Didn't realize this moment was being filmed yesterday but I'm so happy that it was. My childhood self would never have dreamed of seeing a gay kiss on TV at the Olympics but for the first time ever a kid watching at home CAN! Love is love is love. pic.twitter.com/8t0zHjgDg8— Gus Kenworthy (@guskenworthy) February 19, 2018
There are lots of news stories about this.
३११ टिप्पण्या:
311 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»Oh good grief.
It's amazing the amount of Olympics I didn't watch this year.
Gus Kenworthy is a beautiful looking man.
I try to recall: Have I watched (heteronormative) kisses like this at the Olympics?
I'd guess there was a record-breaking tune-out moment nationwide.
If we are going to have gay kissing at the Olympics, can't it be hot Penthouse lesbian stuff?
Didn't realize this moment was being filmed yesterday
Yeah, sure.
Gay men are between 1 and 2 percent of the population. But once the media got done with fawning over the North Korean Goebbels, a third of the news coverage was all about the gays, and this trumped up, non-existent garbage about Mike Pence.
As a casual news reader when it comes to the Olympics, I can name precisely two athletes off the top of my head this year: Shaun White, whom I knew of before, and this little shit Rippon. Who didn't win his event, anyway.
Oh, and then there was the idiot who boycotted the opening ceremonies. I heard that story, too.
But you couldn't tell, because he was stealing all the oxygen from the winners.
It's revolting. And ratings in the U.S. are predictably disastrous.
I want to celebrate great athletes and their achievements. Not their penises.
I want to see sports coverage and highlights.
That's it.
I've never seen anyone kiss a full-grown wild bear on TV, either.
I in no way believe he didn't know this was being captured by reporters.
I have no issues with it either, but, come on. Don't insult our intelligence that at the Olympics, two Olympians who have recently attempted to get into a public argument with the Vice President, aren't aware that MAYBE people think what they do is newsworthy.
(Or, more that Olympians had tried to get into an argument with Pence over this very issue. It's early and I'm not as clear as I mean to be.)
I'm not gay, so I can't say how this would affect me, but--
it seems to me if you were a gay boy growing up, the Olympics would be a place you would see about as much male/male, female/female, and male/female affection as anywhere else. Maybe not a lot of male/male romantic kisses, but actually not a lot of male/female romantic kisses either. But a lot of excited in the moment hugging, patting, pecking, butt-patting, etc.
"Gus Kenworthy
Verified account
Feb 15
Broke my thumb yesterday in practice. It won't stop me from competing (obvi) but it does prevent me from shaking Pence's hand so... Silver linings! Will be giving my teammates (and literally everyone else) an enthusiastic "thumbs up!" of encouragement the rest of the trip."
That's alright asshole, Mike Pence will shake hands with the first openly gay medalist not some 12th place loser.
The thing that has bothered me this Olympics (and actually it's been building) is how many ads seem more geared at trying to make us better people than at selling their products.
Coke had one last night where they call someone "they". I mean, it's ok, but overall, I just get exhausted by the constant drumbeat to be better. From corporate conglomerates!
I see male athletes hugging and ass-patting each other all the time even when they are not gay.
Don't be so uptight, people.
It is better to love.
Also... didn't he win Silver last year? Aren't pretty much all previous medal winners being followed during their events?
Look, I get it, and I'm glad that people are trying to take the "weird" and "ick" factor out of homosexual relationships. But, I just don't believe he didn't know he wasn't being filmed. And there's nothing wrong with that! Even if he knew he was being filmed (which he probably did), nothing he did would change. And that's fine, and normal!
"Don't insult our intelligence" There you go again, grumpy curmudgeons, complaining about insults and politicizing sports and gay-fawning. It's a great kiss, can't you see, a great kiss! Now bow down and genuflect before the anointed and their Olympic advertisers.
More feelings, Althouse? Is it all just feelings. Let's have a group viewing of "Inside Out" at Sundance.
Gag me with a spoon. Not normal.
You can say it is rare, but saying it is not normal makes me wonder just how much you don't know about humanity.
It's 2018. No one is shocked, no one really cares. Just the media looking for relevance long since passed.
If heterosexual couples kiss in that context then it's just as appropriate for homosexual couples to kiss. He's no more staged and showing off than the male athlete who kisses his girlfriend. If you weren't inclined to say no kissing!!! about all of them, then reflect on your antagonism toward equality and get back to me.
Being Gay in public is so last decade's news. What if same sex love has become boring and normal. The Media's only interest in that story comes from the pretense the Gays want to wipe out Christianity.
But the The Trans people are where it's at now. They can still drive the world nuts.
All of these disgusted commenters. For at least a fleeting moment, they must have had to imagine themselves kissing another man to generate that response. Because they personally felt disgust at the idea of snogging a dude, then it must be wrong for everyone else.
Wasn't there, obviously, so I have no real way of knowing whether it was a great kiss or not; maybe the 'greatness' is advertising or propaganda.
Dissenting from, disagreeing with, or perhaps resenting the media attention to this sort of thing, however, is not at all the same as arguing that 'it's better to love' is untrue.
Plenty of evidence in this thread that same sex love has not been accepted as normal and boring.
How have the ratings been?
Love is gross.
Straight men’s physiological stress response to seeing two men kissing is the same as seeing maggots"
"In heterosexual men, pictures of rotting flesh, maggots and spoiled food induce the same physiological stress response as pictures of two men kissing each other. That is the surprising finding that was recently published in the peer-reviewed scientific journal Psychology & Sexuality."
"Heterosexual men’s indistinguishable salivary α-amylase responses to photos of two men kissing and disgusting images"
Needs more tongue.
Get Woke, Go Broke.
That kiss was as unscripted and unplanned and unpolitical as that time the Secret Service "accidentally" let a photographer get close to Bill and Hill having a "private" and "loving" little dance together on the beach and the picture of the warm lovebirds somehow ends up on the front page of every lefty publication....just when Billy boy needed it....
Darn it Secret Service!
Homosexuality must not be accepted, it must be endorsed.
Matthew Sablan said: "You can say it is rare, but saying it is not normal makes me wonder just how much you don't know about humanity."
Maybe not normal is a point choice of words.
"24 Therefore God gave them over in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, so that their bodies would be dishonored among them. 25 For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever.
26 For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, 27 and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error."
Does unnatural work for you?
Don't be so uptight, people.
Sex is gross, except for what you're wired for, which seems attractive.
Don't expect a change in that.
Good for them. But I didn't see it. I found Worst Cooks in America more entertaining than the Olympics.
"If you weren't inclined to say no kissing!!! about all of them, then reflect on your antagonism toward equality and get back to me."
"Equality" is a good buzzword.
TM: "Tlenty of evidence in this thread that same sex love has not been accepted as normal and boring."
Its not, by definition, "normal".
The Mathematics is Settled.
I wonder if you meant "natural", as opposed to "normal"?
I just wish all of the people who condemn anti-homosexual behavior and opinion also condemned modern feminism's attack on heterosexuality and "penis in vagina" sex just as strenuously.
Gays would do a lot better to revert to being smart and clever in public.
Do we get lesbian porn next?
The song “Let’s Get it On” came on Pandora while I was driving and the phrase “beat around the bush” came up, and I could only think of Harvey Wienstein.
What an exhibitionist. I doubt he's carried away by "LOVE" - more like hatred toward those he feels are "too religious" or conservative.
Anyway, glad to know men's figure skating in now the Officially "The Gay Sport". Now the rest of us can go back to not caring.
I think it is amusing that we just had two people go in opposite directions on natural/normal in the space of a few posts.
Something can be both natural and normal, and rare, like a solar eclipse. Or even exceedingly rare.
If heterosexual couples kiss in that context then it's just as appropriate for homosexual couples to kiss
But they don’t, usually. And if you could think about this subject outside of your emotional responses, it’d be obvious that not only was this staged, it was blatantly staged to be in your face.
We have a long way to go before we get to naked men wrestling again like the good old days in Greece. That will put love equal with athleticism in the games instead of this current merit obsessed situation.
But they don’t, usually. And if you could think about this subject outside of your emotional responses, it’d be obvious that not only was this staged, it was blatantly staged to be in your face.
Althouse is exactly the audience this was target at.
I wonder if you meant "natural", as opposed to "normal"?
I was echoing traditionalguy's language. An understanding of the mathematics of "normal" that extends only to the single variable statistical distribution is neither correct nor useful.
Like millions of others, Althouse falls for an obviously staged look-at-me moment.
"Ithink it is amusing that we just had two people go in opposite directions on natural/normal in the space of a few posts."
Let me clear be clear, I do not care what two consenting adults due in the their private lives. What troubles me is that it is splashed (read: endorsed) throughout the mainstream media.
Blogger Matthew Sablan said...
"You can say it is rare, but saying it is not normal makes me wonder just how much you don't know about humanity."
To say that something "occurs in nature" is not to say it is normal. When we list a normal distribution of behaviors that does not imply all of the listed behaviors are normal.
Don't play word games with "normal".
"He's no more staged and showing off" Really? At best, "you can't know that," as someone wrote on another thread.
Anyway, there are two issues: 1. the kiss, and 2. the tweet about the kiss.
I don't care about the kiss. I do care a bit about the BS about the kiss, amplified by the post about the greatness of the kiss.
"Didn't realize this moment was being filmed yesterday but I'm so happy that it was. My childhood self would never have dreamed of seeing a gay kiss on TV at the Olympics but for the first time ever a kid watching at home CAN! Love is love is love."
I call BS, as others have done and Althouse would do in most other circumstances. 1 "Didn't realize." I don't think so. 2. The childhood self of a young man grew up in the 2000s. Gay rights advocacy was going strong. A gay kiss on TV was to be expected. 3. Love is love--yet gay love is also special. Which it is. We get egalitarian arguments of convenience when it is convenient, and identity-politics special pleading when that is convenient. 4. Gay "love" is in fact very different--in its physical form, in the frequency of sex with strangers, in the public-health consequences. Etc.
Althouse 1: "I see male athletes hugging and ass-patting each other all the time even when they are not gay.
Don't be so uptight, people."
Then why is it such a big deal -- worth a blog post -- to frame and publicize this particular embrace? Why are not the young impressionable gay boys that always seem to be the subtext for these stories satisfied by seeing Tom Brady slap Rob Gronkowski's butt after a touchdown?
It's because it is different; in precisely the ways that you want it to be different but which you also seem to want to deny, Althouse.
Althouse 2: "If heterosexual couples kiss in that context then it's just as appropriate for homosexual couples to kiss. He's no more staged and showing off than the male athlete who kisses his girlfriend. If you weren't inclined to say no kissing!!! about all of them, then reflect on your antagonism toward equality and get back to me."
Ahh, equal rights. Kthanx. I'm not the first to point it out, Althouse; it looks like the LGBT rights-scolding media WANTED this picture. They wanted the video, and they wanted the story. I really don't recall -- as others have said before me -- any particular pictures of hetero couples kissing at a finish line. I really don't. This was a story because somebody, and probably a whole cadre of somebodies, wanted it to be a story.
We now see NBC sports proposing to feature a homosexual figure skater, whose competition is over, on its coverage. The same figure skater who took to Twitter to attack Vice President Pence by name. Not in response to a Tweet from Pence; not in response to anything that Pence did or said at the South Korean games. Rather, because of a political position that Pence represents back in the United States wholly apart from winter sports. NBC is trolling America on the subject of normalized homosexuality. The skater turned down the NBC gig, but not the opportunity to make more news.
Sorry, but...yuck.
If heterosexual couples kiss in that context then it's just as appropriate for homosexual couples to kiss
I'm not completely comfortable when anybody kisses like this in public, but I'm kind of uptight that way. However, I'm equally uncomfortable seeing any combination of men or women. I mean, am I supposed to watch this and enjoy it when it's just out in public and not on TV? Staring at strangers? A glance, sure.
I like the old days when male athletes would pat each other on the back or shake hands after a TD or a Home run.
When did all this hugging start? I can remember everyone making fun of the Euro Soccer players for hugging, kissing, and jumping on each other after a goal.
Now that's S.O.P in American sports.
When did everyone turn into a Euro Fag?
"When we list a normal distribution of behaviors that does not imply all of the listed behaviors are normal."
-- Using the word normal to mean "within a normal distribution" is also not normal. This isn't playing a word game, this is using a word as it is commonly used instead of trying to change up the meaning for this specific purpose. Or, if you DO use normal only to describe behaviors within the normal distribution, think of all of the things that you do that are NOT normal. Like responding on a blog, etc., etc.
Then ask: Is something being not normal really that bad?
Sorry. They have a right to kiss and I have a right not to want to see it, which leaves us with people abandoning the Olympics, but everybody’s rights are protected. It’s fine. I am not ‘angry’ about it
That's the thing, isn't it? I personally think it's good for gay people to have the same kind of coverage straight people get. But we are all entitled to our opinion and as long as we aren't *doing* anything hurtful, we can say and think whatever pleases us. This is America! That's the beauty of America, still. Not everybody has to think alike.
BTW, we can tolerate Gays and be inclusive, but its not normal.
If your dog ignored the bitches, and started sticking his dick up another male dog's butt - you wouldn't think that was normal.
This is why the ratings are falling. No, it's not the gayness. It's that so much attention is paid to things that aren't sport related. I don't care about the athletes private lives, I don't that the 10th place figure skater is GAY GAY GAY.
Win some damn medals. The snowboarders understand.
@Tommy Duncan
If you want to take an empirical statistical distribution and then prescribe what behaviors are OK for others based on your observations and tolerance for the range of acceptability, then you're the one playing with normal.
As RH says, most men are hard-wired to find male-female sex attractive, and male-male sex repulsive.
That's never going to change.
At #traditionalguy and #Annie C:
Quite right, yesterday's news. Time was we dinosaurs would see something like this, rend our garments and fulminate about the decline of civilization as we know it, but now it's just another reason for a beer or bathroom break. What I'd like to see is a bunch of trans athletes blocking the bathrooms and demanding new categories of events for all the new genders. I mean, if you're going to go all shocked and appalled, you have to keep up.
Nude Greco-Roman wresting could be the official Summer Olympics "Gay Sport".
The world is full of self entitled dorks.
My objection lies not in the kiss but in the fact that his family and friends were holding 'Pride' flags rather than American flags.
We want to let the Gays alone.
But they don't want to let us conservatives alone.
If heterosexual couples kiss in that context then it's just as appropriate for homosexual couples to kiss.
As I said upthread -- I'm not sure I've seen hetero kisses like this at the Olympics. Maybe they're just not broadcast because it's not newsworthy, as if this staged one is.
I'm kinda surprised the SOs are allowed near the athletes. When my son competes, good luck getting anywhere near where he is unless you're an official. Is the BF in question also an Olympic athlete?
Both homsexuality and the dislike for it are natural human responses and have been through our entire history. Hatred for the other is still there. It just switched sides. Respect our differences.
From Society and Culture: "Every society has expectations about how its members should and should not behave. A norm is a guideline or an expectation for behavior. Each society makes up its own rules for behavior and decides when those rules have been violated and what to do about it. Norms change constantly."
Which is why I backed off my knee-jerk "not normal" response. Unnatural is an apt description and will remain so as the Word is timeless.
"his family and friends were holding 'Pride' flags rather than American flags."
I'm not too sure who "he" is. But Kensworthy was actually born in England and his parents are English. Maybe, as immigrants, they don't feel American.
It's the media fawning that makes me nauseous.
Peak Olympics. I accidentally watched some last night as we were at my son's for dinner. Nobody was watching. It was background noise.
It seems to be all replays from earlier broadcasts.
Ann posts the picture, then complains when some comments don't follow her narrative.
We all know why.
Honestly, I cannot remember a single Olympics kiss of any sort at any time for any event. It's generally a non-event. Furthermore, is there anything less romantic than "hey, look at us, we are kissing, and it is politically relevant!" If you have to advertise it, that's usually a sign that something is wrong, as in your are trying to convince yourself that you really mean it when you don't, or you want attention.
I am not surprised that there are many stories about it. It has been obvious for some time that the media has discarded journalism in favor of cheerleading, propaganda, and activism. They simply cannot help themselves. Hooray for our side!
"Love is love" is a most ironic slogan.
At one level, I am pretty uptight, so spare me, please.
At another level, live and let live.
Comments deleted because one must not only not bite the hand, but one must kiss the ring.
Sometimes I think Althouse likes to toss a little chum into the water just to see what bites.
I'd rather watch Gabriella Papadakis' nipple. No matter what it is doing.
I seem to have forgotten how to develop a case of the vapors.
OMG, a GAY kiss! That's......nope... can't manage to be outraged, peeved, either.
But, yeah, they knew they were on camera.
"love is love is love" is at best morally trivial. What it actually is is wrong. Kenworthy doesn't mean "love" he means romantic attraction. While this is one form of love, it doesn't exhaust, dare I say it, the diversity of love.
A mother's love for her child is not the same as that same woman's love for her husband. Nor is the love between siblings the same as the love between friends.
We can love our co-workers and our enemies. But, here again, this love is not the same.
That love takes different forms doesn't degrade or minimize different loving relationship. To suggest however that love is fungible (as Kenworthy suggests) does.
To believe, as Kenworthy seems to do, that "love is love is love" is a sign of a man who is emotionally and morally immaturity.
I'm not too sure who "he" is. But Kensworthy was actually born in England and his parents are English. Maybe, as immigrants, they don't feel American.
Were they holding British flags?
If it were 'normal' and business as usual, would Althouse have posted the photo?
This guy tweeted he was happy he had broke his finger so he didn't have to shake VP Pence's hand. Character.
I see male athletes hugging and ass-patting each other all the time even when they are not gay. Don't be so uptight, people. It is better to love.
Philia has a primal place on the sporting field, as it also has on the battlefield. The sacrifice and selflessness of team sports depends on it.
Eros, not so much... in fact it is pernicious.
Matthew Sablan said...
Something can be both natural and normal, and rare, like a solar eclipse. Or even exceedingly rare.
It's so easy for people to look up definitions of words that I wonder why you produce your own abnormal definition and expect people to accept it.
- conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected.
- the usual, average, or typical state or condition.
A solar eclipse is natural but not really normal.
Everything that happens is natural, though Humperdink amusingly appealed to the mystical and unnatural, but fortunately imaginary, in an effort to define natural.
So I guess Gus Kenworthy knew he was gay at age 8 ?
"Love is love is love." is nonsense.
Don't care about the kissing. Annoyed by the misplaced fawning and resultant lecturing at my lack of interest in applauding. I wouldn't be all twitterpated by straight kissing so why should do get twitterpated about gay kissing? Silly, silly, silly.
I'm kind of curious to know whether gay guys get grossed out when they're confronted by heterosexual displays of affection.
Maybe it's one of those things they just sort of get used to after a while.
"Love is love" takes the two words with different scopes, either narrowly/broadly or broadly/narrowly. The meanings would be different.
Tautologies hide a doctrine that way.
Not enough teh gay on the TV. More Teh Gay!
I guess we're being groomed, sort of like how the pedophiles do it.
"My childhood self would never have dreamed of seeing a gay kiss on TV at the Olympics but for the first time ever a kid watching at home CAN!"
His childhood self probably never dreamed that he could be a kid at home, watching gay porn.
Note: I am not comparing the kiss to gay porn. I am simply observing other things that time has changed.
Nowadays many of the guests on 'The Love Boat' like Roddy McDowall and Robert Reed would be out and proud, rather than pretending to be straight.
"But in 1982 in an episode called “Gopher’s Roommate” (Season five, episode 15) the network seemed to have taken a chance on a controversial storyline about trans women. Again, it wasn’t politically correct by today's standards; a cis-female plays the role, but to its credit, neither the words transvestite nor cross-dresser are used...
The episode starred Mackenzie Phillips as Rachel Johnson a trans woman (that last name may be joke number one--a very old school slight), who comes aboard the Pacific Princess to apparently relax, but when she sees the ship's purser, Kewpie-eyed Gopher (Fred Grandy) she fears her vacation is ruined because he may recognize her and she is not ready to reveal her secret even though it comes to light that she has been through many therapies.
Indeed Gopher does vaguely recognize her, in fact not only is he smitten by her beauty, the ship’s horny doctor also gets wolfy and tries to pursue her.
In the second act, Gopher does catch up to Rachel, even gets kissably close to her during a slow dance when she finally tells him they knew each other in college. Confused, Gopher suddenly remembers he had a roommate in school named Ray.
“Gopher, I am Ray. It’s the truth.” Rachel tells him. But Gopher doesn’t recoil in disgust or terror, he responds by stepping back while trying to process what he’s just heard, he’s more pensive than panicked...
Besides Gopher found her attractive before she told him about her reassignment surgery. There is an undertone of wondering how far Gopher would have gone if she hadn’t. After all, this is the “Love Boat"...
In the end, Rachel stays aboard for the entire cruise and as all the guests disembark back in the Los Angeles Rachel blows Gopher a kiss as she leaves.
The crew asks Gopher if he remembers where he knew her from. He says yes, from college football.
"Cheerleader?" asks Isaac the bartender.
"No, left tackle." (Final joke)."
The Germans have a word for this.
The way I see it there’s too much attention paid to sex taking place at the Olympics. Sure young people and raging hormones. Nothing new about that. The only aspect worth noting are exceptional performances. There are soap operas and porn if sex is what you’re into.
Ferdnandistein said: "Humperdink amusingly appealed to the mystical and unnatural, but fortunately imaginary"
I am content to be a believer in Jesus. I presume that's what were referring to as mystical. BTW, it's not me you are mocking.
Maybe if Althouse posted a picture of someone kissing Trumps ass her commenters will be much less judgmental.
Well, with 60% of the country african american, 40% LGBTQ, 20% transitioning, 32% Dreamers, 16% Muslim and 95% white supremicists it is to be expected to see this kind of affection from marginalized peoples.
A solar eclipse is natural but not really normal.
We must rid ourselves of the scourge of these abnormal solar eclipses.
From a demographic and biological standpoint, homosexuality is neither abnormal nor rare. Describing it as rare and abnormal has been used historically to fuel discrimination under an assumption that 1) a feeling of disgust about homosexual behavior constitutes a rational basis for discrimination, 2) conformity is beneficial to society.
It was the gay kiss on Masterpiece Theater's Victoria that irked me more, because it was anachronistic. Although the actors were quite good, the gay subplot was too overt for the time period IMO and clearly added by the writer to make a contemporary point. There are other examples of anachronism in the series, but it still works as a high brow soap opera.
TM: "An understanding of the mathematics of "normal" that extends only to the single variable statistical distribution is neither correct nor useful"
Well, that's completely incorrect.
But only completely.
Not that it will matter to you. Today's politics requires altering what is clear and scientifically demonstrable.
good GOD people! important Sports stuff happened yesterday, and you're wasting your time talking about this?
a Petty Engineering car came in second and nearly won the race last night.
Thanx be to GOD (and The King) for putting Bubba Wallace behind the wheel of #43. People will look back at last night as the day the oceans stopped rising and the world started returning running in greased grooves!!!
They're singing in Level Cross once again!!!
A good bit of the Los Angeles Times sports section has been dedicated to the glorification of the rise of "out" athletes at this year's Olympics. And of course when they are celebrating the rise of homo erectus, there are citations to authority. Why just yesterday I was told that Reese Witherspoon (who does have some chops as an actress) said that Adam Rippon was "the only reason to watch the Olympics". N.b. Reese is a blonde.
In fairness to the Times, which rarely, if ever, presents both sides of the story, the long article (40 column inches or so) they did say that Mr. Rippon was "a washed up skater without a quadruple" when he "willed his way" on to the Olympic squad. Okay, a washed up skater without a quad will not medal at the Olympics--at least in the skating--and he didn't. But he did medal in the Olympics self glorification event. Got a triple gold there.
TM: "We must rid ourselves of the scourge of these abnormal solar eclipses."
Ah yes. There is the inevitable "shift" in the conversation that ALWAYS seems to emerge from our lefties.
TM: "Describing it as rare and abnormal has been used historically to fuel discrimination under an assumption that 1) a feeling of disgust about homosexual behavior constitutes a rational basis for discrimination, 2) conformity is beneficial to society."
Science does not require your patina of political analysis.
2+2=4 because it does, whether or not it has been used as a justification for whacking or wiping out the 2+2=5 thinkers in the past.
A rose is a rose is a rose.
FF: "Maybe if Althouse posted a picture of someone kissing Trumps ass her commenters will be much less judgmental."
You dare to judge those you consider "judgemental"?
What a precipitous slope you find yourself upon.
I wish you good luck and good footing...
Amadeus 48: "A rose is a rose is a rose"
Unless the rose identifies as a daffodil, in which case you better play along...H8TR....
Look, people, if you don't think the kiss was great, you are just deplorable.
Everything is politicized these days. Its tedious.
Sure they kissed - it was a big moment for them. Yay! But the media has to make it 'the big story' - that's the tedious part.
Sebastian: "Look, people, if you don't think the kiss was great, you are just deplorable"
In leftist-ville, that which is not outlawed become mandatory.
"Ginuwine Is Being Accused Of Transphobia & A Huge Debate Has Sparked Online"
You'd better get on board the Lefty Lysenko Express H8tr's, or you'll get what's coming to you...
LilyBart: "Sure they kissed - it was a big moment for them. Yay! But the media has to make it 'the big story' - that's the tedious part."
Indeed. The kiss was just a thing that happened (not bloody likely), but okay. Just let it be what it is.
But the left can't help themselves. They now demand that we celebrate it....or else.
I'll bet every employee at Google knows that you'd better stand up and applaud it, lest HR re-review your employment status with "the Bob's"....
Look at me! Look at me! But don’t judge me... bigot!
I guess I'm okay with it. At any rate, there is far more social opprobrium attached to disapproving of a gay kiss than there is to a gay kiss. The prudery that dare not say it's name. I'm probably repressing my desire to disapprove of gay men kissing in public.. ......What I don't understand is how witnessing a gay kiss somehow makes me a better person and America a freer country.......I haven't been following the Olympics except for the curling events. I have, however, seen snippets of the men's figure skating events. Holy shit. Is there a subtextual competition going on as to who can be the most overtly gay man to win a medal?
Oops, didn't mean to
William: "What I don't understand is how witnessing a gay kiss somehow makes me a better person and America a freer country...."
Looks like someone has self-identified as requiring a bit more re-education under the auspices of our would-be Maoist Lords.
Tread carefully William...
I'm annoyed by this the same way I was annoyed when TV crews couldn't stop showing Gisele or Barbara Streisand or Jessica Simpson. It's tabloidy.
I should add when they show them during their significant other's sporting event.
Of course, these 2 figure skaters are so very, very, very, very "courageous".
Those Normandy Beach guys? Pikers compared to our ice-skatin' heroes.
The homosexuals being tossed from roofs and burned alive in cages in muslim countries.............(lefty crickets)....
Now back to the Super-Courageous Figure Skaters who had the "guts" to attack a well-known conservative politician on a lefty network. (I'll bet you fans of the Battle of Iwo Jima have a new standard for bravery now, dontcha?)
This gay kiss brouhaha makes me wonder why Althouse thought her right wing commenters would be receptive to an expresssion of love by gay men at a joyous occasion? It’s as if she has no clue who 95% of her commenters are. Maybe all she has in common with them is her affection for Trump. It’s interesting to see the push back and Althouse’s surprise at the pushback.
Michael said...
Well, with 60% of the country african american, 40% LGBTQ, 20% transitioning, 32% Dreamers, 16% Muslim and 95% white supremicists it is to be expected to see this kind of affection from marginalized peoples.
263% is an abnormal percentage of gay black Mexican white supremacists, even on the Internet.
Science does not require your patina of political analysis.
Science requires that you reveal your biases and assumptions. Do you imagine that you are making a scientific point? Will I be surprised to learn that your point happens to justify discrimination against gay people?
FF: "This gay kiss brouhaha makes me wonder why Althouse thought her right wing commenters would be receptive to an expresssion of love by gay men at a joyous occasion?"
Right on schedule....as you knew it would be. Since attacking conservatives was the real purpose behind both the kiss and publicity it received.
So spare us the whole -gee, can't you guys just let a couple have their own moment together?- fiction.
Sentence 1 TM: "Science requires that you reveal your biases and assumptions."
2 Sentences later TM: "Will I be surprised to learn that your point happens to justify discrimination against gay people?"
So very, very predictable.
Scientifically so.
Another example, right after "FF's" that demonstrate the true purpose of this kiss.
Sparrow @ 9:35--
It was the gay kiss on Masterpiece Theater's Victoria that irked me more, because it was anachronistic. Although the actors were quite good, the gay subplot was too overt for the time period IMO and clearly added by the writer to make a contemporary point. There are other examples of anachronism in the series, but it still works as a high brow soap opera.
I switched off boring "Victoria" when the gay kiss arrived. Two young good looking guys on the shore - so romantic and predictable! The show is already a snooze-fest, but the cliche' gay kiss scene made my fingers do the walking. No. No more. I don't have a problem with homosexuals but please stop the endless preaching. That's all it is. The story line doesn't fit, but it will be crammed in there.
Can we watch a PBS historical piece without a homosexual sub-plot? NO! You will be preached, there will be a sermon. Amen.
NBC assembled a package on Kenworthy where talked about his plans to do the same thing in Sochi specificially to spite Putin. I can't find it but a CBS write-up hints at it:
"Four years ago, Kenworthy wondered about coming out at the Olympics by winning a medal and then embracing his boyfriend at the time."
Speaking of homosexual trolling, whatever happened to Titus?
I’ve watched 15 minutes of these Olympics ... the men’s U.S. curling team. Don’t know why I kinda/sorta like curling (in tiny doses) but at least it doesn’t demand I endorse political/cultural behaviors I find repugnant. So far.
Did they celebrate with a gay wedding cake after that kiss?
A non-response. Heh.
Fabi: "Did they celebrate with a gay wedding cake after that kiss?"
They are working on identifying the next Christian baker they can demand the cake from and then sue them into oblivion when refused.
It's become a rite of passage.
TM: "A non-response. Heh."
When did you stop beating your wife?
A non-response. Heh.
Well, he didn't medal, but as long as he made the "statement" our Olympic athletes were sent there to make it's all good. Expect NBC to offer him the job Adam Rippon turned down "to join (their) Olympic coverage." I'm sure a cohort for Johnny Weir will improve viewership.
As for "love," Althouse, it is reflected by our prayers for their immortal souls.
@M Jordan. Did you see where a member of the Rooskie curling team tested positive for banned substance? In curling??????
hombre: "Well, he didn't medal,..."
He won a gold in the Cultural Olympics, which is even better than winning one in the real Olympics.
I sense a Lifetime Movie deal in their future!
Here are two talented, physically gifted young men who will not pass their exceptional traits on to the next generation.
Threads of talent gone forever, out of the gene pool, and all due to bad habits imprinted at some early age.
There is more and more of this. There are interesting studies backing the degeneration of the human stock, for instance in the reversal of the "Flynn effect" in IQ in developed country populations. But the totality of superior traits is not limited to IQ.
This picture is one illustration of one mechanism of degeneration.
buwaya: "Here are two talented, physically gifted young men who will not pass their exceptional traits on to the next generation."
I think there are some geneticists who are working on "fixing" that "oversight" of Nature.
In fact, I'll bet those scientists have plans to allow for even greater numbers of "contributors" to the next generation to participate in the creation of the New Cultural Being.
The Rainbow Medal ranks higher than the gold, Drago. Get your ass back to the camp!
Buwaya: "This picture is one illustration of one mechanism of degeneration."
Are you familiar with the Chinese efforts to genetically boost individual IQ's to deliver a decisive long term intellectual advantage to China?
Do you propose laws that require gay men to procreate? Are you going to be assigning women to be vessels for their progeny?
Or, should we just get back to the good old fashioned business of threatening them with violence if they don't toe the line and get straight?
When a picture of old, ugly people kissing gets as much attention, “get back to me”.
The scold here is Althouse. In one thread she can ooo over a shirtless hunk's body, but then here tsk-tsk anyone who has a similar visceral reaction to a different image.
Drago said...
Are you familiar with the Chinese efforts to genetically boost individual IQ's to deliver a decisive long term intellectual advantage to China?
Steve Hsu has been working on that w/BGI, and I think it was he who said something like "it won't matter as much as you might think because AI will be much smarter, much much sooner."
Audacious Epigone mines the long-running General Social Survey for fertility by an IQ proxy
Fabi said: "The Rainbow Medal ranks higher than the gold ....."
The only higher medal available to a US citizen would be the Presidential Medal of Freedom, but alas, the only qualified presenter has gone back home to Chi-town to work on his styrofoam Greek columns.
Is that a pussy hat behind them ?
Blogger tcrosse said... Sometimes I think Althouse likes to toss a little chum into the water just to see what bites.
Ya Think???!!!???
Be sure to leave the Alt Right Safe House thru the Amazon Port Hole
I have no problem with gay people kissing. That's not the issue.
Pence is there to lead the US delegation, every gay person is coming on NBC to denounce him.
They're turning the Olympics into just another opportunity to bash Trump.
Meanwhile Norway is running away with the medal count.
Mackenzie Phillips a left TACKLE on a college team?
Now THAT thought is an outrage.
Did she even top 100 pounds?
buwaya said...
Here are two talented, physically gifted young men who will not pass their exceptional traits on to the next generation.
The homo part of not reproducing is quite unimportant compared to the fact that about 15% of everyone doesn't reproduce at all, and another large(r?) segment reproduces below the replacement rate (2.1 kids), and that both those lacks of reproduction correlate with IQ, which itself correlates with physical well-being.
I have no idea how many Norwegian athletes are gay.
Because they are not useful in the Trump bashing.
There will be no spotlight shone on them.
TM: History shows us [if we only look] that homosexuals have been tolerated for millennia in Western cultures. The problem is that homosexuals today don't want to be merely tolerated but to be celebrated based on their sexual behavior. Being 'gay' gives one a special position of honor today, at least with the MSM. Was da Vinci honored for his homosexuality or for his many outstanding accomplishments? We have become a perverse culture.
It is being reported that it now seems certain that viewership for these Olympics will be the lowest in history.
Get woke, go broke.
The best part of the Olympics thus far was Ester Ledecka.
She went out, did her best, and was almost embarrassed she won.
What is it with women and queers?
Ya know what? I don't wanna know. A-house, the next time you go into the crapper and some degenerate man in drag follows you in looking for 7 year old girls - take a bow. I see stupidity like this and I don't blame the founding fathers one iota for not letting their women vote.
The best part of the Olympics thus far was Ester Ledecka.
She went out, did her best, and was almost embarrassed she won.
And she borrowed Mikaela Shiffrin's skis!
Just another reason for the normals to change the channel.
Get woke. Go broke.
So the story of this Olympics competition is not the domination of Norway, nor the the number of American athletes finishing in fourth or fifth and just off the podium (should the USOC reconsider its coaching and training methods), nor is it even the women's wardrobe malfunctions in ice dancing (last night's may have cost the couple the gold).
It's gay athletes who finished far off the podium being drama queens. What a fitting coda to these games.
@mockturtle, nope, Ledecka was using Shiffrin's cast-offs.
JAORE: "Did she even top 100 pounds?"
Pre- or Post- heroin addiction?
Being 'gay' gives one a special position of honor today
You overlooked "Black Lives Matter".
Howard: "Be sure to leave the Alt Right Safe House thru the Amazon Port Hole"
I sure hope they are improving on our Alt Right Safe House locations.
Previously, it was like we were in the Mob Witness protection program! Everything is in the suburbs and you can't even get good Italian food! I once ordered some spaghetti with marinara sauce and I got egg noodles and ketchup!
Big Mike corrects me: @mockturtle, nope, Ledecka was using Shiffrin's cast-offs.
Maybe Shiffrin should have hung onto them. ;-)
Big Mike: "It's gay athletes who finished far off the podium being drama queens."
You want to give them even more ideas?!!
It's easy to envision an '"Identify as Male Who Want's To Dress As Female" Free Skating Drama/Drag Queen" Program.
Come to think of it, I might just pitch that to Bravo myself.
CarlF: "It is being reported that it now seems certain that viewership for these Olympics will be the lowest in history."
Only because the lefties have not yet established a State Committee of the Arts whereby all Citizen Comrades will be required to watch and potentially quizzed afterwards.
Remember, when the homosexuals are kissing on camera, you DO NOT want to be the one who stops clapping first......
Triangle Man said...
"From a demographic and biological standpoint, homosexuality is neither abnormal nor rare. Describing it as rare and abnormal has been used historically to fuel discrimination under an assumption that 1) a feeling of disgust about homosexual behavior constitutes a rational basis for discrimination, 2) conformity is beneficial to society."
1 - In population terms, homosexuality is rare. The vast majority of human beings are not homosexual, and homosexuality is therefore rare. As you know perfectly well.
2 - Normal has multiple meanings, so skip it.
3 - homosexuality is natural, in that it occurs in nature. It used to be termed "perverse". Perversion occurs when something that is intended for one purpose is turned to another. It was generally understood, that the purpose of sex is reproduction, and since homosexual sex cannot result in reproduction, it is perverse. That finding requires a notion of purpose. Some may say, that nothing has any purpose, a view with which I cannot argue. But if anything has a purpose, sex does, and it is reproduction, and homosexuality is a perversion.
4 - if we accept that some people are innately homosexual, as I am inclined to do, then the reality is that those persons are damaged. They can't operate normally. That is unfortunate for them, and they deserve sympathy, except that they don't appear to want it.
5 - disgust is an evolved emotion, like fear and anger, and undoubtedly *serves* a purpose, whether or not it *has* one. The reason shit stinks is so you'll stay away from it. It is possible that heterosexuals feel disgust for homosexuality for good evolved reasons, in which case sympathy might come at a cost. Not sure what those reasons would be. Like Eric, I wonder whether homosexuals find heterosexual sex disgusting.
Carl beat me to it.
This is just another example of a corporation criminally reducing its monetary prospects by promoting mental illness and perversion. People don't want to see this. At least normal people don't.
They seem to think this is something people want to watch instead of limiting it to park public toilets where they can transmit diseases to each other in peace.
@mockturtle, maybe. Just maybe. But Shiffrin finished fourth with a bad stomach bug, so let's not knock her until we see how she does on the alpine combined.
(However if Ledecka competes in showboarding for the rest of the Olympics, as she's said she will, then she won't be needing Shiffrin's old skis again until after the games are over. Just sayin')
Hardy a surprise how short and direct the distance between “only acceptance” , and “mandatory endorsement”
Something tells me that we're not going to see an Althouse Poll on this particular topic.
I am always amused when libtards wail about our standing in the world and how everyone looks down at us because of the God Emperor.
After this Olympics the world could look at us as gay losers.
That so much better.
Yep. I’m trying to figure out why curlers need strength. Sigh.
btw, We had statewide votes -- constitutional amendment-type statewide votes -- in about 2/3 of the United States, on this subject. Tens of millions of votes.
All overturned, by a 5-to-4 vote of the nine justices of the Supreme Court.
Don't care if gay people kiss. Care that I'm not seeing Olympic performances.
Vichy "I believe Durbin" and "Impeach Trump"-Republican Chuck: "Something tells me that we're not going to see an Althouse Poll on this particular topic"
No need to poll you.
All we have to do is check to see what Durbin's and Blumenthal's position on this matter and, baby, we'll have you pegged.
But I don't know what to do with those Tossed Salads and Scrambled Eggs....
New sport added to the Olympics: Fisting.
M Jordan: "Yep. I’m trying to figure out why curlers need strength. Sigh"
You try lifting your tenth beer stein in an hour and you'll know why....
Thirty years from now when you're sitting by your fireside with your grandson on your knee and he asks, 'What did you do during the Great Homosexual Kiss of 2018", you won't have to cough and say, 'Well, your granddaddy shoveled shit in Louisiana.' No sir, you can look him straight in the eye and say "Son, your granddaddy watched with great pride as those courageous bastards locked lips in front of that dastardly Mike Pence!"
All right, you sons of bitches. You know how I feel. I'll be proud to watch you wonderful guys kiss anytime, anywhere. And that's all.
Chuck said...
"Something tells me that we're not going to see an Althouse Poll on this particular topic."
I've got your poll: Who wants to kiss Chuck?
We'll call it "Chuck's Poll"
Pence is a Christian. Pence will not be alone with a woman other than is spouse. Pence represents the US at the winter Olympics in PongPing. It's the perfect storm for our lefty buddies.
Can we please have a gay pride event during the closing ceremonies?
Well done, Drago! :-)
"Love is love is love" was and remains a terrible argument, in context.
Not because Gay Stuff Is Bad (it isn't), or because it isn't love (it is, or at least can be as much as non-gay kissing can).
But because it's an utterly open-ended argument that argues for many more things than those using it [typically] wish.
Incestual relationships? Love is love is love, man!
Polygamy? Love is love is love!
Anything someone can label love, because nobody gets to argue that it's not really love, because shut up? Love is love is love!
(Hell, I'm a big-tent libertarian, not a SoCon.
I don't even care if people want to advocate for all of those; I might well, depending on specifics, support them.
But I want people to actually argue for what they support, not spew thoughtless platitudes that justify everything, or nothing at all.
Maybe have a coherent intellectual framework for your position on policy.
I will remain disappointed, since nobody really bothers to think through what it is they think about such things beyond their immediate desired goal. What even are "logical conclusions of my argument"? Nobody knows!)
Wake me when you post a pic of the Hamilton curling siblings
They're from Dane County! Hurray for Stoughton. (I think that's where they live)
The problem as I see it, which goes well beyond the homosexuality issues, is that our society has equated "love" as only being eros. If you "love" someone, it must mean sexual intent or expression.
There's a lot more to love than erotic attraction. That's a very limited portion of it. Love has many forms and many of those forms don't involve lust or sex, though we've let sex define what love is and must be for adult relationships.
Culture does this across the board, so of course those having "feels" for people of the same sex translate this love sexually. It's what we're all told love is limited to.
Don't make love so shallow. Love is much fuller and richer and more expressive.
Meade: "I've got your poll: Who wants to kiss Chuck?"
I've got a better one. It's a sort of Althouse Blog Rules Meets "Sophie's Choice"..
Fag hag porn.
Back when I lived among the fag hags in SF and NYC, this taunting thing that Althouse aims at straight men was always an attempt to seduce me into a double penetration threesome.
Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Drago you hav e Chuck "pegged?"
That's so gay dude.
The fag hags who were into gang bangs took me to Rainer Werner Fassbinder movies.
Well, that happened twice before I caught on and refused to go to another one.
Humperdink said...
"Pence is a Christian. Pence will not be alone with a woman other than is spouse."
Well, maybe now he needs to stop being alone with men as well. Seeing as how most men are homosexual. Everybody wants to kiss Mike Pence.
Shouting Thomas said...
"The fag hags who were into gang bangs took me to Rainer Werner Fassbinder movies."
Back when I used to hang out at gay bars in NYC, "fag hag" referred to a certain kind of woman, usually 40's - 50's, fairly attractive, who enjoyed the company of homosexual men. She wouldn't come to bars, she liked to entertain groups of them in her home. I have to say, they are a lot of fun at parties, as long as they aren't bigger than you. I wonder if that's how women feel about men? Except, of course, we are bigger than them. Imagine being kissed by Harvey Weinstein. Like to see that on your TV?
All of this gay shit brings to mind the famous scandal when Pegging Flemning first used a strap-on to stick it up Bruce Jenner's ass and gave him the first inkling that he wanted to be a woman.
Of course that was in Montreal and the French Canadians were not fazed in the least.
People, it's just a kiss. It's not like his costume had come unhooked at the neckline.
Meh. I don't care about the kiss. My objection is that the gay athletes seem to think they are there to represent gays, not America.
“Sorry, but...yuck.”
And there’s nothing wrong with that, either. It’s a perfectly natural, genetically-mandated reaction from a heterosexual male viewing homosexual males doing their thing. Not hatin’, just sayin’
It wasn't just a kiss.
It was a political statement.
Sort of like kneeling during the National Anthem to honor cop killers.
Hey why don't they combine the two. They can honor and celebrate two of the most important Democratic constituencies. Gays and black criminals.
They can have some gay ice skater (redundant) kneel at a medal ceremony and give a black guy claiming racism a blow job.
NBC would love to televise it. The press would go wild. They would get millions of likes on Instagram from the Althouse house alone!
Of course one of these homos would have to win something so I guess we don't have to worry about it.
It would be must see TV.
That will show those filthy Christians what's what.
Drago attacks me because he thinks that I parrot the views of Democrats. (Does anybody suppose that Drago read anything that I wrote up above? Naaaah. Drago don't need no stinkin' readin'. All Drago needs to know is that it's "Chuck." And "Chuck" is anti-Trump. And anti-Trump is "leftist."
Meanwhile Meade wants a shot at me for my (uncharacteristically) expressing the same sorts of sentiments as, seemingly, about 90% of the Althouse commentariat.
LOL; the one safe space at the Althouse blog, it seems, is to be a Trumpist. You can be a pro-LGBT Trumpist (as Althouse seems to think Trump himself is; remember "I think he's pro-gay and being cagey about it"?), or you can be an anti-LGBT Trumpist. Like all but a few comments on this page.
LOL. Just whatever you do, don't be anti-Trump. It's "your" commentariat, Meade. Own it.
Homosexuality is rare in the same sense that being left-handed is rare. That is, it is relatively less common than being heterosexual or right-handed respectively, but by no means rare.
That's sound so Russian Chuckie. Why do you always have to bring it back to that fake news witch hunt?
You are on the right side for once. Enjoy it baby.
You found an acorn you blind squirrel you!
Homosexuality has been a part of humanity since the dawn of time. Societies have dealt with differently in different times and different places. The best accommodation that I know of is that which prevailed most of my life - I really don't care what you do, just don't scare the horses. Put it on the internet, put it in a day time soap opera, put it in a movie. To make it a major part of the story of an international sporting event is not provocative, not ground breaking, not any of those things. It is just plain rude.
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