- President Donald Trump's lawyer is said to have paid off an ex-porn star a month prior to the election who allegedly had a sexual encounter with the billionaire
- President's personal attorney, Michael Cohen, is said to have arranged for Stephanie Clifford, whose stage name was Stormy Daniels, to be paid $130,000
- Trump, 71, and Clifford, 38, met at a celebrity golf tournament in July of 2006; Lake Tahoe event is where the sexual encounter is said to have taken place
- Cohen says there was no sex act and there was no payoff to Clifford
- She says it's not true in a statement that's dated Jan. 10, 2018 and signed with her stage name that Cohen shared with news outlets
१२ जानेवारी, २०१८
The President and the Porn Star.
"Trump's lawyer funneled $130,000 to ex-porn star just before 2016 election to buy her silence on claims she had sexual encounter with now president," according to The Daily Mail.
११४ टिप्पण्या:
Stormy is part of the Clinton's attempt at a counter Storm. They need cover for the real news of the insanely corrupt Clinton/Obama crimes being discovered.
How could he have cheated on Melania?! What a dope.
Wall Street Journal broke the story.
Pussy grabbing apparently costs 6 figures.
She does have quite a figure, 6 seems excessive for just a quick grab.
“Porn Star: Donald Trump and Stormy Daniels Invited Me to Their Hotel Room
‘I ended up with Donald in his hotel room. Picture him chasing me around his hotel room in his tighty-whities,’ Stormy Daniels told fellow porn star Alana Evans.”
I did not have sexual relations with that woman. Speaking for myself.
So Trump was still sexually active in 2006?
“Stormy calls me... with Donald [Trump] and I can hear him, and he’s talking through the phone to me saying, ‘Oh come on Alana, let’s have some fun! Let’s have some fun! Come to the party, we’re waiting for you.’”
— Alana Evans
She was quite good-looking ten years ago.
Hey lefties ya coulda had Mitt. Didn’t pick em.
She says it's not true in a statement that's dated Jan. 10, 2018 and signed with her stage name that Cohen shared with news outlets
This might be significant.
Is the dog on the roof of the Vista Cruiser an impeachable offense?
US Media is a shithole--worst in the world. Says Pew. . .
How exciting. Consensual sex is taboo in liberal societies. It's no wonder that the French are laughing at the pussy... hats. #SheKnew
She looks Norwegian.
I don’t look at porn. I did a Google search for “Norwegian porn stars.” I expected only pics of faces - like the post here on chimps to see if I could do better predicting kin relations between Stormy and the Norwegians based on faces, that is, whether I could predict kin relations better with humans than I predicted with the chimps (I’m lying). My God, I didn’t know how readily available this stuff is.
Maybe we really do need more Norwegians to move here.
Are there no porn actors? They’re all “ porn stars.”
I went to a college friend's bachelor party years ago. "Stormy Daniels" was the entertainment. I got a lap dance from her. This was before she "porn star". She's a nice Louisiana girl. Just making a living.
I'm not big on Norwegians.
"My God, I didn’t know how readily available this stuff is. "
Dude, how long have you been on the Internet?
Tell me the best sites buwaya!
After the Russian Dossier, Fusion GPS owes Hillary a freebie. But it still sounds too stupid to be believed. The FBI guys and gals need to get out more often.
"Are there no porn actors? They’re all “ porn stars.”"
Just as there are no more janitors. Or garbagemen.
Jobs for garbagemen -
They are now all "drivers" and "helpers"
This is a total game changer! Why didn't this come out before he was elected?
Just another news cycle in Trumptown.
Um, if both Trump and the girl in question are vehemently saying this is not true, and it's all based on anonymous sources... again.... then why on earth should anyone believe anything from the leftist media about this? They have no reputation left, and they openly admit they lie and make stuff up.
I mean, I expect Chuck and Inga to fall for this: they would believe the earth is flat if the NYT said so, but the rest of us should be able to use a bit of logic and sense here.
Look for "nude"
That works. Semi-literate Urdu-speaking Pakistanis can find it, so you can.
Don't care.
Bill Clinton - still a rapist.
This is the video of the president and the women.
It is a winner. Total class act.
Truth. I left the porn site. "Ninotchka" DVD arrived today. Guessing I’m younger than Buwaya. Definitely not as learned. Most definitely not as wise. Working my way back in time through old and recommended movie classics. I enjoyed the thread here on Jeanne Moreau. I saw an Orson Welles clip and a Bette Davis comment, and maybe a comment by Marlene Dietrich too, all on Greta Garbo - so I want to see Garbo. I think it was Welles who said that he saw Garbo personally in a Scandinavian country, and she bellowed like a cow for a milk commercial, before she became Divine. Pretty much everyone said of Garbo that she could do magic with her face. I’ll be spending the night with Garbo soon. Mistress Mine, a younger and more elegant Candice Bergen, will join me, if she’s lucky, so I don't need or want porn, happy at home - unless I start comparing her with Garbo ;).
Buwaya - just for fun. I guessed correctly that 'ford' in Clifford is cognate to fjord, so was just playing around at surname history sites looking for Scandinavian surname histories, but it's mostly English, so yeah, Urdu-speaking Pakistanis could find this stuff, and I don't trust that her real surname is Clifford anyway.
Dumb stuff for a dumb man.
Peace out.
And if it WAS True, why should I care?
Clinton had Lewinsky's IN THE WHITE HOUSE. Clinton paid off Paula Jones. JFK was banging an intern IN THE WHITE HOUSE.
Media Matters/David Brock was paying women to accuse Trump of sexual harassment in Oct 2016.
Why should I care if Trump paid off a porn star because he had sex with her 10 YEARS before the election?
The days of electing choir boys as POTUS are OVER. Of course, I fully expect the Dumbo Republicans to trash their own side, while giving the Democrats a pass.
Its like Roy Moore, doing a she said/he said 35 FUCKING YEARS ago.
And yet it worked! Because Republicans are stupid.
Heh ... took the advice to search nude plus Norwegians, “Meet the Norwegian woman dubbed the 'world's sexiest firefighter',” Gunn Narten ... I told my wife I’m ready to call 911, she said, “that’s enough of her" ... (and a few other cat-fire things) .... out
I have it on good authority that consensual adulterous sex has no bearing on a man's fitness to serve as President of the United States.
Inga darling, you don't believe every salacious thing that someone blabs about, do you?
I don't care one way or the other (I'm not married to the guy) but who cares about pure unsourced gossip?
(p.s. love the pink poodle!)
My God, I didn’t know how readily available this stuff is.
Hey, Feste!! There's a dickfer on your shoulder!
What's a dickfer?
Please pardon my dangling preposition.
"Porn star" is badly overused as a synonym for any adult film actress. But no matter how restrictive you wanted to make the tern "porn star" -- top 3 in the world? -- Stormy would be one of them.
Disclaimer: I've met the woman and found her intelligent and charming, in addition to stacked like a Dagwood sandwich. If she says it didn't happen, well, #IBelieveWomen
Both principals deny the story. What remains is a preponderance of hearsay allegations. Tabloid JournoLism. Besides, according to the tale as told, it was a consensual relationship, that was neither a boss and intern nor a casting couch relationship. So, any consequences are a matter of private concern. In fact, there was a Supreme Court ruling on this issue: privacy. So damn Pro-Choice.
Anyway, another baby hunt prematurely aborted.
What a stud! I hope he banged her like a drum.
On thing we can say for sure - Yuuuuge!!!
Who cares, consensual sex, Show me a congress person now or then who didn't have an affair, or for that matter a president, Jfk, Lbj, Clinton, FDR and who knows who else, all had afffairs in the White House, probably Obama with Reggie Love.
Where there's Gunn Narten, there's fire.
A lot of negative things can be said about the Trump presidency but never let it be said that it has not been entertaining.
"My God, I didn’t know how readily available this stuff is."
Perhaps Feste's Mom forgot to reset the computer's parental controls back to "12 and under."
And, Feste, if you're unclear on how parental controls work I suggest you go to Google and search for "12 and under" plus "porn."
I hope that helps.
Red State:
As Erick Erickson pointed out last night, Haiti was one of the nations that sided with the U.S., when the United Nations voted to condemn the announcement of moving our embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. Norway – the place Trump wants to see more immigrants from – voted against us.
Blogger let me post that!
“Inga darling, you don't believe every salacious thing that someone blabs about, do you?”
I am suspending disbelief.
It’s a wiener dog. Pussy hats are out!
I didn't know fusion gps, did domestic operations.
So there is nothing to this story, next.
And rick Ericsson was busy defaming anwar ibrahim, as part of the grapevine four years ago.
The Daily Mail says, repeatedly, "is said to have". The WSJ says "according to people familiar with the matter". That ought to be enough "vetting" to support a FISA Court wiretap order, right?
I don't like seeing Stormy being disparaged online as a bimbo, etc. She's really quite impressive, in her way. She started as just another house dancer in Louisiana, became a contract star at one of the Big 2 porn studios, then leveraged that into writing and directing her own big-budget (for porn) movies. She's one of the best writers in the biz. I recommend her spy comedy, "Operation Desert Stormy".
This is another reason I don't quite believe the story as is. I can, however, believe she took that payment to keep quiet about something, such as something she witnessed with a different woman, and that would make her statement accurate.
As far as why she would make the statement under her stage name, it's for the same reason she has a stage name at all, for her privacy. She's got a kid.
So Trump says it is not true.
His lawyer says it is not true.
The 'porn star' says it is not true..... AH HA!!! It must be true!
Speaking of shit holes, a Google search reveals Stormy Daniels has done anal scenes.
Good for him. Our president is a man of the people, but also a man
ARM: "As Erick Erickson pointed out last night, Haiti was one of the nations that sided with the U.S., when the United Nations voted to condemn the announcement of moving our embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. Norway – the place Trump wants to see more immigrants from – voted against us"m
I guess that negates the running sewers in the streets and the astonishing levels, almost Inga-approved islamist levels actually, of sexual violence (real sexual violence, like islamist sexual violence, not like fake p****-hat wearing fake violence) against women and young girls.
I mean, they voted with us once in the UN, so I guess that poverty level and low levels of education no longer count.
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that Haiti is still a s***-hole. Ask any, and I mean ANY Dominican, Puerto Rican, or Virgin Islander.
Vance, the Wall Street Journal broke the story. Rupert Murdoch’s Wall Street Journal. Rupert “Friend of the Donald’s” Murdoch.
And to The Godfather; the reason that the Daily Mail couched their own story in terms of, “it was reported” is because they were ripping it all off the Journal.
“...almost Inga-approved islamist levels actually...”
Who told you that I approved? Dead people again?
Accusations like that coat the daily mail a pretty penny, re Melanie, you would think they would have learned from that experience
Yes, the journal that employed peter frisch of fusion and Chris cooper of Potomac strategies
Grabbin' pussy at 130K?
Seems a bit steep to me
It’s a wiener dog. Pussy hats are out!
So Trump was still sexually active in 2006?
All right; I'll bite. What the hell does this even mean, brother?
Until he fell in with that crowd at NBC, Trump was a happily married man of sober habits. Then all those rapists and low lifes at NBC corrupted his morals. They led him astray. He would have remained on the straight and narrow if he hadn't been egged on by Matt Lauer. "Go on, Donald. You're not only famous, you're rich. Nothing women like more than to be groped by rich, famous men."
Who does The Donald think he is? The Kennedy brothers? Lyndon Johnson? Bill Clinton? John Conyers?
If I had a few billion dollars, I wonder whether I would pursue fashion models or porn stars in my leisure time. Porn stars are kind of déclassé, but they're really into it, even when they're not really into it. Fashion models look like they might be pettish and irritable. I'd probably go with the porn stars, but that's why I'm not a billionaire........I read Edward Radzinsky's biography of Stalin. Radzinsky was the son of a noted Soviet screenwriter and knew some Moscow Babylon gossip. Apparently quite a few of the Bolshevik notables had affairs with members of the Bolshoi troupe. Soviet support of the arts and this famous dance company wasn't completely altruistic. These champions of the proletariat had more exploitative sex lives than Belle Époque plutocrats.
Can we describe the Soviet Union of of Stalin's day as a shithole. They were all Caucasians.
1) Trump won the presidency instead of HRC.
2) Trump nailed Stormy Daniels.
Ya wanna bet which one Bill Clinton is more envious of Donald Trump for doing?
"If I had a few billion dollars, I wonder whether I would pursue fashion models or porn stars in my leisure time."
One of the beautiful things about porn ladies is that you don't have to be a billionaire. Believe me, I mean this in literally the best way possible, but my observation is that a lot of them are ... kind of easy.
Not Stormy though, tbh. Mainly the ones who qualify as adult actresses, but not bona fide "porn stars".
As Erick Erickson pointed out last night, Haiti was one of the nations that sided with the U.S., when the United Nations voted to condemn the announcement of moving our embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. Norway – the place Trump wants to see more immigrants from – voted against us.
It's worth discussing this at length. It's wrong, and it's stupid.
It's wrong in that Haiti did not side with the U.S. Haiti merely abstained.
It's stupid in two distinct ways. For one, there's the obvious fact that there's no reason whatsoever to link a purely symbolic vote in the UN General Assembly to immigration. More entertaining than that is the implication that immigration should be linked to siding with the US on that particular vote, which would mean we'd restrict entry to citizens of the following nations:
Guatemala, Honduras, Israel, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, Palau, and Togo, and that's it.
I think I can speak for Stephen Miller and Ann Coulter when I say, "DEAL!"
I think the point is that it's the 'shitholes' that vote with Trump, for whatever reason.
By your friends shall ye be known ...
Actually according to the Wall Street Journal.
$130,000 ??
That's a bargain in dollars inflated from Lenny Bruce! What a magnificent bastard!!
At least this gives Mueller something a little more plausible to investigate.
ARM: "By your friends shall ye be known ..."
There are about $145 Million reasons why Hillary doesnt want you to think that.
Seems odd for a "germaphobe" to..go there.
Consider the shithole traffic
Basically tell me where the story came from, or I don't believe them any longer. The media are no longer believable.
The Stormy Daniels story takes a load off Trump; he's sort of been in everyone's face lately.
Yancey Ward said...Basically tell me where the story came from, or I don't believe them any longer. The media are no longer believable. <-- This!
The media shot their wad (WSJ included) by buying into Michael "Fishlips" Wolff's lies.
That's a lot of woman. If you ask me, it's obvious that this is nothing more than another example of WINNING!
It is behind the paywall, so did the WSJ identify who the "people familiar with" are? Did those people provide a picture of check Daniels received? Basically, is seems when the WSJ asked for confirmation or a quote, they got flat denials by all the principals involved in the story. I mean, just a description for how these were identified as "people familiar" might provide enough to hang this story on, but so far I have found literally zilch other than someone told the WSJ it happened, and basically with no evidence at all. Against that, flat denials that the story is true weighs significantly more.
My impression is (and I think it's a shared impression) is that the WSJ is NeverTrump if not anti-Trump.
Chuck can confirm or deny this.
Even if true, why does this story matter?
there’s the obvious fact that there's no reason whatsoever to link a purely symbolic vote in the UN General Assembly to immigration.
In your opinion. You forgot to add that part. Google proving a negative.
Are there no porn actors? They’re all “ porn stars.”
That’s how they get the women to do it. I guess with men, it’s more a matter of turning them away, though.
John, Robert, and Edward Kennedy could not be reached for comment.
The Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., whose memory we are honoring on Monday, was also not available for comment.
Knowledge of Dr. King's hotel room trysts--together with those of various Kennedys-- was brought to us by the FBI, the same great organization that has been protecting America from the enemy within since the 1920s and apparently has some strange ideas about spying on GOP candidates for high office in the 2010s.
James Comey could explain it all to us, if he were willing to. And if we don't agree, we probably have something to hide.
Is this all they have?? REALLY??? Pitiful. After having a RAPIST in office that the left and the media protected and applauded....WHO CARES???
This looks like battlefield prep before a bad story of infidelity comes out about some Democrat or big name Democrat fundraiser. The press has become predictable about this stuff.
This is a hell of a way to celebrate Martin Luther King Day.
I'm with wendybar. Meh.
How's Iran doing?
--the Wall Street Journal broke the story. Rupert Murdoch’s Wall Street Journal. Rupert “Friend of the Donald’s” Murdoch.--
The WSJ reporting is, unlike most papers, independent of its editorial page, and has long been on a par with the WaPo and NYT in its bias.
Trump probably has a little jar with things he can arrange to leak to the press whenever he’s done something stupid snd wants to usher a change to the news cycle.
EDH said...
Speaking of shit holes, a Google search reveals Stormy Daniels has done anal scenes.
Just one of many reasons why she is a 'Star.'
"#IngaKnew said...
How could he have cheated on ?! What a dope."
Said no one ever about rapist Bill Clinton. I mean I wouldn't fuck Hillary with Rachel Maddow's cock.
We know a pron star didn't do Trump because he is still alive.
"chickelit said...
...Michael "Fishlips" Wolff...."
Haha when I saw him I immediately thought "The Incredible Mr. Limpet!
"Knowledge of Dr. King's hotel room trysts--together with those of various Kennedys-- was brought to us by the FBI, the same great organization that has been protecting America from the enemy within since the 1920s and apparently has some strange ideas about spying on GOP candidates for high office in the 2010s. "
"James Comey could explain it all to us, if he were willing to. And if we don't agree, we probably have something to hide."
The DoJ IG started his document dump early. It was promised for Monday, but it started Friday night. Apparently 1.2 million pages or so, probably a lot still classified, to be delivered to AG Session and Congress. Sally Yates (the Obama appointee whom Trump fired for not defending the administration in the immigration cases) had apparently prevented the DoJ OIG from investigating their national security division - the group that deals with FISA, etc. Only with Sessions taking over as AG has their IG been able to finally investigate whether or not the DoJ and the FBI were operating illegally, and, in particular, whether the FISA law and associated data collection was abused by the Obama Administration for partisan advantage. This investigation is why Trump and Sessions have been biding their time, and haven't heeded the call for a special prosecutor be appointed for investigating this stuff.
This could be the biggest political scandal of our lifetimes. There is enough (real) smoke to suggest it:
- NSA under Adm Rogers discovered that "about" searches of electronic surveillance were routinely being abused (by the FBI?). He turned that over to the FISC directly, instead of going through his boss, DNI Clapper, who promptly tried to get him fired (10/16 - right before the election). Also discovered was that the FBI (under Coney) had (illegally) been allowing contractors to access the databases of electronic surveillance collected under FISA.
- Obama White House was FISA "unmasking" like crazy. Much under the identity of the UN Ambassador, who, as an intellectual gender consumer, instead of producer, shouldn't have been doing much, if any. She claims it was someone else using her credentials. Which is probably a lot worse.
- up until last week, the big question was whether the Clinton/DNC funded Steele Dossier had been used to get FISA warrant/authorization to surveil Trump Tower and/or his campaign and transition team. Chairman Nunes finally got to see the paperwork this last week, after 5 months of being sandbagged by the DoJ and FBI. The last few days though, the new question is whether Fusion GPS was one of those contractors illegally accessing the FISA databases, and if that was the source of the Dossier in the first place. Oh, and we now know that there was a strong relationship between the DoJ/FBI and Fusion, and it's players, including that the wife (Nellie Ohr) of one of the DoJ/FBI leaders involved (Bruce Ohr) worked for Fusion as a Russian expert.
The ball is rolling now, and I don't think that anyone can stop it.
This is a quote from the WSJ article:
"Mr. Cohen also sent a two-paragraph statement by email addressed “TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN” and signed by “Stormy Daniels” denying that she had a “sexual and/or romantic affair” with Mr. Trump.
“Rumors that I have received hush money from Donald Trump are completely false,” the statement said."
This says that there is no there there. I am somewhat ashamed for the WSJ dragging this out for a second time. James k makes the very good point that the WSJ "news" guys are independent of the editorial guys and must feel that they need to compete with the WaPo and NYT in the race to the bottom.
Personally, I continue to be happy every day I wake up and Hillary is not president.
@Bruce Hayden So you essentially agree with Kim Strassel that all the screaming we are hearing this week is to distract from the fact that the shit is about to hit the fan on the "Dossier" and all it's connected parts. From what we have learned without the IG's report I am convinced that there are a number of people who should be concerned about jail time (Strzok, Ohrs, DWS, Comey, Huma, Hillary , and more). Whether that will happen or not, it would seem that the pressure to "cooperate" must be building to painful levels (note the postponement of the Carlos' divorce).
I am certainly bias in favor of the Trump administration, but my fairly impartial subconscious is pretty convinced that there are some very guilty people at the upper levels of the, now thankfully defunct, Obama administration.
Stormy will probably be making even more money now. That $130,000 will be chump change in comparison to this bump.
WSJ reporters come from the same place as NYT and WP reporters, journalism schools. I found the wsj articles a bit less biased, but not by a lot. The business writing was better. The opinion and editorial page was much more conservative.
I am surprised the wsj released this. My guess it was a hit job and the wsj was chosen for maximum impact for the release. Sounds tin foil hat territory, but remember journalist.
The IG report is due any day, and sounds explosive. Plus all the Dossier stuff coming out.
Agree with Achilles, most entertaining Presidency yet!
Curious George: "Said no one ever about rapist Bill Clinton. I mean I wouldn't fuck Hillary with Rachel Maddow's cock"
LLR Chuck is not going to allow you to insult the "brilliant" Rachel Maddow and get away with it!
I would expect a full-on spittle-flecked defense by Chuck of his beloved MSNBC-er and you CG will be the unhappy recipient of his righteous Inspector Javert-like fury.
I wish you well....
Agree with Achilles, most entertaining Presidency yet!
AAaand. We get money back!
Does this story mean Democrats get to raise my taxes?
After Glenn Simpson left the WSJ, it went completely conservative, right? I mean he was the only Leftist working at the WSJ, right?
And Fusion GPS was helping the FBI abuse FISA.
Wires tapped at Trump Tower.
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