“There is no serious person out there who would suggest somehow that you could even rig America’s elections, there’s no evidence that that has happened in the past or that it will happen this time, and so I’d invite Mr. Trump to stop whining and make his case to get votes.” .....
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 20, 2018
I haven't Googled yet, but I think that was Obama, some time during the 2016 campaign.
UPDATE, 1 minute later: Yep.
UPDATE, 3 minutes ago:
....The President Obama quote just before election. That’s because he thought Crooked Hillary was going to win and he didn’t want to “rock the boat.” When I easily won the Electoral College, the whole game changed and the Russian excuse became the narrative of the Dems.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 20, 2018
८४ टिप्पण्या:
This a a giant case of rigging the election for Hillary afterwards.
Mueller is a fascist false trixy and a hack. The media are all in the tank with the corrupt democrat party.
That’s the problem with the internet, it has clogged up the memory hole. We are all supposed to forget that Trump was grilled as to whether he would accept the result of the election as legitimate by the “non-partisan” and fully trustworthy press that has spent his whole presidency suggesting that Trump is not legitimate.
Now it’s having a hard time forgetting that for the past year or so, the Russian investigation was about impeaching and removing Trump, but now it’s about patriotism, love for the fatherland, and the crying need for limits on speech Americans can hear! Oh yeah, and raising tensions with Russia.
It’s now “un-American” to suggest we ought to find a way to get along with Russia, BTW. We should have a congressional committee to define “un-American activities” for us all so that I can be sure I am always on the right side of all that is good and proper!
What scares me is that he is not focused on running the country. Instead, he is focused on his detractors. He's not a serious person or president. His Twitter account is a window to his soul...scratch that...to his failing presidency.
"I haven't Googled yet, but I think that was Obama, some time during the 2016 campaign."
And by "Obama" can I assume you mean our 8th greatest President?
Ha! Insty linked to a Victory Girls post that had that quote. I was looking for a place to put it this morning.
“There is no serious person out there who would suggest that you could even rig America’s elections, in part because they are so decentralized. There is no evidence that that has happened in the past, or that there are instances that that could happen this time,” [Obama] said.
“So I’d advise Mr. Trump to stop whining, and go make his case to get votes,” the president added.
“And if he gets the most votes, it would be my expectation of Hillary Clinton to offer a gracious concession speech and pledge to work with him in order to ensure that the American people benefit from an effective government. And it would be my job to welcome Mr. Trump, regardless of what he has said about me, or my differences with him, and escort him over to the Capitol at which there would be a peaceful transfer of power. That is what Americans do. That is why America is already great. One way to make it less great, is if you start betraying those basic American traditions that have been bipartisan and have helped to hold together this democracy now for well over two centuries.”
The original crime by Russia was on the level of stealing a grape from a fruit stand, but Democrats have raised it to the level of a constitutional crisis because they saw it as a way to overturn an election that they blew by nominating a corrupt termagant.
And by "Obama" can I assume you mean our 8th greatest President?
Or else our most beautiful and glamorous first lady ever!
That is why America is already great. One way to make it less great, is if you start betraying those basic American traditions that have been bipartisan and have helped to hold together this democracy now for well over two centuries.”
America is already great! <<-- slogan to ensure you get the votes of the well off, because the job of the new Demcratic Party is to comfort the comfortable and afflict the afflicted.
Trump got that straight from Fox. It was on at 6:05 Central.
So I’d advise Mr. Trump to stop whining, and go make his case to get votes,”
it would be my expectation of Hillary Clinton to offer a gracious concession speech and pledge to work with him in order to ensure that the American people benefit from an effective government.
Didn't happen.
And it would be my job to welcome Mr. Trump, regardless of what he has said about me, or my differences with him, and escort him over to the Capitol at which there would be a peaceful transfer of power.
The Susan Rice memo indicates this wasn't what happened.
One way to make it less great, is if you start betraying those basic American traditions that have been bipartisan and have helped to hold together this democracy now for well over two centuries.”
The Obama, Hillary, and the media: Making America Less Great.
Are you sowing discord again, Trumpit? Is that really the sort of American you want to be?
Evildoers Beware! He tweets alone! TRUMP!
What scares me is that he is not focused on running the country.
And you know this how?
Don't project your own limitations and inability to multitask onto the President who has a lifetime record of doing many things at once.
Chances that the Mainstream Press would have remembered this quote from Obama?
I enjoy watching Trump force the narrative.
Now let's start putting members of the Obama Administration in jail for their felonies. Half sentences for a plea of guilty upfront. Let's save the taxpayers a little money.
Meade makes a great point. If the truth is discovered about Obama, the election, Hillary’s emails and how Barack told Lynch and Comey to let Hillary off the hook, Barack’s legacy is ruined. Iran testing nukes will seal the deal.
What scares me is that he is not focused on running the country. Instead, he is focused on his detractors.
This poster is always good for a laugh. I think the French have a saying along the lines of “This beast is evil, when attacked, it defends itself.
I think the third video in this compilation pretty much sums it up.
Dems are being hoisted on their own petards. Again and again and again. And they are garnering no sympathy from those of us in the Deplorable Basket.
It's fascinating to watch the effort that is going into trying to get people to be positive about Russia...from "conservatives". I wonder where that's coming from.
Trumpit, what you are doing is not, in Obama's opinion, what Americans do. It is your job to welcome Mr. Trump.. That’s what Americans do. That’s why America is already great. One way of weakening America and making it less great is if you start betraying those basic American traditions that have been bipartisan and have helped to hold together this democracy now for well over two centuries.
Thank goodness we have 50 elections for president instead of 1.
If you like your American traditions, you can keep your American traditions!
Rig and influence are very different words.
So, back in 2011, Obama had a lot of fun publicly rubbing Trump's nose in shit.
Now, it's Obama's turn to be rubbed in well deserved shit.
Triangle Man said...
I wonder where that's coming from.
Out of their asses.
As an ideology it's a mile wide and a micron thick. Whatever happened to the Tea Party and deficits matter?
Triangle Man said...
It's fascinating to watch the effort that is going into trying to get people to be positive about Russia...from "conservatives". I wonder where that's coming from.
The fever swamps of your own imagination. We are not being positive about Russia. We are pointing out that what they did is what they've always done. ( Who do you think was organizing all those anti-war protests during the Gulf war, the Iraq war, the Vietnam war, etc. )
It was a minor effort on their part, that did not change the results of the election.
Sorry, there were 57 elections, not 50.
LOL! Our beloved commenter has such high regard for his fellow Americans. You know what? Even if Russia is behind Wikileaks, it was all true information about how our press is in bed with the Democrats. Democrats, who by the way used their connections with Weinstein, whom you repeated chastised Althouse for writing about, used their connections to throw glamorous parties for the press, among other things...
I still laugh whenever I hear the phrase “beating around the bush” BTW.
David Begley said...
Trump got that straight from Fox. It was on at 6:05 Central.
Where in fact he gets the vast majority of what little he knows.
When I was a kid back in the 60s, lefties considered those who got worked up over the Red Scare to be the dumbest of redneck rubes. They were all for "peaceful co-existence" with the commies. "The Russians are Coming! The Russians are Coming!" was Hollywood's contribution to ridiculing the unsophisticated who correctly saw the Soviet Union as the evil slave empire.
So, I'm laughing my ass off over The New York Times descending into full Red Scare hysteria and agitating for war with Russia.
"Are you sowing discord again, Trumpit?" If I could sow, I'd sow something good to eat. I have a big backyard for a house in the city where I live. If I could sew, I'd make myself some clothes. If I could knit or crochet, I'd make myself a warm blanket. I admire people who can do those things. Find people to admire rather than people to denigrate. I don't like where the Presidents head is at as indicated by his tweets. He's stuck in an endless loop of recriminations. Move on from the 2016 election, Mr. President!
After patiently suffering 15 months of being framed 24/7 as a long time Russian sell out traitor by all the News show experts, including half of the Fox News people, I think Trump is entitled to take a victory lap and do a few doughnuts on the infield grass.
And the actual long time Russian sell out traitors deserve to spend the rest of their lives in prison contemplating how Trump exposed them despite the CIA and FBI covering for them.
Has anyone literally analyzed the 1960 Illinois election, or do we just assume it was rigged because of the Kennedy-Mafia-Daley connections?
"And by "Obama" can I assume you mean our 8th greatest President?"
Also the one who is the reason why Hillary couldn't be indicted because it would implicate him.
The Soviet-era relics emerge from the swamp to conflate the Soviet Union and Russia. The same special and peculiar interests who confuse Germany's National Socialists, Italy's facists, China's communists, and other progressive regimes, [color] diverse, sex chauvinistic, politically congruent, redistributive change, and selective-Jew (i.e. lives deemed unworthy), with Americans right of left.
That said, a million dollar propaganda campaign, amplified by a domestic and foreign multi-billion dollar propaganda campaign to influence the election and corrupt the vote. The 1%ers in China, Mexico, Germany, Kiev, Iran et al are reassessing ROI.
It's fascinating to watch the effort that is going into trying to get people to be positive about Russia...from "conservatives". I wonder where that’s coming from.
Yes, I think the Democrats in Congress should put a committee together. A “Committee on Un-American Activities” if you will.
Just a couple of years ago the Tea Party was a racist organization, no more than a crypto-Klan. In fact many comments here to the effect that the IRS was justified in using its awesome powers of investigation and compulsion against them. It was even OK that Lois Lerner took the fifth because rooting out those people was more important than any restraint on use of formerly neutral organizations for political purposes!
Now of course, having crippled the fund-raising power of the Tea Party, an activity in which Mueller’s FBI was involved, BTW, their shades are raised as heroes and Mueller and the FBI moved on to grind other political axes!
Some messaging conflicts between the Great Pumpkin and the Great Oz:
Romney’s Russia Vindication
Some messaging conflicts between the Great Pumpkin and the Great Oz:
So you are talking about how the Democrats ridiculed Republicans for concern about Russia as a strategic foe, but now you guys have found religion because of some Facebook ads that were more comedy than anything else?
Trumpit: you mean, Trump should follow the good example set by Democrats?
Remember Mr “We will have more flexibility after the election” Obama? Do you remember that guy? You do remember that the Democrat’s candidate took millions upon millions of dollars from Putin, right?
How do you manage to forget all of this stuff?
An alternative title for that would be Obama and Hillary’s repudiation, of course.
Gotta love it. Thank goodness for the Twitter universe. Without it, Øbama's typically smarmy comments in October of 2016 would have never seen the light of day.
Let's see, shall I hold my breath until I see a report of those comments in the main stream media? Oh wait, I'm turning blue.
Why one might even think that that Obama statement was "unwitting".
On more than one occasion, Obama demonstrated that he was not the sharpest pencil in the box.
I would love to hear one decent argument against the idea that Democrats have been involved in a multi year project to re-engineer the electorate through the use of illegal immigration, and why that’s not orders of magnitude worse than Putin’s Facebook ads.
Would love to hear it but never will because, well, reasons.
After patiently suffering 15 months of being framed 24/7... I think Trump is entitled to take a victory lap
Patience is a virtue. Also, repenting for past social liberalism in liberal lands, in liberal days. Progress.
After 5 trimesters, you would think that, despite their unprecedented investment, even the special and peculiar interests left of center in America, Mexico, etc., would give up their dreams of forcing an abortion. It's just unseemly to deem a life unworthy after the second trimester. I wonder if they returned the money they borrowed from granny to create an illusion that Obamacare's born unPlanned penalty tax was viable.
I would love to hear a well reasoned explanation of the conclusion that the Russians clearly preferred Trump, despite the fact that Hilllary was balls to the wall on policies, from killing Keystone, to promising to shut down fracking (Might have cost her PA, BTW, right there.) on policies that helped Russia greatly economically, and now, with the US energy flowing, energy prices are down and Russia has had to cut military spending.
How did Putin figure that Trump’s help in other areas would outweigh his harm to the interests of their largest, by far, source of foreign exchange?
David Begley said...
Trump got that straight from Fox. It was on at 6:05 Central.
And your point? That because it comes from Fox, it's not true? Is that what you are saying, that Obama's remarks never happened and the video doesn't exist and it's a hoax?
Or are you saying that Trump was brilliant to pick up that item and run with it, rubbing it into libs' faces what their God, Obama, proclaimed but really didn't mean it?
Democrat... multi year project to re-engineer the electorate through the use of illegal immigration
Illegal and legal, including Catastrophic Anthropogenic Immigration Reform as a cover-up for the violence of social justice adventures (e.g. elective wars, regime changes). And, of course, Planned Parenthood (e.g. selective-child), Planned Seniorhood (e.g. euthanasia), as well as normalizing dysfunction (e.g. sex wars). Maybe just the DNC, where rabid diversity denied the nomination to the Jew (wrong color, sex).
More of Trump punching back, and the Left does not know how to handle it.
Rigged implies an internal rigging at the local level like LBJ meddling in Texas and influence points to speech as money or Russian bots posting on Twitter and Facebook and yes paying for conflicting rallies to be held.
Mueller seems to be running down rat holes unrelated to his primary mission. The news he is "making" is just like cotton candy...all sugar and air.
Any reports on investigations to determine how long this type of social media "election interference" activity has been occurring? It would seem likely that it has been going on for quite a while, and at least the Obama admin was well aware of it, but either didn't think it was significant enough to be concerned about, or else thought that it was helping the Dems more than hurting them.
Rigged implies an internal rigging at the local level like LBJ meddling in Texas and influence points to speech as money or Russian bots posting on Twitter and Facebook and yes paying for conflicting rallies to be held.
Of course! Pos hoc definitions are called for here. Thanks God we have a college professor here to explain stuff like this!
Remember the good old days, when Hillary was taking the advice of 10K a month part time employee of the Clinton Foundation, Sidney Blumenthal who convinced her to escalate the civil war in Syria and drive Assad right into Putin’s waiting arms, aided of course by Obama’s fecklessness? Good times! Good times!
All the while we thought that Obama’s election and the Democrats’ resounding victories in the House and Senate were aa clear repudiation of policies like that? But noo!
Trumpet - "What scares me is that he is not focused on running the country."
Maybe DJT CAN walk and chew gum at the same time.
Here is some free advice for Democrats that it is too late for Hillary and Obama to take. If you want to get involved in picking the leaders of foreign countries though military adventurism, be ready to pay the price militarily and politically, and pony up. Or better yet, stay out of if! Libya and Syria would both be better places today if Hillary had been kept completely away from power.
"Libya and Syria would both be better places today if Hillary had been kept completely away from power. "
Yeah, and if Obama (our 8th greatest president) had been kept away from SAMANTHA power.
Soros influence is super fantastic!
Democrats want to influence the election, vote, etc. and sustain an air of democratic integrity... abort the baby and plead human rights, too. Hold a reckoning and a Slut Walk, too. And so on and so forth. The bigotry is progressive. Perhaps evolutionary (i.e. chaotic), given the changing identities.
It's a shame nothing will be done.™
I'd love it if you leftists would answer or provide an adequate explanation to any of Tim in Vermont's questions.
Outstanding troll level Supreme Master.
I think we need Obama under oath to know why he (1) lied his ass off this way knowing what he knew, or (2) was so clueless about Russia after all those briefs from Rice, Comey, Clapper, etc.
And y'all know we were eventually going to reach this fork in Obama's post-presidential role where his "legacy" descends into the murk of the swamp he dwelt in or he is revealed as the empty chair that Clint showed us in 2012.
"When I easily won the Electoral College, the whole game changed and the Russian excuse became the narrative of the Dems."
Correct. But then, Dem arguments are always strictly tools.
Romney says Russia is adversary? Romney is crazy. But wait--a few years later Russia poses a mortal threat to the Republic. Trump says he's not sure he'll accept Hill win? Trump is awful. But wait--Trump's win is illegitimate and he must be impeached. There's no evidence you can even rig American elections, so Trump should stop whining. But wait--the Russians hacked the election and gave it to Trump.
Each and every day Hillary/the media/ the leftwing hivemind offer a new explanation for why she lost. The "Russians did it" & "Facebook tricked you" are right under "You stupid females cannot think for yourselves."
Obama and his economic illiterate corruptocrats did ruin health care. #8 best president!
Mexico, China, Iran et al will be sorely disappointed, and perhaps retributive, now that their multi-billion dollar investments in leftists and globalists was upended by a virtual army of bots on Facebook and a Nigerian phishing expedition that baited and hooked a moron (i.e. bad judgment). It's no wonder that Obama/Clinton, NYT/WaPo, and activists auxiliaries, are desperate to repeat the Kiev (hat tip Soviet-era relics emerging from the swamp) effect. I wonder if the Libyan solution is a viable Choice, or perhaps another Deep Plunger, now aborted is in the wings.
What scares me is that he is not focused on running the country. Instead, he is focused on his detractors. He's not a serious person or president. His Twitter account is a window to his soul...scratch that...to his failing presidency.
You don't know what he is focused on because you are focused on his tweets. That took maybe 40 seconds for Trump to write but you spent more time writing your poorly thought out response than he has spent since. See, he jerks the string and you dance. Every time. Just like the DNC-media complex does. So what really scares you is the thought that his message can get through the gatekeepers this way. You know it doesn't take away from the other nine hours he will spend on policy today, but like all slimy progs you project your own failures onto him. And since you don't believe in souls, being a commie stooge and all, you really know this a look into Trump's mind and it bothers you that he remembers Obama's lies and set ups better than you do.
And really, what other human being you know of could spend a year having their lives probed and the FBI ginning up evidence on them and the media lying every day and still keep in good humor like Trump? He's pretty amazing for a 70-year-old. Sharper then you. A better man than his predecessor. And the only thing "failing" here is the coup attempts against him. Suck it up Buttercup!
Trumpit wrote:
Move on from the 2016 election, Mr. President!
2/20/18, 7:17 AM
I'm starting to believe Achilles is correct that Trumpit is a moby intent on making leftists look stupid. I mean, that comment has to be a parody.
Hannity broke that video last night.
Makes me wonder what other evidence is out there in plain sight that would be discovered if the media wasn't so biasedly incurious.
While I'm not a fan his style of moderation, the rest of the media have really ceded to Hannity the scoop of a generation.
Another altermative title for ARM’s link, excuse me, Beloved Commenter’s link might be “Sarah Palin’s Vindication.” No, she was mocked mercilessly for suggesting that maybe we ought to keep a skeptical eye on Russia. And then, on Obama’s watch, Obama who mocked concern about the Russians as a strategic adversary, lets the Russians, to hear the same people who laughed and laughed at the “I can see Russia from my house!” joke about something Palin never said, to hear them prattle on about the Russians like Springfield high-schoolers at a pep rally for the upcoming game against Shelbyville, well, it’s very very funny to see, on one level, incredibly sad on another.
Yes, Palin the war monger who refused to take a response off the table if Russia were to invade a sovereign neighbor!
Remember that these are the same people who claimed that Bush per greenlighted Saddam’s invasion of Kuwait.
I woudn’t mind this gotcha stuff if they played the game against both sides. That’w what the press should do.
It's a reoccurring theme by liberals:
How dare Trump get distracted by our deadly serious impeachment coup!
Yep, again he is correct.
That said, the election result wasn't changed by any interference, even though Hillary tried her best.
Romney was right too, Obama tried to reset and embarrassingly kissed up to the Russians.
The world of petards grows by the day.
And three days later, Obama’s DOJ obtained a FISA warrant on Carter Page which allowed them to spy indirectly on Trump.
Aren't we overdue for the next "OMG TRUMP IS GOING TO FIRE MUELLER!!!" meme? I mean it's been almost two weeks now.
Obama tried to reset and embarrassingly kissed up to the Russians.
Obama thought he could bribe (e.g. uranium sale) the Russians, so that he could repeat the Libyan coup in Syria. Putin, however, had different plans. Following Russia's Syrian intervention, Obama et al decided to pursue retributive change (e.g. deprive Russians of their warm water port and access to the Mediterranean) in Ukraine, and did manage to open an abortion field for native Ukrainians, force a minor (mitigated through Russian support of the refugees) CAIR event, and ultimately divided the nation in half. The Soviet-era relics emerging from the swamp are still steaming.
If we're going to pull quotes of Obama talking out of his ass - and showing his hypocrisy - we'll be here all day.
It's all the man did.
What scares me is that he is not focused on running the country. Instead, he is focused on his detractors. - Trumpit
Unlike you, I'm pretty sure Trump is capable of walking and chewing gum at the same time.
Maybe DJT CAN walk and chew gum at the same time.
Beat me to it.
But Trumpit still won't get it.
It's fascinating to watch the effort that is going into trying to get people to be positive about Russia...from "conservatives". I wonder where that's coming from.
It's only fascinating depending on your age.
For those of us who were born and raised during the Cold War and paid attention to the actions of the Left then, it's a laugh riot.
As an ideology it's a mile wide and a micron thick. Whatever happened to the Tea Party and deficits matter?
The Left and the GOP Establishment pretty much killed them off.
Which is precisely why Trump happened.
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