final quote, '“And with those orange lips!” another woman said', is a grab at ewww grossitude. It doesn't seem like something that needed to be added to the article. It is too bad that media still feels like they need to mention how gross Trump is rather than just writing a straight forward article. Stop with the over the top signaling emotion.
At some point, I will examine the 19 claims, and deconstruct them.
Date, Accuser Name, alleged misconduct, etc, etc.
I think powerful men like Trump slept with thousands of women via consent a la Warren Beatty or Wilt Chamberlain. Was there ever miscommunication or friction? Probably, a handful of times.
But, we know what women let you do if you're a star.........
It's too bad our resident dullard Inga decided to be a former resident dullard Inga because we would then get to know if this accusation is credible or not.
Wonder if the writer ever feels any embarrassment about what kind of stories he is assigned to write? I mean I am sure he went to one of the Ivy schools like so many of the MSM.
More chum for the chumps.
Let's embrace this idea.... a 3 way, Trump, Melania, Jennifer Lawrence, National TV (pay per view), to raise money for the victims of school shootings. Why not? Why bother pretending we care anymore about whom our elected officials have sex with? (unless it's the "other side")
Remind me, did Glenn Kessler lose his job over kissing his subordinates?
Geez, Rachel, ever hear of romance? Have you ever considered that(he)still remembers the way the temperature in that (huge public foyer) changed when (you) walked in the door, the way the heat radiating from (you) charged every atom in (his) body with desire, the way (he) thought (he) would not survive another second if (he) couldn’t (kiss your cheeks repeatedly while chatting). We all know this heat. It can reduce (narcissist billionaire presidents) to ashes.
The Democrats are starting to feel some panic, I suspect.
This week Jill Abrahamson has a rehash of the high tech lynching of Clarence Thomas.
Why does the New Yorker publish this trash ?
I guess this is porn to NYC readers.
Maybe they are starting to worry that Trump may actually a high share of the black vote.
Maybe I'm wrong, but women tend to have a need for sympathetic attention that considerably exceeds the corresponding need in men — not all men mind you, but taken as a general trend. In Freudian terms, the need for that sympathetic attention emanates from very deep in the subconscious and overwhelms the moral imperatives of the superego. Hence we have an entire subculture of victims of alien abduction, the great majority female, and a similar subculture of "rape victims" who never report the supposed crime to law enforcement, but eagerly relate their narratives to auditoriums full of sympathetic ears predisposed to accept their claims without skepticism or even empirical evidence.
Trump the serial sex abuser is about as credible as extraterrestrial humanoids voyaging hundreds of lightyears just to get in a little vicarious sex with a race of shaved apes.
The guy in the WaPo might as well be writing for National Enquirer. Now the Enquirer does write in a sensational fashion. But in the mid 70s while on vacation in Mexico City I met and talked with the then editor of the Enquirer. He said that the Enquirer would not publish a story unless it had absolute proof--they were very much concerned about libel suits, and wanted to be rock solid that they could defend one before publishing a story.
Over the years the Enquirer hasn't lost many suits. OTOH with the dreck that CNN, MSNBC, the NYT and WaPo publish the only way they get away with it is that Trump is very much a public figure. If he were private citizen, he'd own the houses of all these clowns.
Was the whole Trump is orange thing in play 12 years ago? I don't know because I never paid much attention to Trump as celebrity. Never watched the Apprentice etc. If it wasn't, that's a pretty sure giveaway that this story was recently manufactured.
From the article:
“The whole thing probably lasted two minutes, maybe less.”
Funny, that's what my Prom date said.
Alright. So, we have the accusation and the denial... so now what?
This has been the objective of the #metoo coalition from day one; create a climate where the Trump harassment accusations can resurface.
My God! He kissed you in the elevator? And you stood there and did nothing? And now the mediaswine (Democrats? Congress? Voters? Hollywood?) should provide requital by, what, stripping him of his Presidency? Really?
I surely hope these Vestal Virgins of the left and their enablers have miscalculated and that grownups, including grownup women, will ignore this silliness.
“I smell a steaming pile of BS.”
The part of #MeToo that is studiously ignored is that some women gain acceptance, and even notoriety, by jumping on the bandwagon. It is part of the same herd mentality that forces middle school girls to all dress alike, sound the same, line the same bands, etc. I call BS on anyone who claims that a woman wouldn’t claim sexual harassment, or even rape, if it didn’t happen. Women lie about this sort of thing all the time, which is why the police like to have corroboration before arresting guys for this sort of thing.
My #MeToo story (that some here have already heard) was that I was “anonymously” accused of sexual harassment at one point by two women. I asked my secretary to figure out what was happening. She quickly got to the bottom of it. Another of the secretaries would spend her days talking to the attys, leaving the other secretaries to pick up the slack. Knowing this, I wouldn’t make eye contact, which she interpreted as looking at her chest (she was wrong there). The interesting accusation though was from the other woman - someone I barely would say a dozen words to a week. We didn’t work together much, and her office was a distance away. Short, dumpy, and married. I wouldn’t notice her in a crowd. But, she wanted in on the action, so claimed #MeToo, and since there were two similar accusations (duh), management considered them more credible.
“And with those orange lips!” another woman said.
Trump was on a Cheetos high when this happened.
Trump kissed me on the lips - in public - 12 years ago.
I've never gotten over the shame.
It haunts me at night. Sorta.
I forgot about it for 10 years - until someone paid me money and Trump ran for POTUS.
Then, it all came back. The Horror! The Horror!
And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them like a water glass. You can do anything.”
"I was “anonymously” accused of sexual harassment at one point by two women. "
A middle school male teacher in Orange County, CA was accused by two teenaged girls of abuse and had his life wrecked.
Finally, the two girls admitted they had made to story up to punish him for scolding them when they did not dress for gym.
We will see more of this.
I'll never forget that terror of those 5 seconds. 12 years ago.
When he kissed me on the lips in greeting.
Against my will.
Fortunately, I've been able to get a lot $$$ and fame out of it.
So its worked out for me. Except the Horror! still haunts me.
That story sounded like a Michael Wolff style of story telling. If you feel its true, that proves it's true. More non-fiction style fiction.
Imagine how the Post would have covered a similar story about Obama . . .
They wouldn't unless they were had to, and even then they would try to find some to portray the woman as a partisan hack.
She is part Russian ! That's all the collusion proof the FBI-stapo needs.
Ah--remember the good old days: JFK, Fiddle and Faddle--silence. EMK and MaryJo--poor Ted. WJC and Juanita Broadrick--silence. WJC and Kathleen Willey--kill the dog. WJC and Monica Lewinsky--the little slut must be crazy. John Edwards and the love child--silence.
Today: DJT--the orange brute must be put down like a rabid animal!
I definitely think our newspapers have taken on a higher moral tone which I am sure will benefit the lower orders in ways yet unknown.
I won't believe it until Hillary pays an oppo research hit team to hire a brit to put it in a "dossier" and then funnel it to the FBI thru the spouse of a DOJ senior member who also then "forgets" to include the payments to the spouse on his Ethics forms.
That's how you know you've stumbled onto the truth....
Imagine if Cheeto Jesus had talked a supporter into going to a hotel room and forcibly raped her and she had five contemporaneous witnesses of the physical and psychological trauma! Imagine if lips came into play!
I bet the papers wouldn't even cover it! If she did a TV interview all the right people would call her a liar!
Maybee discovers the sad reality that pretty women need to be careful who they are nice to.
Did Trump slip her his forkéd tongue ?
If I were a really paranoid lefty, I would wonder if this series of unverifiable and frankly lame accusations is a clever plot of DJT:
From the list of hints and tips for aspiring Evil Overlords (http://www.eviloverlord.com/lists/dungeon_a.html)
"I will see to it that plucky young lads/lasses in strange clothes and with the accent of an outlander shall REGULARLY climb some monument in the main square of my capital and denounce me, claim to know the secret of my power, rally the masses to rebellion, etc. That way, the citizens will be jaded in case the real thing ever comes along."
No one is listening because it is a ridiculous nothing burger. Maybe if he had deflowered her on his wifes bed, had her give blowjobs to his aides and carry on an affair with her ( and obviously many other young interns ) while president, we might care.
Sod off
It would have been funny if someone at that pity party said, wow that's hot.
To be fair, Trump was still a Democrat 12 years ago.
Trumped grabbed Putin by the back of the neck, pulling him closer and closer to his slightly parted, succulent lips. Putin could smell Trump's muskiness, and despite his slight revulsion, also felt the tingling of excitement and anticipation at what was surely coming next. Their lips touched, and the electricity between them exploded into a a whirlwind of sparks...
To be continued in the next exciting chapter of Trump! The Miniseries. Brought to you by the Washington Post and the NYT.
I wonder if Democrats ever commiserate about how they sure wish they hadn't sold out their credibility on this issue in the nineties.
Anybody ever play "Clue"? The game where the answer turned out to be something like "Col. Mustard in the library with the knife"? Maybe you can help me out. Was it Kennedy or Johnson or Clinton in the oval office with the cigar?
I'd like to have all the details on Jill Harth's mortgage. And then I want to have all the other details needed to evaluate her story.
I'd also like to have all the details on Michael Cohen's payment to Stormy Daniels, and the National Enquirer's dealings with Karen McDougal.
Michael K
The guy who wrote the screenplay for Wild Things needs to sue those former HS students for infringement.
Roy, it was Clinton with the cigar, and Kennedy with the candlestick, and finally, Johnson with the knife. Dirty bastards all.
From news report:
“It was so inappropriate,” Ms. Crooks recalled in an interview. “I was so upset that he thought I was so insignificant that he could do that.”
Shaken, Ms. Crooks returned to her desk and immediately called her sister, Brianne Webb, in the small town in Ohio where they grew up, and told her what had happened.
“She was very worked up about it,” said Ms. Webb, who recalled pressing her sister for details. “Being from a town of 1,600 people, being naïve, I was like ‘Are you sure he didn’t just miss trying to kiss you on the cheek?’ She said, ‘No, he kissed me on the mouth.’ I was like, ‘That is not normal.’”
From same news report:
A few hours after Mr. Trump kissed her, Ms. Crooks returned to her apartment in the Bay Ridge section of Brooklyn and broke down to her boyfriend at the time, Clint Hackenburg.
“I asked, ‘How was your day?’” Mr. Hackenburg recalled. “She paused for a second, and then started hysterically crying.”
From same news report:
Days later, Ms. Crooks said, Mr. Trump, who had recently married Melania, came into the Bayrock office and requested her phone number. When she asked why he needed it, Mr. Trump told her he intended to pass it along to his modeling agency. Ms. Crooks was skeptical, but relented because of Mr. Trump’s influence over her company. She never heard from the modeling agency.
"Hoping Someone will listen"?
She has a favorable story on the front page of the Washington Post.
We have the sorriest bunch of elites in the history of the world.
The quote from Ms. Webb, is in fact, something. Can't deny the evidence.
But the failure to put it in writing or to file a formal complaint at the time means it wasn't that big of deal.
Close, but no cigar (no pun intended).
She never heard from the modeling agency.
No wonder she cried hysterically.
Hahhahahahha. "Cried Hysterically"
How much was she paid? How much was she coached?
I'll bottom line this so even a "liberal" can understand it. You know the old joke about, "Is it good for the Jews?" I have a similar tunnel vision: "Is it/he/she good for liberty?" While I was a reluctant Trump supporter, preferring more libertarian Republicans, when it came down to it , the question was, "Who on the whole is better [or less bad] for liberty, Trump or the Alinskyite Witch?" Pretty easy to answer.
Same with presidential legacies. When they have these lists of best/worst presidents, my first question is "What is the ideological bias of these people?" If academics, their bias is almost --in my experience with academics--"liberal" (i.e. in favor of expanding State power and diminishing individual liberty). State-shtuppers like ARM, Toothless, Robert Cook et al are of course going to rate presidents more highly the more anti-liberty they are. Me, I'm going to wait until Trump's term is over before fully evaluating him. If, after four years, he's completely overturned the legacy of Barry the Red Diaper Baby--or simply if, at the end of four years, Trump's legacy is, in the balance, significantly more liberty and less statism, then I'll give him credit where credit is due, even if someone comes up with photos of Trump having a golden-shower three some with Putin and Karen McDougal.
The MSM is in a flood the zone, change the subject mode. This ishould be combined with the good professor's earlier post titled "Shameful Political Framing". A week ago Friday when the special counsel issued indictments regarding the Russian probe those indictments blew a major hole in the "Russian Collusion" story line that we have been fed non-stop for the last 18 months.
Did anyone else notice the the almost monolithic response from the MSM that "Donald Trump Still Refuses to Admit that Russia Meddled in the Election"? Not Indictments "Raise significant Questions Regarding Trump Campaign Collusion".
The MSM has ramped the outrage meter to 11 since the indictments were issued. This is just one of the many efforts to turn your attention from the possible lawlessness of the Left.
Even if he had shot her on fifth avenue, his Hannitized supporters wouldn’t care.
Wow, quite a leap from a kiss to shooting her.
Trump has released a statement.
It continues to amuse me the frustration it causes the Left that the Right has accepted the Left's rules about sex and politics. They are like a school girl trying to reclaim her virginity after giving it up voluntarily.
I met Trump once, like 20 years ago. He tried to kiss me. Then he asked for my phone number for his modeling agency. I gave it to him because, you know, modeling, money, fame.
I never told anyone in power about this, and he never called me for the modeling gig, but he's now president, and I can make these claims and people will believe me because #metoo, so i'm totally going to do it because you know, money, fame...
My favorite story came from a Washington Post editorial writer who said Trump hit on her after a meeting with the editorial staff.
What happened? As he was walking out of the room, he looked at her and said, "Beautiful!"
The dastard.
It is only a matter of time before you see reports that Trump has fantasized about shooting Robert Mueller in the street.
"Chuck said...
I'd like to have all the details on Jill Harth's mortgage. And then I want to have all the other details needed to evaluate her story.
I'd also like to have all the details on Michael Cohen's payment to Stormy Daniels, and the National Enquirer's dealings with Karen McDougal."
Start twistin' some titties and make it happen, Captain!!
A woman "saying I kissed her (for two minutes yet)"
Wiped "like with a cloth or something?"
Playing dumb is dumb.
Given 71 year old Trump's sexual history, I'm always surprised the DNC wasn't able to bribe more women to come forward.
We got stories of Bush II as drunk, Obama as a MJ and Coke user, Clinton Rape stories, JFK banging interns in the white house, and LBJ doing god-knows-what.
All we get about Trump is "oh, he kissed a model on the mouth" and "may or may not have pinched someone's tush" 10-20 years ago.
I could tell you stories about me and Nancy Pelosi that would make your hair on end.
But I'm still ashamed.
Plus, no one has bribed me.
Ted Kennedy leaves a woman to die, but he's still "The Lion of the Senate"
Bill Clinton lies under oath, but liberal women want to give him blow jobs.
Dan Rather lies about "Memogate' but he's still a credible Newsman.
The MSM and the Dems don't have much credibility.
Except with Life Long Republicans.
Maybe. But, with only one witness (the accuser), and no forensic evidence, it's a judicial draw. Her word is as good as his. Next time, keep the dress, or a picture of his grinning mug.
Stormy Daniels -- drink!
First, they came for the witches, and the female chauvinists and beta males were satisfied. Then, they came for the warlocks, and the lefties cheered with gay enthusiasm. He is old, he cannot be indoctrinated, he refuses to pay protection, abort him NOW.
"A few hours after Mr. Trump kissed her, Ms. Crooks returned to her apartment in the Bay Ridge section of Brooklyn and broke down to her boyfriend at the time, Clint Hackenburg.
“I asked, ‘How was your day?’” Mr. Hackenburg recalled. “She paused for a second, and then started hysterically crying.”'
Totally believable.
I mean, completely.
Any lifelong republican who has just binge-watched Maddow would tell you the same thing.
Big Mike: "How much was she paid? How much was she coached?"
There are some questions that anger our LLR Chuck and should not ever asked.
Lest you are labeled a "Trumpist" by our #StrongDurbin/BlumenthalDefender.
Who kisses for 2 minutes in a lobby? Well, unless you're trying to empty the contents of her stomach with your tongue...
I'm thinking the woman has issues, or has trouble with her finances, or an ambulance lawyer has hired her.
I seem to be ambivalent, even if it's true.
"some loved her, some hated her, few were ambivalente about her"
The party of Bill Clinton.
The Democrat party including Chuck don't believe a single thing they say. They are all here in bad faith. Their attempts to push this garbage are in bad faith.
They are trying to overturn an election they didn't like the outcome of in any way they can no matter how ridiculous or corrupt.
They are not good people.
The only thing that could get LLR Chuck more fired up to find the "truth" would be if a Trump spokesperson claimed to have baked a pecan pie that day!!
Can you imagine how fired up LLR Chuck would get over that?!
Why, Maddow could squeeze 3 shows out of that one!
Etienne: "I'm thinking the woman has issues, or has trouble with her finances, or an ambulance lawyer has hired her."
Careful! You are veering dangerously close to ideas/questions that will greatly upset our resident Michigan political/electoral "expert" Chuck.
Has anyone put an APB out for Lisa Bloom, Gloria Allred, Alexander Soros, Sidney Blumenthal, et al?
Lots of those types running around dragging thousand dollar bills thru condominium complexes with their LLR allies.
Hey Chuck, here's the website for FusionGPS: http://www.fusiongps.com/
As you know, they are a strong lefty funded oppo research firm which targets republicans and conservatives.
You really ought to consider submitting your CV for their review and consideration.
"Lots of those types running around dragging thousand dollar bills thru condominium complexes"
AKA a trail of crumbs.
This woman looks like she has finally, or almost, recovered from the life altering encounter with our POTUS lo those decades ago. She has the therapeutic dog happily chasing the well thrown, athletically thrown it has to be said, balls and now she has her happy, or almost happy, countenance on the cover of a newspaper. She is in Ohio. The encounter with the POTUS all those decades ago happened in New York City. She has left the go go loud life of NYC for the calm of Ohio and the joyousness of tossing the ball for fido.
#MeToo should hope that the next president is not a Democrat. Unfortunately, #SheKnew #FeministMisogyny #SheProgressed has sabotaged their opportunity with the current administration. #MeToo would be well advised to wait for the next Republican president, when war will be bad, diversity will be progressive, #PP will be a moral imperative, and #PC will be trending.
All these screaming, scheming bints are doing is making it near impossible for real victims to be believed in the future.
But, they don't care. They want their pound of flesh now and damn the consequences.
It's too bad our resident dullard Inga decided to be a former resident dullard Inga ...
No. It isn't.
Not for any reason.
I'm wondering how many democrat political pelts "Little Tomahawk" Warren can hang on her 2020 Dem Primary Teepee utilizing a #MeToo strategy?
She will need to go on the offensive early early early in order to knock out Michelle (obama weaponization of FBI/DOJ), Kamala (lovin' her some Farrakhan, bigly) and Gillibrand (one to many affectionate and warm embraces of Billy boy and Hollywood bad boys captured on film), Li'l Grabber "Uncle Joe" Biden (far, far too many creepy hands-on creep-outs of young girls + swimming naked in front of female SS agents), etc.
“The whole thing probably lasted two minutes, maybe less.”
Hey, the kisses I have given and received in public places also lasted two minutes, "maybe less." What are the odds?
Assume she is telling the truth. Is it assault or seduction?
Seduction rarely uses words, but it is simple: Try some physical contact. If she doesn't stop you, try at the next level. If she stops you, wait a decent interval and try again.
It is weird to do in a hotel lobby but the formula fits:
1. Shake her hand.
2. Hold her hand in yours.
3. Kiss her on the cheek.
4. Kiss her on the lips.
5. Keep kissing her on the lips for two minutes.
It's beginning to look like Trump has a weak spot. Expect concerted attacks from this vector to be merciless. The moral character argument will peel off a few of his supporters, but the real full court press will be with the line that all of his past affairs will make him vulnerable to blackmail. Foreign blackmail. Russian blackmail.
"“It’s not like I was trying to upset the apple cart. I don’t know. Maybe I was being naive"
You can't blackmail him if he doesn't care, and he doesn't, becuase we don't, becuase it's not important - not to Trumpers and certainly not to Clinton lovers. If blow jobs in the oval office and rape accusations aren't important, then kissing in public sure isn't.
I don't know how many she told when it happened, but if it happened, she would have told everyone she knows, becuase it's not really any kind of embarrassment to her. She would have told all her friends then and ever since then.
"You can't blackmail him if he doesn't care"
'He just doesn't care' doesn't seem like a good defense to me.
> then kissing in public sure isn't.
You know what's weird? There aren't a lot of pictures of Trump kissing in public, or even being very affectionate in public, just lots of social kissy-kissy or posed pictures.
"In early February, she launched a campaign to become a Democratic state representative in Ohio, in part so she could share her story more widely with voters across the state."
She supposedly has emails she sent at the time.
Ultimately, this sort of political harassment must be tied to Jeff Bezos. He’s the owner; he’s responsible in the end. I didn’t know that Bezos was such a Trump hater, it it justifies my Schadenfreude when whenever Amazon takes a hit.
It is as plausible to me that she asked him for a modeling contract, slipped him her number, he was not enthusiastic about her modeling future, then made up whole thing because she was insulted, is nuts and wants attention. She wanted her boyfriend to think a rich powerful man wanted her because the boyfriend was loosing interest.
Why would someone who couldn't stand up for themselves if a man made a pass in a public place want to be a model which involves (especially in 2006) lots of attention from men.
If he kissed her in 2006, and it's all true - so what? Is this grounds for something? If it was so horrendous, why didn't she run to the police then? Did she ever file a police report?
I'm sick of shopping at Amazon. It sure is easy, but we need an alternative. I need to check out Walmart . com
"Crooks was still circling back to the same moments on Jan. 11, 2006, that had come to define so much about her life."
"You can't blackmail him if he doesn't care"
'He just doesn't care' doesn't seem like a good defense to me.
"Publish and be damned" worked for Wellington.
Does this mean the Media's affair with the Russian collusion story is over?
Now that it's taken a turn to make them look like patsies? Yes. Yes, I think we shall speak of other things.
The only thing I can think about that photo is "Nice dog!" And after trying to read this, that's still what I am taking away. VERY nice dog!
I suppose this is an attempt at photo-propaganda (Can you mistrust this woman? Look at how happy her dog is!) but it fails, because really awful people have dogs who love them.
I'm not going to judge the dog for his owner, though.
Maybe they had to do this to distract from her name. It may not be fair, but reading that "Ms. Crooks" accused the president of something does carry its own subliminal implications.
Let's say it happened just as she said it did. Should that be considered a crime? Should it even be a headline 12 years later?
I want us to teach people how to stop something like that before it starts and, failing that, to teach them that the world didn't end because something unpleasant happened. Life will go on.
walter: ""In early February, she launched a campaign to become a Democratic state representative in Ohio, in part so she could share her story more widely with voters across the state."
That's the kind of information that makes LLR Chuck very, very upset when you bring it up.
Tread carefully.
LLR Chuck likes for his dem-aligned attacks on Trump to be completely unsullied by any uncomfortable truths regarding his lefty team.
I had trouble getting thru the WaPost pay wall, but from the Washington Examiner:
One of the women who accused President Trump of sexual misconduct is running for the Ohio state House of Representatives.
Rachel Crooks, 35, is running to represent Ohio’s 88th district in the state legislature. Her candidacy was first reported by Cosmopolitan.
Surprise, surprise. Running as a Democrat, with an umimpressive resume:
Crooks works as the director of international student recruitment at Heidelberg University in Tiffin, Ohio.
Where is Sandra Fluke when you really need her?
Media... make them look like patsies?
They were more than patsies. They were active participants in a multi-billion dollar campaign to influence the election(s), carry out public lynchings (and deny civil rights), and override the democratic and electoral outcomes.
Unless she filed a police report, I fail to see how this would be a crime. If it happened at all. Considering the Allred gestapo + Clinton-D /Hillarywood/Soros/mega-bucks are out to dig up every rock to find any sexual misdeed they can inflate, I'd say it's all a lollipop stick with no pop, an empty soda sucking in air.
I bothered to try to read the article, and I do not think that woman has been dealing with insecurity and anxiety for over a decade as a result of the encounter. I do believe this might have something to do with her political ambitions.
Not even at 22 as a lowest-of-the-low receptionist would I have tried to introduce myself to the HEAD of a company which did business with mine as a "business partner". It was at this point in the anguished narrative that I began to feel sorry for her dog. I don't think living in that big a collection of bullshit is good for a creature with that much fur.
Let me put it this way - if she did introduce herself to Trump, no one in his/her right mind would have thought she was soliciting "business". Whatever she was "trying to make happen" was not going to be about business at that point.
Can we take up a collection for the pooch? He may need our help. Vet services. A professional groomer. A cabin in the woods, with plenty of squirrels outside, rather than inside on the couch drinking wine and telling other women about the trauma of that fateful day.
Madonna, where are you when we need you? "Like a virgin, UH, touched for the very fiiiirst time, like a v ir ir gen" etc.
Question for the ladies in this forum:
Is there any lady here who couldn't get a man to stop kissing her in a public place in less than two minutes?
I suspect this is explained by "I just froze" or the like...despite being the tall self-assured go-getter.
Oh..and the article mentions Trump routinely having a bodyguard..just not the day of the stolen kisses.
"'He just doesn't care' doesn't seem like a good defense to me."
If you are the blackmailer, and your mark says: "I don't care. Tell whoever you want." What do you do now? Trump is Teflon with something like this. It's no different than if someone said they have proof that Trump is a womanizer. So what?
So if you fear him being blackmailed over this, you are ignoring the obvious. The obvious seems like a good defense to me. He may be the least blackmail-able person to ever occupy the office. He's the richest man to ever be President, and that's another reason he would be tough to blackmail. He could afford to pay with money rather than favors.
Yep, exactly. Just move away and say "no" or just leave. I'm not sure why the left thinks women are so powerless.
Did the WAPO story include the bit about her running for office as a DEM? If not, that is egregious omission aka propaganda when a media company does it.
> I suspect this is explained by "I just froze" or the like
Really? What makes you think it happened? AFAICT looking at available pictures, Trump isn't a public kisser sort of guy.
“He was waiting for the elevator outside our office when I got up the nerve to introduce myself".... Introducing yourself? Why? What did you want from him? Favors?
Yea... I bet she wanted favors...
Shorter Drago: Drag a Gucci handbag and hopes of a Vanity Fair cover story through a #metoo rally, you never know what you'll find.
- with apologies to the Ragin' Cajun
My late mother was so beautiful in her youth and middle age. I remember her wearing an orange-pink lipstick that made her look so cool. Now the goth look is in. I don't like black lipstick except on Halloween. Nancy Sinatra was lovely in that musical clip with her father from 1967. Younger than springtime, indeed.
It's "flight or fight", not "flight, fight, or freeze".
Althouse has the best fan fiction.
Howard: "Drag a Gucci handbag and hopes of a Vanity Fair cover story through a #metoo rally, you never know what you'll find"
Wish I had said that.
Nicely done.
From same news report:
A few hours after Mr. Trump kissed her, Ms. Crooks returned to her apartment in the Bay Ridge section of Brooklyn and broke down to her boyfriend at the time, Clint Hackenburg.
“I asked, ‘How was your day?’” Mr. Hackenburg recalled. “She paused for a second, and then started hysterically crying.”
You never gave a shite that Juanita Broaddrick’s friend found her in the hotel room not just crying, but bleeding with torn clothes. You never gave a shit. Not one shit. She told four other friends at the time. She was called a liar. This is from the party that knew all about Harvey Weinstein, but cared more about his checkbook.
Sorry readering.
Calm down.
" "You can't blackmail him if he doesn't care"
'He just doesn't care' doesn't seem like a good defense to me."
You might want to google the case of hockey player Jaromir Jagr. Some 18-year-old model got it in her head that after sleeping with him, she could take a selfie in bed with him asleep next to her the next morning and blackmail him with it, I guess because he was over 40 and it would seem creepy. Not surprisingly, Jagr decided it wouldn't be that bad for his image to admit that he bangs 18-year-old models. Not caring is an ironclad defense.
Too bad she didn't have a set of boxing gloves available. I bet she could have kept him from kissing her with THEM on her hands.
Remember Trump faked being his own publicist to plant fake stories of him dating famous beauties. The issue is kissing unwilling civilians while a supposedly happily married man working on his 5th child.
I love it that she's fundraising on the story.
"The issue is kissing unwilling civilians while a supposedly happily married man working on his 5th child."
No, the issue is the desperation of the left to do anything, literally anything, to stop Trump.
I fear it will be an assassination attempt, like the one perpetrated by the Dick Durbin constituent whose emails with Durbin are still sealed. His did not succeed in killing any Congressmen but he tried very hard.
Fortunately, I understand Trump has replaced some of the USSS protection detail as I don't trust them. Not just the one who sought the media to say she "would not take a bullet for him."
Too many drunks and whoremasters after Obama.
Crooks is just another of Bezos' sleazos.
MayBee: "I love it that she's fundraising on the story."
LLR Chuck is probably one of her major fundraising bundlers.
readering: "Remember Trump faked being his own publicist to plant fake stories of him dating famous beauties."
Wow. That Trump is a Cost Effectiveness Genius. And a Stable One at that.
Ann posts this without comment to encourage her readers to call Trump's women liars, and also whores.
See them perform. Look at the whores.
"You can't blackmail him if he doesn't care"
"He just doesn't care' doesn't seem like a good defense to me."
"Not caring is an ironclad defense."
Your example is a one off. They are going to keep on coming after Trump. One after another. Melanina being the asset she is is counterproductive to Trump being able to fight them. 'Poor Melania' will be one of the presses drumbeats.
While not giving a shit works for some situations I don't see it working for multiple accusations. I'm a Trump supporter, but I don't want my President's motto to be 'I don't care'. Not a good look in this instance. The Dems need to quiet some of Trumps base, and turn some of the squishy middle. Now that Russia is becoming a nothingburger, this is the next line of attack. If they win enough seats in midterms impeachment may be possible. I'm sure there are a few Repubs that wouldn't mind a President Pence.
All pure speculation of course, but I believe this is a big point of weakness for him. It is going to be hard to deflect.
Oh so delicious this is, what the never trumpers are now reduced to. We have abandoned RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA-COLLUSION-TREASON for an unwanted kiss from 12 years ago. IMPEACH NOW!!!!!!!!! Elevnty-thousand.
Well, John, you drag $750,000 through the streets of New York, you never know what you’ll find.
Pacwest I hope you can see how transparently disingenuous this line of attack is against trump can't you? Do you think the left gives two shits about this in real life? The bar has been permanently lowered since the 90's. Trump's excesses would have been fatal not so long ago but as they say that ship has sailed. I think every attack against trump only draws more support to his side, much like Bill Clinton when he was undergoing Lewinsky.
They are growing giant squirrels to hide Mueller's malpractice:
Yes. Just about everything the left does towards him is transparently disingenuous. There are a boatload of Ingas out there though. A lot of the public gets their info from the MSM and doesn't look much farther. I'm not so sure the ship is far enough away from the shore for this line of attack to not sway some of the voters. I doubt if it is going to do much to lessen his hardline base.
The Dems can overdo it which I think would tend to negate their strategy. Dems being Dems that may be what happens. They haven't even brought out the Russian hookers yet...Oh, wait..
Pickering: "Ann posts this without comment to encourage her readers to call Trump's women liars, and also whores.
See them perform. Look at the whores."
A member of the Bimbo Eruption Crew checks in.
Its always nice when the Nuts and Sluts fanboys get excited about their brand new 'history began this morning' talking points.
Thanks for filling in for LLR Chuck.
You never gave a shite that Juanita Broaddrick’s friend found her in the hotel room not just crying, but bleeding with torn clothes. You never gave a shit. Not one shit. She told four other friends at the time. She was called a liar. This is from the party that knew all about Harvey Weinstein, but cared more about his checkbook.
worth a nice big bold
At this point, a crying woman with torn panties and crying hysterically about Trump would make me squint and demand a DNA test at the very least.
That is how much credibility the Left has with these stories.
I found the video of the kiss. https://i.redd.it/n2knibkmndh01.gif
Scary to realize that WaPo's owner -- among the world's richest men -- is allied with the deep state coup to undermine Trump.
Is this what rich vs richer class warfare looks like?
Scary because who among us here can say that they live truly Amazon-free? That includes those who patronize Amazon-supporters?
John Pickering said...
Ann posts this without comment to encourage her readers to call Trump's women liars, and also whores.
See them perform. Look at the whores.
Don’t you have some of Bill Clinton’s rape victims to trash?
They were even being paid by democrat donors to tell their stories.
We know you don’t give a shit. You don’t believe a single word you say.
If the left really cared about sexual assault, and really believed the stories they push, they would have abandoned the Kennedy's, including the beloved Camelot fairy tale, they would have dumped the Clintons, because of Bill's assaults and Hillary's actions to cover them up for political gain, and they would have sent in the National Guard to provide security on college campuses due to the 20% sexual assaults.
Calm down.
It’s all true, readering. Maybe you should calm down. I notice that you had zero substantive responses because you know you love that lovable scamp Bill, and we all know a man has his needs! Why don’t we all just get over it like you did? What’s important here is to destroy Trump, not the Clintons! I need to get my act together!
Have they watched the Joe Biden video with the kids? That seems a bit more creepy (and credible) than this.
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