I'm settling in for the big show. Let's talk!
1. The NYT has some advance excerpts, including: "This is our New American Moment. There has never been a better time to start living the American dream."
2. Supreme Court Justices present: Roberts, Breyer, Kagan, Gorsuch.
3. Melania enters, smiling warmly, wearing a white pantsuit and white satin blouse.
4. Trump begins by talking about various heroes and pointing to individuals in the gallery. This is what has in the past always come at the end of the SOTU.
5. "The Legend from Louisiana, Representative Steve Scalise." Trump is warming the place up.
6. Pelosi looks steamed.
7. "If there is a mountain, we climb it. If there is a frontier, we cross it...."
8. "The state of the union is strong, because our people are strong."
9. Lots of talk about God, the flag, "... and why we proudly stand for the National Anthem."
10. "Judges who will interpret the Constitution as written...."
11. $1.5 trillion for infrastructure... which the American people deserve. "Together we can reclaim our great building heritage."
12. "Americans are dreamers too." A sharp line within a discussion of immigration law enforcement.
13. Several immensely affecting stories introducing individuals in the gallery. Trump does an excellent job of dramatizing these stories — parents whose daughters were murdered by M-13, a soldier who saved a fellow soldier, the parents of Otto Warmbier, a North Korean man who suffered terribly before escaping.
14. "It's the people who are making America great again."
15. An excellent speech, extremely well delivered, I think.
६३० टिप्पण्या:
«सर्वात जुने ‹थोडे जुने 630 पैकी 201 – 400 नवीन› नवीनतम»Corey Booker and Nancy P. should get together and pee in a bed in a Trump Hotel somewhere.
they require DJT to blow up the debt
Wow...coming after an administration that borrowed more money than every one before it, combined...this is rich.
One more success for Trump...he made government debt a bad thing again.
adSs: "Must be gilded. And, only as a background motif.
More room for glitz and class."
Well, we wouldnt want it to be a s***hole.
Sorry, I meant 1300 jobs added in Trump's first year.
Hollywood is killing the Dems:
Elizabeth Banks said ....
PS not all immigrants are in murderous gangs, one did my hair color today - I don’t really need to say this, right?
Where's Trump's library going to be....I bet New York and New Jersey turn him down.....Las Vegas?
TTR,What a dumb douche you are. Seriously, what purpose do you have in life? Everything you say is either stupid, dishonest, or worthless. You certainly do make a good footsoldier. I guess leadership really can't be learned - at least certainly in your case.
LOL! If you're so fucking clever then apparently you would have more to say about me than what you still can't manage to figure out whether you proved or not in the SAME two quotes over and over and over and over and over and over again. You're just a deranged pussy who no one listens to or cares about and who can't debate a single fucking thing, whose "wife" rolls her eyes at you(!), and who gets no respect from anyone for anything. You just butter up your own ego about trivial things while proudly proclaiming nothing more than how ignorant and shallow you are and - oh yeah, by implication, how unsatisfying you are in bed. Oh, and that you're a proud DJT/groper-loving feminist. How wonderful.
You're more discombobulated than a sandpiper with cerebral palsy. Clumsily running around, not even knowing what he's pecking at, and plopping his face into the ground. Repeatedly.
Have you ever tried just fucking off and dying? I mean, as long as the "fucking off" part involved sex vanilla enough for you to approve of?
ARM: "Hollywood is killing the Dems:
Elizabeth Banks said ....
PS not all immigrants are in murderous gangs, one did my hair color today - I
don’t really need to say this, right?"
ARM's job here is difficult enough without that kind of "help".
ReasonableMan, here is what Ann just tweeted:
Via Insty:
JIMMY KIMMEL STRIKES OUT WITH STORMY DANIELS. Daniels: Yeah, that “affair” with Trump never happened. “I am not denying this affair because I was paid ‘hush money’ as has been reported in overseas owned tabloids. I am denying this affair because it never happened.” Fake news!
"Wow...coming after an administration that borrowed more money than every one before it, combined...this is rich.
One more success for Trump...he made government debt a bad thing again."
Actually BHO didn't fall for the WJC trap. Why leave your predecessor well funded government? BHO did a Ronnie. But, unlike Bush I or WJC, the dude after BHO didn't give any Fs re cleaning up the mess. He's not afraid of being overleveraged. In fact he's trained his whole life for doing this.
" not all immigrants are in murderous gangs, one did my hair color today "
Vanity of vanities; all is vanity
Elizabeth Banks should never say anything that is not in the script.
Sitting through so many applause lines, Democrats are looking like churlish jerks.
Mixing "immigrant" with "illegal" is just one more way leftists muddy the waters with their disingenuous BS.
Not sure how many people outside of the Republican party believe that Trump has brought peace to the middle east. Afghanistan seems more violent than ever. And Syria is no paradise either.
I hope Bernie Sanders runs for Prez again, even as a third party if necessary.
Because the Democrat Party, particularly their leadership, is filled with losers, charlatans and liars.
Americans are dreamers too!
FactCheck said ...
Trump says "we are also restoring our ... standing abroad." Actually, the number of foreigners telling pollsters they have a favorable view of the US fell nearly everywhere. The only big gain was in Russia.
ARM: "Afghanistan seems more violent than ever. And Syria is no paradise either."
I am not familiar with the ARM Foreign Policy Eyeball Test.
Not that it matters.
According to adSs its still obamas foreign policy.
'cyz Soviet Union or something.
Wow, what’s wrong with ARM tonight? He’s cutting and pasting comments from other people like he’s...Inga.
TTR,What a dumb douche you are. Seriously, what purpose do you have in life? Everything you say is either stupid, dishonest, or worthless. You certainly do make a good footsoldier. I guess leadership really can't be learned - at least certainly in your case.
Said by a guy:
1. Who no one ever listened to
2. Who couldn't finish school
3. Whose wife "rolls her eyes" at him
4. Who thinks he's god's gift to the feminist movement -
5. While telling the world that being unskilled and uninteresting in bed is his greatest pride.
Who is a total follower who just blindly swallows everything ranted by a dyed-blonde 71-year old fat-ass trust-fund heir that bitches about how everybody is mean to him.
Full Moon's idol is The Real Househusband of Pennsylvania Avenue. Let that sink in.
Does the sexually fearful/reserved feminist scold in you approve of Mr. Trump's Billy Bush comments, Full Moon?
He's a fellow slumlord/real estate mooch so I guess that's the higher calling. He'll let those other things slide.
Especially with the Russian hookers and the pee pee. "Full Moon" is way too proper to let that go! No way!
Bay Area Guy: "I hope Bernie Sanders runs for Prez again, even as a third party if necessary. "
It would be fun to watch Hillary and the dem poliburo bitch slap him and tell him to go away and then hearing the lament if his ardent supporters whine and then do.....nothing at all about it.
They know their place.
”We no longer tell our enemies our plans.”
The Democrats are displeased.
Just a reminder, Toothless been trolling for a long, long time.:
Ritmo Brasileiro said...
It's good to know that the stupidest threads are just ripe for the threadjacking. I'll be sure to leave a trail of turds on every one of the brain droppings here that suit my fancy. Getting you shit-eaters to complain about the taste after opening your mouths wide and saying "Ahhhh..." to every bad idea under the sun is very satisfying, I must admit.
Democrats look upset at the thought of cutting off money to enemies of America.
Fact Check said...
Democrats are corrupt liars. TRUE!
TTR: "Does the sexually fearful/reserved feminist scold in you approve of Mr. Trump's Billy Bush comments, Full Moon?"
Im ok with guys talking like jerks to other guys as long as it doesnt end up with cigars shoved up interns.
Communication is not your forte, eh?
Nikki Haley doesn't seem very comfortable.
"Afghanistan seems more violent than ever. And Syria is no paradise either"
From fast food to geopolitics. In a flash. LOL
I think Corey Booker wants to be Amercia's Kim Jong Un.
Nikki Haley doesn't seem very comfortable
She's just realized that in 8 years she has to make that speech.
Sorry. I panicked for a moment when I thought I heard Trump say he would defeat Icee's.
Yes ARM,
Ceasing to bend over and spread for the "international community" might piss some off.
Jim Norton said ...
If we don't tell our enemies our plans, how will they know where to meet us?
So go and personalize this against me all you want. In the end you're just proving why you prefer to believe lies. Probably because that's how you justify any sense of self-worth in yourself.
And it's also why... you are very uninformed and easily misled.
Just another day ending In Y, had Bernie ended up with the nomination, it would have been a landslide like Mcgovern instead of a moderate loss like Humphreys.
ARM: "Nikki Haley doesn't seem very comfortable."
Ah yes. The subtle smear-merchanting of an accomplished woman of color by a white priveleged male.
Tsk rsk.
If we don't tell our enemies our plans, how will they know where to meet us?
We'll be just outside of their front door.....
So: number of times in the next year that Drago, Full Moon, and various other actual conservative commenters here crucify LLR Chuck for saying Obama speech writer Favreau is a superstar? Just spitballing here but I figure the over/under is 365 (once per day).
Chuck, don’t forget that Obama said he was a better speech writer than his speech writers. So that must make him an even bigger superstar, amirite?
"If we don't tell our enemies our plans, how will they know where to meet us?"
"General" Norton has much to learn.
Why are you so obsessed with what I say, Toothless ?
Am I getting in the way of your 5-star contributions, somehow?
Anyway, the evening is young. My night is just beginning. I won't be hung over, stupefied, yammering by 5 AM like TTR, but you get my drift.
We can win it all with the closer,
"Elections have consequences, bitches"
So just to sum up, North Korea got powerful enough nukes to scare the bejesus out of Hawaii and the coal industry employed 500 new people.
Hillary's failed wars and the refugee crisis = discuss.
After Sung Ho...anyone up for a little Michael Moore and Mark Ruffalo?
The most information-free SOTU ever delivered.
The speech is going too long! It's a home run now, time to retire to the dugout!
Democrat must love the kind of power held by the dictators in Cuba and Venezuela.... and NoKo.
"But there are good cronies"
Nah. They are all money wasters.
I'm happy to have a potus who loves his country and her people.
TTR: "North Korea got powerful enough nukes to scare the bejesus out of Hawaii"
No. A democrat state employee decided he would do something "courageous" and sent out a bogus alert, the dem Gov was too stupid to remember his own password to negate the alert, then the idiot dem employee "courageoysly" declined to cooperate in the investigation.
Thats some Nornandy Invasion Force level of democrat "courage". Right LLR Chuck? They sure showed Trump!
Can't wait for Maxine Waters...
So go and personalize this against me all you want.
Do you notice that I never start a conversation with you?
Of course not. (Rhetorical question. You don't notice that no one starts conversations with you. Ever.)
And yet, 75% of what you do here is to re-post one or three at most comments from years ago that you attribute to me as a way of, apparently, saying that I'm not as boring/unsatisfying in bed as you OR as interested in letting gullible people off the hook.
Think about what that says about you and how "personalized" your lack of self-worth is.
You come here to prove things to yourself? That's pathetic.
Learn to enjoy information and the exchange of it with others and cure yourself of your Trumpian need to see everything as a mendacious act of performance art, and then maybe you'd have an actual, enjoyable reason for being here, you easily insulted, shallow, repetitive and BORING asshole!
And stop ripping off my own fucking quotes. That one about you being uninformed and easily misled was stated because over the course of one night you failed to understand about 20 different things. It's one thing to not know something. Something entirely different to get indignant with others for showing what you're doing so wrong to called out for it.
The most information-free SOTU ever delivered.
Well you have to admit, it is kind of hard to pick up any information when you have your hands over your ears, you eyes shut and you're yelling over and over "I'm not listening, I'm not listening lalalalal........"
Buffalo make hulk mad, interesting sidexnote, his brother was killed by a relative of the Arabian spymaster kamal Adham.
Quoting Linda Sarsour of all people to make a point, any point, is pretty dumb.
You know, I had never been proud of my country until Barack was elected.
Now I know that we have to burn this mother down!
"The people make America great again."
BTW, if any of ya wanted to get a real taste of Ds behind the scenes (but not really, just when compared to the TV idiocy), check out Favreau et. al. on Pod Save America.
Often whiney and foolish. But, way more real than the idiots on the boob. At least they call themselves Crooked Media. Ya gotta like that.
Known Unknown: "Quoting Linda Sarsour of all people to make a point, any point, is pretty dumb."
Indeed. Thats a woman who praised terrorist murderers if isrealis.
I too was surprised ARM went there.
Good speech. Good job. And a BLUE tie. A signal, perhaps?
The man is a great president.
We should strongly consider outlawing the Democrat Party. They brought us the Civil War, Tammany Hall, the KKK, the Chicago way, Alger Hiss and Al Gore.
They are clueless, hapless, pathetic and ineffectual.
Yes, there might be a few Constitutional objections, but nonetheless, we should consider it.
Why are you so obsessed with what I say, Toothless ?
Because you're the only one who has absolutely nothing to do here but obsess over everything I say.
You have proven many times that you are congenitally incapable to responding to the hostess's posts. Almost waiting, anxiously for me to show up so that you can slobber all over the thread when I arrive.
You must take the patience of a saint. I can see why your parents abandoned you.
But I am not your daddy. You need to run to a different mother duck and follow her instead.
Preferably one with a blonde ducktail hairpiece and orange coloration.
Can't we amend the XXII Amendment so that we can be graced with his presidentialness for as long as his existence blesses the fair planet Earth?
No...It's Nikki Haley's turn in 2024.
Chuck Todd says there wasn't enough "outreach".
adSs: "At least they call themselves Crooked Media. Ya gotta like that."
That has to beat the hell out of The Young Turks. But then, what doesnt?
Linda Sarsour IS the modern democrat party.
The Leftist Collectivists are having a hard time.
Show some compassion and let them squeal.
Chuck Todd(D) regurgitates the narrative.
TTR: "Because you're the only one who has absolutely nothing to do here but obsess over everything I say."
I would be happy to.....for the right price.
Toofless says:
And yet, 75% of what you do here is to re-post one or three at most comments from years ago that you attribute to me as a way..
Accurate copy and paste. No need to make up stuff to make you look stupid.
Gimme six or seven paragraphs of your best stuff, puppet.
Says Trump painted picture of a "mythical" violent illegal immigrant.
"Can't we amend the XXII Amendment so that we can be graced with his presidentialness for as long as his existence blesses the fair planet Earth?"
In some circles he is referred to as "The God-Emperor"
ref being the immortal ruler of humanity in GDW's Warhammer 40K
It helps to have sons.
We should strongly consider outlawing the Democrat Party. They brought us the Civil War, Tammany Hall, the KKK, the Chicago way, Alger Hiss and Al Gore.
Hell..they started with Andrew Jackson and the Trail of Tears. The irony is that Jackson formed the Democratic Party because he hated the corrupt urban politicians of his time that stole an election from him. Now they run his party.
Why didn't the Democrats take a knee when President Trump talked about the National Anthem?
Switching to msdnc...hilarity ensues
And now, Maxine Waters with the rebuttal.
The Toothless Revolutionary said...
I don't know what you think that quote means, either. But apparently not what it actually meant.
You can post it a thousand more times, too. There's nothing wrong with it. Do you notice how no one else here responds to you when you do that? That they can see what a desperate plea for attention it is for you to have 90+% of your many posts consist of simply one other person's words? Often the same hundred or so words. And over and over again - as wont as you are delete yourself afterward.
Sometimes I wonder if you were born in the wrong species. I half-expect that you're over there salivating and wishing that you could hump my leg.
Brokaw: Trump added caveat to immigration that they have to "have a college degree and solve the world's problems"
God Emperor
You know, I realized less than a third through that Trump was deliberately trying to make the various Americans he picked the heroes and the meme of the night. I would have said I was proof against most rhetorical maneuvers, but I was not proof against the sight of those people. Watching them turn to EACH OTHER was what cracked my shell.
The moment when the father of one of the murdered girls was turned to the staff sergeant and thanked him was heart-wrenching and heartening.
Trump did something artful tonight, but it was also something that needed to be done. And even if someone wants to consider it a political gambit, it doesn't matter, because what took place among those people was real and vivid and at moments rather noble.
@Gahrie Nikki Haley in 2024-- or Sarah Huckabee.
”And now, Maxine Waters with the rebuttal.”
Aren’t there like five of them? Do they take turns?
Look - all of Bill Clinton's victims are lying and anyone with a family member killed by an illegal "immigrant" is lying.
- The Democrat collective- >fact check.
TTR: "Sometimes I wonder if you were born in the wrong species."
Get your stinkin' hands off me you damn dirty speciesist!
Where can we watch the Mad Maxine Waters speech?
"Brokaw: Trump added caveat to immigration that they have to "have a college degree and solve the world's problems""
Sounds like they will be highly motivated.
Necessity is the mother of invention.
Where can we watch the Mad Maxine Waters speech?
Really...no joke.
"Remove federal employees who undermine the public trust...."
Stay tuned
”Where can we watch the Mad Maxine Waters speech?”
Wish I knew.
Leftwing democrats really buy into the Russia BS. It's incredible how deluded they all are.
Willful blindness and Hillary-lost-Butthurt are like drugs.
wishing that you could hump my leg.
Wasn't that Ted Kennedy's move?
I watched the entire speech and thought it was great. Well delivered, not at all boring. Gave credit to the American people rather than bragging about his accomplishments. Very smart.
Andrea Mitchell thinks cutting out Grandmas from the chain is bad..surprisingly.
"Brokaw: Trump added caveat to immigration that they have to "have a college degree and solve the world's problems""
IOW: Brokaw :Trump added caveat to immigration that they have to "solve the world's problems by digging for coal and saluting the flag"
Sounds like they will be highly motivated/opioid addicts.
Accurate copy and paste. No need to make up stuff to make you look stupid.
Gimme six or seven paragraphs of your best stuff, puppet.
Hey, you're the one there mimicking my every move and humping my leg.
Thinking about me all night long. How many times in the last hour, alone, have you thought about me? Probably a dozen, at least. That's a lot for a guy whose brain activity was too low to permit him to pass high school.
I can't say I'm less boring than a jailbait fake wife who "rolls her eyes" at you. But you'll just have to accept that I'm not gay so maybe you should stalk some other guy, instead.
Hell, you might even get lucky and find a guy whose staying-power in bed is as short as yours!
Wouldn't that be special? ;-)
You're as confused as David Brock.
Oh look...it's another Kennedy. Thank God. We're saved. That is, everyone except the blondes.
”BET. Really...no joke.”
Guess I’m a racist; I don’t know what channel that is.
"Sounds like they will be highly motivated/opioid addicts."
So it fits nicely into the obama/hillary policy framework.
Joe Kennedy III is giving the speech at a very nice junior college auto shop.
Leftwing democrats really buy into the Russia BS
Ask them to cite an example of when Trump or his supporters ever did anything as blatant as the "after the election I'll be more flexible" remark. Surely that's the Hope diamond of collusion?
You lie!
Oh, that's convincing.
Is that how you managed to not pass high school?
No ONE on the left gives two shits about Otto, the kid killed in leftwing paradise North Korea.
Not one leftist cares. Anywhere.
Is it just me or is everyone suddenly in the mood for "Chow-dah"?
Watching Kennedy. I want to slit my wrists.
”BET. Really...no joke.”
Guess I’m a racist; I don’t know what channel that is.
Black Entertainment Television.
I watched the entire speech and thought it was great. Well delivered, not at all boring. Gave credit to the American people rather than bragging about his accomplishments. Very smart.
The opposite of Obama and Hillary. The I me I me I me I me I me I I I me me me hillarywoody people.
His Great-Uncle Ted coulda used a few remedial courses in "automobile" management, if you get my drift.
Oh man. LOL
This Kennedy is green green green.
I predict it will take at least 3 chicks getting whacked to get him up to speed.
"Watching Kennedy. I want to slit my wrists."
May need to add to the Kennedy body count.
Kennedy sounds a bit nervous...and like a college debate student.
They should have booed that cop and those stupid black people who had their daughters murdered by those wonderful immigrants.
Sooo much choking on crumbs, Pelosi tried to remove one from her front teeth through the whole speech.
I can't find BET on my cable TV in my hotel room! Racists!
@Gahrie... I know that, but I can’t find it on my cable. I’ve been looking for the last several minutes. Is Auntie Maxie on now?
Lefties take time out from insulting the Deplorables States and telling them to hurry up and die off to explain that we are all on the same side...
Anyway, the evening is young. My night is just beginning.
And you'll be following me around for as much of it as allows you to find me here.
Does it get your little pee pee stiff? Probably not much does, as much as you drink.
Drinking's not good for stupid people. Save what few brain cells you have left.
Your fake wife needs you to. Careful, now! Her eyes are starting to roll!
Kennedy's crowd is better than he is.
I think he's great.
And, his classic re tits that you excerpted in this thread was awesome proof of such. I'm not sure why you thought that made him look bad.
I've got BET, but no Maxine. Has she been...preempted? By BET? Is there no justice?
Meanwhile, I wish the Kennedy kid would just use his sleeves to wipe off his mouth. Someone get the guy a drink, please.
The "CEO" pay argument. Wow leftists - that's fresh.
Bay Area Guy said...
I can't find BET ... in my hotel room!
How about Stormy?
Misapplication of Carmex
White boy spanish.
Bet has a sitcom. Disappointed !
I've got BET, but no Maxine. Has she been...preempted?
Probably just waiting for Kennedy to finish.
We just watched a master Scots-Irish leader's presentation. He showed that he was proud of the courage, especially the warrior courage, shown by any and all ethnic groups/races and liked leading them to victory. It was nearly copy George Patton's leadership style, and you could tell the Generals were eating it up.
It brought to mind the 2016 South Carolina primary that the media experts all told us JEB and Cruz would trounce the NYC guy who was acting so uncooth.
But I could have told them, the northern half of that State is all Scots-Irish, and they saw their chosen leader in Trump's style, and they voted 80% for Trump.
Memories of Peter Jennings pronouncing central american nation names.
Kennedy trotting out the Spanish directed at "Dreamers'. Is he implying that they don't understand English? LOL!
Kennedy addresses all "dreamers" en Espagnol.
I can't believe the dems had to pull out a Kennedy to give the response.
I think that's hilarious.
Mr Trump! Tear down this wall! Our Kennedy compound needs cheaper labor and every Kennedy teenager deserves a wet nurse!
I change the channel.
Kennedy has some excess saliva build-up on his right lower lip. One good wipe would solve this nagging problem.
He does speak Spanish though.
Yo soy gringo rojo.
Is there one minority in there with Kennedy? The appeal to blue collar is so transparent it's laughable.
Wow, they're gonna need some suicide prevention counselors at that Massachusetts Vocational Ed school tomorrow. The country and economy are in total chaos, they'll be lucky to make it to their basements in one piece, much less find work. Literally a spittle flecked performance.
1/30/18, 9:47 PM
Yep. You already misquoted that one once before, too.
Just the same old posts, over and over again.
Can't come up with anything (let alone anything quotable) of your own and you need to obsess over me.
Thinking about me, all night long. Someone you don't know, that you'll never meet.
And all because I managed to critique what your lying "hero" didn't do right.
He's just so awesome and invincible in your orphaned soul and mind, and yet you can't do anything but chase around anyone not going along with his bullcrap.
Guess he's not as awesome as you think. And guess your need for a father-figure required someone with more integrity than Trump.
Have you still not tried fucking off and dying, yet? I highly recommend it.
I’ve got something called BETD, and it seems to be populated by black people. There’s something called “The Quad” on. Is that it?
Ladies man said:
Ritmo Brasileiro said...
So who's up for fish tacos? (AND NO, TROOPER - I DON'T MEAN THE HUMAN VARIETY! GET YOUR MIND OUT OF THE GUTTER. Although I did have some of that last night in another form) -- let's go support our local Stephen Starr restaurants.
Some of that in another form, eh? Not an American woman though, right?
Original Mike,
There’s something called “The Quad” on. Is that it?
Yes, that's it.
Pocohontas Warren better watch out.
Kamala and Michelle are tomahawk targeting her from above and a Woman Whackin' Kennedy is Oldsmobile Targeting her from beliw!
"Kennedy has some excess saliva build-up on his right lower lip."
What are the odds that Althouse feels compelled to do posts re zoom-in images? Could be the Cruz mouth thing, or the earpiece thing, or the Nig nightwear thing.
Yes he was UN the peace cope in canto Domingo in the tail end if the balaguer years, if memory serves.
Thanks, YH.
"I’ve got something called BETD, and it seems to be populated by black people. There’s something called “The Quad” on. Is that it?"
Mr Trump! Tear down this wall! Our Kennedy compound needs cheaper labor and every Kennedy teenager deserves a wet nurse!
It's funny because it's true.
Maybe Maxine will be on at the top of the hour.
It looks as if Auntie Maxine is going to set all us honkies straight tomorrow night.
Beautiful speech by the young Kennedy.
The sour puss old Dems seemed half dead from watching Trump perform. But he sure piqued their interest about Guantanimo Bay Detention Center that just had a huge new facility built to hold Dems pending Military tribunal ajudication for Treason.
As Althouse says, a great speech. Still not tired of all the winning.
All in all I was disappointed. I thought it was flat and unexciting. On immigration, for example, why no mention of e-verify or some equivalent enforcement mechanism (a biometric Social Security card for instance). Very little on trade. Sounded almost neo-conservative on terrorism and the Middle-East. Not good.
If Hillary lands in prison, as she should, all will be right with the world.
Beautiful speech by the young Kennedy.
Well he was articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.
That's a storybook, man.
"Kennedy trotting out the Spanish directed at "Dreamers'. Is he implying that they don't understand English?" Do progs believe anything they say?
Can't really watch these things myself, but glad to hear it went well, judging by the approval of fellow deplorables and the sputtering of lefties. Americans are dreamers too -- I like it.
Kamala Harris on MSNBC
She looks like the dead actor, Anthony Quinn. Hadn't noticed before.
”It looks as if Auntie Maxine is going to set all us honkies straight tomorrow night.”
I can’t wait that long.
Yes he was UN the peace cope in canto Domingo in the tail end if the balaguer years, if memory serves.
Are you dyslexic, narciso, or do you just like being cryptic?
The left go "arf arf arf" at the sound of economic grievance theater and unfair CEO pay.
All while they ignored Obama bail-out the D-donor CEO's.
So cool.
"On immigration, for example, why no mention of e-verify or some equivalent enforcement mechanism (a biometric Social Security card for instance). Very little on trade. Sounded almost neo-conservative on terrorism and the Middle-East. Not good."
STFU and rejoice in the winning. Yur a traitor.
Nevermind that stuff. That stuff means that the GOPe is loosing and the real American Rs are winning. So, yur for it.
Is it just me, or did Pelosi look like she's recovering from a real (vs proverbial) stroke?
"Are you dyslexic, narciso, or do you just like being cryptic?"
It's option b. But, the riddles do have solutions. Think.
”Are you dyslexic, narciso, or do you just like being cryptic?”
He blames his keyboard.
Its a typo, you understand the same regime lbj secured in 1965, against caamano, balaguer might have been long gone by then.
And, his classic re tits that you excerpted in this thread was awesome proof of such. I'm not sure why you thought that made him look bad.
Your opinion is respectable and well-deserved and the greatness is mutual.
As for FullM and his obsessions, I can only work out the following:
He's poorly educated (and unintelligent - not always the same) with a humongous resentful chip on his shoulder about the society and mentality of his Bay area surrounds (and beyond). He is very young, relies on an equally immature wife to provide him any life guidance, was abandoned by his parents, drinks heavily, and thinks his sole self-worth consists in whatever money he's made or might stand to make. (And in his case, he'd be right).
Finally, he lacked for a father badly, identifies as an uber-feminist (or confuses his prude/uptight feelings about enjoyable heterosexual sex or appreciation of the female form with respect for women), and in all likelihood is too scared and self-delusional/psychologically disturbed to understand that he's actually gay.
He's like an insanely less talented and less self-aware (but just as much a misfit) Milo Yannapoulis. He's like Milo, aged 4 - before the powers of speech or literacy - but in a 20 year old's body.
I'd bet money on nearly all of these things. Probably the value of whatever properties he claims to own.
He'd be wiped out. Just as dysfunctional, but now homeless.
Imagine that.
Why can't we talk about Trump and his stupid speech, instead? (Words I never thought I'd say).
"It's option b. But, the riddles do have solutions. Think."
Crap. I'll never get it! Bring me The Next Kennedy!
I am a dreamer!
Hey anti, did you hear the news today? Comey’s last minute Hillary hit was because McCabe sat on the investigation for three weeks.
Is it just me, or did Pelosi look like she's recovering from a real (vs proverbial) stroke?
Maybe she has new dentures. Or is having extrapyramidal side effects from some kind of antipsychotic medication.
"Yur a traitor."
Dude, TTR called us all traitors hours ago.
Come on man. Keep up.
Scaramooch the rational actor at the NBC round table...schooling the objective journalist Katy Tur.
If they wanted to address the Dreamers in Spanish and showed their diversity, they should have put in Gutierrez not some white excessively rich privileged kid.
MSNBC still has Steve Schmidt talking!
I hope Nancy Pelosi doesn't have a stroke, but I don't think her dentures are the problem. I just think the more Trump speaks, the more her sphincter seizes up like a bear trap.
I did hear/read that.
Makes ya even madder that he wasn't fired to save America from the evil deep staters walking free w/ gov pensions, I presume.
Let me be very clear about something: We can stop the terrible, divisive agenda that Trump laid out tonight in his State of the Union -- but only if we take back Congress this year.
Chip in $3 right now -- before tomorrow's first fundraising deadline of 2018 -- if you're ready to elect Democrats in November. We can't do it without you.
2018 is going to be our year. I'm so glad to have you with us.
Tom Perez
Democratic National Committee
Dr. Evil, look at his beady eyes and shiny pate, and tell me that's not him.
adSs: "Makes ya even madder that he wasn't fired to save America from the evil deep staters walking free w/ gov pensions, I presume."
That decision comes after the investigation into whether or not McCabe pressured agents to alter their 302 Interview notes....and the rumors are he did.
...but in a good way... LOL
You know you can only get BET if you steal the Television first.
The Dems would have done better fielding an older politician rather than the 30 something Kennedy they did. His schlick may have worked better several years ago but now post-Trump it comes off as some fake politician who worked on his speech for a couple weeks with his high-school drama teacher. NO GENUINENESS! Trump did alright. Not amazing, but good. Hard not to notice that Dems didn't stand up for the easy America First line.
An excellent speech, extremely well delivered, I think.
Dilly dilly!
The democrats looked ridiculous and it was glorious.
So which one of my fellow Republicans here wants to explain how President Trump is going to use federal/Executive powers to lower the cost of prescription drug prices?
Oh, right. The supposed quote supposedly about cunnilingus. Whatever cunnilingus I did or did not have. How shameful.
Dude, if you're gay - just be gay. Sure, you mooch off your wife for advice, but you obviously hate sex with her, identify as an uber-feminist, lacked for any parenting - especially the male variety, have hang-ups about the female form and - as the nuclear piece de resistance - dispense with a quote that you think demolishes me by proving that I was gross enough to have a woman's pussy somewhere near my mouth. Does your wife douche with hot sauce or something? Or just smell that bad?
And you need Trump in your life to be the daddy you/Milo (the pedophile apologist) lacked.
AND you make up comments about sexually abusing other males. You certainly don't have the hang-ups about that that you do about women.
Do you not realize how transparent you are?
If Milo can come to terms with being an underage sex object, the least you can do is come to terms with being a homosexual. It's fucking 2016. How big a Bay area Republican do you have to be to require social conservatism so severe that it prevents you from admitting that you're gay?
This is how self-unaware a Trump devotee we have on our hands, folks.
You can start buying high heels and dresses to wear any day now, Full Moon. I realize that fancying yourself as a werewolf might be the most hyper-masculine compensation yet devised, but obviously it's what you covet - not who you are.
Tell me the truth - did the Mexican wife you get come with some of those really furry eyebrows? Maybe that's what drew you to her. As it is to the men whom you truly crave much more than you do her.
"I agree with the MS13 stuff in broad outline"
Oh, "in broad outline". How craven can you get?
Winning ! Ha Ha!
Bark , puppy, bark!
Translation: He got attention. Something his wife (i.e. his beard) won't give to him.
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