Best possible timeline
— Michael Malice (@michaelmalice) January 12, 2018
१२ जानेवारी, २०१८
Tearing him a new one.
body parts,
Susan Collins,
Trump rhetoric
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
Best possible timeline
— Michael Malice (@michaelmalice) January 12, 2018
१५५ टिप्पण्या:
Possibly photoshopped, but I've watched enough CNN in the Era of Shithole and feel that this could be real.
Susan Collins. Superfreak.
Heh. I could see CNN throwing in the towel this year and doing shit like this till the money runs out.
First you have me taking that chimpanzee test, then you show me this picture of Susan Collins. Now, frankly, I'm a little confused.
This is an apple.
The "Get Trump" Squad will soon merge with the "Organization of Caribbean Anti-Shithole League" to really, I mean, really go after Trump now.
They will get shit done.
We once gave our supervisor a bag of grommets as a gift.
He was always saying his boss just 'tore him a new one'.
Remember when Barack Obama referred to Americans as Teabaggers in an interview?
Remember when the media didn't go ape and Dem Congresspeople didn't feel the need to distance themselves from his comment?
Remember how he wasn't called a homophobe? Or linked this to his "evolving" stance on gay marriage to show that he really, truly hated gay people?
Remember how it was just snickered at and let go?
Good times.
What is the 'end state' for CNN? Hopefully a test pattern.
Ah Susan Collins--keep clutching those pearls sweetheart.
Yes, some countries are shitholes, and their citizens want to flee. Unfortunately, they bring their same shithole cultural practices with them. We are expected by our "betters" to like this and if we do not, we are surely racists. If this doesn't stop, we are going to have another shooting war in the USA. It will be horrible.
Once again, Trump easily drives the discussion in this hyper-polarized social media mob mentality era. Interesting times.
Barney Frank said, "Hey, Susan, I thought we'd agreed I could be first!"
Along the lines of Kevin's post above, there's a good comment on Glenn Reynolds "Instapundit" blog. It's from blogger Matt Welsh and is accompanied by a woman wearing a pretty graphic vagina costume. Mr. Welsh's comment is, "The people who wear vagina costumes and call their opponents 'teabaggers' are super offended by Trump's vulgarity."
I suspect that is real but the right side which probably had teh word "comment" was cripped out.
Having thought it and visualized it, I can't un-think it.
Damn!! I feel like 50 million brain cells just died.
That should have been "cropped out"
At least it didn't become "crapped out"
Headline writer may have a sense of humor.
Huh. When did we start electing Rankin/Bass Christmas puppets to Congress?
But Trump is the one "debasing" things.
Meaningless virtue signaling - a modern day requirement to be called a moderate Republican.
Let's be honest. Haiti is a shithole.
We should try to think of ways to help that don't involve lining the pockets of dictators and the Clinton Crime Family.
Did Hillary!!! start using a hashtag yet about this on Twitter?
“Yes, some countries are shitholes, and their citizens want to flee. Unfortunately, they bring their same shithole cultural practices with them.”
“Rep. Mia Love, a Utah Republican and the only Haitian-American in Congress, called on President Donald Trump to apologize Thursday after reports said he questioned why the United States was allowing immigrants from “s---hole countries” like Haiti, El Salvador and African nations.
“The president’[s] comments are unkind, divisive, elitist, and fly in the face of our nation’s values,” Love said in a statement, noting that her parents, Mary and Jean Maxime Bourdeau, emigrated from Haiti and made their home in America. “This behavior is unacceptable from the leader of our nation.”
Her parents, she said, took an oath to their adopted country and “took on the responsibilities of everything that being a citizen comes with.”
Intemperate language is a big f'ing deal.
Personally, I just don't care how anybody feels about Trump's comments. I just want there to be no doubt about what he said.
That is where Althouse was, a few hours ago.
If Dick Durbin (and Lindsey Graham, and others I presume) say that Trump said "shithole countries," and Trump says that he never said it, that is the story that interests me. Not because I care about "shithole countries," or the people who flee "shithole countries" or who live in "shithole countries," but rather because Donald Trump felt the need, and even the privilege, to lie about it.
“Yes, some countries are shitholes, and their citizens want to flee. Unfortunately, they bring their same shithole cultural practices with them.”
“New York (CNN)Private Emmanuel Mensah went off to serve in the Army National Guard, but it was back home where he made the ultimate sacrifice.
Mensah died trying to rescue people from his burning apartment building last month in the Bronx, New York, in the city's deadliest fire in more than 25 years, Mayor Bill de Blasio said.
Mensah, 28, had immigrated from Ghana in Africa and was a permanent legal resident in the US. His story has taken on new meaning in the wake of President Donald Trump's reported vulgar comments about immigrants from El Salvador, Haiti and some African countries.”
“Yes, some countries are shitholes, and their citizens want to flee. Unfortunately, they bring their same shithole cultural practices with them.”
Then-Capt. Ademola Fabayo speaks to prospective lieutenants at Marine Corps Base Quantico, Va., on Nov. 9, 2012. Fabayo – a Nigerian-born American citizen – earned the Navy Cross, which is second only to the Medal of Honor in recognizing combat valor.
The bloody Sept. 8, 2009, battle in Kunar Province's village of Ganjgal is one of the U.S. military's most traumatic in the long war in Afghanistan. Five U.S. servicemembers were killed, prompting soul-searching about whether the U.S. troops in the field were adequately supported, and it led to two Medals of Honor - the nation's highest award for valor in combat.
But the battle also is something else: A lesson in how the U.S. military is a kaleidoscope of cultures, races and religions, with units pulling together to meet common goals under occasionally brutal circumstances.
That reminder seems timely following a Washington Post report Thursday that said that during an Oval Office meeting with lawmakers focused on immigration reform, President Donald Trump asked of people from African countries, El Salvador and Haiti: "Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?"“
“U.S. Sen. Tim Scott said he talked to fellow South Carolina Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham about hearing President Donald Trump's "shithole countries" comment and Graham confirmed to him the president said it.
Graham, Scott said, told him the reported comments are “basically accurate.”
“If that comment is accurate, the comment is incredibly disappointing,” Scott also told The Post and Courier on Friday morning.”
Anecdotes are not data.
noting that her parents, Mary and Jean Maxime Bourdeau, emigrated from Haiti and made their home in America.
Why? Perhaps because Haiti was and is indeed a shithole?
“Intemperate language is a big f'ing deal.”
It’s not the intemperate language, it’s the blatant racism.
Why do we need more Haitians? We should have more people from Norway.”
I am impressed that Trump was able to piss off both Ann Coulter and Mia Love on the same issue. That takes some serious skills, my man, serious skills.
Mia Love:
The President'[s] comments are unkind, divisive, elitist, and fly in the face of our nation’s values. This behavior is unacceptable from the leader of our nation. My parents came from one of those countries, took an oath of allegiance to it, and took on the responsibilities of everything that being a citizen comes with. They never took a thing from our federal government. They worked hard, paid taxes, and rose from nothing to take care of and provide opportunities for their children. They taught their children to do the same. That’s the American Dream. The President must apologize to both the American people and the nations he so wantonly maligned.
These idiots are really clueless as to how all this backfires on them. Just as they expressed faux outrage by saying "pussy" over and over and over and over and over, by going 24/7 with repeating "shithole" over and over and over and over, they've proven to the world that they are not outraged at all, but instead get some sort of perverse juvenile pleasure out of it. And it isn't making Trump look bad, it's only making CNN, et al. to be what they keep repeating.
I mean, do they really think that in condemning Trump, by repeating "shithole" over and over and over and over people will suddenly be drawn to CNN? They will say, that's the kind of news organization I want to listen to?
“Why? Perhaps because Haiti was and is indeed a shithole”?
Has it occurred to you that it’s not the fact that the countries in question may indeed be shitholes, he’s denigrating the PEOPLE who come from those countries. Stop dancing around what Trump was getting at. We all know what he meant, even you Trumpists. You agree with him on the caliber of immigrants coming from those countries and revel in his bigotry.
Where is George Carlin when you need him.
Dod we need a new list?
do not dod. Or maybe dod, not sure anymore. So many offensive words these days.
Oh no, a President who accurately describes things. Whatever will we do?
I propose we change our immigration policy to accept only people from places to which liberals say they will flee.
I love getting lectured by shitholes like Inga.
For, it's not the country. It's the people.
Wait, I thought El Salvador was such an awful country that people fleeing an earthquake there still cannot possible return 16 years after the fact, for fear of ruin.
Its interesting how Trumpists are trying to say that everyone is upset over the use of the word shithole by the President in an effort to distract from it’s true meaning. It’s not the use of the word shithole and you know it. It’s basically referring to the people that come from those countries as shit.
“Why do we need more Haitians? We should have more people from Norway.”
"We all know what he meant, even you Trumpists."
Inga the mind reader! Why don't we wait and find out what he really said before you divine what we all knew he meant about something he may or may not have said.
Prog logic: it would be evil to make illegal aliens return to their shithole countries of origin; but calling those countries shitholes is evil.
“Why don't we wait and find out what he really said before you divine what we all knew he meant about something he may or may not have said.”
Durbin and Scott have said what was reported about what he said was true.
U.S. Sen. Tim Scott said he talked to fellow South Carolina Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham about hearing President Donald Trump's "shithole countries" comment and Graham confirmed to him the president said it.
Graham, Scott said, told him the reported comments are “basically accurate.”
“If that comment is accurate, the comment is incredibly disappointing,” Scott also told The Post and Courier on Friday morning.”
Why, then, did he not single out the other side of the island of Hispaniola? The people of the Dominican Republic live on the same island and are brown and black people. They don't live in a shit hole.
And do you think it is a good thing for African Americans to have competing black people come into the country? Blacks without resentments about slavery? Blacks who bust their asses to succeed often at the expense of African American competitors? While it is so satisfying to call up the "racist" insult, the fact is that curtailing African and Haitian immigrants is likely a boon to American blacks.
Inga fled the last thread when it got to uncomfortable, including her racist statements that people from Haiti are more deserving to come to America than Norwegians.
She did acknowledge that the only reason she cares is because she can bash Trump as a racist without any attempt at all in explaining why Trump is wrong to want Norwegians instead of a people who cannot even use a toilet (literally--Port au Prince, the capital of Haiti, does not have a sewer system.)
Further, she admitted that she wants to keep out Norwegians (Icky Whites! The Horror!) while admitting gang raping Muslims by the tens of millions and Haitians and everyone else who cannot function in American society without becoming criminals and turning violent.
The Democrat party openly admitted they only want immigrants to come here to vote Democrat; they do not care at all about them other than that. Inga and her buddy Chuck are the same way: More immigrants means it's racist to be against them.
That's the only reason, right Inga, to not want a people that the US Navy has to hose down with salt water to try to stop disease from piles of crap they leave everywhere. Literally.
How about we import a whole bunch of Haitians and put them in your house, Inga? To poop on your floors and lawn and infect your children with diseases, like has happened every where Haitian refugees end up. Guess that's your real desire here.
I also love the blatant dishonesty from the left.
Trump spends a good portion of his day - Wednesday - with the Prime Minister of Norway. Even has a presser with him.
Next day, Trump makes comparisons between shithole nations and a nation fresh on his mind? Why, that's racist.
Here's a pro-tip, leftists:
If everything is racist, nothing is.
I have been to Norway. Norway is NOT a shithole.
Tsk, tsk, guys. Don't expect logic from Inga. That's cruel. Besides, logic is only a tool of the white patriarchy.
“Norway is NOT a shithole”
I see that the cut and paste queen has her virtual scissors on hand.
It's very difficult to have an intelligent discussion with someone who has neither digested nor understood the information they put forth, often in a manner than hides the context and meaning.
It’s logical to vote for a bigot when one is a bigot. Hence logical Trump voters.
“I see that the cut and paste queen has her virtual scissors on hand.”
I see the fraud who says he’s a psychologist still is obsessed.
"Basically accurate."
Why the modifier for accurate? Accuracy is binary -- it is or it isn't. "Basically accurate" means it isn't. Lulz
“Norway is NOT a shithole”
I have been to Haiti and it is still a shithole.
“I see that the cut and paste queen has her virtual scissors on hand.”
Have you ever read the book “Running with Scissors” or see the movie Francisco? You could’ve played the part of the psychologist, you’re a natural for the part.
“I have been to Haiti and it is still a shithole.”
No one is saying it isn’t. But the PEOPLE from those shitholes are not shit, they are human beings. Your humanity isn’t any better than theirs.
"But the PEOPLE from those shitholes are not shit, they are human beings."
Did Trump say they weren't human or declare them "shit"? No.
How is it helpful to African Americans to have black immigrants from the third world suddenly become qualified affirmative action candidates? I can see how it might be helpful to the Democrat party, but not to African Americans.
Can you help me out with this, Inga?
Is it possible that Inga and her cohorts prefer non American black people? Could it be that they are less, how shall I put this, intimidating, less demanding, less threatening? More compliant? More grateful?
"Inga said...
No one is saying it isn’t. But the PEOPLE from those shitholes are not shit, they are human beings. Your humanity isn’t any better than theirs."
This crap from some dullard that excuses calling 30 million Americans "deplorable".
Inga said...
Its interesting how Trumpists are trying to say that everyone is upset over the use of the word shithole by the President in an effort to distract from it’s true meaning.
Inga descends into blatant dishonesty. Unexpectedly.
When you can’t rationally discuss a topic decent people admit it. Leftists just start lying and calling their opponents racist. You are not a good person.
The best thing for Haiti would be to take all of their corrupt leftist leaders and the Clinton cronies and hang them. We will need to do the same here at some point to avoid Haiti’s(and Detroit’s) date.
"Go figure it, a guy like Moyez living in some subterranean shit hole...all the while he's walking around with $15 million in the bank."
“Did Trump say they weren't human or declare them "shit"? No.”
Not in so many words. His meaning was very clear to most rational people.
“You are not a good person.”
Coming from an unstable extremist.
No one is saying it isn’t.
Yes they are...that's the whole point of being offended at Trump for supposedly telling the truth about places like's a truth you aren't allowed to talk about.
But the PEOPLE from those shitholes are not shit, they are human beings.
Human beings who created the shitholes they live in.
Your humanity isn’t any better than theirs.
Actually given the tribal and insular nature of those societies, my humanity is better than theirs.
Now my intrinsic value as a human being is the same as theirs.
I'm afraid the crooked Dems and the crooked liberal media are going to get Trump killed.
Inga said...
"No one is saying it isn’t. But the PEOPLE from those shitholes are not shit, they are human beings. Your humanity isn’t any better than theirs."
Igna, my DNA builds a better human being than theirs does. By my lights. Your mileage may differ. Especially after those Muslims finish corn-holing you.
Get it through your head, we're not one big happy family here. The Europeans wiped out the native Americans. Do you think the native Americans were happy about being wiped out? Did they get warm fuzzy Igna feelings watching their children die? No, I think for all their faults, they were probably a better model than you are.
Inga said...
“I have been to Haiti and it is still a shithole.”
No one is saying it isn’t. But the PEOPLE from those shitholes are not shit, they are human beings. Your humanity isn’t any better than theirs.
If you were honest you would admit that is what trump said.
Unless there is a recording, I won't believe anything said about Trump. Even with a recording, I'll be skeptical.
What is the 'end state' for CNN? Hopefully a test pattern.
Actually, CNN is prepared for the end:
“If you were honest you would admit that is what trump said.”
If you weren’t a Trump sycophant who is a seriously confused young man who has fallen prey to extremism, you’d see the truth of the matter.
dreams said...
I'm afraid the crooked Dems and the crooked liberal media are going to get Trump killed.
I don’t think they succeed.
But if they do that will be when the real fun and games start. The army would be involved by the end. Trump is very popular in the Army.
Inga said
No one is saying it isn’t. But the PEOPLE from those shitholes are not shit, they are human beings. Your humanity isn’t any better than theirs.
There is a reason why Norway is not a shithole but Haiti is.
It's the same reason that the DR is not a shithole but Haiti is.
My humanity is just fine. Thanks for your concern. Not that I want or need it.
Not in so many words. His meaning was very clear to the Left.
“Thanks for your concern. Not that I want or need it.”
My concern was for the people who come from those shithole countries, NOT you.
“ DNA builds a better human being than theirs does. By my lights. Your mileage may differ. Especially after those Muslims finish corn-holing you.”
White supremacy in action, building better human beings.
Inga said...
"My concern was for the people who come from those shithole countries, NOT you."
Yes, we grasp that you are deeply concerned about the welfare of people in other countries and could not care less about the welfare of the people already in your own, unless they happen to have arrived recently. We're just having a hard time understanding why that is.
And what's with the pink poodle? "One sick puppy"?
Inga said...
“If you were honest you would admit that is what trump said.”
If you weren’t a Trump sycophant who is a seriously confused young man who has fallen prey to extremism, you’d see the truth of the matter.
His own words:
“Never said anything derogatory about Haitians other than Haiti is, obviously, a very poor and troubled country. Never said “take them out.” Made up by Dems. I have a wonderful relationship with Haitians.”
Even Jake Tapper at CNN admitted that shithole had nothing to do with Haiti.
But the truth doesn’t matter to you. I am not really interested in trying to find common ground with the anti-Trump crowd. You are disgusting people. You know that the Clintons raped Haiti and helped make it a shithole but you only care about the accurate description of the country because you can twist it and get more power over other people.
Trump is evil incarnate but when our golden-throated former president used similar language everyone was OK with it.
Obama Blames Cameron for Libya Becoming a "Shitshow"
You have concern for the people from Shithole countries? Good on you. Me too. It would be horrible, deplorable even, to live in one of those places. But how is that your problem? Or mine?
“Yes, we grasp that you are deeply concerned about the welfare of people in other countries and could not care less about the welfare of the people already in your own...”
Mia Love: "The President'[s] comments are unkind, divisive, elitist, and fly in the face of our nation’s values."
I note some words missing from this condemnation. Words like "incorrect", or "wrong".
Inga said...
It’s logical to vote for a bigot when one is a bigot. Hence logical Trump voters.
Make no mistake this conflict is existential. Inga and her fellow travelers will never allow us to live free. They will say anything and do anything to make us live under their rule. They have been like this for years. The name changes but the results are the same. Kulaks, Jews, Trumpists. They always have a target. Socialist communist progressive same same. The violence they are committing and condoning is just what they do.
Haiti is living under Clinton cronies. The Clintons used the US army to install a government and they have been running a slush fund through that country. Democrats literally turned Haiti into a shithole and enriched themselves doing it. But Inga cares as much about actual Haitians as she does about the truth.
Trump is vulgar. He's a native New Yorker and we're vulgar people-- yes, even the upper West-side Manhattan-born snobs. As an example, growing up in Brooklyn, I often heard the word "shithead" used as a term of endearment, as in "come ova hee-ya, ya little shithead, and gimme a fuhkin' hug."
But lots of people, not just NYers use the word "shithole" to describe third world countries. Get ova it, youse shitheads.
“But how is that your problem? Or mine?”
Do you consider yourself a decent moral human being? If so then think about how you and your fellow Trumpists speak and act. Indecent would be more apt. Deplorable even, but is it too late to redeem yourselves? I hope not. There were Republican voters in Alabama who remembered that they cherished their decency more than their politics. What do you cherish more, your human decency or being Trumpists?
Inga said......
My concern was for the people who come from those shithole countries, NOT you.
Now I feel bad. You're not a very nice person.
Inga said......
My concern was for the people who come from those shithole countries, NOT you.
Now I feel bad. You're not a very nice person.
"Not in so many words. His meaning was very clear to most rational people."
A few comments ago you agreed that such places were shitholes. Most rational people are very clear about the meaning of your racist and bigoted statement.
Michael said...
You have concern for the people from Shithole countries?
If she actually cared she would accept the accurate description of their country as it has become at the hands of the Clintons and do something about it. She would rather lie about what was said and use it as a tool to gain more power over other people.
It's a little indiscriminate to refer to African nations as shitholes. I tend to think of the Northern African ones as medieval hellholes and only the sub-Saharan ones as shitholes.
And for those blaming Clinton or Democrats generally, for making Haiti a shithole, that's very unfair. It was a shithole long before Clinton was born. Probably even before there was a Democratic Party in the US.
"Shithole countries" is the new "Tear down this wall." It's something that needed to be said and we finally got a president with the guts to say it. Let's hope, like "Tear down this wall," it begins a new dawn for Western civilization.
BTW, no one seems to remember the entire Left calling all the smaller countries who were part of the Iraq war coalition "Countries you could buy on eBay." Here they were, risking their lives and spending millions to aid us and the left insulted them.
Also, Hillary and Bill screwed over Haiti because their Clinton Foundation was so corrupt they couldn't even put on a show of doing any of the rebuilding they were paid to do. Ask any Haitian whom they're more angry at, Trump or Hillary.
Now we're getting lectured about decency. By a leftist.
Inga said...
"Do you consider yourself a decent moral human being?"
No. I don't kid myself, like you do. I consider myself a Father first, a husband second, a citizen third and a killer ape when push comes to shove. Which it does with depressing regularity, especially in societies with a lot of "diversity". Those "vibrant minorities" have a way of sticking a gun in your face. They can't build one, but they can use one.
You are a lot like me. You would prefer that the bad things that happen in this world don't happen to you. The difference is that you also want to feel good about what a wonderful person you are, without actually making any personal sacrifices. So you adopt high-minded "moral" positions that you expect others to pay for. And I suppose that like a lot of weak people, you delude yourself with the childish notion that the other killer apes will be nice to you if you are nice to them. Maybe they'll eat you last.
It was a shithole long before Clinton was born. Probably even before there was a Democratic Party in the US.
The sewers worked before the Clintons got involved. The Clintons have pocketed billions in “donations.”
Inga said...
“Do you consider yourself a decent moral human being? If so then think about how you and your fellow Trumpists speak and act. Indecent would be more apt. Deplorable even, but is it too late to redeem yourselves? I hope not. There were Republican voters in Alabama who remembered that they cherished their decency more than their politics. What do you cherish more, your human decency or being Trumpists?“
There is no accommodation that can be made. They said the same things about Jews.
@Mark's comment re media's unceasing repetition of "pussy, pussy" and now "shithole, shithole." This reminds me of Scott Adams's observation that media's constant repetition of Trump's "very stable genius" tweet just reinforced in people's minds that Trump is a genius; the only question is whether his genius is "very stable." Per Adams, "very stable genius" makes people "think past the sale."
Now the media is repeating that some countries are shitholes. That just serves to reinforce Trump's "shithole" claim -- and on close examination, "shithole" holds true for many of these countries. Haitians in Miami will attest to the shit-holiness in their home country, thanks to the Clintons.
And we don't get many immigrants from non-shit-hole, well-functioning, peaceful countries, now do we? Indeed, non-shit-hole, well-functioning, peaceful countries won't even take most immigrants, even U.S. citizens. Ever tried to immigrate to Canada without having a net worth well north of $1M or a firm job offer? Media won't tell you this, but forget about it. Ain't happening.
Comey tweeted the "tired huddled masses" statue of Liberty quote, which characterizes immigrants as "wretched refuse." Since that characterization is more high brow, and not profane, per se, calling people "wretched refuse" is A-OK. Being more direct, on the other hand, is verboten, because ... Trump.
Inga: "What do you cherish more, your human decency or being Trumpists?"
So, if you voted for Trump you are officially "indecent".
Note, Inga has never called any islamic terrorist "indecent. She never called Hodgkinson "indecent". She never called Bill Clinton or Harvey Weinstein "indecent"
Nor will she. Ever.
No. That language is reserved solely for Trump voters.
“Note, Inga has never called any islamic terrorist "indecent. She never called Hodgkinson "indecent". She never called Bill Clinton or Harvey Weinstein "indecent"
Who told you that, dead people?
So, if you voted for Trump you are officially "indecent".
At least it's an upgrade from "deplorable"!
...I think.
Ah Inga, you should never use words like "denigrate". I remember with some amusement a little Congressional spat from maybe 10 or 12 years ago. A Republican congresscritter had used the word "niggardly" to describe the amount of funds appropriated for some purpose. One of the less well educated Democrat (but then I repeat myself) Congressscritters promptly shrieked that use of the word "niggardly" was RACIST!!!!!!!.
But Inga when you use the word denigrate--do you mean that you intend to give a formerly black person from Haiti a bleach job? That's the kind of question that somebody with the brainpower of say Hank Johnson (Guam will capsize if you put one more soldier on the island) or Jim Clybourn might ask.
Leigh up above has a point---most Western countries e.g. Canada have a merit based evaluation for accepting or rejecting potential immigrants. Under the Dimocrats, if you can wade across the Rio Grande you are a Democrat voter and an American citizen--just as soon as your feet are dry. No other qualifications needed.
I see there's some stormy weather on the horizon.
WSJ Report: Trump Lawyer Paid Porn Star “Hush” Money To Not Join Parade Of Trump Accusers
Shithole (misfortune, trouble) describes the climate and environment, which is ostensibly why the Clinton Foundation was invested there. Do "charities" like the Clinton Foundation invest in first-world middle and upper-class communities? Is there immigration reform (e.g. refugee crises) in first-world nations with middle and upper-class communities?
Ignoring reality is like judging people by the "color of their skin" (e.g. racism, sexism)and calling it "diversity", or denying people equal rights and calling it "=" (i.e. political congruence); or opening abortion fields, forcing immigration reform, and calling it "social justice" (e.g. Arab Spring), or denying due process and sacrificing a man at the stake, or denying the near-frame of the scientific logical domain and conflating logical domains to the edge of the solar system and beyond, or denying lives deemed unworthy and normalizing selective-child and recycled-child under the Planned Parenthood corporation.
Denigrating individual dignity through color, sex, etc. diversity.
Denying equal rights through political congruence ("=") and female chauvinist-sponsored witch hunts.
Debasing human life through abortion of lives deemed unworthy.
Opening abortion fields in social justice adventures throughout the 20th and 21st centuries.
Inga said...
“Note, Inga has never called any islamic terrorist "indecent. She never called Hodgkinson "indecent". She never called Bill Clinton or Harvey Weinstein "indecent"
Who told you that, dead people?
Still hasn't.
The only reason she will condemn any of those people is if it helps her tribe get more power over other people. That is the only thing she cares about.
In addition to using violence against her political opponents she is also OK with Obama spying on political enemies and still supports the "Russian collusion" coup attempt.
AReasonableMan said...
I see there's some stormy weather on the horizon.
WSJ Report: Trump Lawyer Paid Porn Star “Hush” Money To Not Join Parade Of Trump Accusers
That is way less than democrats were paying women to make accusations against Trump.
"Still hasn't."
And never will.
At this point she cant. She, like her lefty pals and LLR allies, have staked out the position that republicans / conservatives / Trump voters are uniquely evil.
Thats why they have labeled every republican for 60 years a nazi.
Inga and her pals wont even call the terrorists who murdered all the Charlie Hebdo folks nazis.
Nope. Just Trump voters.
“I see there's some stormy weather on the horizon.
WSJ Report: Trump Lawyer Paid Porn Star “Hush” Money To Not Join Parade Of Trump Accusers”
And he was already married to Melania when it happened. What is wrong with that man, cheating on Melania!?
“Inga and her pals wont even call the terrorists who murdered all the Charlie Hebdo folks nazis.”
They were Nazis as well as radical Islamist terrorists? Really? Wow Drago, you’re so smart.
Inga: "They were Nazis as well as radical Islamist terrorists? Really? Wow Drago, you’re so smart."
As with Bill Clinton, I guess enough time had to pass along with the need for the situational need to appear to carr as well as being called out on your hypocrisy.
Apparently, if even one of those 3 elements is missing, we will anticipate your continued silence.
The difference is that you also want to feel good about what a wonderful person you are, without actually making any personal sacrifices. - Jupiter
It's not so much the electoral advantage the left seeks to gain by mass immigration, it's the fact they expect other people to take care of the problems once they come ashore.
It's easy to make demands of others when one has no intention of getting his or her own hands dirty in the process.
It's what collectivists do. Every time.
It's what makes them collectivists.
gnome said...
"It's a little indiscriminate to refer to African nations as shitholes. I tend to think of the Northern African ones as medieval hellholes and only the sub-Saharan ones as shitholes."
Well, but then on the Eastern side you get a mixture of Muslim and sub-Saharan shitholiness, with shitholes like Somalia and Sudan. Kenya is maybe not a complete shithole, but headed that way. And let's not forget Uganda. That's a shithole. Then we have Egypt. The Arab Spring! Ha! Definitely a shithole, although there's a lot of complicating factors. It's one big continent and it is trey full of shitholes. If the Euros had a clue, they's be building fortifications all along the Mediterranean and up to the Black Sea. God help the poor bastards, it's just getting started.
“OSLO (Reuters) - Many Norwegians rejected on Friday a suggestion by U.S. President Donald Trump that they would be more welcome to move to the United States than immigrants from “shithole countries” such as Haiti or African nations.
On behalf of Norway: Thanks, but no thanks,” tweeted Torbjoern Saetre, a politician representing Norway’s Conservative Party in a municipality near Oslo.
Others condemned the U.S. president’s comments as inappropriate or racist.
“We are not coming. Cheers from Norway,” one woman wrote.
Christian Christensen, an American professor of journalism at Stockholm University in neighboring Sweden, tweeted:
“Of course people from #Norway would love to move to a country where people are far more likely to be shot, live in poverty, get no healthcare because they’re poor, get no paid parental leave or subsidized daycare and see fewer women in political power. #Shithole”
Obama Blames Cameron for Libya Becoming a "Shitshow"
Obama et al opened an abortion field in Libya, the "good" people called it social justice ("Arab Spring"), and the process was a "shitshow". There has been a progressive refugee crisis ever since. Morning after regrets started with premature evacuation in Iraq and likely culminated with the violent coup in Kiev, where a refugee crisis was mitigated through Russian backing of native Ukranians, and notably better results (i.e. smaller "shitshow") than in Libya, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, Niger, etc.
Why does everyone think Inga is a female? “She” writes like a man. Althouse had the post earlier.....
This just in, Inga expresses her strong disapproval of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.
Next up: concern is expressed about the potential success or failure of the upcoming landing at Inchon.
Inga said...
"We are not coming. Cheers from Norway,” one woman wrote."
Wow. I guess she showed us. Get back to us in about 10 years, when your politicians have finished turning the place into a Muslim hellhole.
Jack Wayne: "Why does everyone think Inga is a female? “She” writes like a man. Althouse had the post earlier...."
How dare you Sir? How dare you?!
Some women have penises!
Drago said...
"Next up: concern is expressed about the potential success or failure of the upcoming landing at Inchon."
I read that part first. You had me going for a second there, Drago.
“Why does everyone think Inga is a female? “She” writes like a man.”
LOL! And what Is a woman supposed to write like?
“This just in, Inga expresses her strong disapproval of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.
Next up: concern is expressed about the potential success or failure of the upcoming landing at Inchon.”
#DragoHearsDead People
Jack Wayne said...
"Why does everyone think Inga is a female? “She” writes like a man. Althouse had the post earlier....."
Ms. Ramous has a history, Jack. Think pussy hat. And really, I think you're wrong. She is more cut-and-pastey than most women, but I think that's just her instructions from Boss Soros. Her basic style is "I know three is four because I would feel really bad if three were five", which is feminine logic if ever it reared its pretty little head.
Inga the Hopeless: "On behalf of Norway: Thanks, but no thanks,” tweeted Torbjoern Saetre, a politician representing Norway’s Conservative Party in a municipality near Oslo"
Oops, too Late!!
"There are more than 4.5 million people of Norwegian ancestry in the United States today. Of these, approximately three million claim "Norwegian" as their sole or primary ancestry. The population of Norway itself in 2013 was 5.1 million. "
3 million pure-blood Norwegians in the US, another 1.5M partial Norwegians, and only 5.1M Norwegians in Norway!
Well played Inga.
They sure showed us!
BTW, anybody know where the term "quisling" came from.......(check back in when you figure it out....Oh, alright, I'll help you out.
Quisling (/ˈkwɪzlɪŋ/; Norwegian pronunciation: [²kvisliŋ]) is a term originating from Norway, which is used in Scandinavian languages and in English for a person who collaborates with an enemy occupying force – or more generally as a synonym for traitor.[1][2][3] The word originates from the surname of the Norwegian war-time leader Vidkun Quisling, who headed a domestic Nazi collaborationist regime during World War II.
So yes, the progeny of Nazi collaborators are lecturing us!!
No wonder Inga likes to quote them so much.
“....but I think that's just her instructions from Boss Soros.”
How did you know? I call him “daddy”.
BTW, the Norwegians are, to a large degree, very anti-semitic. They do not like the Jews. At all. Which is why they have little problem with the islamic some on these boards.
“BTW, the Norwegians are, to a large degree, very anti-semitic. They do not like the Jews. At all. Which is why they have little problem with the islamic some on these boards.
So that’s why Trump likes them so much!
“....but I think that's just her instructions from Boss Soros."
Soros has been quite successful collaborating with Nazi's and manipulating currencies and nations policies to create problems and then profiting off those problems.
Not great philosophically but he does require minimum standards for capabilities.
Inga's out.
Inga: "So that’s why Trump likes them so much"
Since history begins anew for Inga every hour now she has already forgotten the Norwegian Prime Minister was here and Norway's economic success (due to energy that they have no problem exploiting for themselves) was the basis for Trump's comparison with the worlds poorest "wretched refuse" countries.
I'll repost this every 58 minutes for your benefit.
Drago gets paid in rubles.
If the ****hole comment wasn't bad enough, I hear that Trump is now referring to immigrants from those countries as "wretched refuse".
“ she has already forgotten the Norwegian Prime Minister was here...”
Who told you that, dead people?
Inga: "Drago gets paid in rubles"
Nope. Hillary paid Perkins-Coie and Perkins-Coie paid FusionGPS and the FBI paid FusionGPS and FusionGPS paid Steele and Steele paid Putins Pals in dollars.
Which created a nice "circle" of support, after those russian nuclear industry types pumped 145 Million into the Clinton slush fund and paid Billy Boy a sweet $500K for a single speech.
Given all that, why would anyone assume the russians would pay in rubles instead of dollars?
Besides, all that obama "flexibility" after his last election opened up lots of money avenues for the russians.
Of course, the biggest payoff for the russians is when obama gave Syria to them.
That was very nice of him.
Polite even.
If Soros knew of Ingas existence he would call her a "useful idiot." That's what Lenin called the western leftist stooges and traitorous shits who ignored the murderous nature of his regime
It was for the good of humanity, you see.
Well, I shouldn't say Syria was the biggest payoff. The Uranium deal which gave the russkies 20% control of our uranium (some of which has already been spirited out of the US to....we have no idea where) was also as great deal for Putin.
I'd be hard pressed to pick just one deal that obama handed Putin that would be "best".
Here's one for Inga
"Welcome to Norway, the West’s most anti-Semitic country
Norway is smitten by a plague of anti-Semitism"
Inga and her pals want us to believe that Trump is anti-semitic.
Trump. Anti-semitic.
The guy the Israelis are naming a train station after.
Well played Inga! What do those Israeli's know about anti-semitism?
Ah, yes, I remember when leftists loved Russians. Back when they were called Soviets.
Dead people told me that. Over 100 million of them. Inga doesn't like to think about those people.
Don't forget what all of this is "shithole" garbage is about. Hillary, Bill, Huma, Comey, Ohr, Strzok, McCabe et al. have gone incommunicado and are lawyering up because they are all about to be indicted. The house committee is going through the FISA records now.
This is going to make Watergate look like nothing. This is when I expect the leftists to start turning up the violence and start taking shots at Trump. You will here zero denunciations of the crook Terry Mcauliffe for example."
Inga said...
Drago gets paid in rubles.
You are getting screwed Drago. They paid Hillary over $140 million dollars.
I think you're right, Achilles
Inga said...
"How did you know? I call him “daddy”."
I doubt it. I suspect the relationship is purely business, with multiple levels of intermediaries.
> "tired huddled masses" statue of Liberty quote
Let's all remember that the industrialists and manufacturers supported immigration at that time because the immigrants weren't unionized and helped keep wages down. Some things hardly ever change
And in reference to Haiti, Trump asked, “Why do we need more Haitians?”
Trump then suggested to “take them out” of the immigration bill, giving credence to the story that Trump said Haitians “all have AIDS” during a June meeting on immigration.
Instead, Trump wondered by the U.S. didn’t bring more people from countries like (the predominantly white) Norway (the Norwegian prime minister made an official visit to the U.S. this week).
Needless to say, this went over swimmingly with neo-Nazi Andrew Anglin, who posted the story on his website the Daily Stormer — a prominent neo-Nazi news platform.
“This is encouraging and refreshing, as it indicates Trump is more or less on the same page as us with regards to race and immigration,” Anglin posted on Friday. “I think it is clear that Trump’s ideal America the one he grew up with in the 1950s. And the closer we get to that, the closer we are to our own goals of a white race-state.”
“Welcome to Norway, the West’s most anti-Semitic country
Norway is smitten by a plague of anti-Semitism"
So why does Trump like them so much?
You have lost Inga. You can post all of the garbage from your fellow leftists in the media you want. Trump is president for the next 4 years and your tired little minority of fascists will not be able to change that legally. Your coup failed. Now all of the conspirators in that coup are going to be going to jail for a long time.
Trump is going to face the same thing Reagan did. We have already seen leftists start taking shots at their enemies. With Inga's and the rest of the left's endorsement. The left will do what they always do and turn to violence.
The US will again prove it is a historical anamoly. We are descendants of people who would not be ruled.
So, are they still showing CNN in every airport? Shouldn't be after this if they are going to subject travelers to SHITHOLE on their chyron 24/7. Trump's not the one repeating it over and over and over -- that's CNN and the shithole left.
“Your coup failed.”
Coup? What coup? Delusional.
“Now all of the conspirators in that coup are going to be going to jail for a long time.”
LOL. OK sure whatever you say.
She'll never have piles.
Inga: "So why does Trump like them so much?"
Why Trump used Norway as a comparison to s***hole countries was explained earlier today.
As usual, the entire class has to wait while Inga asks to have everything already established explained again....and again.....and again.....
Simply look up thread.
Use your scroll feature.
Shouldn't be too hard, even for you. Or just ask Chuck.
You guys have become quite an item!
Jupiter: "I doubt it. I suspect the relationship is purely business, with multiple levels of intermediaries"
Its usually best to have the Assistant's Assistant shake the hands of the automatons.
Drago, we must make allowances for Inga. The poor dear is very slow. You can explain things to her 5 times in 1 thread and she still won't grasp the point. It could be senility.
Inga: "So why does Trump like them so much?"
Last country he visited..wealthy (oil-rich) and ..gonna take a wild guess here..statistically less prone to violate laws and more easily assimilated once here.
If you come from a true "shithole", where/fit of where you go may be less important to you than getting the hell out.
I had a girlfriend from (originally) Caracas (now near Madrid) a few years ago that was in Madison to study English at WESLI.
At one point she sought out hair care and found a salon that seemed to fit the bill.
She made small talk with the stylist who revealed she had been here for years but had almost no English skills.
It was very confusing to her.
I had no ready explanation..other than we have enabled somehow this sort of self-segregation.
FWIW, she also recounted how Obama's "Hope and Change" slogan made her uneasy due to having lived under Chavistas.
exiledonmainstreet said...
Drago, we must make allowances for Inga. The poor dear is very slow. You can explain things to her 5 times in 1 thread and she still won't grasp the point. It could be senility."
On the plus side. I bet she'd ace that chimp test.
Why do we allow politicians these empty duplicitous comments? To generate more clicks, paper sales, etc. Senator Susan Collins is just another crooked lying politician trying to pander to her voters. Tell us Senator Collins, how many people in your state refrain from using the word "...shit..." and then adding the descriptor. Of course, Senator Collins screamed to the rafters when President Obama called Romney a "..bullshitter..." Hypocrites and phonies are coming out of the woodwork because it gives them publicity. We've reached the point that any publicity bad or good is welcome. None of these politicians have anything to offer our country anymore.
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