Beautiful weather all over our great country, a perfect day for all Women to March. Get out there now to celebrate the historic milestones and unprecedented economic success and wealth creation that has taken place over the last 12 months. Lowest female unemployment in 18 years!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 20, 2018
Nice! It's almost like something from a children's story. A hated character doesn't realize that he is hated and greets his haters with warm wishes and imagines their expressions of anger against him to be a celebration in his honor. Of course, Trump is under no delusion, but I love this upbeat sunniness as a way to acknowledge the protest and maybe coax a smile from the women who can't all want to stay angry, one year into the ordeal of a presidency that, after all, hasn't really hurt just about any of them.
१४० टिप्पण्या:
"hasn't really hurt just about any of them. "
Well it hurt their feelings so there's that.
I'm really starting to move from "like" to "man crush".
Trump, you magnificent orange bastard!
"Well it hurt their feelings so there's that."
That's right — Trump gave them hurt feelings and disturbances of their normal bodily functioning and mental operations.
The Donald really likes women. His mother was his beloved and courageous teaching parent. His Dad was a worker bee.
The mediaswine showing the marches told us we need to respect these women. The pussy hats don't help.
I wanted to download an app today, and the Apple App store is highlighting the women's march.
Is there no getting away from it?
Upbeat, always upbeat! Glass is always half full. What's not to like?
Just saw Blitzed Wolf interviewing Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-Stretched Face) who immediately claimed the R's control all three branches of the government. Blitzed instantaneously stopped him: "Not on this issue". Stretched Face meekly agreed.
With enemies like the good senator, it no wonder Trump is upbeat.
I know a few of the Women Marchers and all are well employed with good 401K's that have gone up 20—25% since marching 1 year ago.
Jumping in front of the parade, and touting his success!! That Magnificent Bastard!!
"A hated character doesn't realize that he is hated and greets his haters with warm wishes and imagines their expressions of anger against him to be a celebration in his honor."
He's ignoring their verbal and non-verbal cues!
Freud is famous for asking what do women want? Women I know want peace and prosperity. And President Trump seems to be giving it to them.
Meade, so do I. One of them is a Gvt worker who’s husband has an engineering degree but works part time in a bike shop. She said she liked having a kept husband. She tells me she is martingale to bring down the patriarchy. BTW, with this last pay raise, I now make mor money-$300 dollars a year more, than my wife. This is the first time this has been true except for many years ago when we were both in the AF and I received flight pay and she didn’t. 30 years. She needs to get out there and find a part time job.
That is the tweet of a stable genius.
There was an attractive young women sheltering just inside the Safeway as I was exiting. Her head was down dialing the phone. The pink pussy hat obscured part of her face. She had a placard covered with profanity under her arm. It was folded over, so I couldn't see the complete message.
But, I did hear the beginning of her phone conversation....."Hello, Dad? It's raining. Can you pick me up at the Safeway?"
I wish I could make this shit up!!
I think it;s a passive-aggressive attack on the marchers...nit that there is anything wrong with that.
Trying to figure out what the "misrea" tag is about. Akin to the "covfefe" tag?
I bought a couple of panes of JFK stamps yesterday just before the price goes up to 50 cents for a first-class stamp. I will blame Trump for the 2% increase in postage because it's happening on his watch. There is a ripple effect, too. Prices on other goods and services will surely follow suit. I will blame Trump for that, too.
JFK (portrait) stamp is in black and white, but the pane has a auburn-headed drawing of him. Can you imagine orange-haired Trump on a stamp? I look forward to it if he predeceases me. Because that will mean ding dong the witch is dead.
trumpit, when the Trump stamp comes out you can lick lick lick it.
Pssst. Nobody tell Trumpit the USPS is an independent entity.
Meade said...
Freud is famous for asking what do women want? Women I know want peace and prosperity. And President Trump seems to be giving it to them...
...good and hard.
If Trump were like Obama, like they want him to be, then Trump would have barricaded the public grounds around where the Leftist Womyn's Rally took place, just as Obama did during the last government shutdown. Then they wouldn't have been able to have their little party.
Trumpit, what will the children think about JFK?
That it's okay to be a sex and drug addict and you'll still be successful?
Trump is, oddly enough, very moral compared with JFK.
What do you mean it hasn't hurt them? Their internet doesn't work now that Net Neutrality has been repealed!
Trumpit said...
I bought a couple of panes of JFK stamps yesterday just before the price goes up to 50 cents for a first-class stamp. I will blame Trump for the 2% increase in postage because it's happening on his watch. There is a ripple effect, too. Prices on other goods and services will surely follow suit. I will blame Trump for that, too.
JFK (portrait) stamp is in black and white, but the pane has a auburn-headed drawing of him. Can you imagine orange-haired Trump on a stamp? I look forward to it if he predeceases me. Because that will mean ding dong the witch is dead. "
Staring next month you can put your money where you mouth is and donate your tax savings to the government:
Indeed all those silly woman can do the same.
Normal people will see it's a joke.
The people who hate him will go totally hysterical and make themselves look even more psycho and repulsive.
He's being a good sport, he's above the fray, and he comes off looking better than the people who are in the grip of their hatred.
Oh, Trump realizes that he is hated, and his response is true Trump: "You got nothin'."
"...hasn't really hurt just about any of them"
What about all the dead polar bears??
And I have it on good authority from various Dem political luminaries that the mounds of bodies lying in the streets due to Trump's nefarious actions (boxcars, genocide, etc) will shortly become much larger. Especially in Philadelphia, Los Angeles and Miami, they are not just dead polar bears. Many of them are bodies of PEOPLE.
It seems that you do not realize the gravity of the situation. When the warm weather arrives (yet another sign of the impending planetary catastrophe of global warming, due to Trump's maleficent actions), the flies feeding off the mounds of bodies in the streets will unleash plague upon us on a scale not seen since the Middle Ages. Even Obamacare won't be able to save us. These hepatitis and flu outbreaks (obviously due to Trump's destructive measures) are just the forewarnings of The End of Days.
Either you're out of touch with reality or Nancy Pelosi is, and just how likely is it that Nancy Pelosi is out of touch with reality?
Hey Hey! Ho Ho! The 25% increase in my 401K has got to go!
They hate Trump because he is happy. Lovely wife and kids. Happy family. Even his ex-wives are happy. No wonder they hate him.
Let's be honest, it's a perfect tweet.
I wonder how long it took to compose.
women who can't *all* want to stay angry
Oh, yes. Yes, they can.
i don't know what weather map Trumpmis looking at, another exaggeration? But the signs that state Grap by the polls will troll him back at the ballot.
The worst thing about this is that I am going to end up liking Trump. I'll be forced to it by gratitude that one man is brave enough to restore humor to the public sphere.
That's really what it comes down to, isn't it? We have been progressively forced into a grim public kowtowing to a sort of PC puritanical public righteousness that did not allow laughter, or reason, or good humor on pain of being savaged by hordes of maenads.
That is why this tweet is so successful. It exemplifies reason and good-humored laughter. One can feel one's soul slowly unfreezing.
Reagan and Trump, both famous for their sunny dispositions.
Isn't this what's called trolling?
What the High Priests and their acolytes of the Left cannot endure is that Trump doesn't take them seriously. He doesn't care what they think of him, which is profoundly dis-empowering for people whose superpower is making other people crave their approval. If he can continue to bait them and keep them in bug-house crazy mode until November, no one will care what they think by then.
This was Reaganesque.
I would like to see two objective numbers on the March for Life vs. the Pussyhat Parade: 1) How many attended each, and 2) what were the respective media mentions?
Well, the liberal whores are not going to like this.
"Less-Educated Workers See Biggest Weekly Pay Bumps
Americans with only a high-school diploma are seeing faster earnings growth than their highly educated counterparts, as employers in low-wage industries hungrily search for workers to fill job openings.
In the fourth quarter of 2017, median weekly earnings for workers 25 years and older with only a high-school diploma rose 2.3% from the same period a year earlier, new Labor Department data show. Meanwhile, pay for Americans carrying a bachelor’s degree edged up just 0.8% from the fourth quarter of 2016.
The trend has been ongoing, with year-over-year wage growth for high-school graduates outpacing wage growth for college graduates in each quarter of 2017."
"Beautiful weather all over our great country." I want reporters, preferably meteorologists, to ask Trump specifically and directly, "What about the weather in Wisconsin?" I see on the weather map a great big snowflake over Wisconsin, so I bet Trump is LYING about the weather being "great" in Wisconsin.
Looks like this is going to be an annual comment: I marched on Arby's today, and I demanded curly fries. I got them, thus single-handedly accomplishing more than all those marchers put together.
And this.
Actually, and I think this is actually what goes to the horror of the political class, Trump reflects exactly who you are. Everything they hate about him, from the nonstop concern with what the press is saying, to the willingness to override traditions to do what he wants, is a characteristic that our political class has had for decades. He just does it with insufficiently-creased pants.
If our media and political class weren’t horrible, Trump would have stayed in the hotel and TV business, and the people who hate him now would have happily attended his parties and taken pictures with him. But he is forcing them to acknowledge, at least unconsciously, just how horrible they are and they can’t deal with that.
Likewise, note this overall surprisingly Trump-friendly column from Bret Stephens, which ends like this:
Donald Trump is a profoundly defective person who nearly every morning does grave political self-harm with no assistance from his opponents. But he is also president, and normal Americans — that is, those who hold the outcome of the next election in their hands — do not want him to fail. They want statesmanship, not schadenfreude.
Wouldn’t it be smart of all of Trump’s opponents to show they are superior to him in the former? And wouldn’t a good way of doing that be to abjure the latter, even if it sometimes means giving him some credit?
The thing is, they’re not superior to him, as the 15-month ragefest since the 2016 election demonstrates. And, what really burns is, the voters don’t think they’re superior to him. And when a sense of superiority is all you’ve got (and cultivated self-superiority is the core of the current leftist project), realizing that others don’t share it is a narcissistic wound from which there is no recovery. That’s what’s wrong with much of our political class, and it’s ugly and destructive — because much of our political class, at core, is ugly and destructive."
Mr. Majestyk ...I drove through Madison on my way to Chicagoland today and my outdoor temp gauge on my F150 at half past noon read 51! And sunny. Anyone who has experienced winter in Wisconsin would call that a glorious Jan 20.
I imagine that they cannot grasp what he just did there.
I keep wondering what it is they are marching for. What is Trump supposed to have done to them over the past year? What does he plan to do in the future that will hurt them? I have no idea.
These women don't realize how lucky they are. Women in the US have more opportunity, more wealth and income, more rights, and a better life than women almost anywhere in the world. During my last 10 years or so of work I got to know very well some female co-workers who were immigrants from places like India, China, Nigeria, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, and a few other countries. I wish these marchers could sit down with these bright, intelligent young women and let them hear what their lives were like before they came to the US. Better yet, I would like to ship these marchers off to some of those "shithole" countries and see for themselves how bad things for women can really be in other parts of the world. I expect they would be headed back here very quickly and would kiss the ground the moment they stepped off the plane.
We should make Puerto Rico a state, and let them have electricity
Puerto Rico can become a state anytime they want to. And the reason they don't have electricity is because their leadership is incompetent and corrupt.
Mark hypothesizes: If Trump were like Obama, like they want him to be
I'm not so sure this is the case. Knowing women as I do [being one, after all], I'd bet they are thrilled to have such a male villain in the White House so they can go out and display their righteous anger. It's empowering, doncha know? The fact that they are an embarrassment to the rest of our gender never occurs to them.
I see on the weather map a great big snowflake over Wisconsin, so I bet Trump is LYING about the weather being "great" in Wisconsin.
1/20/18, 6:35 PM
The weather was great in SE Wisconsin. A high of 36 and sunny. Practically shorts weather.
I see the NYC marchers were chanting "Shame!" I'd be surprised if they were doing the same in Madison or Milwaukee. It didn't work too well during the recall.
"The weather was great in SE Wisconsin. A high of 36 and sunny. Practically shorts weather. "
Of course, there were still plenty of snowflakes at the marches.
Like the old novelty sign that said "Smile at your Enemies. It will confuse them."
Humperdink: "Just saw Blitzed Wolf interviewing Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-Stretched Face) who immediately claimed the R's control all three branches of the government. Blitzed instantaneously stopped him: "Not on this issue". Stretched Face meekly agreed."
Uh oh.
You are pointing out something negative about Stolen Valor liar Richard Blumenthal, someone LLR Chuck reflexively and passionately defends.
I would hate to be you once our Vichy Republican discovers that post.
LIke I said, that’s why he likes Norway, that’s the homeland of trolls.
A gracious complement is always courteous and helps disarm people who might not agree with you. And I don't doubt that Trump is serious. And the tweet does no harm regardless.
MaxedOutMama said...
That is why this tweet is so successful.
It works for the base, because it is A-grade trolling. But Trolls don't win friends and Trump needs more friends. He lacks the ability to grow and become a leader for more than his base. Too old and settled in his ways.
Look, there is almost certainly bad weather somewhere in the country. The press must investigate Trump's LIE!
"maybe coax a smile from the women who can't all want to stay angry" Maybe. You are such an optimist sometimes.
"one year into the ordeal of a presidency that, after all, hasn't really hurt just about any of them." You are right, of course. The gap between belief and reality is particularly striking in this case. No one is hurt, millions of families are better off now than they were a year ago. But for progs, the mere fact of Trump is an affront. It hurts them getting up, it hurts them going to bed. Political rage obsesses them more than sex itself.
If Trump had not been elected, Harvey would be spending the night in the Lincoln Bedroom instead of conferring with his lawyers. Even the most agitated feminists have to admit that's a good thing.......I wonder if Harvey would ever be tempted to bathrobe Hillary. Not because he was especially attracted to her, but in a "can you top this" spirit. That would be quite a feather in his cap, especially if he pulled it off (so to speak) in the Oval Office. That would even top Clinton's bj.
@ARM: "But Trolls don't win friends and Trump needs more friends." True. It will cost the GOP.
"He lacks the ability to grow and become a leader for more than his base." He already showed some: he won with ordinary GOP votes well beyond his "base." He has grown in office, in the sense of making some good decisions, hiring some good people, and acting more conservatively and coherently than most of us expected. But he needs more along those lines.
That's microscopically aggressive.
The people at these marches, especially in Washington, a "company town", are disproportionately public employees or employees of government-dependent private entities such as ngo's, legal firms and consultancies. There seems to be a tide of unemployment among these, and probably more coming as their regulatory bread-and-butter phases out.
So I figure that Trump may indeed have hurt quite a few of these people.
If Trump truly clicks with black male voters to the point of substantially increasing his share of their votes, the Democratic Party will go to DEFCON 1. At that point, the man would become an existential threat to them.
As the media keep pointing out inadvertently, prosperity creates strange bedfellows. Here's toast to Stormy Daniels--may she prosper and appreciate everything that the Donald has done for her.
buwaya said...
There seems to be a tide of unemployment among these, and probably more coming as their regulatory bread-and-butter phases out.
Could you provide one scintilla of evidence for this statement?
Ah yes, Ruth Marcus:
Amadeus 48 said...
If Trump truly clicks with black male voters
Before or after he disavows his long held views on the Central Park five?
ARM--I think he'll drop that one. Feel free to bring it up.
Yes tell us again why should consider her an authority
Mr. Majestyk said...
"Look, there is almost certainly bad weather somewhere in the country. The press must investigate Trump's LIE!"
Here in Oregon, it's cold and starting to rain. That liar Trump! I'm going to put a gigantic replica of a penis on my head, write some random obscenities on a piece of cardboard, and go stand around shivering in the rain in front of the Post Office. Resist!
One thing about Trump is he doesn't hold a grudge. It's like he was born yesterday everyday where human relations are concerned. Very odd, but also empowering.
AReasonableMan said...
"Before or after he disavows his long held views on the Central Park five?"
ARM, you ignorant slut, are you still not aware that the Central Park Five were Guilty As Hell? I would really like to chain you to one or two of them, so you could discover first hand what a fun-loving bunch they are.
I guess she was on rizzotto tree list
Jupiter said...
ignorant slut
Maybe you would like to read something before emoting.
I wonder if Trump taps into feelings that many black and white American males share. (Obviously many women of all stripes are angry with and frightened by him.) It will be interesting to see how 2018 and 2020.
Yes it can
Yes it can
Yes it can
ARM: "Before or after he disavows his long held views on the Central Park five?"
Think about the implied racism in that statement.
Yes ARM, all black males identify with the Central Park five.
Every one of them.
Let me guess, like EVERY SINGLE "Dreamer" (BTW, no American citizen has dreams or is a Dreamer, just illegals), the Central Park five were all Nobel prize winning Valedictorian Medal of Honor winners.
The femi-nazis on the left want to whine and moan endlessly about the fact that they didn't get corrupt Hillary.
He's not trying to coax a smile from them. Anything but. He's mocking their impotent hysterics in order to draw the attention of others to the marcher's feebleness. Classic man-troll, though not especially clever. Earnest and self-important women are sitting ducks for this kind of stuff. I'm far too much of a gentleman to indulge in this but I know it when I see it.
I should have planned better.
I should have showed up downtown Denver wearing a shirt with an image of Meryl Streep that said #SHE KNEW.
along with a giant pink pussy hat and a cigar hanging out of it.
Drago said...
all black males identify with the Central Park five
No, but none want to be railroaded for a crime they didn't commit and then have Trump take out full page ads in multiple newspapers demanding they get the death penalty.
Imagine if Trump had succeeded in his efforts to kill those men.
Increasing numbers of African-American males recognize that the lefty/Dem/LLR preferred policy of completely unrestricted illegal immigration and continuous mass amnesties only lowers the standard of living of African-Americans and any other group of Americans who find themselves on the lower end of the economic spectrum and without significant skills.
That is one reason Cesar Chavez himself HATED illegal immigrants and had his people go after them physically every chance he got.
snip: "With this Christ-like and infinitely suffering approach to some worldly matters, Chavez also practiced the take-no-prisoners, balls-out tactics of a Chicago organizer. One of his strategies during the lettuce strike was causing deportations: he would alert the immigration authorities to the presence of undocumented (and therefore scab) workers and get them sent back to Mexico."
Awesome. Just awesome.
I started celebrating this #Trumpiversary last night, partly in response to the obvious "shutdown" of honest reporting about the President's first year, a year of Great Revival.
Journalists after all Love Any Anniversary, because they can pre-plan the whole thing, easy-peasy. But this one needed to be Smothered, and that effort was as perfectly orchestrated as any milestone pre-planning.
But I would NOT let @NPR and the rest Smother this moment for me.
So I went about my evening activities internally marveling on the last 2 years, tweeting, smiling and feeling Glad, and continued my holiday here today.
Now this!!! Haha, this post blasts a whole new late-stage booster rocket for the arc of my celebration, wahooooo!
Happy I am.
ARM: "No, but none want to be railroaded for a crime they didn't commit..."
Sorry ARM.
But you lefties have already designated all males as guilty of rape culture, and white males as racist members of the patriarchy, and white heterosexual males of toxic masculinity and toxic whiteness.
If you don't like that reality, you'll need to talk to your teammates on the left to maybe get them to lighten up.
However, since you are an apparent white heterosexual male, I doubt seriously anyone is going to take your mansplainin' very seriously.
ARM: "Imagine if Trump had succeeded in his efforts to kill those men."
I don't have to "imagine" it.
Trump had no power to kill those men. Just another of your lies.
But you know who did have the power to have a man executed?
William Jefferson Clinton. And the man's name was Ricky Ray Rector.
WJC made it a point to have this man who was clearly incapacitated mentally executed.
EXECUTED...for real.
And you guys LOVED Bill Clinton. Loved, loved loved him. Oh how you laughed at what a rascal he was! So what if he was actually signing death warrants for incapacitated men, raping women and assaulting others.
You guys loved him. And you still do.
"Imagine if Trump had succeeded in his efforts to kill those men."
Well he did not. OTOH, if his name was Bill Clinton, those boys would be toast. Or if his name was mentally disabled Ricky Ray Rector, he would be dead. Wait a second, Rector is dead. Why? Clinton had him executed.
Drago you're quicker. Ha ha.
Humperdink, Jinx!
Isn't it interesting that, ONCE AGAIN, a lefty attempts to project onto a republican, in a most absurd and fantastical way, the very thing that a democrat ACTUALLY did.
For which the lefty never criticized the democrat.
At all.
Dickin'Bimbos@Home said...
"I should have planned better.
I should have showed up downtown Denver wearing a shirt with an image of Meryl Streep that said #SHE KNEW."
Thumbs Up anyway, good one, makes you sharp and more ready for another day.
ARM, numerous news stories about reduction in regulation, re. Federal Register, layoffs and projected layoffs at the EPA and State Dept, and blanket hiring freeze.
Its all out there.
When you think of the horror of Billy Boy Clinton having a mentally retarded man executed (and the left CHEERING him on), the memory of how the ARM's of the world tried to blame GW Bush for the dragging death of James Byrd is even more despicable.
You must always remember, for the left history began anew this morning, and every morning. Forever washing away the sins of the left....except for those sins of the left that the left decides it wants to transfer to the republicans.
But only every single time. Without fail.
Ricky Ray Rector was executed for the 1981 murder of police officer Robert Martin in Conway, Arkansas, USA.
After killing a man in a restaurant, he at first agreed to turn himself in to authorities, but instead shot the police officer who had negotiated his surrender in the back.
Hmmm. These things don't seem quite the same. Five boys railroaded by incompetent cops versus a cop-killer.
Drago said...
having a mentally retarded man executed
Again from wiki:
"After killing a man in a restaurant, he at first agreed to turn himself in to authorities, but instead shot the police officer who had negotiated his surrender in the back. He then shot himself in the head in a suicide attempt. The attempt effectively resulted in a lobotomy.
In 2002, the U.S. Supreme Court banned the execution of people with mental retardation in Atkins v. Virginia, ruling that the practice constitutes cruel and unusual punishment; however, it is not clear that this ruling would have applied to Rector because his brain damage was caused by his suicide attempt after having committed the two murders for which he was convicted."
He wasn't mentally retarded before he shot himself in the head. The crimes were committed when he was still compos mentis.
Ricky Ray Rector was a mentally retarded man and the fact that you refuse to list that (after a quick google search) as a way to distract from Bill Clinton's direct act as a governor has once again shown us something very revealing about you.
Not that we needed even more evidence.
Central Park jogger case
The Central Park jogger case was a major news story that involved the assault, rape, and sodomy of Trisha Meili, a female jogger, and attacks on others in Manhattan's Central Park on the night of April 19, 1989.
Based solely on confessions that they said were coerced and false, and despite the fact that DNA tests on the rape kit excluded them as the source, they were convicted in 1990 by juries in two separate trials. Known as the Central Park Five, they received sentences ranging from 5 to 15 years. Four of the convictions were appealed and the convictions were affirmed by appellate courts. The defendants spent between 6 and 13 years in prison.
Trump, along with millions of other people in a city of horrified people, assumed 2 convictions meant they were guilty. It's always a travesty when innocent people are falsely accused, convicted and sent away. How this must land squarely on Trump - well that's the left trying their damnedest to keep their racism-plantation scheme alive and well.
It was a cause celebre at the time, now the James bird example is more on point, in Texas without a hate crime law one perpetrator got the death penalty, another life.
ARM: "He wasn't mentally retarded before he shot himself in the head. The crimes were committed when he was still compos mentis"
He was mentally retarded when Bill Clinton signed his death warrant.
But go ahead, keep on defending that action. Why not? Clinton was a democrat. In about 5 years you should be able to rewrite history that Clinton was actually a republican governor all along.
"maybe coax a smile from the women who can't all want to stay angry, one year into the ordeal of a presidency that, after all, hasn't really hurt just about any of them."
How does it feel to go on a million shit lists all at once?
Dickin'Bimbos@Home: "Trump, along with millions of other people in a city of horrified people, assumed 2 convictions meant they were guilty."
ARM is quite desperate to lay those convictions onto Trump, who happened to be a real estate developer, not a police officer, a detective, a forensics employee, a police captain, a police commissioner, an Asst District Attorney, a District Attorney, A deputy mayor, the mayor, or the governor.
But it was all Trump's doing all along.
ARM is approaching some Inga-level posting. And that could never be classified "in a good way".
Thanks cf. I'm not plugged into what these poor victims think is useful.
Also * Pussy hat and cigar earrings*
Drago - indeed.
Taking out an ad, if those 5 were really guilty, as everyone thought - was admirable. Not in hindsight, now - but of course the left skew and twist and half-truth to make it all a hive-mind cause du jour - and Trump is to blame. Actually- Trump was the real rapist. donchacknow.
Not to worry - Bill DiBlasio is draining city coffers to re-pay the 5 with not just millions.... but millions and millions more.
buwaya said...
numerous news stories about reduction in regulation, re. Federal Register, layoffs and projected layoffs at the EPA and State Dept, and blanket hiring freeze.
This is an assertion not evidence. In fact there has been a tiny reduction in federal employment, smaller than the normal attrition rate, so it is unlikely that anyone lost their job.
Trump may not have elicited any smiles from the Highstepping Harridans, but he certainly raised a few million smiles AT them.
It's like sending Elanor out to serve coffee to the Bonus Army who protested in the Depression.
Just came back from watching "12 Strong." Great movie. There's a scene where the warlord mistakes the team's warrant officer for the team lead because, as he tells Captain Nelson later, the captain does not have killer eyes. Then after the first battle, Chris Hemsworth does something with his eyes, and the warlord tells him "killer eyes." And you can see it. Hemsworth must have met real fighting men and watched how they hold their eyes.
I sometimes feel that as a county we don't deserve our heroes. We just don't. The women marching -- for what? -- with pink knitted hats on. Do they deserve the sort of men and women who are ready to kill, if that's what it takes, or die, if that's what's needed, to keep them safe. Ask yourself that.
buwaya said...
ARM, numerous news stories about reduction in regulation, re. Federal Register, layoffs and projected layoffs at the EPA and State Dept, and blanket hiring freeze.
Its all out there.
1/20/18, 8:08 PM
Buwaya, you're too smart but to know that when ARM or another of these lefties gasps out "Link?" they are merely double-clutching, trying to buy time to beg buy borrow or steal an argument. It reminds me of the SNL "Alexa for old folks" skit that exposes the unfortunate tendency of the elderly to choke on conflicting information. The skit, google it, ends with something like an old black man asking Alexa, "How many did Satchel Paige strike out yesterday?" with Alexa answering, "Satchel Paige is dead." The old man, flustered, finally says "Well, I don't know about that," as several in the skit have before him.
It's hard for people to accept data that doesn't fit their mindset. On the bright side, when they're evil like ARM, it makes them easier to kill.
"Pack up your rape culture and take a hike!"
"It's, like, if you're nice to them, they bring you things?"
That's Not FUNNY!!!!
Women demanding respect while wearing Pussy Hats.
Clue: walking around holding placards complaining about this or that and PDT doesn't count as actually, you know, doing something.
We are right to laugh.
Bad Lieutenant said...
On the bright side, it makes them easier to kill.
AReasonableMan - no, this is not only going to work with the base. It works for all people of common sense. The great mass of moderation in the American electorate.
Most people (even his "base" - which has been exaggerated) don't want Trump to be mean-trolling. This comment works well because to most people, it is quizzically humorous rather than any sort of jibe.
It will only be seen as trolling by extremists, but of course Trump will never win them over, and he knows that. To MOST of the country, this is rather compelling.
It is common for women to have less love for the guy who supports them than the ones who fuck them over, but becuase they can't divorce Trump and get a nice prize out of it, many of them will probably vote for him privately after protesting publicly. I have the feels, but I loves me some nice stuff that only money can buy.
I'm not getting agita over it:
Read the dossier, it sounds like Boris and Natasha. Russian doesn’t have articles, ‘a’ and ‘the.’ “Dossier sounds like written by Russian” would be an example of sounding like a native Russian speaker. Moose and Squirrel never get a mention though, but the logo at the top should by ‘water tower by railroad.”
AReasonableMan said...
For you!
Yes one of the possible sources serge milian, was more closely tied to forge Perez, who was connected to one recent controversy and John Mccain, in fact manaforts partner klimnik came to him from the international republican institute.
Bad Lieutenant said...
For you!
It doesn't get much sadder than threatening to kill someone on the internet over a political discussion. Hard to imagine anything more pathetic really.
Now if he would just get a golden doodle.
It doesn't get much sadder than threatening to kill someone on the internet over a political discussion. Hard to imagine anything more pathetic really.
Show us on the doll where someone threatened to kill someone on the internet over a political discussion. As Inga would say, you have mischaracterized my remarks. Of course, again, water runs downhill, the sun rises in the East, ARM mischaracterizes remarks. This is my shocked face. 😐
When the masochist says "Hurt me!" the true sadist says "No!"
Doubling down. Pathetic, drunk and ranting on the internet.
Why don't you grab a cup of coffee and try to clear your head so that you come up with something that isn't just another ad hominem attack? Yes. I know life's been cruel to you but getting drunk on the internet is never a good look.
Luke Lea said:
One thing about Trump is he doesn't hold a grudge. It's like he was born yesterday everyday where human relations are concerned. Very odd, but also empowering.
Actually, he can be thin-skinned, but not demonstrably more so than his 2016 opponent or his predecessor.
I don't get him and sat out the election, but I will say this: He has a talent for making the right people's heads explode.
AReasonableMan said...
Doubling down. Pathetic, drunk and ranting on the internet.
Now you're just flailing wildly. Is that what you consider a good look? Although the truth is you don't have a good look.
But go on, the chicken can take it.
ARM said: "This is an assertion not evidence. In fact there has been a tiny reduction in federal employment, smaller than the normal attrition rate, so it is unlikely that anyone lost their job."
700 EPA employees have left. That's a start. The goal is to reduce EPA employment down to levels last seen in Reagan's time.
The only good EPA employee is an EX-EPA employee.
Trolls don't win friends
Somebody needs a hug.
The goal is to reduce EPA employment down to levels last seen in Reagan's time.
My personal goal is to see it reduced down to LBJ era levels.
The Central Park 5- Innocent of raping the jogger because at the time they were running around assaulting and robbing people with 2 dozen others, beating people bloody and unconscious with pipes and sticks. They deserved every second of jail time they served, and deBlasio came along to give them $40 million bucks for the emotional distress they suffered from facing justice for their savagery.
Somebody needs a hug.
A round of ughs
I'm buying
But remember this, folks. No matter how loony and Inga-like his posts, ARM is a reasonable man. We know this because that's what he calls himself.
This is a different mode for Trump - mockery under guise of sunniness. He is liable to drive the left even further nuts than it already has been if his tweets mostly shift into positive plugs for how well things are going, making the hysteria on the left seem inexplicable even as the left will predictably double down trying to explain to America why everything is so terrible.
He is essentially saying that he isn't taking them seriously, which will really drive them crazy.
I would like to know why there weren't any females among the 12 in 12 Strong!! I think we should personcott the movie!
He is essentially saying that he isn't taking them seriously, which will really drive them crazy.
They’re wearing pink knitted pussy hats (not all, but many of them) and some have decked themselves out to resemble giant vulvas. It’s not easy to take someone seriously when she looks like a giant vulva. Makes you realize that they’re thinking with their clitoris and not their brains.
@William Chadwick, he also calls himself a moderate.
There are women in “12 Strong.” There’s a woman who gets stoned to death for having a child out of wedlock. There’s another who gets shot in the head in front of her husband and children for teaching her daughters how to read and do arithmetic.
But Democrats tell us that we must respect Muslim culture.
There are women in “12 Strong.”
Ah, but Mike, did they get PAID as much as the men? There's the true injustice.
William Chadwick said...
No matter how loony
The lack of self-knowledge here is sad. Morons rely on ad hominen attacks because they have nothing else. Prove you are not a moron.
I'm sure with a little more effort you dig that hole even deeper!
Rusty, simply saying the same thing over and over doesn't advance your cause.
There is something about Trump that triggers people who are not emotionally healthy.
My depressed and personality disordered female patients (all middle to upper middle class) REALLY hate Trump. They try to bring him up every session.
One patient despises him because he is apparently a sexual molester like her pervert boss who felt her up 40 years ago, when she was a teenager. Of course, she voted for the Clinton Crime Family three times.
There is something about Trump that triggers people who are not emotionally healthy.
Or emotionally mature.
The beauty of the tweet was that it was antagonistic to the left and therefore replayed and commented on. Everyone who isn't a rabid partisan came away with the message that the economy has done quite well over the last year, a message the media will not cover. They probably noticed the left had their panties in a twist over Trump, but, when don't they, so that isn't as notable as the economic uptick.
Yes Big Mike, nothing says "Take me seriously, don't treat me like a sex object" like a vagina costume.
Michael: "What the High Priests and their acolytes of the Left cannot endure is that Trump doesn't take them seriously. He doesn't care what they think of him, which is profoundly dis-empowering for people whose superpower is making other people crave their approval. If he can continue to bait them and keep them in bug-house crazy mode until November, no one will care what they think by then.”
Actually, what the so-called High Priests of Progressivism can’t endure is the possibility that Trump is um, empowering, er, setting of an example to be followed by the coward Republicans in Congress and around the country. This thing catches on, there ain’t no pig pen big enough to contain it all.
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